Big Bad Wolf

By Devon Guy

Published on Mar 10, 2021


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Big Bad Wolf Part 2

Leaving the kid kneeling there on the toilet floor I headed back to the bar and ordered another drink. I saw him emerge a few minutes later as I sipped my whiskey, he'd managed to tidy himself up a bit, no doubt had to wait until that little hardon of his went down enough to hide. Not that it looked like it would take much to hide it. My own dick throbbed still too, but I don't hide what I've got, especially not in this place. I sat, legs spread on the bar stool, making sure any faggot crotch watchers got a good look. The piss wipe from earlier was definitely looking, stood apart from his pals still making monkeys of themselves on the dance floor, the last few crowd pleasers playing before the end. You could almost see the battle going on in his head. He knew he should stick with his mates, share a taxi back to whatever shitty dorm room after party they can conjour up between them, but another voice inside of him, a stronger voice, one that argued against reason and for desire would be shouting by now. I had this kid hooked and he wouldn't be going anywhere until I was done with him.

The lights went up and the music ended, and Dan came in to begin the artful process of maneuvering drunks away from a party. He was a master at it though, knowing just the right combination of charm and intimidation to get his way. We're kindred spirits, in a way, Dan and I. It was amusing to watch the reaction of the kid as Dan began urging his group out of the door. He looked towards me with eyes that were frightened but pleading. Man, that's a look I love on a boy's face, so I let him worry a little longer before motioning to Dan.

"That one's with me." I said, loud enough that the kid's mates would hear it. The little fuck looked like he'd nearly cry with shock and embarrassment. Yeah, kid, if you thought this was gonna be your dirty little secret you're mistaken, I thought as, glancing to his mates and back to me, the kid broke and stepped in my direction.

"I'll, er, I'll head back a bit later ok guys?" He said to his friends, who just looked confused.

"It's alright lads, I'll take care of him." I said to them, making sure the fat bulge in my trousers was on full show. Then Dan loomed over them, indicating to them that the matter was closed and directing them to the door. The rest of the lads shuffled out reluctantly, leaving just Dan, the kid, myself and one of the barmen, who was just finishing off the last of the night's tasks.

I looked at the kid, now stood in front of me, almost seeming to tremble with nerves and anticipation. I decided I'd played with my food enough for now and that I'd give the lad some of what I knew he had been desperate for since our encounter earlier. I patted my thick thigh, emphasizing to him our size difference.

"Take a seat, boy. I'll get you a drink." I said. He made a tentative move to the stool next to me but I placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him. "No, boy. Sit on my lap."

He glanced down at where I'd indicated, my left thigh stretched ready for him, with the shape of my thick dick snaking down the inner leg. He gulped and intuitively licked his lips, before turning and lifting himself up onto my lap, my hands going to his waist to hold him secure. I felt him shiver at the feeling of my hands on him, of a man's hands, thick fingered, gripping at his narrow waist, causing him to wriggle against my lap, his firm young ass cheeks making my cock throb harder. Yeah, I was gonna be ready for more soon.

I ordered a round of drinks for myself, the lad and for Dan, telling the batman to have one for himself as well. I made a point of chosing what the boy was gonna have, I wanted him to know that right now, and until we're finished, I make his decisions for him. It's a subtle power play, but one I've learned puts the right idea into the faggot's head.

"Thanks," the lad said, as he took a gulp of his beer, trying to calm his nerves.

"I think you should call me Sir, don't you, boy?" I said, as I allowed my hand to roam up his left side, my finger seeking out and then finding his erect nipples and playing with them through his shirt. I felt him shudder again and he almost coughed up his drink.

"Yes Sir." He said, once he'd recovered himself. I leaned in and planted a single kiss on his neck, knowing the bristles of my beard would be sending jolts through his nervous system. I might be a bastard but I understand the utility of a little tenderness. I could feel the boy almost melt into my lap as he gave into the feeling of being held and desired by a man. I knew he could feel my dick throbbing next to his ass, I knew he was imagining it, how it felt, how it tasted.

"Good boy." I said into his ear, and at the same moment my fingers gripped at his sensitive nipple and pulled. He gasped, a noise of shock and desire. I moved my other hand around to his crotch, enveloping his hard bulge in my big hand, and then gripping down on that too. "You belong to me tonight, understand boy?" I squeezed his balls, not too hard but enough to make him yelp. If he didn't like that he could get off now, but I knew he wouldn't. Instead his ass ground harder into my crotch and he started breathing fast.

"Y..yes Sir. Yes Sir, I understand." He said as his body reacted to the new sensations I was feeding him. It was by then that Dan returned and sat next to me, so that the boy was positioned on my lap between us, facing towards Dan.

"Having fun already, I see." He said to me, glancing at the kid.

"Glad you could join us. We were just getting started, weren't we boy?" I said, hands still pulling at him, openly molesting him in front of Dan. The kid did nothing to stop me, of course, and I got the sense that he was enjoying having an audience. All the better, I thought. Perhaps this one has real potential. I decided to push it further and so my hand left his crotch and instead pulled at the hem of his shirt, lifting it expose his bare chest.

"Arms up, boy." I said, talking as if he were a child. He dutifully raised his arms, any resistance or reluctance in him now dissolving completely and I removed his shirt. He had a smooth, hairless chest, with just a little hair running from his navel into the waistband of his trousers. I discarded the shirt on the floor and let my hands return to his body, my touches now so much more erotic on his body now that his skin was bared, now that he felt vulnerable. I could see Dan watching with a hunger of his own in his eyes, taking in the lad's slim, toned body. I caught his eye.

"Why don't you get his trousers." I said to Dan, and he instantly grinned.

"Don't mind if I do." He said, and before the kid could register what was going on, Dan was already roughly pulling at the buckle to the lad's belt and yanking his trousers down. I lifted the kid up a little by his arm pits, put him onto his feet and turned him to face the bar as Dan to pulled the trousers down the boy's legs and, shoes and all, left the kid standing in just his boxers with his ass on display to us both. "Yeah, that looks like a peach, mate. Good find."

"Yeah, we'll see." I said and pulled the kid's boxers down past his ass, exposing his round, lightly fuzzed cheeks. I slapped the nearest one hard. "We'll see how much it can handle before we judge it." My fingers found the lad's ass crack and without ceremony I dug between is cheeks with my fingers, zeroing in on his hole.

"Tell me, boy." I said. "Has your pussy been fucked yet?" I jammed my thick finger right at his hole as I said this, causing him to slam his hips against the bar. He gritted his teeth, but answered nonetheless.

"Nnnn. Nnno Sir." Was all he could manage though. It was enough for me. I don't choose these fags for their conversation. I was glad just to hear him remember how to address me. He was a quick learner.

"Mmm. Nice, boy. I love breaking in virgins. You could say it's my specialty." I saw Dan grin at that. I pushed my finger further in, the first knuckle now past his ring, penetrating him. The kid couldn't help himself and let out a moan. "You want that, don't you boy? You want to be broken in don't you?" I fucked my finger in and out a little, pushing a little deeper with each thrust in. The kid began grinding his hips a little, his dick no doubt leaking into his boxers as I fingered his ass.

"Yes Sir."

"You want me to open up this tight little pussy, fuck you hard with this big dick you've been needing, huh?"

"Mmm, yes Sir."

"Ask me nicely, then, boy. I don't want Dan here thinking my boy doesn't have manners."

"Please, Sir, please fuck me."

Dan laughed at that and I could see the kid blushing, but no amount of embarrassment could persuade him to do anything but what I wanted in that moment.

"We'll see." I said, before pulling my hand away, leaving the lad's ass hungry. "Now get on your knees and take care of me." Faster than you'd expect the kid was on his knees between my legs. Fuck, I love that view, a eager new submissive bitch on its knees, all desperate to please and impress me, just to get a taste of my dick. Sometimes it's fucking great to be the man.

"Get it out." I told him, and his hands immediately went to my belts. This kid was hungry alright. He opened my belt and the button to my trousers, followed by the zipper. I decided to give the kid a hand, and reached into my waistband and, with some maneuvering, hefted out my dick. Still wanting to tease him some more I held it above his face, the thick tube of flesh almost obscuring him.

"Open your mouth and hold out your tongue." He complied and slowly and deliberately lay the head of my dick on his tongue, letting him taste the precum that was beaded at the tip, letting him smell it, to acquaint himself with the new focus of his life. He was practically drooling.

"You're gonna be Daddy's cock sleeve tonight arent you boy?"

"Yes Sir" he lisped, unable to talk properly with my dick on his tongue. I grabbed his hair and pulled him forward a few inches, my cock going over his tongue and between his lips. His mouth felt hot and smooth, and though he had a little trouble stretching his mouth to handle me he began to eagerly suck and tongue my cock. He needed a lot of training in technique but I couldn't fault his enthusiasm. I let go of his hair and let him try to impress me as I finished my drink.

I looked over at Dan and saw that he had his dick out now as well. It's gonna be a fun moment when the kid catches a glimpse of that thing, I thought. I'm pretty fucking hung myself but Dan is a freak of nature. Ten inches of beer can thick, ugly as sin meat now stuck out obscenely from his crotch as he stroked it with one hand and held his drink with the other. I almost felt bad for the kid, but a better part of me was gonna enjoy seeing him cunted by that monster. Not before me, though. I was gonna be taking that sweet cherry myself.

The bartender delivered one more round of drinks for us before leaving for the night, with a farewell caution not to make too much of a mess.

"If you mean the bar," said Dan, "don't worry. I can't promise we won't make a mess of the lad, though."

The barman didn't reply, he just pulled the door closed with a knowing look to me and left us to it. I took this as a cue to grab the kid by the hair again and pull him away from his mediocre blowjob. I was ready for that ass. I put him back into position against the bar, standing myself this time to push his upper body forward and kick his legs apart. Now that his cute little butt was ready I took my dick in my hand and began slapping it on those pink cheeks, making the boy moan.

"This is what you want isn't it, slut?" I ran my dick along his crack, making sure that he got a good feel of the size of the thing that was about to be kicking in his back door. I expected he was scared, I hoped he was scared, but he stayed in position like a good little cock whore. "Tell me what you want, boy."

"Mmmm. Please Sir. I want you to fuck me. Please." Both Dan and I laughed at that.

""Pull those cheeks apart then, boy. Let me see that pussy open for me."

The lad reached back with both hands, gripped at his ass and pulled the cheeks apart, revealing his hot little, pink hole for me. Positioning my mouth above it I let a long string of spit drop from my lips and onto his ass crack, then again, then a third. As I spat I used the head of my dick to work it into the kid's ass, making that pink hole of his nice and wet, my own precum adding to the slick mess I was making. The boy was moaning louder now, enjoying the feeling of my fat cock head pushing at his asshole. Then, once I felt he was wet enough I began to apply the pressure, pushing my hard dick into his resistant hole, feeling the ring stretching hot and tight around me. When the knob pushed past his sphincter he let out a cry.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Fuckithurtsithurts!" The kid whined loudly.

"Shut the cunt up, would you Dan?" I said to my friend.

"Haha, with pleasure, mate." And so Dan stepped around to the other side of the bar, his fat dick swinging, and presented it to the boy's now tear streaked face. "Open up, bitch. Let's put that mouth to use."

The kid complied as best he could, and soon his mouth was busy trying to fit Dan's monster inside. That should do the trick, I thought, and began shoving my own meat further into him, watching as that once virgin hole gave up to the pressure and pleasure of my cock. The kid was still struggling, but at least now all he could do was grunt around Dan's shaft as I gave him mine at the other end. Now I began the real fuck, and I started thrusting back and forth, relishing the feeling of the faggot's pussy gripping me hard, pushing deeper each time, determined to core this kid out, to get balls deep in him.

"Yeah, boy. You feel that, huh? That big dick in your pussy?" I growled.

"MmmHmmm." He grunted. Good enough. I slammed in harder. Yeah, he was begining to feel good now, I could tell. The initial pain of my forceful violation was now melting into pleasure in his ass. I know how to mix up a faggot's guts, how to use my thickness and length to hit all the sweet spots in it's ass. I knew he'd be feeling the pressure and heat of my dick, stretching his hole and hitting that g spot of his, something that I doubt he really knew he had until that moment. Grabbing his hips I rammed in again and again, I wanted this moment to be something this lad never forgot. I wanted him to remember for the rest of his life how he lost his ass cherry to a big dicked stranger in a bar. I wanted him to be jerking off to this for years to come, and I knew he would.

Slam, slam, slam. The bar was filled with that sound, and the sound of the kid groaning like a slut as he continued to suck on Dan. The sight and sound was so hot I decided to let loose, to let go of the nut I'd been building in my balls all evening. I wanted to breed this kid, to finish the job of turning that hole of his into the cum dump it was always supposed to be. Slam, slam, slam, slam.

I leaded forward, pressing my weight down onto his slender body, feeling it struggle beneath me as I ground my dick into him. My mouth found his ear and I hissed into it.

"You ready for my load, boy? You want daddy to but his seed in you?"

He pulled his mouth away from Dan's dick long enough to moan.

"Yes Sir. Yes please Daddy. Please fill me up."

I looked up at Dan and grinned, and he grinned back.

"Ok, boy, since you asked so nicely, here it comes."

And so with a dozen or so more hard thrusts in and out of the kid, full thrusts, giving him my full length I felt my balls start to tighten and the orgasm rise.

"Fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Takeit. Takeit. TAKE IT! UGHNN!!" My orgasm erupted as I bottomed out it him, my balls grinding against his as they spewed their contents along my shaft and deep into his guts. "Nnngh. Ah! Yeah. Damn." My thrusts slowed as finished unloading and I enjoyed the feeling of my spunk mixing up with his insides. He'd never get me out of him now, I'd always be there. Finally my orgasm subsided and I stepped back, pulling my dick out with an unceremonious pop, and I saw the spunk from my load almost immediately begin to drip out of his well fucked hole. What a sight. I looked up at Dan who had been enjoying the show.

"Fucking nice, mate." He said as he reached one long arm across to finger the boy's ass. "My turn, I think."

"Be my guest, mate. He should be ready for you now, hehe." I replied as a made room for Dan, sitting back on my stool to take a breather and watch the show.

Thanks to all who read this far. I've enjoyed writing this story. If you have any suggestions or comment then feel free to email me

Happy fapping.

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