Big Bad Wolf

Published on Sep 22, 2022


Big Bad Wolf Chapter 9

Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction. I don't own any rights to MTV's Teen Wolf or any of the characters created by Jeff Davis. However I do own the rights to the characters I create.

*Note: I don't watch a large amount of Teen Wolf, therefore if I get something wrong or incorrect please forgive me. I also plan on making a few creative alterations.

Big Bad Wolf

Chapter 9

**Derek and I have been seeing one another for some time and it's honestly been the most intense experience I have ever felt. Intense for many different reasons, apart from the obvious sexual appetite Derek and I have for one another, the desire to be close to him, his pull he had over my mind, and from what he told me the pull I had over his. At times when we are intertwined together, him on top of me gently touching my face all I can do is stare into his eyes, lose myself in those endless hazel green pools. He would stare right back, no words were spoken, we would just lay there looking at each other.

Graduation was coming right around the corner and I was a nervous wreck. I had finished the final touches on my work but I was trying to figure out how long I wanted to wait before I went to college. I know it was always the plan for me to go straight out of high school, but I was considering taking some time off. The front door was open, letting in a gentle breeze and I could hear the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. I knew it was Derek by the roar of his Camaro. I stood up and went out to meet him, he was just closing the door as I descended down the steps to feel his warm body wrap itself around me, while his lips gently touched mine.

Soon his kiss became more urgent as he turned with me and pinned my body against the side of his car. He let his lips travel down my neck, lightly sucking hearing me surrender a soft moan, becoming liquid in his arms. Then a phase escaped my mouth, it just happened, those three words that I knew would change things forever between us.

"I love you." Suddenly Derek stopped and lifted his face so he could look slightly down into my eyes. It was hard to gauge what he was feeling, but I quickly tried to rectify the situation.

"Derek...I'm sorry I shouldn't..." He lightly placed his pointer finger upon my lips "Shhh...Mason I love you too.."

"You do?" My tone was a little surprised, but receptive and tender as well.

"Of course, I've wanted to tell for a little while but wasn't sure how you were feeling about us." All I could think about was how badly I wanted him, it was as if the confirmation of his feelings for me heightened my craving for him. I began to feel my heart beat faster and then I noticed Derek start to smell me, and his eyes began to change color, turning icy blue. "You are leaking pheromones Mace, it's very potent. You know what they are saying to me?" He took a deep breath, inhaling my scent.

"What are they saying?"

"They're saying you want me to screw you into next week, is this true?"

"You've told me before pheromones never lie."

"You wanna go for a drive?"

"Absolutely." A devious smirk was plastered on my face as I said this.

I quickly locked up after throwing on some shoes and got into the passenger seat, glancing over as Derek was watching me get in and settled. He put the key into the ignition and the car roared to life. I watched as he put his foot down on the gas pedal and we sped off down the road. While glancing out the window I felt his hand rest on my thigh, rubbing my leg. I turned my attention back towards him, he displayed a wicked grin while keeping his eyes ahead of him. It wasn't long before we found ourselves away from Beacon Hills. Derek loved to drive fast and I enjoyed every minute of the ride.

"You never tell me to slow down." He stated.

"Why would I?"

This brought a smile to his face as we came to a stop. There was nothing but trees surrounding us, I'm pretty sure we were on the other side of the forest. He turned off the engine and asked me to follow him. After a minute or two we came to a clearing, the sun was beginning to set so the sky was lit on fire with reds, oranges, and yellows. I was lost in the color change, when I felt Derek's hands caress my back.

"So are you going to tell me what's on your mind?"

I was silent for a moment, "I'm not sure if I am going to go to college, I mean right after graduation. I think I want to take a month or two off, maybe go on vacation...possibly with my wolf-man if he wants to."

"I would like that, just you and me."

"Yeah I mean I know it was always part of the plan to go to college right out of high school but I feel a little burnt out. I just want some time not think about classes and homework, but rather how many times we can do it in one day."

"Oh you know I am up for that, but seriously I don't want to get in the way of your dream."

"You are my dream Derek, school is just an added bonus."

 I finally turned and noticed he had set out a few blankets.

"There is a meteor shower tonight, I thought we could watch it together."

My smile was all he needed as we laid down together and watched the sun set. It wasn't long before the night was upon us. There was a sudden chill in the air causing Derek to pull an extra blanket over the both of us. The first meteor I saw, flashing across the sky I burst out in joy.

"Derek did you see it?"

"I did, did you make a wish?"

"What's the point? I don't want anything else."

As the second meteor shot across the sky, then the third and forth, I turned my head realizing Derek was looking at me and not the star show above us. His body was letting off a good amount of heat, there was a smell with it. It wasn't strong, but rather seductive, it was the scent of a man. Soon he was the one smelling the air, he knew and as his eyes began to glow that icy blue I could feel his body getting closer to mine. After kicking my shoes off and pulling my shirt up and over my head I noticed Derek was already naked, letting me take my time. There was a serious amount of heavy petting, I turned over laying on my chest feeling Derek's body resting on top. He was placing kisses down my spine, listening to me faintly moan out his name. I turned my head and lifted up a fraction, seeing his face change, appearing more wolf than human. He leaned forward and our mouths met once more. I could feel his teeth on my tongue, but suddenly he lifted back and was staring into the trees.

"Mason get dressed, quickly." His tone was serious, it frightened me, letting me know he wasn't playing around so I frustratingly readjusted my shorts, pulled my shirt and shoes back on and looked over to see Derek still staring into the trees.

"I need you to run to the car as quick as you can, don't turn back whatever you hear. I mean it"

"Derek what's going on?" Before I said anything else, my ears picked up on the sound of a low growl; it wasn't coming from Derek. As I turned my attention towards the trees thats when I spotted it. Two fiery red eyes, which soon revealed to be connected to a long muzzle. It was a wolf, a little larger than Derek. The beast snapped and roared, thrashing around to which Derek roared out in response. I watched as he quickly transformed into the black wolf I was familiar with. Each step was precise as he made his way in front of me, planting himself in between. I took a few steps back.

The two wolves howled and bellowed and circled one another, almost the way cats do when there is an impending confrontation. Two large sets of teeth flashed as I turned and made a run for the car. I could hear the fight behind me, but I remembered what Derek said. The sound of claws scratching and ripping at fur and the snapping of fangs filled my ears. When I got to the door, force of habit kicked in and I turned to see the red eyed wolf head butt Derek. It flung him towards me, Derek slammed hard to the ground. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I opened the door and reached over quickly releasing the trunk hatch. I figured Derek would have a car jack, luckily I was right. I grabbed hold of the detachable handle, a hollow piece of steel about three feet in length. Derek was trying to get up as I saw the red eyed devil leaning over him about to tear out his throat. I reacted like any rash person terrified that they were about to lose someone they love. I cracked the monster in the side of his head, I believe I surprised him as he swiftly took a few steps back. "Derek get up." I yelled down. He was soon on his feet looking at me almost eye to eye.

It happened so fast, I was distracted for a split second and that was all it took. The beast lunged at me knocking me back into the side of the Camaro, breaking the back passenger window. His teeth ripping into my arm, there was the sound of tearing flesh, then a loud snap. I felt the pain, I knew he had broke my arm but I was more concerned about Derek than anything else. Derek latched hold of the wolf's tail and drug him backwards, thankfully he released hold of my arm. There was a sudden searing pain making its way up my shoulder. Derek was lashing out at this wolf, going for his throat. I looked down, grabbing a large shard of broken glass. The wolf got loose of Derek's hold and turned making a run for me. He charged, claws cutting into the earth as he picked up speed. It was by instinct alone and possibly adrenaline that I managed to move a foot or two out of the way causing him to slam head first into the car door. I took the glass in hand and stabbed it into the red ember of an eye. The wolf howled in pain, I turned in time to see Derek tear into the wolf's back. I was mesmerized and terrified at the same time watching Derek bite down hard on the wolf's vertebrae. It wasn't long before the wolf's hind legs became like gelatin, resulting from a broken spine. Derek flung the wolf over onto his back and dealt a fatal blow. As soon as the wolf took it last agonizing breath the burn in my arm dissolved. There was still pain, but the burning sizzle was no longer there.

I watched as Derek turned back into his human form. He leaned down and surveyed my arm, he looked angry, no pissed is more like it. "You should've stayed in the car."

I reached over with my good hand and placed it on his cheek, "He was hurting you, I couldn't just sit back and watch." I knew Derek wanted to protect me, but I wanted to return the favor.

His tone was suddenly bitter, "He's dead, so you don't have to worry about turning into a wolf. We need to get you to the hospital."

"Okay." I stammered, a little confused as to why the sudden cold shoulder. The ride was quiet apart from the howl of the wind from the broken window. Derek said that he was going to take care of the wolf carcass after he took me home. The hospital trip in short was ridiculous, full of questions, what happened, how it happened, what caused it? In the end I lied and said it was a bear attack and Derek had saved my life. The doctor said that bears were not common in Beacon Hills, but thought maybe because mating season had begun they were more adventurous than normal. The end result was a not so clean break, causing me to have a pin put in my arm and then finally a cast.

As Derek was driving me home he said while I was getting stitched up he took care of the wolf. Turns out it was a RA or rogue Alpha, "must have picked up on both our scents." I couldn't be sure, but it felt like something was wrong. "Derek is everything okay?" He remained silent which bothered me even more. It wasn't until we pulled into the drive way that he finally spoke. "Mace we need to talk." There was that frigid tone again.

"Okay, what about?"

"I don't think it would be wise for us to see each other anymore. What happened tonight, because of me you almost got killed."

"No if it wasn't for you I would have been killed."

"Listen to me, we're just too different. I thought I could handle dating a human but I can't. I don't want to be with you anymore. I need to find a female so I can start a family and have a pack of my own."

I was literally stunned, like I had been hit by a truck.

"Burning that rogue tonight made me come to the realization that I don't want to be like him, an Alpha with no pack."

"Derek don't do this." I chocked out.

"I've made my decision."

"Your decision, I don't get a say in the matter?"

"No you don't."

I reached over to touch his face, but he quickly grabbed hold, hard enough to get my attention.

"I don't want you anymore, now spear yourself some dignity and get out of my car."

He roughly threw my hand down, there were tears but not as many as I expected, at least until I got inside my house and heard him speed down the driveway for the last time. The tears flowed, what had I done, I whispered to myself.

* I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to email me with your thoughts. Sorry about not putting my email address before, here it is. ( Keep reading and if you can donate to Nifty to keep this service free.

Next: Chapter 10

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