Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Dec 29, 2008


The rest of the ride was pretty quiet but when we were about 15 minutes away from the resort and Leo's phone rang.



"Yeah we're like 10 minutes away."


"Yeah Kevin's with me." he said looking and smiling at me.


"Well who invited him?"


"Your cousin?, do they go out?"


"Well I dont care I'm with Kevin, he's not important anymore."


"Okay I'll see you in a few."

"Who was that babes?" I said as Leo put his phone down. "It was Frankie." He said pulling into a resort complex. "Frankie, the one on the baseball team he dates Belle (Bell). " He said turning another corner and parking the car near a blue volvo. "Oh that one okay." I said then thinking to myself 'I didn't bring any clothes.' "Umm Leo..." "I packed your stuff already." he said cutting me off. "You know me all to well." I said leaning in and giving him a kiss. "Okay let's go time for our grand entrance Mr. Diva." he said getting out the car and walking over to open the door for me. "Oh Mr. Mattiolo you spoil me." I said laughing getting out the car. We walked up these stairs walked down the hall to room 513 and opened the door and there stood 6 people, Frankie, Belle, Tynisha, Mark, and another person who I've never seen before but as we were noticed the mystery boy ran over screaming "Leo!" and jumped into his arms. It didn't bother me at the time but I had a feeling they were more then just 'old friends.' "Hey Victor." Leo said as the boy realeased him from his grasp. He was about my height, black hair, green eyes (obviously contacts), skinny but not like just there but kind of well shaped, dark brown skin and an okay smile I guess. I glanced over at Leo and he didn't really seem interest in him and he wrapped his arm around me and said, "This is Kevin my boyfriend." Victor gave me a really rude look and rolled his eyes and fakely said, "Hi, Kevin." "Hi."I said back with the same amount of fakeness. "Okay getting kind of catty over here." Tynisha said walking over and giving me a hug and a kiss on the check. "Hey Ty." I said as our hug was broke and I was greeted with a smile and a hug from Belle. We walked further in and all grabbed a seat on the couch around the fire place and out from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel this boy who was about 6'0'', blue eyes, brown hair curly obviously spanish and a nice tan complection, with a six pack that would almost put Leo's to shame. and once again Victor jumps up walks over to him and gives him a kiss on the lips.

He looks around and realizes there are two new people one in which he takes very high interest in. He walks over to Kevin and introduces himself. "Hey I'm Chase and you are?" "Taken." leo says laughing which caused everyone else to join in. "I'm Kevin." I said extending my hand for a hand shake but he ends up kissing it. I glance over at Victor who is obviously upset and I glance at Leo who also seemed jealous. I took my hand back and simply smiled and hoped someone would change the subject quickly. "So are you going to put clothes on so we can go to dinner?" Tynisha says breaking the akward silence. "Yeah just give me a few." Chase says as he walks into a room with Victor following behind. "Yeah well we should all get dressed." Belle said as her and Tynisha went into another room and Frankie and Mark followed into the last room. "Okay well I have to ask you what's the deal with Victor?" I said to Leo as I got up and went and sat next to him on the couch. "Well..." he said hoping I would drop the subject. "well... What?" I said being persistent. "Okay well sophmore year we went out for about 7 months and we were head over heels for each other, like we were in love and planned on getting married after graduation and all this other stuff. But one day we got in this really big argument about him not trusting me and he thought I was cheating on him and whatever so there was a party that night and he decided to go but I didn't want to and at the party he decided to have sex with no one else but Chase and once I found out he had left the school and moved in with his dad in Jersey where he has been for the past year and now I have to spend the next three days with him." He said explaining the story in very little words. "What a dirtbag. And I didn't like him the moment he ran over and jumped in your arms." I said getting upset about that moment. "Hmm someones jealous." Leo said "Wanna talk jealous how about your reaction when Chase kissed my hand." I said which caused him to blush. "Well because that's my hand and my neck, and my lips." he said kissing each part of my body he said. We started kissing until we were interrupted by everyone.

"Hey get a room for stuff like that." Tynisha said walking out wearing these cute black heel boots, black leggins, and a white tunic using a tie as a belt. and Belle was wearing pink heels with black jeans and a pink cami over a black shirt. "Aww you gals look cute." I said getting up and walking over to them. "Are Victor and Chase ready?" Frankie said walking out the room wearing a black pants and a white button up with a black vest on top. "Victor and Chase yo have five minutes or we're leaving you." Belle yelled as we all made our way to the door. Chase and Victor walked out wearing very similiar outfits and to be honest they were kind of cute. But we all decided that Mark, Frankie, Belle and Tynish would ride in one car and Me, Leo, Chase, and Victor would drive in Leo's car. Great this shall be fun.

The car ride was pretty quiet except for the occassional sigh from Victor. We were driving for about 15 minutes and we finally arrived to the restaurant , luckily the parking lot was empty which meant a lot of people wouldn't be there and we could have the calm relaxed night we planned on. We all walked in together and was greeted by a cute host, he had black hair, green eyes, a little taller than Leo and a body that could easily be seen through his tight black button up. 'Hi Welcome to Panini, How many people do you have tonight?" he said and he had a very deep sultry voice which was kind of sexy. "We have eight." Marc said, as everyone seemed to look around to double check his count. "Okay right this way." He said as we followed behind him towards the back room which was used for large parties. We all sat down and the host left and entered our waiter who was about 5'6'' blonde hair, blue eyes, like really skinny and had acne but not that bad just in a couple of spots. "Hi I'm your waiter tonight can I start you guys off with drinks. "Just water for me....Sprite....Coke.....Coke for me too....Dr. Pepper....Shirley Temple for me....That sounds good I'll have one too....Yeah you know what just Shirley Temples all around." We all said rattaling off our drinks. "Okay Shirley Temples for everyone." The waiter said as he left. The table was pretty quiet until Leo said, "So Victor do you miss Manhattan Prep cause I know we miss you." Every since that hug and Leo's expression during the hug I've been thinking that this was more than him being friendly but he caught a case of the ex. "Aww Leo you're so sweet. Yeah I deff miss Manhattan Prep all the people and just everything about it." Victor said as I felt Leo's hand leave mine and Victor's face lite up with happiness as Leo's hand was placed on his knee. The host walked in with our drinks and I wondered what happened to our waiter. "What happened to the waiter." I asked as he began to put the drinks on the table. "He had a family emergency so I'm filling in for him, So are you guys ready to order?" He said as he took out a pen and pad to take our order. We looked at each other and no one had any idea of what they wanted to order. "How about we just fill up on appetizers." Tynisha said, which was a really good idea cause no one really wanted a full course meal. "We'll start with quesadilla's, then buffalo wings, then chicken fingers, and to finish off we'll have calamari." Tynisha said ordering for everyone but no one had any complaints. I looked at Leo's hand and it was still on Victor's knee and I really started getting angry.

"Leo can I talk to you?" I said standing up and walking towards the bathroom. "Yeah babe whats the matter." he said as we where in front of the bathroom door "Leo? when did you and Victor break up?" I asked trying to put him on the spot "What, Why would you ask that?" He said feeling embarassed. "Because I think you're still in love with him." I said folding my arms and looking at him "No Kevin baby, You know I love you." he said as he grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. "I told you I would never do anything to hurt you, Victor let's just go sit back down." he said as my jaw dropped openes and I snatched my hands away from him "What did you just call me. "No it was an accident Kev..." "Save it I knew you still liked him. I'm done." I said cutting him off and walking away.

Next: Chapter 9

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