Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Dec 21, 2008


Author's Note: Sorry for the wait just been busy with holiday stuff hope the suspense for the next chap hasn't bubbled over. Hope you guys enjoy it and the next chapter will be posted soon so keep yours eyes open. And I wanna Thank Josef McDaniel for being my bestie and posting the chapters I couldn't you're the best luv ya Cuzzo. And I also wanna say thanks to my readers you guys ROCK MY SOX :-)

Chapter7 Kevin Evans

I woke up the morning happy as ever because I knew that Leo was going coming home today and I haven't seen him in like forever. And thank god January was coming to an end because I can't stand the cold it's so annoying. It was about 11:30 when I went downstairs to get breakfast and found a note from my mom on the table. ' Went to breakfast with Dave. Be Back Later.' I crumpled the letter and threw it in the trash and continued on to get breakfast. I had a bowl of Frosted Flakes and went to watch tv in the Living room. I sat there and watched cartoons because that seemed to be the only thing on tv. The door bell rang and I thought it was my mother and she was probably being lazy and didn't want to get her key. But, about a minute later it rang again so I went to answer the door with out asking who it was I swung it open and it was no other than Leo. "Leo!" I said overjoyed, jumping into his arms for a hug. "Hey Kevin." he said hugging me back tight. We hugged for about 5 minutes without saying anything when we broke apart he said, "God, I missed your hugs." "I missed you so much." I said inviting him in "I thought you were getting back later." I said as we sat next to each other on the couch. "Yeah, I said so I could surprise you." he said as he put his feet up and made himself comfortable. "Well I sure am surprised." I said moving over closer to him. "So where's your mom, I have to say hello." he said as he looked around. "She went out for breakfast with Dave ." I said rolling my eyes. "Oh so it's just me and you." he said moving closer and leaning in for a kiss. it was just a peck and he pulled away but then I leaned in on him for the full make out session. It felt so good to be able to kiss him again it felt like heaven and I loved every second of that magical kiss. But sadly it was ended by a knock at the door I got up and walked over to the door and opened and it was Dave and my mom laughing as they entered to see Leo sitting on the couch. "Hey Leo, welcome back." my mom said as her and Dave made themselves comfortable in the living room. I sat next to Leo as he and my mother engaged in a conversation. "Thanks Miranda, it's good to be back." he said "Yeah so how was Vermont a lot of snow?" she asked as her and Dave cuddled closer in the seat they were sharing. "Well not really me and my mom left early because it's supposed to be a huge storm there tonight." he said putting his arm around my shoulder. I thought to move it put hey it's the perfect time for me to come out of the closet. "Yeah I went to school in Boston and we got a lot of snow I can barely imagine Vermont." she said giggling. I was kind of happy that Dave wasn't saying anything because after last night I can't stand the man. "Yeah but, I think I'm going to head home, just stopped by to say hello, Got to unpack, Kevin I'll call you later." he said leaning in as he was going to give me a kiss but got up. I walked with him to the door and before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed home. "Kevin, come here please." my mom said as I closed the door. I walked back into the living room "Dave and I have some good news for you." she said as I sat in the chair across from them. And all I could think was 'oh please don't tell me you two are engaged.' "Should I tell him or should you?" he said. Speaking for the first time since he walked through the door. "You tell him." my mom said "Okay well Kevin me and your mother were talking and we think since your school goes on Winter Recess in 2 weeks, we would take a trip to Florida." he said hoping I would be excited. "Okay that sounds really great and all but, it'll be to wierd being there with just you to and me by my lonesome." I said not really excited about this. "We knew you would feel that way that's why we bought four tickets, so you could bring your girlfriend Mariah." Dave said. I laughed at his last statement and the responded saying "Really?" 'Maybe Dave isn't that bad of a guy.' Oh and Mariah's not my girlfriend and I rather bring Leo." I said hoping they'll be okay with it. "That's fine as long as you're happy ." My mom said smiling. "Well I'll tell him and thanks." I said getting up and giving my mom a hug and Dave a hand shake. I ran upto my room super excited and hoped Leo would be able to go. As I walked in my room I noticed my phone was ringing. "Hello?" I said, "Kevin what are you doing later?" Leo said over the phone. "Nothing why?, whats up?" I said moving over to my closet looking for some clothes to put on. "Want to go for dinner tonight?" he asked "Yeah sure what time?"I said in response. "How about I pick you up around 5ish?" he said "That's cool, I'll see you later." I said "yeah okay be ready and dress semi-formal." he said hanging up the phone before I could ask him any more questions.

It was about 5 when I got out of the shower and it was going to take me another 30 minutes to get ready. I walked into my room and dried off and began to get dressed. As I put my jeans on the bell rang and I knew it was Leo coming to pick me up. Since no one was home because Dave and my mom went out for dinner I yelled downstairs "Leo come in I'll be down in a minute." I heard the door open Leo yelled "Hurry up, we have reservations." "Okay give me five minutes." I yelled back as I walked over to the full body mirror on the back of my door. I gave my self a once over sprayed some cologne, grabbed my phone, keys and my D&G glasses and made my way downstairs.

As I came to the end of the stairs Leo was standing there and as he looked at me he said, "You look amazing." "Thanks, you don't look half bad." I said laughing walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the lips. He was wearing a purple and blue button up with a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers. "Where are we going?" I asked as we headed for the door. "It's a surprise you'll see when we get there." He said as we walked down the steps to his car. he opened the door for me like the gentleman he always is. He walked around and got in the car and started it and I began thinking about his mom because I saw her walk in the house after we pulled off. "Leo what does your mom do?" I asked as we pulled off down the street. "Umm she's an interior designer." he said glancing over at me with that'what a wierd question look. "Oh okay because she get's home pretty early and everytime I come over there some new piece of furniture is in your house." I said rolling down the window to get a feel of the cool winter air. There was a silence which lasted about 5 minutes when Leo's phone rang. "Hello?" .... "Yeah whose this?" .... "Woah buddy who is this?"he said sounding shocked about what the person said. ..... "Okay well how about you mind your business and never call this number again." he said getting upset ..... "I would love to see you put your hands on him." he said sarcastically and angrily ..... "Yeah ok." he said angrily hanging up his phone.

"Who was that?" I asked as Leo turned the corner "I don't know." he said in response still kind of upset. "What did they say?" "Nothing important, just drop it please." he said as we pulled into the parking lot of this very upscale restaurant. We pulled up to the front and I looked at Leo and he didn't say anything just smiled, stepped out of the car and I followed behind him. he gave the keys to the valet and took my hand as we walked into the restaurant. When we walked in I was amazed at how exquiste and up scale the restaurant was, it was the newest and hottest spot in the city and only the very elite actual came here. "Hello Welcome to 'EVANS 32'."

"Hi I have reservations under Mattiolo." Leo said to the hostess and I loved the way Leo said his last name with that Italian accent it just seemed so sexy. "Oh yes Mr. Mattiolo, Follow me this way to the elevator please." The host said as we followed behind him to the elevator. We got in the elevator and took it up to the 32ND floor like the host said and it was absolutely beautiful.

We were escorted to the table that over looked the city and the city's lights just illuminated the night sky. We sat directly across from each other and in the middle of the table were to candles that burned pink and purple flames. "Leo this is absolutely amazing." I said still in awe about the beauty of the place.

"Well I wanted to do something special for you." he said taking a hold of my hands and looking into my eyes. "You're so sweet this is like the hottest spot on the eastcoast how did you even get reservations?" I asked as he gave me a kiss on my hand. "Well lets just say my mom isn't just a regular interior designer." he said smiling and winking. "Okay what is she like a designer for the rich and famous." I said jokingly "Yeah exactly." he said seriously "Are you serious that's awesome." I said in shock about the news I was just discovering. "Yeah and my dad is a multi-million dollar lawyer in Italy." he said smiling at me. "Wow." And that's all I said as we were interrupted by the waiter, who was obviously gay and checking Leo out. One bad thing about dinning in The Village, half the waiters you meet will be gay. "Can I get you guys anything to drink." he said focusing only on Leo. "Yeah I'll have a virgin Pina Colada." I said as he looked at me and said, "Okay and for you sir?" he said looking back at Leo "Umm a Shirley Temple." Leo said. As the waiter left I rolled my eyes and was kind of annoyed because he was florting with him like I wasn't even here. "Kevin, be nice." Leo said knowing at times i can be a real BITCH. "I didn't say anything." I said smiling at Leo. "You're so cute, I like you a lot." he said blowing me a kiss over the table. "Thanks you're cute to and I do believe I like you more." I said blowing a kiss back at him as the waiter came back and put our drinks on the table, "Are you guys ready to order." "We didn't even look...." I began saying as Leo cut me off and began to order for the both of us. "I stared at him while he ordered and really didn't have any complaints about anything except the cutting me off part. That waiter took down the order and made his way back to the kitchen. "Kevin how long have we been dating?" Leo asked me "Well it's been 3 months." I said kind of wondering why he asked me this question. "Well we both know a lot about each other and both really like each other so maybe we should make us official." he said looking at me with a questioning expression . "Meaning?" He kissed my hand and said, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

As Leo asked me that question the waiter walked over to Leo looked straight and the eyes and began kissing him. I sat there in shock that Leo didn't pull away. The stopped kissing and the waiter said, "How about you dump this hoe and I'll show you a good time." Leo looked at the waiter got up and said, "Let's go, Kevin, I don't think it's going to work out." As they walked away I couldn't move and I was stuck and all I could do was scream his name. "Leo!" They walked and faded into black.

The next thing I know is I wake up in the passenger seat of Leo's car and I was greatful that it was all a dream. "Where are we?" I said looking out the window and seeing nothing but, snow on the ground. "Umm, don't tell me you forgot." "Forgot what?" I asked still kind of drowsy from my slumber. "Dinner, in the Poconos stayin there for the rest of the break." He said. "No not at all, How long was I sleep." I asked as I actually noticed the snow flakes. "You were sleep for like an hour." He said keeping his focus on the road so he wouldn't lose control of the car. "Oh wow." I said. "Yeah we talked about it and Dave convinced her to let you go." he said glancing at me with thse enchanting eyes. "Wow this is still kind of wierd, I feel like I'm being kidnapped." I said laughing knowing Leo would never hurt me. He laughed along with me as we got off an exit.

" How much longer is the ride?" I asked. "Well it should be another half hour or so." He said turning the radio up and singing along with the song. "You are the worst singer in history." I said laughing at him trying so hard. He looked at me and smiled as he began to sing the song to me. "Tonight I'll be your Naughty Boy, I'm calling all my boys." He sang to me and I just burst out laughing so hard I cried. "I love you, you're awesome." I said leaning in and giving him a kiss as we waited at a red light. " I knew you loved me." He said causing me to blush and realize what I said. "Oh I didn't mean it like that just that I love your personality." I said trying to fix my last statement. "So you don't love me?" he said making the cutest, saddest face I ever saw. "No I do but I don't, Oh your confusing me." I said wrinkling my nose. "You're adorable I understand what your saying." He said taking his eyes off the road and giving me another kiss.

Next: Chapter 8

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