Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Dec 6, 2008


Our kiss was broken and he looked up at his mom as he began to turn a bright red, "Hey mom." she stared at us for a little longer when she finally said, "Leo whose your friend?" He got up and pulled me off the couch and walked over to his mom and said, "Mom, Kevin, Kevin - Mom." "Hi Kevin nice to meet you." she said so calmly like wasn't she shocked she just found her son making with a guy on a couch. "Hi nice to meet you too." I said as leo put his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in closer. His mom looked at us and just smiled and asked me, "So how long have you lived in New York?" "Actually me and my mom just moved in next door." I replied trying to escape leo's grasp but not making it noticable. "Oh yes I was actually just talking to your mom, she said you guys moved from Los Angeles." she said which intiated a long conversation about LA and questions any adult would ask, 'Do you Miss it?' stuff like that. The conversation lasted about 10 minutes with Leo's arm still around me. "Well I got to go back to work so Leo I'll be back later and Kevin it was nice meeting you." She said making her way back up the stairs. "Nice meeting you too." I said as the door upstairs closed and minutes later i heard the start of the car engine and her pulling off.

I moved away from Leo as he leaned in to try and kiss me again. "What's wrong?" he asked with a confused look on his face. "We just got caught making out by your mom, don't want to get caught by your dad or something." I said sitting back on the couch. "Okay Kevin first my mom didn't care she knows I'm gay and my dad is long gone." He said sitting next to me and taking my hands and looking into my eyes. "Okay but that was just extremely wierd." I said moving closer to him. "Yeah but I can tell my mom liked you a lot." he said putting his head against mine. "How do you know?" I asked just staring into his eyes. "Because if she didn't she wouldn't have given you the time of day." he said giving me a peck on the lips. "I smiled and said, "Well people do usually like me." He leaned in and began kissing me again. It has been 3 months since Kevin has moved to New York and he has adapted very well. It's mid January he has been dating Leo for quite some time and they haven't made their relationship official. And it hasn't exactly been heaven at home for Kevin his mother is consistantly drinking and has got a new boyfriend who is a complete homophobe. (This Shall Be Interesting.)

"Kevin come here please?"my mom called from the kitchen. I was sitting in the living room texting Leo who had gone to Vermont to visit his family. I got up and walked into the kitchen where my mom was cooking dinner. "Yes mom." I said sitting at the kitchen table answering one of Leo's text. "Can you set the table, Dave is coming over for dinner." she said putting the lasagna in the oven. "Why is he coming?" I said standing setting the table. "Kevin I want you to get to know him he isn't the big bad wolf or anything he's a very nice guy and makes me feel important." she said began to clean the dishes. "I'll give him a chance but, if he annoyes me I'm going to say something." I said putting the plates on the table. "Can you put these dishes away I have to get ready." my said as she walked out of the kitchen and into her room.

My phone ring and the picture of Leo popped up I dried my hands and answered it.

"Hello!" I said so happily because i haven't heard Leo's voice in forever it felt like. "Hey Babes, How's it going?" he asked. "Okay I guess I just really miss you and my mom is inviting Dave over for dinner." I said making my way upto my room. "Whose dave?" he asked as I sat on my bed. "I told you my mom's new boyfriend, I really don't like him he's one of those rich guys who thinks money can get you anything he's a total snob and drives a hummer and i asked him what he thought about the whole Global Warming thing he just said,'Oh that's not that big of a problem.' can you believe him?" I said. "Hey babes come on you never know the guy can surprise." Leo said with that tone that could just calm anyone down. "Yeah I guess maybe I should invite Mariah over for dinner just so i can have someone senseable." I said, "Yeah remember stay positive but, I have to go babes we're going out for dinner." he said "Okay babes see when you get back." I said hanging up and dialing Mariah's number.

"Hello?" her angelic voice said in a singing tone. "Hey Mariah it's Kevin, what are you doing tonight?" I asked as my phone beeped because of a text from Leo. "Umm well tonight nothing staying in Why?" she asked "Because my mom invitd her boyfriend over and I can't sit there and eat with them alone or I'll go crazy can you come over?" I asked getting up and walking back downstairs. "Yeah sure not like I'm doing anything over here." she said "Okay you're the best, Do you want me to pick you up?" I asked as i got downstairs and went back in the kitchen. "No I'll just borrow the car I'll be there in 15." she said as she hung up the phone before I said okay. "Mom, Mariah is coming over for dinner." I yelled out as she walked out of her room wearing a pink and black top with a black skirt and a pair of Manolo's. "What do you think?" she asked as she walked out into the hallway. "Mom you look hot." I said as she laughed and gave me a little spin. 'Ding,Dong' the bell rang. "Oh that's him, I'm not ready Kevin answer the door." she said as she ran into her room to finish getting ready. I walked to the door and opened it and there stood Dave he was about 38, brown hair which wasn't thining surprisingly, dark brown eyes, a tan complection and he was wearing this Armani suit with prada shoes and Armani glasses. "Hey Kevin how's it going?" he said as he walked in and rubbed my head as if I was some dog and messing up my hair. "I'm good my mo's not ready yet she'll be out in a few.' I said as Mariah's car pulled up and out she stepped wearing a pair of grey jeans with a green shirt and black and white sneakers. I ran out and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much for coming." i said as we walked up the steps and into the house.

She walked in the house and intoduced herself to Dave and they sparked quite a conversation about his Hummer outside but the conversation was stopped when my mom walked out and Dave's attention left theconversation. "You look exquisite Miranda." he said as he walked over and gave her a kiss. Mariah looked at me and I made a gagging face which made her begin laughing hysterically. My mom blushed and replied, "Thank You handsome don't look to bad yourself." I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen to check on the food. Mariah followed behind me as Dave and my mom stayed in the living room to chat. "Uhh I know why you don't like him." Mariah said as we entered the kitchen. "Yeah ugh I can't stand him hopefully this dinner goes by quick." I said reaching into the draw for an oven mit to check on the lasagna in the oven. I took it out and put it on the table to let it cool before i actually served it. I put food on everyone's plate. "Mariah have a seat I'll be right back." I said as i walked into the living room. "Mom, Dave dinner is ready." I said as i saw them kissing on the couch. It made my stomach turn but i sucked it up as they followed behind me. I walked in and Dave and my mom sat next to each other and I got a bottle of wine for them and poured it into their cups and me and Mariah had sodas. I sat down and we all began to eat.

"So Dave what do you do?" Mariah said breaking the silence, 'I gave her that what are you doing?' look. "Well I'm a lawyer." he said as he took a sip of his wine. "Really I was thinking about going to school to study that, can you can you tell me about any cases?" She asked which started an actually conversation at the table. "Well my latest case, is a rape case." he said putting his fork down and getting comfortable and his chair. "i know I'm going to win the prick left all types of evidence, the only downfall of the whole thing is that I have to find this fairy." he said which really got me frazzled. "Fairy?" I said "Yeah you know pillow biters, homos, fags." he said with out a care in the world as if he was above everyone else. "Dave language." my mom said, that's all she said. "You're suh a bigot, and ignorant and rude. Do you seriously think you're better then everyone." i said getting really angry. "Kevin just eat your food." my mom said trying to fix the situation. "No Miranda, I don't think I'mbetter then everyone its just gay people shouldn't have the rights that normal people have." he said continuing on with his ignorance. "Normal people? , Are you serious what makes gay people so abnormal." I said now raising my voice getting extremely angry. "They're freaks and should all burn in hell." he said "You are so ignorant, Okay I'm done." I said getting up from the tables and leaving with Mariah behind me. "Kevin wait." I heard Mariah yell from behind me as i walked down the street. I stopped and turned around with tears of anger rolling down my face. "Did you see how my mom just sat there?" I said as mariah stopped infront of me. "There wasn't much she could say." She said as she was cathing her breath. "Yeah but she was acting like nothing was happening." I said sitting on the corner wipping away my tears. "Yeah I'm sorry it was kind of my fault." she said sitting next to me. "No it wasn't, It's his fault for being so ignorant, you were just being you and trying to start a conversation." I said trying to make her not feel responsible for the situation. "Well what are you doing now?" she asked "I would go to Leo's but sadly he isn't home so I guess I'll just go home and stay in my room for the rest of the night." I said standing up and dusting the dirt of the back of my pants. "Well I can stay with you if you want." she said as she got up and extended her arms for a hug. We hugged for a brief second as I watched Dave's car drive by. We walked back to my house quietly and Mariah left as I walked up the stairs to the front door. I walked in the house locked the door and headed up to my room. "Kevin is that you?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs as I walked in my room. "Yeah." I yelled back closing my door. About 2 minutes later my mom was standing in my door way. "Kevin, I can't believe you acted like that." she said with so much anger behind her voice. "Me your boyfriend was the one sitting there being a bigot." I said turning around and looking at her. "You will not speak about him in the type of tone." she said raising her voice. "Are you seriously defending him, after all that he said." I said keeping my voice at the same level as hers "Yes I am because I love him." she said continuing to raise her voice. "Oh like I haven't heard that before." I said refering to my dad. "And what is that supposed to mean?" She now with anger and questioning in her voice. "When dad used to hit you, you always made excuses for him." I said standing up now. "Your father was a controlling and manipulative man, Dave is different." she said moving closer into my room. "Is he really, you'll do anything to have someone love." I said not realizing how angry I actually was. "Kevin you will not talk to me in that tone." She said now yelling at me. "Why should I respect anyone around here, because they damn well don't respect me." I said yelling just as loud. "Everyone around here respects you." she said "No Dave was really disrepectful and you sat there and let him spit out all those damn insults." I yelled. "It's not like they were directed towards you Kevin you're not gay so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal." she said not lowering her voice. "Again with the excuses you make excuses about everything, drinkining, dad's abuse, and now Dave." I said "I can't talk to you when you're like this, when you're ready to talk come to me, I need a drink." she said walking out of my room. I walked over to the and locked it and slammed it. I walked over to my computer desk and grabbed my phone and texted Leo

'Are you busy?'

'No, what's up?'

'I need to talk.'

My phone ring and it was Leo calling. He asked what I needed to talk about and I told him the whole story about Dave and me and my mom's fight. We talked for about an hour and it felt really good to be able to talk to him for that long. "When are you coming home?" I asked him after we finished talking about my situation, "I should be home tomorrow afternoon, I'm actually in the car right now we left when you texted me." he said and i just became over joyed. "Thank God I missed you so much." I said with a smile on my face. "I missed you to but I have to go." he said. "Ok babes I'll see you tomorrow, Goodnight." I said "Goodnight." he said as i hung my phone up and threw it to the foot of my bed and dosed off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 7

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