Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Nov 25, 2008


Author's Notes: Yes I know about the mishap about last chapter. Sorry, don't take my head off. Here's the latest chapter, sorry I haven't posted recently, honestly I don't feel like posting them much but I do it just for the readers! Next one will definitely go up next week. Enjoy!

I got up blushing and followed him onto the football field. I wanted to ask him so many questions, 'Do you really think I'm cute?', 'Are you single?', 'Are you Gay?' Ahh! Only if I had the courage to ask him all these questions.

We walked out onto the track which went around the football field. "You can sit over there." he said pointing towards the bench near the water cooler. "Okay."" I said as he walked towards the rest of the team. Sitting there as he practiced I loved watching him run up and down the field looking sexier then ever. I sat there for about two hours watching the team when practice came to an end. As the team walked by me it was as if I was non-existent. Leo was talking to his coach after practice for about twenty minutes and if he wasn't so cute I would have gone home by now. "Sorry about the wait my coach wanted to talk to Me." he said grabbing a towel and a bottle of water from the bench next to me. "Its okay I enjoyed watching the team practice." I said noticing the sweat dripping from his head. "Okay well I have to shower then we can head home." I got up and we began walking towards the locker by the time we got there we were the only ones in the locker room.

We walked into the locker room and he instantly began to take his shirt off. "It's really hot in here." he said holding his sweat filled shirt in his hand. "Not really it's actually kind of nice." I said standing next to him. "Well you weren't out there running around in like pounds of equipment." he said tossing his shirt at me. "Eww!!" I shrieked as he laughed. I threw his shirt back at him, and he began to laugh more at the upset face I was making. "It's not funny at all." I said walking towards the exit. He came behind me and grabbed my waist and picked me up and said, "I'm sorry don't leave." And he had those big puppy dog eyes you just can't say no to and I loved every second of being in is arms. He carried me back to the lockers and we just stared into each others eyes. "Fine I'll stay but, can you hurry up and take a shower you smell really bad." I said laughing a little as I sat down. He walked to the showers and was in there for about 15 minutes when he called me and said, "Can you get my towel out my locker." Luckily it was opened so I reached in and grabbed his towel and walked over to the showers. As I turned into the shower room he was standing there naked facing away from me and I just stood there frozen by the perfection of his body. He turned around and I handed him the towel. I turned and walked out of the shower room back over to his locker and was still in shock at the fact that I just saw all of him every single inch it was as if I had died and gone to heaven. He walked out with his towel around his waist with water dripping from his hair. He walked over sat down next to me and just started staring in my eyes again. I wondered if he was going to say something about me staring at him but he didn't he just stared into my eyes. And the next thing I know is we're kissing as we kiss I am loving every second our lips are together. He pulled away breaking the spell he had on me and said, "Wow!" It took me awhile to respond but when I actually could I didn't know what to say. He got up and finished getting dressed and the entire time we didn't say anything to each other. We walked out to his car together and we got there he was being a total gentleman and he opened the door for me. "Thank You." I said, which were the first words I spoke in about 15 minutes. He walked around and tossed his bag in the backseat and got in the driver seat and started the car. "So..." he said as we sat there in the parking lot."So... What?" I said cracking a smile. "Well should we talk about what happened." he said looking at me with wishful ness in his eyes. "Yeah maybe we should."

We sat there for a minute and he finally said something, "I'm Sorry." "For what?" "For umm... Kissing you." he said starting to blush. "Oh don't be sorry I'm not." I said also blushing at this time, hoping he wasn't one of those guys who did this because he thought I wanted it or was testing his sexuality. "Well I wasn't really sure if you would umm... like it." he said so nervously which was actually cute. "Well I did, I wanted to kiss you since the first day I saw you out my window." I said hoping he didn't think I was some crazy person. "Really because when I saw you that day I was hoping I would be able to see you again." "Well I guess you got your wish and much more." I said smiling. "Yeah I guess I did, so where do we go from here." he said moving his fingers around the steering wheel. "Well I don't know where do you want to go?" I said hoping he said what I was wishing for. "Well I want to be your boyfriend but, I don't think we should rush anything." He said "Yeah I don't want to rush into anything either maybe we could start with just dating and see where that takes us." I said hoping he would say okay. "Yeah I like that idea." he said starting the car back up. I smiled at him for a second as he pulled off going towards home and was so happy that I had a chance with the most perfect guy in the world.

He pulled up in front of his house and said, "Do you want to come in?" OMG!!! He's inviting me in, what should I Say yes, no. I was so excited but tried to hide it and stay calm. "Yeah, sure." He got out the car and I sat there for a second but Leo being the gentleman that he is opened my door for me. "Why Thank You, You are such a gentleman." I said stepping out the car like such a diva. "Well I try he said closing the door and locking it. I walked up the stairs to his front door and waited for him to walk up and open the door. He put his key in the door and opened it, "Mom?" he yelled out seeing if anyone was home. "Guess No one's home." he said winking and smiling at me. "Hey don't get any crazy ideas." I said moving further into his house. "Who me? Remember I'm a gentleman." he said moving closer to me and kissing me on my cheek and taking my book bag out of my hands and putting it on the couch near his. "So... What are we doing?" I asked him as I leaned against the wall which was across from the stairs which led down to the basement. "Well I invited you over so I could actually get to know you a little better." he said grabbing my hand and leading me down the stairs. "Why are we going down here?" I asked as we reached the bottom of the steps. "Because this is the place I come when I need to think or just get away from it all and don't want to be bothered." The basement wasn't really basement like but it was fully furnished there was a pool table, a computer, a pull out couch which faced the fire place that was next to the patio door.

"Wow its cold down here." I said flopping down on the couch. "Do you want me to turn the fireplace on?" he asked walking over towards me. "Yes that would be lovely." I said taking my shoes off and as he sat on the other side of the couch. "It'll just take awhile for the room to warm up." he said kicking his shoes off and putting his feet on my lap. I turned my head and looked at him with that 'umm excuse me!' look and he began to laugh. "You make the cutest faces." He said smiling at me. "Thank you, but are you going to move your feet?" I said waiting for his reaction. "No." he said dropping his smile. "Don't get beat up." I said moving his feet off of me and laughing. "Oh yeah you beating me very funny." he said putting his feet back on me. "I'm tough." I said moving his feet again. "Okay but I'm tougher you're not going to win." he said laughing and putting his feet back. "Okay want to bet." I said getting up and getting ready to walk up the stairs to leave. "No don't leave." he said running up behind me and grabbing me like he did in the locker room and bringing me back and dropped me on the couch. "Okay fine you win, just don't leave." he said looking down at me as I laid on the couch. "One thing you need to know is I always win." I said laughing as he hopped over the couch and had each knee on the opposite sides. He took my hands and brought them up above my head with his hands and held them with one and began to tickle me. "Stop... Stop." I said as I was laughing hysterically. "Now who wins?" he said continued tickling me. "You are... Now stop." I said laughing as he stopped but still held my hands and just stared into my eyes smiling. He leaned in and we began to make out. We were kissing for a pretty long time and I loved every second of it until his mom came down stairs and caught us making out.

"Leo?" she said as she stood staring at him straddled over me.

Next: Chapter 6

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