Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Nov 2, 2008


Author's Note: Hope You guys aren't getting bored but trust me it is worth it to keep reading the best has yet to come. And in this chapter you get a sense of the real Leo. Hope you enjoy.

Big Apple Love (Chapter3)

By: Josef and Eric

I sat in the office for about an hour and a half when the secretary finally called me in to meet with the principal. I walked in her office she was a very petite woman she had long brown hair with these green eyes and this lovely chocolate skin and she just seemed to scream 'MODEL' when you looked at her. "Hi Mr. Smith, I'm Mrs. Banks." she said offering me a seat. "Hi." I said sitting in the seat opposite hers. "Okay well I'm not really sure what's wrong with the computer system today but we can't currently access your schedule." she said signing in to her computer. "Okay umm, so what does that mean?" "Well it means that I'm just going to have to make up a schedule for you know what classes you were taking back at your old school." "Umm well I was taking Pre-Calculus, Italian, Photography, AP US History, AP English, and PE." "It seems we have a very smart student entering the school "she said typing on her computer with a smile.

"Well at our school we don't offer Italian is there any other language that you may want to take." "Umm well I took French in middle school and I would like to pick that up again." I said looking around her office. "That's fine well it'll take me a minute to get your schedule in order so you can wait out in the main office and I'll have the secretary give it to you and you can be on your way to class."

I got out of the chair and walked out the door and took a seat near the secretary's desk and waited patiently. About ten minutes passed when the secretary called me up and handed me my schedule. "Umm what period is it?" I asked as I made my way towards the door. "It is currently third period." she said making her way to her desk. I walked out the door and spent about five minutes in the hallway looking for the class when I finally decided to ask this girl who was standing at her locker. "Umm do you know where room 238 is?" she looked at me for a minute and I guessed realized I was new and said, "Yeah I'm actually headed there now you can walk with me." "Okay thanks you're a life saver." I said as we made our way down the hall. So what's your name?" she asked as we came to the end of the hall and made out way up the stairs on the left hand side. 'It's Kevin." I said sounding kind of snobby but of course not purposely. "Cool I'm Mariah, So you're new here?" she said as we reached the top of the stairs and made a left down the upstairs hall. "Yeah I moved here from California." I said examining Mariah she wasn't one of those super preppy chicks she seemed very rebellious rocker chick she had multi-colored hair but not to over the top she was wearing a mini-skirt with skin tight jeans under it a pink cami with a black t-shirt under it and a pair of black and pink converse. "I absolutely love your outfit." I said without really realizing I said it out loud. "Thanks." she said as we got to the other end of the hallway and walked into a very math orientated room.

"Well Ms. Samuels nice of you to join us and whose your guest." the teacher asked, he was one of those young teachers the ones who just began teaching he couldn't have been older than 24 he had short light brown hair with chocolate brown eyes and a tan skin tone, and by that time everyone in the class had their eyes on me "I'm Kevin, I'm new." I said shyly because everyone was whispering to the person sitting next to them... "Oh yes Mrs. Banks had just called and told me about you, Well we do this at the beginning of school and since it is your first day we might as well do it again." he said moving over to his desk which was towards the back of the room. "And what is that exactly?" I asked still standing in the same spot from when I walked in the room. "Well at the beginning of the year everyone goes around and says a little something about them, so go right ahead." he said sitting at his desk while I stood in the front nervous as ever. "Okay, well my name is Kevin, I moved him from California, and I dream of one day being and actor on Broadway or a model." I said and everyone just sort of stared at me. I felt so nervous I was just wishing I could sit down. "Okay well you can have a seat in an empty desk and we can go around and everyone can tell their name." I grabbed the desk near the window towards the middle next to a girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes and that kind of stereotypical model figure. "Okay, well I'll start, my name is Mr. Nobles and no relation to Barnes and Nobles." he said which got a little chuckle to the cluster of girls sitting on the opposite side of the room. The whole name process took about 15 minutes and I only remembered like 5 names but whatever I figured these people weren't going to want to talk to me anyway. About 5 minutes after the name game ended the bell rang and Mr. Nobles called me to the back. "I just wanted to welcome you to the school officially and give you these papers telling you the supplies you're going to need." he said handing me a packet of paper." Okay thank you I guess I better hurry so I won't be late for my next class.

I walked out the classroom and out popped Mariah from around the corner, "Boo 'ha-ha' well I guess I'll be your official tour guide for the day so you can get to your classes on time." She didn't really scare me but kind of startled me. "Oh wow that'll be great." I said pulling my schedule out my back pocket. "So what do you have next period?" she asked standing there waiting for my response. "Umm I have Physics with Ms. Crowe." Really I do too. Her classroom is downstairs and is always super hot so I advise you to sit towards the back near the windows." "Okay thanks." as we walked downstairs we walked passed Leo who was walking with a group of his friends. "Hey Kevin, come here for a second." he said as me and Mariah walked passed. I walked over to him and said, "Yeah, how may I help you?" He laughed and said, "Well I wanted to know if you needed a ride home because I have football practice and if you needed a ride I can drive you home first or you could just hang around." I took me awhile to respond but then I said, "Well it's not like I have anything to do at home so I'll hang around." "Okay well I'll see you after school." he said making his way back to his cluster of friends.

"Wow is he your boyfriend or something?" Mariah said jokingly which I wish I knew at the time. "I wish!" I said which had some kind of power towards Mariah because it stopped her dead in her tracks. "Oh Em Gee, you're..." I cut her off and said, "Don't say it, but yeah I am." "Oh wow this is so awesome, I love gay people okay you are officially the coolest person in this school." I began to blush because I never had someone react the way she did but I actually liked the feeling of being accepted. "Okay can we go to class and talk about this later." I said and kept walking. She caught up to me and just walked next to me smiling from ear to ear and giggling. We walked into a classroom and she was right it felt like I walked into a sauna. I approached the teacher she gave a brief introduction of herself and the course and told me to take a seat. I decided to sit next to Mariah since it was the only available seat in the class. And that class felt like the longest 45 minutes of my life.

For some reason school just seemed to go on forever class after class. I don't know, lunch and photography was pretty fun but other then that everything was so blah. By lunch time I and Mariah had become very well acquainted. I learned a lot about her like she also wants to pursue acting and she's a phenomenal singer. We plan on going on a lot of auditions together. I also met a lot of her friends who also had that "down to earth" kind of attitude which I loved. I planned on hanging out with them this weekend going to the mall may see a movie I don't know but I'm glad I made friends the first day it was a very productive.

After school me and Mariah went our separate ways, I walked towards the gym, which I felt was going to bring a lot of misery to my life since I suck at every sport invented. I was going too met up with Leo and when I thought of that I had forgotten to tell Mariah the story of how we met. Listen to me talking about him as if we go out or something god I'm such a dork. "Kevin!" I heard someone yell from the boy's locker room. I turn and it's Leo telling me to come to the locker room. I walk over to the locker room and ask him, "Should I just wait on the bleachers?" "No come in here I'll walk with you to the bleachers."

I walked into the locker room and it was empty except for me and Leo obviously. "So how was your first day of school?" he said as he began putting in his locker combination. "It was okay made some friends." I said sitting on the bench near his locker. "That's good." he said as he began to pull his shirt over his head and all I could do was stare at his gorgeous body. I figured he didn't notice because he didn't say anything but the way he took his shirt off was done as if he was putting on a show for me. "Do you play any sports?" Leo asked me as my eyes drifted away from the bulge in his pants. "Me? No I suck at like every sport." I said in response. He laughed a little at the expression on my face as he began to unbutton his jeans. "I doubt you suck at every sport." he said sitting down to pull his sneakers and pants off. "No trust me I suck at every sport." 'Well maybe I'll have to give you some private lessons." he said winking at me and I giggled a little. That's when I noticed he was standing there in his briefs which hugged his butt in all the right places. "Hey! No staring." he said laughing. "Uhh I'm not staring." I said nervously following my personal philosophy 'when in doubt deny everything.' he began laughing as he put his pants...d the locker and walked towards the locker room door. As he got to the door he turned back and said, "Hey, Cutie you coming?" I got up and that was the first time I actually believed I might have a chance with him.

Next: Chapter 5

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