Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Oct 19, 2008


Author Notes: Just a heads up a day has passed and it is Kevin's first day of school. Also I know there is no sex in the story yet but this originally wasn't an erotic story. But for the sake of vernacular Nifty stories I will add more. One last thing the chapters are going to get noticeably shorter. I'll try and post more often as to not leave you waiting.

"Gooooood Moooooorning New York, this is E-Smith with K100 radio station it is October 10, 2008 6 O'clock, partly cloudy and very windy." Was the first thing I heard this morning from my alarm clock. Well I'm certainly awake! I rolled out of bed stumbled my way over to my closet to pick out my outfit for the first day of school. I grabbed my clothes, a towel, and my underclothes and made my way to the bathroom down the hall to take a shower.

It was about 6:30 when I got out of the shower and Leo told me to be ready by 7 so I figured I had enough time. I put my clothes on and absolutely loved my outfit for the first day of school. It was a pair of dark blue jeans with light streaks across them, a stripped blue and pink polo, and a pair of black and white converse. I went downstairs hoping I had time to get breakfast but as soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs there was the door bell. I opened to find Leo standing there wearing a white v neck t-shirt with a black hoodie on top and a pair of dark blue jeans and black sneakers. "Hey you ready?" he asked walking inside. "Yeah but let me grab a breakfast bar and we can be on our way." I said walking towards the kitchen with him following behind me. "You want one?" I asked as I pulled out a cereal bar from the pantry."Uhh no thanks I ate all ready." We walked to the door; I opened it letting him leave first grabbed my bookbag and locked the door behind me. We walked outside and his car was parked right in front it was a black 2008 Mercedes which looked relatively new. As we got into the car I noticed it still had that new car smell, which I loved and the interior was very clean it seems he takes very good care of his car. "How long have you had your car?" I asked as I closed the door and put my seatbelt on. "Umm not that long got for my b*day back in August." he said pulling off down the block. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride which felt like forever. We didn't speak that much during the car ride as we got closer to the school I noticed a lot of the students drove.

There were only two buses outside of the school and not a lot of kids got off the buses. Leo pulled into what I figured to be the student parking lot. He pulled into a pen space which was close to the school. He turned the car off and we just sat there for a minute. "Are you nervous?" he asked me unbuckling his seatbelt. "Uhh a little but I make friends real easily so it won't be that bad." I said following his lead and removing my seatbelt from around me. I opened the door and stepped outside of the car and took a look around and everyone was dressed pretty much the same guys with sweaters and v-necks and girls with UGG boots and skinny jeans well what else is new it's called personal style HELLO.

"Thanks for the ride." I said as I departed from Leo and he made his way to a group of people who seemed to be jocks wearing their sports jerseys and what not. I walked towards the building it was an old looking building made of red brick it looked oval shaped in the front and read 'MANHATTAN PREPARATORY SCHOOL' straight across the front. It had six doors in the front which where all glass. I walked inside and it was as if I walked into a news room with all the bustle of the students in the hallways, I made my way to the main office to pick up my schedule.

I walked into the main office and the secretary a tall skinny woman wit dark brown hair and hazel colored eyes I figured her to be about 29 she looked at me and said with somewhat of a stern voice but, yet it was very motherly it sort of reminded me of my grandmother's voice, "What can I help you with sweetheart?" It took me awhile to answer but it finally came out,"Umm I'm here to pick up my schedule.", "name please?" she asked making her way over to the computer. "Kevin Smith." After about ten minutes she called for the principal who happened to be in a meeting. 'Well sweetie it seems that you're not in the system yet, so we're going to have to wait for the principal to be done with her meeting." And once that was said I know this was going to be a very long day.

Next: Chapter 4

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