Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Oct 9, 2008


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I walked out of the pizzeria and light out a huge sigh, 'I can't believe he actually spoke to me. It's amazing, those eyes, I could stare into them forever.' I thought to myself as I walked home.

"Mom the pizza's here." I yelled as I walked into the house. There was no answer so I walked into the kitchen placed the pizza on the table and the soda in the fridge and walked into my mom's room to find her passed out with a bottle of wine in her hand. Oh I might have forgotten to tell you that my mom is an alcoholic, ever since my dad and her split it seems she gets her love from a bottle. I remember one time she forgot to pick me up from volleyball practice when I was in 9th grade and I had to walk about 2 miles to get home.

I took the bottle from her placed it on the table, grabbed a slice of pizza and made my way up to my room. As I lay in bed I noticed that it began to rain, I absolutely love the rain it's really relaxing to me and it seems to just wash away all my problems. As I watched the rain drops slowly slide down the window the door bell rang. I knew my mom wasn't getting up anytime soon so I got up and went downstairs. "Who is it?" I asked as I put my hand on the door knob. "Uhh it's Leo." He said. I opened the door as soon as he said his name. I began to think 'Why is he here?' but that really didn't matter to me. "Oh wow you're soaked come in." I said ushering him inside. "Yeah thanks I'm sorry to bother you but it seems my mom left and I don't have my keys so I wanted to know if I could hang here for awhile." he said and how could I say no with him looking so said like a little puppy who you find and just can't turn away. "Yeah it's cool you can hang here, my mom's sleep so you can come up to my room."

We walked up stairs and he was in front of me and he had the hottest ass you could ever imagine I just washed as his wet clothes hugged his better in all the right spots. You could tell that he was a total jock, developed biceps, amazing calves; he had the body of a Greek God. As we entered my room so many wild fantasies rushed through my mind but, I knew nothing was going to happen. "Hey umm sorry about the mess in here, didn't really feel like unpacking." I said as I sat on my bed, "Yeah it's cool I remember when I first moved here, I had boxes in my room for the first to months." I don't know why but I let out a laugh and it caused him to laugh and to top it off he had the cutest laugh ever it sounded like a little kid whose watching the clowns at the circus for the first time. "Umm yeah you're really soaked I have a pair of sweats and a t-shirt you could borrow." I said moving towards the box near my closet. "That what be awesome Thanks so much." he said smiling he had teeth that would light up the darkest room. I throw the t-shirt and sweats to him. And he had absolutely no problem taking his shirt off right there but for some reason I said, "The bathroom is down the hall on your left." 'Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.' I said to myself as he walked out the room. 'You had the chance to see one of god's greatest creations and you say Oh the bathrooms down the hall Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.' After about five minutes he walked back in my room with his wet clothes in hand wearing my sweats and t-shirt. As he walked in the room I began to laugh. "Umm I guess my shirt is umm two sizes to small." he began to laugh with me "yeah but at least it's dry." he said through his laugh. "Umm I can put your clothes in the dryer if you want." I said "Yeah that'll good they're like really soaked." he said in response. "Do you want a slice of pizza or anything to drink?" I asked him before I walked out of the room. "No thanks." As I walked to the kitchen I realized that I was holding not only his pants and shirt but his underwear as well. They were black American Eagle underwear, and I just pictured him wearing them they would look so nice on him. I tossed his stuff in the dryer and put it on for 30 minutes and made my way back upstairs.

I walked into my room and found him lying on my bed looking through my modeling portfolio. "Seems like someone is very nosey." I said chuckling a bit as I made my way to sit at the foot of my bed. "Yeah I'm sorry it was on top of the box and I got kind of bored up here." he said flipping through the pages. "It's cool we're all a little nosey at times." "Yeah, so you're into modeling, these are pretty cool photos are the professionally done." "Yeah if you call me and my cousin with a camera professional." I said laughing thinking about all the good times me and my cousin had. "Well they're pretty good for amateurs." he said jokingly. "Amateur? Trust me we are far from that." I said as a bright light shined through my window. "Oh I think that's my mom well I guess I got to go, Thanks for the clothes." I escorted him down to the door "Thanks again for everything." he said and quickly making his way to his house so he wouldn't get drenched by the rain.

I closed the door and locked it, went up to my room laid down and thought to myself maybe New York is going to be so bad!

Author notes: Thanks for reading the story!

Next: Chapter 3

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