Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Aug 21, 2009


Big Apple Love Chapter 15

"Kevin who is it?" Chase said walking up behind me. "Oh!" was all he said as we all three stood there staring at each other.

"What do you want?" I asked holding back tears of anger. "I want you to come home." my mom said standing there with Dave behind her. "No! You wanted me gone and I left." I spit at her. I could see it was hurting her but I didn't care she hurt me just as much.

"Kevin your Mother and I want you to come home." I stared at Dave but didn't want to answer him; I just wanted to hit him. "Kevin, I'm sorry I kicked you out..." I raised my hand to stop her, "Mom I'm happy here." She shook her head

"It isn't a choice you are coming home." Her entire demeanor changed. "I am home." I said with such venom behind my words. "And I always have a choice you do not own me!" I yelled as I started getting really angry.

"According to the state I own you until you turn 18, get your stuff and lets go!" she yelled back.

"I am not leaving!" I said yelling as Chase put his arm around my shoulders. "Kevin... I think it's best if you go with your mom." I looked up at him and he had an empty expression on his face.

"What? No Chase I'm staying." He spoke to my mom, "Just give us a minute he'll be down soon."

My mom stood in the doorway for a moment and turned and walked away.

"Why are you trying to get rid of me?" I yelled at Chase as he closed the door and had his back to me. "I am not trying to get rid of you but your mom is right you have to go..." "But Chase I..." "Kevin let me finish. You're a minor and until you're 18 your mom does own you." I shook my head. "Listen, you'll go home with your mom and I'll see you in the morning. Ok?"

"But Chase I want to stay... here... with you." he leaned in and kissed me on my lips. And smiled at me, "I want you to stay too but..." "Yeah I know I have to go."

He helped me get all my stuff together and he kissed me one final time as I walked out the door and down to the car.

How did they even know where I Was?

As soon as we got home I ran upstairs and lay on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the constant vibrating of my phone. It was a text from Chase. 'Be outside in 5!'


I forgot to set my alarm. I rushed through brushing my teeth and my other bathroom duties and put on a pair of jeans and a polo grabbed my jacket and made my way downstairs.

My phone vibrated again, 'I'm outside hurry or you're going to be late.'

"Sorry I forgot to set my alarm." I said climbing into the passenger seat.

"Its ok." he said leaning over and giving me a kiss before pulling off.

"See you later?" I asked Chase as half my body was outside the car. "Of Course, I'll be here to pick you up." I smiled and kissed him goodbye.

There was still snow left on the ground; it was like a Christmas wonder land pure white snow untouched by man kind. The light was being reflected, almost blinding me.

"Hey Kevin, How was your snow day?" Mark said throwing his arm around my shoulder. I almost slipped on the ice because the added weight and force almost knocked me off balance.

"Lovely!" I said as we walked into the school. The floor was wet and slippery but manageable.

"That's good." "Not that I don't enjoy this little exchange but. What do you want?" I asked trying to sound the least bit rude.

He Paused.

"Well Leo wanted me to give you this." He said handing me a folded piece of paper with my name on it.

"What is it?" I said looking at it and examining it from every direction. "I don't know he told me to deliver it directly to you and don't read it." I shrugged. "Okay thanks." I said stuffing the letter in my back pocket.

After Mark and I went our separate ways the letter in my back pocket was all I could think about. I didn't speak much through out the day and especially at lunch. I faded in and out of the conversation everyone was having.

The letter was burning a hole in my pocket and yet I couldn't bring myself to read it. I felt like I would be betraying Chase somehow.

But could I go on without knowing what Leo had to say to me.

As I sat in the library I couldn't focus on anything but the letter sitting in front of me. It sat on the desk calling my name in his hand writing, "Kevin"

I had to know I picked up the paper and slowly unfolded it. And there it was those three words I wanted him to say so badly, "I Miss You!" and the letter continued,

"Kevin. well where do I begin, It's been awhile and I can't get you out of my head, you are all I ever think about. When I see you with Chase and you're in his arms I get so jealous, that's why I had to tell your mom where you were I really am sorry. I feel so stupid that I let you go. It was just new to me, I cared too much, I honestly loved you but I was scared. I have never felt an emotion so intensely. I want I need you back in my life. Kevin I love you I always have and I always will and I'm ready to fight for you, I know it isn't fair to you but my heart belongs to you and only you. If you want me just say the word and I'm yours and Victor is gone. Please meet me in the locker room at 2:30 where we shared our first kiss and if you don't show I'll understand but I won't stop fighting for you.

P.S. I do sincerely love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Love? Leo"

Who does he think he is? He can just right me letters thinking I would drop everything and come crawling back to him. But it was so sweet, he said he loved me and he was ready to drop everything for me.

I was so torn I love Chase but am I still in love with Leo? UGH! This isn't fair.

I stood at Mariah's locker as Victor and Leo walked by, he glanced backed at me and I could see the longing he had for me. Should I go meet him?

As I was contemplating the idea my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

'Hey Beautiful!' it was a text from Chase. And that helped make my final decision. I pulled the letter from my back pocket and walked over to Victor and Leo.

"Tell your boyfriend to leave me alone!" I said throwing the letter to Victor.

He slowly opened and began reading.

Leo looked so betrayed and distraught but I didn't care, he was now in my past and I refused to let him hurt me again.

I walked away as Victor began yelling at Leo. "What the hell is this?" No response.

"Hey bitch I'm talking to you!" he yelled down the hallway. He wasn't talking to Leo he was talking to me.

I quickly turned around and walked back over to Victor. "What did you just call me?" "A Bitch!" he yelled in my face.

"You know what? I am a Bitch and I rather be that then a dirty slut like you." I said taking a step closer to him.

"Me? A slut? Yeah but you're the one who let a stranger fuck you." "Victor! That's not what happened and you know that!" Leo said stepping up.

I was filled with anger, I didn't know what to do but I felt a surge of adrenaline and the next thing I know my hand is going straight across Victor's face.

"If you ever say anything like that again, I promise I will put you in a hospital." I yelled getting more into his face.

He still had a shocked look on his face and his hand came back and slapped me in the face.

Something inside me snapped and I tackled him. I attacked in a blind fury and nothing was going to stop me.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 16: Big Apple Love II 1

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