Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Aug 3, 2009


Big Apple Love Chapter 14

The next morning I had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, not sure why but I had the feeling today wasn't going to be the most pleasant day.

I woke up shivering as I tried to find the source of the sudden coldness.

The window.

I wrapped myself tightly in the blanket I had and walked over trying to shut the window but it felt frozen open. "Chase" I yelled as I sat back on the bed. "What?" he said running back into the room.

I pointed to the window and a smile lit his face. He walked over and easily closed like he was slicing butter. "It's February why is the window open?" I complained walking over to my bags that sat at the foot of the bed. "I was hot this morning. Forgot to close it."

This morning? I glanced over at the clock and it was already 1 in the afternoon I missed school. "Why didn't you wake me? I can't miss anymore school. I do want to graduate with my class next year." he laughed as he sat us down on the bed. "It's not funny." I said frantically.

"Did you look outside?" he asked walking me over to the window. "Oh!" I said looking at the snow covered streets of Manhattan and the continuing falling of snow.

I forgot that it snowed in New York in February, for some reason I still have this feeling that I live in California.

"I made hot chocolate for you, it'll warm you up." I walked into the kitchen still wrapped up in the blanket. He set the cup on the table and walked back into the room and returned with a very warm looking sweater. "Here!" he said extending it to me, "Easier for you to actually hold the cup." he laughed. I quickly dropped the blanket and replaced it with the oversized sweater.

"You look cute." he giggled I stuck my tongue at him.

I sipped the hot chocolate as Chase watched me. He had a huge grin on his face, "What?" he reached over the table and wiped the whipped cream off my nose. I blushed feeling kind of embarrassed but tried to not let it show.

"You're cute when you blush." he said still grinning. His comment brought more blood to my cheeks and I felt myself turning red.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked thinking it would get boring if he stared at me all day. "Anything you want. Have you ever been sledding?" I shook my head, "Nope, this is the second time I've ever seen snow." his eyes went big as he read my face to see if I was joking.

"Okay I'm taking you sledding today." I wrinkled my nose at his idea I hated snow. But if Chase was involved I loved snow.

We sat on the sled at the top of the hill and my heart was pounding. "I'm nervous, what if I fall, and the bruises will get worse. And I already had a concussion, I don't need another one." "You worry too much, and I'm here nothing is going to happen." he said wrapping his hands securely around my waist. I took a deep breath and we slowly began down the big snow covered hill.

The wind picked up and I could feel it pushing against us and the snow swirling around us it was exhilarating. I could here Chase laughing behind me just as joyful as I felt. We slowed at the bottom of the hill and stopped.

"That was amazing!" I said smiling ear to ear. "I thought you hated the snow." he said mockingly. I punched his arm as I said, "Race you to the top." And I took off running.

We spent all day on that hill I absolutely loved it not just the rush of racing down but also being able to have Chase hold me so close.

It was dark as we walked back home, hand in hand. It felt good feeling the warmth of his hands.

But again that odd feeling that something bad was going to happen was bubbling over. It began to die down once I saw the door to the apartment building the feeling began to die down.

"More hot chocolate?" Chase asked as he got up from the couch. "Yeah but I'll get it!" I said hopping up and walking to the kitchen. I felt like I was on top of the world and nothing was going to bring me down.

Ding Dong. "I got it!" I yelled as I swung the door open.

"What are you doing here?" I said as my smile quickly vanished.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 15

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