Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Jul 29, 2009


Author's Note: Yeah I know it's been awhile but I have had the most extreme case of Writers block ever I hope you ladies and gents enjoy.

Big Apple Love Chapter 13

The next couple of weeks were amazing except for the pain in my side from the bruised ribs and the mild concussion I had from my attack. I cringed at the thought of him even getting that close. I guess Chase noticed, "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" I shook my head as he got up from his desk and was at my side. "I'm fine." I said. "You worry too much." "That's because I care about you." he said kissing my hand and making his way to my neck. Four days. That's all it took for me to realize that I liked him way more than just using him to get back at those two. "Do I have to go back to school tomorrow?" I asked as I got off the couch to stretch my legs. "You've been out of school for two weeks; it's time to go back."

I groaned as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "Yeah but..." "It'll be fine and plus that Valentines Day dance is on Friday." Was Valentines Day really this Friday and I'm single. "I don't want to go to the dance alone." Chase smiled slyly at me and said. "I'll go with you. If you want me to go." I smiled as I turned around and hugged him. "Ouch." I said as he let go and frowned, "Sorry, I forgot." "It's okay." "Let's change those bandages and hit the hay, school in the A.M." I groaned as I shuffled towards the bedroom.

"You'll be okay Kevin." He smiled at me and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek. I took a deep breath and stole another kiss from Chase and got out the car. 'We can do this.' I said to myself as I Walked back through this big glass doors. I felt like all eyes were on me as I walked down the hall to Mariah's locker.

I was stopped in my tracks as I saw it; them and her. She was hanging with Victor and Leo, What the hell? "Kevin!" I heard as my eyes met hers, "See you later M." Victor said looking back at me rolling his eyes and pulling Leo with him. "I missed you so much." She said hugging me tightly I winced in pain as her arms wrapped around me, she must have noticed because she quickly dropped her hands to her side,

"What happened?" I lifted my shirt slowly to show the bandages and said, "Bruised ribs, but I'll be okay, and I missed you." She grabbed my hand pulled me along as we made our way to first period. "I missed you too, when I heard what happened I felt so bad." "Who told you?" II tried to keep this a secret as much as possible. "Mark, Chase told him and Mark told me and a few other people." I shook my head as I now felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked into first period. I groaned in annoyance as I took my usual seat next to Mariah. "So besides you and Victor becoming friends, what else did I miss?" She shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing except we're getting a Student Teacher in U.S. History."

I guess the last few weeks have been pretty boring it didn't take long for me to jump back into the loop and find out all the rumors that were circulating around about me. "So far I found out that I O.D. on drugs and fell down a flight of stairs and that I was arrested." Mariah Laughed as we walked into to the cafeteria.

Lunch was uneventful and so was the rest of the day. I walked out to the student parking lot and there was Chase waiting like he said he would be. He pulled me into a hug and it felt good to be in his arms again after being in school all day it was just what I needed. As we separated I noticed Leo staring at us from across the parking lot. And I saw pain in his eyes like he was longing for me, like he wanted to be the one hugging me.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head coming back to reality, "Nothing just hungry." Chase smiled at me as he held the door opened for me. "What do you want to eat?" I shrugged, "Burgers and fries." he smiled as we pulled off and I could feel Leo's eyes following us as we drove down the street.

"It was his choice to let you go." Chase said as we sat in the parking lot. I wrinkled my nose and eyebrows. "It was Leo's choice to let you go. A dumb choice but it's not your fault." I smiled, "Is it that obvious, I do blame myself but you're right I'm ready to let him go." "Take your time I'm willing to wait." "What's the point of waiting? I know how I feel about you." "Don't rush Kevin we have plenty." I cut him off and leaned in and I felt his lips touch mine and my pulse quickened and everything felt right for once. I felt like we were the only two on the planet and Leo was now just a faded memory and I was fine with it."

Closing Note: That's it for this chapter of Big Apple Love Next chapter to be up soon... Uf you enjoyed this Check out another one of my stories Romeo & Julius

Next: Chapter 14

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