Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Feb 2, 2009



What Am I going to do? This can not be happening. Chase where are you?' I thought as the engine in his car went silent and he got out. Stand Up!' I commanded myself. I stood up preparing to run if necessary. I felt the adrenaline running inside me, coursing through every vein. "Fight or flight?" Damn it! I was shaking as he got closer. I felt my body tremble with fear thinking back to that night.

"Hey Cutie!" he said continuing to walks towards me as I took a step back trying to stay a safe distance away. "You do remember me, right?" I nodded. No, stupid don't respond." I shouted at myself taking another step back. "What are you doing out here alone? You do know it is a dangerous city, a lot of people looking for some fun." He said letting out a maniacal laugh. Chase?' I whispered to myself as I felt the cold silver droplets returning to my eyes, awaken by fear. "I had fun that night at the party maybe I could have repeat." He said now walking faster towards me. "NO!" I yelled speaking for the first time. "Don't be scared, You know the lion loves when it's prey is scared, then there is some what of a challenge." He said thinking I was just going to let him have me. "And sometimes the lion slips and makes a big mistake, don't be cocky." I said continuing on with the same analogue. "I have a lot of reasons to be cocky." He said grabbing his hardening crotch. I noticed his leg muscles tense he was getting ready to throw himself at me. "Oh please that little thing; I barely felt it WHEN YOU RAPED ME!" I yelled knowing he was getting angry and wasn't going to be as smart about his attack. "You little BITCH, it wasn't rape you wanted it and I'll make sure you feel it this time." That is when he struck I tried to run but he caught my legs and I fell face first onto the ground. We wrestled as I tried to break free but he was to strong. "Ahh!" I screamed hoping someone would hear me. "Shut up!" he said smacking me across my face. I felt water running down my face, tears? I felt his cold hands encircle my neck he was cutting off my oxygen, no not again. I felt my heart rate increase as my vision became blurred from the lack of oxygen and the impact of his hit. He took another swing at me this time repeatedly punching me on my sides. I needed to escape he was killing me. He was straddled over me trying to take my life away. I drove my knee straight up and hit him perfectly in the balls. He rolled off of me gripping his balls and inhaling sharply from the pain. I was gasping for air and I felt his hand grab my ankle, "You are not getting away that easy." He said trying to bring me back to the ground. I did the only thing I could took my foot pulled it back as far as I could and drove it straight into his face. I saw the blood drip to the ground and knew this was my only chance I gathered all the air I could as I ran away from the park. Bang! I collided with someone and lost balance. "Chase!?" I said as I shook off the impact of the fall. "Kevin what happened? You are bleeding." He said helping me up and ripping a piece of his t-shirt off and pressing it against the blood dripping from my head. "He found me, he tried to rape me again, and I was so scared I tried to run but." my voice cracked as I saw his car drive by and we made eye contact. I stared at him and didn't know what to say. He and Chase made eye contact as he peeled off down the dark streets of NYC. "Kevin I am so sorry I should have been here sooner." He said blaming himself, wow he was such a sweet guy. "Let's get you back to my place and clean that up." He said as my legs began to wobble and I was once again losing balance and feeling light headed. "I can't walk my legs hurt and I feel light headed." He swiped me off my feet and carried me to his car and slowly and carefully placed me in the passenger seat and put my seat belt on.

When I woke up it was still dark out and that really didn't give me any indication to what time it was? I sat up in the bed I was in and looked around, there was a clock near the bed and it read, 2;30 a.m. Where was I? I got out of the bed deciding to go look around. I walked into the living room, or what I believed to be the living room. And there was Chase sleeping on the couch. `Why did he sleep on the couch the bed was definitely big enough it had to be at least a queen sized bed. I walked around and to get a better view of his face and he had a worried look on his face. I sat down on the couch lightly trying to not wake him up but just sit and watch him sleep.

The look on his face was filled with so much anxiety I just wanted to wrap myself around him and tell him everything was going to be okay. I slowly made my way to his side of the couch and slowly lifted his arm and squeezed myself in between his arm and body so we were now snuggled close together. I felt his breathing slow down a bit and the tension in his body evaporated as I held him and closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep laying in my knight and shining armors arms.

"Hey, Kevin Wake up." I heard as my dreamless slumber came to an end. "Kevin, wake up." I heard again as I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me. "Five more minutes." I mumbled as I pulled the covers over my head to block the sun. "Come on cutie, get up, I made breakfast." Could he get any better, he takes me after my mom kicks me out and comes to my rescue when that bastard tried to rape me and now he cooks for me. "You are amazing." I said opening my eyes and looking at him standing over me. "Come on, you need to eat." He said flashing that beautiful smile at me.



Next: Chapter 13

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