Big Apple Love

By John Doe

Published on Oct 6, 2008


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As I walked up the stairs of the new brownstone building we were moving into, it hit me that this is my new city, new home, and a place with new drama. Moving from California to New York was a big move and wearing shorts wasn't a smart move since my mother is such a slower mover and I had to wait for her to walk up the stairs as she admired the new buildings. It was mid-fall October 3rd and that meant I would be starting school that Monday. "Mom, hurry up I'm cold." I said as she stood waving to the neighbors who were watching us as if we were some foreign people, well I guess we are. "I told you not to wear shorts." I rolled my eyes as she put the key into the keyhole and opened the door to the rest of our lives.

Well I might as well tell you a little about myself, My name is Kevin Smith born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I'm 16 a junior in high school I enjoy modeling, acting and singing and plan on one day taking Broadway and "Tinsel Town" by storm. I plan on being the biggest thing since sliced bread. I'm 5'9'' average around 135lbs, semi built, black hair, brown eyes and pretty damn good looking. I describe my style as different some what preppy but, very unique. Oh yeah and between you and me I'm gay and only a selected few of my California friends know.

I step inside and look around it is way bigger than our old place in Cali. The living room is full of boxes. "Kevin take these boxes to your room." my mom yells from down the hall. "Isn't that the mover's job?!" I said jokingly grabbing one of the boxes marked with my name on it. "Excuse don't be so DIVA like." she said "Okay mom!" I yelled from upstairs. I but the box near the closet, walked over to the window and looked outside and saw the cutest guy ever. He had a mid-length cut a little above his shoulders his hair color as brown with blonde highlights green eyes and he was just sitting in his backyard looking at the different colors leaves they were beautiful not as beautiful as he was though. I guess I must have dazed off and I realized he was staring at me we made eye contact and he gave me a smile and that's when I melted so I just walked away from the window kind of blushing. I brought the rest of my boxes upstairs and began to unpack when my mom asked if I wanted to go out for dinner.

We ordered pizza from this pizzeria around the corner but they didn't deliver so I volunteered to walk and get pick it up well its not like I was going to let my mom go anyway there are crazy people in New York City. "Take a coat it's going to be chilly." she said as I was heading towards the door. "Okay mom." I grabbed my coat that was on the coach from when we were unpacking.

As I was walking down the street I just kept thinking about that kid I saw earlier and hoped that he'll be going to the same school as me. I kind of doubted it because I was going to some ritzy private school but you never know.

I turned the corner and there was the pizzeria it was cute, red bricked building neon lights that flashed GINO'S. I walked in and was stopped in my tracks because there he was the boy from early I couldn't believe it how could I walk up there after I was caught staring at him. I took a deep breath and walked up to the register. "Welcome to Gino's." he said as he looked me in the eyes. "Uhh I called and ordered a large pie and a 2-liter drink." I said hoping he didn't realize that I was staring at him earlier. He walked to the back and came back in about a minute and said, "Umm the cook never got your order so he just started to make it." I responded with a sigh,

"Okay so how long is it going to take?"

"It won't take no longer then 10 minutes."

"Okay" I said as I moved to the side and stood there waiting.

About 5 minutes passed when he spoke to me again,

"Are you new to the neighborhood?"

"Yeah my mom and I moved in today." I said and response I grew happy because he was actually speaking to me.

"Yeah you moved into the brownstone next door to me I remember I saw you looking out your window today."

"Yeah just taking in the colors of the trees, not really used to seeing different colored leaves." I said hoping we wouldn't bring up the fact that I was staring at him and not the leaves. "Oh where are you from?" he said moving closer towards me. "California, Los Angeles to be exact." I said with a smile on my face.

"That's cool so what school are you going to." he asked as he took his apron off. "Umm it's a private school umm Manhattan Prep."

"Oh yeah I go there are you scheduled to take the bus or do you drive?" he asked. "Sadly I sold my car before we moved out here so I guess I'll be on the bus." I said sniffling jokingly. "Oh wow well if you want you can ride with me on Monday since you're new and all it's kinda of weird being the new kid on the bus." he said, and for a second my imagination ran wild and I pictured him just grabbing me and kissing me but there is no way he's gay. "That would be awesome because I hate riding the bus." I said as the ok yelled from the back, "Order Up.!" "Oh here's your order, well see you on Monday." he said handing me the pizza box, the 2-liter drink and my change. As I walked towards the door I realized I didn't get his name. "Oh I never..." he cut me off and said, "It's Leo." "Okay Leo I'll see you Monday morning."

Next: Chapter 2

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