Bewitched Bothered and Between

By william michael

Published on Mar 3, 2023


Bewitched, Bothered, and Between Part 3

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Tom stood in the driveway admiring his new car, a second hand but immaculate Japanese four door sedan that was part of the settlement the family lawyer had secured as a result of the accident that had ended his sports career. He and his girlfriend Patty had graduated from high school the day before, she at the top of the class, he somewhere in the top quarter. They had attended a party the night before and Alisande was conspicuous by her absence afterwards. Tom was concerned that she may have gone off on some new errand. The last had proven to be nearly fatal.

He and Patty were planning a trip to the community pool for the day so he threw his bag in the car and headed off to Patty's house. The car was nothing special since his interests didn't run in that direction, it was to be reliable transportation to soccer camp each weekday morning for the summer and then commuting to school come fall.

And of course, transport for himself and Patty for their dates and the like. So imagine his surprise when he pulled into Patty's driveway to find two young women waiting for him. One was petite with a maturing beauty that belied her being just sixteen years old and the other, who was quite the surprise for Tom, was tall, voluptuous and had a face that was both preternatural and wise beyond her years. Her smile was shy and a little nervous.

"Alisande," Tom began as he stepped out of the car, "I wasn't expecting you here."

"Good morning, love. Patty and I thought we'd surprise you."

"You did a very good job of it. Are you going to come to the pool with us?"

"Yes, she is," Patty interjected. "It's time she came out of the shadows. If she's to keep you company while I'm gone, she needs to be seen."

In the weeks running up toward graduation, the three had had several discussions about what arrangements' were going to be made and essentially Tom was told don't worry about it, we'll work it out'. As he looked at the two he saw Alisande looking every bit the knockout that she was, without a hint of the witch that lay beneath. She was dressed in cargo shorts that went to her knees but fitted tightly across the hips and ass. Her top was a relatively loose blouse and her long thick hair was done up in a single braid.

Patty was wearing short shorts and a bare midriff top. Tom was quietly amazed at how much growing the girl had done in the last year. He wondered just how she was going to fare at college with all the guys that were going to be sniffing around her. Only time would tell and for now they had the summer to themselves, the three of them. So they climbed into the car, Patty riding shotgun and Alisande in the back seat.

"Is this a first for you, Alisande?"

"No, sweetheart, but a rare event all the same. I suppose I should get used to it."

He smiled into the rearview mirror. The trip to the pool was uneventful and despite the onset of summer heat, it wasn't too crowded. Patty was quick to shed her outer layer, revealing a swimsuit that was only slightly immodest, a matching two piece in black. The bottoms had a narrow side strap and showed just a touch of ass cheek while the top covered about half her boobs, which were pushed together to form a nice cleavage.

Alisande seemed reluctant to follow along but after some meaningful looks from Patty she began to unbutton her top. When all the buttons were loosened, Tom could see a significant cleavage underneath. Then she began to undo the button and zipper of her shorts and he had to try not to stare as she shimmied them down over her hips and then with a last glance at him she pushed them down and away.

When the blouse came away, she was revealed in all her poolside glory. Patty had to have had a hand in the selection of color and style. The color was a not quite fluorescent pink and the cut showed a fair bit more of her large breasts and the thin side straps of the bottom went up and over her flared hips. It didn't matter that Tom had seen her naked any number of times before. To see her like this, out in public, was a singular thrill.

She was also attracting the attention of pretty much everyone else in and around the pool above the age of eleven. She looked at him and he stepped closer so she could whisper in his ear.

"I'm feeling very much exposed here, love."

"That's because you are very much exposed. You're also creating quite the sensation. Just relax. Patty and I are right here with you."

"Would that we were alone and we could put these garments to some good use," she said with a mischievous grin.


So the three walked into the shallow end of the pool and proceeded to frolic and splash, much to the enjoyment of the male observers and some consternation of the females, although Tom's athletic body drew a few eyes, despite the horrendous scarring. Once she was past the nervousness, Alisande seemed to be truly enjoying herself. When they moved further into the deeper water she moved closer to Tom.

"Remember, love, I can't swim."

"We'll keep you afloat," Patty offered with a grin as she drifted nearby.

"I must say, however, that this is very relaxing. The water is comfortable and there are no concerns. Is there a trick to the floating you are doing, Patty?"

"No really, sweetie. Just lean back and let your legs drift up. Thomas, watch to make sure her head doesn't go under."

Tom stepped up and had his hands positioned to support her shoulders in case. But she seemed to have no difficulty although the sight of her pink encased tits breaking the surface, glistening from the water, had his own bathing suit that much tighter. As she floated her eyes opened and she looked up into his and mouthed, `I love you', and he couldn't help but break out in a big smile. The three lovers continued to drift aimlessly in the water until Patty commented that too much sun would likely burn the older girl up.

As they walked out of the water, Tom hung back a step so he could see two sets of wet ass cheeks flexing as they walked along. When they reached their lounge chairs, Patty turned and said,

"Enjoy the show, loverboy?"

"Very much. You two ladies are in fine form today."

Patty looked up at Alisande and said,

"Such a handsome hunk and honest as the day is long. How can you resist?"

"I never could, my dear one. Nor would I ever wish to. I'm so glad he would never seek to take advantage of us."

Tom was turning a little red which got smile from the girls. As they toweled themselves off gazes continued to drift towards the two girls, but apparently one person decided looking wasn't enough. He was tallish and bulky but not particularly well defined. He had a body type that promised significant issues by the time he was thirty if he wasn't careful.

"Well, Sullivan, who's the babe? A friend of yours or the Brainiac?"

Tom turned toward the somewhat larger fellow, his face a stony mask. The other boy smirked back but before either could say something, Alisande's husky voice caught their attention.

"Both Thomas and Patricia are dear friends of mine. However, I find your manner and tone rude and offensive and I'd suggest you find some other place to be."

"Yeah?" the big boy began as he turned to face Alisande, "well, let me tell you something, sweet..." was as far as he got before their eyes met.

His got much wider and his skin paled. The he was turning and walking away as quickly as he could without running. Tom and Patty turned to look at Alisande. She regarded them both but directed her comments to him.

"Tom, sweetheart, look in my eyes and tell me what you see, what you feel."

Tom did so, as he often did and then he said,

"I see what I always see, a beautiful pair of eyes of a most unusual color and I feel deep friendship, love and desire," and he paused and then added, "and a feeling that you would do anything to protect me, us."

"Now imagine what I was feeling just now with that oaf standing there."

Tom thought a moment and then his eyes went wide.

"Just so, my darlings. A talent common to those like me. We learn to block it early in life, but it can be very useful when communicating our true feelings is important. It can save a lot of discussion, or violence," the last being said more quietly. "Now, Patty, you said your parents are out for most of the day?"

"Yes, not until around dinner time," the smaller girl replied, a knowing smile shaping her lips.

"Perhaps we could spend some time together so that the day ends on a happier note than what we just experienced."

"I like the sound of that," Patty said, "what do you think, sweetheart?"

"I like the sound of it very much," Tom replied, "my chariot awaits."

Both girls pulled on their shorts, but left their tops off. As usual, Tom found the putting on as interesting as the taking off. Picking up their gear they headed to the parking lot. The annoying lout was nowhere to be seen. Once in the car, Alisande smiled from the back seat and said,

"I have to say this was, for the most part, very enjoyable. Thank you both for the experience."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ali," Patty said, "it will be nice to know that Thomas and you will be able to be out in public."

Tom reached over and gave her bare knee a squeeze. His girlfriend/best friend always seemed to be concerned about him. With Alisande, it was like an ever present comfy blanket embracing you even when she wasn't there. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw her looking back at him, a knowing smile and a single nod. He also felt a gentle hand on the back of his head, although she hadn't moved an inch. When he looked again she was gazing out the window at the scenery passing by.

He pulled into Patty's driveway and the three piled out and moved hurriedly into the empty house. Patty led them into the family room which was equipped with a large sectional couch, a love seat and nice comfy rug. She and Alisande shared a look and they quickly shucked off their shorts and stood looking at Tom, each with a cocked hip and a small smile. Damn, they looked so hot. He had been right. Alisande in more mainstream clothing looked like the hottest young woman you could imagine, but with no hint of her true nature.

Until you looked into those multi-hued eyes that were burning into his. Her boobs were straining at the bikini top as she breathed in and out. But they had made a pact and that was whenever they were all together this summer, Patty would get the lion's share of the attention. So it was Alisande who reached out and pulled the smaller girl to her, one hand running over the flat belly while the other draped over a shoulder.

Tom watched as Patty pressed back into Alisande, her head resting against a partially clad tit. Alisande placed some kisses on the top of Patty's head while a hand began to undo the fastening of the smaller girls bikini top. When it was off and the firm full tits were exposed Tom had to smile, seeing the changes in her over the last year. When those long fingered hands closed over the bare tits, Patty closed her eyes and melted further into Alisande's full figured body.

As she massaged Patty's boobs, Alisande fixed her eyes on Tom. The different colors seemed to be shifting and her parted lips were calling to him. He stepped up to the two, placing one hand over the cloth covered pussy of Patty, while he brought his lips to Alisande, letting them share a deep tongue kiss while they pleasured their mutual lover. Tom slipped his hand inside the bikini bottom and felt that Patty was already getting wet, and not from pool water.

He let the other hand slide up Alisande's back and he undid her top, giving a tug that freed those big beautiful tits of hers. Her tongue probed his mouth with more energy and he added some extra impetus by sliding his hand down her bare back to take hold of one of her firm ass cheeks. Not wanting to play favorites, he slid his finger along Patty's pussy lips and let one slip inside. She was groaning and grinding her ass against Alisande's leg.

He broke off the kiss with Alisande and began one with Patty who flung her arm up to grab hold of the back of his head and moaned into his mouth. He slid his hand out of her bottom and grabbed hold and tugged it down to her knees where she shimmied a bit and then kicked them off. He kissed his way down her throat to kiss both her boobs and Alisande's hands. The a bit of navel tonguing before he knelt down and began an oral assault on the smoothly shaved pussy.

"Oh, fuck, I know what you two are doing and I love you so much. Oh, yes, Thomas, make love to my pussy with that wonderful tongue of yours."

Tom always got a kick out of how dirty his little genius could get when she was turned on. While he seriously worked over her pussy, he reached up and began to tug down on Alisande's suit bottom, getting it down over her flared hips and let it drop to the floor. Then both hands were on Patty's hips and he pushed his tongue in as far as it would go.

"Oh, oh, oh," was all she could manage, but she did bring both legs up over his broad shoulders and hooked her ankles around his neck.

Her face turned up and Alisande bent hers down to share a deep kiss with the girl. Tom's cock was hard and begging for release but he was going to leave that up to the girls when the time came. Looking up while his tongue worked it's magic, he could see that Alisande was using her fingers to pinch and pull on Patty's nipples, so he added some nose action on her clit and within moments the little girl went rigid, her legs clamping on his head as she rode out the first orgasm of the day.

When it had run its course the girl slumped, letting her two lovers support her weight. Tom rose from between her legs and with ease swept her up and put her down on the couch. Alisande came up behind him and with practiced ease, grabbed hold of his shirt and swept it off over his head. Patty reached up with one hand and slowly undid the strings holding his swimsuit in place and began tugging it down.

Alisande lent a hand and they soon had him naked, his hard shaft being held by Alisande while Patty played with his hefty ball sack. Then she rolled up to sit in front of him and she swallowed half his cock into her hot, eager mouth. He took the opportunity to reach back and run a finger along her puffy wet lips, feeling her press against his hand. When his finger parted her lips and pushed in a bit he heard the hiss of her breath in his ear as she began to kiss the side of his neck.

My god,' he thought to himself, what did I ever do to deserve all this?'

It was at this point that Patty came off his cock and looked up at him and said,

"Please, lover, get that big beautiful cock inside me."

Alisande whispered in his ear,

"Yes, my love, make our girl feel only what you can give us."

Patty fell back onto the couch, her legs parted, her arms out toward him. His cock was fully hard and wet and he knew she was likewise wet and ready so he got down between her legs and brought the head of his cock to her lips and began to push in.

"Oh, damn, yes, fuck me with that beautiful cock."

Her legs came up over his hips and tried to pull him in deeper. It only took a couple of strokes to get him fully inside her tight, wet pussy and she was loving it. Alisande knelt down next to them and put one hand on Tom's ass and her lips on Patty's to share in their passion. Tom's hips took up a steady rhythm, slapping down into Patty while the two girls let their tongues dance. After a bit, Alisande pulled up and Patty murmured something. Alisande smiled, stood and then positioned her pussy over Patty's face.

She lowered herself down so that Patty could take hold of her thighs and pull her wet pussy down onto her mouth. Tom couldn't help but press his face in between those full tits and feel Alisande's hands clasp behind his head. He let his cock pull back until just the head was in and then he hammered it back down. He knew that Patty liked it deep and hard when she was really wound up.

Then his head was being pulled up gently but firmly and a pair of wet warm lips were pressed to his, a probing tongue working into his mouth. Then her lips were by his ear and she said,

"Don't hold anything back, my love. You and I will have the night together," then she was kissing him again.

It wasn't the first time he thought it, but he was glad that he had spent all those years getting conditioned to play a full ninety minutes of soccer. It was good practice for what these girls put him through. He continued to hammer his cock into Patty, while she was working Alisande's pussy, ensuring the older girl wasn't being short changed. She must have been doing something right because Alisande began to buck and shuddered as she moaned her orgasm into Tom's mouth.

When she was done she slumped forward to lean against Tom her arms going around his shoulders to hold herself up. Her big tits were pressed against his chest and her mouth found its way to his again. He managed to keep his hips moving and just as he felt his balls pulling up Patty began to buck her way through a second orgasm and it was all Tom could do to keep from shooting inside her.

When her legs slid off his hips he was able to pull back and taking hold of his cock he shot his load all over Patty's lower abdomen and bare pussy. When he was done he found himself with an armload of voluptuous witch and a handful of softening cock. He let go of the cock and got the other arm around Alisande. They slowly shifted themselves so that they formed a tangle of arms and legs, boobs and butts and some very satisfied smiles.

"You two are going to spoil me," Patty said. "And I couldn't be happier. Hmm, that was so lovely. You know, I think it's a good thing that we'll be separated while I'm in school. I'd never be able to learn a thing with you two distracting me," she said from the circle of Alisande's arms.

"You know, I still think..." he began.

"Tom, I know what you're going to say, but don't. Our arrangement isn't about what's fair," Alisande said. "It's about what works best for each of us. Our emotional ties are very strong, but we also have lives to pursue. For now, Patty's has to take hers a long way away with occasional visits back home. You will be here doing what you need to do as will I. Are you suggesting that one or all of us should go our separate ways because of fairness?"

"I guess not, but I just can't help thinking that just one of you would be more than enough for any guy. The both of you? Who deserves all that?" he asked.

Patty looked up at her older lover and said,

"There is a certain amount of pig headedness, isn't there."

"Yes, even when he was young. If something didn't make sense to him, I had to explain several times until he understood it wasn't something that was easy to understand. I was quite surprised that he so readily accepted the idea I was a witch."

Patty looked at him and said,

"Thomas, sweetheart. Please, just accept that this is a wonderful thing we have here. It's not about who spends more time with who. It's about what we do with that time. I'll be miserable if I have to think that when I'm away, you're going to be fretting over all the time you'll have with Alisande. We've been over this. More than any two people I can think of, you deserve that time together. You two have a lot of healing to do, you know, and you'll need each other for that to happen. And I need it to happen so that I can be happy, too."

With that, Tom felt himself being pulled into a tight physical and emotion embrace. It was a start. They finished the afternoon with some kissing and then a three way shower that had them all very pleased. When asked what he should do about getting Alisande home, she just said,

"I'll sit in the back seat, no one will see me."

So he drove them both home and it didn't appear that anyone did notice and when she got out of the car in the driveway, she gave him a brief kiss and then as she walked away she seemed to fade into the hedges without a trace. He went inside and got himself cleaned up and dressed so that when his parents got home he was ready for dinner.

Later, when he was getting himself ready for bed, the expected tapping came from the window and then the sash raised up. Then she was there, standing looking at him, a tentative smile on her gorgeous lips. The reason being, most likely, was her outfit. It was the same shorts and top, but the top was unbuttoned with just a knot beneath her large full tits holding everything in place. Her long hair was undone and draped over both shoulders.

For the second time that day she had taken on the look of a `normal' young woman and the result was breathtaking. And shorts tightening. Tom was wearing just a pair of workout shorts and the bulge was beginning to grow.

"So what do you think?" she asked, a bit of nerves in her voice.

"You look spectacular. Incredibly hot. Has Patty been making suggestions."

"Mmm, hmm," she replied in the affirmative. "And she gave me several of her periodicals, magazines. They've given me something to think about."

While speaking she was moving in that soft glide she could use and when she was close enough her arms were up over his shoulders and she was kissing him softly. When she pulled back her eyes were soft and warm.

"I hope you won't mind if we take our time tonight."

"It doesn't matter. Time always seems to stop when I'm with you."

She kissed him longer and deeper this time and when she pulled back the look she gave him was unreadable.

"Tom, I had such a wonderful time today. Are you sure we can do more of that?"

"I don't see why not. You saw people looking at you but that was because they saw a beautiful young woman, not a witch. With the right clothes, no one will ever be able to tell the difference. As long as you don't do anything, you know, supernatural."

"That reminds me. I do have something like that for you," she said, stepping back so she could removing something from a pocket.

Whatever it was, it wasn't very large, of a greenish gray material, possibly stone, and it was hanging from a leather thong. She held it up and said,

"Do you recall when you asked how you could know if I was ever in trouble but away from here?"

He nodded.

"As long as you wear this, you'll know how I fare and where I can be found."

"Wow, magic?"

The look she gave him had him feeling like he was seven again.

"Sorry," he said with a bit of a laugh.

"It's alright, sweetheart. We all have adjustments to make. Please put it on."

He slipped the thong over his head and when the object touched his chest he felt several things. The first was that it was warm, but comfortably so. The second was that he had a feeling of great contentment, but it wasn't his own. And the last, and he didn't know why but he was sure that if he closed his eyes he would know exactly where Alisande was. He looked at her with eyes wide.

"Yes, my love. Now you know my feelings as I have always known yours. There is something else. While it is not a shield of any kind, it can help dissuade someone from acting against you. That is for my benefit, as much as yours."

He leaned toward her and their lips met for a long, more impassioned kiss. His hand came to rest on her bare knee while arms came up around him. When they came up for air, Tom leaned back so he could look squarely in her eyes.

"Tell me something, beautiful, how are you doing? I mean if you're going to be taking Patty's advice, that can't be done for free."

The smile she gave him was warm and he sensed a bit of humor within the shell of contentment as she took his hands in hers.

"My most beloved, you are right. For what I want to happen will make it necessary to acquire new clothes. But I believe I've told you before that I have resources. There are places that pay to acquire what my mother and I, now just myself, produce from what we harvest. And with your help I have gathered a great deal of raw material. And there are resources that have been handed down the generations that I can access if needed. You have no need to be concerned, although I appreciate your thoughts," she said, kissing his forehead for emphasis.

"Okay, I just worry sometimes."

"I know, and you wouldn't be you if you didn't."

This time the kiss was on his lips and it lasted much longer. Then she rose up and face him. Looking down she said,

"Would you, please?"

The red tinge of desire was winding its way through her contentment and he knew what she wanted. He reached forward and undid the button on the waistband of her shorts and then pulled the zipper down. A few tugs on his part and some shimmying on hers had the shorts down around her ankles. What was revealed really got his attention. A pair of black lace bikini panties covered her bare pussy. He wondered what the back looked like.

Then he reached up and undid the knot holding her blouse in place. There wasn't much movement as her magnificent tits were set free and he was able to reach up enough to push the blouse down off her shoulders. As if she knew, she did a slow turn around so that he could see that the back of the panties was just a very small triangle joining three strings together. Since she wasn't moving too quickly, he moved in and pressed his lips against one firm, warm ass cheeks.

She chose to stop and let him pay attention to one of her major physical attributes. And he did. His hands came up to hold her hips and he began to worship her ass. Again, his enhanced perceptions felt more and more desire rise up, threatening to shatter her composure. Wondering how far he could push it, he pulled the string that ran up along the crease between her glutes, and applied his tongue to her tight ass ring.

He heard her groan and felt her shudder as he licked and prodded. Still holding her hips he felt her lean forward a bit and press her ass back against his face. Had he been able to see he would have been treated to the sight of her long fingered hands pawing at her large tits, her face a mask of lust. Her sense of contentment was now gone and replaced in total by the red haze of her desire for him. This prompted him to drive his tongue deep past her tight ring.

"Oh, my love, you're driving me crazy. Don't ever stop loving me."

He let one hand go around her hip and found the top of her pussy, with the hard clit begging for attention. He began flicking it with the tip of his finger and she began to move her hips back and forth. At some point she had had enough and she turned around, pulling her ass away from his tongue and pressing her bare, dripping pussy to his face. He used his hands to grab her ass and pull her tight against his mouth as his tongue now began to lick and probe between her lips while he used his nose to tease her clit.

Her fingers were now entwined in his hair and making sure his mouth stayed glued to her pussy. He let a finger slip between her ass cheeks and he toyed with her wet ring. He wasn't sure but he thought he heard a low hissing `yesss' so he pushed in with his finger and while he tongue fucked her pussy he finger fucked her ass.

Her head was back, her eyes closed, and he could feel the ends of her hair brushing against the hands on her ass. Everything about this girl stimulated him in one way or another. His cock was still trapped in his shorts but he was totally focused on getting her that first orgasm and if he was feeling things right it was going to be a killer. He stroked in and out with both tongue and finger as Alisande's hips pushed forward and back and then moved in circles as if she couldn't keep them under control.

At the same time as he felt her go stiff he sensed a brief flash of heat and light as Alisande bucked and shudder through an intense orgasm. He held on and kept applying pressure with his tongue and finger until her body went limp and she began to slide down, coming to rest straddling his hips and her head resting on his shoulder. He brought his arms up around her back to hold her in place while her wet pussy rubbed up against his bulging shorts and her heaving chest was pressed to his.

It took a few minutes but she finally pulled her head up and leaned back enough so she could focus on his eyes. The colors were shifting about and the slight angularity was more pronounced. Then her lips were on his and they felt like they were on fire. Her tongue danced around his until his head was spinning. She finally pulled back and smiled softly.

"I forgot to mention that one of the side effects of my gift to you is a tighter connection, I think you would say. It can be a bit intense at times."

"You don't say. So you know what I'm feeling right now?" he asked.

"Perhaps, but why don't you tell me."

"I love you, Alisande. I think I have since that first day. No matter what happens, I always will and I will always be here for you."

"I think I've always known that, my love, but it sounds so much better when I hear you say it. And I want to hear you say it, anytime you wish. And hear this. My love for you is deeper than anything I can imagine. It wasn't supposed to be this way you know. I have no idea who my father is, or was. We aren't supposed to. Witchcraft is all about the feminine."

"I thought there were warlocks?"

"No, love, that's just a fantasy. Probably started by some man that didn't like the idea of women having all the power," she said, smiling down at him. "That's why I couldn't ever let my mother know about you and how I felt about you."

"Will what we are doing get you in some kind of trouble," he said, the concern in his voice touching her heart.

"No, love. I choose to chart my own course. And none may gainsay me. I choose you. And Patty. And when the time comes, I will bear your child and she will grow up knowing a different way of life. Now, enough talking. It's time to use my mouth for a better purpose."

With all that said, she fastened her lips on his again and they burned. Her hips ground her pussy against his bulge and her big tits pressed harder on his chest. Then she was kissing her way down his neck as she slid backwards off his legs to kneel in front of him. She got her hands on the waistband of his shorts and tugged while she flicked her tongue on his nipples. He lifted up and let her pull them off and down to the floor.

His cock was pointing straight up to the ceiling and with a glint in her eye she dropped her mouth down and kissed and licked the tip of the head and then she opened wide and let her mouth drop down taking in the head and half the thick shaft. Now it was his turn to groan as she applied those hot, wet lips to his cock. He left his hands off her head since she seemed to know exactly what she wanted to do.

After a few minutes he let himself settle back on to the bed. She slid her mouth of his dick and while she stroked it she applied her tongue and lips to his meaty balls. Then it was back to his thick cock and as she sucked he could feel the moans she was making. She continued to suck his cock for a while longer and then she was on her feet looking down at him. She walked around to the side of the bed and climbed on, settled on her back and held her arms out to him.

He rolled over, got on his knees and `walked' his way up between her spread legs. It was here that he realized that the little amulet she had given him was still against his skin despite his leaning forward.

"It will remain against your skin unless you wish to remove it from some reason. Now, come to me, love, and fill me."

He let her arms draw him down so that his chest came to rest on her tits and his cock began to rub against her pussy lips. Her legs came up to wrap around behind his thighs and tried to draw him in. He added some pressure from his hips and his cock head began to push her wet lips apart and sink in.

Her arms tightened and her lips were at his ear.

"Oh, my darling, if only we could spend a lifetime like this."

When his cock bottomed out he drew back until the head was just inside and then he pushed back down. He had the feeling that she wanted this to be deep and slow so he took his time and added some hip grind at the bottom and he was rewarded with a long hissing breath and a tightening of arms and legs.

Her hips began to rise up to meet his down thrust and the slap of skin was audible. Her grunts in his ear were like angels singing to him. He just continued to fuck her as deeply as he could, grinding his hips and kissing her ear and the side of her neck. Then he felt her body begin to buck and heave beneath him and with a final deep thrust he began to fire off thick streams of cum into her pussy.

Her grunts turned to squeals as she buried her face in his neck. Her embrace was crushing and he wondered what it was that made witches so strong. When she eased off she didn't let go completely so he just stayed as he was. Then he felt hands on the sides of his face and his head was pushed up so that she could look up into his eyes.

"How could I not want to spend the rest of my life this way? Does that concern you, love?"

"My only concern is figuring out how to make a complete family with the two of you. Patty may come in and out of our lives at times, but I want us together so that she has a home to come to."

"I have thought about that as well. I have ideas. For now we proceed as we may, you get your education and then we will see. We have time. And right now, I want you a second time," she said, pulling his face down to kiss him as her legs flexed to start him fucking her again.

His cock had hardly softened at all and with just a few strokes and her tongue caressing his mouth it was at full hardness, creating a wonderful friction in her pussy. He kept himself propped up on his hands so he could look down into her beautiful face, two sets of eyes locked together, loving what they saw. Her mouth was parted and her breathing was heavy.

She slid her hands down and took hold of his hard muscled ass and pulled in, keeping him tight against her. His hips kept his cock moving and he was certain now that her eyes did light up when she was very aroused. Moving his gaze down a bit he could see those big tits shake every time he bottomed out in her pussy. They settled into a steady rhythm and he knew she was ready to come again when her eyes rolled back into her head and then she went rigid, her legs and hands clamped on and around his ass and her pussy squeezed his cock like a vise.

He couldn't hold out longer and with a grunt and final thrust he let go with a good but reduced load. Alisande was just starting to come back to earth when he started cumming and it gave her a mini orgasm of her own causing her to twitch and shudder a bit. Then they were both limp and he slid sideways to lay at her side. She had her arms around his shoulders and was lightly kissing his hair and forehead. She let out a huge sigh.

"Something wrong, beautiful?"

"I was just thinking, darling, wondering if my mother had someone to love and who loved her, that thinks might have turned out differently for her. Kept her more grounded."

"Is that one reason why you're looking to chart a different course?"

"In a small way, but I don't believe I have that particular issue. Mostly it's because I can't imagine living any kind of life without you in it. I've always felt that way. And now with Patty," he could feel her shake her head. "I can't, and don't want to, live the old way. Thank you for that."

"Why me?"

"You were my introduction to a different way of life. Remember how you would tell me all about your days at school, your sports, it was a window into what might be."

She hooked her finger under his chin and tilted his head up so she could softly kiss his lips. When she pulled back her eyes were soft and he had the feeling of overwhelming love. He had to wonder how he could inspire such feelings.

"Don't give it a thought, love. I know the basis for my feelings, you need only go on being you."

The kiss that followed was longer and deeper and they wound up facing each other on their sides, pressed against one another, her leg up over his, their hips grinding. They didn't seem to be in any mood to take things further, simply to express physically what they were feeling and discussing. When they were finished kissing, the stayed wrapped up in each other's arms and legs, looking at each other.

"Do you have any problems with having your picture taken?" he asked.

"I don't think so. I never have but it shouldn't cause a problem. Why?"

"I'd like to have a few on my phone so I can look at them when I'm at school and things like that. Especially if I'm having a bad day."

She leaned in and kissed his nose.

"Well, we can certainly do that. I don't have a phone but perhaps you can give me one that's a regular photograph, yes? Photograph. I'll ask Patty for one as well. I assume you have them of her."

"Oh, yes. Quite a few."

"I'll insist of one of the three of us as well."

"Wow, that one will be something to see," he said with a grin. "You know in one of the currently popular stories involving witches, the people in their photographs move around."

"How could that possibly work? As I understand them, photographs are recordings of reflected light. They carry nothing of the person so recorded."

"They call it fantasy for a reason I guess. It's okay, you're all the fantasy I need," he said.

That got him a long lingering kiss. After the kiss was finished, Alisande was able to indulge in one of her newest and best loved past times. Spooning. Now that Tom's knee had healed enough that he didn't need his brace at night, he was able to sleep on his side. That first night, after treating Alisande to a vigorous fucking, he introduced her to the spoon. With them both on their sides, he behind her, he was able to wrap his arm around her waist and press himself up against her back, ass, and legs.

She loved it. She told him it made her feel safe, loved and warm and if he wasn't careful he wasn't ever going to be able to get her out of his room. What she didn't say was that she loved the way his cock felt wedged between her firm ass cheeks. A girl needs some secrets after all, and this one was relatively harmless.

So they lay that way until they drifted off to sleep. In the small hours of the morning he was awakened by the most pleasant felling of a pair of wet warm lips sliding up and down the fat shaft of his cock. He knew she didn't need or want any help so he just lay there, enjoying what she was doing for him. He also noticed that she seemed to be getting more of his cock in her mouth. Between that and the deft use of her fingers on his balls, he was really enjoying himself. But there was no denying her just reward and he finally felt his balls pull up tight and then his hips bucked and he was shooting a decent load into her mouth.

As he shot, she gulped and soon enough his balls were drained and she was happy. After licking him clean, she shimmied up alongside him and got her head on his shoulder and her lips to his ear.

"Thank you, love."

"You're thanking me?"

"Yes, for letting me do that for you, and me. I do so enjoy it."

"You're more than welcome. You can do that anytime."

"Careful how you say that, my love. It could make for some interesting situations," she said as he heard and felt the humor.

Then she was snuggling in closer and they were both drifting back to sleep. He had some delightful dreams of various places with Alisande unzipping him and sucking him off to the amazement of passersby. When he awoke the next morning she was gone and a note on his desk informed him that she would not see him until the day after, as she had much work to do with the materials he had helped gather. He would be busy himself with the youth soccer camp taking up his morning. When he arrived at the field he saw a fair number of kids of various ages, both boys and girls, milling about as a few adults attempted to get them moving toward several tables from them to sign in. He found himself assigned to helping an older man who was working with the middle school kids, and it seemed that the glaring scars on his right leg were proving to be a distraction.

He thought he should probably wear long pants but it was too late now. The coach stopped everyone and said,

"Yes, Coach Tom had a serious accident and it did a lot of damage to his leg. Remember that the next time you think using a cell phone or anything else while driving isn't a big deal. Now, let's try concentrating on why you're here."

The rest of the morning went better and at some point a very welcome visitor arrived in the stands. She was petite, well built with long red hair. When she noticed he was noticing she gave a big wave and blew a little kiss. He couldn't help but smile. After the mornings work was finished he walked over and received an enthusiastic welcome.

"Hello there, lover. How'd your morning go?" she said from the circle of his arms.

"It went fine. The kids were a little distracted by all the scars but once they settled down we made some progress."

"You looked very comfortable out there. I think you might have the right idea."

"What? The coaching, yeah, I hope so. What about you? What's up?"

"The day's all mine. As is the summer, really. I promised myself no serious work until I get there. Just a bit of reading here and there."

Tom chose not to show his reaction, knowing her idea of a bit of reading would be at least several weighty tomes read into the wee hours.

"Lunch?" he asked.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?"


"Hmm, lovely."

"My chariot awaits, m'lady."

"I think Alisande is having an effect on you. I like it."

"And you on her. The change in her wardrobe is quite interesting."

Patty's chuckle was almost naughty. She looked up at her boyfriend and as she hooked his arm in hers said,

"You know as well as I do that body should not be wrapped in 19th century hand me downs and a floor length cape. She's coming out of the shadows and into the 21st century if I have to drag her."

"I don't think you'll need to. She seems to be enjoying the new look."

"And you aren't?" she said with a smirk.

"I never said any such thing."

She hauled down on his arm and put a big wet kiss on his cheek. They walked to his car and he couldn't help notice two things. One was the outfit she wore, a pair for shorts that only had cuffs for legs but the waist line was up by her navel. Her top was a tight fitting Tee shirt with a hem that ended just at the waist of her pants. The other was the fragrance she was wearing. It was subtle and reminded him vaguely of something that Alisande wore. He mentioned it.

"Oh, do you like it? I'm so glad. And yes. Alisande made it for me. You know, sweetheart. She could do very well for herself selling some of the things she makes."

"I got the impression that she already is. I just don't know where. She mentioned it last night."

"After you said something about how she was doing?"

"Um, well, yeah."

"You know, you really are a very sweet boy, but we can take care of ourselves, you know. And," she said to forestall him, "if either of us ever needed help, you would be the first we would turn to. So stop your worrying."

They drove to the pizzeria and enjoyed their lunch. Tom was starving and Patty was enjoying the glances she was getting from some of the boys sitting around them. But she liked it better when Tom's foot would brush her leg or he would smile at her in between devouring another slice. After he paid, they walked out hand in hand and with a quick car ride they were back at her house, once more, as usual, empty during the day.

Once inside, she had her arms around his neck and was pulling him down to lock lips and grind on him for all she was worth. After a few minutes of this she pulled back and said,

"Okay, big boy, how's that knee?"

"It's pretty good, I didn't do much running at all this morning."

"Good, get those clothes off."


"Sweetheart, I know you're smarter than that. Just as I said, get your clothes off," she said as she began undoing the waist of her shorts.

He shrugged and began to follow suit. In moments they were standing naked in front of each other. Patty's nipples were hard and protruding. His cock was getting harder and stiffer and she watched as it grew to its full size. Her eyes were drawn to the side to trace the pattern of his scars. She went to her knees and began to lightly kiss her way along the pale red lines. Tom thought it was a novel approach to medicine, but he liked it. One hand ran up his good leg and then came to rest on his cock, giving it a squeeze before she began to lightly stroke it. When she was done kissing his scars she looked up at him with those pale blue eyes. Her tongue darted out and the tip tickled his balls.

She licked up the bottom of his shaft and then tipped it down so she could get the head in her mouth. Her eyes stayed fixed on his as she began making slow transits up and down his big dick. He had to wonder how he had managed to attract the attention of two such talented cocksuckers. After his head and shaft were wet and slick she slid her mouth off and she stood up.

Her arms went around his neck and with a supple movement she leaped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He got his hands on her ass and held her there, his cock trapped between them. Her head was pulled back and she started to grind her shaved pussy against the shaft of his cock. Then she was looking at him with those eyes. What was it about girls and their eyes?

"Do want to know something terrible about me?" she said, breathily.

"I can imagine anything terrible about you."

She nodded and then said,

"The summer before I met you, when I found out I'd be skipping to sixth grade, I started thinking about the boys I might meet. And I was afraid that I was going to wind up with a nerdy, skinny weakling because that's all that would want to be around Miss Brainiac. Isn't that horrible?"

"Baby, you were a kid and I'd bet you were kind of scared too, weren't you."

She nodded her head and after a few more grinds she said,

"But then you came along that first day and saved me from those kids that were teasing me and you even tried to teach me to kick a soccer ball. And that was the day I fell in love with you and have been ever since. My big strong sexy boyfriend. Now, get that cock inside me and fuck me until I scream."

With that said he pulled her up a bit so that the tip of his cock slid along her pussy lips and with a bit of hip action on both their parts he got it to where it needed to be and began letting gravity do some work. As the head parted her wet, puffy lips she let out a groan and brought her head to his shoulder. When the shaft started to work its way in she moaned low and long and tightened her grip with her legs and arms.

When she bottomed out with all of his cock inside her mouth was on his neck and she was lightly biting. Then it was time for the fucking and he began bouncing her on his cock, his hands keeping a firm grip on her ass cheeks. He wasn't sure but it felt like the stone amulet on his chest was feeling a bit warmer. He wondered. But he didn't linger on the thought long as he gave her pussy a thorough going over. He had been able to do some working out when the braces had come off so her curvy but light frame was no great burden and she seemed to be enjoying the novelty of this position. She had done so much growing up in the last year. This train of thought was completely derailed when her body went rigid and she began to scream into his shoulder as she experienced her first orgasm of the afternoon.

He just kept right on going since the three orgasms of the night before had him nowhere near the need to release his cum load. So to add to her pleasure he began to apply his lips and teeth to her ear and a fingertip to her asshole. Now she was grunting and shaking and riding him like a demented cowgirl on tainted meth. As best as she could while impaled on his big dick, she tried to force her ass down onto his finger.

So, to be helpful, since he was such a nice boy, he took his finger and coated it with her pussy juices and proceeded to push it up into her asshole to the second knuckle.

"Oh, fuck, baby, oh yes, damn, I was so hot for you all that time watching you....oh godddd."

And she was racked with a second orgasm. This time she went limp when she stopped shuddering and he took the opportunity to move her over to the couch and put her on her back where he continued to fuck her deep and hard. By now she was mumbling incoherently and her body was just sort of twitching and vibrating. He finally reached the point where he couldn't hold back anymore and he pulled his cock out of her pussy and began firing several large shots of cum over her sweaty belly and tits.

Her hands were gripping his upper arms but her eyes were rolled back and her mouth was open with her heavy breathing. When he was done he allowed her to pull him down so that his chest was pressed against her tits, smearing his cum load between them. His head came to rest next to hers and she began pressing her lips against his neck. Then her lips were at his ear.

"Hmmm, my god, you are so wonderful. God, that was amazing."

"Yes, you were," he said, "and it's amazing to think you're that same girl from sixth grade. You've really grown up."

"I should be playing the lottery, because with you and Alisande, I'm the luckiest girl alive. And I see she's put her mark on you."

"What do you mean?"

"Your new jewelry. I have mine too," she said, holding up a hand to show him a new ring that she wore that bore a resemblance to his amulet, looking to be made of the same material.

"I guess she wants to be able to feel we're all part of the same thing. I mean, we are all the family she has now," he said.

"Well, you're no big brother," she said as she flexed her hips to rub his cock against her stomach.

Her lips sought out his and found them and her tongue followed along to begin wrestling with his. Despite the mess they had made of themselves they spent the next half hour on the couch, wrapped up in each other and recharging their batteries. Patty was the first to act and she said,

"I'm ready, get on your back."

"Hmm, ride `em, cowgirl," he replied with a smile as they shifted around.

His revived cock was laying along his stomach and Patty was eyeing it hungerly. He couldn't help but reach out and rub her stomach and tits, feeling his dried cum on both. He let his fingers play with her nipples, feeling her push outward, pressing her full tits against his hand. He swore they felt and looked bigger each time he saw them. He tried to remember how big her mom looked. He lost that thought when Patty reached out and took a hold of his cock with her smallish, but strong hand.

She gave a few strokes and tugs and when she assured herself that he was good and hard she slid a leg over his hips and raised up enough to get her pussy over the head. Then she pressed down and groaned as he began to slip easily up inside her. She continued to press and he continued to slip up until she was sitting on his thighs, then she began to steadily fuck herself on his rigid dick.

He watched her tits bounce for a moment or two and then his hands were on them, massaging and fondling, feeling her hard nipples press into his palms. She leaned forward, using his arms for support, her longish hair falling forward. As she continued to ride his cock he began to match her rhythm with his hips moving up.

Her hands were clamped over his and her eyes were fixed on his. They continued to move in concert until she went rigid and rode out her orgasm, her fluids leaking over his cock and balls. When she was done, she raised up, let his cock slip out and then sat down on his thighs. She grabbed his slick cock and began to stroke it in a two hand grip. It took about five minutes but she kept at it until he bucked, lifting her up as his cock pumped another load out to land on his stomach and chest.

The last of it oozed out of the head and down over her hands. When he was done and his ass was back down on the couch, she lifted her hands up to her mouth and licked his cum from her fingers and palms. He felt sorry for all the guys that would cross her path at school and never know what she was capable of. But not too much.

She slowly folded down to lay along his body, her head resting on his shoulder. She wiggled her body to settle down tightly against him.

"Hmm, what a lovely way to spend the afternoon. Are we being too selfish, Ali and me? Are we going to wear you out?"

"I think I'm the one being selfish, keeping you two to myself. But no, I'm not worried about that. I'm in pretty good shape and I'd let you know if I needed some rest. Then you and Alisande would just have to take care of each other."

Patty raised her head up to look down into his face and she grinned a truly evil smile.

"Oh, I think we could manage that."

Of that he was absolutely sure. After a time spent playing in the shower he left Patty who said she needed a good nap before her folks got home and headed for home himself. After putting his workout clothes in the laundry he went into the family room to see if there was any soccer on TV. He was sitting for about half an hour when he heard someone come in through the garage door and his dad walked in and sat down.

"So, how was the first day of the camp, son?"

"It went pretty well once we got them to stop staring at my scars," Tom said with a smirk. "There's some talent in there."

"Did you see Patty at all today?"

"Yup, she showed up near the end of the morning. We had lunch together."

"That's great," his father said, looking at him with a neutral expression. "How are things with the other girl?"

"Other girl?" Tom said after a pause.

"From next door."

Tom looked in the direction of the house next to theirs, the one that was home to an eighty year old widow whose husband had died before Tom was born.

"No, son, the other next door."

When Tom hesitated further his father said,

"Son, don't forget that I've lived my whole life in this house. I was almost born in this house. I've heard all the stories, some of them actually true. Personally, I've never seen anyone over there, but I have heard some things. And I don't know if you know it or not, but if you go up in the attic and look out that gable window in the late fall and winter when the leaves are down, you can see the top of that house. I used to go up there and see the smoke from the chimney."

He kept the neutral expression but didn't break eye contact with Tom. After taking a breath he said,

"She's fine. She lives there alone now."

His father nodded.

"You've known her long?"

"Almost my whole life, since I was seven."

"Is Patty aware?"

"Yes, they are actually quite close now."

His father nodded and he said,

"Well, I'm not going to try and tell you how to live your life. But if I was you I wouldn't let your mother know. She's always been a bit suspicious of that piece of property. If their paths ever cross, she's a friend of Patty's, yes?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, okay. Let's start getting ready for dinner."

Tom wondered just what his dad knew. He was sure that Alisande's mother wouldn't have made contact but he had to wonder. Two days later he got his answer. Alisande was sitting in the comfy chair by the bed and he was using his desk chair.

"No, Tom, I can't imagine my mother ever wanting to talk to anyone outside our community. It made it very difficult on my grandmother trying to keep the business side of things going. I was twelve years old when I started being the go between. I suppose that's part of the reason I'm so comfortable with you and Patty."

He nodded and said,

"It sorta sounded that way. I got the idea that he knows what we're doing and he figures our paths will cross as he put it."

"Well, I'm in no hurry for that. So I brought this for you," she said, holding up what looked like a woven circle of small willow sticks and some dried flowers and leaves.

It was maybe eight inches across.

"What's this, beautiful?"

"Hang it on the inside of your door. It will persuade your parents not to come in. It should prevent us from being interrupted. I should have done this earlier but now that your dad is showing awareness," she said and shrugged.

Tom took the object from her hand and walked over and hung it from an unused coat hook attached to the door. He walked back and leaned down to be face to face with her and said,

"Have I told you how much I love you today?"

"No, love, you haven't."

"Well, I do. You're beautiful, smart, talented, kind, caring. And you're the ultimate snuggler."

She smiled warmly and said,

"And you sir, are the ultimate charmer and flatterer."

"Is it still considered flattery if it's true?" he asked, looking very sincere.

She shook her head, smiled softly, then hooked the back of his head with her hand and pulled his lips to hers. Her hold was unrelenting so he went to his knees and allowed her to pull him in tightly as her arms slipped around his shoulders and her lips ground and their tongues danced. Then she was kissing his face, his neck and throat. Finally, those incredible eyes were locked on his and the amulet on his chest was warming.

"Stand up, my love, I have a surprise for you."

Considering her abilities that could be worrisome, but he trusted her more than anyone he knew. So he stood and her hands went to his waist band and with a tug had his shorts down to the floor. Then she did the same for his boxers and was rewarded with the sight of his stiffening cock. She took it gently in hand and began to stroke it until it was fully erect. Looking up at him she began to lick the shaft and his balls and he took the opportunity to peel of his shirt.

Both Patty and Alisande had commented several times how much they liked to see and touch his well-defined torso. In fact, as soon as his shirt was off, she ran her hand up over his hard abdomen and chest. Then she brought her lips up to the tip of his cock and began to let them slip down and over.

No matter how many times she treated him to this pleasure, he always held his breath until she began the first upward transit. This time he had to release early as her descent was slow and deliberate. The surprise she had in store for him was her ability to fully engulf his thick cock. This was the first time she had done this and it nearly overwhelmed him. She spent a few moments working his cock with her mouth and tongue.

Then her lips were sliding back up and her eyes were locked on his, the corners crinkled indicating a smile if her mouth wasn't full of his dick. She continued to treat him to this slow, deep, sensuous blow job for some minutes. Then she let his cock slip from between her lips and slap upright, pointing to the ceiling. Then she stood up and stepped back.

She was wearing a loosely fitted blouse and a shorter version of the cargo shorts she wore to the pool. With agonizing slowness she undid the buttons of her blouse. She shrugged her shoulders and let the garment slide down off her shoulders. He saw that her incredible tits were encased in a green satin bra that pushed them together into a stunning cleavage. Then she used the same maddening pace to undo the button and zipper of her shorts.

To his amazement she turned around before she shimmied the shorts down over her hips and ass, then as she pushed them further down she stuck her mostly bare ass back at him. Apparently she had learned about thongs somewhere. When the shorts hit her feet she stepped out of them and left them on the floor. She kept her ass out and in his direction as if in invitation and he was definitely accepting.

He stepped forward and went to his knees behind her and quickly took hold of her hips and brought his lips to each firm, smooth skinned cheek. She cooed a bit and shook her hips. Then he pulled the string from between her cheeks and licked up and down the crease a few times. This got a low moan and a push back with her ass. He used his hands to pull the glutes apart more and attacked her pussy with his talented tongue.

The moan turned to a louder groan of pleasure and she braced her hand on the bed. He just kept going, licking her lips, pushing his tongue into her hole and applying some pressure to her clit. Warming to his task he let go of a cheek and used his free hand to flick her clit and explore her hole while he shifted his tongue to her asshole.

"Oh, love, yes, you reach my very core. Use me as you will," she rasped back to him in a husky voice.

He pushed his tongue past her ass ring and continued finger fucking her pussy. His own cock was rock hard and leaking like old plumbing. Then Alisande surprised him by shifting forward to put both hands and one knee up on the bed, exposing more of her pussy and asshole. He figured she was hinting at something and he decided to see if he was right.

He took his wet finger from her pussy and pushed it into her now vacant asshole. He began working it back and forth and her hips were vibrating. After a few strokes he add a second finger to stretch things a bit and she yelped and then moaned some more. He thought he had the right of it so he stood up behind her and stroked his cock a few times to spread the precum around.

Then with one hand on her hips and the other around the shaft of his cock, he pressed the slick head to the lubed ring of her ass and began to push. Her hips twitched and then he felt her push back. Slowly the head began to stretch her hole until it all popped in and she groaned some more. He waited a moment and then began to push some more.

He worked up some saliva and let it drip down onto the shaft. With him pushing in and her pushing back the entire length of thick shaft slowly worked its way inside her. By now he had both hands on her hips and he was able to begin a slow steady in and out. Her long hair, held loosely in a pony tail, ran down the length of her spine and he thought it looked sexy as hell. So was her firm rounded ass cheeks now split by his fat shaft.

Who was he kidding, nothing about this girl wasn't sexy. Especially her mind, or so it seemed. As he fucked her virgin ass, she was meeting him thrust and apparently was enjoying it immensely. He pressed in so that his hips were pushed against her ass and he let his hands run up her side until he could get his hands on her big swaying tits. With some pressure he got her to press back while he lowered his chest to her back.

He used his hips to short stroke her ass while he massaged her tits and kissed the back and sides of her neck. Her low moaning was interrupted by a series of grunts as her body bucked and shuddered. The she was pushing her ass back against him harder and he increased the strength of his thrusts until he felt his balls pull tight and with an increase on his grip on her tits he began to pump a hot load of cum into her ass.

His grunts were almost growls in her ear as her body quivered in an orgasmic aftershock as her ass was filled with her lover's cum. When he was done shooting they remained pressed together, small quivers running through her ass and pussy as well as his cock. She turned her head slightly so that her mouth was closer to his ear.

"Oh, my love, you are a magnificent animal. I've never felt such a thrill, but I've said that to you before, haven't I?"

"Yes, you have, beautiful. And for all my life, I will never get tired of hearing you say that," he said, emphasizing it with a nibble on her ear lobe.

The he was rubbing the side of his face on her hair. She added some head movement of her own to add to the sensation, then she continued.

"After a night like this, I think to myself that I can't love you more than I do right now. Then I wake up in the morning and see you lying there, so peaceful and handsome and I find that I was wrong. For I find myself at that moment, loving you more."

By now they were standing upright, his hard cock still inside her ass, his arms wrapped around her torso, her hands holding his forearms. After a few kisses on her cheek he said softly in her ear.

"I'll never ask you why you do, I'm just very happy that you do. And I have something to tell you that I hope will make you happy as well, but perhaps I should get my cock out of your ass first."

"You do and I'll turn you into a toad right here and now. What is it you wish to tell me?"

"My parents are planning a series of long weekends this summer, now that I'm on my own feet again. Almost every weekend they'll be gone for three or four days. I thought maybe you'd like to keep me company on those days, and nights."

He felt her grip tighten on his hands and her ass press back against his crotch. She let her head fall back on his shoulder.

"That would be so lovely, like heaven. To see you when you awake in the morning. To look at you across a table while sharing a meal. A life I so desperately desire."

"You really were lonely, weren't you? Are you still, now that your mom is gone?" he asked, obviously concerned.

Despite what she had said, she eased her hips forward, letting his partially erect cock to slide out of her ass. She pivoted within the circle of his arms and brought hers up over his shoulders. With her incredible eyes inches from his she said,

"Yes, love, I was. My times with you were too few and too brief. And once my grandmother was gone, it was so much worse. This past year has been wonderful but I have hopes and dreams of more."

With an intensity she had not seen before, he gazed back into her eyes and said,

"If those are your hopes and dreams, then I will make sure they come true. And any fantasies you care to share."

"As you just did," she said, with arched eyebrows.

"Well, I just thought that was where we were heading."

"I'm so sure that you did. It felt so wonderfully wicked. I'm sure I'll be tingling all night. When is your parents first weekend?"

"This one, there'll leaving Friday morning so when I get home from soccer camp..." he let it hang.

"You will be bringing Patty, yes?"

"I was thinking so," he replied.

"Wonderful. We'll have so much fun. But we aren't finished with this night, my love," she said as her mouth closed over his to start a long, deep tongue kiss that had them gripping and grinding.

Her big tits were pressed against his chest and her wet pussy was rubbing on his messy cock. Her ass was held by both his hands, is fingers were digging into the firm flesh as her fingernails dug into his muscular shoulders. Without warning she leaned back and pulled him down onto the bed with her, with him on top.

"Take me, darling," she mumbled into this mouth. "Just take me and don't stop."

And he did just as she asked. With some movement of his hips he got the head of his now fully erect cock to her pussy and he pushed in, hard. She let out a grunt and her legs went up around his hips and locked behind his ass. He began a steady, hard fucking, her rhythmic grunting sounding in his ear.

Her arms and legs were squeezing in on him. For a fleeting moment he wondered if she feared he would somehow disappear in mid fuck. And if he thought she was squeezing as hard as she could he found out otherwise when she went rigid as a massive orgasm ripped through her. He swore he heard and felt his back cracking. But it was enough to stimulate his balls and he began to fire another load of cum deep inside her.

When they were both done cumming, they sagged into the mattress but didn't shift position. She did let her feet slide down off his ass so that her legs were hooked behind his thighs. Her arms loosened their grip but didn't let go of his shoulders. Both were breathing heavily which was doing interesting things to how her tits were pressing against his chest.

His awareness was piqued by the feel of soft wet lips pressing repeatedly against his neck and then his ears. Finally, he heard words whispered.

"I believe I told you not to stop. Have you developed a taste for flies, my darling?"

She punctuated the last with a bit of hip movement. Once again, Tom was thankful that he had not lost any of his conditioning. He began a slow, deep steady thrusting with his hips and he felt her squeeze a little tighter and sigh into his shoulder. After a few more thrusts, her hips began to respond and she joined in. Tom could feel her finger nails raking down his back and he hoped she wasn't leaving any marks. He had enough of those. Then her hands were on his ass and she was adding some impetus to his thrusts but he kept the pace slower. He wanted this one to last.

"Oh, my magnificent love. I am completely yours. How could I have lived without you? Don't ever leave me," she implored him and continued on in a similar if less coherent vein.

Then she was gurgling as her third orgasm, a softer but deeper one, took hold. He rode this one out and continued to stroke his cock in and out of her flooded pussy. He was wondering if so much lubrication might keep him from working up to a third load but he forgot that when a finger began to massage his asshole. She didn't get to the point of inserting her finger before he tensed up and shot a third, less impressive, load into her pussy.

He didn't feel her go through another orgasm but she did tighten her grip with arms and legs as he came, adding some nibbling to his neck. When he was done cumming, he forced himself to roll off of Alisande to come to rest on his side, looking at her in profile. He saw a faint shudder pass through her, which did wonderful things to her tits and then she rolled in his direction.

Her eyes were a little unfocused but she was smiling warmly and a hand came across to caress his cheek.

"That was just wonderful, love. So much raw passion to be followed by such loving affection. To know you is to know bliss," she enthused.

"Um, thank you, but that might be a bit overstated, don't you think?" he said.

"No at all. You are the only man I've ever known, but I have been doing some research in the past few years, as my travels have allowed. You are selfless, generous in the love you give to Patty and me. But more, you are concerned about us as people, not just someone you can have sex with."

"Um, Alisande. Can I ask you about something you said before?"

"If you'd like."

"Why did you beg me not to leave you? Are you afraid that I might?"

"Aren't we afraid we might lose those close to us? I heard the doctors that first night. They said it was a matter of inches that kept you alive. You were that close to being dead. That was one of the reasons I decide to show myself to you and Patty. I couldn't risk waiting anymore."

"Okay, but I didn't make that choice. It sounded like you think I'll choose to leave."

"Darling, you're talking to a woman who has spent most of her life in isolation. She has come to find love and acceptance, passion, longing and satisfaction. Please don't expect her to be rational while in the throes of that exquisite passion."

This was all said with the most open expression he had ever seen on her face. Her eyes were wide and her hand was holding the side of his face. It felt soft and warm. He reached up and took hold of her hand and brought it down to press against his chest, over the small amulet she had given him. He felt a surge of warmth through his hand and chest. He locked his eyes to hers.

"Nothing and no one will ever take me away from you. Even if circumstances puts distance between us, it won't last. What is it they say, `til death do us part? And that's a long time from now."

As he watched, her eyes got misty, then wet and then the tears were running down her face but they were combined with a warm smile that quivered just a bit.

"My dear sir, I do believe you've just pledged your undying love for me. And wasn't that last bit part of a traditional wedding ceremony?" she asked with a bit of a sniff.

"I believe so. Inappropriate?" he asked.

"Far from it. In fact, just the opposite. You've just bound us to each other in a most profound way. And if you haven't be able to tell, I am happier than I've ever been."

She was right. The glow of contentment that he was used to sensing when they were together was a bright ball of joy.

"And Patty?" he asked.

"We will discuss it with her when we are all together here on Friday. I don't believe she will be inclined to disagree. Her intellect is truly enormous, but it is matched with her capacity for love and caring. I saw that the first time we met. And it was all directed at you. Fortunately for me, she had curiosities that provided a pathway into her heart, and her to mine. We shall see."

She leaned across the few inches of space and covered his mouth with hers. While their tongues danced she shifted her body to press against his, one leg coming up over the others. After a few moments she pulled her head back with a small smile and said,

"Hmm, despite what you just said, I think you've let something come between us."

He looked back at her in mild surprise until he felt her hand close around the shaft of his reawakened cock. Despite having come three times inside her his cock had responded to her words and the feel of her body against his.

"I suppose I'm responsible so it's up to me to take care of it," she said.

Using her free hand, she pushed him over onto his back and began to kiss her way down his chest. She stopped to give his erect nipples some tongue action and then his navel. All the while, she was stroking his hard cock. Then she swooped down and swallowed half his cock into her wet, willing mouth.

He let out a groan and arched his hips. She allowed that to send the rest of his cock balls deep into her mouth and she kept it there, sucking and massaging the head and shaft. Her hand was also massaging his balls. The only contribution he made was to rest his hand on her bare back. She had made it clear that when it came to sucking his cock, she was in charge.

Then her lips were rising up the shaft to stop just below the head and then it was all the way down to his balls again. Her skills had improved by leaps and bounds in the last year and he couldn't imagine where the future would take them. But he was going to find out, if it took a lifetime. With his cock buried in her mouth, the head was at her throat and with some swallowing motions she was massaging the head. He was in heaven.

This treatment continued for quite a while, mostly because he had already dumped three loads inside her but also because she was having so much fun bringing him to and keeping him on the edge. But finally he had taken all he could stand and with a grunt and heave of his hips he began to fire a much reduced load of come into her mouth. She had let all but the head slip from her lips so she was catching his load on her tongue, savoring the feel and taste. Then she swallowed.

With his balls empty and his cock now resting on his belly, she leaned up on her elbow and looked at him with a warm smile. Her hand was stroking his bare thigh.

"Hmm, that was so lovely, sweetheart, thank you."

"Um, you're thanking me again for letting you give me another mind boggling blow job?" he asked, incredulously.

"I guess that does sound a bit strange, but you must remember where I'm coming from.."

He cut her off with a finger raised to her lips.

"I know all that, beautiful. I just don't want you to think you have to keep doing things to keep me around. I am not going anywhere without you. Come here."

He said the last holding out his arms to her. She settled down, snuggled up against his side, her arm and leg over him, her head resting on the pillow, right next to his. After several kisses on his cheeks and neck her lips found their way to his ear and he heard to whisper,

"I am yours, forever."

And then there was just the soft steady breathing indicating she was asleep. He held her tightly and before he drifted off to sleep, he wondered if he was going to have to upgrade to a king size bed for the three of them.

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