Between Chapters

By Frank van Dijk

Published on Sep 8, 2004


The Author of this story does not own the copyright for Harry Potter or any of the associated characters. This story makes no claim as to the sexuality of the characters. This story is completely fictional and any resemblence to real people, be they alive or dead, is completely by accident, without any malicious intent.

  • Phoenix -------------------------------------------------------------------------

This isn't exactly a story that's part of any chapter I can think of, but perhaps something that happened in a holiday, it might even be part of my other story (the Ron & Harry one? a.k.a. between chapters part 1 - 5) then this might happen after Harry and Ron leave. Anyway it was a nice sunny day and Fred and George were enjoying some quiet time together - alone....

"I'm bored" Said Fred, his broomstick lying a few feet away on the hill that was in the meadows near the Burrow. "You're always bored, that's why we fuck around with people so much remember?" said his brother George who had, being his twin brother, always been the splitting image of Fred. "Oh yeah, I forgot that!"

George got up from the ground and he pulled his wand out of his robes. "We're not allowed to do magic remember?" said Fred while looking at his broom. "I know, I know, but I want to anyways."

"Just get back here and we'll think of something to do!" Fred called to his brother. "You come here!" the latter called back. Fred got to his feet and walked the short distance down the hill towards his twin. When the two boys, or rather young men, were standing next to each other they were very very hard to tell apart. Their parents sometimes had trouble doing so just as their younger brother Ron, their older brothers Percy, Charly and Bill and their little sister Ginny had. The two were both long and lean, they had flaming red hair that was cut to short spikes and a load of freckles on their faces and arms. When Fred was almost at the spot where George was standing. Suddenly George quickly spun around pointing his wand towards Fred. Fred lost his footing, being shocked by the fact that his brother would point his wand at him and he fell. He collided with George and pulled him down. They fell on the ground together and rolled down the hill. They went faster and faster until they finally stopped in the middle of a field.

Fred was lying on top of George, their faces close together, so close they could feel each others breathing. They looked each other in the eyes, neither moving a muscle, just looking and breathing. "This is rather awkward." Fred said, breaking the silence between the brothers. "Yes...Yes it is...but also it's nice, in a strange sort of way." Replied George who was still looking into the eyes of his brother, who was still looking back into his. Suddenly George reached up around his brothers back and put his arms around him. He lovingly caressed Fred's back. "I'm sorry I pointed my wand at you, I know I shouldn't have done that but I wanted to see how you'd react." Fred, still lying on top of his brother, started to laugh. "How'd you think I'd react if my own brother, that's twin brother, pointed his wand at me!?" Fred shook his head and a tear appeared in the corner of George's eye. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." He said. When George opened his eyes he could see that Fred was laughing. They shook together, their bodies still intertwined from rolling down the hill together. George was looking at his twin, admiring every little deatil of his face....their face. Then he did something neither of them would ever forget. He kissed Fred. The lips of the two boys met as they were staring in each others eyes. The flavour one they knew from themselves, but somehow this joining of the two made it more intense and better.

Soon Fred was kissing his brother back, their tongues darting forward in and out of mouths. Hands that were before used to lift bodies from the ground were now used to caress backs and butts. They were touching and caressing each others bodies, their lips still touching, Fred moved his hands to his brothers chest and began rubbing his nipples through the fabric of the shirt he was wearing. George, reveling in this new sensation, let a soft moan escape from his lips. He knew what it was like when he touched himself like that, but to have his brother do it, that was something he never would've thought of. "You like that don't you?" Fred whispered between kisses, continuing to rub his brother's chest. "Hmm-mm" George moaned. His body wriggling slightly against the other Weasly.

George could feel himself getting a hardon while kissing and touching his brother. And he was very sure his brother would be able to feel it too very soon. He stopped kissing Fred and shifted himself unto his side. Fred, not wanting their adventure to stop, mirrored his brother and the two were now lying on their sides next to each other. Fred studied his brothers face and body as they lay on their sides like that. He could see George's slightly built body under his shirt, and he knew that, just like himself, that the freckles in his brother's face ran over his chest, stomach and even on his ass and penis. The two knew that they would have to live with each other for a long time, until they graduated and found a job at least.

"I think this is as far as we should go Fred" George said, his hand caressing the other boy's cheek. His eyes closed, Fred knew his twin was right, but he couln't just forget this now could he? "I know George, i know....but just for now okay?" His brother beamed at his, blushing he said: "Off course, just for now, one day we'll finish this, but I think for now, it's enough." The two boys kept in their places for a while longer. Their hands rubbing the other's cheek and chest.

They got up and saw that the sun had set behind the Burrow and that it must be getting late. "Race you there!" Fred said, slapping his brother on the ass and running off. "I'll get you for that!" George yelled after him as he started his persuit. There they could see Mrs. Weasly standing at the garden fence looking at her sons. "It's time for bed boys!" she said to them, as they came in and kissed her on her cheek. "We know mum, we know" they echoed.

Hope you liked this one, I'll try and do more short stories like this. Too bad I have less and less time for them though....

Anyways, as always you can send your opnions and ideas for new stories to:

Have a nice day after reading this! ^_^

Next: Chapter 7

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