Between Chapters

By Frank van Dijk

Published on Jul 31, 2004


The Author of this story does not own the copyright for Harry Potter or any of the associated characters. This story makes no claim as to the sexuality of the characters. This story is completely fictional and any resemblence to real people, be they alive or dead, is completely by accident, without any malicious intent.

  • Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter 4B.....

"Now then I'll be downstairs, dinner's in an hour" said mrs. Weasly before she left the bedroom where Harry and Ron were siting together on the bed. She smiled at them and wakled out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Harry felt a hand creaping unto his shoulder and looking to his left he saw that Ron had placed his hand there. The two looked at each other but before they could kiss again the door flew open with a loud "BANG". "Bugger!" Ron yelled and he got up from the bed. He pulled his pants up and fastened them as he walked up the stairs to the attic. He pulled out his wand and tapped the pipes of the heating installation with it.

A scream could be heard from inside them and Harry understood that this was the screaming of the goul that lived there. Ron had probably found a way to keep it quiet every now and then. Ron turned to face Harry and he could see that Harry found this very amusing.

"It's not that fun if it's been doing that for almost 10 years you know?" He said and Harry nodded "You're right it's just.....never mind"

"Just what?" Ron asked his face now even more red then it already was.

"You're cute when you're angry" said Harry, winking at Ron.

"Shut up!" Ron yelled at Harry and the two walked down the stairs again and into Ron's bedroom. Ron took a seat on his bed and looked at the floor. Harry started to repack his bag. Neither said a word. "Do you really think I'm cute?" Ron asked all of a sudden. Harry walked up to his friend, took Ron's hands into his own and said "Yes, I really do". A single tear ran down Ron's cheek and Harry rubbed it away with his hand. He leaned in to kiss Ron, but at that moment mr. Weasly came into the room. "Ah, so it's true then?" he asked the boys. All they could do was nod and look at each other. "Well, as long as you kids have fun, I suppose it's not the end of the world, although I'm sure there will be people who'll hate you for this you know?" He sounded really worried and Harry reassured him: "We won't go out in public immediately mr. Weasly, I think we need to figure this out ourselves first."

Mr. Weasly nodded in approval of Harry's idea and left the room again, closing the door as he left. Harry and Ron looked at each other and as Ron let himself fall backwards onto the bed, Harry carefully climbed on top of him and started to lightly kiss him again. The two boys spent much of the time before dinner just kissing each other, sometimes with and sometimes without using their tongues to feel around the other's mouth. Their hand rubbed all over the other's chest and abdomen and sometimes even over his penis. (But as they were both new to this kind of thing, they didn't go farther than just kissing and touching) at one point Ron started to take of Harry's shirt, but at the same moment they heared mrs. Weasly's voice shouting "Dinner Everyone!" from the top of her lungs, so Ron quickly let go of Harry's shirt which he quickly tucked back in place, because only senconds later Fred and George came barging in the door with their hands in front of their eyes. "Let's go lover boys!" Said Fred, while turning around again. "It's dinner time" said George, following his brothers example. Harry and Ron looked at each other, kissed one more time, and then left the room also.

Next: Chapter 3

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