Betty Bill and Richard

By Mark Stout

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Betty, Bill and Richard 17 (Losing it) Teen bisex incest M-M-F July, 2020

My name is Richard. Betty and Bill are my friends.

We'd been playing with masturbation and then oral sex as a threesome for nearly a year. Betty had talked to her Mom about going on the pill, her Mom had taken Betty to the doctor so she was on the pill now, and told her Dad, so now Betty's parents knew that we were fooling around. Bill's Dad had found his 3D printer making dildos and let Bill know that he was aware that we were fooling around.

The last Saturday in May, Betty let us know that she wanted her Dad to be the one that took her virginity, which hit us out of the blue. Betty was really upset at how Bill and I might react to this. Our first reaction was that we needed to calm her down. Bill calmed her down by telling her that while she asked her parents if her Dad could take her virginity, Bill and I would be asking our parents to do the same for us.

This also hit me out of the blue. I felt that I was at a disadvantage in that Bill and Betty were pretty much "out" to their parents. My parents had no clue that I was messing around with Betty and Bill, so I was wondering how to talk to my folks about this when I walked home on Saturday night.

In fact I was so worried about this problem that I forgot that I was expected to say over at Bill's Saturday night.

When I got home I found an orgy. Mom was bouncing on some guy's cock in a chair, my Dad was eating some woman's pussy while a guy nailed him in the ass.

I watched from a shadow until they finished and I was spotted, which caused a lot of emberrasement to the adults present.

I told my parents that I was going to my room and expected to be asleep soon, and that I wanted to talk to them privately in the morning.

I went to my room and used the dildo to make sure that my ass was still opened, but didn't jerk off.

The conversation I needed to have with my parents seemed a whole lot easier.

On Sunday morning I had scrambled eggs and toast with my parents. Usually there's sausage or bacon or something but I don't think any of us wanted to eat heavy, though I think I'd skipped supper on Saturday. My mind still wasn't on food.

Mom and Dad were both real quiet, like I was going to yell at them or something. They were waiting on me to say something.

It occured to me that Bill had been waiting for his dad to yell at him for years, but I decided not to use that fact.

"I'm glad I walked in on your party last night. I don't care if you've been doing that since you were my age or if last night was a one-off. I think I can tell you what I've been up to with Betty and Bill, and after I get you both up to date on my sex life, I've got a big thing to ask of both of you."

I started telling them that Bill, Betty and I had been skinny dipping at Bill's since we were old enough to know how to swim and be left alone while Bill's folks were at work. I told them how we'd started masturbating, started to make out and kiss and learned to bring Betty to orgasm with our hands, and then how we'd figured out oral sex and how we'd really fallen seriusly in love with them.

I told them about visiting the Safe Space, which they'd never heard of, the Advocacy Center, which they'd ignored, and the Harvey Milk movie. They knew the name but forgot who he was until I reminded them.

My parents asked questions throughout, which told me that they were listening and that they weren't mad at me or emberrassed about last night anymore. I told them about the dildos we'd made at Bills, which seemed resourceful to them, and how Betty, Bill and I had used the dildos to prepare for anal and vaginal sex.

I paused and looked at them to make sure I hadn't lost them. I noticed then that my parents didn't look as old as they were, and how healthy they looked. My Mom and Dad were good looking. Now I had to make a home run or stop trying. "Yesterday, Betty told us that she wants her Dad to take her virginity. Bill and I weren't expecting this. She was really upset at how we'd react."

"Woah!", Dad said.

"Not so strange", Mom commented, "I think lots of girls think about that. If her Dad was forcing, it'd be bad, but she wants this?"

"We asked her that. Her Dad is probably finding about this now." I told them. "Bill's way of calming her down was to promise that he'd ask his parents to take his virginity, and that I'd ask you two to take mine." I felt my ears turning red.

"I was scared as hell yesterday. I didn't know how to ask; I wasn't even out to you as "bi" till this morning. When I walked in to an orgy last night, it seemed easy because now I know that you've both, um, experimented, at least. "

Easy, hell; my ears were hot while I was talking to them.

Dad looked at Mom for a cue, which was a waste of time because Mom was holding a poker face and not giving clues away.

Dad turned to me. "I'm not upset, but I need things simple. I'm going to use crude language but that's just to make it easy. You want to fuck your Mom's pussy, and you want me to fuck your ass, before you fuck Betty and before Bill fucks your ass. Am I correct".

That looks bad as text, but Dad's voice was even and if he was stressed it was because he hadn't finished his coffee or shaved yet.

I answered him. "If you say 'no' I won't ask again, but yeah. What you just said is exactly what I'm asking for. I've known you two longer than any other person on earth and I love you two more than anyone. Somebody's going to be my first. I thought it would be Bill and Betty, but if it's not them, my parents are the only people more qualified. I don't want to upset you. Yeah, I promised Bill and Betty but the more I think about it I guess I wanted it, I'm just now admitting to myself that it's what I want.

"Clear", Dad said. "Now, details. You need to know that I don't have sex with your mom without foreplay. She has to get off before you move to intercourse. Young people don't understand that about women. Do you know that I'm talking about."

"Oh, yeah!", I answered. "Bill insisted that we start everything with making out, playing with breasts and getting Betty... I mean, getting the woman off. We learned t o use our hands to bring a girl to climax first, then we learned to use oral sex to get a woman off before Bill and I did anything."

Dad looked at Mom. "I got what I thought of. What do you have to say?"

Mom was finally smiling. She looked at me. "You just told me what a woman wants to hear. Women my age fantasize about having a young athlete make love to them. The fact taht incest between son and mother is very wrong is the horseradish on my prime rib. First, the three of us need to shower. Your Dad needs to shave and you need to get your ass clean. You know how?"

"I've got a rubber ear syringe just for that. I've got condoms and lube, too", I answered enthusiastically. It was nearly 11am and I hadn't been told "No" yet.

Mom nodded. "You sound like a professional. Your Dad should have told you that when a guy gets fucked in the ass, sometime he comes without touching his dick or even having an erection. About one guy in five has this happend the first time he gets fucked, after that it happens maybe one time in a hundred. Did you know that?"

I just shook my head. My mother never talked like this around me and it was a lot to take in.

"Well, I think after we get showers, you should start with me. We're going to make out like you said, you're going to give these breasts your full attention. I don't care if you use your hands, mouth or both to get me off but you're going to give me an orgasm before you loose your virginity to this girl, understand?"

"I nodded enthusiastically.

"Can I help?", Dad asked.

Mom was ready. "You're going to kiss me like a lover while kiddo here is on my breasts, and you're going to make love to my breasts while he's bringing me to orgasm. Once I'm ready, help him put on a condom and make sure that Babe Ruth can find home plate when the time comes."

Dad looked at me. "Use that syringe of yours to clean your behind. Take a shower, and meet us in the master bedroom. I'll already have condoms when you get there."

Mom and Dad headed for their bedroom. I left half my eggs, chugged half a glass of orange juice and headed for my room.

Next: Chapter 18

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