Betty Bill and Richard

By Mark Stout

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Betty, Bill and Richard 16 (Farewell to Secrets) Teen bisex M-M-F July, 2020

My name is Richard. Betty and Bill are my friends.

We'd been playing with masturbation and then oral sex as a threesome for nearly a year. We were near the point where we could move on to "real" sex, meaning vaginal with Betty and anal with, well, all three of us. Betty had talked to her Mom about going on the pill, her Mom had taken Betty to the doctor so she was on the pill now, and told her Dad, so now Betty's parents knew that we were fooling around. Bill had 3D printed one dildo for each of us, and his Dad had seen the 3D printer working on this so Bill's Dad knew we were fooling around, and had probably told Bill's Mom.

Friday night Betty and I had taken our dildo's home. I got aquainted with mine and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it once I got used to it.

Later Friday night my parents had asked me to spend Saturday night at Bill's to avoid a "boring" grown-up party, and Bill's folks had agreed to me staying.

On Saturday, I met Bill and Betty at Bill's house. We lost our sandals by the front door and went out back where we made out when we had a little privacy, and then dangled our bare legs in the pool while we sat on the side.

We exchanged notes on our experiences with the dildo's. All three of us had penetrated ourselves. Bill's experience sounded close to mine, except that Bill spent more time cleaning himself with the ear syringe. When I commented on taking my own trash out so nobody would see the condom, Bill's eyes got big, he made an apology and ran inside. A minute later he came out with a trash bag, dropped it in a bin and rejoined us at the poolside.

This was in the last days of May, and we had maybe a week left of school. Once our parents were at work we would be out here naked again, and we would've had plenty of time with the dildo's to begin real sex. I commented that since we had all summer we could start by having Bill take Betty's virginity, and I'd be happy to follow up the next day.

Betty surprised us with the word, "No".

I asked, "what, you want me to go first"?

Betty tried to explain. "Which of you boys goes first doesn't matter to me. I want to make love to both of you every way I can, but I've got something we've never talked about going on. It's stupid, silly, probably wrong, obscene, immoral... This is hard."

Bill's turn, "We're fifteen year-olds talking about intercourse. None of can judge you about what's immoral or obscene. Tell us what you want!"

Betty was crying but talked through it. "I don't want either of you to take my virginity. I want somebody else to be first."

I was more confused now, "When did you have time to get another boyfriend?"

She shook her head. "There's no other boy. There isn't a girl. There's just you two. This is hard to say and you might never want to talk to me again!"

Bill picked up where he left off. "Betty we both love you and nothing you're going to say is going to change that. Who do you want..." Bill stopped. His face said that he'd solved a puzzle but was surpised at the answer. "The man you've known and loved longer than us, am I right?"

I'm kinda thick sometimes, and right then the answer was in front of us but I had to be told.

Betty was nodding at Bill. "It's so stupid and so wrong. I want to ask my Dad if he will be the one. I want my Daddy to take my cherry".

Since she didn't have anything else to say, there was nothing to stop a deluge of tears, and they came. She had a big, long cry. Bill and I looked at her and looked at each other, but neither of us knew what to do, and we couldn't do anything till she calmed down. We stayed with her, which was what she needed most, and we all three held each other.

After what seemed like an eternity, Bill took charge. Sometimes I swear he was born to be a general. "Betty, this is coming from your soul and you can't fight it, right?"

Betty softly said, "It must be. My brain sure didn't come up with this!"

Bill continued, "Your parents know we've been playing and that you're on the pill, so the idea that you're ready to loose your virginity won't shock them. You've made a decision about who you want to be the one who does it, and what a great compliment to your Dad that you love him so much that you want it to be him. He didn't ask you for this, did he?"

Betty answered, "Oh no! This will probably be a shock to him!"

Bill kept going. "Alright, this evening, you talk to your parents. The worst thing you could do is go behind your Mom's back on this. If they say no, don't push it because what you're asking for isn't generally accepted. You won't be alone."

Betty's eyes got big. I looked at Bill. "She won't?!"

Bill ignored me. "While you're asking your parents if your Dad can take your virginity, I'll be asking my parents if my Mom can be the first woman I'm with and my Dad if he can be the first man in my ass". Bill said, before turning to me expecantly.

I was still absorbing this. After a bit I attempted a response. "Betty's parents know she's on the pill and your Dad found dildos in a printer. My parents haven't had any warning and this would hit them cold".

Bill folded his arms. "They can say 'no'. Are you going to ask them?"

"You two are both going to ask your parents to take your cherries?" I asked.

"Yes." they both said.

"Then I guess I'd be a jerk to play it safe. I'll ask my parents if they'll take my virginity", I promised.

Betty and I got our sandals and left. I walked Betty home, and went to my own house.

I saw a lot of cars but didn't think about them. The challenge Bill and Betty had set was kind of heavy. I didn't know how to talk to my parents about this and didn't know how they'd react. I went to the back door, kicked off my sandals and walked in.

I heard people, more than just my parents. I couldn't make out words. In fact it didn't sound like conversation, though it sounded excited.

I carried my sandals with me and headed towards the living room barefoot, and what a sight I beheld.

There were about eight people in our little living room. A woman was sitting on the couch. My Dad was on all fours eating her pussy, while a man was fucking my Dad in the ass.

Another man was in an easy chair, and my Mom was bouncing up and down on his dick with her eyes closed. To this day I can't figure out if my Mom was taking it in her pussy or in her ass.

I found a shadow behind a chair and sat cross-legged with my sandals next to me on the floor and just watched. I felt a smile grow on my face.

I know I said about eight people and I only accounted for five including my parents. The others were having one kind of sex or another but they weren't important to me at the moment.

I also didn't say if I recognized any of the other people or if I knew thier names. That didn't matter then and still doesn't matter.

I'd been sitting and watching for a couple of minutes before I noticed that the room in general was working up to some kind of climax. One cluster of two or three people orgasmed first, and soon another followed, then two close together, kind of the way popcorn goes bang in a microwave.

As the last group finished and the first was cooled off, a guy who looked like he was in his late twenties opened his eyes and spotted me, and said loud enough for the whole room to hear, "We have a visitor".

Everybody looked at him, then followed his eyes to where I was sitting, still smiling.

My mom said, "Oh, shit!" and people started moving, a few to cover up and others didn't seem to know what they were doing.

It was my turn to say something. "I'm going to my room and I'll be asleep in 45 minutes. I forgot I was staying over tonight. Mom and Dad, I want to talk to you in the morning but tonight, you can party till midnight or till sunrise. Don't worry about me." I don't know if my smile calmed them or frightened them.

I picked up my sandals and went to my room. It seemed like people were getting dressed and leaving over the next ten minutes. I used the dildo to make sure that my ass was still opened, but didn't jerk off.

I went to bed thinking that the "impossible" conversation I was supposed to have with my parents just got a whole lot easier.

Next: Chapter 17

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