Betty Bill and Richard

By Mark Stout

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Betty, Bill and Richard 10 (A Widening Circle of Friends) Teen bisex M-M-F July, 2020

My name is Richard.

When Betty dragged Bill and I to our school's Safe Space, she freaked us both out, and then after school that day after we went over some pamphlets, she freaked us out again by telling us that we were dressing differently this year. We weren't dressing "gay", but we were no longer dressing like we were trying to be macho either.

Once we were past that Betty got us to agree that on Saturday we'd check out a house that was an LGBTQ advocacy center. On Thursday it had seemed really easy to agree to.

On Friday we went to Betty's from school, took off everything but our jeans and the three of us cuddled and made out. After Thursday it seemed nice to relax and just enjoy each other without trying to get each other off or try anything new. By the time her parents got home, we were dressed and had notebooks out, but there wasn't a lot of homework so we ended up watching TV till Bill and I had to go home for supper.

Saturday morning when I woke up I was thinking about the way I felt a little more. I'd been bursting since November, when I'd first had oral sex with both Bill and Betty, that I'd fallen seriously in love with both of them and wanted the time and privacy to tell them this. Thinking about this had always ended up being a waste of time; we only had about an hour and a half together alone on weekdays after school and before our parents got home from work. Last summer we had all day, but my heart wasn't trying to do a stage act back then.

Today, thinking about telling Betty and Bill how I felt was a process that ended differently. Today Betty wanted Bill and I to go with her to some LGBTQ advocacy place. I didn't know what would be there. I didn't even know if they'd let fifteen year-old's in (the teacher told us about it, didn't he?).

It occured to me that if there was a place where we could sit down and talk, this advocacy center might be a place where I could let it out without worrying about being overheard.

Betty called me at ten and asked if 1pm was a good time to leave. I agreed and said I'd meet her and Bill at her house. When I hung up I felt that I had butterflies. I watched Cartoon Network with Dad till Mom had brunch ready at eleven. I started eating really fast till Mom told me to cool it. Then I realized that I wasn't really hungry. I still had butterflies.

After lunch I tried to read a Heinlien novel I'd been working on, but I wasn't absorbing the story. At 20 till 1 I told my parents I was going out with Betty and Bill, and I'd be back for supper. They were watching me as I went through the door; I guess I was acting nervous.

I got to Betty's a little early. Bill was already there, also looking jumpy. "Let's do this!" I said, and we started walking.

The place was an old Craftsman, at least what my Dad calls that kind of house. We went through the screen door into a living room where a woman with a desk greeted us. Betty told the woman that we wanted to see the place and find out what's going on. I don't remember the whole reply; they had as many activities for people as my Great Grandma's rest home. There was a country night, there was poster making, board game nights, pot-lucks, planning committees, religous groups for Christians, Jews and Buddhists, HIV testing, a movie night and in June there was going to be Pride.

If Thursday was hard to absorb, this was impossible. Betty did us a favor and grabbed activity calendars for that month and the next one.

I asked the woman if there was a room where I could talk with Betty and Bill in private. She just blinked at first. I explained that the three of us haven't been alone without our parents present since August and I really wanted to tell them something since November. I told her that it might take a minute or it might take hours but I needed do get someting off my chest.

Her got really wide while I was saying this, then she pointed us to an activity room and jokingly asked us not to break anything.

The room looked like a classroom at a craft store; there were construction paper posters and rainbows on the walls, a bookcase with some of the books I'd seen in the Safe Space on Thursday, and some tables and chairs. Some of the butterflies were gone from my stomach now; I felt like I'd spend a lot of time in this room for some reason. I looked at Bill and Betty, who were standing and looking at me expecantly. I was the one that asked for the room, after all.

"Like I told the lady, I've wanted to really talk to you two since November. Back when we got to having oral stuff together, something else happened. I don't know why. You two have been my friends like, forever, and I'be probably loved you both since I was about seven. In November something I felt in my heart or my soul happened and It stayed there. That day, like a big light came on and I can't turn it off or make it go away. I love you two, really, seriously, adult love you both and I don't see that just fooling around together like we do can make that happen and it's either too adult for somebody as young as me or too childish for somebody as old as me but..."

I had to stop to breathe. Bill and Betty were looking at me sympathetically.

One short finish, "I don't know if we need to talk about this at all or if we need to talk about it a whole lot. I didn't want to tell you on a weekday after school because we might not be done talking about it when our parents got home. This morning I figured out that we'd be able to talk about it here."

I looked up again and saw that they were crying. They both came to me and hugged me. After a minute they both kissed me. We did talk for about a half hour. It turns out that Bill and Betty had been feeling the same since about the same time as me. Once it was all out on the table, we were sitting down and looking around the room again. Bill noticed a book. "Richard, on the shelf behind you, top row".

I turned around. "Lots of books here. Which one?" "Tall white one, paperback. 'The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex' ". I picked it out. "What about it?"

"That's what I found at the college a year ago. It talks about how to do anal penetration without getting dirty or hurt. It's all in the first chapter." I opened it to the Introduction. Bill stopped me. "Not the intro. Chapter One. You go to the drugstore and get personal lube, I think we want the jelly 'cause I think oil will run all ove the place, and condoms. For us, a twelve pack. For the cleaning part, remember when you were little and you got an ear infection and your mom used a little rubber syringe to clean your ears?"

"I guess so." I was interested in how Bill had gone from condoms to four year-olds in one sentance.

"You get one of those syringes and just use that to squeeze water into your butt to clean it out. People want to try to take a quart in their asses to get more clean, but you only need a little. Anal sex doesn't really penetrate that far. Oh! And witch hazel wipes, like Tucks, to clean the outside of your ass. That book says that some people scrub till the skin breaks, and you do not want to do that."

Betty and I took a minute to absorb all this. Betty commented "the first time is still gonna hurt".

Bill was ready. "If Richard or I start pushing into somebody for the first, we're going to go too fast or too slow and even if one of us tried to take it, it wouldn't be at the right pace, and yelling "back off!" might ruin things. My idea is that each of us has a dildo, we use a condom and lube with it, and each one of us uses the dildo on their butt at their own pace. We can each back off and try again at our own pace. The book says that some muscle in your butt fights against entry, but only for a minute, then it gets easy, and this muscle doesn't fight back for another 24 hours. If you get comfortable with the dildo on Monday evening, you can take a real penis on Tuesday morning."

I gently pointed at Betty. "Sounds like we're neglecting Betty's pussy, and we don't have dildos".

Bill wasn't completely ready. "Betty, I think if you use a condom on the dildo it will be easy to clean. Work on your pussy with it, throw out that condom, put on a fresh one, use lube and work on your butt. If there's more to it, I'm afraid it's not in a book about gay sex."

Betty nodded. "What about the dildo?"

Bill said, "Richard and I need to model our dicks Monday after school, and you should take some photos. Dad's computer in the basement should be able to make 3D models for the printer from the photos."

That was the end of our first visit to the Advocacy center. Bill didn't know it, but he'd also set us up for a funny Monday after school project.

Next: Chapter 11

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