Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Nov 14, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

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Part 6

The man looked up at Kyle and just smiled, " Only if you know where that worthless whore is " and he pulled his jacket back and pulled out a handgun and as he went to point it up at Kyle I heard a shot ring through the hallways. It was deafening, I fell to the floor grabbing my ears. The next thing I know I have people all above me pulling at me and my clothes. I can not really hear what they are saying, the ringing in my ears is stopping me from hearing their words. My arm, why could I not get my arm to move? Where was the pain coming from?


Part 7

" Jerry!! " I heard that, it was Sean

" What the hell happened Jerry, Oh holy shit Jerry. " Sean looked like he had seen death himself.

" Sean, are you alright? "

" Jesus Jerry don't ask about me right now, you have been shot. "

" What are you talking about Sean? "

Sean looked over at Kyle and all the people running over to me and hover above. I began to lose sight of Sean. I scream, " Sean. "

Sean pushed his way through the crowd of people. " I am here Jerry, you will be alright. "

Kyle pulled Sean back and let the doctor and nurses work on my, " Kyle, Kyle " I yelled. " Keep them safe Kyle " I got out before I passed out.

Kyle pulled Sean into Mary's room and looked at them both, " Do not come out of this room until I came and get you. Sean, did you hear me? " " Sean!! " Kyle raised his voice bringing Sean back out of his trance, " Did you hear me Sean? "

" Yes Kyle. But what happened? "

I have to get back out there to Jerry, I will come back as soon as I know more, but under no circumstances are you to leave this room. "

Kyle headed back out the door. Sean fell to the floor and began crying he did not understand what had happened. How did Jerry get shot? Was he going to be ok? All the questions running thru his head. A nurse came in the room to do a patient check and found Sean on the floor, she helped him up and over to a chair and tried to help him with his terror.

Kyle was down the hall with Chief Jacobs, Captain Marshall, and the detectives.

Detective Arnolds spoke to Kyle first. " Do you know who that was that you shot Mr. Watson? "

" Of course I don't, he asked where that worthless whore was and pulled a gun out of his belt hidden by his jacket. "

Detective Arnolds then spoke again, " That was Clyde Nicolson and he is the suspect in the Mary Austin assault, she identified him as the person who assaulted her in her home earlier. "

Kyle stood watching them work on Jerry in the hallway, not really hearing what the detective was saying. All he was concerned about was my condition and what they were doing.

" So is this the end of that then? " Kyle asked without turning around and looking at any of them.

" Well Mr. Watson, I think we might have a problem, but that depends on the outcome of Mr. Martin. "

" I understand Chief Jacobs I will be available for any more questioning as soon as Jerry is out of surgery, till then I would like your word that I will be left alone. "

" Mr. Watson you have my word that none of my officers will attempt to bother you or the Austin's. But you do realize that if Mr. Martin does not make it out of surgery there will have to be charges filed. "

" I understand Chief Jacobs. " Kyle slumped his shoulder down and walked back toward the team of doctors working on me on the floor. He pulled out his phone and called Michael at the New York office, " Michael we have a situation here in Columbus, I need you on a plane and here as soon as you can. "

" I will be there in a couple hours Kyle. "

Kyle closed his phone and fell to the floor. " Please God, watch over him. "

Kyle pushed himself off the floor as they wheeled me towards the elevator and to surgery. He stopped and talk to Chief Jacobs again.

" Chief Jacobs, I know Sean had plans on Monday with Mark Harrison that I believe you have in custody. I have his senior office manager from New York on his way here now. If you can have a copy of the file ready for him to review I would appreciate it. "

" It will be ready for him Mr. Watson. Can I inquire as to why he is in my custody? "

" Him and Mr. Martin's ex boyfriend were trying to embezzle all of Sean's money and make him worthless. " Kyle turned towards Chief Jacobs, " I want that man to feel the pain he has caused Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin never deserved to be put into that situation and him and Mr. Johnson took advantage of his kindness. "

" I will do all I can to make sure that he feels the full vengeance of the Columbus police department. "

" I believe that Mr. Martin had already been in contact with the states attorney general and I placed a call to the U.S. attorney general in D.C. for Mr. Martin a couple of nights ago. "

" I will contact both of them and see what plans that Mr. Martin had in place and we will go from there. "

" Thank You Chief, I am sure Mr. Martin will be very happy to know that. "

Kyle walked to the nurses station and asked, " Where is your surgical waiting room? "

The nurse walked Kyle down to the elevator and escorted him up to the surgical waiting room and informed the nurse on duty that he was there waiting on any news about Mr. Martin, who was in surgery now.

Kyle walked the floor in the waiting room. Pacing back and forth, not able to relax worried about Jerry. How could he explain that he shot the man who had done so much for him in his life. He finally fell down in a chair and held his head in his hands, the tears rolling down his face. Kyle pulled himself together and realized he still had a job to do and headed back down stairs to Mary's room. He pulled out his phone as he walked the stairs. He called in 2 more team members for Mary's room and ordered 6 others to head to the hospital for guard Mr. Martin's room once he was out of surgery.

Kyle walked into Mary's room and as he looked at the floor Sean came over to him and hugged him, Sean knew that Kyle was feeling bad for what happened and had no one to lean on. Kyle pulled back from Sean, " Mr. Martin is in surgery, as soon as I get a report from the doctor I will come back and inform you of his condition. Miss Austin, can I speak with you in private for a moment? "

" That will be ok Kyle. "

Kyle walked Sean out the door and placed him in the small room down the hall and had the guard on duty stand outside the door. He then walked back to Mary's room. " I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what happened to you Miss Austin. I take personal responsibility for my guards failure to protect you. " Kyle stood next to Mary's bed, shoulders hung low and head down looking at the floor.

" Kyle it was not your fault. That damn Clyde is a maniac on his best day, add on to that he was probably taking lord knows what and you get what you ran into out there in the hallway. It is me that should apologize to you, because of me and my life Mr. Martin is in surgery and all we can do is sit here and worry. I am so sorry Kyle. "

" No matter what happens Miss Austin, Mr. Martin ordered me to protect you and Mr. Austin and that is exactly what I am going to do. "

" Kyle you have enough to worry about, Sean and I will be fine. We are used to this kind of life, hard and unpredictable. "

" There is no discussing this Miss Austin. I am under orders and I would give my last breath to Mr. Martin. You and Mr. Martin will be protected at all costs. I might need your help with this when it comes to Mr. Austin. "

" I will help you do whatever you think is best Kyle. I know you will not let Jerry down. "

" Thank you Miss Austin, I will bring Mr. Austin back now and head back to the waiting room. "

Kyle turned and headed out the door and waved to his guard to bring Sean back down the hall. Sean came out and walked down the hall and it was taking every bit of his energy to take each step. " I will be back as soon as I hear anything Sean. " Kyle put his hand on Sean's shoulder and squeezed.

Kyle walked back up to the surgery waiting room and when he got there standing in the middle of the room was Michael. He walked up to him and said, " Thank you for coming so fast Mr. Justice. "

" It was no problem Kyle, now what the hell happened? "

Kyle sat with Michael and told him the story starting back in Vegas with the Brad and Mark incident and continued to the shooting in the hallway down stairs.

" Jesus Christ Kyle. How could he have let this happen? "

" You know how Mr. Martin is when it comes to looking into his friends and family. I blame myself for not seeing the plan that they had in place. I'm just glad that Mr. Martin had a plan ready in case it ever happened. "

" Well he is good at planning for the future. " Michael commented.

A nurse came walking into the waiting room and asked, " Is there a Kyle Watson here? "

" Yes mam that is me. "

She walked over and told him that Mr. Martin was doing fine, the surgery went well and he would be in recovery for a couple hours then he will be transferred to his room in one of the wards.

" Thank you mam, Can I ask you to call the hospital administrator and ask him to come to the hospital so I can talk with him about Mr. Martin's security detail. "

" He is already here Mr. Watson, he came in after he heard about the shooting. I will have him come here and talk to you as soon as he is free. "

" Mr Justice, I need you to contact Chief Jacobs and get working on the files she has on Mark and see if she has any further information from the people he contacted while we were in Vegas. "

" I will get right on it Kyle. Do you know who he contacted from Vegas? "

" I placed calls for him to the U.S. Attorney General and the state Attorney General here in Ohio. "

" Thank you Kyle, I will get started now and let you know as soon as I have all the information pulled together. "

" Thank you Mr. Justice. I know have to go downstairs and tell the Austin's how Mr. Martin is doing. Can you stay here till I get back in case the hospital administrator comes? "

" Not a problem Kyle. I am not going anywhere till Mr. Martin is settled. "

" Thank you Mr. Justice. "

Kyle headed back downstairs to talk with Mary and Sean. He was so relieved that it was good news he was bringing them. The thought of having to tell them any more bad news today had him worried. Kyle stopped in the stairwell and sat down, put his hands together and started praying.

" Thank you Lord for watching over him. I owe you big time. "

Kyle finished his trip down the steps and walked down the hallway to Mary's room. As he entered the room he noticed Mary and Sean both sleeping. He walked over and touched Sean's shoulder and knelt down and whispered, " Sean, are you awake? "

" Huh? yes I'm awake Kyle. How is Jerry doing? "

" He is out of surgery and in recovery, he will be there a couple hours before they transfer him to a room. "

Sean jumped out of his chair and grabbed Kyle, " Oh thank you Kyle. "

" I am just as happy Sean, I have to get back upstairs I have a meeting with the hospital administrator and when I have him settled in a room I will come back down and take you to him. I am sure he will want to see you as soon as he is awake. I do need to go over a few things with you before you see Mr. Martin. First thing is when you see him do not use his name while anyone not on my team is in the room. You will need to call him Mike or Mr. Smith, no one is to know his true identity while he is here. Second, do not talk to anyone about what happened, even a police officer unless me or a Mr. Justice is with you and authorizes you to tell them anything. Just promise me that you will not talk to anyone about Mr. Martin being here. "

" I will not say a word to anyone Kyle. Why the smoke and mirrors about him being here? "

" Sean he is a very powerful man and very wealthy, there are people all around the world that would try and take any advantage of him if they knew about any of this. You can not under any circumstance talk to anyone, you never know who they might be or what information they are looking for. "

" Ok Kyle, I will try my best to remember all this. But I promise I will not talk to anyone but you and Jerry. "

" Thank you Sean, I know Jerry will be very relieved to hear that. "

" I will be back down as soon as I can Sean, but if you really need to contact me here is my cell number. "

" Thanks Kyle, I can breath again and not feel the pain. "

Kyle returned back upstairs to the waiting room, Mr. Justice was talking to an older gentleman I was assuming was the hospital administrator. I walked over and Mr. Justice introduced me to Larry Anstine.

" Mr. Anstine it is a pleasure to meet you. "

" It is my pleasure Mr. Watson. "

" I have to get control of this situation, first off I need all records about Mr. Smiths conditions kept in strictest confidence. I will also need to speak with your head of security, I will be placing at a minimum of 6 guards on Mr. Smith's floor and 6 more throughout the hospital and key entrance points. I will also need all personnel who have worked on Mr. Smith's case to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Mr. Justice will supply you with these forms and make one available for you to keep in your files, but all copies of the signed forms will go with us. I will need a list of all personnel that will be working on the floor that you put Mr. Smith on and all doctors that will be in to visit him. If these conditions can not be met I will have to have him moved to another facility that can handle my concerns. "

" Mr. Watson I can assure you that all of your concerns will be addressed and any security concerns will be handled to your satisfaction. I do not know who Mr. Smith is but I can assure you that we can handle his confidentiality in house. "

" I will also need personnel information for the 3rd floor, Mr. Smith's friend Mary Austin is there and I was ordered to make sure that her and her brother were protected. I hope that all of this intrusion into you fine facility will not be too much for you to handle Mr. Anstine. "

" I understand the need and I will personally make sure that anything you need to do your job is provided to you Mr. Watson. "

" Thank you very much Mr. Anistine. "

Mr. Anistine left and was to send his head of security to see me so I could finish the plans for my teams deployment for the duration of Jerry's stay.

" Mr. Justice have you contacted Chief Jacobs and told her of Mr. Martin's condition? "

" Yes Kyle I have talked with her and as things stand there will be no further investigation into this matter. I have also had all the records sealed and all traces of Jerry's name stricken from any official reports. "

" That is a relief Mr. Justice, thank you. "

" I am here to help Kyle, thanks to that piece of shit Mark. I really wonder what was behind this. I just can not see him planning anything against Jerry knowing he would see it. "

" I think that Mr. Martin was thinking the same thing, that is why he called the U.S. Attorney General. I believe he saw a bigger and deeper plot here and wanted to see Mark in person Monday morning. "

" I am awaiting him to call me back now Kyle. The only reason I figure the delay is Jerry had given him something to start working on when the spoke the other day. "

" I have 2 full teams on their way in for security and one at the house watching over Master Jack. I will pull in 3 more teams and start an investigation into Mark and any contacts I can find. I will get a tech team over to his office now and see if we can have some answers before this weekend is over. "

" I can see why he put you in charge of security Kyle, I had not even thought of doing that yet. "

" Mr. Martin's tendencies tend to rub off on you when you are around him and I am just trying to think as far ahead as he does. I know I am still 12 steps behind where he would be, but we will get there until he is back to handle these matters. "

" I am going to head out and start my meetings with all I need to see and I will see you back here later. I will call you and get his room number before I get back in the hospital. "

" I will be awaiting your call Mr. Justice. "

Kyle sat in a chair in the corner so he could watch the whole room and doorways, old habits die hard for a security person. He was replaying everything that has happened since they left for Vegas, there had to be something he was over looking. He began placing his calls to pull in more men for the house and the hospital and got the techs moving to Mark's office and sent a couple guards with them in case of trouble. Now what was the connection between all of these players in this game? Where could they have come in contact with each other? Kyle pulled his phone back out and called Mr Smythe at homeland security, maybe he could help track down some answers.

" Hello Mr. Smythe, this is Mr. Watson, head of security for Mr. Martin. I have a situation I need your help with. "

" Kyle it is good to finally talk to you. Mr. Martin has told me all about you. "

" Mr. Martin is in the university hospital in Columbus right now Mr. Smythe, he is in recovery and will be fine but I know he talks to you about his involvement around the world and I need you to start an investigation into a few of his business contacts and a personal friend of his. "

" I have probably got files on all his business contacts already but I will pull them all and update them to see if I can find any connections Kyle. Give me the other names and I will see what I can find. "

" The first is Brad Johnson, the other I need a check on is the man involved in this current matter a Clyde Nicolson, from here in Columbus. Also try running anything new on Mark Harrison. He was Mr. Martin's office manager here in Columbus. "

" I will get right on these Kyle. I will call you as soon as I have anything for you. "

" Thank you Mr. Smythe I really appreciate it. "

Kyle stood and stretched and started pacing again as his mind was thinking about a connection between those involved. Two men dressed in full gear came walking in the room and Kyle smiled and walked over to them. " Mitchell and Josh I am so glad you made it. I have some plans we need to go over before they move Mr. Martin to his room. "

" We are ready Kyle, I have 7 members on my team and Josh has 6 on his. "

" That is great, I have information coming from the administrator on personnel and I am awaiting the head of their security to meet me here so we can coordinate all of our teams. Josh I want your team set up on all the entrances and exits of this hospital. You will need to do a recon and find all of them. I do not want one way in or out of here that we do not have eyes on. If you need any extra men let me know. "

" I will handle it Kyle. "

" Mitchell I want your team to be ready to control the floor Mr. Martin will be on when they move him out of recovery. You can go down to the 3rdfloor and talk with the 2 on duty at Miss Austin's room for the details on the floor plans and make a trip to the floors above and below to make sure you are aware of everything. "

" Will do Kyle. We will keep him safe. "

" We are using the code name Mike Smith while he is here. Please make sure all team members know and no one is to talk to anyone without my specific permission. Is that understood? "

" Yes Kyle. " Both Mitchell and Josh replied.

" Thanks you two, when you are set up please let me know and I will bring the personnel roster around to you both as soon as I receive it. "

" Relax Kyle, we will have this place locked down and no one will come or go that we do not know about. "

" I know Mitchell, it has just been a bad week and I do not want any more damn surprises. "

" There will be a command center truck here in the next hour, I want eyes and ears up within the hour after it arrives. Can you handle that Josh? "

" Will do Kyle, I will have all up and running and this placed locked down so tight they will be glad once we leave. "

" That is what I want to hear. "

A middle aged balding man walked in the room and came over to the 3 guys standing in the middle of the room. " Which of you gentleman is Mr. Watson? "

" I am Mack Snyder, head of security for the hospital. I was told by Mr. Anstine that you would need my assistance with the security for a patient in the hospital. "

" Thank you for coming to talk with me Mr. Snyder. I will be coordinating the security for the patient. I wanted to inform you of my teams and their presence in and around the hospital. All I need from you is non interference from any of your security personnel while we are here. "

" I can't allow you to just run around here without knowing who you are and what you are doing. I need to be kept informed of all your people and where they are while on hospital grounds. "

" Mr. Snyder I was assured by Mr. Anstine that I would have your full cooperation while my protectee was in this facility. Now we can play this one of two ways, and I really hope you will take option one. The week I have had I will not be in the least hesitant to use option two. "

" I will have to call Mr. Anistine about this Mr. Watson. I just do not see how I can allow you to have armed men running around this hospital without us being kept up to date on who they are where they are. "

" That is fine Mr Snyder, you go ahead and call Mr. Anstine. I will be calling the Governor and another hospital where we can move our protectee to that will be more cooperative. "

" I do not think that will be necessary Mr. Watson. We should be able to come to some understanding on how we can both do our jobs. "

" My team will be almost invisible to you Mr. Snyder, they are trained well at being inconspicuous while they are on the job. They will not interfere with any operations of this hospital. I have to have eyes on all entrances and exits to this hospital and control over the floor our protectee will be placed on. "

Mitchell and Josh were standing aside, but close enough to stop Kyle in case he went after Mr. Snyder. Mr. Snyder stood there considering his options.

" I think I can work with that Mr. Watson. Can I just ask how many members of your team will be here on the grounds while you are here. "

" There will be a minimum of 8 outside on the perimeter of the grounds and 6 on the floor. I also have 2 on duty on the 3rd floor at another patient's room and they will be there until both protectees are released. "

" I will not push for anymore information Mr. Watson, but we will need to keep in close contact in case something arises that needs our attention. "

" Here is my phone number I can be reached at that number 24 hours a day and I can relay information to all team members in a matter of seconds if need be. "

" Then I think we are all set Mr. Watson. If you need anything from me or my men please contact me thru the hospital. "

" Thank you Mr. Snyder. "

Mr. Snyder headed back out of the room and Mitchell and Josh walked back up to Kyle.

" Were you really going to call the Governor and move Mr. Martin? "

" If I had to Mitchell you can believe that I would have had the Governors ear and that fat mans ass in a heart beat. "

" You are a cool leader Kyle, I am glad I am on your side. " Josh replied to Kyle.

The nurse came back in the room as the three had finished their conversation. " Mr. Watson he is awake and asking for you, would you please follow me. "

" Ok you 2, I will be back in a minute and you get ready to get your teams in position. "

" We are on it Kyle. "

Kyle turned and walked out of the room with the nurse and followed her back to the recovery room. She led him to Jerry's bedside and he grabbed Jerry's hand.

" How ya doing Mike? " Kyle leaned in to ask Jerry so he could hear him.

" I am fine Kyle. Is everything secure? "

" I have 2 teams here at the hospital on stand by waiting on the nurses to give us the floor they are moving you to, Miss Austin is fine and resting and Mr. Austin is holding his own right now. "

" That is great Kyle. As soon as I am in my room I want you to bring him to see me. "

" I have that ready as soon as we get you moved Sir. "

" Drop the sir crap ...what did you call me? Mike? " as he let out a chuckle.

" Yes Mike I will drop the sir. I also called Mr. Justice in from New York and I have Mr. Smythe working on any connection between everyone we have on our radar. "

" You have been busy my friend, thank you. " Jerry patted Kyle's hand.

" I am so sorry about the shoulder Mike. Once you are healed and back to 100% I will be ready for you to kick my ass. "

" I will look forward to that, but for now....Thank you Kyle. "

" I will find out where they are going to move you to and I will get the teams started on securing the floor and hospital grounds. I will speak with you when they have you moved to your room. "

" Have you talked to Sean about what he needs to know? "

" Yes I did Mike, he is up to date with what he needs to know. "

" You are good Kyle, I knew there was a reason I kept you around. " Jerry smiled at him as he walked away towards the nurses station.

Kyle spoke with the nurse in charge of the recovery room, they decided on a room for Mike and Kyle headed out to inform Mitchell and Josh.

Sean and Mary were talking in her room, " Mary, I had such a wonderful time in Vegas. Jerry is so sweet and I really do love him. "

" I know Sean, I could see it in your eyes the last few days and even more when I woke up and saw you standing here. There is only one problem Sean, there is a side to him that scares me. "

" I do not think he would ever hurt any of us Mary, I have seen that side and I believe he has to have that side of himself to deal with the bad that comes after him. "

" I'm sure that is why he keeps that side Sean, but it still scares me. I can't help having my big sister side and always wanting to protect you. "

" I know Mary but can't you see that Jerry has that same side, he uses that to protect the people he loves also. "

" I didn't think of it like that Sean, I guess he does from what I have seen this last week. Promise me something Sean. "

" Anything Mary you know that. "

" Never hurt him Sean, he wants nothing from you but your unconditional love and support. "

" I would never do anything to hurt him Mary, he has been so caring and understanding this week. Even with all the problems he has faced this week his only concern has been about you and me and Jack. "

" I know Sean but I want you to always think first before you do anything that Jerry might take the wrong way. You are young and you tend to head into things before thinking things all the way thru. "

" Oh shit Mary, I have to get to Jerry's house. Jack is there and he was expecting us hours ago. "

" Call Kyle and talk to him Sean, he will know how to get you there. But I know you want to see Jerry first. Maybe he has heard when he will be in his room by now. "

Sean pulled the card out of his pocket that Kyle had given him earlier. " Hi Kyle this is Sean, I forgot about Jack. I need to get to Jerry's and see him, I can only imagine what he is thinking. "

" Calm down Sean, I was just on the phone with the team at the house. Jack has eaten and is having a good time playing. One of the team members has brought his mother to the house and she is looking after Jack until we can get you there. "

" Thank you Kyle. Have you heard about when they will be moving Jerry to his room? "

" I have Sean, they should be moving him in the next 10 minutes. As soon as they have him settled I will come get you and bring you to see him. "

" That is great Kyle I will see you soon then. "

" Jack is safe Mary, one of the team members at the house brought his mother out and she has been taking care of Jack. "

" That is wonderful Sean, Jerry is lucky to have such a wonderful team looking after him. "

" I have only had a problem with one of them Mary and I think Kyle was about to throw him off the plane in Vegas. "

" Well that would have been a long walk home. "

" No Mary, we were already in the air when he wanted to throw him out of the plane. "

" See Sean there is a dark side to them. Please be careful you do not get pulled there. "

" Mary I was already there. All I could think about on the trip home was killing that damn Clyde. I wanted to be the one to choke the life right out of him. I just wonder if Jerry sensed that and that is why Kyle shot him. "

" It could be Sean. Jerry can see a lot, and a long way in the future. "

" I told him on the plane I had nothing to hide from him, he could look at me whenever he wanted. He turned me down, told me that he would never do that. "

" He is an honest man Sean, but never cross him. "

Sean walked over to Mary's bed and hugged her and then pulled back and looked into her eyes, " Mary I love him, do you understand that? "

" Yes Sean I do, but this is new for you. Make sure you are aware of any and all decisions you make concerning you two. "

" I will Mary, can I ask you a question? "

" At any time Sean, I am your big sister. "

" Are you ok with this? Does it bother you that I am in love with Jerry? "

" I'm fine with it Sean. I just want you to understand it is not easy and there are people out there that do not look at your relationship in a favorable way. "

" I never even thought about that Mary, I know there are close minded people out there. I was worried about me and Jerry being a couple. What will happen when something happens to you? Will you still be alright with me being with Jerry? "

" I couldn't be happier with that part Sean. I know Jerry would help you look after Jack like he was his own son. "

" You are the best sister Mary. " Sean held Mary in his arms and kissed the top of her head.

There was a knock on the door and Kyle stuck his head in the door. " Are you ready Sean? "

" Yes I am Kyle, I will be out in a minute. "

" I will be back as soon as I see him Mary. I will then see if Kyle can get me out to see Jack. "

" No problem Sean, you go see to Jerry. "

Sean walked out the door and met up with Kyle in the hallway. " Is he really doing ok Kyle? "

" He is doing well Sean, I spoke with him in recovery and he was making jokes already. "

" I have been so worried Kyle, then when I forgot about Jack and called you I feel even worse now. "

" It is fine Sean, you have been through so much today. It is understandable. "

Kyle had me to Jerry's room in just a few minutes. This whole week I have never seen more than 1 or 2 guards near Jerry. The floor was full of them, seems like they were ever 10 feet down the hallway. We got to Jerry's door and Kyle knocked and slowly opened the door.

As Sean walked in he stopped and gasped then went running across the room, " Mike, Oh my God are you alright? "


Next: Chapter 8

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