Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Nov 2, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I want to give Larry a big thank you for proofreading and editing for me.


End of chapter 3:

Brads head sunk into his chest and he whispered, "I do not know Jerry, but this is not the person I thought you were."

"That makes two of us Brad, I never thought you would try and do this to me, to us."

"Please get him out of here."

The men took Brad from the room as he was screaming at me to not do it, I stopped Mr. Watson before he left the room, I looked up at him and said, "Do not hurt him too much. I want this to be a lesson, I will make sure he sees the errors of his way once I am back home."

"Is that wise Mr. Martin?"

"It is Jerry, and yes I am sure. It may not be the wisest thing I have ever done, but Brad is right, that is not the person I am."

"I understand Jerry, I will handle this personally."

"Thank you Mr. Watson."

"It is Kyle, and you are very welcome sir."

I smiled as Kyle left the room, I headed for the bar and poured myself a very tall glass and drank it straight down. I picked up the phone and dialed the first number that came to mind. I had to hear his voice, to try and calm myself thinking about the love I felt coming from him when he left earlier.

"Hi Jerry, did you miss me already?"

As the words cascaded over me I broke down in tears I could not help but hear the sound in his voice that he actually cared for me.

"Jerry! What's the matter? Are you alright?"

Chapter 4

I could not answer, the lump in my throat was choking off any chance of a reply. I continued to sob and dropped the phone, even the comfort of his voice was not enough to sooth the pain and anger I had inside me at that moment. I could hear Sean calling out my name over and over then the phone went silent. A minute later I heard a commotion in the hallway and one of the security personnel opened the door and said,"There is a Sean Austin here to see you sir."

"Please let him in." I said through the tears.

Sean came rushing in and grabbed me and hugged me and held me so tightly I think he was trying to squeeze the pain right out of me. He held me until I stopped shaking and the tears has subsided.

"Oh my God Jerry, what happened?" Sean asked as he gently stroked my hair and held onto me tight with the other hand.

I pulled back and looked up to his face and all I could see was the care and concern from a person who was nothing but giving.

"It was Brad, he came to my door not long after you left. I was still leaning against the door thinking about you when he knocked."

"Grrrr, I knew that bastard was up to something when we saw him on the strip. Did he hurt you Jerry?"

"No Sean, well yes he did mentally, but physically no he did not. It was suddenly realizing that he never loved me that hurt Sean, he was only with me to try and hurt me by taking away all I had."

Sean pulled me into another tight hug and kissed the top of my head,"I am sorry Jerry."

In those for words and the strength of the arms around me I knew everything was going to be fine.

Without pulling back from Sean I asked,"Can you stay the night?"

Sean leaned over and picked up his phone and called Mary,"Hey sis I'm going to stay with Jerry tonight, he is not feeling well. I will see you in the morning for breakfast. Night sis love ya."

I held onto Sean tighter knowing he was going to stay with me tonight.

"Thank you Sean, that means so much to me right now. I do not think I would have made it through the night on my own."

Sean said no more, he just continued to hold me till I regained my composure. I sat up on the couch and took Sean's hand and kissed it and said, I" know this is not fair to you Sean, but can I please ask a favor of you?"

"Of course you can Jerry, you never need to ask permission to ask anything of me."

"This is what I was talking about earlier, using love to hurt. Please promise me that before you ever turn to use love that way you will talk to me and let me know what you want or need."

"Jerry I could never use love to hurt someone, I know what it is like for love to be used that way. It is all I have ever felt for as long as I can remember. If there is ever a problem I will promise to talk with you, there is nothing we can't work out together."

I leaned forward and gave him a kiss with all the passion I could find within myself. I stood and walked to the front door and told the guard I was retiring for the evening and that I was not to be disturbed unless it was a person named Mary Austin. I walked back into the living room and grabbed Sean's hand and led him into the bedroom.

"Tonight is not about anything but trust Sean, I want to take things between us slow and get to know one another before we move forward."

Sean smiled at me and just held me in his arms again and I laid my face in his chest and just breathed deeply, inhaling his scent, memorizing it and getting caught in it's luxurious aroma. We layed down on the bed and Sean continued to hold me and run his fingers through my hair. It was not long before I drifted off into a nights sleep content in the security of Sean's arms.

I awoke the next morning and was still being held tightly by Sean, I breathed in and thought ,Thank you God it was not a dream. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was only 7, still awhile before we had to get up and get this day started. I wanted to spend it wrapped in the arms I was in now, but knew that was not possible. I laid there thinking and realized I could not hear Sean's thoughts, what was so special about Sean that I was not able to hear them? That idea bounced around my head and I decided to push it away and hugged Sean then tried to wiggle out as to not wake him so I could make it to the bathroom. After the morning bathroom duties were taken care of I picked up the phone and called room service and ordered coffee and juice for me and Sean. I went to the door and told the guard that room service was coming up with coffee and to let them in when they arrived. I then picked up my cell phone and called Mary.

"Mary, how are you this morning?"

"I'm fine Jerry, are you alright?"

"I am fine Mary, I wanted to call and thank you for letting Sean stay with me last night. I was in bad shape and think it would have been a bad night if he had not been here."

"Jerry, I was worried about all night. I never saw Sean run out the door as fast as he did last night when you called. Then when he called me and told me he was staying there last night I figured there was a problem."

"I am sorry for the lack of details last night Mary, I will fill you in at breakfast. I just know that if it had not been for your brother I would probably went insane last night. He is a hero my dear lady."

Mary laughed into the phone and said,"Well I always thought he was special and he has been my hero for years now."

"We will see you at the restaurant at 9?" I asked to make sure Sean had informed her last night of our plans.

"I will be there sweetie, I look forward to hearing your story. Bye."

I hung up the phone and looked down at the floor and thought how could I tell this fine young woman the story behind Brad. I do not know how long I sat there thinking about it when I heard the knock on the door and room service came in with the tray of coffee and juice. I signed the bill and added a nice tip and walked the room service attendant back to the door. I turned and grabbed 2 cups of coffee and headed for the bedroom. I just stopped and stared at Sean laying there on the bed, a picture of peace and serenity. All I could see beneath was the strength of his arms and the comfort they could give. I walked over to his side of the bed and set the coffees on the nightstand and moved over so I was right over him, I gently ran my hand down the side of his face and was shocked at how soft his skin was and the lack of stubble. I moved down and gently kissed him on the lips and I heard a soft moan, I pulled back and his eyes started to open and I said,"

Good morning Sean."

"Good morning to you Jerry. "He raised up and kissed me and laid back down,"Is that coffee I smell?"

I laughed and said,"Yes" as I reached over and handed him a cup. I did not know what you took in it, so if you want anything I will go get it."

"This is fine Jerry and it is so kind of you to bring me coffee."

"There is juice in the living room too you can have after you gotten up and showered."

"There is only one problem, I do not have any clothes to wear besides what I have on."

"Do you think I would let you walk out of here with nothing on but your smile? "I laughed, "I had Mr. Jones send up a new suit and clothes for you for the photo shoot this afternoon, you can get dressed in them."

Sean looked over at me like I was crazy, "Why did you do that Jerry, I have clothes in my room I could have run and got."

"Because I wanted to see you in these for the photo shoot, and Mary should just now be receiving something new to wear as well."

Sean put his coffee down on the nightstand and grabbed me and hugged me then gave me a kiss that took my breath away.

"That was nice Sean, I could stay here all day with you doing that."

"I could too Jerry."Then he pulled me down on top of him and gave me another kiss that sent electricity through my body and made me toes curl.

"If you keep doing that Sean we will never leave this room today, and Mary will be beating down the door wanting to kill both of us."

"Ugh, you're right. I guess we better get moving." he said then gave me one more kiss before pushing us both off the bed and he headed toward the bathroom.

I walked over to the closet and pulled out the garment bag and walked into the bathroom to give it to Sean. He was standing at the sink with nothing on but his smile. I stood there taking in his body like I was studying for an exam later, the muscles were so pronounced and so smooth. His cock just hanging over a set of balls that made my knees week. Sean saw me standing there and asked,"Is that for me?"nodding towards the bag I was standing there holding.

"Um yes, yes it is Sean."I stuttered trying to pull myself out of the trance I was in. Everything you need is in the shower and all your clothes are in this garment bag. I will be in the living room when you are finished."I turned and started back out the door when Sean grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather join me?"

I pulled him into a gentle kiss and looked up into his eyes, "I would rather do nothing else but jump in that shower with you Sean."

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, then stepped out of my clothes and grabbed Sean and pulled him into the shower with me. I took a washcloth in my hand and soaped it up, I started at Sean's neck softly following the curve of his shoulders, then worked my way to his chest. It was strong and well defined, my first thought was like marble but a soft hairless texture to it I took my time washing his chest paying attention to his nipples, giving them both a squeeze. I pushed down to his abs, and started washing them and they were like an old wash board, strong and ridges all the way down. I could have washed clothes on them. I could see his dick growing harder as I continued on, but I knelt down and started on his legs. So warm and strong, this is what gave Sean his ability to stand so tall and strong. I washed both legs then pushed on the back of his calf and he picked up each foot as I washed them paying close attention to his long sensual toes his feet were so erotic I wanted to stay there for hours just holding them. I stood up and turned Sean around as I started on his shoulders with his back to me. His back was like a solid oak door, never giving always strong and reliable, as i reached the top of his ass I had to step back a little and admire the view. They were perfect mounds of flesh, round and inviting, but I sensed Sean tense up so I gently let washcloth glide over the both of them and moved on to the back of his legs. When I was finished I turned Sean back around to allow the water to wash of the soap on his back. I then went down on my knees and grabbed his cock and pulled the skin back on his beautiful 8"cock. I slipped it between my lips and heard the moan come from Sean. I let his entire length slide down the back of my throat, as I began to pull it back out Sean put his hands on the top of my head and gently guided me back down his shaft. I started to add some suction to the deepthroating and this elicited more moaning, I knew Sean was really getting

into this and the pressure he was applying to me head continued to increase.I started to pick up the pistoning of his cock down my throat and I had my one hand wrapped around his leg I felt them sway in rhythm he had created in fucking my throat. The moans were getting louder and louder so I decided to slow things down and little and pulled almost off him and gently licked the head and up and down the bottom of his shaft. Sean spoke for the first time,"Oh Jerry that feels incredible, please go back down on my, you throat is amazing."

I pushed the head of his cock back passed my lips and swallowed him till the hair at the base was tickling my nose. The moans once again started from Sean. I kept up a slow pace letting him get lost in the passions of lust as his hands started pushing again for me to pick the pace up. I deliberately started to quicken the pace, just to slow it down again, bringing more moans and movement from Sean. I finally let Sean take the lead with the pace he wanted as he quickly started driving his cock as deep as he could into my throat. He only lasted a few more minutes and his legs weakened and he let out a growl and said,"I'm cumming."I buried him deep in my throat as he exploded with a force I had not met in my whole life, I was amazed at the amount of cum he was producing, he just seemed to never quit. I slowly started pulling him from my throat as the tip came to my lips I suckled on it as I heard Jerry moan one last time as he just about collapse on top of

me. I stood up to help him stay on his feet."That was incredible Jerry, I have never felt like that in my life."

I grabbed Sean's face with both hands and leaned into a passionate kiss and let my tongue play in his mouth to share the wonderful flavor he had placed in my mouth."It was the most amazing for me also Sean."

We stood there together in the shower as if we were one and Sean stepped back and grabbed the washcloth and began to wash me as I had just washed him. What I had not noticed till now was I also shot my load when Sean had shot his so lovingly down my throat. Sean continued to wash me, kissing me as he went and I was enjoying every sensation his lips were giving me. I was lost in bliss when I felt Sean pull on the back of my leg to motion me to lift my foot. I looked down and was amazed at how gentle this man was, this big bundle of muscles was like a mother tiger with a newborn cub. Sean finished his washing of my feet and stood and turned me around and started on my shoulders, all I wanted to do was lean back and be held in his strong arms while the water washed away the pain of last night. I stood as still as I could, but before he was finished I asked."Please stand up Sean."

When he did I leaned gently back into his arms and pulled them around me and asked,"Just hold me for a minute."

Sean let his arms encompass me and hold me with all the love he could find and I could feel it course through me, revitalizing me and bringing me a new meaning to my life. We stood there for a few minutes till I pulled loose from him and turned and placed a kiss on his cheek and said, "Thank you."

I turned the shower off and opened the glass door and grabbed a towel. I turned and began to dry Sean off and he just watched me, a sparkle in his eye that I just barely saw a couple nights ago blazing like a diamond in stunning sunlight.

"I do not know if you are ready to hear this Sean" I paused and took a deep breath," but I love you."

Sean pulled the towel away and wrapped me in his arms once again the feel was incredible, the warmth, the passion, the love all coming from his touch.

"I think I'm more than ready Jerry, I love you too."he bent over and pulled my head up by my chin and kissed me, our tongues dancing to a beat of the passion that we had come to and not wanting to end.

"We better be get ourselves ready Sean, I can still see Mary at the door fighting to get inside here if we are late."

Sean smiled at me,"I will protect you Jerry, not to worry."

I turned to get out of the shower as a tear started down my cheek, but not wanting Sean to see it I went into the bedroom and gathered my clothes together and went back in the bathroom. We stood at the sink together as I shaved Sean stood there watching me, that sparkle in his eyes shining like beacons to pull me into a safe haven. I finished and brushed my teeth while Sean had opened the garment bag and yelled,"Jerry, this is too much, I can't accept this."

I turned and looked at Sean, the look of happiness on his face, the smile that was as big as a childs on Christmas morning. "You will look so handsome in it when they do the photoshoot, you can send it back when you are done if you like."I told Sean to try and ease his concerns for me spending too much on him. The suit fit him like a glove, Mr. Richards had done a very special job on the tailoring, I must remember to call and thank him.

"I don't know Jerry."Sean said as he turned around to admire himself in the mirror,"I think it is the best looking suit I have ever seen."

"No need to put the tie on for the photoshoot, but when you got out for the evening it will make it look even better."I whispered to Sean as I reached over and pinched his ass.

"Hey don't start something your not going to finish Mister."Sean smiled at me and turned to look at himself in the mirror again.

I went out to the living room and refilled our coffee cups and poured a glass of juice for both of us and looked at the clock. It was 8:45 and if we did not get going we were going to be late."Come on Sean, you can look at yourself in the mirror later, we are going to be late."

Sean came out of the bedroom almost floating across the floor he seemed so happy." There is juice and coffee on the table, drink quick so we can head downstairs to the restaurant."

Sean drank his juice in what seemed like one swallow and then took a couple sips of his coffee and announced,"I think I'm ready."

We headed out the door and I forgot about the guard, I told him to head back to the office and asked them to send Kyle to see me later that night.

Sean kept watching me as we walked to the elevator and when we were inside he asked,"Where did they come from Jerry?"

I knew he was talking about the guards and I took a deep breath and turned towards Sean and took his hand,"There are so many things we need to talk about Sean, but let us get through today and once I get back to Columbus I will tell you everything."as I placed a kiss on the top of his hand.

"As long as I know you are safe Jerry, I do not need to know anything else. He pulled me in and kissed me, just as the doors of the elevator opened in the lobby. Sean blushed a deep red and pulled back.

"Nothing to be ashamed of Sean,"as I took his hand and led him out of the elevator and headed to find Mary.

Just as I pictured, there stood Mary at the front of the restaurant looking like a vision of an angel in the new dress I had sent to her room this morning. She saw us walking toward her and stopped in her tracks when she saw Sean, she looked in his eyes and I knew she had seen what I had seen just earlier the light shining bright. The only difference was she had not seen that light in years, she looked over at me and noticed we were holding hands. She took Sean in her arms and hugged him and then grabbed me and hugged me also."You two look charming this morning."

"We are not the only ones, you look so ravishing this morning in that dress Mary. I just knew it would be perfect on you."

"I want to thank you Jerry, after your call this morning there was a knock on the door and to my surprise there was this stunning dress."

Sean looked at me and had a questioning expression on his face. He learned over and whispered in my ear,"You called her this morning?"

I whispered back,"Yes, I will tell you about it later."

We walked into the restaurant to be seated at one of the best tables in the place and Mary and Sean were getting the looks from everyone in the place. I was about to get jealous when Sean looked over at me and winked.

"Do you think you are ready for this circus this afternoon Mary?"I asked trying to stop from getting an erection right there at the table.

"Well as ready as I'm going to be Jerry."Mary smiled at me and then her face changed and she asked,"So what happened last night Jerry?"

"You are on top your game this morning Mary."I stated with a smile on my face. "I just don't want to be left out of the loop, you know where my brother is concerned."

"Yes Mary I do. Again I am sorry he left you in such a rush last night."I responded blushing a bit."Last night on our way back from the Square we were walking down the strip and we ran into someone I thought I would never see again."I paused and looked down to try and avoid a scene right here in the middle of the restaurant. I looked over at Sean and he nodded my head as if he knew I was asking if I should tell Mary it was my last boyfriend."To be honest with you Mary it was my last boyfriend, Brad. He just left me last Friday and the only thing he left behind was a note. There was not much of an explanation, just a damn Dear John letter and that was the reason I came out here to Vegas, I had to get away from home and the memories. When I saw him walking down the strip I was just lost, I had so many emotions come over me, and then the questions started in my head and I lost control of myself. I just stood there like a target waiting to be hit."I pulled a handkerchief out of my pocket and dried my eyes. "When Brad saw me just standing there in the middle of the sidewalk like a statue he said hello and asked what I was doing in Vegas. I told him as shortly as I could it was none of his business and as he started to speak again I walked away. I could not stand there and talk to him as if he had not done something wrong to me, as I walked away your brother caught up to me and asked me who that was. I lost it and we got back to the hotel and I went straight to the bar and ordered a double and downed it. Sean asked me who that was and I told him and all he wanted to do was go find him and beat the shit out of him."I smiled at Sean as I said that."I tried to push Sean back to your room last night, but I lost it in the lobby and he got me in the elevator and took me up to my room and stayed while I told him all about Brad. He let me pour out all my pent up emotions and just listened while I burdened him with my problems."

"That sounds like Sean, he is a special kind of person who hates to see anyone suffering."

"It gets worse Mary, but please tell me that you are not going to panic and run away from here before we get the business settled we have with the casino."

"Jerry, if I was going to run I would have done it days ago. I am in too deep now to even consider running away from you, I think mostly because of what you mean to Sean. Mary looked at Sean and took his hand and squeezed it. Sean blushed and whispered,"Thank you" to Mary.

"If after this you feel the same way I will be happy as can be Mary. After Sean left I was leaned against the door in pure happiness, when there was a knock on the door. I turned and opened it and again in hour my world crashed on me, there stood Brad at the door."

"Oh My God Jerry, did you kill him?"

"No Mary, I wanted to, and I came close before it was all over."I turned towards Mary and took her hand."Before I continue I need to tell you something about myself. I can sense what people are thinking and feeling, almost like I get a picture in my own head of what they are thinking."

Mary stared at me like she did not believe me,"You mean like you are psychic?"

"Something along those lines Mary, but when I look at someone and they are thinking hard about something I get a picture of it in my head like I am the one thinking it. Close your eyes and think of something Mary, a plan, a wish a detail, but think hard about it."

Mary did as I asked and when she opened her eyes I looked at her with a tear running down my face, I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Thank you Mary, that was a beautiful memory of Sean, I saw the light in his eyes you had seen as a child."

Mary gasped and pulled back from me,"That is not possible Jerry, how did you do that?"

"I told you Mary, if someone is thinking about something hard enough I can see it in my head. I can tell you though, I do not do that to anyone to find out personal information or to take advantage of anyone. I do use it alot at work to help me navigate the stock markets and business dealings mostly because most business people lie."

Mary looked at me with a new opinion of me forming in her head,"I can understand that Jerry, but it must be hard to not look on occasion."

"When I was young and did not understand why I could see the things I was seeing I did not have much choice. As I got older I have learned to control that part of me and usually have it pushed to the back of my mind so it does not get in my way during my daily life."

"That makes sense Jerry, now get back to the story, I wanna eat and get this day over with."Mary laughed and I could see Sean laughing too and I knew he was getting hungry.

I called the waitress over and we ordered food before I continued with the story before Mary and Sean both turned on me and ran off to eat somewhere else. After we ordered I started the story again."Brad came in my room trying to explain why he did what he had done and that the reason he left me the note was because of what I just showed you Mary. I told Brad that when it came to our personal lives I never looked and deeper than his face. He knew from the beginning that is how I was and that got me more worried. I told him his time for being concerned for me was over and I had other people in my life. That is when I felt an idea in Brad's mind that scared me, as soon as I felt it I told him that was not going to happen and that we were done. He started pacing my floor and I knew from the years I had known him that there was something more to his visit. I had done something then that I had never done, I looked in his mind to see what he was thinking and I saw the plans he had to take everything I had away from me."

I motioned the waitress over and ordered a double whiskey, I knew it was early, but if I was going to get through what I had seen in Brad's mine last night I needed it. i waited till she delivered it and drank half of it before I could continue.

"I saw all the plans and plots he had devised to bring me down, I was devastated, I was looking at the face of someone I loved and all I could see was the hurt and misery he was willing to put me through. I confronted him and he told me it was too late, that I could not do anything to stop him. That was until I pulled the proverbial ace out of my sleeve and asked him if he meant Mark, my business manager. That is when I told him I might not look in his mind because we were together, did not mean I did not look into the minds of my business associates. I had seen the plans for weeks now, but never imagined that Brad was behind it all or I did not want to see it was him. I had arrangements in place so that when he thought he had bested me it was me that had bested him. I called in my security team and they apprehended Brad and I had him watch me as I placed one call and stopped all his plans and had Mark arrested and in jail before he could understand how I managed it."

I finished my drink and my head dropped as I was having a hard time bringing myself to tell Mary and Sean the rest of the story and what I had originally intended to do to Brad.

"Mary this is the part that I am ashamed of, I had wanted Brad to feel the pain I was feeling. After seeing the plans he had in his mind for me, I almost had him taken out in the desert and shot and buried never to be seen again. It was then I stopped my guards and made sure they did not hurt Brad, too much. I am usually not that type of person, but after all the years we had been together I wondered if it was all a set up just so he could get close to me and plan all of this."

Mary got up from her seat and came over to me and just hugged me,"I am sorry Jerry, you never deserved to be treated like that. I have only known you a few days and I can tell your heart is full of nothing but goodness and caring. Brad was a fool and he deserves to be treated like a fool."

I squeezed Mary's hand and said,"Thank you Mary, you are one special lady."

"After they took Brad from my room I called Sean, after all I had seen Brad had planned I had to make sure he was alright. When he answered the phone and I heard his voice I broke down and dropped the phone, just hearing he was there gave my heart such relief that I could not control myself. I guess that is when he ran out of your room and the next thing I knew he was at my door. He made me feel safe at a time when I thought my whole world was about to be taken from me. He held me all night and it helped me sleep, knowing he was there and I was not losing my mind. Till this morning when I had to pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming and thanking God to send such an angel my way."

Sean blushed and Mary looked at her brother beaming with pride in what a man he has become.

"That is my story Mary, now that you know, all I ask is for your discretion if anyone asks you about me."

"What you have done for us this week Jerry that is the least you can ask for, as far as anyone is concerned if they want to know about you they can ask you themselves."

The food arrived and we ate with a new understanding at the table and I was more at ease than I had been in years. Maybe Brad was planning this since we first met, is that why I was never as comfortable with him as I am with Mary and Sean? I pushed that thought out of my head before it had time to settle in, I did not need that distraction in my life right now. We were almost done eating when my phone rang, I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. It was Mr. Oliver wanting to know if we were ready for the photo shoot at noon. I told him,"Yes we are both ready, where do you want us to meet you?"

"How about I meet you."as I heard it I turned in my seat and there stood Mr. Oliver.

"Good morning Mr. Oliver, it is a pleasure to see you today."

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Martin. Is this the two lucky individuals who will be receiving the check today?"

"Excuse my manners Mr. Oliver, this is Mary and Sean Austin. Mary and Sean, this is Mr. Oliver the casino manager."

Mr. Oliver shook Mary and Sean's hand and said,"It is nice to meet you both, when you are finished with your meal we will head over to where we will award the check and take some photos that we will use in our advertising campaign. I first have some forms I need you both to sign so we can use the pictures."He handed them both a packet of papers and a pen.

"May I look at them for a moment before they sign them Mr. Oliver?"

"Sure Mr. Martin, but they are standard release forms so we can use their likeness in the casino."

"I am sure they are Mr. Oliver, but I just want to make sure that Mary and Sean know what they are getting into signing these."

I started reading the papers and I came to a clause that worried me I asked Mr. Oliver,"Why is this in here?"Pointing to the clause that basically stated that they had not actually won but was being gifted the money from an anonymous donor."

"Well Mr. Martin they did not actually win that money and as far as we are concerned it is a gift and since you did not want your name used this is what the lawyers for the casino had came up with."

"Would you please excuse us Mary and Sean, I need to have a private talk with Mr. Oliver."I asked as we walked away from the table and headed to a quiet part of the casino.

"Mr. Oliver I thought we had this settled the other night with the discussion you had with the gaming commissioners."

"I had second thoughts about the situation after we had talk Mr. Martin, I hope you can understand I am looking out for the welfare of this casino."

"Mr. Oliver I can more than understand that, but I thought you understood how I wanted this handled and you do not even call me to discuss this?"

"I am sorry you feel this way Mr. Martin, but this is the way it is going to happen. I need you to get them to sign those papers then we can conclude this business."

"You think this is the way it is going to happen Mr. Oliver? I really wish you would reconsider your stance on this."

"I will not reconsider anything Mr. Martin, I have made my decision and this is how it is going to happen."

I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed, Michael, how are you today? I need a favor please, can you get me the CEO of the board for this casino? Yes I can hold a moment. Thank you Michael, please connect me."

I looked over at Mr. Oliver and smiled,"I asked you to reconsider so please do not get upset about what I am about to do."

"Hello Mr. Gregory, this is Jerry Martin how are you this afternoon? That is great, I am glad you are well, I have a slight problem at one of your casinos and I was wondering if you could help me out?"

I proceeded to tell him the facts and how I wanted them handled and all the parties I got involved to calm Mr. Oliver that we were breaking no laws.

"Just a few minutes ago Mr. Oliver brought these papers for my friends to sign and there is a clause I wish that Mr. Oliver would remove but he seems set in his ways to leave it in. Yes Mr. Gregory that is me, Jerry Martin, but please call me Jerry. I would really appreciate it, can you call him on his phone so he does not think I am trying to pull something over his eyes? Thanks you Mr. Gregory."

Just as soon as I hung up Mr. Oliver's cell phone rang and he pulled it out to answer it, taking a deep breath and said,"Hello this is Mr. Oliver."

I could not hear what Mr. Gregory was telling Mr. Oliver but I could tell he was not happy. I saw him change color several times and look over at me with eyes as big as saucers. I could only guess that Mr. Gregory was telling him exactly who I was and what I could do to the casino and the business that Mr. Gregory was in charge of. He finished his call and came back over to me and help out his hand,"I am very sorry to have offended you Mr. Martin, I will get the standard release form and be back with you and your friends in just a moment."He said as we shook hands.

"That is all I wanted from the beginning Mr. Oliver, I will meet you back in the restaurant and we can finish this off there and get the photo shoot done. my friends have a flight to catch soon."

I walked back into the restaurant and sat back down at the table, took the papers from Mary and Sean and tore them in half and said,"That is all taken care of, Mr. Oliver will be back in a moment with the correct papers for you two to sign."

"Jerry, I am so impressed with you more and more every day."Mary smiled at me as she said it.

"Mary I am not a difficult person to get along with, all I ask if you make a promise that you do not go back on your word, and that is what Mr. Oliver just tried to do."

We sat and quietly chatted about the week we have had in Vegas and how sad they were about going back home. Mr. Oliver returned with the one page very simple release for Mary and Sean to sign. He then took us to the spot where he would make the presentation and they would take the photos they needed. Mr. Oliver climbed the platform and started making his announcement over the casinos announcement system. When he called for Mary and Sean to join him they both stepped up and he presented them with the big check with their names on it and the photographers went into action taking pictures like paparazzi. I could see Mary taking it all in, like she had won an Oscar and was waving to her adoring public. Sean on the other hand was standing there like a man standing against a wall about to be executed. After a few minutes of cheers from the crowd that had gathered and the photographers saying they had all the shots they needed, Mr. Oliver handed Mary the

envelope with their cashiers check in it, shook her hand and told her congratulations. My phone started ringing and I turned to answer it.

"Hello, this is Jerry Martin"I said into my phone.

"Hello Jerry, this is Mr. Gregory, I wanted to make sure that Mr. Oliver had handled everything to your satisfaction."

"He handled everything perfectly Mr. Gregory, I am sorry I had to get you involved. I thought we had this settled the other night but seems he had other ideas and never contacted me discuss them. That is what upset me the most sir, he gave me his word and then went back on it."

"I can understand your frustration Jerry, I will be there in less than an hour to meet personally with Mr. Oliver and to make sure he understands how to deal with our guests in the future."

"I hope you can get through to him Mr. Gregory, I know the disappointment of losing what you think is a valuable employee."

"I am sure I can get him to see things from your point of view Jerry. If you are going to be around when I am done how about a drink in the high rollers lounge?"

"That would be excellent Mr. Gregory, I will await your call later."

I walked back over to collect Mary and Sean and get them back to their room so they could finish packing and get ready for their trip to the airport.

"Did you two have a good time with that presentation and cheer?"

"I don't know about Mary, but I am more than ready to leave it behind. The spot light does not suit me at all."Sean stated with a look of disgust on his face.

"I thought it was the greatest thing in the world, I could have stood up there all day and listen to the cheers."Mary gushed and we headed towards the lobby.

"You two need to get up to your room and get your bags and head down to check out and head to the airport."I announced with a frown on my face as I realized that I would miss Sean here in Vegas with me tonight.

Mary looked at me then at Sean and noticed we both had long faces,"Well I don't know about you two, but I think I am ready to get home and back in my own bed."

We entered the elevator and Mary pushed the button for their floor."Well you might be ready to head home Mary, but I sure as hell am not." Sean said as the doors closed and I could see a tear form in the corner of his eye.

I walked over to Sean and pulled his head up and took my finger and wiped the tear from his eye. I pulled him into a hug and whispered."I will be back tomorrow then I will see you again Sean. I have some things to finish up here this evening and I head out early in the morning."

"I know Jerry, but I am afraid to let you go, I want to be here in case you need me. I don't want anything to happen to you and me that far away." Sean cried into my shoulder.

"I will be fine Sean, I have guards on duty tonight and will be taken to the airport by Kyle. He is the head of my security forces and besides you, the only one I trust myself with."

Sean looked down at me and placed his forehead against mine and whispered,"I do love you Jerry."

"I know Sean, I love you too. You're my hero, and wait till I buy you the costume to wear."I chuckled back to Sean

Sean stood straight up and looked at me,"Are you serious?"

I doubled over laughing and noticed Mary laughing too. I guess she heard what I had said and how Sean responded."Now that I would like to see, Sean in a superhero costume."

"Ain't gonna happen sis so get that thought out of that head of yours."Sean snarled at Mary and she continued to laugh.

We got to their room and Mary opened the door and invited me inside while they finished packing. Sean was nowhere near ready since he had spent the night with me last night.

We had the bags packed in no time and headed down stairs for them to check out, again the dark cloud took over on the ride down. I held Sean's hand and brought it up and kissed it before we got to the lobby. I could see how uneasy he was becoming as we walked over to the front desk and while they checked out I walked over and talked to Mr. Richards and asked,"Is the limousine all ready to take them to the airport."

"It is right outside Mr. Martin, as soon as they are ready we can load their luggage and be on your way."

I slipped Mr. Richards a nice tip and said,"Thank you so much for all your work this week for me Mr. Richards."I pulled a business card out of my breast pocket and handed it to him."I have a few positions opening up soon I shall be calling you to see if you are interested."

Mr. Richards took the card and smiled at me,"Thank you Mr. Martin, it would be an honor to come work for you."

Mary and Sean joined me at the door, Sean was not even looking up as he walked, just pulling his suitcase behind him and looking like he was never going to see me again.

Mr. Richards took their luggage and headed us outside to the limousine and opened the door for us as we climbed inside. Mary sat looking out the window getting her last look at Vegas as Sean and I sat there looking at each other. I reached over and poured myself a drink and asked Mary and Sean if they would like one. Mary passed and Sean just looked at me and I knew he wanted one. I poured one for Sean and handed it to him, as he touched my fingers that held the glass and I looked into his eyes and saw all the pain that was going through his mind.

"Sean I promise you I will see you tomorrow. I will stop at your house on the way home from the airport, and I can meek Jack and see you at your home."

"My head hears what you are saying Jerry, but my heart has no ears today."Sean said as he looked down at the floor of the limousine.

"I understand Sean, I really do."and leaned over and kissed Sean on the lips and put my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath to help remind me of his scent until I saw him again.

Mary put her hand on his shoulder and looked at me and I could see the concern in her eyes about the flight home with Sean in this shape.

"Mary, I do not want to put any difficulty on you, but can you manage the trip home on your own if I arrange for a car to pick you up at the airport and take you home?"

Mary smiled and me and winked and said,"I don't know Jerry I think I might have a hard time on my own."Mary let out a little giggle tussled Sean's hair."I think I can manage quite well without little brother for a day."

"What airline are you flying out on Mary?"

"We are on Delta."

"Give me a minute and see what I can arrange, with your permission Mary."I smiled at Mary.

"If it stops this big sulking mass to smile and be happier it is fine with me."

I took out my phone and called Kyle, I asked him to call the pilot and tell him I needed the plane ready for a trip to Columbus in one hour. I then told him to have one of his men ready to accompany Mary back to Columbus and help her home, then return with the plane for Sean and I for the trip back tomorrow. I closed my phone and told the driver we had a change in plans and we needed to head to the North Las Vegas Airport. The driver took the next exit and headed towards our new destination. I called Columbus and arranged for a limousine to be waiting for Mary and to take her to her home and make sure she was settled before leaving. With the driver and the guard Kyle was sending I was positive Mary would be in good hands.

I went back to my seat next to Sean and he was just beaming with a smile, he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek,"Thanks, I feel better now."

I looked over at Mary and she was sitting there looking a little worried,"What is wrong Mary?"I asked, worried about her reply.

"Nothing Jerry I am just happy, I am so happy and so full of questions but I will be just fine."as she smiled at me and I could catch the start of a tear in her eye.

We sat in silence the rest of the trip to the airport, Sean holding onto my arm like I was going to lose him. Mary sitting there looking out the window and worrying me with her silence. We had arrived a little early so I waited on Kyle and his team to pull up behind the limousine and had them unload the luggage from the back and place it on the plane while I took Mary and Sean inside the terminal to wait on the pilot. Mary pulled on my arm and asked,"Can I talk to you for a minute before I have to go?"

"You certainly may Mary, let me show Sean where he can sit while we find a more private place to talk."

I took Sean to the small snack bar and told him I would be right back. I then turned and walked back to Mary and escorted her to a small private office where we could talk.

"Jerry I am a little concerned about Sean. I don't want to see him hurt, can you understand?"

"Mary I would never hurt Sean, I have never felt so happy to be with someone as I am with Sean. He has saved me this week in more than one way, I almost lost my humanity when I had seen what Brad had in his mind to do to him. It was Sean that pulled me back from that, his strength and kindness the care he shows anyone around him."

"I can understand that Jerry, but Sean is, how can I put his. He is a bit naive, he has cut himself off from the world with what happened to dad and mom that he did not experience his teenage years like most kids. I just worry about him all the time."

"There are many things I can promise you Mary, but the one on top of my list from this point forward is to love, care for and protect Sean and anyone he loves. I would never in my life hurt him or you, I can help him learn to handle life and grow as a man."

"Well that answers one of my questions, the other may be a little bit more personal Jerry."

"I do not mind Mary, I have already told you the worst about myself. There is not much more that I can say that would shock you."

"I am guessing you might know what my next question is but here it goes. Just how much are you worth?"

I laughed a little,"You are correct about that Mary, I knew what your next question was. I can not say to the exact amount Mary, but let me just say that I never have to worry about anything."

"Please try and shield Sean from knowing that Jerry, I think it might overwhelm him too much. We have been living on so little the last few years he might just go a little crazy."

"I only use my wealth to do what has to be done Mary, I usually travel like everyone else does, I eat most place people do, I never spend just to show what I have."

Mary stood up and walked over to me and kissed my cheek,"Thanks Jerry you have put my mind at ease."

We went back out to the snack bar where we left Sean and I saw Kyle standing by the door. I left Mary and Sean sitting at the table Sean was at and walked over to talk with Kyle.

"Is everything ready Kyle?"

"All set Mr. Martin, I mean Jerry, the plane is ready whenever you are."

"Thank you Kyle, we will be out there in just a minute."

I went back in and told Mary and Sean to come with me. We headed out the door and followed Kyle to hanger and as we entered Mary and Sean had both stopped and just stood there staring at the plane. I turned around and grabbed both of their arms and pulled them along with me as we walked over to the plane. I had Kyle take Mary aboard first and Sean and I followed them up the stairs. Mary stopped just as she entered the plane and gasped as she looked down the interior of the plane.

"Who all will be flying with us today Jerry?"

"It will be you and Charles Newberry."I extended my hand to point out Charles."He works for Kyle and will be traveling with you back home and has instructions to make sure you get home and settled before he is to leave."

Charles stepped forward and shook Mary's hand and said,"It is a pleasure to meet you Ma'am, anything I can do to make your travel any easier all you have to do is ask."

"Charles and the limousine driver back in Columbus will escort you home, stop at the local store and make sure you have fresh food for the house, help you get Jack home and settled and anything else you might need before they leave."

"Kyle, can I have a word with you before the flight leaves?"

"Sean, please help Mary get settled and say your goodbyes, I will be back in a moment."

Kyle and I walked to the back of the plane to a private office,"Kyle can you arrange to have someone on guard at Mary's house until Sean gets home tomorrow?"

"I have someone on standby Jerry, I will confirm the details and they will be waiting on them when they get home."

"Thank you Kyle, you trying to out think me again?"I laughed as this was not the first time he was ready to fill a request I had made of him.

"We both know that it would never happen Jerry, but on this occasion I was prepared. "Kyle snickered knowing he was right."Will there be anything else before the plane leaves Jerry?"

"No, but we do have a meeting this evening back at the hotel, please have someone ready to keep an eye on Sean in the casino while we are talking."

"Well, lightning has struck twice today, I have someone at the hotel waiting."Kyle laughed and turned to head back to the front of the plane.

I sat there stunned, Kyle has been ready for me a time or two, but never twice in one day before. I had to laugh at myself, I must be getting predictable I might have to shake things up a little and keep Kyle on his toes.

I walked back to the front of the plane and passed Mary and Sean sitting talking and motioned I would be back in a minute. I headed up to the cockpit and talked with the pilot.

"Hello Captain Winslow, how are you doing today?"

"Hello Mr. Martin, I am fine and how are you today?"

"It is Jerry please, and I am great thanks. Please take very good care of your cargo on this flight please. Mary is not well and I think the shock of the last few days might just catch up with her on the flight."

"That will be no problem Jerry, the weather is clear all the way home and the jet has been serviced from top to bottom."

"Wonderful Captain Winslow. When you return to pick us up tomorrow can you bring the 650 with you. I want to travel a little more comfortable."

"No problem Jerry, I will radio ahead and have it ready for when we touch down."

"Thank you Captain, I will see you tomorrow."I said as I shook his hand and headed back out to cabin.

I walked back in and took a seat next to Mary,"Are you ready to go yet my dear?"

"I don't think I could get any more ready Jerry."

"How about you Sean, are you ready?"

Sean looked up at me and I could see he was feeling guilty about leaving Mary and letting her travel home alone. He hesitated to stand and leave the plane.

"I promise you Sean she will be well taken care of by Charles and Captain Winslow. They have never let me down before and do not expect them to do so now."

"Go on Sean I will be fine, you go enjoy your last day and night here and I will see you at home tomorrow."Mary spoke with a tone of authority.

"Sean stood up and walked over to Mary and hugged her and said,"I love you sis."Then kissed her on the cheek and turned to walk off the plane.

"Please call him when you land Mary and when you get back home and are settled, I know he will be worrying till you are safe."

"I will Jerry, I know what is on his mind and I am just as worried about him as he is me."

"I hugged Mary and told her to have safe flight."I shook Charles's hand and reminded him to take extra good care of Mary, she means a lot to me.

I walked back outside the plane with Kyle in tow, Sean was standing at the bottom of the stairs I could see the worry on his face. The only thing I could not make out was what the concern was about. Was it about Mary or me? I walked to the bottom of the stairs and grabbed Sean and pulled him into a hug, I pulled back a little and lowered his head and kissed him on those luscious lips losing myself in their erotic feel.

"Are you doing alright Sean?"I asked wanting him to feel more at ease.

"I'm good Jerry, I just have not been away from Mary even for a day in ages."

"We will see her tomorrow, and I am excited about seeing your home and meeting Jack."

That put a smile on Sean's face, the thought of seeing Jack put him in a better mood. I held his hand as the plane started to taxi out of the hanger and onto the runway. We stood there watching as the plane made its way out and start down the runway, engines coming to full power as they started their climb into the blue skies. I motioned for Sean to follow me as we headed back to the limousine, once inside I asked Sean,"Would you like to stop and have lunch on the way back to the hotel? "

Next: Chapter 5

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