Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Oct 29, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome.

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Part 3

When I arrived at the restaurant I was surprised at how busy it was and thought how lucky I was to call and make reservations. I gave the hostess my name and she said, "Right this way, your party has already been seated."

I followed the young woman to a table near the back that was situated off to itself, if this had been another day and time I would have thought how romantic the setting was . I approached the table and Sean was sitting there looking like he just stepped out of an ad for a men's fitness magazine. I had to manage a smile before he noticed the look on my face. I took a deep breath and sat down at the table and thanked the hostess." Good evening Sean, I am really sorry that I was late, I lost track of time when talking to the office back home."

"No problem Jerry, I know the feeling."

"Did you have a pleasant afternoon at the pool then?"

"Yes, it was fantastic, I have never seen a pool so big and so many people."

"I am glad you had a good time, how is Mary this evening?"

"She looks like she had a rough day, I can't believe I didn't think about what the heat would do to her. But you look like you had about a rough day also, are you alright Jerry?"

I was stunned at the question, did Sean see something in me that had given him the idea what was going on in my mind?

"It has not been my best of days Sean, but you need not worry yourself. You have had more than enough to keep your mind occupied "

"Nonsense Jerry, if you say we are friends than I have every right to worry about you."

"You are right Sean, I am sorry. I just had a rotten day and my mind ran away with me today. It does not happen often, but when it does it wears me out."

"Did you work everything out, or is it still working too hard?"

"I think I have gotten it under control, maybe in the last 30 minutes, but I think I have it handled now. I thank you for your concern Sean, but as a friend I do not want you to worry about me, nothing that I have not dealt with before and will again I am sure."

"Well Jerry, I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't worry about you when you're not yourself."

"I guess not Sean, but please keep that worry to a minimum. What are you thinking of for dinner this evening?" I asked, trying to change the subject before I let it all loose.

"I'm not sure yet, do you have any suggestions Jerry?"

"They have a wonderful beef wellington here that I think you would really love."

"I have never had that, but if you think I would like it I will give it a try."

"You will not be disappointed Sean, and I know you like steak."

The waitress came over and took our orders, then Sean looked over at me with a look of sadness in his eyes. I could see he wanted to say something but I did not think he could find the words or if he could he did not want to say them.

"What is on your mind Sean? I can see you have something you want to talk about or is bothering you."Sean took a drink and looked over at me and said, "Jerry, I'm not sure I can tell you. I have come to value your friendship the last few days, but I just don't know how to talk to you about what is on my mind." "Sean, I will put no pressure on you to talk to me if you do not feel comfortable. When you are and want to talk I will always be there to listen."

"Thanks Jerry, but see that's the problem, you are so nice and compassionate, I just can't burden you with my problems. At least any more than I already have. Can you understand that?"

"I can Sean, but for there to be a friendship you have to be willing to ask of your friend to be there for you when you really need them. A time of need usually never comes at a time of convenience for either party."

"Let's have a nice dinner, then we can talk Jerry. Maybe by then I can get my thoughts organized and talk this out with you."

"Maybe this might help you with your thoughts Sean, I can honestly say that there is nothing you can tell me that will upset me, make me think less of you, or me not want to be your friend."

Sean looked at me with surprise and studied my eyes and face, as if to see if I was telling him the truth. He stared at me for 2 or 3 minutes I do not know if he found the answer, but he seemed to relax a little and a smile returned to his face. I do not think I have ever been more afraid than I was as Sean stared at me, but I kept my composure and never flinched once. I think this is what had put him at ease, knowing I meant what I had just said.

The waitress came back to check on us and Sean and I both ordered another round of drinks, she took the order and was gone. Sean asked, "Did you have any problems today when you met Mr. Oscar?

"It took me a little strong arming to get him to handle things the way I wanted, but I am used to that when dealing with someone like Mr. Oscar. He thinks he is the big fish in this little pond he calls a casino, after a little personal persuasion he realized we could handle this just as easy my way as his."

"Jerry, you do have a way about you that can get people to see things in a whole new light. Without even having to be pushed too hard, just a little nudge to get them the last part of the way there."

"I have been many places and have seen many things Sean. I have learned the hard way that there is always more than one way to solve a problem. Most people just do not take the time to look for them or see them when they are present. While we are on the topic of seeing things a new way, Sean, are you ready to go home tomorrow?"

"I want to see Jack, but other than that I would rather stay here and spend another week."

"I understand that Sean, I would love to be able to go back home where someone was waiting to see me. I envy you and Mary, that you have Jack to go home to and he is waiting to love you both."

"Jerry I can't believe someone like you doesn't have someone that could be waiting on you to come home. You are such a wonderful caring person, who holds nothing back and gives so much of himself."

"I have had very few who I would classify as waiting on me to come home Sean. I know you are younger but it is not as easy as you might think to find someone who is willing to commit to a relationship these days."

"I'm very sorry Jerry, I just assumed that being so generous and likable that you would have a ton of friends that would want you to be nearby at all times."

"I have come to terms with the emptiness my life holds for me, it is not an easy one and most people would have given up long ago. I am too proud and headstrong to give up on my dream of finding that someone who makes me complete."

Sean looked at me for a moment as if he wanted or needed to say something, if I was not mistaken I saw a look of desire in his eyes. What was he thinking? Why could I not get a read on this man? I had to reign my mind back under control before I let it start with all the analyzing again. I took a long sip of my drink as I wrestled my mind back under control.

"Sean, there is something I want to ask of you tonight."

"Ask away Jerry, I will do anything I can for you."

"I want to know more about you. I have heard the worst parts of your life, but I want to know about you. Your likes and dislikes, your favorite color, how you liked school, did you ever want to continue schooling? All the things that make you Sean."

"There isn't much to tell Jerry, I'm a messed up 21 year old who has no future, too many responsibilities and no ideas how I'm going to make it."

"Sean, first thing, you have a future, it is yours to live. How you live it depends on the work you want to put into it. I know you have had some really bad days in your past and some dark days coming soon, but outside of all that bad there is something in you that makes you special. I use the term special because I can see that in you, I just want to know what that gleam in your eye is, what you think and what you want in your life."

"Oh Jerry, that is a big can of worms you want to open. Let's get thru dinner and I will see if I can fill in some of the blanks for you. If you want them filled in I will do the best I can to answer your questions."

"I do Sean, while we have our meal I will just ask you basics and see how that goes."

"Now that sounds like an easier plan to me Jerry."

"Well then first off, what is your favorite color?" I said with a laugh to help ease the fear in Sean.

"Starting off easy, I like that. Blue, is my favorite color."

"See that was not so bad now was it?"

We continued on me asking simple questions of Sean and him answering them, dinner came and we savored the meal and Sean really enjoyed the meal I recommended. When we were finished Sean looked at me and before he could say anything I knew what he wanted and I said." Yes Sean order dessert if you want."

Sean laughed and said," How did you know that was what I was going to ask?"

"I told you Sean, you have ordered a dessert with every meal we have had. I know you want one after a meal like we just ate."

Sean smiled and motioned for the waitress to come over and ordered himself dessert and I ordered a coffee and we sat and talked some more as we finished our dessert and coffee.

After I paid the bill and we headed out of the restaurant I asked Sean," Would you like to take a walk down the strip to see all the sights?"

"That sounds great, I think the walk will do us both some good."

We headed out the front doors of the hotel and headed down the strip. The lights and sounds kept Sean busy trying to take them all in and not wanting to miss anything. While we were walking and I was watching Sean get lost in the atmosphere of the Vegas strip I was beginning to feel like he has missed out on so much in his life. The what could have started running through my mind, how different would things have turned outfor Sean if he would have had just one break in his life. I decided it was time to head towards a quieter part of the strip and see if I could get Sean to

talk some more about himself.

"We need to head towards Town Square, the place is amazing with the different architecture and shops, I think you will really enjoy it Sean."

"If you are recommending it I'm sure I will Jerry."

When we drew nearer to Town Square and the time of the evening the crowd was starting to thin out and I thought it would be a much better place to be able to talk one on one with Sean.

"If any shop interests you Sean just let me know and we can go in and look around. There are only a few up through here I visit, but I just love the different buildings."

"I really don't have anyone to shop for or for that matter anything to shop with. So I think it will just be window shopping for me." Sean said as he smiled at me and again made me feel so warm and got a stir from my groin.

We walked passed many stores and I did not see any interest from Sean in any of them, I decided that maybe we need to stop and have a drink and see if we could get the conversation started again. I headed us toward a lounge that I thought would be quiet enough for us to have a drink and be able to talk without being interrupted.

"How about a drink before we head back to the hotel for the night Sean?"

"Sounds good to me Jerry, I think I could use one and maybe get to what you wanted."

We had a seat in the back and ordered our drinks and as they were brought to us I had to keep shutting my brain down, not wanting it to get into the conversation tonight.

"Sean, if you do not want to talk about yourself we can just have our drinks and head back to the hotel. I am not in any way pressuring you to talk about anything that might make you uncomfortable."

"I know Jerry, but I promised my sister I would have a talk with you tonight and I'm just trying to work up the courage to start it."

"You promised Mary? That does not sound too good Sean."

"Mary is the one who pointed it out to me, I just never thought about it before. Maybe even buried it along with all the other memories I didn't want to deal with."

"Sean no matter what it is I will be here for you."

"Well let's see if you feel the same after I get this all out, I have a good track record or running people off."

Sean sighed and took drink and looked at the ground, trying to bring together all his courage to tell me what was on his mind.

"When Mary and I were talking the other night after my meltdown, she pointed out that she noticed a change in me. A change from when I was a little kid, that I used to ,as she put it, `have a glow about me.' She had never told me this before, but said after dad had died I lost it, that I was just dark and seemed not there and after a couple years that glow started to come back, that I was more the little kid she used to know. Then when momdied the light was gone again, that I looked empty. I can agree with her about how I felt after mom died, it seemed like everyone I loved had died. So I think I buried that feeling deep down inside myself, afraid to show it and what could happen if I did. Mary getting sick has brought me to such a

low point in my life I figured I would never have the chance to show anyone that side of me again. Mary told me that she has seen that light in my eyes again, and she has forced me to look at myself and answer some difficult questions."

Sean stopped and took another drink, I could see the tears forming in his eyes; I did not think he was going to hold together for too much longer. I reached over and touched Sean's hand and looked into his eyes and told him," Sean you are doing well, I am still here and I want to help you get through this."

Sean managed a smile and looked up at me," Thank you Jerry, but I'm not sure you will feel that way soon."

"Before I finish this Jerry, I want to really thank you for all you have done for Mary this week. She has been so happy I thought I would never see her this way again."

"Sean it has been my pleasure to help Mary and you this week. Mary is correct though, I have seen the light returning in your eyes this week. Seems each day they are brighter."

"I think the hardest thing about this is me not wanting to disappoint Mary, how could I let her down? She has done so much for me and is entrusting me with all she has. Oh God Jerry, I just don't know how to say this, I'm so scared even with all I have been thru in my life I don't know if I can do this."

"Sean please believe me, I will be here to help you anyway I can. I have grown fond of you and Mary this week, I am not going to run out on you two no matter what you have to tell me."

Sean grew silent and was looking down at his hands, as if he were studying them. Like they held a secret and he was trying to find the answers in the strength they represented.

"Jerry what I am trying to say is", taking a deep breath and pausing for a few moments, "I'm gay, and I think I have fallen for you. Please do not think bad of me and run off. I just never wanted to say it, everyone I have ever loved has died and I don't want anything to happen to you."

I got up from my seat as Sean looked at me with a look of terror on his face thinking I was walking away from him. I went and sat next to him and put my arms around him and said,"I am not offended Sean. I would never walk away from you for being gay, I would be a hypocrite if I were to walk away from you now."

Sean was sobbing into my shoulder, I do not think he heard a word that I had said. I rubbed his hair and told him "Everything will be fine Sean. I will help you learn to accept what you have buried so deep within yourself."

Sean pulled back from me and looked up and said," You're not going to leave?"

"No Sean, I am not that kind of person, I stand by my friends. I have to tell you something also, since you are being so honest with me."

Sean got uneasy and started to move around in his seat, I think fearing that I was going to make an excuse and leave him sitting there on his own after the news he had just delivered.

"I want to be as truthful and as honest with you as you just were with me Sean. I admired you since the first time I saw you sitting down next to me in the casino. I just never said anything because I have learned not to put myself out there the first time I meet someone. I know this is the cowards way out, but I have been hurt too many times I might know so many people it would amaze you but none of them know the true me. I keep myself hidden and only open up after I have known someone for a long time. Your courage has given me the inspiration to open myself to you."

Sean's mouth fell open and he just looked at me like I was a new person sitting there in front of him. "Jerry what are you trying to say?"

"I am saying that I am gay also and that I fell for you the moment I saw you walking down that row of slot machines and sat down next to me."

I never looked away from Sean, I wanted him to know I was not ashamed or afraid to tell him about me sexuality.

"Jerry, please don't say that, I was hoping you would run away from me. I didn't want you to be anywhere near me and get hurt. I am a curse to anyone that loves me."

"Sean that is not true, you have had many bad traumatic experiences in your life but none of them were caused because you loved someone. Love does not work that way, it is an emotion that is to bring happiness into your life. It should never be used to cause hurt and pain, although too many times in this day and age it is used that way. It is up to you to learn to use love in a good way, to keep it pure the way it is meant to be."

Sean sat there thinking about what I just said, trying to rationalize the meaning to every word that I put forth to him.

"I don't know how to do that Jerry and that scares me. All my life I have seen love turned against me and cause pain. I think it would be best for you to go back home and forget you had even met me."

"Sean there is no way I could ever forget you, not after the feelings that have worked their way into my heart the last few days. I will not push you into anything you are not willing to go forward with, but please do not push me away and ask me to forget about you."

"Jerry I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you because I opened my heart and loved you. My track record with people I love is terrible and I am not willing to let you put yourself at risk."

"Sean please let me worry about what risk I put myself at, I do not for one minute believe you had anything to do with the bad that has happened in your life. If you could just look at your life through different eyes you could see that, and that is what I can help you see.

Sean slumped over and put his head on the table, and softly started beating his forehead. "I just don't know Jerry, I'm so scared to try, to me there is too much at stake."

I put my arm around Sean's shoulder and whispered to him," There is a lot at stake if you give up also."

Sean raised up and looked over at me and I could see the change in him, he was beginning to believe that things could be different. "I can't promise you anything Jerry, I have nothing to offer. I just don't understand why."

I sighed and looked at Sean, "I could sit here all night and list the reasons Sean, but the most important reason is you have a deep caring soul."

Sean blushed slightly and got a smile on his face. "I think we should head back to the hotel, it has been a long evening and I'm worn out."

"I think that is a good idea, and you and Mary have a busy day tomorrow." I paid the bill and we headed back towards the hotel. I continued asking Sean questions and generally getting to know as much about him as the questions would allow. As we were walking I asked Sean for his cell phone; he cautiously handed it to me and I entered my home and cell number in it and handed it back. Sean looked to see what I had done and smiled at me as he slipped the phone back in his pocket.

"Would you like my number as well Jerry?"

"Yes I would Sean. I do not have caller ID on mine so I cannot get numbers when people call me."

"Why don't you have caller ID on your phone?"

"When I get overloaded at work I have a tendency to avoid calls from certain people, after getting behind by doing that I had it taken off so I have to answer the phone to see who it is. I can still avoid answering the phone, but not knowing who it is forces me to answer it even when I am avoiding work."

"I can understand that, I have seen lawyers throw their phones across the room more than once."

"I have never went that far, my habit was just to ignore any calls. I have learned to change that habit and now I take calls and tell them to leave me alone if it is not important."

"Can I ask you a personal question Jerry?"

"You can ask me anything Sean, if I think it is something that does not need to be discussed I will let you know."

"Fair enough, Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"I have had 3, and I will go a little farther, the last just left me last week." I told Sean as a sudden wave of sadness washed over me and I looked down at the ground as we walked along the strip.

"May I ask what happened?"

"I came home from work last Friday and he had left, all his stuff packed and gone. All he left me was a note, my first Dear John letter." I said with a bit of a catch in my throat.

Sean reached over and stopped us and pulled me into a hug, I was shocked but then pulled him in and hugged him back as tears began to run down my cheek. Sean rubbed my head and said," I'm sorry Jerry, but things will get better."

I pulled back a little from Sean and looked into his eyes and said." Thank you Sean, this is the first I have thought about it since I met you and Mary the other day."

We continued our walk back towards the hotel, though things were more quiet. I did not like the mood that this had put on our evening, I was trying to find a way to turn the conversation to something more pleasant. I looked farther up the strip and I froze right in place and could not believe what I was seeing, there just up ahead was Brad. What the hell was he doing in Vegas? How could that thoughtless bastard be here and look happy?

"What's wrong Jerry?" Sean asked when he saw that I had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as he walked back over to me putting his hand on my shoulder.

I could not answer him. All I could do was stare ahead and watch as Brad came closer to where we were standing. The only thing I could think of was I wanted to kill him; to make him feel as bad as I did when I came home and found him gone.

"Jerry, are you alright? Jerry can you hear me?" Sean was talking to me louder and louder. I could hear him but I could not answer. It was like I was totally disconnected from my body.

Just then Brad saw us and looked right at me, he looked as surprised as I had. I shook my head and regained some semblance of being alive again, Brad then walked up and said "Hello Jerry, what are you doing in Vegas?"

"Not that it is any of your business Brad, but I came to try and relax. It has been a rather bad week and I needed to get away from home for awhile." I told him as I gave him a look that I was in no mood to speak with him.

"Look Jerry I am sorry for what I did, but I ....."

I turned and walked away as Brad was speaking, I did not want to hear a word the prick had to say. Sean was standing there looking at Brad and realized I had walked away and turned to catch up to me.

"Was that your boyfriend that just left you last week?"??

I stopped again and looked at Sean with desperation in my eyes that I did not want to talk about it so I simply nodded my head and let out a deep sigh.

We were only a block from the hotel and we quickly finished the walk back when I told Sean, "I need a drink" and continued inside to the bar and ordered a double. I quickly downed the drink and ordered another. Sean sat there watching me not knowing what to say.

"Sean I am sorry you have to see me like this. I never expected to run into Brad, especially here in Vegas. He always hated coming here, I do not know what he is doing here."

"You don't need to apologize to me Jerry. I can't imagine having to run into him after what he did to you just last week. I could only imagine what you wanted to do to him cause I wanted to beat the shit out of him right there on the strip."

"There it is Sean."

"There what is Jerry?"

"That quality I told you was the most specially in you, your deep down caring soul. You have so much to worry about in your life and right now all you are worried about is helping me and wanting to protect me and make me feel better."

Sean blushed and looked away, I could tell he was thinking about what I said, maybe no one had ever told him that before. Maybe he did not know how caring a person he really was capable of being.

"I did not mean to embarrass you Sean, I just wanted to tell you how you show that caring side and I think it is special."

"That's ok Jerry, no one has ever pointed it out to me. I have always just went with my gut when I'm in a situation, even one like what had just happened."

I sat there looking at the bar, studying the wood grains trying to make any sense of them or the patterns. Why tonight of all nights did I have to run into Brad? I leaned forward and put my head on the bar and started hitting my head just as Sean had done just a short time ago back at the Square. I stopped when Sean put his hand on my shoulder, "Jerry, I don't know what you are going thru, but this will pass and things will be better. I just don't want you hurting thru this. Please tell me you will forget about him and look to the future."

"Sean I will put this behind me, it is just the questions I have in my mind that keep it there. I want to know why. Why was it so easy to walk out on me? I know you can understand that Sean, that pain lingers and festers so I guess I really need to let it go. I promise you I am done, Brad is gone from my mind and heart."

I took a swallow of the last of my drink and turned towards the lobby," I think it is time to call it a night Sean. I will see you in the morning for breakfast. Please give Mary a hug for me and you sleep well."

Sean watched as I headed off towards the elevator my head hung low, I did not know how I was going to keep that promise to him, but I had to find a way. Just as the elevator doors opened someone grabbed me by the arm and twisted me around, it was Sean and he pulled me into a hug and I lost all control of my emotions and began crying. My tears rolling like a river down the side of a mountain, nothing to control it just flowing. Sean led me into the elevator and took me up to my room and set me down on the couch and went to the bar and poured us both a drink.

"I have no idea why you made that promise to me Jerry, I'm not that young that I can't tell this is hurting you. It will take time to forget him and move on, but I want you to know that I will be there with you."

"I can do it Sean, I just need a few hours to make my mind forget him. That is one reason I am so good at business details, I can put focus on or not focus on something once I have made my mind work that way. It is not something I talk about or for that matter let anyone know. There are only a handful of people that know what I am able to do."

I glanced over at Sean as he was thinking about what I just told him, he seemed a little lost in thought when he asked," Does that mean you have a computer up in that head of yours?" He laughed and started rolling on the couch.

I could not believe how he started laughing and I just had to join him, it did relieve the tension and pressure that had followed us to the room.

"No offense Jerry, but I think you needed a little laugh there; I was tired of seeing that look on your face. I wanted to see that smile of yours."

"That is fine Sean, you are right I did need a laugh. I am sorry to burden you with all this tonight, you deserve more than being thrown into the deep end of my life."

"And you think I threw you into the shallow end of mine Jerry? I couldn't have thrown you into a deeper end if I tried. It should be me apologizing to you. But I couldn't help myself when we went to dinner the other night, you were so trusting it just flowed from my heart."

I reached over and grabbed Sean and kissed him, I wanted to reach his soul and he started kissing me back. It was like being in the arms of an angel, more loving and caring than I have ever felt.

"Thank you Sean, that means more to me than any pain that ass may have caused me."

He looked me in the eyes and whispered, "I think I'm happier than I have ever been Jerry."

We sat there on the couch just holding each other for over an hour, it was the most loving hour I have spent in my life. I turned to Sean and told him "I think you need to be heading back to your room before Mary sends out a search party for you."

"I don't want to go though Jerry, but you are probably right. She will be pacing the floor and wearing a hole in the carpet if I don't get back."

We stood up and I walked Sean towards the door," I am glad you were with me tonight Sean and if you are willing to continue I will be very happy to have you in my life." I then moved closer to Sean and kissed him, letting go all the passions I have held in check the last few days.

"That was good Jerry." Then he kissed me again. "I really don't want to go tonight, can't wait to see you in the morning."

"I will be dreaming about you all night Sean, morning can not come soon enough so I can see you again," kissing Sean again before he turned and headed to his room.

I leaned against the door and began to think how did I get so lucky? How could I ever be so lucky for such a wonderful man to enter my life, just when I thought it was falling apart. I stayed there against the door for ages just feeling the happiness of the love I felt from Sean. I was dragged back to reality when there was a knock on my door. Almost falling to floor from the surprise I turned and opened the door and there standing in the hall was Brad." What do you want? " I asked with disgust in my voice.

"I wanted to talk to you in private Jerry. I feel terrible running into you on the strip tonight and I knew something was wrong when you walked away from me earlier."

"Brad you have given up your right to be concerned for me, I have moved on and have others in my life right now to worry about."

"That hot young stud that was with you I imagine." Brad huffed as he walked into the living room

"That is none of your business Brad, you walked out on me and all you could muster was a note, a damn stupid note, not even the nerve to talk to me face to face."

"I'm sorry about that Jerry, but you and I both know why I had to do it that way. I could not face you and let you see inside my head why I was leaving, I could not handle that situation."

"Brad you know when we had personal discussions I would never do that to you. If you can not take my word as the truth then I guess we had no reason to be together."

Brad was pacing the floor and I knew that meant that he was hiding something and I became nervous as to what he was thinking. I looked at him and I could see in his mind that he was thinking about Sean and how he could get rid of him and get me back. I gasped and Brad looked up at me and knew right away what I had done.

"You can not do that Brad, I will not let you hurt him. That man has been through hell and I will not allow you to bring anymore to his life."

"Jerry, can you not see why I am thinking that? It is because I still love you."

I studied Brad and I could see it as plainly as the sunlight on a summers day, but there was something behind that love he was professing to me. Something deep, something dark, something I had not seen before buried like a treasure chest. What was it, I could not quite uncover it but it was there, wanting to be seen." Say it again Brad, I want to see it."

"Because I love you Jerry." he stammered out.

There it was, as dark as looking into the devil's own eyes. It was not love, it was contempt, hate, envy. Trying to masquerade as love, that oldest of deceptions. Why now though, what else was Brad hiding? There was a reason behind all of this and I had to know what it was.

"Lies Brad, all lies. You know I can see them, what else are you hiding from me? Why the sudden urgency to try and get me back?"

Just as Brad was about to speak I saw it, the intricate web of lies and deceit he had spun through the years. All of it, clear to me like a book of instructions on what made Brad tick.

"Brad! How could you? I see them all, all the lies and plans you have been working on. You had to know that they would never work."

"They would have worked, but you were getting to close to seeing them in my mind. That is why I had to leave last week, before you saw them and I could not get a start on finishing them."

"I can stop them with one phone call Brad, unless you got to Mark."

Brad turned and looked at me with a smile on his face, a smile like he had bested me and was going to get away with all the plans he had in place.

"You know Brad I may not have seen the plans you had going on, but I did see a plan in Mark. You are a fool, a fool who I once cared for and one who will no longer be anything but a has been as soon as I make a phone call."

Brad looked at me with shock on his face," What do you mean you saw them in Mark?"

"Do you think I would trust one person with all that I have? I only let you believe that Mark was the top of my control for my enterprises. I never make a decision without having three or four back up plans in place for occasions like this."

I pulled a small remote out of my pocket and pushed the button, just then six large well armed men broke through the door and grabbed Brad and placed him on the couch. I pulled out my phone and make one call and only said one thing," Execute plan 1 please." then hung up the phone.

I walked over to Brad," That my dear Brad is the end of that plan, right now Mark is being placed into custody and these fine men here will be taking you to a nice undisclosed location and showing you what happens when someone tries to hurt me. Also for the idea in your devious mind about hurting Sean, I think I will have to have them pay a visit to a couple of your family members."

"No Jerry! You can not do that, they are my family."

"So now I am suppose to care about your family after you wanting to destroy mine? How am I going to take sympathy on them after what you had planned to do to mine?"

Brads head sunk into his chest and he whispered, "I do not know Jerry, but this is not the person I thought you were."

"That makes two of us Brad, I never thought you would try and do this to me, to us."

"Please get him out of here."

The men took Brad from the room as he was screaming at me to not do it, I stopped Mr. Watson before he left the room, I looked up at him and said, "Do not hurt him too much. I want this to be a lesson, I will make sure he sees the errors of his way once I am back home."

"Is that wise Mr. Martin?"

"It is Jerry, and yes I am sure. It may not be the wisest thing I have ever done, but Brad is right, that is not the person I am."

"I understand Jerry, I will handle this personally."

"Thank you Mr. Watson."

"It is Kyle, and you are very welcome sir."

I smiled as Kyle left the room, I headed for the bar and poured myself a very tall glass and drank it straight down. I picked up the phone and dialed the first number that came to mind. I had to hear his voice, to try and calm myself thinking about the love I felt coming from him when he left earlier.

"Hi Jerry, did you miss me already?"

As the words cascaded over me I broke down in tears I could not help but hear the sound in his voice that he actually cared for me.

"Jerry! What's the matter? Are you alright?"


I hope you all enjoyed part 3, I have been busy with personal matters this last week so it might be a few days before I get part 4 ready to be submitted. I appreciate all the emails from everyone. If you would like to email me with comments or suggestions you can write me at

Next: Chapter 4

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