Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Oct 4, 2014


I want to thank all of you for your kind emails during this little delay on this chapter of the story. I have had so much going on lately that I had little time to devote to writing. I don't know if I will be able to get chapters out as quickly as I was earlier this year, but I will still be working on this story as often as possible.

This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you then leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Markfor all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Part 28:

Dr. Chase focused on his work as I sat there and thought about the trip this weekend, I could not wait to get Jack on the plane and head to Florida. Kyle slipped in the room and stood behind Dr. Chase and gave me his infamous look.

" What's up, Kyle? " I tensed as I tried to prepare myself for his answer.

" Relax, Jerry, or this will look like a tic-tac-toe game. "

" Sorry, Dr. Chase. "

" Sheriff Jenkins is at the gate, Jerry and he would like to have a word with you. "


Part 29

" I guess you had better get him up here then, Kyle. " I said with a bit of gruffness in my voice.

" Right away, Sir. " Kyle said, in a bit of haste and with that damn Sir again.

Dr. Chase worked quickly and quietly, I guess he sensed that I did not want to talk about anything about my day. " I think that will do you nicely, Jerry. " He said as he finished the last stitch. He wrapped up my fingers and cleaned up all the mess he made with the suture kit. " Keep them dry and I will come back next week and see how they are doing. "

" Thanks, Dr. Chase. " I walked him towards the front door before continuing. " We will be out of town till late Sunday, so how about an office visit Monday downtown? " I turned to make sure that Jack had not heard me talking.

" I can do that, Jerry. Maybe we can have lunch and catch up, it's been awhile since we had a long talk. "

" Sounds like a good plan to me, Dr. Chase, I'll make reservations for us. " I shook his hand and he was out the door.

As I was closing the door and turning to step back into the living room, the door stopped and came back open. I turned and Kyle walked in with Sheriff Jenkins.

" Hello, Sheriff. How are you doing today? " I asked as I reached for his hand to shake.

" I'm good thanks, Jerry. You been into trouble? " He asked as he pointed to my bandaged hand.

" Let's just say it was a momentary loss of concentration. " I laughed and led them into the living room.

" Sheriff, you remember Sean Austin, and this little man here is, Jack Austin. Guys, this is Sheriff Jenkins. " I held Jack in my arms as Sheriff Jenkins tried to shake Jack's hand, but Jack pulled himself into my chest and hid his face.

" Nice to see you, Sean. " Sheriff Jenkins said as he shook Sean's hand. " I see we have a little shy one here. " He exclaimed as he poked Jack in his side, eliciting a giggle. " Can we talk a minute, Jerry? " Sheriff Jenkins asked, with a bit of concern on his face.

" Sure Sheriff Jenkins. Sean, can you take Jack out and see what Dad is into? " I handed Jack over to Sean.

" Are you sure, Jerry? " Sean asked, the worry showing on his face.

" I don't think there is anything to worry about, Sean. Is there Sheriff? " I turned to see his response.

" No, Jerry. Just a few matters we need to clear up. " Sheriff Jenkins smiled as he played with his hat.

I waited for Sean and Jack to leave the room before I let Sheriff Jenkins continue. " I guess you drew the short straw Sheriff. "

" I suppose you could say that, Jerry, but I still wouldn't allow anyone else to come out here to talk with you. "

" I appreciate that, Sheriff. Now what can I do for you? " Knowing it had to do with mother.

" I'm really not sure how to ask this, Jerry. " He stumbled for the words, so I thought I would give him a little break.

" Let me see if I can help you, Sheriff. I would imagine this has to do with one Jane Martin. "

Sheriff Jenkins looked up at me, a little stunned. " Yes, yes it does, Jerry. "

" I would imagine that she came into your office with a power of attorney document and a story that I was in need of some help. I would bet she wanted you to come up here and take me into custody, until I could be moved to a nice 'facility'. " I shook my head.

" What the hell is going on up here, Jerry? I will not be dragged into a family feud. "

" My mother has tried a backdoor tactic to have me committed. That is why I filed those court documents with you earlier. I knew what she was up to and I wanted to head her off at the pass, so to say. "

" Do you know what kind of trouble she can be in for filing a false police report and having those court documents and trying to use them? "

" Of course I do, Sheriff, but that is not all. Is it? "

" How the hell do you do that? And no it's not. Can we sit for this? "

" I'm sorry, Sheriff, please have a seat. Then you can get to the real reason you are here. Unless you would like me to tell you that also. " I smiled at him.

" That won't be necessary, Jerry. It's just a little difficult to ask this question, especially of you. " Sheriff Jenkins lowered his head.

" Just ask the question, Sheriff. I know you have a job to do and dragging it out isn't going to make it any easier, on either of us. "

" You're right, Jerry. Your mother said that, Jack was being abused. I for one, don't believe a damn word of it, but since the accusation has been made, I have to investigate. I'm just not sure how far I am willing to go to determine if her claims hold any merit. " The Sheriff dropped his head again as he was deep in thought.

I stood quickly from my chair, causing the Sheriff to sit up and tense. " That damn vicious self-centered bitch! She has ruined my life enough, Sheriff. Would you like to have a little background information about the woman behind this claim? She paid four kids to savagely beat and rape me when I first came out to my parents, to try and teach me that I wasn't gay. Does that sound like a sane woman to you, Sheriff? " I was steaming mad, if Kyle had been in the room I would have taken his gun and went and hunted her down myself. I paced the floor back and forth as quickly as I could, I'm surprised I didn't wear a spot into the floor. " I will tell you one thing Sheriff, you can investigate all you want, but I will not have that little boy, whose mother we just buried today, to be upset in any way. If I have to call every lawyer on the east coast to bring this to a close now, I will. " I was all but in a meltdown at this time.

Kyle, Sean and Dad came running back into the living room. " Jerry, what are you screaming about? " Kyle asked, looking at the Sheriff, but asking me the question.

" Nothing, Kyle, I think we are done here. " Sheriff Jenkins said as he rose from his chair and put his hand out in front of me. " I'm sorry to have disturbed you this evening, Jerry. "

I shook his hand, my face still in shock as I looked at him. " It's alright, Sheriff. I know you were doing your job, but can I ask you a favor? "

Sheriff Jenkins paused as he looked around the room, unsure about accepting my request.

" No problem, Sheriff, let me see you out. " I turned him towards the door as we walked outside together, I shut the door to give us a little privacy.

" Okay, Jerry, what is it you need? "

" I would like to know what you would do with someone filing a false report and legal documents the person knew were invalid? "

" In most cases I would probably arrest them and see they were charged, but there are occasions that I can look the other way. " The Sheriff said, giving me a glance that he would let mother off.

" I was thinking that maybe you should go ahead and do what you would normally do, Sheriff. I assume anyone that was in your custody and seemed to be acting irrationally you would have them taken and evaluated? " Giving the Sheriff back his own knowing glance that he just gave me.

" I would say that I would, Jerry. I don't know just offhand where I would send someone like that. It may take me a few days to find the right facility. " the Sheriff smiled at me.

" I'm sure that in those few days that maybe the right place could find you, Sheriff. " I placed my hand on his back as I laughed.

" I will be awaiting your call, Jerry. " The Sheriff headed for his cruiser and headed down the driveway.

I watched as his cruiser disappeared down the driveway and figured out what I was going to tell Sean about the conversation we just had.

I heard the front door open and close and I readied myself for the questions coming.

" What have you done, Jerry? "

I think time stopped and my heart skipped a few beats as those words ripped through me, taking pieces of my heart with them.

" What the hell do you mean, Dad? " I could not even turn to face him.

" I mean, what was the sheriff doing here? Did you do something or have something done? "

I turned to face Dad, I wanted him to see the disappointment on my face. " You are going to stand there and actually ask me that? After I promised you I wouldn't do anything to her, you have the gall to ask? Even after you learned what your wife has done to me, you want to question me? " I started in the house and as I walked by Dad he grabbed my arm.

" I'm sorry, Son. "

I pulled my arm away and looked at him, " Not as sorry as I am, Dad. She is down at the sheriff's office now trying to cause more trouble for me, and more importantly, for Sean. I will not, and I'm saying this as plainly as I can to you, Dad, will not allow her to drag Sean and Jack into her mental problems. If I have to....." I was cut off before I could finish my words.

" Jerry, that's enough. " Sean strongly announced. " Can you give us a moment, Mr. Martin? " Sean asked without looking at Dad.

" Sure, Sean. " Dad went back in the house and closed the door.

When Sean heard the door close he walked over in front of me and wrapped me in his strong arms, I leaned forward into his chest. " Are you alright, Babe? "

" I wasn't, but I am now. " I said as the security of Sean's arms relaxed me.

" Good, now tell me what the sheriff wanted. " I felt Sean tighten his grip on me as my tension level climbed quickly.

" Why can't she just leave us alone? Did I not make it clear enough to her that I wanted nothing else to do with her? "

" So, I take it, that your mother sent him here. "

I nodded my head without looking up at Sean. " She tried to use the power of attorney she had and then claimed Jack was being molested. " I pulled back from Sean. " I can't be held responsible for what will happen to her if she keeps this up, Sean. " I dropped my head, " If you want to leave until I can take care of her and the rest of the family...I will understand. "

" Sorry, Babe, you're not getting rid of me that easy. Come on, I think you need some time to relax. Then it's early to bed for you tonight. " Sean turned me towards the house and walked next to me, arm around my shoulder to keep me moving.

We walked inside, Sean seemed in control as he maneuvered me up the stairs and into our bedroom. He sat me down on the bed, " Now don't move, I will be back in a second. " He walked into the bathroom and left me sitting, deep in thought about how the woman, I loved so deeply, had turned on me like a pit viper turning on it's prey. Feeling as decimated as a bug on a windshield of a car on the highway I slumped forward and wrapped my hands around my face. How could I have been so wrong about her? How could she hate me so much, that she would endanger Jack? She had to know deep down that I would not allow her to hurt him, but she went forward with whatever crazy plan she had in her mind. I could contemplate any plan someone could come up with, but this plan and my mother never came together in my mind. How could I connect the two sanely? I couldn't and that worried me even more. Before I could go any further in my thoughts Sean placed his hands on my

shoulders and leaned down and whispered in my ear. " Jerry, look at me. " I lifted my head till I was looking at Sean.

" You know deep down how she was able to do it and you know why she is doing it, but you don't want to face that answer. Right now I don't want you to even think about it, right now is about you and you alone. All I want you to think about right now is that there are two people in this house that love you with all their hearts. Jack and I will be here for you now and always. Now get up and take off those clothes, you need a nice hot bath to relax in for half an hour, while I get Jack settled for the night. " Sean held out his hand to help me off the bed and then started taking off my clothes.

As Sean pulled off my suit jacket and placed it on the bed he looked into my eyes and the tears ran down my face. I grabbed him and pulled him to me. " I do love you and Little Man more than you know, Sean. "

" Shhh Babe, this time is for you, and every day from now on, you need to have part of the day that is nothing but yours. If you give me any grief about that, I will have Kyle lock you in a room each day for an hour timeout. " Sean laughed as he kissed my cheek.

A few minutes later Sean had helped me remove all my clothes and walked me into the bathroom where he had started filling the tub. He helped me in and I sat down in the water, it's warmth enveloped me and a low "Ahhh" escaped my mouth.

" Now, I want you to sit there and relax, I will be back as soon as I get Jack settled. No thinking about anything till I get back, just lay there and relax. " Sean said as he laid a washcloth across my eyes and eased my head back against the tub.

" I can do that Babe, thanks. "


I eased out of the bathroom and started out of the bedroom but I had to stop and just stand there and watch Jerry as he sat in the tub. A man so full of love and caring and his family was on the verge of destroying him and his world. I was filling with rage as I turned and headed out to find Kyle.

I walked into the office to find Kyle sitting at his desk going through a stack of papers. " Kyle, I need a favor. I know I don't have any right to ask this of you, but I would be truly grateful if you could do this for me. "

Kyle turned his chair around to look at me, " Well, that depends on what you need, Sean. "

" It is a personal favor, Kyle. I was wondering if you could take Jack down to McDonald's for dinner. I don't think we will be making anything here tonight and I'm just not in the mood to cook something for him right now. " I tried to smile as best I could, but it only came across as a halfhearted attempt.

Kyle sat there studying me for almost a full minute, " You're not going to do anything foolish are you, Sean? "

" Of course not, Kyle. Jerry is soaking in a hot tub right now, I think he deserves a bit of time to relax on his own, and I just don't have the time to handle a meal. I told him I would be back up in 30 minutes. "

" I can do that, Sean, but I will need to leave Josh in the house till I get back. " Kyle smiled as he said it.

" That's not a problem, Kyle. I really do appreciate this and I owe you. " I pulled $20 out of my wallet and laid it on the desk.

" That's not necessary, Sean. I think this meal is on me. " Kyle pushed the money back towards me.

" You have been hanging around Jerry too long my friend. " I picked the money back up and put it in my wallet. " I'll go get Jack ready and meet you at the front door. " As I walked out of the office I heard Kyle on the phone to the front gate, having a car brought up to the house.

I went out back and found Jack and Mr. Martin sitting and playing in the dirt with Jack's trucks and cars. " Hey there, Little Man. How would you like to head down to McDonald's for something to eat? "

Jack jumped up and ran over to me, " Yes, yes yes! I wanna go Uncle Sean. "

" Alright Jack, let's get you inside and cleaned up. " I picked Jack up and took him to the bathroom and washed his face and hands, then went in his room and put on a clean shirt. " I have a surprise for you Jack, Kyle is going to take you to McDonald's. I want you to listen to everything he says and be a good Little Man for me. "

Jack stood there thinking for a minute, " That's okay, I like him, Uncle Sean. "

" Great, Little Man, he will take very good care of you. Just listen to everything he tells you to do. " I rubbed the top of his head.

Kyle was standing in the kitchen when we came out of Jack's bedroom. " We are all set to go when you are, Jack. " Kyle walked over and knelt in front of Jack as he talked to him. I walked with Kyle and Jack to the front door, " Don't be too hard on him, Sean. " Kyle told me as they were getting into the back of the car.

" I have no idea what you are talking about, Kyle. " I smiled as I closed the door and watched the car drive off.

I walked around the side of the house, hoping to catch Mr. Martin in the backyard still. I didn't want to get into it with him in the house and take a chance that Jerry would overhear us. Mr. Martin was sitting on the bench, staring out towards the tree line. " Mr. Martin, can we talk for a minute? "

Mr. Martin looked up at me, " Sure Sean, is something wrong? "

I took a deep breath and shook my head, " No, Mr. Martin. Well maybe, that's what I want to find out. " I turned my back on Mr. Martin, I did not want him to see how nervous I was.

" What do you want to know, Sean? " Mr. Martin asked, his tone a little mysterious.

" Well, I wanted to know, what is your damn problem, Mr. Martin. Jerry, the most caring, loving person I have ever met in my life is upstairs hurting because of what you said. I just don't understand how you could turn on him like that, how can you not be right beside him, supporting him after what you just found out? He has built his whole life on the fact that you and your wife loved him and now that entire foundation is crumbling and he has no idea how to handle that. What has changed in you today? You were nothing like this the last couple of weeks. "

" Calm down, Sean, there is a lot about Jerry that you don't know. I think it is best if you leave this alone, until he tells you the whole story. "

" That's a load of horseshit Mr. Martin, that is your son up there. I could not care less what he promised you years ago, he is hurting. My father would have ripped that door off to get to me to make sure I was alright, yet you seem to have done nothing but make him out to be the bad guy. The sheriff was here because your damn wife was down there accusing us of molesting Jack. I can care less what happened in the past, but if she ever comes anywhere near me again, I will beat the shit out of her. No one and I mean no one, will ever hurt Jack as long as I'm alive. I promised Mary more times than I can count that I would protect him. That man upstairs has done more in three weeks to protect him than I have been able to in three years and that is one of many reasons that I love him. I swear to you right here and now Mr. Martin, this family will no longer take advantage of him, and if anyone tries they will have to deal with me. " My anger had finally

reached a limit that I had to stop talking to him, or I would say things that I could not take back. I turned and started for the house, I had to get back to Jerry.

" Sean, I do know where you are coming from with what you said, but... "

I stopped in my tracks, that 'but' had done it, it pushed me to a limit I didn't want to pass with Jerry's family. " But, there should not be a damn but, Mr. Martin. He is your damn son, there should only be what can I do to help him. Nothing less than that, and in your case that is only a beginning, after what your wife has done. I will not lower myself to call her a mother, because she lost that right the minute she planned what she did to Jerry. Much less what she is down at the sheriff's office accusing us of doing. I am done Mr. Martin, done with you and her calling yourselves parents. You do not deserve to be called that and in my eyes you have a long way to go to be seen that way again. "

I turned and went back in the house without another word spoken between us, I was still seeing red. How could there be a 'but' when it comes to your child? I stood at the bottom of the steps and tried to calm down, trying to breath deep and let the anger leave me.

A hand grabbed my shoulder, " I'm sorry, Sean, you're right. I should never had turned my back on Jerry. I can only hope he will forgive me. "

Without looking over at Mr. Martin, " No, you shouldn't have, Mr. Martin. I think you need to have a nice long talk with him, but that will have to wait till tomorrow. Right now I'm going to get him in to bed and he is going to have a long night's sleep. "

Before Mr. Martin could respond I headed up the stairs, I had been gone long enough and I was worried about Jerry. I eased into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway to the bathroom and watched as Jerry lay there in the water as I had left him.


As Sean walked out of the bathroom, leaving me with my own thoughts and the threat not to dwell on them, like that is going to happen. After the beast of the century has revealed herself, and has threatened me and more importantly, threatened Jack and Sean. If I had to be honest with myself she could not care less about Jack and Sean, she was just using them to inflict more pain on me and try to keep her claws in me. I was more determined than ever to move her out of my life and to protect Jack from ever having to remember her, even if any memory he had of her was good. It would only bring up questions that I never wanted him to ask, or me to have to answer. Sean's words came running through my mind, 'no thinking about anything, just relax' and I did just that. I leaned back and let every thought of my mother leave my mind and all I could think about was the smiles that made my heart melt on Sean's and Jack's faces. Thinking back over the last weeks and

meeting Sean, Jack and Mary, I began to think of all the things that had to come together for us to meet, the worst being that Mary was ill and actually if not, she was in more danger than she ever realized. I knew in my heart that I was going to have to tell Sean soon how much I truly loved him. It was killing me to hold it back, waiting on him to decide how he was going to handle his coming out. Right now I could not imagine my life without him and Jack in it, completely in it, every day, in every part of my world.

I suddenly felt like I was being watched, " Are you going to just stand there and watch me, or are you going to come in and talk to me? " I asked, knowing that Sean was standing in the doorway.

" Well, I was really enjoying the view, and I didn't want to disturb you. Right now you look like you have actually relaxed. " Sean replied, and I could swear I heard the smile on his face.

" Once I pushed her out of my thoughts, I have actually been able to do just that, Sean. " I noticed the smile start to slide off his face when he mentioned 'her'. " Then I think while you are in a good frame of mind to get you into bed and let you get some sleep tonight. " I pulled the wash cloth off my face and looked at him, " Can I say something, Sean, and listen until I'm finished? "

The happiness he was proudly showing seemed to take a hit, but he smiled. " Sure, Jerry, you can say anything you want to me. "

I took a deep breath and looked up at Sean. " First off, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me today. You kept your promise to me and that means so much to me, Sean. " He nodded his head, knowing I meant his promise to keep me from doing something stupid to my mother. " I'm very proud of how you handled yourself today, this day was difficult enough for you, then I have to add the insanity of my family to it, for that I am sorry. " A tear started to fall down over my cheek.

" Jerry, " Sean started to speak.

" Let me finish, please Sean. " Sean nodded his head as I prepared to tell him what I had to say.

" Like I said, Sean, yesterday was a terrible day for you, but I have to tell you something and I don't want it to influence you in any way. Can you promise me that? Can you hear what I'm going to say and just let the words sit in your mind for awhile? "

" Of course I can, Jerry. I have learned a thing or two being with you. " Sean smiled at me.

I guess it was now or never. " I want to tell you, no, need to tell you. " I was about to lose control of myself, as I choked a little on the words I was trying to get past my lips. " Sean, I love you more than anyone I have ever loved. You and Jack are now the center of my life, I'm not telling you this to influence you one way or the other, I just had to let you know where I stand. I know it's not fair to drop this on you right now, but with all that went down today, I could not wait any longer. I would be more than blessed if you and Jack would stay here and allow me to be a part of your lives. "

Sean stood there staring at me, not blinking or changing his face, almost to the point where I was going to step out of the tub and shake him.

" Let's get you out of there and ready for bed, Jerry. " Sean startled me as I blinked and realized he was actually talking again. Sean came over and slipped an arm under mine across my back and helped pull me up from the tub.

I wondered if I had pushed too far, but I told him I would not lie to him and I was making an effort not to hold back anything. I would leave it for now and let him think things through and have a discussion with him tomorrow evening when I got home. I dried off and finished my routine at the sink, then went in the bedroom and Sean had laid out my pajamas and I finished getting dressed.

" Now I want you in that bed Mr. Martin, Then I'm going down and getting Jack into bed and I will be back. " Sean smiled at me, with a sparkle in his eyes that drew my attention immediately.

I looked at Sean, trying to figure out what was causing the light in his eyes. " Where is Little Man at now? "

" Well, I have to explain a little about that, Jerry. I asked Kyle to take him to McDonald's for dinner, he left Josh behind here in the house, to keep an eye on me. Don't get mad at him, I just needed to get him fed but I needed to make sure you were settled for the evening. " Sean lowered his head as if he had done something wrong.

I pulled Sean closer to me, " There is nothing to worry about, Sean. Kyle will take very good care of Little Man and I bet Josh didn't have a thing to keep an eye on. I want to thank you again, Sean, you kept me sane today. Even if you don't believe me or accept the compliment, I could not have gotten through that without you. Now get downstairs and take care of Little Man before Kyle has him signed up for special forces training before he starts preschool. "

Sean stood up and nodded, let out a laugh and turned and head out the door, down to take care of Jack. I set my alarm, the first time in years, just in case I actually slept late in the morning. I laid back and sank into my pillow and pulled up the covers and got myself comfortable. I tried to keep my mind of my mother and focused on business matters in the morning. I knew I had more stacks of paperwork on my desk than I have ever let build up and was not looking forward to dealing with all that and training George. I started running through ideas on where to send Michael and who I wanted replacing him in New York. I had a plan in mind, but wasn't sure that Michael would like the location. If I were him, I would love it, but Michael could be difficult at times. If he wasn't about the best trader and information man on my team I would have sent him packing long ago. As plans started coming together in my mind, my thoughts were drawn to Sean and his

beautiful smile, and how Jack's laugh was so infectious, these two have changed my life so fast, I wasn't sure what to expect next. I slowly drifted off to sleep, finally letting go of questions and plans for the week.

I woke suddenly, trying to sit up in bed, but realizing that something was holding me down. As I woke a little more I felt for the reason and it was Sean's arm, I relaxed as I began to understand. I looked over at the nightstand and saw it was 3:00 A.M., I slowly started running my hand up and down Sean's arm. I rolled and laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arm around him and smiled, for the first time in years waking up in the middle of the night, went back to sleep, instead of getting up and working. I awoke to the blaring screech of the alarm, one of the biggest reason I was always awake before the damn thing went off. I sat up on the side of the bed and was about to get up when...

" Did you really have to set that damn thing this morning Jerry? " Sean asked, as I about jumped and turned to see him with the pillow over his head.

" You're damn lucky I didn't push my panic button and have Kyle in here with his gun drawn. You just scared the hell out of me, Sean. " I laughed and crawled over and pulled the pillow back. " Thanks, Sean. " I leaned down and gently kissed him and started to roll back to my side to get out of bed.

Sean grabbed my arm stopping me from getting up. " For what, Jerry? "

" Just for being you, Sean. You helped me in so many ways yesterday, I'm just thankful that you are here. "

Sean blushed and let go of my arm, " And that's another thing I'm thankful for, Sean. " I jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom, leaving Sean looking at me with a questioning look.

I was finishing up my routine in the bathroom, readying myself for the day when Sean walked in the bathroom. " Do you think we can have a private dinner this evening, Jerry? "

" I don't see why not, Sean. I will talk with Kyle this morning and see if Mitchell or Josh are available to watch Jack. If that is alright with you? " I asked as I stepped up in front of Sean.

" That will be just fine, Jack likes the both of them. I think Josh a little more than Mitchell, but I think that's because Mitchell has a little more serious appearance than Josh does. " Sean smiled at me as he replied.

I thought about it for a moment from a child's point of view. " I can see that, Mitchell is very good at his job, and I guess it takes time to be that way and be able to have that smooth exterior also. Now, which suit should I wear to make my return to work? " I wanted to make Sean feel as important in my life as I could.

" I think you started your business day in your birthday suit, but I expect that would be inappropriate to wear to the office. " Sean let out a laugh.

I looked at Sean and smiled, " I think Michael and George would both leave and then I would have to work too much this week. If we are going out for dinner after work, how about the black silk Armani? " I asked as I pulled the suit out of the closet and held it in front of myself.

" Gorgeous as always, Jerry. I think you could wear a paper bag and look amazing. "

" But not nearly as well as you could, Sean. " I put my hand on the side of his face and let it run down and placed it on his chest. " It is early yet, if you want to grab some more sleep, I will make sure you are up before I leave. " I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Sean's lips.

" I think I will just head down with you and get a start on this day, besides, I can get a nap this afternoon when Jake does. " Sean laughed knowing I would be at work at not able to nap.

" Don't laugh too hard there Mr. Austin, I do have a couch in my office that I can take a nap on also. " That shut Sean up as he looked at me to see if I was serious.

" Maybe you do, but I still don't see you napping at the office. Especially with Michael and George there. "

" Unless I send them out for lunch and have the office to myself for awhile. " I shot back as I slid my jacket on and turned for the door.

" Damn you, Jerry. Stop trying to out do me! " Sean started to giggle as he finished getting dressed as I headed down stairs.

Next: Chapter 30

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