Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jul 28, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you then leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of 27:

Sean held out his hand, " It's great to meet you big brother Bill. " Sean smiled that smile that melts my heart.

Bill cracked a smile and grabbed Sean into a hug. " It's nice to meet you, Sean. "

Bill let go of Sean as mother cleared her throat, " I think that is enough, William. " Mother cocked an eyebrow at Bill.

Bill looked at me and winked, " Okay, Mother. "

" Please come in everyone. " I led them to the front door and directed them all into the den. " Let's talk in here. Would anyone like anything to drink? " I asked, trying to be polite.


Part 28

" That will not be necessary, Jerry. " Mother coldly stated.

" How about a scotch, Jerry? " Bill asked.

" Coming right up. " I walked over to pour Bill his drink. " Have a seat everyone. " I poured a scotch for Bill and myself, then directed Sean to sit behind the desk and then took a seat on the front corner of the desk.

" Now, what is so important that brings you here today, Mother? "

" This is a family matter, Jerry. I think you need to ask Sean to step out till we are done. "

I sat there on the corner of the desk for a full minute staring at mother. The room quiet as the tension level starting rising as fast as my temper. I finally stood, set my drink on the desk and walked over next to Sean.

" I made a promise to let you come into our home and listen to what you had to say, Mother. But, I want you to understand right now, this is our home and you will never sit there and tell me who can and can't be here. If you can't handle that, I suggest you head back out that door and never come back. " I placed my hand on Sean's shoulder to emphasize that I meant what I said.

" Jerry Martin, I will not allow you to speak to me that way. " Mother sputtered back at me.

" I don't care what you think you can allow me to do, Mother. I gave you the ground rules for this meeting, if you don't want to talk, then I think it's time for you to leave. I started to walk around the desk to show them out.

" Fine, Jerry, if that's the way you want to handle this. " Mother replied rather rudely.

" That is how it will be, Mother. Anything you have to say may as well be said in front of Sean. I have nothing to hide from him. "

" I doubt that very much, Jerry. Remember I know everything about you, Son. " The words chilled my skin, the innuendo behind them seemed to hold more to my mother for some reason.

" So, what can I do for you, Mother? " I asked with a quick to the point question.

" Jerry, we are here as a family to give you the support and strength you need. I know in my heart that this is not the life that you wanted. I also know you are not happy and want something more for yourself. It's just that you don't know how to go about it or how to ask for help. Your brothers and I have come here to give you the opportunity to ask for our help, before more drastic measures are needed. "

" What? What more drastic measures, Mother? " Bill jumped out of his chair and was in front of mother. " You told me that Jerry wanted us here to ask for our help. "

Sam ran over to mother's side, " Sit down, Bill. I believe after Mother has her say, Jerry will be more than willing to ask us for our help. "

Bill shook his head and sat back down. " Go ahead, Mom. " Sam said as he stayed at her side with his hand on her shoulder.

" As I was saying. " Mom scowled at Bill. " I think if you look in your heart, Jerry, you will have to admit that I'm correct. This choice was never the one you wanted. I think you were forced down this path and with our help you can start down the right path for yourself. I have a lot of help in place for you, Jerry, and the first step is for you to say you are wrong. Then we can begin to help you make a better choice, I just hope you can see that you are wrong and all I want is to help you. Can you see that, Son? "

I sat there thinking about all that she said, and wondered. I felt Sean put his hand on mine. " Is that all 'all' you came here for today, Mother? " I asked trying to stay calm, before she brought out the real reason.

" Of course it is, Son. I am your mother and I only want the best for you. " She snapped back quickly.

" Only the 'best' for me, Mother? You have a lot of nerve to use those words, sitting there lying to all three of your sons. The only problem there is, I know the whole truth. Sam doesn't care as long as he is the center of your attention. I think your biggest mistake was lying to Bill. He is an adult, Mother and has opinions and ideas all his own. Maybe you should tell him why you are really here, and show him what you have in your purse, before you count on his support. " I leaned back on the desk as I stared her down.

Bill sat there shaking his head. " Would someone tell me what the hell is going on here, I'm so tired of this dancing around the point you two have going on. " Bill was pointing to me and mother.

" Would you like to 'put all your cards on the table,' as they say, Mother? Or would you like me to tell Bill the whole truth, well Sam also, but he could not care less about the truth, thanks to your poisonous words, Mother. " I smiled at her, as I put her behind the eight ball.

Mother stood up and brushed her dress. " I will speak to William later, right now he will have to accept my word on this. I need an answer from you, Jerry. Will you admit you are wrong and ask us for our help? "

I started laughing and shook my head. " I will do just that for you, Mother, if you pull that paper out of your purse and show it to Bill. " I walked around the desk next to Sean and leaned down and whispered in his ear, " Push that little button under the desk drawer, and relax, everything is fine. " I kissed his cheek and just laughed again. " Well, Mother. What's it going to be? "

Mother sat back down thinking, wondering if her plan was going to work. I guess she decided that it would and pulled a court order out of her purse and handed it to Bill.

" I already stopped at the sheriff's office and filed that, Jerry. I was hoping that you could admit your mistake and it would not be necessary to use it. " Mother smiled at me, as if she held the moral high ground.

Bill sat back in his chair as he started reading over the document. After several minutes he gasped and dropped the papers on the floor. " Mother, I ..." Bill stopped and closed his eyes. " I can't believe you would stoop this low. How can you even say the things you did and have this at the ready? I'm ashamed to even say that you are my mother. " Bill stood and headed for the door.

" No, Bill. You need to hear the whole story and the true depths of her insanity. " I walked over and pulled Bill back to his chair.

I knelt down in front of Bill. " I know you are the oldest, my brother and you always thought you were the one that was suppose to protect us. You did a great job when we were kids, but it's time I stepped up and pulled back the curtain on the fraud that mother had put on in front of us since I came out. " I placed my hand on Bill's knee. " I can only guess the lies she told you to bring you here, and before we go on, I want you to know I hold no grudge against you, brother. Mom has lied to me for years, she has never accepted me as a gay man as she claimed she did. Instead she has been planning and hiding her true feelings, waiting to strike. Her attempt at me using Brad and Mark, that almost cost her the life of her favorite son and she still can't accept the fact she was wrong. Then to top it off, you have read the papers yourself, how far she is willing to go. Do you know exactly why she is willing to go this far, Bill? "

" She said you told her that you were confused and we all needed to be here to help you. " Bill said as his eyes started to water.

" She is partially right, Bill. I am confused. " Everyone looked at me like I was about to burst into flames. " I am confused to why she would go this far. " I reached down and grabbed the papers Bill dropped on the floor. " But I have come to the conclusion that it boils down to plain old fashioned greed. What she did not show you with this, " I waved the papers, " is her trying to gain control of my business and my money. " I looked over at her.

" You, mother are an absolute disgusting human being. You have lied and manipulated your way around all of us these years, to try and take something that I would have given you if you only asked. Instead you have betrayed my trust and love for a mother I had for you. "

There was a knock on the door, " Come in. " I yelled.

Kyle walked in carrying a folder with him and handed it to me, " Thanks, Kyle. Can you keep an eye on Jack and ask Dad to come in here please? "

" Right away, Jerry. " Kyle looked at mother disapprovingly, using my first name instead of sir in front of a group as he usually would.

" I have kept my word to Dad and allowed you to have your say, Mother. Now it is my turn and you will give me the same courtesy I gave you. " I sat waiting for her to answer.

She sneered at me for a moment, " I will not be spoken to like that, Son. I am your mother and you will show me some respect. " Mother winked, trying to push me into doing something rash.

" I have sat here and listened to the lines of bullshit from this woman, Jerry. How in the hell can you want her in your house a minute longer is beyond me. " Sean was standing behind the desk, red with anger.

I turned around and looked at Sean, he was more upset than I had seen him since we met. " You mean 'our' home, Sean and don't worry, she will be leaving soon. " I smiled at him, trying to calm him down.

As the words came together in his head, he took his sight off of mother and looked at me and and the love returned to his eyes and he smiled at me.

Dad walked in the den and shut the door. Mother, Sam and Bill turned to see a sullen father standing inside the door. " Jane, boys, how are you doing? " Dad asked, but could tell by the mood in the room things had went bad already.

Sam turned back towards mother and never said a word, always a momma's boy till the end. Bill stepped over and hugged Dad.

" I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't know she would do anything like this. " He started sobbing on Dad's shoulder.

" I know, Son. She has fooled all of us for a long time. I still love you, Bill. " Dad kissed his cheek as he rocked him in his arms.

" I asked you in a little early, Dad. It seems that Mother is holding the last piece of her puzzle close, I imagine in the hopes that the first part of her plan worked. "

" I guess you need to finish this up then, Son. I can only imagine you are ready to have her out of your house. " Dad replied.

" When I leave here, none of you will be here long. I will have that amoral heathen locked away and the rest of you on the street. " Mother screamed as she rose from her seat.

I bellowed, " Sit your ass down, Mrs. Martin. If you ever threaten anyone in our home again, you will be sitting in a jail cell for the rest of your life. " I stepped in front of her and glared her in the eyes until she backed up and sat down.

Sam came over between us and pushed me back. " How dare you speak to her like that, you ungrateful prick. She is only trying to help you be a real man. "

" Oh Sam, you poor blind fool. If you didn't learn your lesson after she was willing to sacrifice your life in the pursuit of her final goal, nothing will. Now sit down, before I have Bill help you. I looked over at Bill and smiled.

Sam then looked over at Bill and fell back in his chair and slumped down as Bill gave him a threatening look.

I leaned back on the desk in front of Mother and Sam. " First of all Mrs. Martin, your attempt to use your doctor 'friends' and that crooked ass judge to pull this off is over. The judge has been removed from the bench, by a Judicial panel and the doctors you used have had their licenses suspended pending an investigation. Also, the shyster of a lawyer who drew up these papers for you is now sitting in a jail cell next to Mark. Now, I have a few things that I need you to understand, Mrs. Martin. I first want to give you a restraining order that prevents you from coming within 500 feet of this house, Sean, Jack, Dad or me, as well as any of my business offices. If you ever decide to break this order, I have the Governor's word that you will be arrested and in jail until such time as a psychiatrist of my choice decides you are of no danger to any of us. I also have a divorce settlement that you will sign before you leave here, and in my opinion it is far

more fair than I would have been with you. " I held onto the last piece, since she had not drawn her trump card yet.

I handed the file to mother then sat back on the corner of the desk, waiting on her reply.

" I can't believe you are treating me this way, Son. I will not sign anything without having a lawyer look it over for me. I'll fight your father with my last breath, I'm not going to allow you to buy his way out of this. He will not sit in the lap of luxury while I am forced into poverty. " Mother growled at Dad.

" I am guessing that you want to try and hold onto that last piece of hope, Mrs. Martin. I'm not referring to the hope that you will get anything more from Dad, but that last piece of hope you are holding close to your heart. "

" I have no idea what you are talking about, Jerry. " Not looking at me, but at Sam trying to find the last of her support in the room.

" You are just going to keep this going no matter what I do aren't you, Mother? I have tried to give you a way out to save some dignity, but you will not budge and admit you were wrong. " I shook my head, knowing that it would never be over where she was concerned. " I will give you one last chance to reveal your last act of betrayal to your sons and show them how far you were willing to go. Or you will leave me no choice on how I proceed. "

Dad and Bill looked up at me and I had to shake my head at them as Mother stared at Sam. I could not understand why she was being so stubborn on this point, I knew what she had done and put a stop to it before she could even get close to pulling it off, so why is she trying to hide the fact now?

Mother stood up but never looked at me. " Fine, but on one condition, and it is not negotiable. "

" And what would that be? " I asked as I looked at the floor, dreading what she was going to ask.

" That you at least allow me to see Jack..... "

Before she could say another word, Sean came up out of his chair. " There is no way that is ever going to happen. I don't know what you think you are trying to do, but I can guarantee that you will never see my nephew again. " Sean was about to come out from behind the desk.

I stepped up in front of Mother, " You had to know that was never going to happen. What else are you trying to hide with that impossible request? "

" Nothing, Son. I just fell in love with Jack, before you forced me out of here, and I never got to say goodbye to him. " Mother started to cry, but no tears were falling, she was avoiding looking at me.

" Well, I will never allow it and as you just heard, Sean is opposed to the idea, so I guess we will have to handle this the hard way. I think it is time for you to leave and try your last desperate act, Mother. " I stood with my arms crossed in front of her, waiting for her to turn and leave.

" You would deny me this one small request? I just want to give him a hug and tell him goodbye. I promise I won't say anything else to the boy. " Mother started pleading.

I turned to look at Sean, but could feel the answer was no before I turned. He was about to say something but I held up my hand. I walked around the desk and turned my back to the room and stood between them and Sean. " I will not allow her the chance, Sean, but there is something else that I don't know about that she is hiding. I need you to ask her some questions, leading her to believe you are going to agree to her request. I need to look into her eyes, I know I shouldn't but I can't help the feeling that I need to know what it is. " I whispered into his ear.

" You know I can not even think about her being near him, Jerry. I will give it a shot, but I can't promise you I won't jump this desk and throw her out the front door. " Sean didn't even blink or take his eyes off mother.

" I know Sean, I will be the first one to help you if this doesn't give me any answers. " I smiled at him and nodded my head as I turned around and walked back around the front of the desk and stood in front of her again.

" Do I have your word that you will say nothing else to Jack? " Sean asked.

Mother looked up at him, with a glimmer in her eye that Sean might be considering letting her see Jack. " Yes, I will not say anything to him but goodbye. Can I also give him a hug? " She asked quietly, not expecting a yes answer.

I positioned myself on the desk so she had to look just above my shoulder to look at Sean and as I looked at her and studied her face I finally got the glimpse I was wanting.

" I'm a little apprehensive about this, Mrs. Martin, but if I have your word that you will not say anything to Jack about anything else I guess I could allow it. " Sean was about to groan in his reluctance to allow her near Jack.

" I will not say anything to him, if you would at least allow me the chance to say goodbye to him and tell him that I love him. " Mother was getting emotional and had all but forgotten about me.

I felt all the blood drain from my face, the terror swept across my mind and I could hear the screams in my mind. ' NO NO NO ' over and over, I could not focus on anything, the room spinning as I lost all sense of myself. I tried to push myself up from the desk, it took all the strength and concentration I could find to even get to a standing position. I turned and faced Sean, " What the hell is wrong, Jerry? " I could hear the words, but they did not make any sense to me.

The sound of the word being yelled 'NO' in my head was deafening. I could not hear anything else around me, but the word No. Sean had pulled me back behind the desk and got me in the chair, " Jerry, answer me. What's wrong? " He kept asking as I sat staring into nowhere.

I heard Sean yell to Dad, " Get Kyle in here now, we need to call the ambulance. " I reached out and grabbed Sean's arm and shook my head no. " Bill. " Was all I was able to get out.

" Bill, he wants you. " Sean was looking panic stricken.

Bill walked behind the desk and knelt down to look me in the eyes. " What the hell is wrong, little brother? " Bill took my hand.

I stared a minute at Bill, trying to get my thoughts gathered into a coherent thought. I barely got it out as a whisper, " Get Dad and Sam out of here. " I pleaded with Bill as I looked at him.

His look was nothing but a question as he stood and walked off. I heard him grab Dad and Sam and take them towards the door, the both of them arguing with Bill. I pulled Sean down in front of me, " Sean, I love you more right now than anything in this world, but I need you to leave and keep everyone out of here. "

Sean's face froze, " No Jerry, I will not leave you alone with her. What the hell did you see? "

" Not now, Sean. I have to end this now and I do not want anyone outside of this room to know what is said. "

" I will not leave, Jerry. You can try and throw me out of here, but I am not leaving you alone. I promised you and I am Not breaking a promise to you. " I could see the love in his eyes as he spoke.

My head sank as the tears started pouring down my face. " Then make me one more promise, Sean. Promise me that you will never repeat a thing you hear in here, or do anything to anyone. "

" Oh my God, Jerry. What has she done to you? " Sean was about to make a run for her as I grabbed his arm.

" Promise me Sean. We can't do this without each other, it is going to take the strength of both of us to get through this. " I never looked up to see his face as I pleaded with him.

Sean knelt back down in front of me and took my face in his strong hands and began to wipe away the tears. " I promise, Babe. " I looked up finally to see the strength I needed to face the evil that sat on the other side of the desk.

" Can you pour me a scotch first? " I asked Sean with a half ass smile on my face.

" Sure, Jerry. " He stood slowly, not taking his eyes off me as he stepped over to the bar. I don't think he was truly sure I wasn't going to do something foolish.

I closed my eyes and heard the scotch pour into the glass, I then heard Mother stand and before I could stop myself I yelled. " Don't you dare take another step, you evil twisted monster. " I did not move as I waited to hear if she took another step. She stood still, I could only imagine not knowing what to do since she could not see my face. " Sit back down now, and do not say a word to me until I finish what I have to say. "

Sean stepped back in front of me, I opened my eyes and took the drink from his hand as he stared at her and was paying no attention to me. Unsure of what I was thinking or where this was going.

I took the whole drink in one swallow and slowly let out an, " Ahhhh. "

I spun around in the chair to face her as I set the glass on the desk. " After I was alerted to what you were up to with the courts I did not think you could be any worse of a person. I was wrong, but wrong in more ways than I could ever imagine being. Not only were you trying to lock me in an asylum and take everything I have worked and planned out for years, you have been after my soul. Do you have any idea the pain you have caused me over the years? Can you understand how far I almost went, how close I came to becoming just like you in search of revenge? " I was really not even looking at her, I could not even come close to letting her see how badly this affected me.

" I never imagined that a person could get this low, to do what you have done, and to your own son. Even you can not believe in your mind that it was okay to do this. What were you thinking to bring yourself to even contemplate this, let alone go through with it? "

She sat there studying me, either not willing to talk or afraid to. " I have no idea what you are going on about, Jerry. " She was trying to hide her thoughts as she answered me.

I slammed my hands on the desk and stood up, " You will never admit it, but I know exactly what you have done. Not only have you lost me as a son, you are responsible for four other ruined lives. I have taken my revenge on them for years, and for nothing. "

" You did not do what I think you have done, Jerry. You promised me and your father you would never do that to us again, not after all the trouble you caused. " Mother was getting agitated.

" That I caused? How, Mother, how can you even get those words out of your mouth? I placed my trust in you, you were suppose to protect me, I was only a child and you destroyed that, the unconditional love I had for you. Gone all gone, and for what? Just because you could not handle my choices? Of all the petty inexcusable reasons, Mother. "

" I did protect you Jerry, I was trying to protect you from this life. I was trying to bring you back to a wholesome lifestyle. One like your brothers had and you could be proud of. "

I sighed, " I don't even know what to do with you. I promised Dad that I would make sure you were always safe, but I just don't know if I can do that. I don't know if I can even begin the thought of forgiving you, let alone letting you go on as if nothing happened. "

" You will do just that, Son. I know...." She tried to continue.

" NO! You never get to call me that again. As of this moment the son you had is dead, you killed him all those years ago. I will not hear those words come from your mouth again, that word is reserved for a parent who has actually shown me the love that a parent should show their child. "

" This is how we are going to handle this, you will sign anything Dad puts in front of you in regard to the divorce. You will not argue, moan or challenge one thing he outlines in the decree. You will never ever mention anything that you know about me or my business to anyone. If I find out that you have opened your mouth, I promise you that not even Sean will be able to keep his promise to me. I want you to stay away from Bill and Sam, I do not ever want you near their children. I will not have you in that position again that you could harm anyone in this family. And lastly, I want you to to tell Sam exactly what you have done and you will do it right here before you leave this house. I want all ties between you and him broken. These terms are not negotiable and I am giving you 15 seconds to make your decision. "

I grabbed Sean's hand as I looked up at him and tried to steady myself waiting for her answer. Sean ran his hand over my head and down my cheek as he kept his eyes lock on mine and we waited.

" No, that is not acceptable. I can not be pushed out of their lives like that and I won't be. " She replied bluntly.

" Fine, then I will turn this over to the police and you can tell everyone standing outside that door what you have done and see just how welcome you will be in their homes. " I stood up and headed for the door.

She grabbed my hand, " You can't do this to me, Son...Jerry. You will leave me with nothing. "

" I'm suppose to care? How can you think that I would give a flying damn what you have or don't have. This is about making things right, and it would be right to have you out of the lives of children that you could destroy. " I pulled away from her.

I opened the door, " Come back in please, I think we are done here. " I let them back in and shut the door and took my seat back behind the desk.

" My tries at a resolution to this matter have reached an impasse and I have decided that legal action will be the best way to resolve all the matters that are before us. Most of these you know, the last one might be a little difficult for you to hear, but I think it is in your best interest to hear. Or at least the best interest of your children to hear just what a decrepit person that she is. " I pointed at her.

" Don't do this, Jerry. I promise you I will tell them, but not like this. " She started crying.

" I 'm sorry, I can't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. You have abused that privilege for the last time. They will hear it and hear it now, it is up to them to decide if they want anything to do with you. " I got back up out of my seat and had Sean sit down as I poured myself another drink, to steady my nerves.

" We are all aware of the events of '98, well except Sean. " I turned and smiled at Sean.

" I guess you are going to get a crash course on what makes me, me. It seems that it was not the idea of the four individuals I have blamed all these years. There was someone else behind it from the beginning. This evil uncaring piece of work you call Mother was responsible for the whole thing. She paid them, paid them and put me on the sacrificial altar. All in an attempt to force me into to being afraid of my homosexuality and try to make me straight. I have made promises and I am having a hard time right now honoring them, but I highly advise you to distance yourselves from her and keep your children as far away as you can. She has not one moral fiber in her and I don't believe she would blink an eye at the idea of harming any of the kids. "

Everyone sat motionless, like all the air in the room had left and no one knew what to do. I felt arms wrap themselves around my shoulders as Sean leaned down to bring his lips to my ears. " You are the most courageous man I have ever known Jerry Martin, I don't know about the rest of your family, but I think you are an angel right here on Earth. "

Dad stood up and turned and walked towards the door, he seemed like he was lost, a blank expression on his face. One I have never seen before, one of a defeated man.

" Dad? " Bill spoke. " Where are you going? "

" I have to step out of here a minute, Bill. I find out the woman I have been married to for ages is a monster, and my son has lied to me. "

" Mr. Martin, I can not believe that you are going to turn your back on Jerry. The man who has talked to me the last few weeks about the love and support of a family, and you are going to walk away from a son who needs you now. I may not know the whole story, Mr. Martin, but I can tell you that it took a lot of strength for Jerry to do what he just did. I believe he had the right to know the truth, no matter what promise he broke in the process. Jerry has shown me more love in caring than I have experienced in my life, and for the head of his family to turn his back on him now is unacceptable. I have not seen anyone in this family show Jerry any concern or love in the last three weeks. Is he the only one that is suppose to show that to this family? Is he not entitled to the same in return from all of you? The respect I have for him has gone up yet again, that he shows only concern for others, while never seeking out any for himself. I want you all to

know, I pledge my life to make him happy, to give him what he has tried to give everyone he has ever met, love. I love him more than I have loved anyone, and from now on you will all have to deal with me if you can't find it in your hearts to give him the love that he has shown you and he deserves for himself. " Sean was mad, and was taking no prisoners, I swelled with a bit of pride as he stood there demanding the respect of my family, even as we were in the middle of a tempest.

I reached over and grabbed Sean's hand, " You are amazing, Sean. You are really coming into your own and I love you all the more for it. " I stood up and looked at the family. " First off, Mrs. Martin, as to the power of attorney papers you have kept close to your heart, you can throw them in the trash. They were never any good and even less so after they were dismissed by a judge with a bit more brains than the one you used. I want you to get up, head for the door and never, and I can not stress this enough, Mother. You are to never darken my doorstep ever again, because of the mess you have caused, I will be working for years to clean it up. If you so ever try to come back into my life, I promise you now, I will not be so forgiving. "

I turned to Sam, " Sam, I don't know if you truly believe the path she led you down or if you went along because you needed her approval so much, but the choice right here is yours and yours alone, if you want to continue being my brother than I will be thrilled to have you in my life. If on the other hand, your head is still stuck with her, then the same goes for you, you're no longer welcome here in my home or my life. "

" Bill, I know we have drifted a bit over the last few years, but I don't believe for a minute that you want to back away from me now. I would love to have you, Sarah and the kids in my life. "

" Dad, I am sorry that I broke that promise, but I knew there was something she was hiding and I had to know. You know what I have done, you of all people should understand now that in part I was in the wrong and will have to make amends. If you can't get past that fact, then I guess I understand. It won't make it any easier, but I do understand, Dad. " I hung my head and waited for their replies. Sean pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me.

" Don't worry, Jerry. No matter what, I will be here for you. More than anything in this world I want to be here for you, and you alone. " Sean whispered in my ear as the tears fell down my face.

I felt someone step up behind me and put their arms around me, " I'm sorry, Jerry. I would never leave you, bro. I would be honored to still be a part of your life. I promise you that we will never drift apart again. I would never stand with that evil monster against you, Jerry. I still can't believe what she has done, and how calm you are. Are you sure you are going to be alright? " Bill asked with obvious concern in his voice.

" I'll be fine, Bill. Thanks to this wonderful man. " I looked up at Sean and he blushed just slightly.

" Well, as soon as this is over I want to sit down and get to know all about this wonderful man. " Bill said to both of us, and I swear I could hear the smile in his voice.

" You will regret this, damn you Jerry. I will not be thrown aside like you don't even know me. I am your Mother and come hell or high water I will bring you down. There is no way I am going to allow you to leave me sitting in the poor house, while you move that gutter rat and his ungrateful nephew into this house. " Mother was on a tirade as my anger level reached an all time new level.

" Would you do the honors, Sean? " I winked and him and drifted my head to towards the button under the desk drawer.

" My pleasure, babe. " He reached down and pushed the button.

Kyle came rushing in the door, with his hand in motion toward the inside of his jacket. " I think we have someone that needs help finding her way to the door, Kyle. I want word to everyone on the property that she is never to gain entry here again, and if she is spotted anywhere close to the property, they are to call the sheriff and have her arrested. "

Kyle grabbed her by the shoulder, " Let's go Mrs. Martin, I think you are being asked to leave. " He tried to turn her towards the door.

" Take your hands off me you hired goon, and you, you ungrateful spawn of Satan, I will see you burn in hell. I will find someone to help me bring you down, someone will understand how sick you are and come to my aid. " She was screaming as Kyle pushed her out of the den.

Sam stood up and looked down at the floor, " Jerry, I never hated you and I really don't know why I helped her, but I am sorry. I think I need a little time to get my head on straight and find a way to make this all up to you. Can you give me that time? "

" I understand, Sam, take all the time you need. I will always be here, but please remember, if you decide to be in my life it comes with the condition that Sean and Jack are included as well. "

Sam seemed a little shocked by my request, " Of course Jer, I wouldn't expect it any other way. "

Dad cleared his throat in the back of the room, " Boys, can you give me and Jerry a few moments? "

Bill and Sam looked at one another and replied in unison, " Sure Dad. " They turned and headed towards the door.

" Sean, I could use a private moment with my son. " Dad asked in a meek tone, not sure that Sean would grant his request.

Sean looked at me then turned towards Dad, " With all due respect Mr. Martin, there is no way I am leaving him alone with you. Whatever you have to say to him can be said to both of us. " Sean squeezed my hand and my heart swelled a little more for him.

" I think it will be best if Sean stays, Dad. From now on he will be involved in every aspect of my life. " I stood and waited for Dad to accept my decision.

" Fine, Son, but I am only agreeing to this because it is your home. I really think this should be between just you and I. " Dad said with a bit of defiance in his voice.

" Well, Dad, after what you've just done, I think it is best if I have someone in the room that is on my side. "

" Son, I'm sorry for what I said. I was just overwhelmed with your mother's actions and all I could think about was that I never imagined after all we went through that you would ever do that again. When you told us what you had done, I was worried I would lose you, and this time, not be able to pull you back. I know what she did was inexcusable, but I had placed a firm belief in the fact you would never break that promise to me. I could not forgive myself if I lost you like that, Son. I remember all too well the hell you went through and our recent talk about it, and I know just as well as I'm standing here that it will soon be the only thing that you will think about. I don't want this take over your life, not now that it is looking so much better for you, and Sean. "

" I know what you are saying, Dad, but I knew she was hiding something and you heard her, she is never going to give up. I was trying to stay in front of her without taking time away from my new family. It is not fair to them to have to deal with my past and my psychotic mother. Do you not think they have been through enough? The past may be on my mind, but I will not let it mess up my future. Mother will pay for what she has done, and I will make amends for everything I have done. Their innocence is still not as clean as everyone wants to think, they are still responsible for the pain they caused and I will never forget that, but they had choices to make and they made them. This issue will be resolved in time, but it will be on my terms, until then they will have to suffer with the knowledge of what they have done. Any one of them could have come clean about the details at any time since it happened, yet they have kept their secrets. When the time

comes, I will face them, " I turned towards Sean, " and with Sean by my side I have no doubts I will come out of this better than I have ever been. "

I took a deep breath, " Now if no one has anything else, I would like to go visit with Bill and Sam before they leave. "

" I'm ready, and again I'm sorry for turning my back on you, Son. " Dad spoke with a tear running down his cheek.

Sean and I walked around the desk and I stopped and hugged Dad, " I know Dad, let's forget about it and move on. We have enough to deal with when it comes to mother. " We headed out into the kitchen, Bill and Sam were sitting at the table talking when we came in. " Can I get anything for anyone? Something to drink or eat? "

" I could use something to eat. " Sam sat at the table smiling.

" As usual Mr. Always hungry. What would you like? " I asked smiling at Sam.

" Anything you got handy Jer, I'm not picky. "

" Make it two, Jer. " Bill added.

I worked on some sandwiches as Sean and Dad joined Bill and Sam at the table. They were all talking and Sean was filling Bill in on how we met and Vegas and all about Mary. Bill and Sam listened intently as Sean told his story, I watched with hope that Sam would really accept this and remain a part of my family. I placed the plates on the table for Bill and Sam, then turned to get a cup of coffee for myself. Kyle entered the kitchen and pointed his head towards the office, I knew he needed the privacy to inform me of something serious.

I walked over behind Sean and leaned down to whisper, " Join me in the office please. "

" Would you gentlemen excuse us for a moment, if you need anything, Dad knows where everything is at, please help yourselves. " Sean got up from the table and followed me into the office.

As we walked into the office, Kyle gave me a look as Sean followed me in, I just shook my head and continued in and sat at my desk.

" What's up, Kyle? " I asked, letting him know he could continue with Sean in the room.

" Your Mother, she is sitting in her car at the front gate and refuses to leave. I need to know what you would like me to do. " Kyle shuffled on his feet a bit waiting for me to answer.

" Well, what would we do for any other person that is trespassing? Call the Sheriff's office and let them handle her. " I smiled at Sean.

" I will get right on that, Jerry. I also want to increase security downtown, since you will be down there this week. "

" I think that is a very wise idea, Kyle. It will be a short week though, we will be out of here Thursday. "

" All the plans are ready, Jerry. " Kyle smiled.

" I need a couple cars ready for this evening too, Kyle. Bill and Sam are going to need a ride home and I need to go downtown to meet with Michael and George. "

" I will have them ready and waiting for you, Jerry. "

" Thanks, Kyle. Let's head back out and entertain the two biggest knuckleheads I know, Sean. Just remember, don't believe anything they say. " I laughed as I grabbed Sean's hand and we walked back into the kitchen.

As we passed the bedrooms, a scream came from Jack's room. Sean stopped in his tracks and turned and ran into Jack's room, there Jack set up in bed screaming for Mary. Sean ran in and grabbed Jack and wrapped him in his big secure arms, rubbing his back and he talked quietly to him.

" It's okay Little Man, shhhh you will be fine now, Jack. " Sean was trying his best to comfort Jack.

" I want mommy, where is mommy? " Jack kept screaming.

The more Sean tried to calm Jack down the louder he got. Sean was having a hard time as he tried his best to ease Jack's feelings of loss. I walked over to the bed and sat down so that I was behind Jack and started running my hand up his back.

" It's okay Little Man, you let it all out, we all know how much you miss your mom, and we all miss her too. "

Jack twisted in Sean's arms and jumped at me, as I was barely able to catch him in his quickness. He grabbed a hold of my neck and about squeezed hard enough to make it hard to draw a breath. " I know, Little Man. We are all here for you and I promise you that we will not leave you for a long, long time. " I actually believed the words as they came out of my mouth, the future was beginning to look bright once again.

Sean sat there rubbing Jack's back as he began to calm down and the tears slowed. I could see the worry in Sean's face as he realized how hard that Jack was going to take losing Mary, and he knew that pain and was gathering the strength to help Jack fight his way though.

Jack loosed his grip a bit and leaned back showing his tear stained face and the pain in his eyes that only a child could show. " You promise me, Uncle Jerry? " He asked as he sniffled through the question.

" I promise, Little Man, except for work I will be here for you and Uncle Sean and if I have to go out of town for that, you and Uncle Sean are coming with me. " I smiled at Jack and kissed his cheek. " That's if Uncle Sean wouldn't mind coming along with me. " I looked over Jack's head into Sean's eyes, with almost a pleading question in my eyes as I said it.

" Well, I don't know about Little Man here, but I would love to go with you anywhere you will let us go, Jerry. " Sean took his hand off Jack's back and touched my cheek as I saw a tear run down Sean's face.

Little Man in a very calm and clear voice said, " I'm going too. " He stared at me and Sean.

I rubbed the top of his head, " Then it's settled, when I go out of town, I will have company with me. " I hugged Sean and in turn with Jack between us he was in on it also. I whispered in Sean's ear, " I so love you, Sean. "

I released Sean and pulled Jack up in my arms as I stood up from the bed. " I have a surprise for you Little Man, How would you like to meet my brothers? " I asked him.

" You have brothers, Uncle Jerry? " Jack asked, a little surprised.

" I sure do, Little Man. Two of the best brothers anyone could ever have. " I turned towards the door and there stood Dad, Bill and Sam. I blushed as I saw the smiles on their faces. " Of course, they can be a big pain sometimes. " I smiled as I headed out of the room.

We filed back into the kitchen, Sean behind me with his hand on my shoulder. He stopped me in mid walk, " Thanks, Jerry. " I turned to face him.

" None needed, Babe. I will do anything to help you with what needs done. I have promised you I will not step on your toes on this, if I can help and you need it I am here. If you want to handle it yourself, just let me know and I will back off. "

" It may not be needed, but I think you deserve that and so much more. " Sean leaned down and kissed me, the feeling of love touched me somewhere between my heart and my soul. As the kiss ended, Sean left his lips just barely touching mine as the smile crept across his face. He stood back up, leaving me in a daze. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards the kitchen and gently pushed to get me moving.

Sean walked me to my seat at the table and sat me down and took his seat next to me. Still lost in the feeling of that kiss, it was like a haze and I couldn't find my way out. Then I heard Dad calling my name, " Jerry, you with us, Son? "

" Yea, sorry, Dad. Just something on my mind. " I smiled over at Sean.

I turned Jack around in my lap. " Little Man, these two, " I pointed at Bill and Sam, " are my brothers, Bill and Sam. Brothers, this is Jack Austin. " I rubbed the top of head, " The bravest Little Man I know. "

" Hi, Jack " Bill and Sam said in unison.

Jack pulled closer to me and buried his face in my chest. " It's okay, Jack. They might be uglier than me, but they are good guys. " I laughed as I got dirty looks from both my brothers.

" Listen guys, I know you came in with you know who, but I have a car ready when you want to leave. If you would like to stay for dinner, I can get this little chef here in my lap to make us something on the grill. " I bounced Jack to let him know I was talking about him.

" I can't do that yet, Uncle Jerry. I not allowed to use the stove. " Jack said as he kept his face in my chest.

I leaned down closer to his ear, " Then I say we have Uncle Sean cook on the grill and you can help me here in the kitchen. "

Jack sat up and looked over at Sean then lean up close to my ear, " I think that's a good idea. "

" I think I will have to wait till the next time, Jerry. I need to be heading back home soon, this was not a planned visit and Sarah will be worrying. " Bill said with sadness in his voice.

" I believe I will have to head out with Bill too, I wasn't expecting to be gone all day today either. " Sam looked down at the table.

" No problem, brothers. We will have more opportunities to enjoy a weekend dinner, and you can bring the wives and kids with you. I think Little Man here would truly enjoy that. " I hugged Jack and tickled him a little under his arm.

" Why don't you go over and talk to Uncle Sean about cooking out on the grill tonight, Jack. " I slid him out of my lap and onto the floor and he took a few steps and jumped into Sean's lap.

" Why don't we plan a get together for the 4thof July, I can have have some tents set up for all the kids and the bedrooms for the adults. Make it a long weekend and a family gathering all in one. "

" Now that sounds like a plan, Jerry. I would love to bring Sarah and the kids. " Bill sounded happy with the idea.

" Count Jeannie and the kids in with me on that one, Jerry. " I think Sam sounded more excited.

" I will get everything arranged and let you all know soon. " I leaned forward so that only Bill and Sam could hear me. " I have to go out of town this weekend, " I motioned towards Jack, " but I will let you know the details next week. "

" We will be waiting, Jer. " Bill answered for him and Sam.

" Great, now let's get you two on your way. I don't need two sisters-in-law mad at me. " We got up from the table and headed for the front door. Once outside, Dad hugged both Bill and Sam and I stepped up. " Please keep in contact, Bill. You know you can call me anytime and for anything. "

" I will Jer, I will be waiting to hear from you next week. Love ya bro. " Bill hugged me. " If this fool of a brother of mine gives you too hard of a time, Sean, just give me a call. I will tell ya how to handle him. " Bill laughed and hugged Sean.

" If Dad's ideas don't work, you're first on my list to call, Bill. " Sean almost blushed as he said it.

Bill knelt down in front of Jack, " Be good there, Jack and we will see you in a few weeks. " Bill stuck his hand out, Jack had his arms wrapped around Sean's leg giving Bill the once over. Jack started to take Bill's hand, then suddenly jumped into his arms and gave him a hug. Bill hugged him back after he regained his form after the surprise.

" Sam, take care of everyone and give, Jeannie and the kids a kiss for me. " I hugged Sam.

" Can do Jer, you take care of that little one and we will see you in a few weeks. "

He rustled the top of Jack's head as he stepped up to Sean. " It was a pleasure to meet you Sean, I will see you in a few weeks. " Sam shook Sean's hand, not showing as much acceptance as Bill had.

Bill and Sam got in the car and headed down the drive, I sighed a little and turned to head back in the house.

" It's a start Jerry. " Dad said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

I stopped and looked at Dad. " Well, Dad. I never noticed an ending for there to be a start. When did I lose them? "

I walked in the house, leaving as Dad was saying something, but not paying any attention. I walked into the den and decided to call Michael and let him know I would see him and George in the morning. I was too drained emotionally to head downtown this evening to join them.

Sean " You know he is not dealing with this very well, Mr. Martin. " I stated after Jerry walked in the house and away from me and his father. " I know Sean, and damn me and my stupidity may have pushed him even further. I'm not sure what to do for him though, after what happened to him before, I'm not sure he can handle this. " Mr. Austin stood and stared at the house.

" I don't want to be nosy about his past, Mr. Martin, I'm sure he will tell me when he is ready. Should I be worried? " I turned and faced Mr. Martin.

" Sean, right now I don't know. You know how strong he is already, but with that strength can often come weakness. Just be there for him if it shows, I know and have seen the love he has for you. I think with that love and Kyle's help he will make it, but the problem is keeping an eye on him. I'll have to speak with Kyle, maybe he can help while Jerry is at work. I think this weekend will be some needed time away, Sean. Help him keep himself focused and don't allow him to think about what could have been. "

" I think Jack is our best bet for that, Mr. Martin, but I can't tell him that, Jack would say it in a minute to Jerry. I guess I'm just going to have to make sure they spend a lot of time one on one. " I frowned a little, not used to sharing Jack's attention, but I knew that I would have to learn.

" You're right, Sean. I think that would help keep Jerry's mind focused on the good things in his life more than anything. We will have to get him to finish his plans to end this soon though, if he doesn't, it will occupy every minute of his day. "

" Then I think you need to have a talk with Bill and Sam and make sure they keep up their end of this. If not, I will not allow them to start something they are not willing to continue with. "

" I will be speaking with them both this week and this weekend while you three are gone. I'll make sure they understand and if there is a problem, to stop it now before it gets back to Jerry, or you, Sean. " Mr. Martin smiled at me for the first time since his lack of judgment in the den.

We slowly made our way in the house and found Jack and Kyle in the kitchen in a heated conversation about cooking. Jack trying his best to tell Kyle about all that he had done in the kitchen today with Miss Jackson.

I nodded towards Jack while looking at Mr. Martin, " Would you like to head out back with Mr. Martin while I get things ready to cook on the grill, Jack? "

Jack jumped down from the table and ran over to Mr. Martin and grabbed his hand. " Lets go, Mr. Martin. We can get in some time with the cars before I have to cook on the grill. " Jack pulled him out the door faster than the smile shot across my face.

Kyle was about to get up and I decided to have a talk with him, " Kyle, can we talk for a minute? "

Kyle sat back down at the table and gave me a questioning look. " Sure, Sean. What's up? "

I twisted my hands together as I tried to find the right words to use with Kyle, Jerry was in my head again, the idea flashed as I was fighting to continue. " Mr. Martin and I think that Jerry might have a hard time this week dealing with the information he found out about his mother. I was wondering if maybe you could keep an eye on him at work the next few days, I know you keep an eye on him, but I was thinking an emotional eye. If you notice him drifting off topic or being withdrawn you could lead his thoughts back towards Jack. Until this weekend when we can get away from here and I can get him to talk about his plans to deal with this. "

Kyle leaned back in his chair a bit, thinking about my request. " Sean, you are getting close to a line that I try to stay away from when it comes to Jerry. I understand what you are trying to do, but if he thinks we are plotting against him, he could be pushed even farther and none of us would like that outcome. "

" I know what you mean, Kyle. " I sat there thinking, almost forgetting that Kyle was sitting at the table. " Maybe I can broach the subject this evening, to keep us out of trouble. "

Kyle stood up from the table, " I will do what I can, Sean. Just remember though, I am just an employee and there are things I will not do. "

" Kyle, I have only known you a few weeks, but I do know that you're more than an employee to Jerry. I also know that you see that too, and I for one am glad that he has you to watch over him. "

I think Kyle actually blushed for a moment then started towards the office, " Thanks, Sean, and you are correct, but if you repeat that I will deny everything. " I think I even heard a laugh as he walked away.

I sat there at the table thinking about Jerry, how could I help him? I guess the first thing to do was just be there for him. I knew Jerry held a lot of secrets to himself and I was going to have to be cautious approaching them. I thought I was carrying a lot of baggage, I realized that even someone like Jerry could be carrying just as much, if not more than me. Lost in my thoughts of Jerry, a man I could see myself loving for the rest of my life, I felt a pair of hands grabbing my shoulders and caused me to almost jump from my seat.

" What you thinking about, Babe? " Jerry asked with more love in his voice than I had heard in ages.

" Do you have to ask, Jerry? " I smiled.

" I do, cause your back is to me. " Jerry laughed.

" You still don't need to ask, Jerry. I was thinking about you. " I blushed a little and my smile grew across my face.

Jerry came around to the side of the chair and knelt to look me in the eye. " Is everything okay? " I saw the concern spread across his face as the words slipped from his mouth.

" Relax, Jerry. It is all good, my friend. " I placed a hand on his cheek.

" Thank God, Sean. I could not take any more bad news today. " Jerry fell back on his ass as he sat on the floor.

I slipped out of my chair and pulled Jerry into my arms. " I will never hurt you Mr. Martin, actually I could never hurt you. It would be like ripping my own heart out, and I could not do that to someone I love. " I kissed the top of his head.

I pulled Jerry off the floor and continued to hold him as I stroked the hair on the back of his head. " Let's get dinner started, then I think it's an early night for everyone. "

" You're right Sean, I think we all are in need of a long rest. I'm just not sure if that will be possible for me. "

I tightened my grip on him, " Sure it will, Jerry. " I hoped he knew what I meant.

Jerry I stood there holding Sean, not wanting to let him go. I was comfortable in his embrace, strong and safe. This new dimension of Sean had a smile on my face, the confidence as he was beginning to accept his new life. Sean pulled me away from his soft warm embrace, " Let's get some food cooking before I need to run to Mickey D's. " Sean laughed as we started working to pull dinner together.

" I know, my man needs his meat before he shrivels up and blows away. "

Sean worked getting the steaks ready and then slipped out the back door to fire up the grill. I was working on the rest of the meal, more on automatic, not even paying attention to what I was doing. I was standing cutting up some vegetables when Sean came back in the house. I heard Sean yell my name, but didn't quite understand why. " Jerry, what the hell did you do? "

I heard his yelling and he grabbed my hand. He wrapped a towel around my hand and pulled me over to the sink.

I looked up at Sean, " What's wrong? " I just stared at him, not understanding what was wrong.

The next thing I knew Dad and Kyle were standing behind me and all I could hear was the sounds of them yelling at Sean. I looked down in the sink and there was blood dripping off my hand that had soaked through the towel Sean had wrapped on my hand . I pulled myself out of the haze, " Kyle, call Dr. Chase. Dad, take Jack back outside please. " I was calm and direct as they stood there staring at me. " Now, if you all don't mind. "

Kyle and Dad took off to do as I asked as Sean stood to my side and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. I leaned into his chest, " I'm sorry, Sean. "

" Shhh, Babe. It was an accident, Doctor Chase will get you fixed up. " Sean whispered as he laid his head on top of mine.

I could only hope he was right, I don't even remember what I was thinking when I cut my fingers, and why didn't I feel any pain? Did it have to do with, her, that evil beast that calls herself my mother? I tensed as I thought about her, how could she have done this? How do you decide to turn on your own child like that? All these years that has occupied my time and my life, how it consumed my every waking moment. The time I put into exacting my 'revenge,' and all the while it evaded the one person that was most responsible.

" Let it go, Jerry, she is not worth worrying about. Don't allow her the honor of having this control over you, you are too special to allow her to be any part of your life. Just concentrate on us, Babe, I'm not going anywhere. " Sean pulled back from me and looked me in the eye. " See for yourself. "

I started to look deep in his eyes, lost in the beautiful green that moved like small pools of emerald water. I stayed right there, I could not and would not look any deeper, for there in those eyes I could see what Sean meant. " I don't have to Sean, I can see it just in your eyes. I won't go any further, but I thank you. " I put my good hand on his face as I leaned forward and kissed him, lingering in a lip lock for several minutes till we heard someone clear their throat.

" Excuse me, Jerry. Doctor Chase will be here in about 15 minutes. "

" Thanks, Kyle. Can you pull a serving table into the living room? It might make things easier on the doc. "

" Sure, Jerry. Are you alright? " A quiet slip of a question, but filled with worry.

" Yes, Kyle. More right than I have been in years. " I leaned in and kissed Sean again. Kyle headed to the front porch to await Doctor Chase, " Can you do me a favor and ask Dad and Jack to come inside, Sean? "

" You sure about that? I don't want them to start any trouble with you, Jerry. "

" Yes, I saw the look on Little Man's face and I want him to know I'm fine. Besides, Dad will just have to get over it, he needs to realize that he is not at the top of my list right now. "

Sean walked out the backdoor and talked to Dad as he picked Jack up and started back towards the house. I could see the questioning look on his and Dad's face as they walked back into the kitchen.

Jack ran over and grabbed my leg, " Are you awright Uncle Jerry? " He asked as he looked up at me.

I knelt down and looked at that wonderful angelic face. " I will be Little Man, but this. " I held up my hand, still wrapped in the towel, "is what can happen when you don't pay attention to what you are doing. "

Jack looked me in the eye as he pondered what I said. " I guess you're right, but you scared me, Uncle Jerry. "

" I'm sorry Little Man, I never meant to scare you. " I hugged Jack as a tear ran down my cheek. " I would never do anything to hurt you, Little Man. Just remember, always pay attention to anything you are doing, and you can avoid things like this. "

" I will, Uncle Jerry. " Jack said into my neck as he hugged me.

I released Jack and stood up and nodded to Sean to take Jack in the other room. As they walked away I turned to Dad. " Dad, I want to tell you that I love you, but..." I stopped and took a deep breath.

" Go on, Son. " Dad stepped closer to me.

" Don't get me wrong, Dad, but I don't ever want to hear you yelling at Sean like that again. I think after what happened today, we have a lot to work out. Sean may have only been here a short time, but he has never turned his back on me like you did today. Then to hear you and Kyle yelling at him, let's just say I was not happy. " I looked at Dad and hoped he understood why I was feeling so angry with him.

Dad turned and stepped over to the sink and looked out into the backyard. " You're right son. I'm sorry for raising my voice at Sean, he was trying to help you, I was... " Dad stopped and just stood there for a minute. " This may sound self serving, but I was in Dad mode, but I guess after this afternoon's fiasco, I do have some rebuilding to do with you. "

" I wouldn't say rebuilding, Dad, but we do need to have a talk and you can help me figure out how to clear up how I handled the past. " I stepped up behind him and place my hand on his shoulder.

Dad placed his hand over mine, " I guess we do have a mess to clean up, don't we? "

" Yes we do. Even if it is not a mess of our doing, I think I am just as much to blame for the continued hurt and pain. "

" Excuse me, Jerry. Doctor Chase is here. " Kyle interrupted from the kitchen doorway.

" Thank you, Kyle. I will be there in a minute. "

" Soon as Sean and I get back from Florida, we need to sit down and figure out what needs to be done to settle this, Dad. " I turned and headed for the living room.

When I approached the living room I heard Doctor Chase talking to Sean and Jack. I knew Doctor Chase had taken an immediate interest in Jack, he loved kids and was always talking about his four children, non-stop if you didn't keep him on topic.

" I'm glad you could make a house visit, Doc. Isn't that against AMA rules these days? " I asked trying to keep the mood light.

Doctor Chase nodded his head and smiled. " It is, Jerry, but I just add the fine to your bill and everyone is happy. Now let's get down to business. " Doctor Chase rose off the couch and approached me, the smile leaving his face.

I sat in the high back chair in the corner and Doctor Chase moved the serving tray table that Kyle had moved into the room beside me. I laid my hand on the table, Dr. Chase began removing the towel to examine the cuts. " Damn, Jerry. What the hell were you doing? " Dr. Chase asked.

" I was cutting up some vegetables for dinner and I lost my concentration for a minute, and you see the results of that. "

" I think that we can get this sutured up and maybe not even much of a scar, Jerry. So, what was on your mind that caused you to mistake your fingers for a carrot? "

" Family, and that's all I have to say about that. " I was not in the mood to think about what I had learned and especially not with Dr. Chase.

Dr. Chase focused on his work as I sat there and thought about the trip this weekend, I could not wait to get Jack on the plane and head to Florida. Kyle slipped in the room and stood behind Dr. Chase and gave me his infamous look.

" What's up, Kyle? " I tensed as I tried to prepare myself for his answer.

" Relax, Jerry, or this will look like a tic-tac-toe game. "

" Sorry, Dr. Chase. "

" Sheriff Jenkins is at the gate, Jerry and he would like to have a word with you. "


Thanks for reading everyone, I hope to keep up the schedule of posting at least 2 chapters a month. If I can get one out sooner, you know I will get it posted as quick as I can. If I can't please be patient and I will get them out as quick as I can.

Take Care


Next: Chapter 29

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