Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jun 27, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me. I know they cringe every time I send them a chapter, I can kill the English language in a hurry.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Part 24:

Sean headed slowly into the bathroom as I went over to the bed and turned down the blankets and comforter and turned on the lamp on my nightstand. I heard the water turn off in the bathroom as I headed in, Sean was standing at the sink staring in the mirror.

" Something on your mind Sean? " I asked.

" Do you think I can do this, Jerry? " Sean dropped his head and sighed.

" Yes I do Sean, I'm not saying it is going to be easy, but you are a strong, decent man and you love Jack. Now, get in into bed while I finish up in here. "

I washed my face, brushed and picked up all the clothes and readied them for the cleaners. I would have to show Miss Nance how to send them out. I turned off the bathroom light and went to get in bed, I stopped, looking at Sean, already asleep and looking so peaceful. I got in on my side of the bed and pulled up the covers and pulled Sean into my arms. Sean's arm came to rest across my stomach and his head on my chest as I held him and ran my hand through his hair. I was lightly humming as I thought about tomorrow and the pain that Sean and Jack would be facing. I was hoping that I could pull him through and get him to think about next weekend. I would have to get busy Monday morning at the office, after I started George on learning the company computers and what I expected of him in the home office. As usual my mind started to play out every scenario, every option, every idea and variation. The thousands of plans were nixed as the most logical were filed away as possibilities. I shifted my position as I realized the sun beginning to filter in the window as the room began to lighten. I looked over at the clock and it was almost 7, the day was starting with a vengeance. I gently lifted Sean's arm and slid out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and pull on a robe and headed to the kitchen.

Part 25

I started the morning making coffee and assembling everything to cook breakfast as soon as the rest of the house was stirring. I watched as the sun brightened the outside landscape, and thought about today's events. I gathered my thoughts about Mary over the last month and what she meant to me, even though I had only known her such a short time. Even in her state of decline, I could see the light that shined from her and the love she had for her family. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I felt the anger well up inside of me at her being taken away, from her wonderful son and brother so soon. A scene played in my mind as clear as if I was watching it out the window, Mary and Jack playing in the sun of a summer day and Sean watching them as he stood guard at the grill. I was shocked out of my little daydream when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see Dad looking at me, " Good morning Son. Sorry, didn't mean to scare the pants off of you. " Dad snickered and poured himself a cup of coffee.

" You need to be a doctor and not a comedian, cause you just gave me a heart attack. "

" How about some caffeine to calm that beating heart down? " Dad smiled as he held up the coffee pot.

" Thanks Dad, but I don't think it will be slowing down for a month. " I held my cup up for him to fill it.

" What were you thinking about when I startled you? "

" I was imagining Mary and Jack playing in the backyard. How happy they would be and what a terrible waste that she had to be taken so young. "

" I agree with you there Jerry, it is a waste. That young woman had a lot of love to give to Jack. Not to mention Sean, she loved that boy quite a lot. "

" I know Dad, she allowed me to see it. It was an honor, and it makes it even harder to accept that she is gone. "

" Then you know how hard this is going to be on him Jerry. You are going to have to give him all of your attention for awhile. "

" I know Dad, I'm going to need your help for a couple days. I have to get George settled into the office downtown, then get Michael on his way back to New York. "

" I have no plans as of yet Jerry, but I guess I need to start thinking of what I need to do. "

" You're more than welcome to stay as long as you want, Dad. We are planning a weekend getaway to Florida this coming weekend. Care to join us? "

" I think not son, you three go and have a good time and forget about all this sorrow. "

" Please don't mention it to Jack yet. I have to see what I can get arranged and Sean doesn't want him bouncing off the walls all week. "

" Mum's the word Son, I'm sure I will know the minute you tell him. The squeals will be a dead giveaway. "

" I have to make a few phone calls and then get back and get breakfast started. Pancakes, eggs and sausage this morning. Give me about 30 minutes and I will have it started. "

" I'm in no rush Jerry, still need some time to get the old body and mind working at this early hour. "

I made my way to the office with my coffee and settled behind the desk and pulled out the file with all the information I needed. I first placed the call to the cleaning service to get the apartment cleaned before George arrived this afternoon. Then I called the caterer to confirm that everything was set for after the service. My last call was to Michael, to make sure he was ready to meet George and get him settled in the apartment.

" I want to thank you for the work this week Michael. I will be heading out of town this next weekend and when I return we will get a meeting together and discuss plans for your replacement and opening a new office. "

" It was no problem Jerry, that's what I'm here for. You are a wonderful boss and I love the job and business arrangement we have. I could not ask for a better boss. "

" Quit the sincerities Michael, you are getting a new office. " I laughed. " You have been more than an excellent employee Michael, you have been a good friend and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated your quick arrival here. "

" That's what friends do for one another Jerry, and I do consider you a friend. The boss angle just doesn't seem to fit. "

" Well, I want you to pass that on to George today, and fill him in on as much as you want. I will try my best to swing by this evening. I'm just not sure if it is going to be possible. If not, I will see you both in the morning at the office. "

" Let me know about this evening, if you can't make it we will both understand and we will just use the time to get acquainted. "

" Thanks Michael, I will talk with you later to let you know what's happening. "

I was putting away everything and was just standing to leave the office when Kyle came in, " Good morning Jerry. How are you feeling today? "

" Good morning Kyle. I'm, well let's just say, I'm going crazy and leave it at that. "

" Sorry Jerry, I will try and not be a bother today. I wanted to let you know everything is in place and ready for today's events. There has been nothing to report at Mrs. Upton's and the rest of the report is inconsequential. "

" I'm sorry Kyle, please excuse my shortness this morning. This is going to be a very long day, and thanks for your impeccable work. "

" I understand Jerry, and nothing to worry yourself about. I will keep everything running smoothly today, so you need not worry about anything but yourself and the Austins. "

" I really appreciate all the attention to the details, Kyle. I also want you to work out the details for a trip to Florida this weekend. Leaving Thursday night and returning Sunday night. "

" Big state Jerry, anywhere in particular? "

" Orlando, as if you didn't know. " I had to smile at Kyle, him acting innocent went over like a lead balloon with me.

" I will have the plans all worked out Jerry, and I must say, it's about time. " Kyle turned and walked out of the office.

I held up my hand about to say something and just closed my mouth and headed out to the kitchen. I knew what Kyle was insinuating and I also knew he was correct. I smiled at Dad as he sat at the table reading the Sunday paper and drinking his coffee. I went about getting breakfast started, making a fresh pot of coffee and setting the table. I finished up everything but the eggs, I did not want them cooling off before I got Jack and Sean up and at the table. I headed into Jack's room and woke him up and sent him to the bathroom to wash up and head out to the kitchen. As soon as he was finished and sitting at the table with Dad, I excused myself to head upstairs to get Sean. I entered the bedroom and Sean was still sleeping as I left him earlier. I sat down on the edge of the bed and ran my hand across the top of Sean's head, " Time to wake up sleepy head. " I whispered into his ear.

" Not already, five more minutes, Jerry. Please? "

" I have food ready, if you get up and wash and throw on a rob you can eat and then relax for awhile. "

" Food? You mentioned food? What's on the menu this morning? "

" Pancakes and sausage are done and warming in the oven, I will finish the eggs as soon as you get downstairs. "

" You had my interest at pancakes, I will be down in a minute. " Sean jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom.

I stood and watched Sean as he did his morning rituals, I knew what was coming and I didn't have to wait long. Sean finished washing his face and as he was looking in the mirror he stopped and just stared. He suddenly realized what he was going to do today, bury his sister and become responsible for his nephew. Sean's face became somber and his eyes closed as he lowered his head.

" Will you always be there for me, Jerry? I can't go forward with this unless I know you won't leave me. "

I walked into the bathroom and pulled Sean upright and turned him to face me. " Sean, I'm here for you whenever you need me. If I'm away, all you have to do is call and I can be home in no time. "

" I really needed to hear that, Jerry, especially today. I just hope I can hold it together until this is all over. "

I placed my hand under Sean's chin and looked him in the eye. " You will Sean, and I will be right next to you. You can lean on me as much as you need to, Sean. Now finish up, we have a hungry group downstairs that will be looking for us soon. " I leaned up and kissed Sean gently and turned and headed back to the kitchen.

As I rounded the corner to the kitchen I heard Dad and Jack having a talk, Dad trying to keep his attention off of the days events. " Are you two ready for some breakfast? " I asked as I entered the kitchen.

" I ready Jerry. " Jack smiled and bounced in his chair. " Pancakes for me. "

I went to the oven and pulled out the pancakes and plated some up for Jack. " There ya go Little Man. Would you like some sausage to go with those pancakes, Jack? "

" Yes, please. " Jack got out between bites.

I chuckled as I plated up some sausages and sat them down next to Jack. I poured a glass of orange juice and handed it to Jack, then poured Sean a cup and placed it at his seat before I went to the stove and finished cooking the eggs. Sean walked into the kitchen as I was placing the eggs on the plates.

" Good Morning Little Man. How did you sleep last night? " Sean asked Jack as he rubbed the top of his head.

" I sleeped good Uncle Sean. "

" I can see I don't rate well as long as he has a plate in front of him. " Sean laughed as he sat down at the table.

" If I didn't know better, I would say he was a little copy of you, Sean. " I said as I set a plate in front of Sean.

" What are you trying to imply Mr. Martin? " Sean asked as he looked at me with a bit of mischief in his smile.

" Just the facts Mr. Austin, that Jack is an Austin through and through. "

Sean smiled, " I guess he is Jerry. I just hope his luck is better than the rest of us Austins as he gets older. "

" I'm sure it will be, Sean. With you as his influence he can't go wrong. "

Sean turned red with that statement and focused his attention on his plate.

" He is right, Sean. " Dad added to the attention that Sean was wanting to avoid.

" Maybe, Mr. Martin, but a lot of things will have to change for that to happen. "

Dad stood up from the table and headed towards the coffee pot, " It's Richard by the way. " Then he stopped behind Sean and bent down and whispered something to him and continued on his way.

I looked at Sean and mouthed, 'What? '

Sean just shook his head and went on eating his breakfast. Now what the hell are Sean and Dad up to? I looked at Dad as he came back to the table with his coffee. " Care to fill the rest of us in on that, Dad? "

" Not at this time, Son. " Dad did not even look over at me as he picked up the paper and went back to reading.

I knew they could not be planning anything that would harm any of us, but I was still curious as to what they were up to. I sat and thought through the scene and stirred the food on my plate until my trance was broken.

" Jerry, you with us? " Sean asked as I blinked and looked over at him.

" Yes, sorry Sean, I was just planning tomorrow's schedule. " I faked a smile.

" Sure you were Jerry. " Sean shook his head and smiled at me.

" If everyone is finished, I think we need to get a start on getting ready for this day. If you want to take Jack upstairs and give him a bath, I will get the kitchen cleaned up, Sean. "

Sean grabbed his dishes and headed for the sink, " I can help you in here first, Jerry. "

" That's okay Sean. " I walked over to him and said in a low voice. " I think a little extra time this morning with Jack will do the both of you good. "

" You're right, Jerry, as usual. I want this to be over quickly today, for Jack's sake. I don't want him to remember his mom all his life this way. "

" I could see if Dad would take Jack to your house after we first arrive and he sees his mother. That way he doesn't have to be there for the whole event and at the minimum knows that his mother is gone. "

" I think that would be a good idea, Jerry. I don't want Jack to have to go through the whole ordeal like I had. "

" I will get it all arranged Sean, you go and get him ready. Then I can finish up while you two walk out to the ridge. "

" I would like that Jerry, but if I'm not back soon you may have to come drag me back. "

Sean took Jack and headed upstairs to get ready for this ominous day. The day had suddenly taken a somber mood, since breakfast was done. Everyone knowing what the day held and not wanting to think about it or discuss it openly. I began focusing on what had to be done, finishing off the details in my mind. My thoughts drifted to Mary, the charming lady I met in Vegas, gone, taken from this world and the chance to be a very important part of my life. Facing the inevitable pain and sorrow that would unfold in front of us all today. I was praying that a trip this weekend would help Sean and Jack both, I knew it was just days after but they would both need something major to lift their spirits. I joined Dad and Kyle back at the table and asked Dad if he could take Jack away from the funeral home soon after we arrived. Then I had Kyle arrange to have an extra car there and ready to take them both to the Austin's house where they would be more comfortable until things were finished with the funeral.

The phone rang as we were finishing up the details for the day and Kyle went to answer it in the office. I finished talking with Dad when I heard Kyle's voice getting louder, I jumped up and went into the office.

" That's not going to happen today, I know for a fact that you are not welcome there. That is your choice, but you will not gain access past any of the security teams. " Kyle snarled into the phone. He glared at me as he list. on the other end, then suddenly slammed the phone down.

" Please tell me there is not a problem that is going to make this day worse than it already is. "

" I can't lie to you Jerry, so I guess you need to know. That was your mother on the phone and wanted to know where and when Mary's funeral was, because she wanted to pay her respects. "

" She what? " I turned an instant red with anger, that she had the nerve to want to pay respects to a woman who had shown her family the unconditional love she had faked with me all my life. " How dare she even think that she would be welcome, let alone even pretend that she has any respect for anyone but herself and the good sons. " I was ranting and I guess my voice was more than loud as Dad came running into the office.

" What is going on back here, Jerry? I think the neighbors can hear you and they are a mile away. "

I turned and looked at Dad, the hatred for my mother still in control of me. " I want you to call that wife of yours and make it as clear as you can that I do not want her anywhere near the funeral home, the Austin's house or my home. If she can not respect that, then I can not be held responsible for my actions. " I was enraged, I was seeing nothing but red. The idea that she would want to even be anywhere near me ever again kept me steaming.

" Son, calm down! " Dad grabbed my arms as he looked me in the eyes. " I will call her and make sure she understands that she is Not welcome today. "

I was still so past pissed I could not even begin to form the words to reply to Dad. I stood there grinding my teeth when Kyle walked up behind me and pushed down on my shoulder and forced me into my seat.

" Take a minute Jerry and some deep breaths, think about what you are considering before you say anything. " Kyle kept his hand on my shoulder to stop me from jumping back up out of my seat.

After a few minutes I had calmed down enough to finally put words together. " Thank you, Kyle. " Kyle let go of my shoulder and walked back over to his desk.

" Dad, I'm serious about this. I do not want her there today, or any other day. If I have to have the security teams put on alert looking for her it will not end very well. " I looked up at Dad, my mind still filled with rage.

" I will call her now Son, she will not be bothering you or Sean today. " Dad smiled at me, but I could see the questioning look in his eyes. Not sure that he could deliver on what he was promising.

" I know you will convince her Dad, I just don't want Sean upset anymore today than he already will be. I'm going to get some coffee and calm down a little more. You can use the phone in here and have a little privacy to call her. " I stepped away from my chair so Dad could come around sit to make his call. I started out the door and tipped my head for Kyle to follow me.

Once we were in the kitchen I stood in front of the coffee pot with my cup. " You know what has to be done, Kyle. "

" Jerry, are you sure? "

" I will not have that ignorant woman screwing this day up. After putting the lives of two of her children on the line, she has no right to be a part of my life. "

" I can arrange extra security Jerry, but please think this over before you make a final decision. "

" A final decision on what? " Sean asked as he came into the kitchen.

I dropped my head and leaned forward on the kitchen counter. " Kyle, can you give us a minute? "

" I will be in the den if you need anything. " Kyle walked out of the kitchen, leaving us alone.

" A decision on what, Jerry? " Sean asked again, a bit of hesitance in his voice.

" Sean, I told you I would not lie to you, but could you forgive me if I did not answer that question? " I stood facing the counter, not wanting to turn around and look at Sean.

" That depends, Jerry. " Sean answered and left it at that.

" Depends on what, Sean? "

" Are you not telling me to protect me, or because it is to protect yourself? "

I turned and looked at Sean, my eyes shimmering with the tears that were about to break loose. " Does it really matter? In my mind that is just two halves of the same thing. "

" Of course it matters.... " Sean stopped mid sentence. " You mean that don't you Jerry? " Sean asked, looking at me with his jaw almost open in disbelief.

" Yes Sean I do. I told you I would do anything to keep you safe. "

Sean took two giant steps across the kitchen and had me wrapped in his arms. " I won't let you do it Jerry. I'm not sure what you are planning, but I think it is approaching the promise I made you. " Sean held me tight against his chest as I allowed those words to sink into my brain.

" Thanks Babe, and I am sorry. I was about to go too far..... " I was forced to stop my words as Sean planted a kiss on me with those tender lips of his.

" Would you care to tell me what brought this all on? " Sean asked as he ran his hand up and down my back.

" Only if you promise me not to get upset. "

Sean pulled back and looked at me with a surprised look on his face. " Oh shit, this can't be good, but I promise not to get upset. " Sean tried putting a smile on his face, but it didn't work out too well.

" Well,..." I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm and not get furious again. " My mother called, " before I could continue Sean gasped.

" Your mother? What did she want? "

" Well Babe, Kyle talked to her and it is probably a good thing he did, but she wanted to know what time Mary's funeral was today. " I bit my lip hoping Sean did not explode from this piece of information.

" Why the hell would she care? What is she up to Jerry? "

" I have no idea Sean, but Dad is in the office talking with her now. He is letting her know that she is not welcome and will not be allowed anywhere near us today. "

While standing in the kitchen being held by Sean, Dad walked back in and coughed.

" I think you can relax Jerry, your mother won't be coming anywhere near you today. "

" Thanks Dad. " I replied without letting go of Sean. I did hear a stick of reluctance in his voice though. " What's wrong Dad? "

" Your Mother wants to meet with you next week in your office downtown. It was a requirement for her non appearance today. "

" DAD! How the hell could you promise her that? You know I won't be here next week. "

Dad smiled at me, " Oh shit, you will be gone, won't you? "

" Dad, you really do have an evil side. " I laughed and shook my head.

" I think I have two Martins that I have to keep an eye on. " Sean stood there shaking his head.

" I can assure Sean, that it's Dad you have to watch out for, I'm innocent in this matter. "

I squeezed Sean and whispered in his ear, " I love you Mr. Austin. "

Sean stood a little taller and held me a little tighter. " I love you too Mr. Martin. " I heard the words whispered into my ear, the light breeze of his breath blowing across my neck made me shiver.

" I think I had better go upstairs and pull myself together and get dressed for the day. " I pulled away from Sean and stared into his caring face, the pain just beneath the surface. I ran my hand down his cheek, I had to turn away from him before the tears started running down my face.

I raced upstairs and made my way to the settee and crumpled down on it. ' How could I pull Sean into this mess of my life? ' I asked myself. How could I let Sean be exposed to my mother, the woman I adored, turning into the evilest of people? My rock solid childhood and the idea of my mother breaking apart right in front of me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and focused on today, to push everything else to the back of my mind. I had to make sure that today went as smooth as I could for Sean, and start on plans for next week to deal with mom coming to the office. Dad's decision to trick mom into a meeting next week was ingenious and dangerous. I realized just then that I really did not know my own mother.

I heard the door open, but I was too scared to open my eyes and see who was standing there. " Son, what is going on in that head on yours? " Dad asked.

I sighed, " Dad, I appreciate what you did with mom, but it doesn't solve anything. There is just more for me to worry about and plan for next week. Besides I can't... " I could not finish my thought about Sean.

" Can't what, Son? "

" I can't.....can't put Sean through that. I won't Dad. "

I felt someone step in front of me and then they knelt and placed a hand on my knee, " Can't put me through what, Jerry? "

The sound of his voice tore down the wall I was building up in my mind to protect myself from hurting Sean. Try as I might to hold it all together, I was losing and losing fast. I opened my eyes and there was the face, that face that held every string to my heart looking at me with more love than I have ever seen.

Sean asked again, " Can't put me through what Jerry? "

" Sean, you have to know I love you more than I have loved anyone before. I want you to be a part of my life and be by my side everyday the sun comes up. With that call from my mother this morning I realized, until I can determine her intentions and prepare for any trouble she may cause I can't allow you to be put in any danger. " I leaned over and looked around Sean. " Dad, your idea this morning was genius, but you know mom, this will only piss her off and push her into doing something more dangerous. " I looked back up and Sean, " You see now why I can't allow you to get any closer? You have been through so much Sean, and I know from all the talks we have had that you would give anything to have your parents back. All the while my mother is trying to, not to sugar coat it, kill me. "

" So you just think it is your decision and you can just push me back out of your life? After all the talk about being honest with each other and talking things out, you are not going to do this Jerry. I will not be pushed out like this, if you want me gone you are going to have to do it yourself. "

" Sean, please, I can't put you in anymore danger. You have been through enough this weekend to last a lifetime. "

" No Jerry! Hell no! You have put yourself in harms way almost everyday since I met you, I will not run now. If you don't believe that I would stand by your side, against your mother, then she has already won. "

I gently cupped Sean's face in my hands, " I truly love you Sean Austin, I was only thinking about you and Jack. I hope that you can honestly believe me. If you are sure about this, then I will go on as long as you are by my side. "

" On one condition Mr. Martin, stop trying to protect me from everything you think is going to worry me. I have been through enough bad times in my life to know how to handle them. Is that a deal Mr. Martin? " Sean smiled at me, he thought it was hilarious when we used formal names with each other.

" It's a deal Mr. Austin, you just have to remember to tell me if I'm going over things too quickly or you don't understand. "

" I will Jerry, but if I think for one minute you are holding back on me...." He turned and looked at Kyle, " I will kick his ass, Kyle. "

" I promise Babe, I will not hold anything back from you. Now let's get a move on it, we have to get dressed. Dad, will you keep an eye on Jack while we get finished, then you can get ready? "

" Sure Son, that is never a problem. Jack is my main man, or so he says. "

" Thanks Dad, we will be down as soon as we can. " Dad and Kyle headed downstairs while Sean and I got dressed.

" If I have a plan in mind for this week can we wait to discuss it later this evening? " I asked Sean.

" Sure Babe, I just don't want to find out things as they are happening. It's nice to have a little knowledge before something goes down. "

I turned and grabbed Sean, " I really am sorry Sean, the thought of you being hurt again bothered me more than being alone the rest of my life. " I pulled into him and laid my head on his chest, never wanting to let him go.

" I know Jerry, but you have to remember that I have dealt with so many terrible things in my life, you don't have to try and keep me isolated from it. "

" I can't help myself Sean, I see things and know things that are painful and I just want to keep that all away from you. I don't know how anyone can think you deserve to be hurt anymore in your life. " I held onto him tighter.

" You can't protect me from the world Jerry, let's just face things as they come. We don't need to worry ourselves preparing for things that may never come to be. " Sean pulled me tighter with an arm around my back and cradled my head in his other hand.

" When did you get so smart Mr. Austin? I think I can do that, but don't get worried if I forget every now and then. "

" From you of course Mr. Martin, just from being close to you I have picked it up. " Sean kissed the top of my head. " Now let's get dressed before I decide not to let you out of this room today. "

I dressed and then helped Sean finish getting dressed. As I tied his tie I stared into those green eyes, seeing the pain that they were holding back. As I finished the tie I gently held his face in my hands. " Lean on me all you need today Sean, I will be your rock. " I kissed him as gently as I could while showing how much love I had for him.

The green eyes started to get wetter as Sean pulled me into a tight embrace, " Thanks Jerry, I will be. " Sean quietly got out.

Even as much as I wanted to stay there wrapped in the warmth of Sean's arms, I knew we had to go on with the day. I pulled back from Sean, wiped his eyes with my thumbs and put my arm around his back and walked him downstairs. We walked into the kitchen, where Dad, Kyle and Jack were all seated, dressed and ready for this solemn day.

Dad got up from the table and walked behind Jack, " Gentlemen, and Little Man. " Dad said as he squeezed Jack's shoulders. " We have a somber day ahead of us, no matter how long our time is here, it is never long enough for the loved ones left behind. Let's keep our thoughts on the good times and the happiness that Mary brought into our lives. "

" Dad's right, we all need to remember how much Mary loved each of us. " I turned towards Sean, " Anyone who ever saw her could see the love she had for you and Jack. We need to hold on to those memories the most. "

Kyle put his hand up to his ear and looked at me, " The car is here Jerry. "

I walked around the table to Jack and knelt down to look him in the eyes. " If you need to talk to anyone of us today Little Man, we are all here for you. " I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug.

Jack held onto me with all his strength and whispered to where I almost did not hear him. " Thanks, Uncle Jerry. " I could feel the wetness of a tear fall onto my neck as I lift Jack up and shifted my head towards the door and everyone followed me out to the car. I waited for everyone to get in and tried to hand Jack into Sean and he would not let go of my neck, I shook my head at Sean and awkwardly got into the car.

I could see the pain in Sean's face that Jack would not go to him when we got into the car. I placed my hand on his leg and smiled at him. Dad leaned over and whispered something to Sean. I could not hear what he was saying but watched as Sean nodded his head and then looked up at Dad and smiled. Damn, Dad always knows what to say at the right time.

Kyle turned in the front seat and gave me the look that he needed to talk, I tried to get Jack to slide over on Sean's lap but he would not loosen his grip. I finally decided to hell with it and moved to the other seat so I could talk with Kyle.

" What's wrong now? " I asked, with a bit of anger in my voice.

" Sorry sir, " I knew this was trouble, only time Kyle used the sir business. " There is a scene developing at the funeral home. "


Thanks to all my readers for waiting on this chapter, I have been devoting more time to writing since my once premium time is my own again. I will be out of town for a few days after this posts and will be back the first part of the week, with every intention to get back into the story.

Take Care Everyone and those in the U.S. have a very safe and Happy 4th of July.


Next: Chapter 26

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