Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on May 22, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I know this is a short chapter and I am hard at work on the next one and hope to have it ready soon. We are coming to a close on this story soon and I wanted to let you all know I have the idea and basics for my next story down on paper. I may leave this story with an open ending that I may revisit sometime in the future.

Thanks for reading,


Part 22:

" I will have them in place as soon as you are in the door Jerry. If you need any help, just keep that panic button handy. "

" Thanks, Kyle. I know you will be at your best. "

During the ride to the Senator's house, I ran everything that I had files on through my mind. I needed to figure out every direction that the Senator could take this, building details I could use to bring the Senators reign to an end. Most endings made my skin crawl as to what that devious Bastard could do, but I was holding on to the ones that ended in my favor. Lost in all the outcomes I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder, " We are here Jerry. " Kyle said in a short manner.


Part 23

" Game faces on gentlemen. " I pulled my phone out and entered the code to the program to pull the Senator's money out of all his hiding spots and send it traveling around the world. My ace in the hole. I watched as the millions started adding up as the transfers from each account were completed. I smiled and placed the phone back in my pocket as the car was waved through the gate and pulled up in front of the house.

" Kyle, Josh, I want this to go smoothly. I want everyone on their toes. Kyle, send word to all team leaders that they are a go. " I slid out of the back seat and pulled out my briefcase, 'God help us all if this goes badly.", I thought to myself.

I walked up to the front door and pushed the doorbell. A moment later the door opened and there stood the man that I have been dreading to meet.

" Good evening Senator Upton, it is a pleasure to meet you. " I said as I held out my hand.

" Umm, It's a pleasure Mr.? Excuse me, I don't know your name. " He stated with a look of disbelief on his face, at least I had the advantage of surprise on my side at the moment.

" Martin, Jerry Martin. I have some business that I need to speak with you about. "

" I really do not have the time tonight, Mr. Martin. I am expecting the Governor this evening for an emergency meeting. "

" I think I can make this short, Senator and it would be very beneficial for you to hear me out. "

" I can give you five minutes Mr. Martin, please come in. " The Senator backed up and allowed me inside.

" Can we speak somewhere private, Senator? I think this business information is too important to speak of in the open. "

" Certainly Mr. Martin, we can discuss this in the den. " The Senator directed me towards the den and closed the door behind us as we entered.

After reviewing the plans to his house I was glad that he suggested the den. I knew that Kyle's team would have more views to the room than any in the house. If the Senator took the insane route on this, I knew I would be well protected.

After the Senator had taken his seat behind his desk I pulled the file out of my briefcase with all the documents I had on the his illicit activities.

" Senator, I think we can forgo the illusion that you do not know who I am. Now that we are here alone, there is no reason to dance around the reason for my visit. "

The Senator looked at me as he considered the fact that we both knew who the other was and what each might have planned. " I will tell you now Mr. Martin, that boy is my son, and I will get custody of him. "

" I am not here to argue the paternity of Jack with you Senator. I am here to give you your options to stop your actions and to turn yourself in to answer for what you have done. "

" I don't see where you are in any position to stop me Mr. Martin. "

"That might be because you don't have all the facts, Senator. Let me bring you up to speed on how this is going to end. "

" There is nothing that you can do about this Mr. Martin, and as far as I'm concerned it is none of your business. "

" It may not have been my business at one point Senator, but with your move on my home tonight you made it my business. "

" I made no move on anything tonight, Mr. Martin. I believe someone is misinformed as to what happened. "

" I think not Senator, I will give you one chance and one chance only to stop your pursuit of Jack and to turn yourself in. If not, I will have no other choice than to release this information to the press. " I tossed the file onto his desk.

The Senator opened the file and started reading all the information I had compiled on him and his cohorts. I watched as his eyes widened after reading each piece of evidence.

" Well Mr. Martin, it seems you have been very busy. Sticking your nose into things that do not concern you in the least. I really don't see anything in this file that I can't explain away or blame on others. I think we are done here and I would like you to leave my home. "

" Here I thought that you were more interested in family than you were money Senator, but I guess that is all political hype. Since you want to go at this the hard way, I think you better get used to living that way also. "

" What do you mean by that Mr. Martin? "

" If you would like to check your accounts, I think you will understand what I mean Senator. "

The Senator looked startled and turned in a whirl towards his computer and started signing into his accounts. I sat there watching as he went from one account to the next and saw that all the money was gone. Then he went to accounts that he had hidden across the globe and when they were empty also he turned back to face me.

" How the hell did you find all of them Mr. Martin? I was assured that they could not be found by any government agency. "

" That answers your own question Senator, I'm not a government agency. I'm a person and a person who is capable of finding anything I need. Now what I need from you is an answer. Will you stop this pursuit and turn yourself in? "

" You may have taken all my money Mr. Martin, but I still have ways to continue this and bring my son home. "

" If you are referring to all of the men you had in place to take the Governor down and put yourself in his seat, they are all, and I mean all, in custody. The Governor has been informed of all of your plans and has seen the file that you have just read. If I have to push this any further Senator, I will have the Feds in here before morning and you can spend your sentence in a Federal Penitentiary. "

" I don't think you understand anything Mr. Martin, I will not give this up. If I have to keep fighting from jail, my son is coming home to live. "

" I think not Senator, you have no money, no income, your wife and children will be out on the street in three months. I will make sure that it will take at least 18 months to get in front of a judge to even force a paternity test. There is another option, if you are interested. "

" What might that be Mr. Martin? "

" If you agree to turn yourself in and plead guilty to all the charges that the State and Federal Attorney Generals come up with, I will release your funds back to your wife's control. With the stipulation that you, nor your wife will ever contact or pursue the child in question ever again. "

" Do you realize what I am giving up for these paltry offenses? I just can't justify giving up without a fight within the courts. "

" Do you realize what you will lose if you try to continue with this? I have already given my word that this will end tonight Senator, and I always keep my word. I am leaving, you have until I get to the front door to make your decision. Once I walk out that door, your decision will be made for you, sir. "

I stood up and picked up my briefcase, turned and headed for the door. Once my back was turned I heard the Senator open a desk drawer, I did not think he would take this option. I'm guessing he thinks with me dead he can worm his way out of this whole mess. I heard the gun cock, " That is not a wise choice Senator, my decisions will be followed through whether I'm alive or dead. "

There was no answer from the Senator, cold silence from behind the desk. I started to take another step when I heard the shot, it was so loud being in the confines of the den. I fell to the floor, my ears were ringing and was waiting for the pain to follow.

The door burst open and I could hear yelling, but could not make out the voice. I was pulled up from the floor as I looked ahead it was Kyle. " Sir, are you hit? Are you okay? "

" What? I can't hear you too well Kyle. My damn ears are ringing so damn loud. "

I was looking at Kyle as he was checking me over for a wound, the Senator's wife came running in the room. Kyle jumped after her and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her out of the room. I turned around and saw the Senator sitting in the chair with a gunshot wound to his head. I ran from the den and joined up with Kyle and Mrs. Upton in the kitchen.

My hearing was getting better, the ringing in my ears was low enough I could once again hear someone speaking.

Mrs. Upton, I want to offer my condolences on your loss. I know you are going to have some hard days ahead of you, but next week I need to speak with you in private. "

" I, I don't even know who you are. I don't know what to do. Why did he do that to himself? "

" Mrs. Upton, " I grabbed her hands. " There are going to be a lot of people in and out of here for awhile. Once they are all gone I will try and get back here and explain to you what happened. If not I will be here tomorrow evening, I have some personal matters I must attend to first. I will have my team place the calls and get things started for you Mrs. Upton, then I have to leave. I can not be here when the officials arrive. "

" Kyle, I will need you to make the calls and stay with Mrs. Upton until they are finished here. " I walked next to Kyle and whispered, " Please get those files off his desk and my briefcase as soon as you make that call. "

" Sir, I would rather leave Josh here with her and accompany you back downtown. "

" Fine Kyle, after you grab those files and my briefcase bring Josh back in here with you. "

Kyle turned and headed for the den as he made his phone call. I went back over to Mrs. Upton, who was still in shock as to what happened.

" Why would he do that to himself and leave me and the kids that way? " She asked without ever looking at me.

" I'm not sure Mrs. Upton, I was leaving the den and had my back to him when he did it. He did not say a word to me before. "

" Thanks for telling me Jerry, I just don't understand why he would do this. "

I was about to step over to her and give her a hug when I realized that she called me Jerry and I had not introduced myself to her.

Next: Chapter 24

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