Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on May 7, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

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End of Chapter 21

Wolfgang gave James one last glare and turned and went back to his position in front of the stove. Watching James with a hate in his eyes I had never seen Wolfgang display.

" James, I think we need to have a talk, before this gets out of hand. " I raised my hand to lead him towards the back of the kitchen so we would have a little more privacy.

Walking towards the back of the kitchen I noticed Kyle step into the kitchen, so he could be close at hand. I looked at Kyle and nodded as James came to a stop and turned to face me.

" Listen Jerry... " James started to say before I interrupted him.

Part 22

" I think you need to listen to me first James. We have both done things that I'm sure neither of us are proud of, well, I know I'm not. This has got to end and we have got to come to some kind of an agreement, I haven't got the time to devote to you and the others. Is there someway we can get past this and at least be civil to each other? "

James stared at me, I could see the hatred he still carried in his eyes. A hatred I never understood, to hate and despise me for their actions.

" I don't know what I have done to feel bad about Jerry, but I damn sure know that you should be sorry for everything you have done. " James scowled at me.

" You unsympathetic ass, after what you and those other 3 bastards have done to me and you have no idea what you have done wrong? Let me ask you this you twisted fuck, what if four boys did this to..Kate is it? How would you feel then? Would you be so forgetful or unable to remember? I thought I was ready to forgive you for what you had done, and for what it caused me to have to do to you. But I can see I was wrong, that will probably never happen. "

I turned to leave the kitchen and James with his own thoughts, till I heard his say in a small quiet voice. " It's been you, all these years? Everything bad that has happened to us, it's because of you? "

I stopped, the anger at James's unconcealed hate of me draining away. " Yes. For what it's worth James, I am sorry. I directed all my anger at the four of you, to the point I could not even allow you time to apologize to me. Though I don't think that thought has ever crossed your mind, has it? "

" Well.... " James didn't finish.

" I thought not, I think you need to take some time James. Talk with the others and then we will meet to discuss bringing this to an end. " I turned and faced James. " But, and I can not stress this enough, don't take this in any way as a sign of any weakness on my part. I am not the same scared kid that you once knew all those years ago. "

I turned and walked towards the door, " I believe we are ready for you to serve now Wolfgang. "

I stopped and gathered myself before returning to the table to rejoin the rest of my dinner party. Kyle came up beside me, " What the hell was all of that about Jerry? "

I sighed, " In due time Kyle, we have enough to concentrate on this week. This will wait until Sean and Jack are safe, then we will deal with them. "

Kyle sensed my mood and did not push for any further information. Knowing I would fill him in on all the details when I decided it was time.

Walking back up to the table I opened my arms, " Please forgive my absence dear friends, but I think it is now time to enjoy a wonderful meal. "

Just then Wolfgang and his team of servers came out of the kitchen with service trays, the entrees covered. They placed one in front of each of us and at the same time they removed the covers.

Everyone was excited as their meal was revealed and each asked at the same time, " How did you know? "

I just shook my head and grinned, " I can't reveal all my sources. " I stood and raised my glass, " To family and friends, may each of us have many of both in our lives. Now, please enjoy yourselves and these fine meals. "

Sean ate with his normal enthusiasm when it came to a meal with steak, but he kept watching me after each bite he took. Finally unable to take the attention any longer I leaned over, " Sean, is there something wrong with your steak? "

" Not a thing Jerry, but can I be honest? "

" Of course you can Sean. "

Sean looked right into my eyes, " I'm worried about you Jerry. " I could see the love that he was feeling for me as he made that statement.

" I know you are Sean, and I truly appreciate that fact. I can see the worry on your face and in your eyes when you think I'm over doing myself. "

Sean sat up, I could see he was thinking on how to phrase his next comment and he leaned over again. " You surprise me yet again, Jerry. " Then sat back up and continued on with his meal.

The meal was excellent and the conversation was pleasant, though there was something bothering me. A feeling that something was not quite right, a feeling not close enough to see all it's detail. It was definitely occupying my mind trying to figure out what was wrong. I looked at Kyle and tilted my head toward the kitchen.

" If my fine company will excuse me for a moment I will go and check on our dessert for tonight. " I walked to the kitchen and heard Kyle's footsteps behind me.

" Kyle, please check with the team outside and the house. I have a feeling something is wrong and I can't nail it down. " I stood waiting, nervous about what was developing that I could not figure out.

I heard Kyle take a pause as he was talking to the guards at the house, " What's the situation now Josh? I want you to call in 2 more teams, I want them in place before midnight. I want you to hold them until I get Falcon secured and I make it back to the house. "

" What the hell is going on now Kyle? "

" There was an attempt on the house. Josh and the teams held them off, no one was hurt and they captured three of them. "

" I want two teams on the apartment here in downtown now Kyle. Then I want everyone out in the dining room taken there until we figure out who is behind this. As if I didn't know. "

" I have Josh sending them now Jerry, and you will be staying there with them until I have had the chance to talk with the three at the house. "

" Kyle, I know you don't want me there, but I have to be at the house. I need to know who sent them and where that leaves us for the next few days. "

" Not this time Jerry, you are going to have to trust me. I want you in that apartment until I can get a handle on the security at the house and talk with our 'guests'. "

" Damn it Kyle, you know I can find out more information faster if I am there. "

" Only if they know something Jerry, until the house is safe and I think they might now something, then I can bring you back. I will not give on this Jerry, we can't afford to make a mistake on this. "

" How are we going to get them out of here without raising their suspicion Kyle? You know Kim will know something is wrong the second we go out there. "

" Let me go out and ask her to come back here and talk with you. Maybe she can call in some support from the police force to help with the outside perimeter of the building. "

" That's a great idea, it will give me a minute to focus and bring a little calm back to myself. "

As Kyle headed back out to the table I stepped over to talk with Wolfgang, " I'm enjoying the meal tonight Wolfgang, but I have a problem and we will be leaving here in a minute. Can you box up the desserts so we can take them with us, I don't want my guest to miss out on your wonderful desserts tonight. "

" Oh no Jerry, I was looking forward to joining you all this evening for dessert and getting to know your family. "

" I would have loved that Wolfgang, maybe we can have you up to the house soon as a guest and enjoy a whole meal and dessert with you. I just was not expecting the events that have unfolded tonight and I wish I could stay and talk with you. "

" No problem Jerry, I understand the pressures you are under. We shall get together soon and have that meal, and dessert, which I will make myself. "

" Thank you Wolfgang, you are truly a wonderful friend. " I shook his hand and headed back towards the kitchen door. Kyle and Kim walked in the door and I could tell by the look on Kim's face that she knew something was wrong. " Kim, we have a problem at the house and we have to get everyone here to the apartment, Now!. Once we are in the car, can you call in and request some uniformed officers to be placed around the lobby and perimeter of the building? "

" What the hell has happened at the house Jerry? "

" I will tell you all I know Kim, as soon as you are all safe. I don't want to risk anyone's safety right now. We have some time on our side, no one knew about this dinner tonight. But I can tell you this, if it was the Senator we will find out fast and since he started a move against me, he will not quit. "

" I need you to help me get Sean, Jack, Dad and Janice in the car as quickly as we can. I have a team in place at the apartment, but it will be a short time until the other teams can get to us. "

" Sure Jerry, I can help. I think you need the car pulled up around back as close to the door as your driver can get. If anyone is in position they will not expect a backdoor escape. "

" Wonderful idea Kim. Kyle ask the driver to pull the car around back. Kim, let's get our friends the hell out of here. "

Kim and I stepped back into the dining room and approached the table. I stepped over next to Dad and bent down to whisper in his ear, " We have a problem at the house, I need you to help me get Sean and Jack to the car as calmly as possible. " I squeezed his shoulder and walked over to Sean.

" What's wrong Jerry? " Sean asked as soon as I was standing next to him.

" Sean, I'm afraid things have started already and I need to get you and Jack to a safe place. There has been an incident at the house and until I know it is safe, I can't take you back there. Dad and Kim are going to help me get you all in the car through the backdoor. I need you to help Dad make sure Jack is taken as quickly as possible and not left in the open any longer than necessary. "

Sean leaned a little closer to me, " God, Jerry, not already? "

" Yes my love, but we will persevere and come out on top. Now let's get our family out of here. " I stood up and asked everyone to follow me.

We made our way through the kitchen and quickly into the car, as Kyle and the driver provided cover. Once in the car I asked Janice and Jake to sit in the very back so I could talk with Kyle in the front seat.

" Kyle, how long till the other teams are in place at the apartment? "

" The first team will be there in 30 minutes Jerry, the second team is 90 minutes out and making their way as fast as possible. I have had the team at the apartment do a complete perimeter sweep and have had guards at key points since we got news from the house. "

" Any word from the house since we left the restaurant? "

" None yet Jerry, I told them to check every inch of the property and to make sure it is secure before they called me. "

I turned towards Kim and leaned closer to her, " Have you contacted your officers for support outside the building, Kim? "

" Yes Jerry, it took some calling around though. I wanted to be sure who was outside that building. I did not want to trust it to patrol personnel at this point in time. Do you think the Senator is going to push up the timetable on the rest of his plans after this? "

" I would not be surprised if he did Kim. We are going to have to be ready tonight to bring him down. "

I looked up at Kyle and noticed the boxes sitting on the front seat with him. I looked at him smiled and mouthed, " Thank You. " I could not believe in all the commotion that he grabbed the desserts from Wolfgang.

As we pulled up in front of the building, several of the security team approached the limo. Kyle jumped out of the front seat and began a heated debate with the team. The members of the team opened the car door and began escorting everyone inside, protecting as much of the person with their own body. We were quickly taken to the penthouse where the floor had been cordoned off, all access was locked and only one point of entry was left. Once inside the apartment and Kyle had contacted the house and the other security teams, he met me in my office.

" The building is secure now Jerry, the second team is on site and the third team is 15 minutes out. As soon as they arrive I will head back to the house to determine who our 'guests' are and see about bringing you out. "

" I want you to have Josh bring the command center here, I also want you to send all the files with him. I'll contact Scott and see if he has my surprise in place and ready. I have to find a way to get the Governor here tonight, without risking his safety. I hope Janice can help with that, I need to get her and Kim working on that now. "

" Until he is secure Jerry, the Senator still has the advantage. Even with Scott's surprise in place he can use the Governor as a pawn. "

" I know Kyle. I need to know if you can have the rest of the teams in place to finish this tonight, if we can get the Governor secured. "

" It will be tight Jerry, but I think we can pull the teams in fast enough to finish this. If the Governor is here and safe we can at least buy a little time. "

" Head down and prepare for team three's arrival and send Kim and Janice back on your way out please, Kyle. "

As I awaited Kim and Janice to join me I decided to call Scott. " Scott, how is my main hacker tonight? "

" I'm busy as hell Jerry, you have gotten me into some deep shit with this mess. "

" I will bet that you have gotten yourself into deeper than this on your own Scott. Now tell me you have some good news. "

Scott started laughing, " I can't answer that Jerry, that would be getting myself in trouble. As for the good news....Well let's just say I would never let you down. I have set up everything as you asked, I have sent you the information on your server with the codes you need to activate the program. Once started, there is only one way to end the program and retrieve the assets being moved. That information is locked away and I can send it to you once you have a need for it. "

" Excellent Scott! I think I'll need it a little sooner than I expected. I will pull that information off the servers and transfer your payment tonight. I want to thank you, Scott, you are very good at your job. "

" Don't go getting all sentimental on me Jerry, I could do no less for you. If you need anything else, just give me a call. When the dust settles, I will call you with the codes to bring the assets home. "

" I will talk with you next week Scott. "

As I hung up the phone I sat and wondered how such a bright young man became so interested in using the system against itself. His talents could be so much more helpful on the other side of things.

Kim knocked on the door frame, " How are things going Jerry? "

" Until the next security team arrives and Kyle can get back to the house we are in limbo Kim. Once he interrogates the three men being held at the house we have no idea who is behind this. No matter who it is, we have to find a way to get the Governor and his wife and children here, tonight! "

" I think that Janice may have an idea about that Jerry. If the Senator is behind this tonight, I think she can get the Governor and his wife and kids out of there. "

" I hope so Kim, for all of our sake's. I just don't understand what the sudden push is from the Senator. "

" Either he has gone off the deep end, or someone else is behind this operation and using him as a front man. "

" I will give that some thought Kim, but from everything I have seen so far the Senator has been pretty consistent with his actions. He is one damn good actor if someone else is calling the shots. Can you go sit with Janice and work out her talk with the Governor's wife and send Sean in to see me? "

" We will get it all worked out Jerry, believe it or not, Janice is a very smart lady. "

" I know she is Kim, she was very helpful with the dinner tonight and I'm positive she has learned a lot from you. "

As Kim turned and walked out of the office I started to wonder if someone else could be behind the Senator. I started running every name of someone powerful enough to force the Senator in his actions. There were many possibilities, but I was aware of most of them and their tendencies. There was nothing in any of the Senator's actions that was sending up any red flags. I looked up and Sean was standing in the doorway watching me, " Come in and sit down Sean. We need to talk a bit about what is going on tonight, and what it could mean tomorrow. No matter what happens tonight, I will not let it disrupt anything tomorrow. " Sean stood there, not making a move to come in the office. I could not tell what he was thinking about, and with Mary's funeral tomorrow I didn't think his emotions had pinpointed anything to focus on.

" Jerry, I don't think I can do this anymore. "

I could see that Sean was losing the battle of his will to keep fighting for his family. " Sean, I know it looks bad right now, but you can't give up on Jack. He is going to need you more than he ever had before. We will win this, and you will be there for Jack. "

" How can you be so sure, Jerry? "

" I believe it Sean, and if we believe, we can win this. I can't say we are going to have it easy, but life is not easy, you should know that more than most people. I think Mary knew you could do this, and she also knew I would help you get through this whole ugly mess. "

" All I can see is the bad Jerry, I don't know how to even look for the good. How can you believe any of this will work out for us? " I leaned back in my chair and thought about what Sean was asking, and how could I deny all that he has been through in his life. " Even with everything that has happened to you Sean, you always had one constant. Love, your mother and father's love, Mary's love, Jack's love and even with all that is going on you have more love. Can't you see that everyone who has been close to you, loves you for you? "

" I know what you mean Jerry, I just have a hard time holding onto that belief. Every time in my life I focused on the ones I loved, they have been taken from me. How can I look to move forward and try and keep love out of the equation? "

I got up from my desk and walked around to face Sean. " Sean, I have to be honest with you. " I took a deep breath, " Since the moment I met you, I have been more comfortable with you than I have even been with anyone in my life. Just being in the same room with you puts me at ease, the confidence you exude through your posture is amazing. I have been around hundreds of powerful corporate executives, and you my friend, have them all beat hands down. What I'm trying to tell you Sean, I have fallen hard for you, and I can't think of my life without you in it. "

Sean pulled back and looked like he was about to crumple to the floor. I grabbed for his arm as he twisted away from me, " Jerry, I'm just not sure. Wait, that's not the word. I am sure of what I want, but I'm afraid of.... " Sean stopped and thought for a moment, " Well everything, Jerry. I'm worried about Jack, and being responsible for him. I'm worried about you, Jerry. You give so much of yourself without hesitation, and in my case, without concern for your own safety. It's killing me that you are putting yourself into harms way for me, how can I ever begin to return that kind of gesture? "

" Sean, it's not about paying back, it's about being there for one another in a time of need. If life was always smooth sailing we would never have a need for others in our lives. I want to be there when you need me, and I want to be there when you don't. Those times are just as important in a person's life, the time to immerse yourself in each others love. "

" I want nothing more than to be a part of your life Jerry. I'm scared as hell about all of my new responsibilities, but with you helping me I don't see where I can go wrong. " Sean smiled at me as he moved towards me, " I'm just not sure I know how. " I put my arms around Sean's waist and pulled him into me, " There is no written plan on how it works, Sean. We will take it one day at a time and tackle any problems as they come along, Babe. I looked Sean in the eyes and leaned in and kissed him, so he knew there was no question in my mind on how much I loved him.

" I better get out of here and let you get back to planning, I know you are worried and I shouldn't be bothering you. "

" Listen Sean, I enjoy you coming to see me anytime you want. It makes all the work I do even more worthwhile. " I kissed Sean's cheek and turned him and sent him back n the living room.

As I was sitting back down at my desk Kim came running in, " I think Janice has a way to get them here Jerry. " She spewed out in excitement.

" Calm down, Kim, and tell me what you two have come up with. "

" Janice remembered that the Governor's wife is a sister in her sorority, and will do anything that another sister asks. "

" I think you need to get Janice on the phone to her and have her get them all over here as soon as possible. With the Governor locked down, I can finish this tonight. "

Kim took off to have Janice make the call, I walked out a minute later to find Kyle. I needed to readjust our plans for tonight with having the Governor secure.

I nodded for Kyle to come back to the office, as I walked back into the office Kyle walked in a few seconds after. I closed the door and turned toward Kyle.

" The plans have changed my friend, and you are not going to like them, but please let me explain why we need to handle it this way. "

" Jerry, why do I have the feeling you are going to cause my blood pressure to shoot through the roof. "

" Now Kyle, give me a chance to get through your over protective nature. We need to move fast on this tonight, and any time we lose could cost us in the long run. "

" You're right Jerry, but please promise me you will listen to me once we start all of this. "

" I promise Kyle, well as much as I can at the moment. You know my feelings about how I want this to turn out. Now, if you can call an get all teams on standby while we wait on the Governor and his family to show up here. Please call and have our uninvited guests at the house loaded in the 'tank' and brought down here, it will save us some time. "

" Are you sure that is wise, Jerry? With everyone here, and the Governor present. "

" We can use the office on the next floor down, have a few members of the security team do a sweep of the floor before the bring them in the building. "

I left the office to allow Kyle to finish his calls and to go and speak with Janice. I needed to find out all the details of her idea to get the Governor and his family to join us here at the apartment.

I found Janice and Kim off to themselves in the corner, Janice on the phone having a heated conversation. As I approached Kim gave me a smile and headed me off before I got close enough to hear Janice.

" I'm sorry, Jerry. I know it doesn't sound good, but Janice will win this debate. She just has to play this out until she pulls the 'sister' card. "

" I trust you Kim, and I know Janice will prevail. She is a strong minded lady. " I smiled at Kim.

Kim and I chatted for a few minutes about the current state of the government when Janice ended her call and walked over to join us.

" They will be here in 30 minutes Jerry. She is not happy about it, but I could give a rat's ass. She will thank me when it's all over. " Janice had a look of determination on her face, even though she prevailed in her mission.

" Thanks Janice, I knew you could accomplish your goal. I have to get back with Kyle and finalize how to deal with the Governor's arrival. His security team might be a problem, depending on who is working tonight. "

" Why don't you pull your details inside Jerry, and then ambush them as they come in the door and hallway. Until you can figure out who they are working for. I will leave the police out front just for show, so his Almighty doesn't get suspicious. " Kim added.

" Good idea Kim, I will have Kyle get started on a plan. I'm confident that his team can handle them until we verify who they are and where their allegiance lies. "

I started back to the office when I caught sight of Sean and Jack sitting in the kitchen and looking as if they were having a serious talk. I decided to head over and see if there was a problem.

" How are you two handsome gentlemen doing? " I asked as I walked in the kitchen.

" We are fine Jerry, but it seems that little man here is bored. "

" Well, we will have to do something about that won't we little man. " Jack looked up at me with a smile on his face.

" I have a spare laptop in the back bedroom that you can play on, Jack. I bet that Uncle Sean can find something good in those boxes for you to snack on while playing. " I pointed to the boxes with all the desserts we brought with us.

I stepped closer to Sean and leaned in to whisper in his ear. " The Governor will be here soon and I would rather that you and Jack be back there anyway. It will keep you two safer and Jack will not have to see any trouble till we disarm his security team. Besides there is something in those boxes for you as well, Babe. " I pulled back and smiled at Sean.

" Even with all this going on you think this far ahead, Jerry, and think about me, you are an amazing man. " Sean put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

" Sean, you have enough to worry about right now. It's the least I can do to think about your happiness. Now you two get something to enjoy out of those boxes and head back to that laptop. " I walked out of the kitchen to find Dad and fill him in on the plans before I went to talk with Kyle.

" Are you doing alright Dad? " I asked as I sat down on the couch next to him.

" I'm fine son. The question is, how are you doing with all of this? "

" Well, it came to a head sooner that I would have liked, but I think we can handle this and have it finished sooner than later. The Governor will be here shortly, there might be a little scuffle at the front door when they arrive. If you want to join Sean and Jack in the back bedroom when they arrive that will be fine. "

" I think that might be best Son, I don't want to be in the way and I think tensions will be high enough in the room without me here. "

" Okay Dad, I must get back to Kyle and make sure everything is ready. If everything works out, we might be back at the house before this night is over. " I left Dad and headed for the office to talk with Kyle.

" I don't want to hear ' We can't do that ' shit from any team. I want them at their assigned place and I want them there now! " Kyle yelled into the phone.

" What kind of problem do we have now, Kyle? "

" None, as far as I'm concerned Jerry. Just one team that thinks being available 24/7 is on their terms and not mine. "

" I hope it is not a team that is assigned to an important capture. "

" It's not Jerry, they are assigned to one of the captains of the highway patrol.

" I want word sent to every team leader on this Kyle. I want every capture to go as smooth as possible. I do not want any team member to put themselves in any danger to apprehend anyone. If this goes off cleanly, there will be a nice bonus for everyone. "

" That's very generous of you Jerry, but let's keep that between us until this is over. I don't want anyone doing something stupid trying to force things to go easy. "

" You're probably right Kyle, but I want it understood by everyone that this is very important to me. "

" They know Jerry, I have already made that abundantly clear to every member on every team. "

I filled Kyle in on Kim's idea, and he set up the plan with the teams on site. All we had to do now was await the Governor's arrival. While waiting I pulled up the information that Scott had sent me on activating the program I needed to keep the Senator from doing something stupid. While I was memorizing the code, a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and started rubbing them. I turned in my chair to see who was behind me and there stood Sean.

" You keep that up Sean and we are skipping straight to plan B and leaving the country. "

" I think you can control yourself for a few minutes Jerry. It is going to get very busy around here real soon and I just wanted to see you before it all happened. "

My head sank, " I'm not so sure I have the strength you give me credit for Sean. "

" What's this? My Jerry losing hope? "

' My Jerry? Did he say My Jerry? ' I wondered if he meant that or was it a slip? I figured it was now or never to find out. " I like the sound of that Sean. " I leaned back and looked up at Sean and smiled.

" That's better, the sparkle is back in your eyes. You are much more handsome when that sparkle is there. "

" Sparkle or not, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen with these eyes Sean. "

Sean blushed, " I will take your word for that Jerry, but thanks. "

" I told you I would not lie to you Sean, so that word is the truth. "

Kyle came in the office before Sean could respond, " The Governor has just pulled up in front of the building Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle. Is everyone in place? "

" Yes they are and every team is in place also. Whenever you are ready to give the word, they can proceed. "

" You need to grab Dad and head back in with Jack. This will be over quickly, then we can get onto more pressing issues. "

Sean went off to find Dad and get back to be with Jack. I closed my eyes and focused on the problem at hand. Convincing the Governor that he was in trouble, the Senator may have hidden his tracks, but not that well.

Kyle placed his hand over his ear, " They are in the elevator and heading up now Jerry. "

I heard the door open and the sudden attack of my security team as they overpowered the Governor's team. The Governor started screaming and his wife and kids began as well.

I rushed out to the living room, " Everything is alright Governor. Please calm down and let me explain what is happening. "

" What the hell do you think you are doing Jerry? I will have your ass in prison for this shit. " The Governor was ranting and wanting answers faster than I could give them out.

" Damn it Governor! " I yelled, everyone stopped talking and looked at me. " If you will give me a few minutes, I will explain why this was necessary. Please come back to my office and review the files I have and see for yourself why I had to do this. "

The Governor looked at his wife and kids, still red in the face with anger. " I will give you three minutes Mr. Martin, if I am not convinced by then you are done for. What about my family? " He asked as more of an after thought.

" Your wife can stay out here and talk with Janice and Kim. My friend, Sean and my father are in the back bedroom with Sean's nephew, Jack. The kids can play back there until we have all this settled. "

I led the Governor and his kids back to the bedroom and made the introductions. As he talked with his children I pulled Kyle aside. " Bring me the team member on the Governor's squad that is involved please Kyle. "

Kyle headed to find the team member in question while the Governor and I headed to my office. " Again Governor, I am very sorry that I had to handle this situation this way tonight. There was an attack on my home while we were out tonight and it made it necessary to move forward, quickly with this plan. "

The Governor grabbed my arm and turned me around, " It had better be a damn good reason Jerry, you just scared the hell out of my family. "

" Sir, if it was not this serious I would never have come to this decision. Your lives were in danger and I could not let that happen. It may be selfishness on my part, but the end results of what would have happened would have torn my family apart. "

I led the Governor to my seat behind my desk and opened the file with all the information I had on the Senator. All the sordid details on his activities, from the bribery, the plan to kill the Governor, and the literal take over of the state government for years to come.

" This is what you wanted to meet with me about on Monday? "

" Yes it was Governor. If I did not have a funeral to attend tomorrow I would have insisted on an earlier meeting. I was just not expecting the Senator to make a move tonight. I have a couple members from the team that tried the attack on my house on their way here. Once I have spoken with them, we need to move on the Senator tonight, or I'm afraid he may escalate his plans and force the issue with your life. "

" How am I suppose to pull a plan together tonight to take all these people down, Jerry? They will have to be taken at the same time or word will spread and we will lose most of them. "

" It is all taken care of Governor. Kyle and I have planned this out to the last detail and have teams on standby at each subjects house. Once I have the evidence I need then you can give the order for all of them to be taken. "

" How in the world did you uncover all of this Jerry? This is not something that anyone, even you, would just stumble upon. "

" Let's just say that unbeknownst to the Senator, he has threatened my family with his actions. Actions that I will not allow to continue, one way or the other he is going down tonight. "

" Does this have to do with the Mary Austin case and the shooting at the hospital? "

The Governor was more aware of details than I imagined. Without showing any signs of being surprised I smiled, " Yes it does Governor and I might add that you have more knowledge about things than you let on. "

" I'm not just a dumb politician Jerry, I use my brain for more than holding my hat. I just let people assume that I'm in the dark most the time. It makes the surprise more enjoyable when I prove them wrong and show them how incompetent they are. "

" Very smart approach Governor, I may have to use that sometime. Now I have some more information to get from one of your security members. Kyle, bring him in please. "

Kyle walked in the room with the man in handcuffs. " He is not happy Jerry, I suggest you leave the cuffs on. "

" I don't think that Mr..... Excuse me, your name is? "

" I'm not telling you a damn thing, until your ass is behind bars. "

I turned and looked at the Governor, " His name is Gene Lowe. "

" Well Mr. Lowe, it seems we have a little problem and you seem to be in the deep end of it. "

" I don't give a shit what end you think I am in, you can turn me loose now. You have nothing on me and I have no idea what you are talking about. "

I pulled over the file that the Governor had looked though. " Is that right Mr. Lowe? It seems that I have quite the file on you and your dealings with Senator Upton. Including every penny that he has paid you and all the information that you have passed onto him during your time protecting the Governor. "

Gene looked up at me quickly with a look of shock on his face. " I have no idea what you are talking about. I do not even know Senator Upton. "

" Well it seems as if he knows you Mr. Lowe. You have been depositing the money he has paid you into an account with the local Merrill Lynch office. It looks as if you have saved everything he has ever paid you. Saving it for your retirement I suppose. "

" I do not have an account at Merrill Lynch, I barely have enough money for my checking account. " Gene was trying his best to deflect any blame landing on him.

I turned my laptop around to face Gene. " I suppose that is not you making deposits into that account twice a month for the last 3 years? " I played the video from Merrill's security cameras for Gene.

" Um, oh hell. I guess there is no denying it now. What the hell do you want to know? "

" I would like to know all the details of the Senator's plans, but I'm sure that you have never been privy to that information. So let's start with something easy. Why the attack on my home tonight? "

" Because the Senator's plan failed at the hospital and he figured you were getting too close. He knew he could not continue with his plans if you were still around. "

I sat down in a chair in front of Gene and looked him in the eyes. " How did you come by this information Gene? "

" I was there when he discussed it with his chief of staff, I gave him the names of some people that could help solve his problems. "

" Do you know everything that the Senator was up to Gene? That he intended to have me killed and move himself into the Governor's mansion. " The Governor asked stepping up to get into Gene's face.

" Sorry Governor, he paid better, and you're an idiot. " Gene huffed and turned away from the Governor.

" Why you selfish little prick. I will have your ass taken out on the state house lawn and beaten. "

" You don't have the balls to do that Governor. That's why you are going down and the Senator will be sitting in your chair tomorrow. "

The Governor started to take a step toward Gene to hit him until Kyle stepped forward and got in between them.

" I think we are done with him Kyle, you can take him downstairs with Kim and have one of her officers take him to the Columbus Jail. Do not have him booked in, let's just have them sit on him for awhile. "

Gene jumped out of his chair, " You can't do that you bastard, I have rights. "

" That you may Mr. Lowe, but I'm a private citizen and I don't play by your rules. Now get him the hell out of my face. "

Kyle dragged him out as he screamed and threw a fit until a couple other team members grabbed him and pulled him out the front door.

" I hate to say this Governor, but it seems that the Senator is just a little more ruthless than I imagined. We are going to have to pay him a visit in person tonight, but not to worry. I have a plan in place that will get his attention and hold him at bay. "

" You have got to be out of your mind Jerry, I'm not going to be in the same room as that prick as long as he is breathing. "

" If I have your word that I am kept out of this mess I will handle him myself Governor, but if you cross me on this I will throw ever bit of my support behind a piece of wood in the next election. "

" I give you my word Jerry, your name will never be associated with anything that happens with this mess. Unless you fail, then it is all on your head. That's politics Jerry, but I can't take the fall if you screw this up. "

" I can live with that Governor, but once this over, we will have to sit down and have a real discussion on how this state is run. " I smiled and held out my hand to the Governor. He shook and I headed out to talk to Janice and the Governor's wife. I knew I would have to come up with a diversion to allow me to slip away from Kyle and finish this mess.

When Kyle and Kim came back in the apartment after escorting Gene downstairs I pulled Kyle aside. " How far out is the tank and our next guests Kyle? "

" They will be arriving in the next five minutes Jerry. " Kyle looked at me and I saw the frown fall across his face. " What the hell do you have planned now Jerry? "

" We will talk about it after I am done with the two individuals we have coming up next. "

" I'm not going to like it, am I Jerry? " Kyle was getting angry, as the red shade started climbing his neck.

" You are not Kyle, but let's wait until I have interrogated the two from the house. I doubt they are going to change the way we handle this, but you never know and I like to leave room for change. " I smiled at Kyle trying to ease his anger.

" Fuck Jerry, how many times are you going to try these dangerous things before something goes wrong? "

" I know Kyle, and I have all the confidence in the world in you. But this is my happiness we are talking about, I can finally see a stable relationship in my future and nothing is going to take it away from me. "

" I can understand that Jerry, but there will be nothing at all if anything happens to you. Think about Sean, he is just as worried as you are right now. He just hasn't had the experience dealing with it that you have had, so factor that into your thinking. "

I was stunned at Kyle's words. He was right, but it still surprised me. " You're right Kyle, I was only looking at my own happiness. I'm sorry, it has been too many years since I really have thought about someone else in that way Kyle. I think I gave up thinking that way about Brad years ago and have not allowed anyone to get close enough to let me feel that way again. "

" If you want this to work Jerry, you are going to have to start thinking that way again. It is not fair to Sean for you to carry all the burden yourself. "

Just as I was about to reply to Kyle, he held his hand up and was listening to his earpiece. " They are here Jerry, they will be up here in a minute. "

" Get final confirmation that all teams are in place and ready to go. No one moves without word from me or you directly. Have the 'tank' head over to the Senator's neighborhood and take position for a visit from us. "

" I think if we are paying a visit to the Senator we should take the 'tank' Jerry. "

" We will be arriving in the Governor's limo tonight Kyle. This will be a surprise visit and I don't want to raise his suspicion level. " " Got ya Jerry, I will get everyone in place and ready. "

Kyle walked out of the office as I heard him checking in with each team. I sat down in my chair behind the desk and replayed the words Kyle said to me. Was I being fair to Sean? I was wrestling with my thoughts when there was a knock on the door and Mitchell stepped in with the two men.

" Do we know who these two are yet Mitchell? "

" Yes sir, their information is in a file on the company server. The team at the house had a complete background check run on them both and all they found is there also. "

" Thanks Mitchell. Come in and have a seat gentlemen. "

Mitchell pushed them both in the office and into the seats on the other side of my desk, as I pulled the information up on my laptop. I opened the file we had on all the payout the Senator had been doing and found their names on the list, but there was something more familiar about them. I cross referenced them on a search for other affiliations before turning my attention to them.

Without any pleasantries I went straight into the questions. " What was your objective at my home tonight? "

" We have no idea what you are talking about. We were taken captive by those goons outside of town. "

" Captive? How can you even think you were being taken captive when you were on private property and carrying automatic weapons? "

" We got lost, we were on an overnight training mission. Those were paintball guns. "

" Shall I have them brought up from downstairs and we can test that statement? "

" No, no that won't be necessary. What the hell do you want? "

" Who sent you in there tonight and what was your objective? "

" We weren't sent by anyone and we were not there to do anything. "

" Mitchell, can you ask Kim to come back and join us? "

" Sure thing boss. "

Mitchell headed out to the living room while I pulled up all the account information on our two visitors.

" I see we have a mutual friend. " As I looked at the man sitting closest to my desk.

" I doubt that, I have no friends. " He replied as he showed me his anger at being held captive.

I looked the man in the eyes, " Then I guess he must have paid you to do some work for him. Since I know the man would never give 100 thousand dollars to someone he didn't know. " I noticed the tension grow in the man as he began thinking over what I said. I saw the conversation he had with the Senator and what was planned to have went down at my home.

Kim and Mitchell came walking in the office, " Who do we have here, Jerry? "

" These two gentlemen were wondering if you had some accommodations they could stay in for a few hours tonight. "

" Jerry, I'm not sure if there is any room for them tonight. I do have some 'friends' off duty that would be more than happy to guard them downstairs till we can book them into my 'hotel'. "

" I have just the room for them downstairs. Can you give your friends a call and have them down here for guard duty? Mitchell, please round up a few team members and take these two downstairs. "

While Mitchell pulled the men out of the office I filled Kim in on the new details.

" The assault team at my house was under orders to kill everyone in the house and bring Jack back to the Senator. Kim, I don't know if I can control myself when I confront the Senator. I know what those men were going to do and I'm afraid, afraid of what I will do to the Senator. "

Kim walked around my desk and grabbed my hands. " Jerry, you are nothing like the Senator and you will not become like him. You will do what is right and bring that bastard down. "

" I hope you're right Kim. " I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair. " Can you go ask Sean to join me, Kim? "

" I sure can, Jerry. " Kim turned and walked out of the office, leaving me with the pictures in my mind that I had seen. Leaving me to fume in the disgust that I was feeling for the Senator. I was rushing down that dark path that I had always stopped myself from going down.

I was startled when a hand grasped my shoulder. Sean was kneeling next to me, looking in my eyes as if he were seeing the pain I was feeling.

" What's wrong Jerry? You don't look so well. "

I opened my mouth to tell Sean what had happened, and I could not get the words out. The idea of what could have occurred at the house flooded into my mind. I leaned forward and grabbed Sean and buried my face in his chest and held tight. The tears flowed as the images washed over me. Sean held me and stroked the back of my head.

" What the hell happened in here Jerry? " Sean asked in a whisper.

" I saw what they were going to do, Sean. I need you now. "

" I'm here Jerry, I will do anything I can to help. "

Sean held me a little tighter, " I need you to do what you promised, I need to be kept on the right path. Now more than ever. " Sean pulled back from me, and surprised me with the look on his face. " Jerry, you are so much better than these despicable bastards. You are a kind loving man and will never do anything to become like them. "

" You're right Sean, I will get us through this. I just needed to hear your voice and see you to remind me of what is important. " I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his ever welcoming lips. " Let's go out and spend a few minutes with our guests, before I have to leave. "

" Leave? Where are you going? " Sean's expression changed again, a look of fear overtook him.

I held Sean's hand, " Babe, I have to go and personally end this with the Senator. I can't ask anyone else to handle this situation. "

" No Jerry, you send Kyle or Mitchell. You need to stay right here with us. "

" I can't do that Sean, I need to give the Senator the ultimatum in person. I have to know that he will not pursue this anymore, for your and Jack's safety. "

" Write it out and have it delivered to him, Jerry. I don't want you alone with that maniac. "

" I have to do this face to face Sean, he has to know that I will not allow this to go any farther. He must agree to all my terms or this will get very dirty. I promise you Sean, I'll have a full tactical team and Kyle by my side. Unless the Senator goes crazy, everything will work out fine. " I pulled him into a hug and kissed his ear.

" It better Jerry, or there will be hell to pay. Kyle or not, I will kick your butt. "

" You have nothing to worry about with Kyle, he wouldn't interfere with you kicking my butt. " I laughed and put my arm around Sean's back and led him out to the living room.

We approached the Governor and Kim talking near the bar. " Excuse me you two, Governor, I would like to introduce Sean Austin. Sean this is the Governor of our great state. "

Sean held out his hand to shake the Governor's hand. " It's a pleasure to meet you Governor. "

" The pleasure is mine Mr. Austin. Are you working with Jerry on this 'project'? "

" No Governor, Jerry is my savior. He saved me and my nephew from that gutless bastard of a senator. "

Sean was getting upset with the Governor, his face was getting red as I decided to intervene.

" Governor, Sean is a close friend. His sister Mary, and her son Jack are at the center of this situation. " I put my hand on Sean's shoulder and squeezed ever so gently.

" I'm sorry Governor, I am a little on edge with everything going on and Jerry is doing his best to help me. " Sean stood firm and looked the Governor in the eyes.

" I understand Jerry, and I am sorry for all the problems that the Senator has brought upon your family. "

" Thank you Governor. I know that Jerry will bring this to an end and I can bury my sister in peace tomorrow and move on raising my nephew. " Sean shot back with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

I looked over at Kim with pleading eyes, " Sean, why don't we go and see what Janice is up to now. " Kim grabbed Sean's arm and headed towards the kitchen.

" I will not apologize for Sean's comments Governor. He has lost his sister, and the worry about his nephew has him on edge. I do need to update you on how we are going to end this tonight. " I brought the Governor up to date on all my details, allowing him to question anything he was unsure about.

Kyle and Mitchell came back in the front door as Kyle nodded at me I excused myself from the Governor and joined Kyle and Mitchell.

" Are all the teams in place and the 'tank' set up near the Senator's house? "

" Jerry, it's a command center not a 'tank' and yes all teams are in place and ready to take everyone down on your order. "

" I want all teams to go as soon as I enter the Senator's house. Once I'm inside and have him distracted with what I have to show him I don't think he will be taking any calls. Have the team at his house ready to take down all guards on the property five minutes after I am inside. Mitchell, I want this apartment more secure than Fort Knox while I am gone. If everything goes smoothly, we will be pulling out of here and back to the house as soon as every one of the Senator's goons are in the hands of the police. "

" I will not let a mouse move without an escort Jerry. "

" Thanks Mitchell. I'm trusting you with three very important people in my life, I know you can handle everything. " I shook Mitchell's hand and headed to the bedroom to speak with Dad and Jack before we left. "

I stood in the doorway of the bedroom and watched Dad playing with Jack, encouraging his imagination. I smiled as it brought back memories of playing with Dad in the same way as a child.

Dad looked up and saw me standing there, " Did you come to join us or are you looking for someone, Son? "

" I came to see you two, I wish I could stay and join you. It would be much more fun than what my night entails. "

" You could stay here with us Jerry, we can make up a new game for three of us. " Jack smiled and I could see him creating a new game for the three of us.

I knelt down in front of Jack, " I would love to stay here and play with you and Dad, Jack, but I have to get some work finished tonight. Maybe by the end of the week I can join you for a game. " I rubbed the top of his head.

" How about all weekend Jerry? We could get a lot of playtime in all weekend. "

" That we could little man, I will clear my schedule, then you and I will spend the weekend playing. "

" Cool, Jerry. Can Uncle Sean play with us too? "

" Sure, Jack. I'm sure Uncle Sean would love to join us. I will make sure he knows, and you make sure to ask him also. " " I will Jerry, thanks. "

" You're very welcome Jack. I have to go get some things finished so we can get back to the house. I will see you two in a little bit. " I stood up and touched Dad's shoulder on my way out and nodded for him to come out in the hallway with me.

Dad joined me in the hallway a moment later, after leading Jack into a new mission in his game while Dad was away. " What's up Son? "

" Dad, I have always looked up to you for your strength in any situation. After seeing you with Jack, I should have looked up to you for your love and caring. "

" Come now Jerry, you have shown more love and caring to more people than I have in your short life. You need not look up to me for that. Now what are you up to tonight that has you so worried. "

" Nothing that I want to involve you in Dad. " I lowered my head, " But please promise me that if anything happens tonight that you will make sure that Sean and Jack are looked after. "

" Jerry, don't even think that anything is going to happen to you tonight. Besides I'm more than certain that you have everything in place for both of their futures. " Dad pulled me into a hug, " That is just the kindness I'm talking about with you Son. "

" That may be Dad, but they are still going to need someone to help them with a sturdy direction in their lives and I can think of no one better than you. "

" I would be more than happy to be that for them Jerry, even thought I won't be needed. "

" Just the same Dad, I would be more at ease knowing you would be there for them. " I hugged Dad and headed for the kitchen.

As I approached the kitchen I heard the ladies talking, trying to draw Sean into the conversation. I never heard Sean say a word, so I knew he was still upset about me heading over to the Senator's house.

" Good Evening Ladies, " I announced as I walked into the kitchen. " May I borrow Sean for a few minutes? "

" Why of course you can Jerry. " Came the reply in unison from the three ladies.

Sean had not even looked up at me, he was studying the floor since I had walked in. I stepped back out of the kitchen and waited for Sean to join me. I stepped down the hallway to give us a little bit of privacy to talk.

I put my hand on Sean's chin and lifted his head so he would look at me. " Sean, I know you are not happy with my decision to do this tonight. Can you at least put that amazing smile back on your face, just for me before I have to leave? "

Sean's eyes lit up and he smiled, that warm inviting smile that I loved. " I'm sorry Jerry, it worries the hell out of me that you are putting yourself in so much danger. "

" I know it does Sean, and you need to keep thinking positive that it will all work out fine. Now I need you to get back there and keep Jack busy until this is finished. Also we have a date this weekend, Jack wants to play all weekend and I told him I would clear my schedule to do just that. " I kissed Sean and turned him back towards the bedroom and pushed him to move him along. Kyle was waiting for me by the front door, I stopped and had the Governor call the Senator and give him a story about the Feds calling about a cut in money and they needed to meet immediately. " My security team will keep this place locked down until I return, please don't try to leave until you hear from me. Kim's officers have the front of the building secure and will be on hand if you need anything. "

" I think you have everything buttoned up Jerry, we will be fine until you return. " The Governor smiled at me as he shook my hand.

As I approached the front door and Kyle standing there with my briefcase and all the files we needed, " I want Harold up here in this apartment, and I want him to keep an eye on the Governor while we are gone, if you know what I mean. "

Kyle smiled at me and opened the door, " You mean this man here? I knew you would want someone looking after the Governor when we left. "

" You sly fox Kyle. Harold, I want an eye on the Governor the entire time we are gone. I do not want him on the phone to anyone until we return, he can set up his personal appearances then. "

" Understood sir, I will keep an eagle eye on him. " Harold nodded and headed inside.

While we walked to the elevator Kyle had a smile on his face that I could not have missed. " Don't you look like the cat that swallowed the canary? "

" I'm sorry sir, it's just that I have never been a step ahead of you before. I saw that look on the Governor's face earlier, I'm just glad you saw it before we left also. "

" Well Kyle, you know that you can always voice any concerns with me about security. Even if you think I never listen, if you have a concern I can help you work it into a plan that will satisfy both of us. "

" I will do that Jerry, but this was reading the look on someone's face, I wasn't comfortable making a decision on just appearances. "

" I know how that is Kyle, but with time and experience you will be more confident in doing just that. "

Once we were in the lobby the Governor's Limousine pulled up in front of the building, " What the hell are we doing Jerry? " Kyle asked in a irritated tone.

" Well, I don't think the Senator is going to just invite me into his home if I arrive unannounced. "

" I was going to have the team take out the guards as we arrived. "

" No, that will only draw attention that we don't need. Let me get inside and then you can take down his security team while I have him distracted with these business matters. "

" I will have them in place as soon as you are in the door Jerry. If you need any help, just keep that panic button handy. "

" Thanks, Kyle. I know you will be at your best. "

During the ride to the Senator's house, I ran everything that I had files on through my mind. I needed to figure out every direction that the Senator could take this, building details I could use to bring the Senators reign to an end. Most endings made my skin crawl as to what that devious Bastard could do, but I was holding on to the ones that ended in my favor.

" We are here Jerry. " Kyle said in a short manner.


I have finally gotten a new chapter posted, Thanks to all my readers who have waited patiently for this. My family matters are all done with for a couple months and now I hope to have time to devote to more writing. I hope everyone is having pleasant weather and ready for more outside fun.

Thanks Again.

Next: Chapter 23

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