Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Apr 11, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.


End of Part 20

"There is no need to thank me Sean. I'm more than happy to help you with anything in your life that you need help with. " I kissed Sean's cheek, and heard someone in the doorway clear their throat.

I laid my head on Sean's shoulder, " Yes Kyle, what can I do for you? "

" Jerry, we have a problem. " Kyle quietly replied.

I lifted my head off Sean's shoulder and looked in his eyes. "Please excuse me for a moment Sean, and we will return to this soon." I kissed him on the cheek and turned to go talk to Kyle. I walked towards Kyle and I could see the concern in his eye, " What is it Kyle? "


Part 21

" Jerry, we both forgot that Kim and her husband were coming for dinner this evening. They're on their way up the driveway now. "

" Oh shit Kyle, after all we discussed this afternoon, I forgot about Kim. I think I have it covered, follow my lead. " I started toward the front door to meet Kim and her husband.

As Kim and her husband pulled up in front of the house I put on my best smile and waited for them to exit the car. I think my face had hit the ground by the time Kim got out of the car and standing next to her was another woman. I had to pull my mouth closed and hurried over to Kim, " Kim, it's wonderful of you to come out to the house tonight. "

" Jerry. " Kim said as she took my hands and kissed my cheek. " It's my pleasure to come out here. My only wish is that we could do it more often than we do. This beautiful lady is my partner, Janice Davis. Janice this is the infamous Jerry Martin. "

" It's a pleasure to meet you Janice, and Kim, you can throw that infamous part out the window. " I shook Janice's hand and pulled her right hand to my lips and kissed the back of her hand.

" I can't tell you how glad I am to finally meet you Jerry. Kim talks about you all the time and I was getting jealous. " Janice smiled at me.

" Kim has always been a lady and so helpful, I think that I should be jealous she has been hiding you from me. " I looked at Kim and stuck my bottom lip out.

" Alright you two, knock it off or you can both spend the evening in the drunk tank. " Kim grabbed Janice and hugged her around the waist.

" Please come in and let me introduce you to the rest of the family. " I ushered Kim and Janice inside.

Kyle followed, looking at me with questioning eyes.

Once inside the house I found Dad, Sean and Jack in the living room. I could see they were anxious to leave to go out for dinner. " Kim, Janice, I would like to introduce you to my father, Richard Martin, my close friend Sean Austin and this little guy, " I picked Jack up and spun him around, " is Sean's nephew, Jack Austin. Guys these two fine ladies are Kim Jacobs and Janice Davis. "

Dad stepped forward and grabbed Kim and Janice's hands, " It is my honor to meet you both. " Dad bowed slightly and placed a kiss on each ladies hand.

" It's nice to meet you again Kim, and my pleasure to meet you Janice. " Sean exclaimed as he shook their hands.

Kim stepped forward and put her arms around Sean, " My condolences for your loss Sean. "

I could see Sean stiffen at Kim's words, his nerves were still raw bringing up Mary. I placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle squeeze. He turned and smiled at me, leaned down and whispered, " I love you. "

Kim and Janice both knelt down and talked to Jack, while Sean stood there staring at me. Dad noticed us standing there, " So son, what are the plans for tonight? "

Dad was always one to save me from myself when he was around, " Well I was wondering if I could make Janice a little more jealous for a moment and steal Kim away for a quick talk, " I glanced at Janice with pleading eyes. " while you four get a little better acquainted.

Kim looked at Janice as they smiled at each other, " I suppose I can stand to be a little jealous, as long as I get to enjoy the company of this wonderful little man. " Janice smiled as she placed her hands on Jack's shoulders.

" Janice, I can't thank you enough.

I promise I will not keep her away long. " I winked at Janice. "

Dad, can you get Janice something to drink. Kim, Kyle and I will be back in a few minutes, if you will excuse us. " I turned and placed a hand on Kim's shoulder and escorted her towards the office.

" Would you like something to drink before we head into the office Kim? " I asked as we passed through the kitchen.

" I would like a scotch and water, if it isn't a problem Jerry. "

" None at all Kim, I have some in the office. "

We entered the office and I pulled the chair out for Kim to sit at Kyle's desk, then walked over and poured the scotch and water for Kim. I turned and handed her the drink as I walked over and sat at my desk.

" Kim, I know I have asked a lot of you in the last couple weeks, and I have one more thing I need to ask of you. Now before you start about how I'm not asking to much of you I need you to read something first. " I pulled the file out of my desk drawer and handed it to her across the desks.

" Jerry, no matter what is in this file, you know that I will always be there to help in anyway that I can. The number of times I can be of help is of no matter to me, I know the type of person you are and you would not be asking if it wasn't important. "

Thanks Kim, but the urgency of this request, and the consequences if something goes wrong are a great risk to all of us. But if we take no action the damage that can and will be done, well I can't think about that right now. " I turned in my chair to allow Kim to read and so she could not see the tears that were starting in my eyes as I thought what could happen.

Kim sat there reading through the file, page by page. Stopping occasionally as I heard her take in a deep breath, then sigh. I knew she understood the depths of the trouble I was about to get into and of asking her step in with me. Kyle came around to my chair and placed his hand on my shoulder, then as I looked up at him shifted his eyes towards Kim.

I started to turn in my chair, but Kyle placed his hand on the chair and pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to me before I turned around. I wiped my face and cleared my throat before I turned in my chair to face Kim.

As I turned I saw how deep in thought she was about what she had just seen in that file. " Do you think you will be able to offer some support in my latest venture, Kim? "

" Jerry. " Kim folded her hands and placed them in front of her face. " This is going to be a miracle to pull off, but as long as I have known you, if anyone has a chance of pulling this off it will be you. If you tell me what you are thinking I'm sure I can give you some advice and I will always be there to support you in anyway I can. Especially considering that this involves the lives of Sean, Jack and the Governor. "

I sat there staring at Kim, " I am trusting you with the most valuable thing I have in this world Kim, Sean and that sweet little boy's life hang in the balance. Kyle, has enough men to bring down all those that the Senator will try to use to finish his plans. I will need you in Columbus to help in case the Senator does something stupid and unexpected. I have a meeting Monday night with the Governor in his office after hours and I will bring him in to the hornets nest. I need you to help me get him out of his office and get his family safely to my downtown apartment while we finish this.

I will need you to bring as many officers that you trust to protect him and his family. It will have to be done without his security team knowing anything till he is gone and secure. Then Kyle will take over, while I keep the Senator occupied in the Governor's office. If all goes as planned, we can have this all done and settled in one evening. All I ask is that you do not mention any of this in front of Sean or Jack. Sean is already on edge and I don't need him stumbling into any plans and getting himself even more upset or into trouble. "

" Have you considered calling in the Feds to handle this Jerry? " Kim asked as she glanced through the file again.

" I have Kim, but I can't trust them with this. It's too important and all I can see is them screwing it up and I just can't live with that. This will be done internally, and as always my dear, I ask you to take as much credit for this as you can. I don't need to see my name involved in this once the smoke clears. "

Kim looked over at me then up at Kyle. " I think there will be more than enough smoke to keep you out of this for a long time Jerry. By the way, you and the Governor don't really get along, how are you going to convince him to go along with anything? "

I lowered my head, knowing Kim was correct. The Governor and I have never seen eye to eye on anything, even if we have only talked a few times since he has been in office.

" I was hoping that you might have an idea on that Kim, you know that man better than I ever could. "

" Jerry, you will have to give me some time to think about that. I may know him better than you, but that doesn't mean he will listen. "

" That brings me to my last problem of the night Kim. " I smiled at her.

" If it is any problem bigger than this Jerry, I'm moving to Florida tomorrow. " Kim laughed, then picked up her drink and finished it off.

" I hope it isn't Kim." I turned to Kyle. " Can you give us a minute Kyle? "

" Sure Jerry, I will be in the living room with the others. " Kyle made a quit exit from the office, shutting the door as he left.

" I came across all this information from Mary, before she passed away. She was hiding this from Sean and due to some misunderstandings today I had to fill Sean in on some of these plans. In the process of ironing all that out today I had forgotten all about inviting you over for dinner tonight, but I did make plans. Would it be possible for Janice and you to join us out for dinner this evening? "

" That is one problem I can handle with ease Jerry. We'd be delighted to accompany you to dinner. Let me talk with Janice first so we both don't get the cold shoulder. "

" That will be no problem Kim, I have reservations for us all. If you like, you can speak with her here in the office, or the den is across from the living room. "

" I think I better pull her aside and take her to your den Jerry. If you go out and ask her back here it will seem like I am summoning her and I will never hear the end of it. " Kim stood up laughing.

" I can understand that situation Kim. Let's head out there and face the music. " I opened the door to allow Kim to head towards the living room. I turned and grabbed the file and locked it back in the safe then caught back up with Kim as she stood in the living room doorway.

" Janice, I'm sorry for taking away this wonderfully kind lady. I think she has something to speak with you about. Can you join her in the den for a moment? "

Kim smacked my arm and turned towards Janice, " He is being an ass Hun, but I do need to ask you something. " Kim held out her hand as Janice crossed the living room.

She stopped and looked at me, trying to read what was going on in the look on my face. " You two are definitely up to something. " She smiled at me as she walked over to the den with Kim.

I sat down on the couch next to Sean, " I need to tell you a little something about Kim and Janice. I forgot I had invited them here for dinner this evening, Kim is in the den now asking Janice to join us at the restaurant this evening. Would you have any problem if they did? "

" Jerry, with everything going on I'm surprised you have not forgotten your own name. It's fine with me if they join us, if they are friends of yours they have to be excellent people. " Sean smiled at me and squeezed my thigh.

Sean sat back on the couch as a troublesome look came across his face.

His eyes seeming dark and distant, " What's wrong Sean? "

" Nothing Jerry, please excuse me for a minute. " Sean got up and walked towards the back of the house.

Kim came back in the living room from the den and stood in the doorway and held out her hand, in a come talk to me motion. I stood up and walked into the foyer to speak with Kim.

" I hope everything is alright Kim. "

" Well Jerry, the reason we decided to come here this evening is because Janice felt safe for us to be out together here in your home. She does not like us going out in public together, she is afraid of making my job harder on me. "

" I can understand that Kim. " I stood there a minute in thought. " How about I have Dad accompany Janice in and out of the restaurant and I can have Kyle accompany you. That way it will appear that you are both out as a party of couples. I would escort you myself Kim, but I think I may have a little problem with Sean at the moment. You go talk with Janice while I go check on him. "

" That sounds like a wonderful idea Jerry, I will be back in a moment. "

Kim turned and walked back into the den as I headed towards the back of the house. Sean was not in the kitchen, I then checked the bathroom and he was not there either. I knew he had not come back into the living room or headed upstairs, or I would have seen him from the foyer. In a bit of a panic I called Kyle into the kitchen and asked him to check in with the guards on the grounds and see if Sean was outside.

As I was standing watching out the window Kyle came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder, " He is out on the east ridge. "

" Thank you Kyle, can you tell my guests that I will be right back and have the car ready to leave when I return. "

Knowing I didn't have time to waste I jumped on the ATV and headed out to the ridge. The ridge that was my special quiet place was becoming a place where too many bad memories were being made. What the hell set Sean off? I could not find an answer in anything that had happened today. I knew his mind was on Mary's funeral tomorrow, but he seemed to be handling it well. His sudden mood change had me dreading tomorrow even more than I have been. As the ridge came into view I saw Sean standing near the edge, his head down his posture showing defeat. I stopped far enough away to give Sean a moment to collect himself if he needed. I walked towards him and put my hands on his shoulders. " Sean, what's wrong? "

" I don't know Jerry, it just doesn't feel right to go out tonight. Mary's funeral is tomorrow and here I am going out on the town. "

I wrapped my arms around Sean and pulled him tight, " I know Sean, I was trying to keep your mind off of that tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a hard enough day for you and Jack, I thought that a nice evening out might help. If you would rather stay in I can find something to cook and we can have a nice meal at home. "

Sean leaned back into me and placed his hands on top of mine, " No, Jerry. I guess I'm thinking about it too much, I think it's a great idea to go out. I bet it will help keep Jack's mind off tomorrow. I just wish I had some of child like innocence, but I guess my time for that is gone. " Sean rubbed his hands over mine, as I squeezed him tighter.

" Then let's head back to the house and go have a good meal. I think you will really like what we will be having tonight. " I smiled to myself before Sean had a chance to turn around.

" What are you up to tonight Mr.

Martin? " Sean looked down at me with a glint in his eye.

" Me? Absolutely nothing, Mr.

Austin. " I smiled at Sean trying to hide my excitement.

" Why do I not believe a word you are saying Jerry? " Leaning over and gently placing his lips on mine, and giving me the most passionate kiss I have ever had.

As I pulled back, still weak in the knees, " I think you are trying to distract me Mr. Austin. "

" Every chance I can get Mr. Martin.

"Sean smiled and I could see the gleam back in his eyes.

" I think we need to get back to the house before Kyle sends the troops out looking for us. "

" Jerry, before we go... " Sean paused as he thought about the words he was going to use. " I wanted to say thank you, for everything you have done for me and Jack. I know I will forget tomorrow and I wanted you to know how much I really appreciate everything. And.... " Sean paused again.

I placed my on Sean's chest, " Take your time Sean, I'm not going anywhere. "

" And I wanted to tell you, " Sean looked into my eyes, baring his soul. " That I love you Jerry, I want to get to know everything there is to know about Jerry Martin.

I want to wake up with you every morning and to be able to look into your eyes first thing. I want to be there for you anytime you need someone. "

I looked at Sean, the fear in his eyes from expressing his love for me was at the forefront of his stare. " Sean, I would be so honored to have you in my life. To wake up seeing you beside me, to share all the good times and to hold onto you through the bad. "

Sean leaned forward as our lips found each other as we expressed in actions the words we had just spoken to each other.

" I may not be the world traveler that you are Jerry, and all I can offer you is to always be myself.

I just hope with all my heart is that is enough. " Sean pulled me tight to his chest.

" I can ask no more of you than that Sean, and it is more than enough for me. The work, the offices, the travel, they all mean nothing without someone in my life to share them with. With you at my side we can get through anything, and no matter where I am or what I am doing, you are the most important thing in my life. "

I was happier than I have ever been in my life, all the deals, plans, business wins meant nothing to me. The joy of Sean's arms wrapped around me at that moment was worth more than everything I had up until then in my life. I heard the footsteps of someone coming up towards the ridge, without turning around or looking behind me I yelled. " Harold, not now! Tell Kyle we will be back to the house when we get there, until then I want everyone pulled back from this ridge. " Harold stopped in his tracks and backed away, he could tell by the tone in my voice I did not want to be interrupted.

I heard him talking to the rest of the security team as they all pulled back, leaving us to our privacy.

" You are a hard boss there Mr.

Martin. I think poor Harold just aged 10 years and he didn't even see the look in your eyes. " Sean let out a laugh.

" Well, I will be damned if they are going to barge in on what I have been wanting to hear for the last month. Besides, Kyle knew exactly where we were. He was pushing the issue to get me to head back to the house and our guests. "

" He is right Jerry, we are being rude and disrespecting our guests. I think we need to head back before Kyle comes out here and drags us both back. "

" I know Sean, let's get going before the cavalry shows up and I have to explain more to Kim and Janice. By the way, Janice is a little apprehensive about going out tonight in public with Kim. I suggested that Dad and Kyle could accompany then while we were out at the restaurant. "

" I can see her point, being that Kim has a public job and persona to protect. It won't draw attention that you are not accompanying Kim? "

" No, I'm an unknown in the public eye so it won't draw anyone's attention. Besides Kyle has a public profile that the media can find and use that won't lead back to me or his position with me. "

Sean stood there shaking his head, " You really do think of everything don't you Jerry? "

" Well it pays to think ahead and have things in place for such occasions. I just have never had to use it before. Besides, it's always best to be prepared, for anything! "

Sean started laughing, " I'm sure if anyone can pull off being prepared for anything it's you Jerry. " Sean gave me another hug and kissed the top of my head, then we headed for the ATV.

" Would you like to drive back to the house Sean? "

" You know I would Jerry. Jack is not the only one that likes to ride this. " Sean jumped on the ATV and I sat in behind him and put my arms around his chest.

" I was hoping you would, I like this spot better than driving. " I leaned onto Sean's back as he started up the ATV and headed back to the house.

As we pulled up to the house I could see the extra guards that had pulled back from the ridge around the perimeter. Standing in the yard just off the back porch Kyle stood, arms crossed and not looking very happy. I knew he was going to once again read me the riot act for forcing back the security team.

As I got off the ATV I looked at Kyle, " I know , I know Kyle. But it was what it was and that is all there is to it. Now, have our guests finished their discussion in the den? "

" They are waiting for you in the living room with your father and Jack, Mr. Martin. "

" Oh cut the shit Kyle, I of all people know I should not have done it but it is done. Can we move on, so I can get to the next time I piss you off quicker? " I extended my hand and smiled at Kyle.

" Damn you Jerry! You worry me more than necessary and if you don't stop I'm going to be bald before I'm 30. " Kyle grabbed my hand and lead me into the house.

" Jerry, can you lighten up on Kyle? He would look terrible as a bald man. " Sean started laughing.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at Kyle, then back at Sean. "

You're right Sean, he would look terrible as a bald man. " I clasped my hand on Kyle's shoulder and walked towards the living room.

I could hear Dad from the kitchen as he talked with Kim and Janice, he was being his charming smooth talking self. Always the flirt Dad was, but I knew he was wasting his time with the two ladies.

" I'm so sorry to disappear on you wonderful folks. Have we come to a decision on tonight's activities? "

Kim stood up from the couch and walked over to me, " I think your proposal will work just fine Jerry. We would be honored to join you for dinner this evening. "

" That is wonderful Kim, I think we should head out before they give our table away and we are stuck waiting on another. "

As I led everyone out the front door and towards the limo I pulled Kyle aside. " Before we get in the car I need you to call and tell our special chef that we are going to be a little late. You will be accompanying Kim tonight, even though it won't really be necessary once they find out where we are going. "

" I will place the call from the front seat Jerry, and it would be my pleasure to escort Kim for the evenings events. "

" Thanks Kyle, and I am sorry about my outburst with Harold and the crew. Please extend my apologies to them all, but it really was necessary. "

" I think I understand Jerry, and I will pass that on to Harold and the rest of the team. "

We both got into the car and as I sat next to Sean, with Dad sitting next to him while Kim and Janice had Jack snuggled in between them I apologized for the start of the evening.

" I'm sorry for the bumpy start to the evening ladies, but I can assure you that dinner will more than make up for it. "

" There is nothing to apologize for Jerry, and I know what is on your calendar for this week so there is no need to worry. " Kim smiled at me.

" Is she always this pleasant with everyone Janice? " I winked at Janice.

Janice slid her arm over Jack and placed a hand on Kim's shoulder. " She is generally a very friendly lady, but once you have made her mad it's better to be on the other side of the Earth. "

" She sounds just like a certain person I know. " Sean interjected and nodded his head at me.

" Who would that be Mr. Austin? "

I asked with a look of innocence on my face.

" I imagine that would be you son; Lord knows he is dead on with the description. " Dad sat there staring forward. Then turned and looked at me and started laughing.

" Kyle, may I come sit up front with you and Josh? I believe they don't like me back here. "

" Sorry Mr. Martin, I don't think that would be appropriate for you to sit in the front. Especially since your guests are having a good time, even if it is at your expense. " I could see the smile on Kyle's face.

" I believe you're correct Mr.

Watson, though I could have Josh put you in the trunk for that last comment. "

Everyone let out a laugh, " You wouldn't put Kyle in the trunk would ya Jerry? " Jack asked, with a look of pure concern on his little face.

" Oh no way, Jack. I was just teasing Kyle, he works too hard for me to put him in the trunk.

Besides, I think he would yell too much for us to enjoy the ride to dinner. "

" He would Jerry, I think he's 'fraid of the dark, like me. " Jack lowered his head.

I leaned towards Jack and took his hands in mine. " There is nothing in the dark to be afraid of little man, besides, I think Uncle Sean can keep ya safe. "

" Ya, he is tough. He always keeps us safe. "

" He sure is little man, he sure is. " I sat back in my seat and patted Sean's knee.

We sat and talked about local events and happenings, as we arrived at the restaurant Kim looked put the window. " Jerry, I know this is a rather exclusive place, but where the hell is everyone? "

" It seems we better find find out Kim. " I smiled as I got out of the car and helped everyone out.

Walking up to the door I could hear Kim and Janice whispering to one another. I opened the door and we were greeted by the maitre d'. " Welcome Mr. Martin. How are you and your guests this evening? "

" I'm well, thanks Francois, and I believe my guests are hungry and a bit surprised. Shall we continue on letting them in on the plans for this evening? "

" Of course Mr. Martin, right this way. " Francois held the door open and ushered us inside and seated us at a large round table. The setting was stunning and Janice gasped at the sight.

" Is everything alright Janice? "

I asked, noticing she was shocked.

" Jerry, the settings are beautiful. But how did you manage to set this all up? "

I pulled Janice in a light hug and whispered in her ear. " With very little difficulty, once I told them I would have two of the most beautiful women in Columbus attending dinner with me. Now please sit next to Kim tonight, we will not have to worry about being interrupted tonight. "

Janice smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek, " Kim is right Jerry, you are a smooth talker. "

As we were seated around the table Francois arrived with the wine I had selected for the event and poured a glass for everyone. Then sensing Jack's frown as he was left out he retrieved a glass of chocolate milk and a straw off his tray and set it in front of him.

" I will be right back with the appetizers Mr. Martin. Is there anything else I can bring you or your guests? "

I looked around the table at everyone as they shook their head's no, "

That will be all Francois, thank you. "

I stood and held my glass up, " Ladies, gentlemen, I want to thank you all for joining me tonight. It has been far too long since I have taken the time to bring my friends together and enjoy an evening out. To help me make amends to this oversight in my life I have taken the liberty to order for everyone. This was only possible with the help of a very close friend of mine. "

Just as I finished that last statement the door from the kitchen opened, everyone looked and stared at me. " I would like all of you to meet my dear friend, Wolfgang Puck. Wolfgang, I would like to introduce you to all my friends. This is.."

Wolfgang interrupted me, " Mr.

Austin, it is a pleasure to see you again. I want to extend my deepest condolences on the loss of your wonderful sister, Mary. "

Sean stood up and shook Wolfgang's hand, " Thank you Wolfgang, I know she thought the world of you and your delicious food. She would have loved being here tonight. " Sean got a tear in his eye and turned to wipe it away before he sat back down.

" This charming lady is Kim Jacobs, the chief of police for the Columbus police department. "

Wolfgang stepped over and took Kim's hand and kissed the back of it. " It is an honor to meet you Kim. "

" The honor is mine Mr. Puck, I have always wanted to try a meal at one of your fine restaurants. "

" Please call me Wolfgang, and I hope to live up to your expectations this evening. "

" The beautiful lady here is Janice Davis. "

Wolfgang once again took the hand of Janice and gentle kissed the back of it.

" You are looking rather radiant this evening Janice, it is a pleasure to meet you. "

Janice blushed, " I don't know what to say Wolfgang, it is such a surprise to meet you in person. "

" Well I hope my meal can bring words of praise to you tonight. "

" This distinguished gentleman is my father, Richard Martin. "

" Richard, I'm so pleased to finally meet the father of this fine young man. "

Dad stood and shook Wolfgang's hand. " I had no idea that you knew him Wolfgang, Jerry doesn't talk much about his dealings. I can't wait to try one of your fine meals. "

" Well Jerry has spoken quite highly of you Richard, and it is my deepest pleasure to finally meet you. "

" This ruffian here is my head of security, Kyle Watson. "

" And I can see you do an exceptional job Kyle, I know how difficult it must be to put up with Jerry all the time. " Wolfgang smiled as he shook Kyle's hand.

" Thank you Wolfgang, and he does keep me my patience spread pretty thin with his antics. "

" That bring us to the the special guest of the evening, this little man is Jack Austin. "

Wolfgang knelt next to Jack's chair. " It's great to meet you Jack, I hope you are hungry and ready to have a wonderful meal with me tonight. "

Jack blushed and leaned back towards Sean. " I seen you on TV before, when mommy was watchin' about cooking. "

" I sure hope my cooking as half as good as your mother's Jack. You be sure and let me know after you eat. " Wolfgang smiled at Jack and stood back up. " I must get back in the kitchen and finish off your meals. It should not be much longer till they are served, please enjoy them and I will return after you have had your desserts. "

Wolfgang turned and headed back into the kitchen, the bounce in his step showing how much he really loved cooking.

As the door closed Kim and Janice both began speaking at the same time, " How did you manage this Jerry? I mean Wolfgang Puck, in Columbus, cooking dinner for us. "

I leaned over towards Kim and Janice, " I wanted you two ladies to have a very memorable evening. "

While leaning back I noticed a look on Kyle's face, one I have seen many times. He was upset that I had arranged this without involving him, and letting him know that we were being served a meal without his input on security measures.

" Please Kyle, don't get upset with me. Mitchell helped and cleared everything about tonight, I didn't want you to worry. I have dropped enough on you this week and wanted you to relax and enjoy yourself, my friend. "

" You are forgiven Jerry, but if you are up to anything else so help me! " Kyle smiled and looked over at Janice and Kim.

" Okay Kyle, I get the hint. Kim, Kyle wants me to be honest with you as well. "

" With me? " Kim asked with a definite surprise in her voice.

Janice reached for Kim's hand on the table and squeezed it. " Well Kim, I had an accomplice in my plan to scheme. " I nodded toward Janice. " Janice and I have met and we have talked at great lengths Kim.

She was my ace in the hole for tonight, I knew you would never have agreed to go out to a public event with Janice. I arranged tonight's events so we could all be comfortable and enjoy being able to eat out without being in the public eye. "

Kim turned toward Janice, " You little vixen, you knew Jerry all this time? "

" Guilty, Madame Chief. " Janice leaned over and kissed Kim on the cheek. " I just wanted us to have a night out as a couple, like we used to have Hun. "

As Janice finished her speech to Kim, I heard the door to the kitchen open and close and as I turned, I saw him. I collapsed in my chair and could not look in his direction, how in the hell did he get here? "

Dad seen me fall back in my chair, he was looking at me to see what was wrong. He looked at the waiter coming out of the kitchen and stood up immediately from his chair, " I don't know what the hell you are doing here James Kilgor, but I think you need to get out now before I throw you through the front door! "

James stopped in his tracks, " Mr. Martin! " He looked over at me, "

Jerry! Oh Holy hell, what are you two doing here? "

Kyle stood up and approached James, " Do we have a problem here Mr.

Martin? " Kyle asked looking at me. Knowing I hated him using that name, but he did it to show James that he would have no problem throwing him out the front door as Dad had suggested.

" No Kyle, there is no problem. Is there James? " I asked, but never looking up at the man I have detested for all these years.

" No, no Jerry, umm Mr. Martin. No problem at all. " James was nervous and continued with his job of serving the salads. That was until he went to serve the plate to me and dropped it on the floor. Kyle was out of his chair and almost had his hands on James when I held up my hand and Kyle returned to his seat.

" I am so sorry, Mr. Martin. I will bring you another salad in a moment. " James was more nervous than I could ever imagine him being. He was always Mr. Confident in high school, now he was a walking disaster waiting to happen.

" There will be no need James. I will pass on this course, if you don't mind. " I finished off my drink and set the glass back on the table.

James cleaned up the mess as quickly as he could, " Again, I'm very sorry Mr. Martin. Your meals will be out momentarily. " He turned and headed back towards the kitchen.

Kyle was about to stand up and follow him to the kitchen, I shook my head and he sat back at the table and continued eating. He continued to watch me with each bite he took, as if I might yell out I needed something and he could be the first to jump and get it. I knew that I would have to full him in as soon as I could about the situation.

Dad was sitting across the table, moving his salad around on his plate but not really eating any of it. Sean leaned over and took my hand and gently squeezed it, " You sure you are alright Jerry? "

I leaned closer to Sean, " Not really, but I will get though this.

Thanks for asking, you being here will be more than enough to help me. "

Kim broke the silence that had enveloped the table. " Alright Jerry, how did you plan all of this and pull Janice in to help you? "

" Kim, that would be divulging trade secrets Dear. If you must know, I contacted Janice a couple months ago about why I could not get you two out on the town with me. She told me your reasons and I just had to find the time and opportunity to come up with a plan to do just that. "

Kim sat there for a moment and looked over at me, " Damn Jerry, that gives me an idea. I know just how to handle your other problem, and Janice can play a central part in it, as she did with this. "

I cocked an eyebrow and looked at Kim and then at Janice, " You must fill me in about this plan Kim, once we get back to the house. "

Just as I finished speaking there was a loud commotion from the kitchen, Kyle jumped up from the table and ran to the door. Hand inside his jacket, I knew he was reaching for his gun. As he pushed the door open we heard yelling inside, " I will not have you speaking about that fine gentleman that way in my kitchen young man, you can leave now. " I knew it was Wolfgang and I knew exactly who he was speaking to. " Please excuse me for a moment everyone. " I stood and turned to walk to the kitchen when Dad jumped up and stood in my way.

" Jerry, I don't think this is the time to deal with him. Please sit down and let Wolfgang handle this.

"Dad had his hand on my shoulder.

" Dad, " I dropped my head, "

This is my fault as much as it is his. I have to handle this situation, especially since I should have done it years ago. "

Dad took his hand off my shoulder, " You may be right Jerry, but I sure as hell don't like it. "

As I rambled toward the kitchen, I caught Kyle's eye. " Please stay here, but be ready for anything. I don't think that James will turn violent, but one never knows. " I put my hand on the door to the kitchen and slowly entered.

Wolfgang was standing in front of James, standing tall and yelling as he waved his arms, getting his point across to him in a very animated way.

I walked over to the two men, " Wolfgang, " I placed my hand on his shoulder " I thank you my friend, but I will handle this. "

Wolfgang gave James one last glare and turned and went back to his position in front of the stove. Watching James with a hate in his eyes I had never seen Wolfgang display.

" James, I think we need to have a talk, before this gets out of hand. " I raised my hand to lead him towards the back of the kitchen so we would have a little more privacy.

Walking towards the back of the kitchen I noticed Kyle step into the kitchen, so he could be close at hand. I looked at Kyle and nodded as James came to a stop and turned to face me.

" Listen Jerry... " James started to say before I interrupted him.


I thank you all for your patience, I know it too a little longer to get this chapter out. I want to let you know that I will be unavailable for the next couple of weeks. I have a major family event in 2 weeks and until this is done I will have little time to breath, let alone write. I hope to have the next chapter ready the first of May.

Next: Chapter 22

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