Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Mar 9, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me. They have helped me bring a better story to all of you.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Part 19

Jerry nodded his head, " I think you can help me with a removal now, so I can get lunch on the table. "

I reached down and grabbed Jack and tossed him in the air, " You ready to eat little man? "

" Yep, it smells good. "

Jerry went and found his Dad and Kyle and brought them back to the kitchen, we sat together and had a wonderful lunch. Jerry kept watching me all through lunch, making me a little nervous. I was hoping it was about what I told him at the stove, but I could not tell what he was thinking.


Part 20


I sat at the table during lunch and stared at Sean, running comment about Jack through my head. What about Jack could he have to talk to me about? I knew whatever it was it had to be serious or Sean would never have mentioned it. I could see on his face that whatever he wanted to talk about was worrying him, maybe he was concerned about how Jack would handle tomorrow. I guess I would find out as soon as lunch was over, even if it made me uneasy.

I pulled my attention away from Sean and started making plans to finish off everything for the next week. This was already going to be a difficult week, with my mind worrying about Sean and Jack it was going to be worse. As everyone was finishing up with lunch I started to clear the table. I asked Kyle if he would watch Jack for a few minutes then join me in the office to finish our work.

" Sean, would you join me in the office for a minute? " I asked.

We stepped back into the office and a million things going through my mind, and of course all the horrible ideas took center stage. I sat at my desk and motioned for Sean to sit at Kyle's desk.

" So, what is it we have to talk about? "

" It seems that Jack saw the look on my face before they left this morning and knew I was mad. I told him I overreacted this morning and now he thinks that you are mad at me. I know I'm causing more problems for you than you deserve Jerry, but I think you need to talk with Jack and let him know you aren't mad. "

A smile crept across my face, " Well it looks like Jack is a very observant little man. Don't worry about it Sean, I'll talk with him this evening and let him know everything is alright. "

" I don't deserve it Jerry, but thank you. Tomorrow is going to be hard enough on him, I don't want him thinking there is trouble at home. "

" Sean! That is enough of that talk. We both screwed up this morning and we talked our way through it, so it's done and over. There's nothing to forgive or beat yourself up over. "

" I still don't know how you do it Jerry, but I won't mention it again. " Sean stood up and walked around to my desk and wrapped his arms around my neck. " I'm so glad you came into my life. "

As I sat there the words Sean said began floating around in my mind, ' Trouble at home'. It brought a smile to my face, the idea of with Sean and Jack. This week had to come off perfectly if I had a chance to bring together a home.

" What's the matter Jerry? "

Sean's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, " Just thinking about this next week Sean. " I turned and smiled up at him. " I'm just worried about pulling it all together so everything goes smoothly. "

" If anyone can do it Jerry, I'm sure it's you. During this last month I have not seen you do anything without making sure all outcomes were considered. "

Sean was right, but that didn't help ease my worry. Some of the outcomes I had to consider could mean the loss of Jack and Sean. The biggest concern I was having was with telling Sean the whole story, and could he handle the truth now that Mary was gone? I had to tell Sean the story and bring him up to speed about this next week, but how to ease him into it so he didn't break. I stood up and placed my hands on Sean's face and looked into his eyes with all the love I had in me, " We need to talk Sean. "

I turned him around and eased him into my seat, " I have thought about this for days Sean and I think you need to know what next week will bring and what could happen. "

Sean sat there with a look of worry on his face, one that I knew he had a right to wear. This was going to be difficult to explain.

" Jerry, what the hell is going on? "

" It has to do with Mary and Jack's father. "

" But Clyde is dead, how can this involve him? "

I took deep breath, " Clyde is not Jack's father, Mary was using him as a ruse to keep Jack's real father from finding out. "

" Well, who the hell is Jack's dad? "

" I told you earlier he was a state senator, it's Senator Upton "

Sean's face fell as the horror set in, " It can't be true Jerry, not him. "

" I'm sorry Sean, that is why I'm working so hard to bring this to an end. "

" If this doesn't work he is going to take Jack, isn't he Jerry? "

" He has already exposed his hand with his first attempt Sean, but he will not get a second chance. Kyle and I need to confirm the plans for Monday and I want you to sit in on it, I want you to know that I'm doing everything I can to keep Jack and you safe. "

" I don't want to jeopardize any of your plans Jerry, and I'm sure Kyle won't like me being in here. "

I stepped in front of Sean and knelt down in front of him. " Don't worry about Kyle, and you have every right to know what is going to happen this week. I'm going to go find Kyle and we are going to finish the plans and then we are going to relax the rest of the day. "

Sean nodded his head as he sat there thinking about everything I had just told him. I could see the worry on his face, the thought of losing Jack was weighing heavily on him. I walked out of the office and went in search of Kyle, knowing that I would have to smooth things over with him for telling Sean what was happening. I found Kyle in the den, he was on the phone and discussing security for the house as I walked in. He finished his conversation and looked up at me, " What's going on now Jerry? "

Out of everyone close to me, Kyle could read me better than anyone. " We need to talk about Sean before we go and settle the plans for tomorrow and next week. "

" You told Sean about the situation, didn't you? "

" I'm sorry Kyle, he deserved to know and I had to tell him. I know you would rather I kept him out if it but I could not do that to him, Kyle. "

" I can see your point Jerry, I'll try and keep my opinion to myself. "

" Kyle, I need more than that from you. I need you to keep an eye and ear on Sean, I don't want anything to happen to him or Jack. If things don't work out like I have planned I want them out of here and safe. You are to personally see to their safety, before mine, do you understand me? "

Kyle stood up and was about to object but softened his stance, " I understand Jerry. "

" I know it goes against everything you want to do Kyle, but I want your word. "

Kyle lowered his head and looked at the desk top, " I give you my word Jerry, but I want you to know it is under protest. "

" I understand Kyle, and I know you will keep your word. Now let's get this day over with, we'll need the rest of the day to decompress for tomorrow. "

We left the den and headed for the office, I stopped in the kitchen and grabbed an apple and a few bottles of water. I entered the office and Sean and Kyle were staring at each other and I knew this was going to be a tense afternoon.

" I need to call and talk to George in Vegas and get him his travel arrangements. Do you have the information ready Kyle? "

" Yes Jerry. " Kyle handed me the folder with the details in it. I sat there and reviewed them before I placed the call.

I picked up the phone and dialed the number, " Hello George, how are you this morning? "

" Hello Jerry, I'm fine thanks. Looking forward to arriving in Columbus and getting started on the new job. "

" That's great George, I am calling to give you the flight information. You will be meeting Captain Art Murphy at the North Las Vegas Airport. He will fly you into Columbus where a car will be waiting to pick you up and take you to your apartment. I'll have an associate of mine, Michael Justice, meet you there and take you to your apartment. I have some personal matters to attend tomorrow and if I get a chance I will make it into Columbus to meet with you. If not, I'll make arrangements for you to spend the day with Michael on Monday so he can go over the business model for one of the offices. "

" I understand Jerry, and I thank you for calling with the details. I'll hopefully see you Monday. "

" I hope so George, I will call Michael when we are done and give him the information and your cell phone number. That way you two can keep in contact until I get into town to meet with you. "

I hung up with George and called Michael, " Hello Michael, I wanted to call and give you some contact information for George Richards, he is flying in tomorrow and I need you to meet up with him at the airport and take him to the apartment and get him settled. I will be busy tomorrow and most likely Monday so I don't know right now when I'll be able to get downtown to meet with him. "

" I can handle all of that for you Jerry. It'll at least make me feel useful again. "

I gave Michael the phone number and flight times for George. " I want you to contact all the offices and let them know we will be back up and running a week from Monday. That will give them a week to get ready and I will send out all the new details later this week. "

" I shall call them all personally Jerry. " Michael spoke softly.

" Did I interrupt something Michael? "

" Not really Jerry, I was just entertaining someone at the moment. "

" I'm sorry Michael, I will call you Monday evening when I have a time that I can come downtown and meet with you and George. "

" Thank you Jerry, I will talk with you later. " Michael hung up and I felt terrible for bothering him.

As I sat there with my head hanging down Sean spoke up, " How many offices do you have Jerry? "

I looked up to face Sean and caught Kyle out of the corner of my eye with a look of disbelief on his face. I nodded my head towards Kyle to let him know it was alright before I answered Sean, " I have 12 offices around the world right now Sean, but I'm working in setting up another. "

" Wow Jerry, no wonder you are always so busy. How do you ever find personal time? "

" I do take a lot of personal time Sean, but I do it while I'm working. "

" That's not really personal time Jerry, you sure can't relax dealing with business everyday. "

" You're right Sean, but...." I trailed off and turned in my chair so I was not looking at Sean.

" But what Jerry? You have earned the right to take time out for yourself. "

" I can't go there now Sean, I will tell you soon. Let's keep today a good day. Why don't you go find Jack and Dad and see if they want to go out to eat tonight and I will finish up in here. "

" I think that's a great idea Jerry. I'm thinking a steak place sounds good. "

I had to chuckle, " Of course you would Sean and I think we can arrange that. "

" I just wanted to put in my two cents before you made any plans. "

" Get out of here you goof, before I have to order a herd of cattle to supply the restaurant.

"I sat there shaking my head at Sean's enthusiasm when it came to steak.

I placed a call to the caterer and make sure everything was ready for tomorrow. I did not need anything to distract me from keeping all my focus on Sean and Jack.

When I finished the call I needed to finish some details with Kyle. " Kyle, can you make sure there the security teams at the Austin's house are very discrete. I don't want to give the senator any extra ground on finding them, or who I am. Not yet anyways. "

" I'll make sure they are invisible Jerry. I will have to have the command center on sight, but I will keep it away from the Austin's house. "

" That won't be a problem Kyle, I just don't want any surprises tomorrow. Things will be bad enough without any. "

" I will make it as smooth as I can Jerry, but we still need to finalize plans for Monday. I need to know up front how far you are willing to go with this, before we go forward. "

I looked over at Kyle, and with a stare I knew he would not forget. " We will take this as far as we have to, just to bring that bastard down and keep Sean and Jack safe. "

" Understood, Jerry. "

I pulled all the files together I had on the senator and put everything in the safe, a sudden moment of fear ran through my entire body. I yelled out, " Mark! "

" What's wrong Jerry? What about Mark? "

" I bet that treacherous ass has a connection with the senator. Pull up everything we have on Mark and see if any of the accounts he had set up are connected with the senator. "

Kyle started working on his computer pulling up all the files we had on Mark, if he had connections with the senator then my anonymity was gone.

" We're screwed Jerry! Mark has been funneling money to the senator for the last six months. It also looks like he was helping him launder some of it too, that could help us in the long run. Unless the government wants to look at it like you were helping the senator. "

" Where the hell did he get the money from? I went through all the books from the office and everything is accounted for. "

" It looks like he was using his own money from his investments, he must have intended to use the senator at sometime during his scheme. "

" I knew he was going to push me to do something drastic. I think he has gotten his wish.

" I picked up the phone and dialed an all too familiar number.

" Kim, how are you this afternoon? "

" Hi Jerry, I'm good thanks. How are you and the Austin's doing? "

" Not so good Kim, but thanks for asking. I need to know if Mark Harrison is still in your custody. "

" He sure is Jerry, probably for a few more weeks at least. "

" Is he in solitary or the general population? "

" I believe right now he is solitary, is something wrong? "

" There might be Kim, can you get me a list of guards who have ever had contact with him? "

" I can send you a list of all the employees of the jail Jerry. It would take me longer to find out who has had contact with him. "

" That will be good Kim, I can start there and find what I need. "

" I will email you the list now. Should I be worried about anything Jerry? "

" I'm not sure at the moment Kim, but as soon as I find out I will call you back. "

" Thanks Jerry, I hope to not hear from you anytime soon. " Kim laughed.

" I hope not Kim. "

I looked over at Kyle. " I want you to find all of Mark's accounts across the globe, and I want them all closed. I think it's time to show that ungrateful fool just what I'm capable of doing. "

Kyle nodded his head at me and started his search, I started helping Kyle research the names that Kim had sent. Finding bank accounts and looking for any large money transfers that could tie them to Mark.

" Kyle, we have dinner plans this evening. Why don't you call Scott and have him finish this list of employees at the jail and we can finish cross checking them all later tonight. "

" That's a good idea Jerry, I will send him the information on Mark also and see if he can find anymore accounts that I didn't find. "

" Thanks Kyle, I'm going to go freshen up and talk with Dad. I will meet you out front when we are ready. "

I started out the office door and hesitated, I really needed to talk with Dad. I needed his help like I have so many times in the past. His strength to help me from falling apart, his kindness to keep me from the dark spots in my mind.

" Do you need something else Jerry? " Kyle asked with a questioning look on his face.

" No Kyle, I was just thinking. " I started out the door again.

I entered the kitchen and Dad was sitting at the table, looking over the daily paper, which

I'm sure he had already read front to back.

" Hi Dad, are you busy? " I asked in an unemotional tone.

" Hello Jerry, I'm never too busy for you son. " Dad put the paper done on the table watching me for an answer to my question.

" Can you come upstairs with me while I freshen up before we leave? " I did not want to have this conversation where someone might be able to listen in.

" Sure son. " Richard answered with a look of deep concern on his face. Knowing that

Jerry only wanted to speak privately when he was reliving his teenage years in his mind.

We slowly walked up the stairs, I did not want to have this talk. Dad was the only one that was ever able to help me pull back from these thoughts of my past. The last time, oh God the last time. I almost lost everything and myself the last time this happened. Dad was out of town with Mom and I could not get to him in time to help me pull back. The plans I had made would have made me a monster, I lost so many people that cared for me over that incident, I could not let it happen again.

When we reached the top of the stairs I opened the door and let Dad in and led him over to the settee. I stood and started pacing the floor, trying to find the words to start this conversation.

" Jerry, does this have to do with the past? With everything you are working on, are you leading yourself down that path again? " Dad asked, worry in his voice.

I stopped in mid stride as my head hung low and my shoulders dropped, " I think so Dad. "

Dad jumped up from his seat and pulled me over and forced me to sit as he sat back down. " Jerry, you have to pull yourself back, Son. What brought this on? Does it have to do with what you're working on now? "

" It was something Sean said Dad, it was innocent but the words just took over my mind. "

" What did he say Jerry? "

" He was asking me about work, and how many offices I had. I told him 12 and I think it surprised him. He said it was no wonder I worked so much and I really needed some personal time. I told him I didn't always work when I was away that I took personal time while I visited each office. He told me that wasn't personal time, not with work on my mind. Then I started thinking that he might just be right and as soon as I thought that my mind jumped back, back to.... " I stopped, I just couldn't say the words.

" Back to that day in '98? " Dad asked.

I nodded my head, unable to get the words to pass through my throat.

Dad wrapped his arms around me, " Son, I have told you time and time again that you did nothing wrong. You need to forgive yourself for what those imbeciles had done to you and move on. You are letting them have control over you all these years later that they never had. "

" Dad. " I paused for a minute. " I've done more than you can even imagine to get my revenge on them Dad. I guess it's time for me to pay karma back for my acts on those four. "

" Jerry! What the hell have you done? "

I sat there not wanting to tell Dad the evil things I had done over the years to exact some resemblance of revenge. " I have done everything I could do to ruin their lives Dad. Even to a point that caused me to lose Larry. "

Richard sat there pondering the information his son just told him, " I'm guessing you wanted Larry to do more than just ruin them? "

" Yes Dad, but he wouldn't let me do it. He stopped me from becoming the monster I was about to turned into. He then realized that I was not going to stop and he could no longer be a part of anything I was planning. When Larry left, I was devastated and I lost all desire to continue with anymore plans involving those four asses. "

" Oh Jerry, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. You need to make this right Jerry, to be the bigger man that I know you are. "

" I know Dad, I have tried many times and just couldn't finish it. I guess I was always waiting. "

" Waiting for what Jerry? Don't you think you have everything you need? "

I slumped back into the settee and threw my arm over my eyes, " I was waiting for that special love in my life to help me through it. "

" Your what? What about Brad? " Dad's voice showing support but getting strained losing his patience.

" Dad, I may have never looked into his eyes but I saw his heart everyday, and there was no real love there for me. Maybe there was some love for what I could do or provide for him, but it stopped there. "

" But why Jerry? Why did you stay with him all these years? " The worry coming forth in Dad's voice now.

" I was afraid Dad. What if that was all I ever found? "

" Oh Jerry, I know you would have found it. It wasn't just going to come knocking on your door, you have to put yourself out there to find that truly special person. "

" I don't know Dad, I thought Brad was just that and...."

There was a commotion down in the foyer, then voices yelling. I looked at Dad and went running for the bedroom door. I opened the door and stepped out to see Kyle and Sean standing in the foyer nose to nose, their hands at their sides clenched in fists.

I saw Kyle's hand start to rise from his side as I yelled, " Kyle Watson! "

Kyle and Sean both turned and looked up at me as I stood there with a look of disbelief and anger on my face. They both backed away from each other as their fists unclenched they turned their faces to the floor.

I turned to face Dad, " I think we are done for now Dad, I had better diffuse this right now. " I smiled at Dad and started down the steps.

I looked at both Sean and Kyle, " In the office now! " I walked off toward the kitchen and stopped and grabbed a bottle of water, I knew I would need it before this was settled. Sean and Kyle slowly walked through the kitchen and headed into the office as I stood there staring at them.

I forced myself towards the office, not wanting to get involved in this situation with Sean and Kyle right now. I knew that it would have to be settled though, or the plans for this next week would fall apart before they could be carried out.

As I walked in the office Sean and Kyle both started to speak at once, I held up my hand. " I don't want to hear anything from you two yet, you are going to listen to me first. "

I sat down at my desk and closed my eyes to focus my thoughts, " I don't know what it is between you two, but I want you both to know that this week is not the time to bring this petty squabbling to the foreground. Are either one of you willing to risk Jack's life or my father's life? "

" No sir. " Kyle answered first, letting his head drop to his chest. Ashamed at his actions in the foyer.

" You know I would never risk Jack's life Jerry, or your father's. " Sean's shoulders sunk as he realized the consequences of my question.

I slammed my hands on the desk and stood up, " That is exactly what you two are risking with this chest puffing bullshit you're playing. Kyle, I know that you are aware of what we are up against this week. Why in God's name would you let this squabble get out of hand? I know that you don't know all the players in this Sean, but it is Jack's life I am trying to save and you want to get into an all out fight with Kyle. "

" What in the world started you two at each others throats just now? "

Kyle and Sean turned their heads and looked at one another, neither wanting to answer first.

" It was my fault Jerry. " Sean answered, almost too low for me to even hear.

I looked over at Kyle, as he stood there stoically looking past me as not to look me in the eye.

" Is that your opinion Kyle? " I asked with a bit of irritation in my voice.

" Mr. Martin, I have not in the past nor will I ever in the future placed blame or taken blame from anyone that you have put in my protective care. If Mr. Austin wishes to take the blame than that is his business but, it is not my place to say whether is was or wasn't. "

I let out a long sigh, " Kyle, I think you can drop the business pretense and just answer the question. I know exactly what you have done in the past and what you will do in the future. Right now I need to know what this is all about, so we can come to an understanding. "

Sean leaned in towards the desk, " It was my fault Jerry. Can we just leave it at that for now? "

" Sean, any other time I would do just that, but I think you can agree that this week is too important to have any unneeded distractions. "

Sean sighed, " You're right Jerry, and I'm sorry for putting Kyle in this position. If I had not opened my big mouth we wouldn't be here right now. "

I looked at Kyle and his expression didn't change at all, " What is it that you said to bring such a response? "

" It was really nothing Jerry, I'm sure if this next week wasn't on everyone's mind then it would not even have been a problem. "

I gave Sean a little nod, " You're probably right Sean, but this is why we need to get past this so we can focus on what is important. "

" Oh God, how do I keep getting myself into this position? I had just gotten Jack settled in the living room and was heading to the kitchen when I passed Kyle. I asked him how the house dick was doing. I meant it as a private investigator and not a male member. "

Kyle jerked his head up looking at Sean, " Oh Fuck! " He yelled out.

" I take it you never thought of it that way, Kyle? " I asked knowing the answer by the look on his face.

" Of course I didn't Jerry, I was running plans through my mind and all I heard was dick. Now I feel stupid for my actions. " Kyle stepped over towards Sean, " I'm very sorry Mr. Austin, I should never had come at you in anger. Even if you had said something to me, it was not professional to do that. "

" Now that is settled, I think I need to clear the air a little myself and maybe you two can quit being so on edge around one another. Besides, I think Sean needs to know what will happen this next week if anything goes wrong. "

Sean turned his head and looked at me with his mouth wide open. " What do you mean, if something goes wrong? "

" Sean, no matter what you think I can do in this world, I can't control what others will do when trapped in a corner of their own making. " I tried giving him a smile of reassurance, but I don't think I pulled it off.

" I know you can't do that Jerry, but the last few weeks I have seen things I thought I would never have the chance to see. There is something you aren't telling me, isn't there? "

I looked at Kyle and then at Sean, " I think it's time to lay all the cards on the table Sean, take a seat you two. "

As Kyle and Sean took their seats I tried putting my thoughts in order to tell Sean all the details I had been hiding from him.

" Kyle, I think Sean needs to be informed of my decision and the promise you made me. In the long run it might make things easier on you, and maybe Sean will see the reason for the tension the last few days. "

" Well Jerry, it might make things easier in certain events, but I think Mr. Austin might have a hard time understanding the reasoning behind it. Lord knows I had a hard time with it myself. "

Kyle, please call me Sean. I'm nowhere old enough to be called Mr. Austin and even if I were, I would still want to be called Sean. " Sean smiled towards Kyle.

" I can do that Sean, but remember there may be times when I call you Mr. Austin and it is in no means meant as disrespect, it may be the situation at hand. I have a hard enough time remembering to call this one Jerry most the time. " As Kyle pointed at me.

" If you two are done trying to put me in my place, I think I need to make sure Sean knows where this leaves him in these plans. " I turned to face Sean so he could look me in the eye as I spoke. " Now Sean, I'll tell you what I ordered Kyle to do next week. I am telling you this now because it involves you and Jack and it will make things easier for Kyle if you know. "

" What the hell have you ' ordered ' him to do Jerry? "

" Calm down Sean, this is a worse case scenario order. I need your word now Sean, I want you to promise me that no matter what happens, you will not give Kyle any problems. "

Sean sighed and leaned back in his chair, " I have no reason to doubt you Jerry, if you need me to promise that, then consider it done. "

I smiled at Sean, " Thanks Sean, you don't know how much that helps relieve the worry in my mind. "

" So what is it that you have ordered Kyle to do, Jerry? "

Damn, I was hoping it slipped his mind, " If anything happens when this goes down this week Sean, Kyle will be loading you and Jack up and taking you out of the country to somewhere safe. Where no one will ever bother you again and you can raise Jack just as Mary wanted. "

Sean stared at me, his mouth open in disbelief at what I said. I could see the confusion in his eyes, it was tearing me apart seeing him trying to accept the decision I had made.

Suddenly, and almost so quiet that anyone would have to strain to hear the word Sean simply said, " No."

I heard his answer loud and clear, I knew he was taking a stand on a decision that was already made. He raised his head and looked at me and I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

" Kyle, could you excuse us for a few minutes and go check on Jack and Dad and make sure they are ready to go out to eat as soon as we are done? "

" Sure Jerry. " Kyle stood and left the room, closing the door behind himself as he left.

I faced Sean and grabbed his hands, " I know what you're thinking and I want you to reconsider your answer. "

Sean took a deep breath, " Jerry, I can't ask you to keep putting your life on the line and I sit back while you do it. I may be the only family Jack has left, but I can not live with myself if I don't take a stand about the future. "

" Sean, I understand you wanting to stand up for yourself and your family, " I let out a long sigh. " This is really a tough situation to do this, I won't sugar coat it, it scares the hell out of me. I have dealt with a lot of vicious business people around the world, but politicians are the worst. "

" Jerry, I don't care who it is that is trying to break my family apart. I'm not going to stand by and let them. That includes you and your Dad, you mean too much to me to let anyone try and take it away. "

" I know Sean, I feel the same way about you and Jack. Can I just ask one favor? "

" You can ask anything Jerry. "

" I will revise my plans, but only on one condition. That if anything happens, I want you and Kyle back here at the house to make plans. Plans to get you, Jack and Dad somewhere safe. "

" Damn it Jerry, I told you I was not running anymore. "

" Calm down Sean, I'm not talking about running. I'm talking about regrouping and making a plan that ensures you are all safe. I can't go through with this if I think for one moment that anything could happen to you, Jack or my Dad. " I squeezed Sean's hands trying to impress upon him my sincerity.

Sean dropped his head and pulled his hands up, taking mine with them as he kissed both of them. " I promise Jerry, but I can't stand to think about anything happening to you. I can't lose you now, not after losing Mary. "

I pulled my hands free from Sean's and wrapped them around his shoulders and held him. " I know Sean, and I will do everything I can to ensure that nothing happens. " I leaned forward and kissed the top of his head.

" Everything will work out fine Sean, if I have to spend every dime I have I will make things right this week. I can't go on with this if there is a chance you won't be there in my life Sean. "

Sean looked up at me, " Promise me Jerry, promise me that everything will be okay. "

I knew that Sean needed to hear those words, even if I knew deep down that I could not promise him that, I had to say the words. " Everything will be fine Sean, I promise. "

I pulled Sean from his seat and wrapped my arms around him, as he slumped over and rested his head on my shoulder. God I loved how tall he was, " I want you to know I will move Heaven and Earth to make sure nothing happens to any of us this week. "

Sean held onto me tighter, I could feel the tears falling on my shoulder as his body was shaking. " I know you will Jerry. " Sean whispered in my ear as he started to pull himself together.

I ran my hand over the back of his head and down his back, " Why don't you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up and let's head out for a relaxing evening. "

Sean slowly pulled back off my shoulder and with wet eyes stared deep into my soul then leaned in and placed his firm lips on mine and kissed me with a passion I had never felt before.

" I love you Jerry Martin, I don't want you to forget that. In case I forget tomorrow, thanks for everything you have done for me, Mary and Jack. "

" Sean Austin, it has been my deepest pleasure to help out three of the most amazing and sincere people I have ever met. I want you to remember one thing, now and forever. I love you too! " I leaned forward and kissed Sean leaving no doubt in his mind that I was speaking from the heart.

I pulled back from Sean, " We need to make ourselves presentable and head out for something to eat, before you stomach speaks up babe. "

" You're right Jerry. I will be right back, then go check on Jack to make sure he is ready. "

As Sean headed off for the bathroom, I picked up my cell phone and pulled up a number from my contact list. As I listened to the ringing on the phone my thoughts drifted off to Sean, a voice in my ear brought me out of current thought.

" Hello, Jerry? You there? "

" Oh Scott, sorry about that. I was a bit occupied. How are you doing? "

" I'm great Jerry, what can I do for you? "

" Down to brass tacks as usual I see Scott. I have a favor to ask of you and I knew you were the perfect person to pull it off. "

" I guess it's something too difficult for your run of the mill hacker then? "

" You know it Scott, I have a file on my home server I need you to access and work your magic on the facts I have there for you. "

" What's the file name Jerry? "

" It's the only thing on there at the moment Scott, and I need your best work on this one. I have too many loved ones involved in this and I will not have any mistakes. "

" I'll do my best Jerry. " I heard the sound of Scott typing on his keyboard, " Oh hell Jerry! You have got to be kidding me! " Scott screamed into the phone.

" I'm deadly serious Scott, I will call you in a couple days and give you the exact time I need this to happen. "

" Jesus Jerry, if anyone finds out about this our asses are in for a shit storm. "

" I'm well aware of that Scott, but I have all the faith that you can handle this with all your usual finesse. "

" Of course I will Jerry, and leave nothing behind to implicate myself I might add. " Scott threw in with a chuckle.

" Of course Scott, and I'll be tripling your fee and have it ready as soon as the job is completed. "

" Generous to a fault as always Jerry. I appreciate it and will have this done for you in no time. "

" Thanks Scott, I knew you could handle it. " I hung up and put my phone back in my suit jacket.

As I turned to head out the door, Sean was standing there with his mouth wide open.

" I'm not even going to ask Jerry, I don't think I can handle anymore today. " Sean said as he turned and headed toward the kitchen.

' I really have to remember there are people in the house', I thought to myself as I headed out to catch Sean.

Sean was standing in the kitchen looking out the window, staring across the backyard.

" Sean, that call was just the last piece of the puzzle I had to get in play. Without it I would be backed into an option I don't like to use. "

Sean took a deep breath, " I know Jerry, " Sean let his breath out as his head drifted down. " It just aggravates me that you have to work like this because of me and Mary. You don't deserve all this in your life, you should have nothing but happiness and I bring nothing but gloom. "

" Oh Sean. When am I going to get it through that head of yours? "

" Get what through my head? " Sean asked stiffening as I pulled him tighter.

" Well, to quote a wonderful loving friend of mine, If I have to thump that thick skull of my brother I will do it. "

Sean pulled free from me and turned around, " What the hell are talking about Jerry? "

" Well, Mary told me if you didn't start thinking clearly she was going to thump that thick skull of yours. So if you don't listen to this, because it's the last time I will say it, I love you Sean and what you have brought to me is nothing but happiness. All these other problems are nothing compared to how much I want you here. "

Sean tightened his arms around me, and I felt a tear drop on my neck. " Thank you Jerry, for everything you have done. I would be lost if it wasn't for all your help. "

"There is no need to thank me Sean. I'm more than happy to help you with anything in your life that you need help with. " I kissed Sean's cheek, and heard someone in the doorway clear their throat.

I laid my head on Sean's shoulder, " Yes Kyle, what can I do for you? "

" Jerry, we have a problem. " Kyle quietly replied.

I lifted my head off Sean's shoulder and looked in his eyes. " Please excuse me for a moment Sean, and we will return to this soon. " I kissed him on the cheek and turned to go talk to Kyle.

I walked towards Kyle and I could see the concern in his eye, " What is it Kyle? "


Thank you all for your kind emails as I went through a very stressful week. I hope to have some final answers to the puzzle of a diagnosis soon. I am still working on the story as I have time, but will be very busy with some family business the next couple of months. I will do my best to keep the chapters coming during all the fuss in my life.

Next: Chapter 21

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