Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Oct 26, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome.

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What had I done? Had I run off the man I wanted to be there for? Was he ever going to speak to me again? What would he tell Mary? Would Mary ever speak to me again? So many questions were running around in my head and for the first time in my life I did not know what to do, I have never ever been so unsure of any situation as I was at this moment. I headed for the high rollers bar and sat at a table in the corner and ordered a drink and started replaying everything in my head again and again. I am unsure how long I had been sitting there when I heard the waitress came over and spoke to me. " Excuse me, are you Mr. Martin? "

" Yes I am, how can I help you? "

She said, " There is a young lady at the door asking if you were her and, if so wanted to come in. Is she a guest of yours? "

" If her name is Mary Austin, she is a guest of mine, could you please show her over. "

" No problem Mr. Martin. " she replied and headed to the door.

Mary walked in, changed out of the beautiful dress she was wearing earlier and in just a pair of jeans and a nice blouse. As she neared I was worried why she came looking for me and what she was going to say.

I stood as Mary arrived at the table and took her hand and said " Please have a seat Mary. "

I asked if she would like something to drink and she ordered a double whiskey and the waitress went to get her drink and freshen mine. When she returned Mary took a long drink and set her glass down and looked me straight in the eyes.

" Jerry, I am not here to yell at you, I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt Sean, but what I want to tell you is a little about that little brother of mine that I am sure he avoided when you two talked at dinner the other night. " She announced with a sound of determination in her voice.

" Well Mary you are right, I would never do anything to hurt Sean or for that fact you. In the last two days, you have become closer to me than most of my family has been to me in my entire life. I also figured Sean was skipping parts of his life in the story he told me, but like I have told you, a friendship takes time to develop before someone takes the opportunity to tell someone all their deepest parts of their life. "

Mary nodded her head in agreement then started her story about Sean, " Well Jerry, was always special, I could see it in him when he was young, but I don't think that my mother or father ever saw it. When dad died it almost crushed him, I thought I would never see that sparkle in him again. It had just started to reappear and he was becoming the special person I knew he was when mom died. It was extinguished again, like a candle in a wind storm. He became dark and introverted, I tried to help him, I even had him to see a psychiatrist to see if he could help pull that charming personality back and put the sparkle in his eyes. "

Mary paused and took a drink and stared off like she was trying to find the words to put together to make me understand her feelings and what she was trying to say. Then she cleared her throat and started again.

" I had many sessions with Sean and had talked with the psychiatrist several times alone to see what it was that Sean needed and how I could help him, to become the man I knew he should be. I won't go into too many details about that Jerry, Please do not think bad of me for that, but I think in time, Sean will tell you himself. I do not want to break his trust in me, specially with the future that is looking at me head on, can you understand that Jerry? "

" Mary, I do not want to breaking any trust your brother has in you. I have told you how I feel about trust and how dear it is to me. I just want to know what happened and what I did to upset him like that? "

" I know Jerry, and I will tell you it was nothing you did. Well not that you intended to do that set Sean off tonight. I think it was the basket of desserts that you gave him and told him to enjoy. Mother was always making desserts for us, it was her way to end a dinner and let us kids know how much she loved us. When you gave him those desserts that were left and told him to enjoy, It was the same thing mom used to do when there was 1 piece of anything left. She would hand it to Sean and tell him to enjoy. It overwhelmed him after all the time and energy you put into this evening to make it special for me and him. He just didn't know how to handle it; it was like the waves of life suddenly rose and came crashing down on him and covered him in memories he has buried. "

" Oh Mary, I never intended to hurt him like that, I had no idea. How could such a perfect evening end in such a devastating way. I only wanted the whole evening to be special for both of you, I would never had sent them with him had I known. " I stated as I lowered my head and realized what pain I had cause Sean and the tears started flowing.

Mary took my hand and said, " Jerry, it wasn't just that simple gesture that set him off. But I fear to tell you more without Sean's knowledge would go a little too far right now. Just let me tell you he is more upset at this moment that he may have insulted you; so much he is about to scream and run away and I don't need him falling apart right now. There is far too much pain in his future that I'm afraid is going to push him closer to that dark place again. I came down to ask you for a favor. "

" Anything Mary, I will do anything and everything for the both of you. I just do not want to cause him anymore pain. I would hate myself." I told Mary.

" Jerry, It will all be ok, I just need you to do me this favor, I know it will be hard to understand, but please consider it before you answer. " "Mary, anything I can do to help Sean I am willing to do. "

" Well maybe I should tell you what I want before you say that. I want to know if you can help Sean when my time comes. I know he is going to be a total wreck and he will need more support than anyone we know can give him, and Jack is going to need him to be strong and not lost. They are going to need each other, but a 3 year old can not help Sean with all the things he is going to need. "

" Mary, I have told you I am your friend. If Sean needs any help at all I will be there for him. I want you to know and be at peace with that fact, I have become very fond of you both in the last couple of days. If I could move heaven and help you with your problem I would be on the phone in a second. I know you do not really know me, and you might be basing your judgement on what I have done for you in the last couple of days. But I am just that person, I never flaunt what I have, that is no way for one person to do to another. I work hard for what I have and I have never ever done anything that would put any questions forth about my integrity. "

Mary was shaking her head and said, " Jerry, I do not judge someone on what they have or don't have. I see the love you have for me and Sean, it flows from you, just wanting to be shared with those you are giving it to. I just want you to know that there is more to Sean, something deep in him, God, I wish I could tell you, it would make things so much easier. That thick headed brother of mine thinks Im not aware of it, or that he has hidden it so well the world would never see it, but its there. I wish you could see it the way I do. "

I looked into Mary's eyes trying to find the answer she so wanted to tell me, but it eluded me. Like the sunrise chases away the night, it was there but in the shadows. The shadows blocked it from me, but I understood where Mary was coming from. I just lowered my head and said,

" I'm sorry Mary, I am so sorry I can not help you. It hurts me to no end to know that, but I will try my best with every bit of my being to be there for Sean. "

Mary leaned forward and kissed my cheek and said, " I better get back upstairs before Sean comes looking for me, I'm sure he doesn't even know I have been gone. Would it be alright with you to join us for lunch tomorrow? I don't think I will be able to do breakfast after I'm done with Sean tonight. "

" That would be an honor Mary, shall we just stay here in the hotel? I can order a nice lunch and have it sent to the room and you and Sean could join me there. "

" That would be perfect Jerry. It will give us a little more privacy so maybe Sean will be a little more open to speak that way. "

I gave Mary my room number and I stood and gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek, she walked off a woman with more on her shoulders than anyone could understand by just looking at her.

I sat there and had a few more drinks, trying to wash the pain away, but I was still hurting, more than I had felt in my life. Why? Why now? How could I reconcile this on a spreadsheet? It is not possible, then it hit me. Like a load of bricks being dumped on my head. This was personal, not just personal, but deep down to the soul personal. Why had I not seen it, could this be what Mary was trying to tell me, was it what I had seen in her eyes? I headed up to my room to try and sort this out in my head; try to come to some understanding before tomorrow. I stopped and turned and went over to the concierge desk and talked to Mr. Richards and ordered lunch for tomorrow. I ordered lobsters for me and Mary and a steak I knew Sean would just love, and of course I ordered desserts too. I could not help myself, I just knew if they were missing from the tray Sean would be devastated. That all accomplished I headed upstairs and to what would be a restless nights sleep.

*** MARY/SEAN***

Meanwhile in Mary and Sean's room, she had returned and just as she had predicted Sean didn't even know she was gone. When she opened the door he jumped and looked around and asked Mary where she had been.

Mary walked over to the bed and patted it for Sean to sit down next to her. She hugged him and said, " We have to talk baby brother. "

Sean knew this was serious, Mary never called him little brother unless it was something serious. He walked over and sat down next to Mary and she took his hand in hers and looked him in the eyes and said. " Sean, I have know you since the day you were born, I remember mom bringing you home from the hospital. You smiled all the time, not once did I ever hear you cry, not when hungry, tired, needing changed. As a child myself I thought that was weird, All my friends who had little brothers or sisters used to complain all the time how much their siblings cried. I just never understood why you didnt. The more I saw you the more I understood, you just beamed with a brightness inside you that I knew was something special. Something I don't think mom and dad ever saw in you, or if they did they never said anything to me. As I watched you grow, I saw that special part of you grow and shine and continue to be brighter and brighter. I could never understand what it was, that a part of you that shined though your smile, your eyes, your whole being. I know you think your big sister is not as smart as the rest of the world, or I don't know things as fast as everyone else, but I do know what I have seen in you all these years is love. Not just a simple love, but a full complete love, one that I don't think anyone else has seen in you or you have ever admitted to yourself is there. Sean, I have seen that love leave you, when dad and mom died. It was like it was a light being turned off, like a darkness that crept deep inside you and wouldn't let that love shine. I have cried many a nights just thinking of where that light inside you went, what could I do to help bring it back, to help you spark that light so it would shine and you would be that special little boy again I grew up with. "

Mary had tears running down her cheek and Sean was sitting there like someone had looked right down inside his soul and started reading all that was written there; like an intruder was stealing all that made him a person. How could Mary know all these things? I have never talked to anyone about these feelings, never showed them to the light of day. Keeping them hidden and buried was the only way I found to make it through all the rough times that we have been through.

Sean started to say something, but Mary cut him off and said, " Please Sean, let me get this out before you say anything. If not I may never be able to say it and I would go to my grave feeling like I failed you."

Sean shook his head and waited for Mary to finish what she had to say.

" Sean, I have seen that light back in your eyes, your heart, your soul. You have been so happy the last few days and I have been trying to figure out exactly why. I know Jerry has done some amazing things for us, and I know you are so grateful for what he has done for me. But there is more there than just being grateful, there is love. I dont know what kind of love and I could care less, but I know it is love. When you came back to the room tonight in the state you were in I thought something terrible happened and Jerry had said or done something awful to you. I knew in my heart he never would but I just couldn't understand what it was. When you dropped that basket on the floor and I saw what was inside, and I remembered what Jerry said I figured it out in a second. It was what mom used to tell you when she would give you the last of any dessert, wasn't is Sean? "

Sean was sitting looking at the floor, tears rolling down his cheek. He just nodded his head yes and couldn't get the courage to look up and Mary.

Mary put her arm around Sean and pulled him in and hugged him, " I thought as much, I can't believe I forgot that when Jerry said it. I had to go find him Sean, I had to let him know he did not do anything to you. "

Sean jumped up off the bed and looked at Mary like she had hit him with a bat. " Why Mary, Why did you have to do that? I ruined everything, why couldn't you just let it go? "

" Sean, I had to, he thought he did something wrong and it was him that had hurt you and he was hurting. I did not want him to think he had done anything wrong after all he had done for us the last two days. It wasn't fair to him, and you need to tell him that. "

" I can't Mary, I don't know what to do. I've never felt this way about someone before, let alone admitted it to anyone even you. "

" Well we have to find a way Sean, we are having lunch tomorrow with Jerry in his room. Between now and then you have to figure out what you are going to tell him. But whatever it is you tell him, it has to be the truth, you at least owe him that, not to mention yourself. "

Sean took a deep breath and sunk into the bed and said, " I know Mary, but I don't think I have that much courage to say it. "

Mary sat down next to Sean and took him in her arms and held him as he started crying. She let him pour out his emotions, knowing that he needed to let them go so he was able to come to grips with what he was going to tell Jerry.

After an hour Sean had calmed down and sat up on the bed and looked Mary in the eyes and asked, " Are you ashamed of me? "

" I could never be ashamed of you Sean, you are my brother, and besides Jack the only family I have left. I will love you no matter what. "

Sean hugged Mary and said, " Thank you Mary, but I still don't know if I can tell Jerry the whole truth, not right away. Can you understand that? "

" I can see where you are coming from Sean, but you have to let him know he was not the cause of your break down last night, he is so concerned about you, I thought he was going to need to be sedated last night when I met him downstairs. "

Sean got a look of sadness across his face and hung his head again, " I didn't mean to hurt him Mary, it's the last thing I wanted to do. "

" I know Sean, I think you should tell him what set you off, I'm sure he will understand. If you don't tell him the rest right now I think just letting him know what caused the incident last night will put him at ease. "

" I will tell him all about that Mary, but please promise me that until I am ready you wont push me to tell him the rest. I just don't think I can deal with all that right now. I have enough on my mind without bringing all that out. " Sean said looking at Mary with tears in his eyes.

" Awww Sean, I know you do. I am sorry that all of this is being put upon your shoulders, you know if I had any other way of doing it I would never put all this pressure on you. "

" I know you wouldn't Mary, I pray every night for your health and my sanity, it seems neither of my prayers have been answered. "

" Well that might not be true Sean, If you think about it Jerry could be an answer to your prayers. He could help you deal with all the things in your life you need help with, specially once I'm.... " and Mary stopped before finishing her sentence.

Sean looked at Mary not quite understanding what she meant except the last part of her sentence. Mary and Sean decided to get ready for bed and hoped that tomorrow would bring some clarity to their lives. Sean went to bed thinking about what Mary had said, How could Jerry help him with his problems; how could he ever understand what he was going through. How could Jerry ever understand how much I loved him, cared for him and wanted to be with him. How could a man as defined and well liked and known and Jerry was ever be able to understand another man being in love with him? Sean's mind worked overtime all night long, causing a long sleepless night, all his thoughts kept coming back to Jerry and how could he ever tell him how he felt about him?

JERRY As I woke the next morning my mind was still working on last nights events, Mary had laid a lot at my feet with what she told me about Sean. Could I be ready to help someone who was so in need? Someone who was going require the patience of a saint, and more love than an army of mothers could supply. I had to tell my self I had concerns, but my heart told me I could do it. I got out of bed and headed for the shower, I enjoyed a long hot shower, shaved and dressed. I then set up my laptop and contacted the office and handled some business, I then phoned Mark Harrison, my personal business manager, he has managed all my business dealings around the world. He is the only one that knows all my personal financial details and I trust him more than I have anyone in my life. I talked to Mark for over an hour, getting updated on all the details that needed my attention and made plans for everything and a meeting the following week to meet Mark in person to set up the next financial quarter. After I had all my business settled I decided to head to the gym for an hour to try and clear my head for my meeting with Mary and Sean this afternoon. I worked out rather hard and still all I could think about was Sean, a picture of his face with tears flowing and the look in his eyes as the elevator door closed was seared into my brain. All I wanted to do was take that pain away from Sean, to see that smile on his face, that smile that just lit up a room and melted my heart. I had to find a way to help them, to help Sean, he deserved to be happy; to be wearing that smile all the time and to be able to do what made him happy for the rest of his life. I had to start pulling together a plan to help Mary and Sean, I did not just want to barge into their lives and throw money around. I am sure they would love the money and would help alleviate some of their concerns, but I have learned the hard way that just giving money like that can cause more harm than good. I will bet that Mary would keep a good head on her shoulders with what I could give them, but as young as Sean was I was worried he might not be able to handle the added stress. I finished my work out and headed back to the room for another shower, this one I enjoyed even more than the first one this morning, I massaged a lot of stress out with a wonderful jack off session, with Sean playing a starring roll in the scene that played out in my mind. Before I realized, it was getting close to Mary and Sean to be there for lunch. I had to finish getting ready before they caught me in the middle of a post orgasmic high, and to set the living room up for the delivery of our lunch. I worked setting up the living room area for a comfortable lunch with Mary and Sean, I just hoped that they would see it that way and not feel strange. While I was sitting having a drink and deep in thought there was a knock on the door, I walked over and opened it and there stood Mary and Sean. I invited them in and showed them to the living room and they had a seat, I then asked them, " Would either of you like a drink? "

Mary said, " No thanks Jerry. "

Sean looked at the floor not looking at me and asked for a shot of Crown.

I turned and went to the bar and poured both of us a double shot and went and handed Sean his glass. He still did not look up at me when I handed him his drink. This made me even more nervous than I had been all day.

Mary noticed how nervous I was and that Sean had not looked up from the floor since they had walked in, she then asked " What are we having for lunch today Jerry? "

I was startled at the break in silence and looked at Mary and said, " I ordered lobster for You and I and a steak for Sean. It should be here soon, I told them to have it here at 1:30. I thought that would give us a little time to get comfortable before the food arrived. "

Sean looked up at Mary with a definite pain in his stare and just slightly shook his head no. Mary sensed her brother was not going to be able to talk to Jerry and had to do something to get the conversation started between the two of them.

" That sounds delicious Jerry, I can't wait to try the lobster. You might have to help me though, I have never eaten lobster before. "

" I will be very happy to help you Mary, it is not as hard as you might think to partake of the succulent meat of the lobster. I can even help Sean if he needs any assistance with his steak. " I said with a laugh to try and help break the tension in the room.

Sean started to chuckle and looked up with a smile on his face, the first I had seen since last night before we returned to the hotel.

" Well that's one thing I don't think I will need any help with Jerry, but I thank you for the offer. " Sean replied still with a smile on his face.

" You are very welcome Sean, and I am very happy to see you with a smile on your face. "

Sean blushed and waved his hand in the air like he was trying to push it out of the room so no one could hear it. Then he turned towards me and asked, " Jerry, can we step out on he balcony for a moment? I need to talk to you. "

This was a fast and bold statement from Sean, like he just got enough nerve to blurt it out before he lost all bravery to speak.

I said, " Sure Sean, right this way. " I turned to lead Sean out onto the balcony and looked at Mary with a question in my eyes and she just shrugged her shoulders.

Sean and I headed out onto the balcony as I started to close the door I told Mary, " Make yourself at home, if you want anything to drink there is a full bar over there and is stocked with just about anything you could want. "

Mary nodded and said, " Thank you Jerry. "

I walked out onto the balcony with Sean and closed the door to give us some privacy. Still on edge with Sean's sudden burst of courage, I was still wondering what was going to come.

" Jerry, I have to get this out and I want you to please be patient as I stumble thru this. I can't keep a train of thought straight in my head today, so please wait till I finish before you ask any questions. "

I nodded my head in agreement and had a seat at the table while Sean stayed standing looking over the city from the balcony.

" First off I want to apologize for last night, you had done so much to make it a beautiful evening and I went and ruined it, I am so sorry for that and for any hell I put you thru last night. "

I cleared my throat to begin to tell him that I was not worried about how the evening ended, I was worried about him, but as I did Sean said, " Not yet Jerry, I need to finish this before I chicken out and cant talk. "

I set back and waited for Sean to continue. He took a deep breath an a sip of his drink then let out a sigh and started.

" What happened last night was in no part your responsibility Jerry, you did something so wonderful. I never thought I would ever meet anyone that could be so kind and caring as you were with Mary and me last night. I was so happy when we returned to the hotel I thought it was all a dream and never wanted it to end. When you handed me that basket of desserts and told me to enjoy, a feeling of emotions just washed over me, like I was pulled into the shadows. I was transported back in time to when I was a little kid and was in the kitchen with my mom, I could see her just as if I had awaken that morning in the house and nothing had ever happened. When we were younger mom used to cook and bake all the time, we had a different dessert with our meals every night. Mom was excellent at making desserts, she took pride in them and after dinner she would put some aside for dad to take to work the next day in his lunch, then give me the last piece and say to me, enjoy honey. As I took that basket from your hand I was overwhelmed, I could see, smell, hear my mom and I didn't know what to do. I broke down and had to get out of there. I swear Jerry, I never meant to hurt you, I was up all night worried I made your night a living hell. I have to know... well I need to know I didn't hurt you Jerry. "

Sean turned around and looked at me with the tears of a child running down his face, looking for an answer like looking for security in the middle of a bad dream.

" Sean, you did not hurt me, I was worried as hell about you last night. I was concerned for you and worried that you were going to be alright. I am so sorry that something I did had brought back such vivid memories for you Sean. It was never my intention to hurt you. "

" I know you never meant to do anything to hurt me Jerry, it wasn't your fault. If I tried to avoid every word, phrase, smell sight that brought back a memory about my mom or dad I would have to live in a cave never to see anyone again. " Sean stated with a half smile on his lips.

" I can understand that Sean, but I think you might need some help dealing with these memories and emotions. I am sure not a psychiatrist, but I can tell you that if you find the right one, they can be a godsend, and I speak from experience. "

Sean looked at me with a bit of shock on his face, " You mean you have seen one before Jerry? "

" Yes Sean I have, and they can be very helpful to lead you to a point where you can come to terms with difficult decisions or situations in your life. "

Sean was looking at me studying my face to see if he could see why I might have ever needed the services of a psychiatrist. I am not sure what he had seen or what he decided but he turned and looked back over the city as if to be looking for the answers amongst all the activity that was going on below.

Mary came to the door and opened it and said, " I'm sorry to interrupt, but lunch is here. "

I touched Sean on the shoulder and said, " Come on Sean we need to go inside so I can help you with that steak. " I said laughing as I turned and went inside.

Sean followed us with a smile on his face and a little laughter. I went over and signed the bill and added a generous tip as I saw the waiter back out the door. Returning to the living room I saw Mary talking to Sean and give him a hug, I thought what a brave woman, always thinking of her brother even in the position she was in herself.

" Let's eat, before it gets cold. " I said to get Mary and Sean to the table.

As I removed the covers off our meals and we sat to begin our lunch there was a more peaceful feeling in the room, the tension that was there earlier has seemed to evaporate. This helped me realize that Sean was in a much happier place emotionally, ready to move forward.

My phone started ringing and I excused myself from the table and went to the bedroom to answer it to allow me a little privacy.

" Hello. " I answered the phone.

" Mr. Martin, this is Mr. Oliver, we had a meeting this morning and you did not show. I was calling to make sure everything was alright with you. "

" I am very sorry Mr. Oliver, I had a personal matter to resolve this morning. I am in the middle of lunch and I think I can settle both of our problems by the time I am finished. Can I call you back when we are done and we can then set up an appointment for a meeting? "

" That would be acceptable to me Mr. Martin, I thank you for your help and I hope you solve all your problems and the rest of your stay goes well. "

" I am sure it will Mr. Oliver, I will talk with you soon. "

I walked back out to the living room and Mary was sitting there looking at her lobster like it was going to walk away and she would have to fight it to keep it on the plate.

" I am very sorry Mary, I left you in the cue waiting on me to show you how to tackle that lobster. "

" No problem Jerry, I was more worried it was going to get away from me. " She chuckled in response.

I sat back down and started showing Mary the easiest way to break apart a lobster and enjoy the meat inside. Mary caught on quickly and was eating all she could get out of the shell. Sean was eating his steak like it was a last meal and he and Mary had some back and forth conversation about what pigs each other were. I laughed at each remark and reply, it was like being invited into the deepest intimate parts of their family.

After we finished our lunch I open the last covered dish on the cart and offered Mary and Sean dessert, I was a little nervous with the situation, but I knew how Sean was if there was no dessert at the end of a meal.

Sean and Mary both ate their desserts and said how great they were. I skipped mine and went to the bar to pour us each a drink to enjoy after the meal and to help ease things into the next conversation I needed to have with Mary and Sean.

I asked, " Would you like to sit on the balcony or here in the living room while we have our drinks? "

Mary said, " I think I would like to try out that balcony if you two don't mind. "

We headed out onto the balcony and had a seat at the table and were relaxing in the afternoon sun. I then asked Mary and Sean, " What are you two doing the rest of the day? "

" Mary and I are going to go down and have some fun at the pool. Maybe see if I can get some sun on this pale white body of mine. " Sean said

" I think I will be finding the shade and stay as cool as I can in this blazing sun if you don't mind Sean. " Mary stated.

" Mary and Sean, I have something I need your help with. " I said

Mary and Sean looked at me with a bit of surprise on their faces, like I could not have a problem that I couldn't fix on my own.

" Anything we can do Jerry. " Mary answered first.

" Well I want you to know right up front that if you do not feel comfortable doing this you can decline and I will not be offended at all. "

Mary and Sean both shook their heads in agreement and waited for me to continue.

" I had a little luck at the tables the other night and the casino is wanting me to be presented with a check and be included in their advertisements. I am a very private person and just can not allow myself to be put in the spot light like that. I do not want the casino to be out of an advertising moment either so I was wondering if you would mind taking my place and receiving the check and money. "

Mary and Sean sat there with their mouths open and looking at each other with a look on their faces like they had won the lottery.

Mary then asked, " Jerry I don't know, how much are we talking here and what would we have to do? "

" I have to make an appointment with the casino manager, after I got your permission for me to continue with this plan. The amount is a little on the big side and I will take care of all the taxes so you two need not worry, but after all is done it is about $100,000. "

Mary turned pale white and just sat there trying to form words and could not get one to come out of her mouth, Sean was looking at me like he was hit by a bus.

" I know this is a big favor to do for me Mary and Sean, but I would be indebted to you both if you would do this for me. "

" Well Jerry, I dont know what to say, that is a lot of money. Are you sure that you want to give up all that just so you dont have to be in some pictures and image used in a few advertisements? " Mary said.

" Mary, I am quite sure, I really do not need the attention and the money would not change my life one way or the other. "

Mary looked at Sean and asked, " What do you think little bro? "

Sean had sat there quiet the whole time and finally spoke, " Mary, I dont know, its a lot to take in, and I'm worried that Jerry is doing this just to help us out and he might need that money for himself. "

Mary shook her head understanding what Sean was thinking.

" Please Sean, I can honestly tell you that I do not need the money, I do rather well for myself at my job and would rather see that money go to you two who could put it to a much better use than I could leaving it sit in a bank account doing nothing. "

Mary asked, " Can you give us a moment to discuss this Jerry? "

" Take as long as you need, I will be inside if you need anything. "

I went back in to the room and headed to the bedroom to give them as much privacy as they needed to discuss the proposal I just laid upon them. I knew of the two it would be Sean that would take the most convincing to do this for me. Mary was already headed to the answer I was wanting, it was Sean who pulled her back and I was hoping that Mary could convince him. They talked for over an hour when I heard the door to the balcony open, I went back to the living room to see what decision they had reached.

They both stood there looking like statues, as I approached Mary smiled at me and grabbed me and gave me a hug that about squeezed the air from my lungs.

" We would be so blessed to do this for you Jerry, I do not know what angel in heaven above has sent you to us, but I will be thanking the good Lord for you in every prayer I make. " Mary shouted.

" I am so thankful to you both, I will call Mr. Oliver and set up a meeting with him to see when we can arrange this. May I ask how much longer you two are staying here in Vegas? "

" We are scheduled to fly back home on Friday afternoon. " Mary answered.

" That does not give us much time to get this all settled then does it? I will get on the phone now and meet with Mr. Oliver and I will then let you know when and what is happening. " I told them both.

I asked Mary, " Can I get your cell phone number from you? That way you and Sean can go to the pool or anywhere else you want to see and relax while I go and handle the details. Then when I am finished I can call you and we can meet and I can fill you in. "

I handed Mary my cell phone and let her enter her number in my contact list, I shook Sean's hand and told him. " I really appreciated all the help they were giving me and please do not worry. "

I walked Mary and Sean to the door and told them I would contact them as soon as I was done meeting Mr. Oliver. They headed off and I returned to the living room to place the call to Mr. Oliver.

I asked, " Can we make this meeting as soon as possible, I have a solution that I think would be very beneficial to you and the hotel. "

Mr. Oliver told me to meet him in his office in thirty minutes. He then told me how to get to the hotel offices. I rushed to the bedroom and got dressed in my best business suit that I brought with me and headed out to the meeting. I made my way through the casino and found the offices rather easily with the information that I was given. I enter Mr. Oliver's office and told his secretary that I was Mr. Martin and I had an appointment with Mr. Oliver. She went into his office and told him I was there then motioned for me to enter. I walked in and Mr. Oliver crossed the room and said, " Welcome Mr. Martin, it is a pleasure to meet you. " as he shook my hand.

" It is a pleasure to meet you also Mr. Oliver and thank you for taking this meeting so quickly. "

" It is no problem Mr. Martin, If you have an idea for us that we can use for a promotion campaign than I am more than happy to listen. "

" I think I have found a solution to both our problems Mr. Oliver; you can have a wonderful promotion and advertising campaign and I can keep my privacy. I have met two of the most wonderful people here at your hotel and I would like for you to give the winnings to them, I will claim the money as income and pay all the taxes on it, but I want you to give the rest to them and you can use them in all your promotional material. "

" Well Mr. Martin that sounds interesting, but I am not sure that we can make that happen. There may be to many regulations to get around for us to be able to do that. "

" It seems to me that all you would have to do is take the money out of my house account and give them a cashiers check in that amount and send me the IRS forms for the amount that I won. That way every government agency is happy and you get someone to use in your promotional material. "

" I am still not sure about this Mr. Martin, I will look into the regulations and see if we can handle the matter in the way you want, but if there is anything in any of the laws that stops us than we will have to drop the matter there. "

" I think I can help you with that Mr. Oliver. Would the word of one of the licensing commissioners be sufficient enough to ease your fears? "

" I would be more than happy to take their word for it, but it will take weeks to set up a meeting with one of them. "

" Which one of the commissioners would you trust the most to give you a legal opinion on this matter Mr. Oliver? "

" Any of them would be able to answer to my satisfaction, but I am telling you now they will not be able to come here soon enough for us to handle this problem. "

I took out my cell phone and called Mark Harrison and asked him to call 2 of the commissioners in Nevada and ask them for their opinion on the matter and I told him that I needed an answer in the next few minutes. Please have them call Mr. Oliver here at the hotel to give him their answer.

Mr. Oliver and I sat there looking at each other waiting on the phone to ring, mine rang first and a few seconds later his did. I turned and walked away from Mr. Oliver's desk to answer mine, it was Mark and he told me that both the commissioners told him that my proposal would be perfectly legal and the hotel should not have any problem in handling it that way. I thanked Mark, but he stopped me and asked me what was I up to? I will tell you when I get back home next week at our meeting. I hung up as Mr. Oliver received his second phone call from the other commissioner, I waited for him to finish his conversation then came back and sat in front of his desk.

" Well it looks like we will be able to handle this your way Mr. Martin, I am just amazed at how fast you got that handled. I have never known anyone to get through to any of the commissioners let alone two of them that fast. "

" I make sure that I know everyone in play in any area of the country I travel to Mr. Oliver. Here are the names of the two individuals I would like to receive the winnings and their room number. I am sure you can look up any further details you need and if you need anything more just give me a call and I can supply any information to you. "

We made plans on a photo shoot and check presentation for Mary and Sean the next afternoon on the main floor of the casino.

" I really appreciate this and for all your work Mr. Oliver, and as you see when I am indebted to someone I always come through for them. If I can be of any assistance to you in the future just give me a call. "

" I am glad it worked out Mr. Martin, I thank you for your offer and if you are ever in Vegas and need anything, I am just a phone call away. "

After the pleasantries were over I turned and headed out of Mr. Oliver's office and headed to the High Roller bar to have a drink and relax. I sat and thought about all the events of the last few days, I had to pray that Mary and Sean would handle this with the grace and not become obnoxious with the money. I called Mary and let her know that everything was set up for the casino to present her and Sean with the check in the casino tomorrow. I then asked her what her and Sean wanted to do on their last night in Vegas. She told me that she was a little tired today after all the excitement of the last few days and said she was going to spend the evening in their room, but if you and Sean want to head out and do something that was fine with her. I told her I would have to talk to Sean about it and would let her know. She thanked me for the call and told me she would see me later. I hung up and thought to myself, what could Sean and I do for his last night in Vegas? Besides the ideas of getting him in my bed which I let linger in my mind for quite awhile, I started to think of something that maybe Sean would like to do. As many personal details as he had told me about him and his family, I really did not know much personally about Sean his likes dislikes, dreams, achievements. I thought I had to change that and wondered where we could go that would be entertaining, yet give us time to talk and get to know each other better. I decided instead of making plans and not wanting Sean to feel obligated to go I would call Mary and see if I could talk with Sean and see what he wanted to do. I phoned Mary and asked her if I could speak with Sean. She said he was out in the pool, I asked if she would have him call me when he came back in, I wanted to see if he wanted to do anything tonight or if he was going to stay in with her this evening. Mary said she would have him call me and would probably see me soon, she was really getting tired of being outside in the heat. I finished my drink and decided to head up to my room and and make some calls to get ahead of work for the next week. I called the office and set in motion all the plans I had on my agenda for the next week and then started looking through my clothes to decide on something to wear for tonight, but not knowing what we would be doing I have too many choices. The phone rang and I answered it and it was Sean, I said hello and asked if he was having a good time at the pool. He told me he was really having fun, but Mary needed to head up to the room, the heat had drained all her strength and needed to rest so she was ready for the events tomorrow. I then asked if he wanted to go out tonight and if there was anything that he wanted to do or see on his last night in Vegas. He hesitated with a reply and I sensed he did not want to go out, or if he did he did not want to go with me, I told him if he did not want to go out with me tonight that was fine, he was under no obligation to do anything. I heard Sean sigh and my heart dropped, I thought right there at that moment I had pushed him too hard and too far and this was the end, where I envisioned a beginning. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I cleared my throat and told Sean not to worry, spend the evening with Mary, get some rest and I would see them tomorrow for the photo shoot in the casino. Sean did not say anything, I was worried he had hung up on me and I was talking to myself. Just then Sean said Jerry, " I think we need to talk but I don't want to be out in the public when we do it. Can we just stay here in the hotel and have dinner and maybe go for a walk up the strip afterwards. "

" If you are sure that is what you want to do Sean I am fine with that. I will see you at 7 for dinner, if that is alright with you. He told me that was fine and I ended the call. I called Mr. Richards and asked his to get me reservations in the restaurant at 7 tonight for two. He confirmed the time and number in the party and said there was no problem, I thanked him and headed for the bedroom and thought about a nap before dinner.

I undressed and laid down to try and gather my thoughts before the meeting with Sean, my fears and desires battled with each other as I slept. Neither one of them willing to give on the subject of Sean, the fears showed me an angry Sean, fighting with me and accusing me of trying to destroy his family, that my money would never change him or his view of me. My desires showed me the flip side, the love, the passion, the life full of romance that could be possible. I tossed and turned and woke up and felt like I had been in a car wreck, the pain that the dreams gave me also came with guilt. That one emotion right up there with envy that I despise, it has grabbed a hold of me and does not seem to want to let go. What did I have to feel guilty about though, I had done nothing to lead Sean or Mary anywhere. I never forced Sean to tell me about hid life and how it has turned out, in fact, I asked him many times if he was sure he wanted to continue telling me and gave him many options to end it at anytime. I had to look deep inside myself to find where this guilt was coming from, could it be from how Brad had ended our relationship, or maybe where I wanted Sean and my relationship to head. Damn, I really needed to slow my brain down, every time I fall for someone it has to get in the way. I was determined this time that if there was a chance at true happiness and love I was shutting my brain off and pouring myself into the relationship.

I got up and poured myself a drink and went out onto the balcony to try and calm my mind, to get my thoughts back under control. I looked out over the city and realized I had a tear running down my cheek, but why, why was I so ready to head down the lonely road of heartbreak when I had not even started. I was startled out of my revery by the phone ringing, I looked at the clock and it was almost 7. I was lost in time and forgot I had to meet Sean, I answered the phone and it was Sean. I am so sorry Sean, I got caught up in something with the office, let me finish changing and I will be there in 5 minutes, there is a reservation under my name for us, just tell them and have them seat you and I will hurry and get there. I hung up and started changing like a mad man, throwing on things as I found them and rushing out the door.


Thanks to everyone for the emails, I really like hearing from everyone. I want to give a big THANK YOU to Larry for proof reading and helping me edit this chapter and future one. There are some major twists coming up next chapter. Thanks again for all that are reading.

Next: Chapter 3

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