Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Dec 24, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, I don't know if I will be able to get another chapter out before the New Year. I have been very busy at home and life is still getting up in my face.

This Chapter is a little filler for the next chapter, things are about to get exciting for Jerry again. The new year will be full of lots of problems.


Part 13

" No thanks Jerry, I am just stretching my legs while I am thinking. "

" What is on your mind today Doc? "

" Mary, she is putting up a strong front Jerry. I do not think she is going to be with us much longer, I'm thinking 4 days. "

=====================part 14

" Oh Jesus, Dr. Chase, I was not expecting it that fast. "

" I know Jerry, I wasn't either. I told you that this cancer is hard to track, it can spread so fast. "

" I remember Dr. Chase, I was just hoping for more time for Jack and Sean. " I slumped down at the counter.

" I would suggest that they spend as much time as possible with her the next 2 or 3 days. I do not know if she will know anything after that. "

" I understand Dr. Chase, I'll discuss that with Sean tonight. I thought this week could not get any worse. Fuck " I slammed my hand on the counter. I think I scared Dr. Chase I saw him jump out of the corner of my eye.

" I'm sorry Jerry, I will help her all I can. But there is not much that can be done. "

" Can I ask you something else Dr. Chase? "

" Sure Jerry, you know you can talk to me about anything. "

" I was wondering if you know or have any friends that work in the fertility specialty. "

" I know a few Jerry. I was planning on practicing in the fertility field when I was in school. I changed my mind halfway through my freshman year. "

" Do you have one that you think is the best and you would trust? "

" I do Jerry, I can get his information for you if you would like. "

" I may be asking for it soon Dr. Chase, I think it may be awhile before I have to time to get into this. "

Dad came out on the kitchen, " Jerry, can you come back here for a minute? "

" Sure Dad. Please excuse me Dr. Chase. " I turned and walked back to the office.

" How did it go Dad? " I asked as Dad had his back to me.

" To tell you the truth Jerry, I'm not sure. William was being distant with me and it is not like him to not answer my questions. "

" Well, I guess that answers that question for us, well maybe not answer it, but gives us a good idea. Damn, I can not believe this Dad. All my plans and work could vanish into thin air with the stunt Mom just pulled. "

" Jerry calm down, since you found out what she had done I don' think your mother will try anything again. "

" I already have a plan I need to get started on Dad, if I can not get it worked out I will deal with them later. I'm telling you now Dad, if any of them mess up my plans I will deal with them harshly. I have not worked on these plans for ten years now and gotten so close to the end to have them messed up now. "

" I don't know what you have planned son but I can understand how you are feeling. We need to make sure what William knows and what he plans on doing first. "

" I will Dad, but I have Mary to worry about this week. Dr. Chase just told me it might only be about 4 more days. I have to tell Sean that tonight and after last nights news, I don't think I can handle it. "

" I'm sorry Jerry, this is going to be the worst week of your life. I'll be here to help you son, I will not abandon you. "

" Dad, I would like to talk to you about something else, but it might be better to wait till next week, if you know what I mean. "

" Yes Jerry I understand, I'm in no hurry to rush home. I am sure your mother has already changed the locks and called an attorney, so what is the sense in going back? "

" Do you really think she would do that Dad? "

" Son, I never thought she would have done this, so I am to the point that I would not put anything past her. "

" Well, I can have Stanley look into for you when he comes over this evening Dad. He can at least check and see if anything has been filed. "

" Thanks Jerry, I guess it would not hurt to look. "

" I'll have him start tomorrow Dad, I need to get out and check on Mary and see what she needs before I have to start the interviews. "

I went back towards the kitchen and Dr. Chase had left. I walked outside and sat down next to Kyle, " We have a problem, I need your expertise, Kyle. "

" I'm at your service Mr. Martin. "

" Dad just talked to William, and he seems to think that Mom and Sam may have already talked to him. Dad said he was allusive to his questions and did not want to talk with him. I want taps on all of their phones and I want a surveillance team in place on all of their houses. I also want a plan in place in case I find out that they are still working against me. " I looked at Kyle and he knew what I meant.

" I'll get on it right now Jerry. I am sorry sir. " Kyle said as he walked passed me.

" Me too Kyle, me too. "

I sat and watched Jack playing in the sun, I smiled for the second time today. There is nothing like watching a child play, their innocence showing like a badge of honor. Their carefree mind just going wherever it takes him at the moment, unaware of all the problems in the world. I could really see the joys of being a parent just watching Jack, Mom may have been right but to do what she did was so wrong.

I walked over to Mary and put my hand on her shoulder, " How are you doing Hun? "

" I'm really having a good time out here Jerry, thanks for suggesting it. "

" No problem Mary, I saw how much fun Jack has been having out here and figured you would like to be out here also. Has Sean been behaving himself? " I laughed as I squeezed Mary's shoulder.

" He's been on his best behavior Jerry, I think he might be coming down with something. "

" I'm perfectly fine Mary, I'm not coming down with anything. " Sean shot back at Mary.

" I didn't say it was anything like that Sean, it's more an emotional affliction. " Mary winked at me.

Sean looked over at Mary with a questioning look on his face.

" I think she is trying to say you might have been bitten by a certain love bug, Sean. " I smiled at Sean.

" I did see in the paper last week that the little bug was making it's way through Columbus. " Sean added in with a smile on his face.

" Sean, I see you have caught a little of the bullshit bug from Jerry too. "

" I need to be getting ready for my interviews, would anyone like anything before I head in to the living room? "

" I would like some juice if you don't mind Jerry. " Mary asked.

" My pleasure Mary, anything for you Sean? "

" Just a bottle of water please Jerry. "

" I'll be right back out. " I walked inside and Kyle was in the kitchen. I got 2 juices for Mary and Jack and a bottle of water for Sean and took them back outside.

" If you need anything else Dad will be back out soon, I'm sure and Dr. Chase is around here somewhere. If you can not find anyone just come get me out of the living room. "

" We'll be fine Jerry, if your Dad comes back out we shouldn't have any problems. Where is your Mom at today, Jerry? "

I looked like a deer in the headlights, I was hoping she had not caught on that Mom was not there. " She had to take off to my brother's house last night Mary, one of his kids was sick and he needed her to sit with him while he went to work. "

" I hope they are alright soon Jerry, Jack misses your Mom. "

That one really hurt, Jack missed the biggest backstabbing mother on the planet. I had to bite my tongue and make a hasty retreat into the house. Kyle was still in the kitchen when I went back in, " I need to call Mr. Smythe before we begin, any sign of our first interviewee? "

" Nothing from the front team yet Jerry, I will keep them occupied if you are not done when they arrive. "

" Thanks Kyle, I really need to see if he can help with this one. "

I went into the back office and dialed Mr. Smythe's number. " Hello Albert, how are you doing today? "

" Jerry, it's a pleasure to hear from you. I'm good thanks and how are you doing? "

" Absolutely rotten Albert, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem or direct me to someone who might be able to without the usual paper trail. "

" If it can be done I will help you Jerry. What are you looking to do? "

I told him the story of my Mom and brothers and that I needed to change some personal details with the federal government so that I could continue to conduct my business without worry of them interfering again.

" I might just be able to help you with that Jerry, I have a very close friend that works for little unknown agency that can help you with all the changes you need to make. "

" That's great Albert, can you ask them to give me a call or they can contact Kyle. I'm really busy here at the house this week. "

" I'll pass both of your numbers on to him, his name is Donald Strickland. "

" I really appreciate this Albert, I will be sending you something to show you how much soon. "

" No need Jerry, I don't mind helping you in any way I can. "

I went back in the living room and Kyle was still in there alone, " Kyle, you may be getting a call from a Donald Strickland soon. He is a contact that Mr. Smythe is passing our names and numbers onto, I need to talk with them as soon as I am free and they call. "

" I'll make a note of the name Jerry. What are we doing with Mr. Strickland. "

" If Mom has gotten to William and we knew what Mom has tried already, I need to change all my personal information with the government so that my family no longer knows it. I will keep my name but birth date, social security number, license all will have to be changed. "

" That will cause a ton of work in every office you have to update the business details on everything Jerry. Is this really necessary? "

" After what Mom just tried to do, do you think I am going to give them twisted fucks 1 pin hole to find their way back in and ruin my plans? "

" I'm sorry Jerry, you're right. I will get you through to Mr. Strickland as soon as he contacts us. "

" I also want internet activity and personal computers downloaded from the three wayward family members Kyle. I want to know what else my mother has been doing. "

" I have the surveillance teams on it already. "

" Thanks Kyle. "

I noticed Dr. Chase standing in the doorway of the den, was he just standing there eavesdropping on our conversation? Just what the fuck I need or am I becoming paranoid? I guess time will tell, but for right now I have Kyle to let me know. I walked over to Kyle and whispered in his ear and he jumped up and went to his office. I walked out onto the front porch to enjoy a little sun and wait on the first of the ladies to be interviewed. I was only out there a few minutes when Kyle came back out on the porch, " All handled Jerry, I should have a preliminary report tonight. "

" I'm praying that it is not a problem Kyle, I can't take another one this week. "

As we sat there in the warm spring sun Kyle got a call on his phone, the first of the ladies was headed up the driveway. I decided to sit there and meet her there at the front door. I was not putting on airs to interview someone to work in my home. The car approached the house and as she parked I noticed a nice younger woman get out and head towards the house.

" Hello! I'm Jerry Martin and I want to thank you for coming today. "

" Good day Mr. Martin, it is a pleasure to get the interview today. "

" Please come into the living room and we shall get started. This is Kyle Watson, he will be doing the paperwork and background check today. "

Kyle and Mrs. Jones shook hands as we walked into the living room. Kyle had the lady fill out his paperwork and took her fingerprints and then excused himself as he went back to the office and started his investigation. I sat there and went over all that I would need done around the house and made sure that she was willing and able to handle all the details. I asked about children, if she would be able to deal with Jack being in the house. I then asked her if she could handle different lifestyle choices, I wanted to make sure I was not getting myself involved in another situation like I had with my family. I finished off our discussion and answered all her questions as I was walking her back out the door Kyle met me there.

" I have found a few questionable marks on her back ground check Jerry, I think I would put her name near the bottom of possibilities. "

" She is already there Kyle, she disapproves of me already. "

We watched her drive away and the next prospect pulled in, this was going to be a quick day. Well, I was hoping it was going to be. The older woman walked up to the porch and I introduced myself and Kyle and we went inside to the living room. We went through the same paperwork and I asked her the same questions as I had done before. I really liked her but I think she was a little too old to do the job here with Sean and Jack around. If it had only been me I would have hired her on the spot. After we finished the talk I walked her outside and as before Kyle met me there and gave her a clean report. We sat on the porch waiting on the next applicant when we heard a noise in the house.

Kyle and I went running in and found Mary laying on the floor in the kitchen doorway, Sean was trying to get her up and was having trouble even with his size and the muscles I think he was worried he would hurt her.

" Let me help you Sean, " Kyle said as he walked over and picked Mary up and walked her to the den and placed her in bed.

Dr. Chase began checking Mary over to make sure she had not hurt herself when she fell. Sean stood there looking nervous that he might have allowed Mary to get injured.

" It's fine Sean, I know you did not mean for it to happen. " I grabbed his hand.

" She wouldn't listen to me, she said she could walk back in here and I wanted her in the wheelchair. " Sean got a tear in his eye.

" I know Sean, she is capable of making her own decisions and all we can do is help her with her choices. "

While we stood there waiting on Dr. Chase to finish Mary looked at me with a worried look on her face, I just nodded my head knowing what she was thinking. There was a knock on the door, " Please excuse me for a moment. " I turned and walked to the door.

Kyle followed me and was standing next to me as I opened the door, " Good afternoon, I'm Jerry Martin and thank you for coming this afternoon. "

I showed her into the living room and introduced Kyle, " I have to step out for family business while Kyle helps you complete that part of the paperwork, as soon as he is done I will return to talk with you. "

I walked out and over to the den and shut the door so we would have some privacy.

" Is Dad out back with Jack? " I asked Sean.

" Yes, he has been out there with us for the last hour or so and Mary was getting tired and wanted to come in. "

" Have you made Jack any lunch yet? "

" I was going to do that as soon as I got Mary in here. "

" That is no problem babe, I will get Dad to make him something. "

I walked to the back door and went out to talk to Dad, " Hi Dad, can you make Jack some lunch. Mary fell on her way back in and Sean will not leave the den until the Dr. Chase is done examining her. "

" Is she alright son? "

" Yes I think so Dad, she was overtired from walking out here and over did it and collapsed on the way back. I think Sean is blaming himself and wants to make sure she is fine. "

" I will get him something made up as quick as I can Jerry. "

" Thanks Dad, I have someone in the living room with Kyle right now and one more interview after her then I will be done for the day. "

" You go finish up son and I will tend to Jack. "

I went back in the living room and Kyle was finished and waiting for me to return. " Please excuse me Miss Nance. I had to see to a family member, but all is settled for now."

" That's no problem Mr. Martin, I understand that family takes priority. "

" Yes they do Miss Nance, and that is why I have decided to hire a housekeeper. I have put it off for many years but the time has come with the expansion of the family. "

Miss Nance and I talked and went over the same questions I had asked the others. There was something warm and welcoming about her, a wanting desire to care for someone. Maybe it was that she was single and wanted a family of her own, maybe it was something else but I liked her. Kyle came back in the living room since we had talked so long, he nodded his head at me letting me know that Miss Nance had cleared his check.

" Would you be available tomorrow for a second interview Miss Nance? "

" I'm available all day Mr. Martin. "

" How about we we meet at noon and see where we stand then. "

" That sounds wonderful Mr. Martin, I shall be here at noon. "

I walked Miss Nance to the door and wished her a wonderful day. I turned to Kyle, " I think she might be the one Kyle. Can you start a deep background check on her? "

" I'll start it when I process the next applicant Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle, I really liked her. There was something warm and caring about her. "

" Can you wait out here for the next one Kyle? I'm going to check on Mary. "

" Sure Jerry, you should have a few minutes. "

I walked into the den and Sean was sitting next to Mary's bed holding her hand. I saw the look on Dr. Chase's face, I knew the news was not good. I stepped over to Sean and put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed, he twisted back to see who it was. I smiled down at him, " How is she doing now? "

" She is sleeping finally, Dr. Chase gave her something to help with the pain. " Sean whispered to me.

I ran my hand down his chest and squatted down and pulled on him in an awkward hug. " I'm almost done then I'll be back to sit with you. "

" Thanks Jerry. " Sean said as he held onto my arm.

I heard Kyle come in the front door and I knew the last one was here for the interview. " I will be right back. " as I kissed Sean on the neck.

I walked out into the foyer and met up with Kyle and the young woman, " Good afternoon. I am Jerry Martin, thank you for coming in this afternoon. "

" It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Martin. "

We went into the living room and Kyle did his paperwork with the young woman and I sat there waiting. When they were finished Kyle headed to the office and I began speaking with her. I noticed she kept avoiding coming to the point at some of my questions and I wondered why. I was impressed with her, but she was hiding something and I was unsure what it was. Kyle came back in the room and I could see by the look on his face something was wrong.

" Miss Goodwin, can you come with me? " Kyle asked her.

The young woman got up and followed Kyle to the front door, I sat there thinking that was odd. I got up to follow them and see what was happening. I went to open the door and Kyle had his hand on it so I could not open it. I pulled harder and Kyle did the same. Then I heard him yell at the young woman, " I don't know what you think you were going to accomplish Miss Goodwin but you will not be working here and I would appreciate it if you would get in your car and leave the property now and never return. "

I heard the woman start stuttering and complaining about being treated so rudely, I heard her car start and leave the driveway. Kyle released the door handle and I pulled the door open, " What the hell was that all about Kyle. "

Kyle reached behind me and pulled the door shut, " That was a relative of Mark Harrison and I did not want her here any longer once I found out. I don't know what she was up to and I would rather not have her in this house. "

" Well, it seems Mark is still trying to be a thorn in my side. Could you please call Chief Jacobs and ask her to set up a meeting with Mr. Harrison for me tomorrow about 5. "

" I will do that right now Jerry, but are you sure about this? "

" I am Kyle, I will get it through to him that I will not be messed with anymore. This is his last chance and I will make sure he understands the consequences. "

" I would like two teams on duty each shift for the next two weeks please Kyle, between Mark, Brad and my mother I don't want to take any chances. With all that is going to be happening around here the next week I want it safe. "

" That can be arranged Jerry. "

" I would also like some personal details about Mark's family, including current pictures I can take to my meeting with him tomorrow. "

" I'll call and have it done Jerry. "

" If you need anything else Kyle, I will be in the den with Mary and Sean. "

I headed into the den and when I opened the door I was surprised to see Sean leaned back in his chair and his head back. He was sleeping and looked awful the way he was laying. I walked over to Dr. Chase, " How are we doing, Doc? "

" She's resting Jerry. I do not think it wise to exert her anymore than need be. That little walk outside really strained her to the limits. "

" Thanks Doc, I will make sure she takes it easy. "

I walked over and sat on the edge of Mary's bed, I cupped her cheek in my hand. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. " I was kind of foolish wasn't I, Jerry? "

" Yes you were Mary, we can't have that again now can we?

Mary reached up and put her hand over mine, " I'll behave myself Jerry. "

" Well, not too behaved Mary, you might scare Sean. " I pointed my head his way and Mary turned to look.

" Looks like he could use a break. "

" I am not pushing him out of here Mary, he is bigger than I am and momma always said never fight a bull unless you are ready for the horns. "

Mary giggled, " Smart woman. Jerry, I know something is wrong between you and your mother. I will not ask what because that is your business, but are you alright? " Mary looked at me with concern on her face.

I placed my other hand on his other cheek and leaned down and kissed her, " I love you Mary, no matter what you are always worried about someone else. But to answer your question, she betrayed me and used my brother and Brad to do it. " I looked down at her bed.

" Oh shit Jerry, I am sorry for you, hun. That I think, is the worst thing a mother could do to her child. "

I leaned down on Mary and let her hold me in a hug. I felt the tears falling from my face as she rubbed my hair.

I pulled up and looked at Mary, " I'm sorry Mary, I should not burden you with this right now. I have dealt with her as much as I want to right now and I really do not want to think about her anymore. "

" I know Jerry, I felt the same when Mom died. I thought she betrayed me and Sean with her actions and dwelt on it for years. It is best to let it go, you can not change people when they do not realize what they are doing is wrong. "

" You know Mary, for years I questioned my place in life. Wondered why I was here and how I could make the world better. Not once did I ever imagine that my mother and brother could ever do something so evil to me and do it while smiling to my face. "

" Don't think about it Jerry, the more you do the crazier you will go. If you went back over your entire life thinking about everything that has ever been said between you and them and analyze it you will never move forward, because you will be looking back. "

" I am done Mary. I am looking forward and past them and what they have done. "

Mary and I sat there and discussed many things about family for the next hour. I really had to admire the way she thought about people and how she saw the world. I glanced over and while Sean was awake, I do not know how long he was awake but he was smiling at me as he watched me and Mary talk.

" Looks like someone has caught enough flies for the day. " I said to Mary and pointed my head at Sean.

" Well, at least he is good at that, and it helps with the food budget. " Mary laughed.

" Is that why I always wake up ready for dessert? " Sean asked in a serious tone.

" Only if it is for fly a la mode, Sean. "

" Well, that might just put me off dessert for awhile Mary. "

" I wonder if you would like to get a head start on going to your house and the store so we can get home and get dinner ready for tonight Sean. "

" I'm ready whenever you are Jerry. Do you think you can behave for awhile big sis? "

" I'm always good little brother and don't forget it. "

" Never sis, never. "

" Would you like us to take Jack along with us Mary, so you can get some rest before your meeting tonight. "

" I think he would like that Jerry, would give him a chance to grab some of his things from the house. "

" It's no problem Mary, I will go get him ready and let Dad know we are headed out. "

I went to the backyard and found it empty, now where could those two be? I walked around the side of the house and they were up near the woods playing hide and seek in the trees. I watched them as they played and saw the joy Dad had in him playing with Jack. I jumped a foot high when a hand grabbed my shoulder, " Sorry Jerry, I did not mean to scare you. " Kyle said.

" That is okay Kyle. I really do not mind nearly having a heart attack. " I laughed at him.

" Are we about ready to head towards the Austin's house and the store? "

" Yes we are Kyle, I just came to get Jack so he can go with us and let Mary rest and give Dad a break. "

" It looks like he is having as much fun as Jack is playing. "

" He is having a good time. I just hope one day there can be more kids out there in the yard for him to play with. "

" I am sure there will be Jerry. " Kyle put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me to go get Jack.

" I wonder where my Dad and Jack went to, I thought I heard them out here playing in the yard. "

I heard Jack giggle as he was hiding behind a tree. I snuck over and came up behind him, " There is one of them. " I said as I picked him up and swung him around. " Jack just giggled and squirmed.

" No fair Jerry, I wasn't ready to be found yet. "

" Well, I found you anyway Jack. Uncle Sean and I are headed to your house, and we wanted you to come with us. Would you like to go for a ride in the car and maybe get some more of your stuff? "

" Yessss, Jerry! " Jack screamed.

" We have to find my Dad first before we go, we don't want him hiding in the woods till we get back. " I sat Jack down and sent him to find Dad.

I could see him standing behind a big tree just in the woods. As Jack came walking by Dad jumped out and grabbed Jack, " Are you looking for me bud? "

" Yes Mr. Martin, Uncle Sean is taking me to my house and I am going to get some of my stuff. "

" Well, you better remember to bring those trucks and cars so we can play in the yard. "

" I will Mr Martin, I want to dig up the whole yard with my trucks. "

Dad walked over to the house where I was standing, " I thought I would give you a break and take Jack with us so he could get some things he might want from home. "

" I will grab me a nap while you are gone so I'm ready when Jack gets back. " Jack jumped up and gave Dad a high five.

" We need to stop at the store on the way back, do you need anything? "

" No, I am all set son, but make sure that Jack has some nice cars and trucks to play in the yard with. "

" I will Dad, we'll be back soon. "

I headed into the house with Jack in tow and Kyle right behind us. I took Jack to the bathroom so he did not yell he had to go while we were riding to the house. We then went into the den to get Sean and tell Mary goodbye. After Jack talked to Mary about our trip to the house, I grabbed Sean and we headed out the door.


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Next: Chapter 15

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