Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Dec 18, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark. for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

part 12

" Dad I am not hiding anything, what was done I did alone and unless the queer goes back on his word that is where it will end. "

I fell back on the couch, 'queer' the word he knew I hated and here he was using it against me in front of Dad. He was protecting someone and then it hit me.

" Mom!!! Get your ass out of that fucking office now! "


Part 13

" Jerry, have you gone insane, you can't talk to your mother that way. " Dad was rushing over to me, I think he was going to hit me. I saw Kyle start to move and I waved him off.

" It's Mom he is protecting, Dad. That is why she did not come out with you. "

" There is no way in hell Jerry!"

Dad turned around and saw Mom coming out of the office and I could tell by the look on his face he then knew the truth. He fell to the floor on his knees. " Why the hell would you do this Jane? Do you realize that you almost cost us two sons? "

" I am sorry Richard, I used Sam. I was trying to get Jerry to see the errors in his life and maybe change him so he would want a family. "

" So to turn a gay child straight, you almost killed our other son? Have you lost your mind woman? "

" What does he mean, almost killed me? " Sam yelled across the room.

" In a minute Sam, I want Mom to answer me first. Did you put Brad up to this too? "

There was silence in the room, after a minute without an answer, I knew the truth. I stood up and turned toward Mom.

" How in the hell can you stand there and talk to me about family when you endangered five peoples lives and two of them your own children? "

" I never imagined that any of you would be in danger, Jerry. How could I know that Mark would do that? "

" Because you turned him into a criminal, Mother and 600 billion dollars has a tendency to make a man greedy. He would have killed half the country for that amount of money. "

Everyone in the room turned and looked at me when I said that amount.

" Jerry what are you talking about, Mom almost got me killed? "

" Because Mark had planned to kill you and Brad and take it all for himself. He had the plans all sorted out, your graves dug and the property so buried in corporations that no one would have ever tied it to him, me or you. So you see Sam, I saved your life and all I get out of this is to learn my mother and my brother were working to destroy me. Ruin the plans I have been working on for 15 years. Is a straight son and grand kids worth that Mom? "

" I am sorry Jerry, I never meant for things to get this out of hand. "

" Does it matter what you meant to happen Mom? You betrayed your own child trying to make him more like you. "

" No Jerry, not like me, but I wanted you to have a family and know the joys of raising them. "

I couldn't take it anymore, I was about to lose every bit of control I had. " Listen Mom and Sam, you two do what you want. I am going home, but I say this with more sorrow than I thought I would ever have in my life, you two are no longer welcome in my home. I will have all my personal details changed by tomorrow and you will never be able to pull this shit again. 30 fucking years of what I thought was a perfect happy family life gone, and all because my mother could not actually admit she did not want a gay son. Dad, you and William are still welcome in my home any time you want. I have to get home, I have complete strangers there that have shown me more love as a family in a week than I feel in this room right now. Kyle, please make arrangements for Sam and Mom and Dad to get back to their homes, I will be waiting for you in the car. "

I turned and walked out of the apartment, feeling like I was just beaten within an inch of my life. My whole basis of a family blown to bits, over me not having children. I rode down in the elevator the car dropping just like my stomach and life had in the last hour. I got to the lobby and headed out and got in the car, I told the driver to wait on Kyle, he should be down shortly. I pulled open the bar and poured myself a triple. After what I have just went through, I thought that I deserved it. I was about to scream and run off down he middle of the street when the door opened and Kyle climbed in the seat next to me.

" Jerry, your father would like to know if he can ride back to the house with us. "

" Sure he can Kyle, he has done nothing to me. "

Kyle reached over and hugged me, pulling me in tight. " I will be right back Jerry. "

" Thank you Kyle. "

I thought this ride was going to be quiet but this was going to be dead silent with Dad in the car. He just learns that his wife almost cost the lives of two children and that she hated one of them for being what he was. I knew my life totally sucked right now but his had to be worse. 36 years of marriage out the window, the trust, the honesty, the love, all gone with one sentence. I refilled my glass and sat back and waited for the oncoming train wreck that was going to be my father.

Kyle and Dad had come back out of the building and walked over to the car. Kyle opened the door and let Dad in and made him sit facing the back of the car as he took the seat next to me.

" Get us to the house please. " I yelled up at the driver.

I did not look at Dad, could not look at him. The pain was still too fresh, I knew he was in pain too but I was not ready to talk about it. Then again maybe I was as I felt the words start running out of my mouth.

" Why in the hell did you never tell me that Mom talked to Sam like that about me Dad? Why could she not just come to me? "

" I don't know son, it had to be between them. I never said anything like that to Sam or William or your mother. I accepted you Jerry, you are my son, to deny that would be to turn my back on you because of the color of your eyes. "

I know Dad, I always knew. I could sense that without having to look. " I turned and looked out the window. Looking for answers in the coming darkness.

" I want a lid on this when we get to the house. I do not want Sean and Mary to know anything about what went on tonight. Those 3 kind, caring people do not need this troubling their last days together. We will say that Mom had to get back home to help Sam with his kids because one of them was ill and he couldn't take time off work. "

" I understand Jerry, I will not say anything. " Dad said quietly.

Kyle just nodded, there was something in that nod that caught my attention. He was planning something, he would not dare do what I was thinking.

" Driver, can you pull over please. "

Kyle and Dad looked at me like I was going to do something crazy. When the car came to a stop I opened the door and asked Kyle to step out with me.

" What are you planning Kyle? I saw something when you nodded at me and I want to know. " I looked right into Kyle's eyes and I saw it, he wanted to do what I wanted to do and had worked it all out in that short amount of time.

" Jerry, I'm sorry. " Kyle dropped his head down.

" Kyle, I do not want you to do anything that you are thinking. Do you understand me Kyle? Please lookup at me Kyle. "

Kyle looked up at me, " Yes Jerry, I understand, it is just the pain they caused you. The lies, the dishonesty, to try and change the most caring person I have ever met, my mind got away from me. "

" I know Kyle, I had the same thoughts too. But I know you have the means to carry them out and I don't want you to harm Mom or Sam. "

" I will not do anything Jerry. I just couldn't believe what I had just seen and heard. "

" We will discuss this later, right now I need to get back home. Before this day can get any worse. "

We climbed back into the car and the driver pulled back out onto the road.

" Is everything alright Jerry? " Dad asked.

" Yes Dad, everything is fine. " Fine, like everything is fine. Take away our lives melting down in front of our faces, and I guess everything was fine.

I poured myself another drink and sat looking out the window. I know I should not be drinking so much, but what the hell, my life was ruined so what was drinking going to do now. Another 15 minutes and we were pulling up in front of the house.

" Before we get out, I talked to Mark and there was no one else involved in the plot, just him and Brad. The rest we keep from them, especially Mary. "

" No problem son, I don't think I want to remember it anyway. "

We got out of the car and headed into the house. I stopped at the den as Dad and Kyle went to the kitchen. I knocked on the door and Mary said, " Come in. "

I pushed open the door and walked in I could see the tears had been flowing here tonight too. Jesus, this house was becoming a magnet for bad.

" How is everyone doing tonight? "

" We're doing Okay, thanks Jerry, I bet you are not so good this evening, having missed that wonderful lasagna dinner. "

" I'm good thanks Mary. "

I walked over to Sean since he had not said a word since I walked in, " How you doing Sean? " I placed my hand on his shoulder.

" I'm Okay Jerry, but I think little man needs a major distraction. "

" Where is the little guy at? "

Mary lifted up the edge of her blanket, Jack was laying next to her laying as close as he could. " He fell asleep from the crying and would not let me go. "

I felt a tear in my eye and I walked over to Mary and kissed her on the forehead. " I'll be right back. "

I walked out of the room and ran up the stairs to the bedroom. I pushed the doors closed and started bawling my eyes out. Here a mother giving her son all the love she had left to give, on her deathbed and she was still trying to be there for him. Mine just chewed me up and spit me out, the irony just slapped me like a secretary getting pinched by the boss. I walked into the bathroom and got a warm washcloth and cleaned my face. I looked in the mirror and told myself, hold it together you fool. I heard the door open and I knew it was Sean, I do not think I can do this.

" You in the bathroom Jerry? " Sean asked.

" Yes, just washing up a little and I need to change out of this monkey suit. "

Sean stood there in the doorway looking at me, " What's wrong Jerry? "

I placed my hands on the sink and looked at the drain, " Sean, I told you I would not lie to you, but please do not ask me about tonight. I promise I will tell you about it, but if I do it tonight I do not think I will survive. "

Sean came up behind me and pulled me back and held me in his arms and lowered his head to my shoulder, " I will be here for you Jerry, when you are ready I'm all ears. "

" Thank you Sean, I bet you never thought you were getting a basket case when you saw me in Vegas. "

" You may have troubles Jerry, but who in this world doesn't? Besides I am here with you and won't let anything hurt you. "

I turned around and pulled myself into Sean and buried my face in his chest. " I am so thankful for that Sean. "

I felt the tears falling again and I took a deep breath to try and contain them, Sean held me a little tighter and I was about to fall asleep. I finally pulled back and reached up and kissed Sean.

" I need to get changed or I'm never going to leave these arms. "

" Before I forget Jerry, Dr. Chase has a nurse coming up to work the over night hours. She should be here before 11. "

" Okay Sean, I will let Kyle know and he can inform the front team. Is Mary asleep now also? "

" Yes, she pulled little man in tight and she lost the eyelid battle. Dr. Chase is in there with them. "

" Would you like to go sit on the front porch with me? "

" I would love to Jerry. "

We headed downstairs and I popped my head in the kitchen to tell Kyle about the nurse and asked him to call the front team. I stopped in the living room and poured myself a drink and we walked out on the front porch.

" Are you sure you are alright Jerry? I have never seen you drink so much. "

" Yes Sean, it has just been one of those days. This is my last one and I doubt you will see me with another for awhile. "

" That's Okay Jerry, you are of age and entitled to a drink if you want one. "

" I know Sean, but I don't like to over do it. I could get loose lips and I do not need that right now. "

Sean looked at me and I could see he was concerned, he reached over and grabbed my hand and held onto it. I looked out into the darkness again, it was so inviting. Hiding all the bad in its cloak so they could not be seen unless you went looking for them. Safely put away till the morning light shined on them again. I looked over at Sean and he was staring at me. I just loved his eyes, they could invite anyone in with their kindness.

" I love you Sean Austin and I never want you to doubt that. "

" Jerry, I don't know what happened tonight, but you really need to talk about it. And I love you too and have never doubted your love. "

" I will tell you Sean, tonight after we go to bed. I want to make sure the house is settled after the nurse comes in before I get into this with you. "

" Okay Jerry, I can wait. I am just worried about you, I can see the pain in your eyes tonight and that was not there when you left. "

" It's worth the wait Sean, you better make sure you want to hear it before I tell you because I can not un-tell you. "

Sean sat there now staring out into the night, listening to the few early spring insects bringing life to the night. They sounded beautiful if you could tone out your own voices in your head. I leaned back and closed my eyes and started tuning the voices out so I could listen to the night. I think I might have dozed off a minute or two, the next thing I heard was a car coming up the driveway. It had to be the nurse, I looked at my watch and it was 10 minutes till 11. We sat there as the car pulled up and parked next to the house, I stood as the young woman approached the front porch.

" Hello there young lady, I am Jerry Martin. "

" Hello Mr. Martin, I am Charlotte Blind. Dr. Chase hired me to sit with a patient at night. "

" I thank you for coming out Charlotte, and please call me Jerry. This is Sean Austin, his sister is the patient you will be sitting with tonight. Come with us and we will introduce you to Mary. "

We walked into the house and into the den. Dr. Chase was writing on a chart and saw us come in. " Hello Charlotte, thanks for coming out on short notice. "

" Hello Dr. Chase. It was no problem to help out when you ask. "

Mary stirred when she heard us talking, " Mary I want you to meet Charlotte Blind. She will be with you overnight and if you need anything she can help you. "

" Nice to meet you Charlotte. " Mary said in a whisper.

" It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Austin. As Jerry said, I'll be with you over night and I can help you with anything you need. "

" Thanks Charlotte. The only help I need right now is with this leech. " Mary giggled a little as she pulled the blanket down so everyone could see Jack.

" Well I think we can get him situated too, Miss Austin. Would you like me to take him to his bed or would you like him to stay there with you? "

" I think for tonight I would like him to stay here with me, if you don't mind. "

" It's no problem with me Miss Austin, I am here to help you with what you want. "

Dr. Chase, Sean and I stepped out of the room to allow Mary and Charlotte some time to get to know each other.

We walked into the kitchen and Dr. Chase asked, " Are you alright Jerry, you look like shit. "

" I'm fine Dr. Chase, it has just been a bad day. "

" Well, you take care of yourself Jerry, I am going to head home and I'll be here early in the morning. "

" Good night Dr. Chase, we will see you in the morning. "

I walked Dr. Chase to the front door and watched him drive off, then returned to the kitchen, " Sean, I will be right back, I need to speak with my Dad for a minute. "

" I am going to head into Mary's room and tell her good night then I'm heading upstairs. "

" I will see you up there as soon as I am done. "

Sean walked off towards the den as I headed towards the front bedroom, I had to at least talk to Dad before I went to bed. I did not want him sleeping tonight not knowing how I felt. I knocked on the bedroom door.

" Come in. " Dad called out.

I walked in and closed the door behind me, " Hi Dad. Can we talk for a minute? "

" Sure Jerry. "

I walked over to Dad and grabbed him and gave him a hug. Dad stiffened at first then relaxed and hugged me back.

" I just wanted to let you know that I will understand if you still speak with Sam, he is still your son. You are still married to Mom so I know you have some tough choices to make and I don't want to come between you and them. "

" Jerry first of all, you are my son also. I owe you just as much support as I do them, but since they decided to try and destroy your life I owe them nothing. They had choices and I will be damned if I will ever understand them or support what they have done. After all these years I really thought I knew your mother and for her to do this to you is unforgivable. "

" I know Dad, but I do not want you to think I will turn my back on you if you ever want to see them. I will not ask you to choose between me and them. "

" I know you would not force me to pick a side Jerry, but I want you to know I have made my choice and that is the end of that. "

" Thanks Dad, I have one more thing to ask. "

" What would that be son? "

" I told Sean that I would never lie to him, and now I am on the verge of hiding this from him and he already knows something is bothering me. Do you think I should tell him? "

" Tell him son, if you start down the path of trying to protect him by not telling him things then it leads to a time when a lie will cause trouble between you. "

" I know Dad, but how the hell do I tell him this? "

" You just tell him Jerry, he has been honest with you about his family, does he not deserve the same? "

" He does Dad, but I don't want Mary or Jack hearing about this. I do not know how close Jack got to Mom and I do not want him traumatized anymore than he already is this week. "

" I think he was getting close to her Jerry; I will not bring anything up about her when Jack is around. "

" Thanks Dad, I love you. "

" I love you too Jerry. "

I left Dad's room and went in to tell Mary good night. She and Charlotte were still talking, passing stories back and forth between them about their families.

" I just came in to say good night Mary. Do you need anything before I go? "

" I'm fine Jerry, Charlotte is taking very good care of me. I'll see you in the morning. "

" That you will Mary. Goodnight Mary and Charlotte. "

" Night Jerry. " I heard in chorus from the two of them.

I started up the stairs to the bedroom, as I climbed each stair it became harder and harder to lift each foot. I did not want to do this, to tell Sean that a family can not only leave you when you are young, but can obliterate you just as easy later in life. I stood there on the outside of the door to the bedroom with my hand on the door knob, I took a deep breath and went inside. Sean was laying in bed looking like the angel he is, the peace and serenity on his face made me smile. I was almost relieved that he was asleep, maybe I could put this off for another day. I made my way to the bathroom and undressed and finished my nightly activities and headed for the bed. I gently pulled back the blankets and softly climbed in the bed. I turned off the light on the nightstand and rolled over close to Sean, I laid my head on his chest and put my arm across his stomach. I was being gentle so I would not wake him up, I was finally comfortable and was just about

to go to sleep when Sean shifted, " Were you trying to get out of something tonight Mr. Martin? "

I almost jumped out of bed, " Shit, you scared me Sean. "

" Sorry Jerry, I was just laying here waiting on you and must have dozed off. "

" That is why I was quiet and trying not to wake you, it has been a long day. " I lifted my head up and kissed Sean.

" It sure has Jerry. Are we going to talk about what happened to you tonight? "

I sighed and looked up at Sean, " If you really want to hear this Sean, I will tell you. But if I freak out please do not hold it against me. "

" I want to know what is bothering you Jerry, good or bad. If it hurts you it hurts me, I want to help you deal with this and get you past it. "

" I hope you feel the same after I am done Sean. "

Sean smiled at me nervously and I sat up in bed and turned to face him, I hated looking at him with what I was going to tell him but I thought I might find some strength in them.

" I went to the jail first this evening to meet with Mark, the office manager here in Columbus. I wanted to see who was behind the plans and who else was involved. I just could not believe that Brad and Mark had come up with these on their own, not that either were lacking in brains but they were not the criminal types. I talked to Mark for almost an hour and what I found out just about destroyed my entire world tonight, Sean. But the worst part was yet to come and that incinerated the rest of my world. "

" What the hell did he tell you Jerry? Jesus, you're shaking like a leaf in a tornado. "

" It was not what he told me it was what I saw. He pulled my brother into the plan to help him. "

" Oh fuck no Jerry! Your own brother? "

" That is not the worst part Sean, Mark was planning to kill Brad and my brother Sam if they had succeeded. When I saw the plans I left Mark to the mercy of the courts, I had to get out of there. I had Kyle send a team to my brother's house and bring him to Columbus so I could hear it from him why he did this, that is why I sent Kyle here to bring Mom and Dad downtown so they could hear it themselves. " I stopped and turned to get out bed, I needed a drink. I went in the bathroom and got myself a glass of water.

" Speaking of Jane, where is she? She did not come home with you tonight. "

" Oh, that part is coming Sean. I got Michael settled in his new apartment for his stay here until I get a new office manager. We talked until I knew it was time to meet Kyle and Mom and Dad and I wanted to talk to them before the team showed up with Sam. I filled Mom and Dad in on what happened with Brad and they could not believe a word I was telling them, I could not blame them I was having a hard time believing it still. I told them that Sam would never admit anything with them there and asked them to step in the other room and listen in while I talked to him. They agreed and headed into the office off the living room, when Sam got there he was pissed. He demanded to know why I had him dragged to Columbus. I asked him if there was anything he had to tell me. He went on for awhile about small shit then I asked him again if he had anything to tell me, he said yes, if I ever pulled the shit I had just done again he would see me in jail. I told him I

just came from jail and my meeting with Mark. "

I looked down at the bed and tried to find the courage to continue with the story, " Take your time Jerry, if you can't finish I will understand. "

" Thanks Sean, this is hard to say. It is something I never thought I would have to face. I told Sam that Mark had told me everything, Sam just got quiet and I asked him what I had done to deserve being betrayed. He never would answer me, he said if I already knew everything what else could he say. I could not believe he was not even going to defend himself. He said if I wanted to know I could look and see it myself. I always promised Mom and Dad and my brothers I would never do that and I never have. That was why I wanted him to tell me. He gave me this sob story about how he was tired of hearing Mom go on about how I was missing out on a family and having kids. He wanted it to stop and he thought the best way was to see me ruined. Then I could go back to Mom and Dad and they could take care of me and he would not have to hear about it anymore. I told him if he had a problem with hearing all that from Mom why had he not told her that and sent her to

talk with me. I told him if that was all he could leave and as he turned to leave Dad came out of the office and started in on Sam. Telling him that was a bullshit story and that he wanted to know why Sam could do this to me. Sam tried to weasel out of it but Dad was not letting him off the hook. Then Sam said something, a phrase he always used when I knew he was lying and covering up for someone else. I asked him who he was covering for and he told me to stay out of it that it was between him and Dad. I would not back down, I told him I wanted to know who he was covering for, then it hit me and I fell on the couch....... "

Sean grabbed me and held me, " Who was it Jerry? " I know that he knew who it was since he asked about Mom earlier.

" It was my mother Jerry, she started this whole mess. She put this plan in motion, sent Brad to Mark and Mark pulled in Sam. I called her out of the office and asked her why. She said she did it so I would see I was wrong in my life, that I needed to change myself and settle down and have a family. That the joy of raising a family was something she did not want to see me miss out on. I asked her how she could risk the lives of 2 of her own children to get me to see the joys of having a family. I lost it Sean, I had to leave. I told my mother and brother they were no longer welcome in my home or life again and left. "

I started crying, I could not hold myself together any longer. The details being raked across the coals again, the feelings that were tearing me apart all over.

" Jerry, I am sorry you had to tell me that, I can't imagine what you are feeling. But I will always be here for you. " Sean hugged me tighter.

" Sean, this has totally shaken my beliefs to the core, I just do not know what I am going to do. How does one face the fact that a mother who always said she loved you then turns on you and would rather see you destroyed than accept you for who you are? "

" Jerr, you are an exceptional man, what you mother did was for herself. No matter what she tells you, she did it for selfish reasons. She used your promise just like Brad did and that to me is the worst part of this. "

I laid there thinking about what Jerry said, he was right. They used me and were only thinking about themselves. What could Mom have promised Sam though to get him to do this to me?

" You are right Sean, she was only thinking about herself. "

" I think you need a couple days off Jerry, you have been to hell and back the last five days. "

" I wish I could Sean, I really need to just lose myself in paradise for awhile. I have interviews tomorrow and I have to finish getting the office downtown set up so Michael is not just sitting around looking at the walls. "

" Can you make plans to get away for the weekend? "

" I don't think that will come this weekend. I will want to be away from home Sean, I will promise you though that as soon as things settle down around here we will get away for a couple weeks. "

" I'm still gonna worry about you Jerry, I don't want to see you overdoing yourself. "

" I'm sorry Sean, you have seen me at my worst for more days than I have been in my whole life. I would not blame you for running away from me as fast as you could. "

" I love seeing you period Jerry, I don't care how bad or good your day has been as long as I get to see you. "

" You are sure one special man Sean Austin, I love you. "

" I love you too Jerry Martin. "

I laid back down in the bed and let Sean pull me into him and wrap his arms around me. I wanted, maybe needed to be held tonight. I needed to feel the love that Sean had and let it envelop me to keep me safe from the terrible revelations I have had today. I did not think I would be able to sleep a wink tonight, but before I knew it I was sleeping. Feeling safe in Sean's arms and wanting to stay there for days.

When I awoke the darkness was starting to give up its hold on the night, the sun was beginning to make an appearance. The birds were just starting to wake and were already chirping. I tried to stretch to limber up my body, but Sean still held me tight in his arms. I decided to hell with it and pushed myself back into him and tried to pull the cover of sleep back over me. I laid there and listened to Sean breathing, the feeling of his breath on my neck as he exhaled was sending sensations down my spine. I had to get up, the bathroom was calling me and if I did not make it there soon there would be a lot of laundry to wash. I pulled on Sean's arm to work it loose so I could get out of his grasp. The more I pulled though the tighter he held me, pulling me in until I was having a hard time breathing.

" Sean, wake up babe. You are squeezing the shit out of me. " I tried to laugh, but could not get enough air.

Sean did not move or loosen up his grip, I pushed back on him and called again. " Sean wake up would you, I need to go to the bathroom. "

I heard his breathing change, he was starting to wake up. " Sean, are you awake yet? "

" What huh yes. " I got in reply.

" Sean wake up would ya, you are about to squeeze me to death. " I pushed on him again.

" Who, what. Oh shit, I am sorry Jerry. " Sean let loose of his grip on me and I took in a deep breath. " I was dreaming you were in trouble Jerry and I guess I got carried away holding you. "

" That is Okay babe, I appreciate that. If I did not have to go to the bathroom I would have stayed here all day in your arms. "

I got out of the bed and went to relieve myself, I stood there pissing for a few minutes. I was really about to explode, after I finished I brushed my teeth and turned on the shower to warm up. I undressed and stepped into the warm water, getting myself motivated for the day. Trying to wash away all the bad that had hit me yesterday. I was lost in my thoughts and did not hear Sean get into the shower, I was just standing under the water thinking about my life. I was brought back to reality in a snap when I felt a hand grab my cock and start stroking me, I jumped and looked up into Sean's eyes.

" I didn't mean to startle you Jerry, but you looked so good just standing there under the water I had to get a closer look. "

" You can startle me all you want if I get to open my eyes and see that body of yours Sean. "

" You can see it anytime you like Jerry, cause that will mean I get to see yours. "

Sean continued to stroke my cock, long slow strokes pulling me closer to him. Sean started sucking on my neck, as I moaned and gave him all the access he wanted to continue. Sean moved down my neck and slid his tongue down my chest and started sucking on my nipples, sucking on one then moving to the other. Making them hard and sticking out like coat hooks, I was really enjoying his mouth as he was attached on them. Sean went down on his knees and took my cock into his mouth and swallowed and had all 7 inches down his throat.

" Oh fuck, that feels so damn good Sean! " I shouted out through my moans.

Sean held me deep in his throat before he started to pull back, using his tongue on the bottom of my cock as he pulled me out of the warmth of his throat. When only the head of my dick was still in his mouth he sucked and swirled his tongue around the tip. Sean leaned forward again and took me down his throat. I grabbed his head and started rocking back and forth on my heels. Short quick strokes while deep in his throat, I was really into the feeling of Sean's hot wet smooth throat. His muscles trying to milk the cum right out of my balls.

" Ohh YES Sean, you are pushing me to the edge!! "

I started fucking Sean's mouth with a vengeance, wanting to release all the feelings I had stored up from yesterday. I pushed hard forcing my cock deep inside Sean and I started cumming. I thought my head was going to fall off my shoulders I threw it so far back in the pangs of my climax. I was breathing so hard I could hear my heart beating like a drum in my chest. My legs started to shake and I was about to slump down into the shower in a pile of squirming flesh when Sean caught me. He held me up in his strong arms, kissing me with his tender lips.

" Oh no you don't Jerry, I don't need you hurting yourself in the shower. "

" Fuck Sean, that was amazing. I thought I was gonna hit the floor. "

" Not while I'm around babe. "

Sean held me tight against his chest as I regained the strength to stand on my own. I loved listening to the steady beat of his heart as it echoed in his wide strong chest. The smooth skin wet and slick as I rubbed my face in its firm strong features. " I love you Sean, more than I have ever loved anyone before. "

I looked up and into his eyes. I wanted him to know what I was saying came from my heart, that I was telling him the truth and was being honest as I said I would always be.

" I love you too Jerry, I have never felt as happy as I am when we are together. "

Sean released me and started washing me as I relaxed into his touch. When he was done I took over and started washing him, making sure he was clean and ready for a new day. As we got out of the shower I grabbed the towels and started drying Sean, running the towel across every well sculptured muscle. When I was done I wrapped the towel around Sean's waist and he moved over to the sink to finish his morning routine. He brushed his teeth and then I applied the shaving cream to his face. I watched him shave as I brushed my teeth. He made quick work raking the razor across his face and as he washed of the last of the shaving cream he stood to his full stature and grabbed me into a hug. He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom and laid me gently on the bed.

" I have to make love to you Jerry, I can't make it through another day without being in you. "

" I am here for you anytime Sean. " I kissed him and pushed my tongue deep in his mouth.

I moved down to his chest and sucked one of his nipples, causing it to get hard as I ran my tongue over it.

Sean moaned, " Ohh yes suck that tit Jerry. "

I moved over to the other side of his chest and administered more to his other nipple, making Sean growl at me. I let my tongue travel down over his abs and followed his treasure trail down to his cock. I grabbed the base and ran my hand up to the tip and rubbed my thumb over the head and wiped the precum that was flowing out all over. I opened my mouth and pulled Sean by the ass till his cock had worked its way deep in my throat.

" Oh fuck that's great Jerry. "

I worked on Sean's cock for a few minutes, I pulled off and reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom and the lube. I rolled a condom on Sean and lubed him up and used a finger to work some up my ass.

" It's time for a ride. " I climbed up on Sean and lowered my ass over his prick., impaling myself on the steel rod sticking up in the air waiting to fill my hole. I sunk down on his cock till I was all the down then., sat there for a minute to adjust to him and his size. I started lifting up and got a good rhythm going, Sean grabbed my waist and started lifting me up and pulling me back down. He was showing the urges in how he was pulling me back down hard on his cock, he wanted a release and did not care about anything else. I pulled my legs tight to the side of his body and put my hands on his shoulders as I pulled up on them to get him to roll over and let him set the speed at which he wanted to fuck me.

" Damn that is one hot ass Jerry, I'm gonna fuck the hell out of it. "

" Go for it stud. "

Sean started to fuck me in long deep strokes, pulling out till all that was left was the head of his cock in my ass then pushing all the way in till his balls were slapping my ass. I laid there feeling the pleasure run through Sean and straight into my ass,. I looked up and into his eyes and saw the love he had for me shining in his eyes, the light that Mary showed me in Vegas.

" Shit Sean, that feels so fucking good. Give it to me hard. "

Sean started fucking me hard, no more long slow strokes. He was working in and out of me like a man in heat. He started to moan as he continued with the pace, never slowing down or missing a stroke. " That fucking ass is so tight Jerry. "

I heard Sean start to growl deep in his chest and knew he would not take much longer to reach the edge of his climax. I started flexing the muscles in my ass to tighten up when he was pulling out. On the very first pull I heard him moan louder, I knew that it would not be long now. I kept up the pressure as I felt his nuts pull up over the back of my ass, I knew he was about to blow.

" God damn Jerry that is so fucking nice, I'm cumming. AAHHH!" Sean shouted out.

" Oh hell Sean that was amazing. " I yelled out to him.

Sean fell down on top of me, breathing hard and his heart pounding in his chest. I pulled his head down and rubbed my hand over his head. The soft hair of a young man running through my fingers. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, and ran my hands over his shoulders. Sean caught his breath and pushed up and lifted himself towards me. He lowered his head and kissed me, " God I love you Jerry. "

" I love you too Sean. "

Sean lifted himself up with ease and grace and pulled me with him. He walked us into the bathroom and we cleaned up and we went back to the bedroom and got dressed. When I finally got my suit on and was ready for the day, Sean pulled me in for another kiss and we headed downstairs. Sean went to the den to check on Mary and I headed to the kitchen to get breakfast started. Kyle was sitting at the table waiting for me to come down and Dad was reading the paper.

" Good morning Dad and Kyle. "

" Good morning Jerry. "

" Good morning son. "

" What does everyone want for breakfast this morning? "

" Something quick and easy Jerry, you need to get ready for today. "

" Well, if it is going to be one of those long days Kyle, I think we will need something more than quick and easy. " I laughed.

" I guess it is chef's choice then. "

I walked over and poured myself a cup of coffee and went over to the fridge to see what I could come up with for breakfast. I decided on omelet and sausage, it would be quick but filling and depending on what everyone wanted on theirs, could be easy.

" How about some omelet and sausage this morning? "

" Sounds fine son, I will take cheese on mine. " Dad said over the paper.

" That sounds good to me also Jerry. "

" Great, cheese omelet it will be. "

I pulled out everything I would need to get the omelet made and started the sausage cooking. I had finished cooking the sausage when Sean came in the room.

" We are having cheese omelettes this morning Sean. "

" That sounds great, well as long as I'm not making them. " Sean chuckled.

" Well maybe by tomorrow we will have a new cook and will not have to worry about any of us trying to poison everyone. "

" Jerry, you are too good of a cook to poison anyone. " Sean said as he walked by me to get a cup of coffee.

" You are just being nice, so I will cook today Sean. " I looked at him and winked.

" How is Mary this morning Sean? "

" She is looking Okay today. Jack is in there bouncing off the walls already. I think he went to sleep too early last night after the news and we are going to pay for it today. "

" That is Okay Sean, we will turn him loose on Kyle. " I doubled over laughing.

" No way Jerry, that kid could take me with the energy he has. " Kyle smiled at Sean.

" Dad, it looks like you are on Jack duty today. I hope you slept well last night. "

" That is fine Jerry, I survived you and your brothers when you were kids on the weekends. " Dad looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes at mentioning my brothers.

" Have you called and talked to William yet Dad? " I asked.

" No I haven't Sean, but I guess it would be a good idea. Maybe we can do it after breakfast and you can talk with him also. "

" That is fine Dad, unless Kyle forces me into the office. "

" Kyle, leave Jerry alone till after we talk with William please. " Dad looked at Kyle with pleading eyes.

" Not a problem Mr. Martin. I really do not have much to go over with his this morning. I just wanted to get him prepared for the interviews today. "

I started the omelet and asked Sean to head in and grab Jack and ask Mary if she would like something. I make quick work of getting the omelet served so we could finish up breakfast and get started with this day. Sean walked back in the room with Jack.

" Good morning Jack, would you like milk or juice with breakfast? "

" Hi Jerry, juice please. "

I noticed the cold response from Jack but waved it off as his response to the news last night. I am sure he was trying to work out a lot of things in his head today.

" Anyone else want juice while I have it out? "

" I would Jerry. " Sean said.

Getting a no from Dad and Kyle, I poured 3 glasses and gave them to Jack and Sean. I handed out the plates with the omelet and sausage on them to everyone and we sat and talked as we ate.

" What time is our first interview Kyle? "

" The first one is set for 10 this morning Jerry, we should be done with them all by early afternoon. "

" Great, I will be able to get some other things sorted out and be ready for next week then. Remind me to give Mr. Richards a call and check on his details for next week. "

" I will add it to the schedule today Jerry. "

" I need you to add a call to Mr. Smythe today too Kyle, I have some details I need him to help me with. "

" And you always say I keep you busy all day. " Kyle laughed.

" The truth is we keep each other busy Kyle, of course you are more guilty of it than I am. " I laughed as Kyle winced at that comment.

" I will agree to disagree on that one Jerry. "

We finished off breakfast and Sean helped me clean up the kitchen as Dad took Jack and went out in the back yard to play.

" Sean, we need to get some things when we are at the store today for Jack. I have nothing here for someone his age to play with. "

" We can bring some of his things from the house when we stop there today. He has plenty of things to play with there. "

" That's fine, I just don't want him to get bored here, I know there are no kids nearby for him to play with and hanging around with us old folks will get boring to him fast. "

" He doesn't bore easy, he is good about finding something to play with to keep himself busy. I guess it's because we don't really have the money to buy him a lot of extras. " Sean's shoulders slumped when he said that.

I walked over to Sean and grabbed him, " He has you and Mary and that is worth more than anything you could have bought. " I hugged Sean.

" That's what I always tell him, family is more important than possessions. "

We finished cleaning up the kitchen, " What shall we do for dinner tonight? "

" How about we grill some steak. "

" Now there is a surprise, Sean wants a steak. " I started laughing and Sean grabbed me.

" Hey, its been days since we have had steaks. " He smiled at me and pulled me towards the front of the house. We made our way to the den.

" Good Morning Mary. How ya doing today sweetie? " I asked as I walked over and kissed her forehead.

" Good Morning Jerry, I'm good thanks. How are you doing? "

" I'm great thanks, even if Sean is in a vicious carnivore mode today. "

" When isn't he Jerry?" Mary giggled.

" Hey, now it's not pick on Sean day today. " Sean walked over and kissed Mary on the cheek. " Good morning sis. "

" I would not pick on my little brother, now would I? "

" Hmm, I think you might Mary. " Sean gave her a questioning look.

" Any problems last night Mary? "

" I had a great night Jerry, I think Charlotte is a wonderful nurse. She was there in seconds when I asked for something. "

" That's great to hear Mary. I guess Dr. Chase knows a good nurse when he sees one. "

" I most certainly do Jerry. They teach a class on that in your 3rd year of residency. " Dr. Chase got in with a laugh.

" No wonder you have to wait so long in a doctor's office, they are in the back practicing how to be comedians. "

" We have to have a hobby to fall back on Jerry. "

" Do you think it would be a good idea for Mary to take a trip outside today Dr. Chase? The weather is great and I thought she might like to watch Jack in the back yard for awhile. "

" That is up to Mary, she can do whatever she thinks she is capable of handling. "

" I think that is a wonderful idea Jerry. I miss watching little man playing. "

" It will give Dad a little break later too, you and Sean can sit out there while I am busy with the interviews. Then we have Stanley coming by this afternoon also. "

" I don't want your Mom and Dad to over do themselves Jerry, I can call some friends to come help if you need me to. "

" It is not a problem Mary, after I am done with meetings today I am free until I decide to go back to work. I do need you to do one thing Mary. "

" Sure Jerry, what is that? "

" Sean and I are going by the house today, he needs to know where all the papers are that the lawyer may need when you speak with him this afternoon. He will need anything you have on the house, insurances, or anything you have had drawn up already. If you want we can have him set up a trust with the check from Vegas while he is here. "

" I'll get that done up for him Jerry, I really appreciate your help with this. I don't think we could have ever gotten this done on our own. "

" You would have Mary, I am just making it a little easier for you, Hun. " I reached over and took her hand and gave it a kiss.

" You are such a charmer Jerry. " Mary fluttered her eyes at me as she said that.

" I told you Mary, when you're old and ugly as me you have to use the charm. " I fell over on the bed in her lap and laughed till I had a tear in the corner of my eye.

" And full of bullshit too Jerry. " Mary smacked my arm as I got up off the bed.

" Can you excuse me for a moment Mary, I need to make a phone call. " I walked out of the den and went to the back office.

" Kyle we have a problem, Stanley is supposed to be here at noon today and we have the interviews and Sean and I have to go downtown to their house to pick up some paper work before he gets here. Can you call and ask him to come by about 5 and he can have dinner with us? "

" Will do that right now Jerry, while I am doing that here are today's reports. Check out the Paris office, I think there might be something off there. "

" Jesus, can I not have one day this week where things go fine? "

" Sorry Jerry, I know this week has been one major pain but I want to keep you up to date so you are not caught by surprise while your attention is on family matters this week. "

" I know Kyle, it isn't your fault. I could not blame you, I would be lost without all you do for me. Can you have the car ready about 2 this afternoon, I want to head to Sean's house and stop by the store on the way back so we are here to cook dinner. "

" The car will be sitting at the front door at 1:45 and ready when you are Jerry. "

" I think we need to talk about a raise and vacation for you Kyle. I thought I worked too much, but you have to work twice as much as I do to keep up with all my requests. "

" It is the job Jerry, if I did not want to do it I would have left by now. "

" Can I ask you a question, Kyle? "

" Sure Jerry, you know you can ask me anything. "

" What would you think about building a new house farther back on the property? Something bigger with more bedrooms. "

" Well, I can work out the logistics for security Jerry, but if that is what you want then we can make it happen. "

" No, I want to know what you think about it. I was thinking about children and we would need more room around here for kids. "

" I think that is a wonderful idea Jerry, and you would need some more room for that. "

" I'll think it over some more, I have to figure the rest out first and maybe Stanley can give me some input tonight when he is here. I will let you know when I decide. "

" No problem Jerry, I will keep it in mind and start working out a plan in my head before I put it on paper for you. "

" I'm going to get Mary and Sean out in the backyard to watch Jack for awhile. I need to get Dad in here and on the phone with William and see if the evil duo have contacted him. "

Kyle looked down at his desk ignoring my statement about Mom and Sam. I walked out and went to the backyard.

" Hi Dad, how goes the Jack watch? "

" He is a pleasure to be around Jerry, he amazes me the way his mind works. He can see things in such a different way than most kids I have known. "

" Mary and Sean will be out here soon to watch him, I thought maybe you and I could go in the office and make that call to William. "

" I think that is a good idea son. I am just a little leery if you know what I mean. "

" I do Dad and so am I. Yesterday about killed me. I don't think I can handle that again anytime soon. "

Dad grabbed my hand and squeezed it, " Son, I know how upsetting that was for you to find out, but you were the bigger man and that says a lot about who you are. "

" Thanks Dad, I learned that from a very smart man. " I leaned over and kissed Dad on the cheek.

I went back in the house and headed for the den. I really did have to admire Dad, to turn away from Mom like that took a lot of courage.

" Well, I am back on schedule for the day, it must be my lucky day. " I said as I walked back in the den.

" I can't believe that Jerry, did you bribe father time? " Mary asked.

" If I could ever get a hold of him I would sure try that Mary. "

" Would you like to head out to the backyard Mary? "

" I'm ready Jerry, I think the fresh air might do me some good. "

" Do you want to walk or use the wheelchair? "

" I think I can walk out there, I might need it on the way back. "

" Sean, you can help Mary to the backyard and I will bring the wheelchair so it is there when Mary is ready to come back in. "

Sean got up and helped Mary out of bed, Mary stood and got her balance and held Sean's arm as they walked towards the back door. I let them get a head start on me and got the chair ready to take to the backyard. I went out and caught up with Mary and Sean as the reached the back door. I opened the door for them and as the went out I pushed the chair out and set it against the house as I got a cushioned chair for Mary to sit in. Jack came running over and waited for his Mom to sit down. " Mom, I been playing out here and I been really good. "

" Oh I know you have sweetheart, you having fun out here today? "

" I am mommy, there is so much room out here to play. "

I walked over to Sean, " Dad and I are going into the office to call William, we will be back out as soon as we are done. "

" Okay babe. " Sean squeezed my hand and lipped ' I love you '

I waved at Dad to follow me into the house, we walked into the office, " Kyle, we are going to call William now, can you head out to the backyard and keep an eye on Mary, Sean and Jack? "

" Sure Jerry. " Kyle headed out to the back yard.

" Would you like to do this on the speaker or would you like to talk to him alone first? "

" I think it might be better if I talk to him first Jerry, I do not want him to think we are questioning him and his loyalty. "

" You're right Dad, I will be in the kitchen, just yell if you need me to come back in here. "

" I will Jerry. "

I walked out to the kitchen and watched Jack playing out in the back yard, he was so full of energy, running around and playing with everything that caught his attention. Mary and Sean were sitting watching him and talking. I could see the concern in Sean's eyes from where I was standing. I made some plans for dinner tonight and went about getting them ready so when we got back later all I would have to do is put them in the oven.

Dr. Chase came in the kitchen as I finished up. " Hello Dr. Chase, can I get you anything? "

" No thanks Jerry, I am just stretching my legs while I am thinking. "

" What is on your mind today Doc? "

" Mary, she is putting up a strong front Jerry. I do not think she is going to be with us much longer, I'm thinking 4 days. "


I hope to get another chapter out before Christmas, but there are lots of things to get done this next week. If I don't get one out I wish you all Very Merry Christmas.


Next: Chapter 14

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