Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Dec 11, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me. I really appreciate all they do to help me bring you a better story.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

" I think it would be much easier Sean, move out of the way please. "

" I can't do that Alan, if you really want us to be together you need to think this through. I don't want to be with a murderer. "

Alan started his agitated pacing again and as he passed Sean and I, Kyle took the opportunity. I heard the shot and grabbed Sean and pulled him down with me to the ground.

================ Part 12

Part 12

I looked over and Alan was laying on the ground, not moving.

I pulled Sean over, " Are you alright Sean? " I asked as I was running my hands over him to make sure he was not hit.

" I'm fine Jerry, are you hit? "

" I'm fine Sean, now get up and get back to the house. I'll handle this and I do not want you to see any more. Kyle was standing next to me, " Kyle, get Sean back to the house now. "

Kyle called two of his team members over and ordered them to take Sean back to the house.

I walked over to Alan and there he lay, a single shot through the head as he lay there dead.

" Jesus Kyle, how the hell did he make it on the team? "

" Are you alright Jerry? " Kyle asked as he was looking me over.

" I'm ok Kyle, but this shit has got to stop. I want all files on him pulled and reviewed as to why we missed that he was crazy. Place a call to the local police and lets get this handled now, my day is already full and I do not have the time to spend on this right now. "

Kyle walked away from me and started making his calls, I stood there looking at Alan's body. I could have lost everything today. I am going to have to spend a few weeks with the security teams and make sure this could not happen again.

Kyle walked back over, " They're on their way Mr. Martin, I don't know what to say about this. "

" Did you call Sheriff Jenkins? "

" Yes, he'll be here with them. "

" Contact the front team and tell them to get them back here ASAP. I need to be at the house to finish there. I want Sheriff Jenkins brought to me directly. "

" I will handle that sir. " Kyle walked away, he knew I did not want to talk to him right now.

I heard the sirens at the house and worried about Sean, has he not had enough trauma in his life? Here I am, throwing more at him like gas on a fire. All I could think was going back to the house and finding it empty, nothing but another damn note.

I heard the ATVs making their way back to where we were. Six deputies came to a stop and one had Sheriff Jenkins as a rider. I waited as Kyle escorted him over to me.

" Sheriff Jenkins, thank you for coming out and so quickly. " I said as I extended my hand to shake his.

" Hello Mr. Martin, I hate to have to come see you under these circumstances. " Sheriff Jenkins said as he looked over at Alan laying on the ground.

" It's not under the circumstances I wanted you to visit for either, Sheriff Jenkins. "

I proceeded to tell the sheriff the details of the encounter Sean and I had with Alan out here, omitting the sex that had happened prior to the interruption by Alan.

" Where is this Mr. Austin at now? "

" I sent him back to the house Sheriff Jenkins, he has a 3 year old nephew there and I did not want him to get worried when you showed up and Sean was not there. You can speak with him when you are done here and we head to the house. "

" I'll need to interview him and Kyle before we go. "

" I understand Sheriff Jenkins, we'll cooperate any way we can. I do have one request. "

" Anything Mr. Martin. "

" Can we finish this as quickly as possible? Mr. Austin's sister is being discharged from the hospital and will be transported here to the house and I do not want her seeing all this activity. "

" We'll be out of here as quick as we can Mr. Martin. I do not see anything that would show things happened anyway, other than what you have told me. "

" Thank you Sheriff Jenkins. "

I moved back towards where the deputies had parked the ATVs and let them in to photograph and take notes. The coroner showed up and removed Alan's body and 15 minutes after that they were all headed back to the house.

I started walking as Kyle came over to me, " I can give you a ride Mr. Martin. "

" I think I need to walk Kyle, I have to clear my mind of this before I get back to the house. Please introduce Sheriff Jenkins to Sean so he can talk with him and they can get out of here. "

" I would feel better if you would let me leave a guard with you for the walk back. "

" I don't think that will be necessary Kyle. "

Kyle turned and walked to the ATV and headed back to the house. I opened my phone and called Sean.

" Where are you Jerry? "

" I'm walking back now Sean, Kyle will be there in a minute and he is going to introduce you to Sheriff Jenkins, he needs to speak with you before he leaves. Just tell him what happened and he will finish and leave. Send Jack into the living room with Kyle while you speak with him. "

" Why are you not with Kyle on the way back Jerry? "

" I need to clear my head before I get back to the house Sean, I'll be fine and should be there in about 10 minutes. "

" OK Jerry, hurry back. "

I hung up the phone and fell to my knees and began crying. I came too close to losing him today, I could not have gone on with my life if anything had happened to Sean. I did not care what would have happened to me, Sean had too much to live for, he had Jack to think about. If I was gone the company would have continued on and all the employees would have been well provided for, so I would not be missed. The tears fell from my face and I lost track of time, I heard the ATV coming towards the back woods. I knew it had to be Kyle coming to look for me, I looked at my watch and I had been there for 30 minutes. When I heard the ATV stop and someone come walking up behind me I said, " I'm fine Kyle, please go back to the house and make sure things are handled there. "

Whoever it was kept walking towards me and I felt a pair of arms pull me up and wrap themselves around me. " I can't do that Jerry, I had to find you. "

I leaned into Sean and the tears kept running down my face. I held onto Sean as he ran his hand down over my hair. " It will be alright Jerry. "

" Do you know how close I came to losing you today? All because I let you enter my life. How could I live with myself if something had happened to you? "

Sean pulled me up off his chest. "Jerry, listen carefully to me. I came willingly with you, you did not kidnap me or drag me here kicking and screaming. If I didn't want to be here with you and all the problems that could occur, I would not be here. "

" I know Sean, but all I could see was Mary and Jack. How could I explain to them that I allowed something to happen to you? "

" The same way I would have had to explain to them if something had happened to you. Life can be a bitch Jerry and if we let it rule our lives than we'll never live our lives to the fullest. "

I looked up at Sean and pulled his head down and kissed him, " You're one smart cookie Mr. Austin. "

" And you are one sexy man Mr. Martin. " Sean said as he gave me a heartfelt kiss back.

" Let's head back to the house, this day is far from over. "

" Right away Mr. Martin. " Sean picked me up and carried me back to the ATV and set me on the seat and climbed in front of me.

I put my arms around Sean's waist as he started the ATV and headed us back towards the house. I leaned into his back and just held him as he drove. Sean was careful but made quick time back to the house and as we drove up I understood why. There was my Mom and Dad sitting on the back porch both looking worried because I was not back yet.

" Oh my God Jerry, are you alright? " Mom asked as she came running over to hug me.

" Yes Mom, I'm fine. Please forgive me for taking too long to make it back to the house. "

" I understand son, but you worried the hell out of us. " Dad replied as he was standing behind Mom and threw his arms around both of us.

" I am sorry Dad, but I was a little overcome after everyone left and I realized how close I came to losing Sean. "

Sean stopped dead in his tracks as the statement came out of my mouth and turned and came back outside.

" I know that son, but we were worried and your mother was about to head out herself looking for you. "

" I imagine she was Dad, but please ask yourself what you would have done if it would have been Mom you almost lost. I am sure you would have needed a little time to compose yourself before coming back to a house full of people. "

Mom and Dad both grabbed me, " We are sorry son. " Dad walked over and pulled Sean over and hugged him too. " We should have thought about what you were going through and not thought of ourselves first. "

" Can you two forgive us for being selfish? "

" You were not being selfish Mom, you were being a parent. I hope someday I can share in your concern. " I walked into the house and to the bathroom off the kitchen. I shut the door and fell to the floor.

" Sean, Richard and I are truly sorry. We should have not forced you to go out looking for him. " Mom was trying to reach out to Sean after I walked away.

Dad picked up after Mom turned towards Sean, " It is not your fault Sean. The blame is Jane's and mine. We never really trusted Brad and we didn't realize how much Jerry really does love you. "

" I don't blame you Mr. and Mrs. Martin. I did not know Brad, I only saw him for 2 minutes in Vegas, but I know it really upset Jerry. As for you not trusting Brad that is between you and Jerry, I don't want to push him into talking about Brad until he is ready. I know it still hurts him anytime he thinks about what Brad did to him. I have just met you and I hope you will not judge me one way or the other until you get to know me, Mr. and Mrs. Martin. All I can ask is if you don't like me or don't trust me, please let me know. I'm sure that Jerry can tell what you feel about me and I would rather leave than have him know that you two hold a bad opinion about me. "

Richard walked up to Sean and put his hand out, " Sean, we will be as open with you as you are with us, if we have a problem with you we will come to you as adults should. "

" I can appreciate that Mr. Martin. " Sean shook Richards hand.

" Just be honest and open with him Sean, he's full of love and caring and will share all he has with you. " Mom said as she walked up and hugged Sean.

" I have been and always will be honest with him Mrs. Martin, I've lost too many loved ones in my life to hide behind lies. I have seen what Jerry can do and I have already told him he can look into my eyes and mind whenever he wants. I will never hold anything back from him. "

Mr. and Mrs Richards looked at each other in shock. " Are you sure about that Sean, once Jerry has looked in your eyes you will never be able to hide anything from him. "

" I am positive Mrs. Martin, I have told him twice now that I will always be true and honest with him. Lies have no business in a family, all they can do is hurt and ruin lives. I lost both my parents too soon in my life and I could never live with myself knowing I lied to someone that could be taken away from me so soon. "

" I know we have really just met Sean, but I think I am going to like you being in Jerry's life. " Mom pulled Sean down and placed a kiss on his cheek.

" Thanks Mrs. Martin, I really have a good feeling about you two and I would love the chance to get to know you better. "

" You will have plenty of that Sean, and when you are tired of us hanging around just tell us to get out. " Dad said laughing and grabbed Sean's shoulder and led them into the house.

" I think I need to get some lunch on the table and then get dinner started for all of us tonight. Can you go check on Jerry for me, Sean? "

" It would be my pleasure Mrs. Martin. " Sean headed towards the front of the house and stopped in the den and living room. Not finding Jerry he headed upstairs to the bedroom. He got nervous not finding Jerry there either. He ran back downstairs and walked back into the kitchen. " He is not in the living room, den or upstairs. "

" Check his office in the back Sean. " Mom pointed down the hallway.

Sean walked towards the back office, he knocked on the door and walked into an empty room. " He isn't back here either. " Sean shouted.

" Richard go out and check the front porch. "

Richard headed out the front door and looked around the yard. " He is not out there either. "

" Just a second I will call his phone and see if I can find him. " Mom said as she dialed the phone.

The three of them looked at each other when they heard a cell phone start ringing and followed the sound to the back bathroom.

" Jerry are you in there? " Sean shouted as he knocked on the door.

There was no answer, he looked at Mr. and Mrs. Martin. " Jerry, answer me please! " He knocked on the door harder.

There was still no answer, " Is there a key to the door? " Sean asked, looking at the Martins

" I have no idea Sean. " Richard whispered.

" Let me call Kyle and ask, I'm sure he would know. " Sean pulled out his cell phone and called Kyle.

" Kyle this is Sean, do you know if there is a key to the bathroom door off the kitchen? Jerry is in there and we can't get him to answer us. "

" There is a set of keys on the wall next to the back door, there should be a key on there. I'll be right up. " Kyle hung up and rushed to the house.

" He said there are keys hanging by the back door. " Sean said as he rushed for the back door. He grabbed the keys and rushed back to the bathroom. He fumbled with each key trying them to get the door unlocked.

Sean finally got one of the keys to work and pushed the door open, he found Jerry laying on the floor and dropped to his knees and pulled him into his arms. " Jerry, Jerry are you alright? " Sean started asking Jerry trying to figure out what was wrong.

I heard my name being yelled and I started opening my eyes, I saw Sean looking down at me. " What is going on? " Was all I could get out.

" Jerry,if you keep giving me a damn heart attack you are going to have to hire a full time cardiologist. " Sean said pulling me up off the floor.

" I'm sorry Sean, I came in here to wash my face and I must have fallen asleep. "

" Tonight it is early to bed for you Jerry, I will not take no for an answer. A good nights sleep or you're in trouble. "

" I will have to agree with you, I am sorry Sean, I'm supposed to be helping you and have been nothing but a babbling idiot who has needed all the help. "

" Jerry, you are far from a babbling idiot, you have had a bad breakup, been shot and almost been killed in the last 10 days. If it was anyone else I knew they would have been locked away in the asylum. "

" What time is it? Oh shit, it is 1:30 already! We are so far behind now. How could I let this happen? " I was panicking and about to start running around like a mad man.

" Calm down Jerry, Everything has been taken care of, Kyle has set up the den, Dr. Chase has called and he is at the hospital now and will be riding with Mary when they transport her here. Your Mom is fixing lunch and getting ready to get dinner started. Now take a deep breath and lets get you cleaned up and out to the kitchen. "

I stared at Sean in disbelief that he was as calm as he was, after facing Alan just hours ago, finding me a broken down mess in the woods and he had to be worried about Mary. " Sean, I do love you, so much. " I leaned in and kissed him.

" You better Jerry, because I love you as much. "

I finished washing up as Sean stood there watching me, I think he was afraid to leave me alone again. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, concentrated on my thoughts and moved them all to the back of my mind for now. " OK,let's get out there so I can face the interrogation squad. " I laughed.

" They love you Jerry, they were only worried about you. "

" I know Sean, I really hate to upset them though. They have put up with a lot from me over the years. "

" I don't think they care Jerry, from what I have seen, their love for you runs deep. I think they would love to just hold you and protect you from the world. "

" They would Sean, and that is where the problem is sometimes. They forget that I am an adult. "

" I really like them Jerry, I hope to get to know them better while they are here. "

Sean and I walked out into the kitchen, Mom was busy making lunch and Dad was standing at the back window looking out over the back yard.

" Is there any fresh coffee? " I asked as we walked in.

" Well, I am glad you joined us Jerry. " Mom said as she gave me one of her "come here son so I can protect you looks. " Would you like me to make a fresh pot? "

" That is OK Mom, I can do it. "

I went over and made a fresh pot of coffee and stood there waiting for it to finish. " What are you watching for Dad? "

" Just looking out there and picturing something son. " Dad said and did not elaborate.

" Would anyone else like a cup of coffee? " I asked as I poured mine.

" None for me son." Dad answered.

" Me either Jerry. " Mom added.

" I think I could use a cup Jerry. " Sean answered.

I poured Sean a cup and walked over to the table and handed it to him. Mom finished lunch and placed it on the table. Sean went to the living room to get Jack.

" Can I have a word with you outside before you eat your lunch, Jerry? " Mom asked.

" Sure Mom, let's step out in the back yard. "

I grabbed my coffee and headed out the backdoor with Mom.

" What's on your mind, Mom? "

" Jerry, I want to say I am sorry. " Mom took a deep breath. " I did not realize how much you loved Sean. I have seen and heard the love that Sean has for you. "

" I know that we just met Mom, but from the moment I saw him and Mary in the casino and he sat down next to me there was something about him that I had to get to know. "

" I can see that Jerry, I think he is a wonderful young man. He really cares for you son. "

" He does Mom, he cares so much for so many and never asks for anything in return. "

" Lets get back inside before they get worried in there that we are plotting against them. "

" It would not be hard Mom, just cut off their food supplies. " I laughed as we walked back inside.

We finished lunch and as we were cleaning up the kitchen for Mom so she could start dinner, the phone rang. I walked into the living room to answer it so if it was important I would be able to hear over the noise in the kitchen.

" Hello Jerry, This is Dr. Chase. I wanted to call and let you know we are about to leave the hospital and should be to the house in about 40 minutes. "

" Thanks Dr. Chase, the den is all set up and ready for Mary. We will see you soon. "

I started to get up and head back into the kitchen and Sean was standing in the door. " That was Dr. Chase, they are getting ready to leave the hospital and should be here in about 40 minutes. "

" I'll get Jack bathed and changed so he is clean when he sees Mary, I don't want her to think I have let him turn into a little pig. ", Sean grinned.

" You can use either bathroom Sean, upstairs or downstairs. Did you and Mary discuss when you were going to talk to Jack? "

" We did a little Saturday morning, but I'm not sure when she is going to want to finally tell him. "

" I was just wondering about that this morning when I was sitting in the den and thought I would ask. I know it is going to hard on Jack and I wanted to be ready. "

" Later this evening I will talk with Mary about it and see what she has decided. "

" We also need to ask her about anything she might need from the house for tomorrow. The lawyer will be here and if there is any paperwork at the house we will need to pick it up. Maybe we can go in the morning and stop at the store and do some shopping while we are out. "

" That sounds good Jerry, I will let Mary know and we'll plan something when you get home tonight. "

Sean headed into the kitchen and got Jack and headed upstairs to give him a bath. I went back in the kitchen and sat with Mom and Dad.

" Dr. Chase called and they are about to leave the hospital with Mary, they should be here in about 40 minutes. "

" Are you ready for this Jerry? " Mom asked with concern in her eyes.

" I don't know Mom, but I have to be for Sean. I am really worried how he is going to handle this. "

" Just be there for him son and do not push if he is not ready. " Dad came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

" I am so lucky to have you Mom and Dad. If I do not say it enough, I do love you both. "

" We love you too Jerry, and we will be there for you no matter what you need. "

" Excuse me for a moment, I need to make a call. "

I walked into the office and called Kyle, " Hello Kyle, I wanted to let you know that Mary and Dr. Chase should be here in about 30 minutes. "

" We'll be ready for them Jerry. "

" I would like you to ride with me into Columbus this evening, I think we need to talk. "

" I'll be ready Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle. "

I walked back into the kitchen, Sean and Jack were back downstairs. Jack was all cleaned up and looking nervous. I wonder what Sean and him had talked about.

" You look all clean and shiny, Jack. "

" I really wasn't dirty, Uncle Sean made me take a bath. ", he complained.

I laughed at Jack's statement, " Would anyone like something to drink? "

" I would like some juice. " Jack shouted out, his eyes lighting up.

" One juice it is. " I got the orange juice out of the fridge and poured Jack a glass and set it down in front of him at the table.

I turned to grab me a bottle of water and put the juice away.

" What do we say Jack? " Sean said looking at Jack.

" Thank you Jerry. " Jack said blushing a little and looking down at the table.

" You are welcome Jack. " I smiled at him.

" Can you keep an eye on Jack for a little bit Mom? I am going to go sit on the front porch. ", looking at Mom with a knowing glance.

" Sure Jerry, I would love to, Jack is such a pleasure to have around. "

I walked out toward the front door and stepped out onto the porch. The sun was shining bright and it was a beautiful day, these early summer days were gorgeous. I sat down in one of the chairs and watched the driveway for any signs that they had arrived. Sean stepped out on the porch and sat down next to me and took my hand.

" Are you doing alright Sean? I know it has been a horrible fucking morning for you. "

" I think so Jerry, I still can't believe what happened. I don't know how it is going to be seeing Mary today either, it's like there is that secret in the room everyone knows but no one wants to talk about it. "

" I think once Mary gets here and settled and we get the lawyer over with you tomorrow, you and her will be better able to talk to each other about it. I think in a hospital setting, it is just a little more difficult to talk. "

" I hope so Jerry, I don't want to sit around in silence until she is gone. "

" There is no need to Sean, relieve the happy memories you two share. I know you have had way too many bad ones, but you need to focus on the good ones and refresh them in your memory so you can pass them on to Jack one day. "

Sean sat there in the sun looking better than ever and thinking about what I said.

" I think that is a good idea Jerry, I was so young and have buried so much, Mary can help me remember a lot. "

I looked up and saw the dust cloud coming up the driveway, I knew that they were here. I squeezed Sean's hand, " Remember Sean, calm and strong and I will be right there with you. "

Sean looked up and saw the ambulance pull up in front of the house. He tensed up and I kept a hold of his hand and smiled at him. When they came to a stop Sean and I stood up and walked out to the ambulance. The attendants got out and went to the back and opened the doors and Dr. Chase jumped out.

" Hello Dr. Chase, how was the ride? " I shook his hand.

" It was problem free Jerry. Mary handled the trip well. "

We stood there as they got Mary out and I opened the door and led them into the den. Sean took hold on Mary's hand as soon as we were inside.

I stepped out of the room as they got Mary in the bed and I showed the attendants back out the door and they loaded the gurney and were headed back towards Columbus.

I returned to the den. Mary was sitting there and Sean had pulled a chair up next to the bed so he could sit near to Mary. I was looking at them and the sadness hit me, there were not many days left for the two siblings who had grown to depend on one another for everything.

I stepped up next to Sean, " How are you feeling today Mary? "

" Not too bad Jerry, I really loved the ride out here. The sun was beautiful and felt so warm. "

" It is beautiful today, but not as beautiful as you my dear. " I walked over and kissed her hand.

" Oh, you charmer you Jerry. " Mary laughed.

" I have to have charm Mary or else the dog would not even play with me. " I laughed.

Sean looked over at me, " Well, if the dog won't play with you Jerry, it leaves more time for me. " My mouth fell open as I looked at Sean.

" I guess getting a dog for the house is really out of the question now. " winking at Sean.

" Cut it out you two, or I'll be more sick than I am right now. " Mary started giggling.

" This means war big sis. " Sean stood up and walked over to Mary and sat down on the edge of her bed and wrapped his arms and his big body around her and just hugged her.

" I think I will let you two have some time together, Dr. Chase and I will be outside on the porch if you need either of us. "

" OK Jerry. " Sean said and lipped 'Thank You' as we walked out of the room.

I escorted Dr. Chase out on the front porch, " Would you like something to drink? "

" No thank you, Jerry. "

We sat down and soaked up the sun, " How long do you think she has Dr. Chase? "

" If I had to guess Jerry, I would say 8 to 10 days. The lab work and exam from this morning were terrible. "

" Thanks Dr. Chase, I appreciate your honesty. I just do not want Sean and Jack to see her suffer. "

" I will do all I can to not let that happen, Jerry. It's not easy to determine exactly how this will affect her as it progresses. "

We sat there in silence for awhile when I stood up, " I better go check on Mom, Dad and Jack, would you like to head into the kitchen Dr. Chase? "

" I think so Jerry, that sun is nice but it is making it a little too warm out here. "

We walked into the kitchen and Mom and Dad and Jack were not there, I got a couple bottles of water out for Dr. Chase and I. I stepped over to the big window and there were the Mom and Dad and Jack out in the back yard. Jack running around in the sun, playing like a 3 year old should.

" That is the worst part about this. " I said not really to anyone but just to say it.

" What is that Jerry? "

" Oh sorry, I did not mean to say that out loud, but Jack. A carefree 3 year old has to be told his mother is dying and will not be here with him as he grows up. "

" Jerry, kids are resilient, his age will be a major advantage to him as he deals with the loss of his mother. "

" I never thought about that Doc, I guess it could be an advantage for him. "

" It is, Jerry and Sean is a strong young man, he should be able to guide Jack through his grief and back on the path to a normal childhood. "

" I'm going to go check on Sean and Mary and see if she is ready to see Jack. I want them to spend as much time together as she can handle. "

" That's a good idea Jerry. "

I headed back to the den and knocked lightly on the door.

" Come in. " Sean called out.

" Are you two doing alright? " I asked as I walked in.

" Fine, thanks Jerry. " Mary said quietly.

" I was wondering if you would like to see Jack. He is out back with Mom and Dad and if he does not come in soon, Sean will have to give him another bath. " I chuckled.

" I would like that Jerry. "

" I'll be right back. "

I went out to the back door and watched as Jack was playing still, " Excuse me Jack, would you like to go see your Mom? "

" Yes! I would Jerry! " Jack screamed as he came bouncing towards me.

" Come on then, we'll go and see her. "

Jack walked with me back through the house and into the den. " Mom!!! " Jack squealed as he went running over to her.

I watched as he jumped up into Mary's arms and she planted kisses all over his face. Jack laughed and tried pulling away. " How you doing little man? "

" I'm good mommy, I'm so glad to see you. " Jack hugged her again.

I walked back out of the room to give them some family time together. I went back out on the front porch, warm feelings filled me at the love that they had for each other. The mood changed suddenly, I knew that I wanted the same thing. I wanted a family to love and that loved me. I sat there looking out over the landscape, I had to find a way to make this happen. I have pulled the curtain back too far on this part of my life that I have been missing. Could I get Sean to understand? I was going to have to try.

Sean came out of the front door and sat down next to me. " I thought I would give Mary some time with Jack. I think we are going to have a talk with him tonight, I hope it is not too soon. I know it's going to tear his world apart. "

" I'll try and get back as soon as I can this evening Sean, I know this is going to be hard for Jack. Dr. Chase told me though that his age will be an asset to him in dealing with the loss of his mother. "

" How can that be Jerry? " Sean asked with tears starting in his eyes.

" He has not built the years of emotional attachments that an older adult has Sean. When my Mom passes away I will have many years of memories and attachments to deal with, and he will have you to help him deal with this and remember all the things about his mother that he does not know. "

" That makes sense Jerry, but all I can see is the pain that little man is going to go through. "

" I know Sean, I see it also. It is ripping the heart right out of me knowing what is coming. "

Sean held my hand and sat there staring out over the yard but not really seeing anything, deep in thought and it was making me nervous.

" Sean, what are you thinking babe? "

" I really don't know Jerry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this. It did not seem real until Mary got here, now it's right here in front of me. "

I stood up and walked in front of Sean and pulled him in and hugged him, held on to him and rubbed his head. I held him tight trying to protect him from the pain, but knowing I could not.

Mom stepped out on the porch, " Jerry, there is a phone call for you. "

" Thanks Mom, I will be right in. "

Mom walked back in the house I pulled Sean's head up and kissed him, " I will be right back babe. "

I walked in the house and picked up the phone in the living room. " Hello, this is Jerry Martin. "

" Hello Jerry, Sheriff Jenkins here, I wanted to let you know that the family has been notified and everything has been filed and I have talked with the district attorney and there will be no charges filed. "

" That is great news Sheriff Jenkins, I appreciate you taking the time to call me and let me know. "

" It is the least I could do Mr. Martin. The Sheriff's Department and I personally appreciate all you have done for us and I appreciate that you have never tried pilfering my deputies to come work for you. "

" I'm sure there are plenty of qualified deputies on your team Sheriff Jenkins, but the hiring is handled by Kyle and he recruits from sources outside of the county. Most out of the state for that fact, it usually causes less problems that way. "

" I can see how that would be better Mr. Martin, I just wanted to let you know what was going on and to send you my thanks. "

" I really do appreciate that Sheriff Jenkins, I will speak with you soon. "

I realized that I needed to head upstairs to get ready for my evening trip downtown, I sure hoped that it was not going to be as bad as this day has already been. I stepped out on the porch, " Hun, I have to head upstairs and get ready to go down town. Do you want to come up with me and talk while I get dressed? "

" Yes I would Jerry, I'm going to miss you enough as it is so every minute I can spend with you the better. "

I pulled Sean up out of the chair and held his hand as we went upstairs. When we were in the bedroom Sean turned me towards him and kissed me and let our tongues mingle in each others mouths.

" I love you Jerry, tell me you will never leave me. I don't care if it's true or not, just tell me. "

" Sean I will never leave you. Because I love you. " I looked into his eyes with the most honest look I could muster.

Sean pulled me into his arms again and we stood there just holding one another. After five minutes I pulled back, " I have to get ready babe. I do not in the least want to go, but I have to get this settled and out of my life. "

" I know Jerry, I wish I could go with you. "

" I wish you could too, but I know you need to be here for Mary and Jack. I'll be thinking about you three while I am gone. "

I turned and went to the closet and pulled out my navy blue suit and started to get undressed. Sean sat down on the bed and watched me as I took the suit off the hangers and put on each piece of clothing. When I was finished I walked to the tie rack and picked out a tie that matched perfectly and put it around my neck.

" We need to sit down with Dr. Chase and see when the nurse will be here and work out a schedule so that one of us is with Mary at all times. "

" I was thinking that earlier, I can ask Dr. Chase while you are gone. That will be one less thing for you to worry about. "

I looked down at Sean and smiled, " Thank you Sean, Dr. Chase is a very easy person to talk with. "

" I like him Jerry, he really seemed very knowledgeable when I met him in the hospital. "

Would you like to go get something to drink before the car gets here? Also Mom is making her famous lasagna for dinner tonight, you might want to wait till after dinner to talk to Jack. "

" That sounds delicious Jerry, your Mom is such a good cook. Let's head down and get that drink before you leave. "

We went down to the kitchen and Mom was working like crazy at the stove getting her lasagna ready for the oven. Dad was sitting at the table reading the paper. " The more things change the more they stay the same. " I looked at Mom and Dad and laughed.

" Hush Jerry or no lasagna for you tonight. " Mom scowled.

" This was the scene in the house when I was kid Sean, Mom cooking and Dad reading the paper. "

" That's because your mother works me too hard if I try to help her, so I take the easy way out. " Dad shot back at me.

" Come now Mr. Martin, it isn't that hard to work in the kitchen. " Sean got in on the game.

" Sean, she is nice to you because she does not know you, but just wait, your time is coming. " Dad pulled the paper back up so he could not see us.

" Richard, stop trying to scare Sean, I am the sweetest person you know. " Mom shouted at Dad.

I could see Dad was laughing as the paper was shaking, " That is because I only know you and the kids Jane. "

I went over to the fridge and grabbed a couple of bottles of water and sat down at the table with Sean and Dad. " I'll be heading out soon Mom so make sure my lasagna is still hot when I get home. "

" I have a small one ready to cook later so it is hot and fresh when you get home dear. "

" You are so nice to me Mom. "

" Of course I am, I'm your mother. "

" Dad always told me I was adopted, now you tell me that. " I fell forward on the table laughing.

" If I was going to adopt a child, Jerry Martin, I would have picked one with more manners. "

" I love you either way Mom. "

Sean and I sat there and just looked into each others eyes. I could not look away, he was looking so vulnerable and I wanted to stay there and lose myself in his eyes. Sean smiled at me and I smiled and I winked. The phone rang and we sat there still looking at each other.

" I guess I'll have to answer that since neither of you moved. " Dad said as he walked to the phone.

" Yes, I will let him know. "

" Jerry, that was Kyle, the car is headed up to the house. "

" Thanks Dad. " I answered without looking away from Sean.

I got up from the table and pulled Sean up with me, " I'll see you later this evening, Mom and Dad. "

" Bye Jerry. " Mom and Dad said in unison.

When we got to the porch I turned and kissed Sean, " I will be back as fast as I can Sean. " I leaned in and hugged him.

" I'll be here waiting Jerry. " Sean kissed the top of my head.

I walked out to the car and Kyle opened the door and I entered and Kyle slid in next to me.

I watched Sean standing there on the porch as the car pulled away. " Fuck, Kyle, I really do not want to do this today. "

" I know Jerry, that's why I stayed away from the house today. I knew you would have me cancel it. "

" You are one smart man Kyle. "

" Thank you Jerry. " Kyle smiled and looked out the window.

" I'm going to sit here and clear my head before we get to the jail, can you call Chief Jacobs and let her know we are on our way. "

" I called her before I came up to the house to pick you up Jerry. "

" Well then, since I am not needed I am going to close my eyes a minute or two and get ready for this meeting. "

I closed my eyes and started putting all the details of the day in the woods and Mary coming to the house in the back of my mind. I wanted all the business details at the front of my mind. I even picked out a few old memories about Brad to see where I missed him and Mark connecting. I knew I had introduced them because of my work, but when did they meet outside of that situation? I would find out soon enough, but how far was I willing to go with this? I will have to determine that after I meet with Mark. The car started slowing down, I knew we were getting close to downtown and would be at the jail soon. Focus Jerry, you can do this quickly and be out of there fast. The car came to a stop, I opened my eyes as Kyle came around to the door and opened it for me. I walked towards the door of the jail and Kim stepped out, " Good evening Kim, how are you this evening? "

" I'm fine Jerry, how are you doing today? "

" It is best not to ask Kim, it's been another one of those days I would as just soon forget. "

" I have Mr. Harrison in a lawyer's room waiting for you Jerry. I put you there because there is no taping equipment and you will have total privacy without worrying about anyone listening in. "

" Thank you Kim, I am hoping that this does not take long. "

" You have as long as you like Jerry, I'll be waiting out here if you need anything, just knock on the door and let us know. "

I followed an officer to the room and he unlocked the door and I entered and he closed it behind me. There sitting at a small table was Mark and when he looked up and saw it was me, he panicked.

" I'm not talking to you Jerry, so just get the hell out of here! "

" You will talk to me Mark and you'll answer every question I ask you. "

" What makes you think I would do that Jerry. You have nothing to have me arrested for or press any charges so why would I even talk to you? "

I calmly sat down at the table across from Mark and looked over at him. " Well, I know you will talk to me Mark, because if you do not and I walk out of here without the answers to my questions, your family will be having visitors within the hour. "

Mark looked at me trying to see if I was lying. I never changed one muscle in the expression in my face. He continued staring at me, " Jerry, you can't do that. They had nothing to do with this. "

" How am I suppose to know that Mark, if you want to sit there quietly? "

Mark sat there thinking, just what I wanted him to do. I sat there looking at him trying to see the truth and the answers to what they had done and how far they were going to go. " Fine Jerry, lets finish this. "

" I want to know when you and Brad got together. "

" He came to me about a month after you first introduced us. "

" Whose plan was this? "

" Brad brought it to me, I had to change a lot of the details but it was his idea originally. "

" You just accepted the plans and never thought that Brad was setting you up? "

" I considered that possibility at first, until he started meeting me every day and giving me some excellent head. " Mark smirked at me.

" So for a blow job, you were willing to destroy me and risk your life? You are one cheap bastard, Mark. "

" Destroying you was a payday to exceed all pay days, Jerry. I wanted you utterly beaten. "

" I suppose you never thought that I had bigger plans than you were involved in? "

" Jesus Jerry, for the kind of money you have sitting around, you could own half the world. "

" Then I would have half the world pulling this same type of shit on me, Mark. "

" Who else was in on this plan? ", I queried him.

" At first it was just me and Brad, but we had to hire a couple extra people to complete the plans. "

" Who would that be Mark? "

" I'm not sure you can handle that Jerry. ", again he smirked at me.

" Fine, I'm gone. Kyle and his associates will be paying your family a visit. "

" No Jerry, It was.... "

I interrupted before Mark could say anything, " Do not say his name Mark, I will have Kyle walk in this room and shoot you between the eyes. "

Mark looked up at me, " Say who? "

" I know who it was, I saw you think his name and I swear to God if you say it and he is involved you will never see the light of day again. "

" You saw me do what? I told you that you could not handle it, Jerry. "

" I can handle it Mark, but will you be able to live with the consequences? "

" If you plan on hurting me or anyone in my family, your empire is gone Jerry. "

" Please Mark, I saw this plan of yours months ago and I stopped it before you could even start. Everything you had in play was on fake servers and the only thing it could corrupt was a few hundred dollars worth of electronics. "

" How did you know? "

" When we met for our spring meeting I saw the plans you had in place and I just could not believe that you would carry through with them. "

" How did you see? Nothing was ever put in writing. "

" I see them now in your mind Mark, every dirty little screwed up detail that you thought was perfect. The twists and turns to screw me and then those that were helping you out of everything. "

" I was not going to screw anyone but you Jerry. "

" Lies Mark!!! All lies, I see you trying to hide the plans you made to kill Brad and Sam both. That little tech kid you hired, was never going to be with you the way you have pictured in your mind you, sleazy bastard. "

" There is no way you could know any of that Jerry, I never spoke a word of those plans. "

" You may not have spoken them Mark, but I can see them as plain as day. Do you think that bringing my brother into this was going to stop me from tracking you down and making sure you were never seen again? "

" I figured it would have slowed you down and I could be long gone before you knew what was coming. "

" I now know where every piece of evidence is at and I will be turning them all over to the state and federal government. If I know both attorney generals it will be 300 years before you get out of solitary. "

" There is no way you will find them all, I have them scattered all around the world. "

I named off every place he had hidden the information I needed to be done with him forever, " Now before I go and I want you to think about this very hard. Why Sam and what did he help you with? "

Mark sat at the table slumped down looking at the table top, " Because he hates you the most Jerry, and I used that to get all your personal details to make it easier to plan this out. "

" Well, it looks like those plans went about as far as your loyalty. Everything you knew or thought you knew about me has changed. Thanks to you and that asshole of an ex-boyfriend, I've changed every detail about anything you knew. I am done with you Mark, you deserve everything that is coming your way. "

" Jerry I am sorry, I never meant for things to go this far. "

" More lies, I can see you planning now Mark. Play on the queer's sympathies, try and get him to let you go. I let Brad live but you I will let the dogs in prison feast upon your bones. "

I walked out of the room and stopped to talk to Kim. " I know where everything is for you to press charges and take him to court without having to call one witness. I will have it delivered to your office and the attorney generals office on Wednesday or Thursday depending on how much time it takes to get it back in the U.S. "

I sat down in a chair and dropped my face into my hands. That dirty son of a bitch and to use my brother to clothesline me. I should have him killed, there is still time.

" I will be expecting it Jerry and I'll call you as soon as it is delivered and the charges are filed. "

" I'll also be sending copies to the U.S. Attorney General, he was in the process of breaking international law and with the plans he had in place, they are going to want his ass too. Excuse my French. "

" I understand Jerry, but we will have first crack at him. Unless you have plans to pull some strings to get it moved to Federal court first. "

" I'm not sure yet Kim, but I know I have to get out of here, before I send Kyle in there to do what I really want done. "

" I'll speak with you later in the week Jerry. " Kim shook my hand and I turned and walked out.

I walked out the door and the warm evening air hit me, I stopped in my tracks and just looked up in the sky. My legs started to shake and I was about to drop like a stone when Kyle was suddenly next to me and held me up.

Kyle got me into the car shut the door and walked around and got in his side. " What the hell happened in there Jerry? "

" It is un-fucking-believable Kyle, can you get me to the new apartment so I can meet Michael and then get me home. I will tell you the details on the way to the house. "

" Right away Jerry. "

" There is one thing and I want this handled delicately. I want a team at Sam's door within the hour and I want his ass in the old office apartment tonight. "

Kyle looked at me with a question in his eyes. " Yes Jerry, I'll have it done now. "

Kyle was on his phone and making arrangements before the car pulled away from the jail.

I sat there looking out the window. How could Sam do this to me? My own brother, I had not been as close to him as I was Bill but he was still my brother. Even if I wanted him dead and buried right now.

" They will have him in Columbus in 2 hours Jerry. "

" Fine, as soon as you drop me off with Michael, I want you to go to the house and pick up Mom and Dad then we will all meet at the old apartment. "

" I do not know what went on in there Jerry, but you have to tell me. I feel like I am losing you down that path you almost went in Vegas. "

" That bastard Mark pulled Sam in on this and was planning to kill him and Brad once they had gotten all they could. Thinking that when I found out my brother was involved I would be too distracted to find him. "

" Jesus Christ Jerry, Mark really was after you and going to use everything he could to stop you from finding him! "

" I can understand the reasoning behind what he did Kyle, it is the fact that Sam helped him. What the hell have I ever done to that dumb ass for him to turn on me like this? "

" I don't know Jerry, but Mark was in deep and if he was going to go to those extremes you need to revamp your office security. "

" I did that months ago Kyle. They have been working on fake servers since the spring meeting. "

" You knew about this months ago and you did not stop them sooner? "

" I knew Mark and Brad had a plan. I wanted to see if they were actually going to go through with it or if Brad would stop it because he cared for me. "

" Why did you not tell me sooner Jerry, I could have stopped this then and there. "

" Because I did not know if anyone else was involved and how far Mark was planning to go. I only saw his plans for Brad and Sam when I just talked to him this evening. If I knew Sam was involved I would have done this months ago. "

" I'm sorry for all this Jerry, but I should have been informed when it happened. Mark could have hired a country's entire army with what he would have stolen. It would be easier to stop him with a few partners than a whole army. "

" I know Kyle, but it was Brad that started this and I could not come to terms that someone I loved would want to do that to me. Now I come to find out that someone else closer to me is part of this also. Please do not let me do something stupid tonight at the meeting. "

" I will be there for you Jerry. "

" When you pick Mom and Dad up, I want no mention of this and please tell Sean I will be a little late getting back home. "

" I will handle it Jerry. "

The car stopped at the new apartment I rented for Michael to stay while he was in Columbus. " Please have these items picked up at these locations for me Kyle and I want them here as soon as possible. " I handed Kyle a paper with all the places and evidence that Mark had hidden.

Kyle looked over the list, " I should have it all here in 24 hours Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle, I will see you back at the old apartment when you return. "

Kyle left in the car to go pick up Mom and Dad and tell Sean I was going to be late getting back. I went in the lobby of the apartment to find Michael. He was standing at the front desk talking with a cute receptionist. " Michael, how was the trip? " I called out to him and started walking his way.

" It was fine Jerry, everything is all set for me to be here for awhile. "

" That's great Michael, I am hoping you have been thinking about where you want to go next. "

" I have Jerry, we can discuss that in a few weeks when you are less distracted. You look terrible by the way, what's wrong? "

" I just met with that rotten fucking Mark and he has turned a terribly shitty day even worse. "

" I take it he is still alive? "

" Well for now, but I have not come to a final decision yet. "

I walked over and talked with the receptionist that Michael had been talking to and signed the papers and received the keys from her. Michael and I headed for the elevator and up to the apartment.

" I think you will really like this place Michael, I have set up an account you can use to furnish and decorate it while you are here. " I handed Michael the card and details on the account.

" I'm sure I will not be doing too much of that Jerry, I live simply. I have never been one to spend a fortune furnishing my home. "

" I can not agree with you more Michael, if I wanted to live in a museum I would live there. I want to live in a home and be comfortable. "

The elevator stopped on the top floor and we entered the apartment to the left, the view of the city was amazing. It was not New York but I was sure that Michael would enjoy himself. We walked through the apartment and viewed all the rooms. The furniture they used to stage the place was still there and could be moved if and when Michael decided on what he wanted.

" I like it Jerry, I can be comfortable here while I am in town. "

" Great Michael, finally something that has gone right today. "

I stood in the living room looking out the window at the city, the distant views that made everything look perfect. You could not see the problems of the street from this height. What was I going to do with my brother? What side of this were Mom and Dad going to come down on? After clearing my mind on the way downtown I just had it loaded up with a whole new problem.

" Jerry, would you like a drink? "

" I'm sorry Michael, what was that? "

" I asked if you would like a drink. "

" Yes I believe I would, thank you. "

Michael poured us both a drink and walked over to where I was standing. " Here you go, Would you like to talk about it Jerry? "

" Well Michael, it is the same old bullshit, just closer to home than I imagined. "

" Does this have to do with Brad and Mark? "

" Yes and someone else that I never thought in a million years would have turned on me. The hurt when I heard his name almost killed me. "

" I don't want to guess Jerry if you do not want to say I understand. "

I took a deep breath, " It was my brother Sam. "

" Oh fuck Jerry, not your brother. "

" Yes and if I had not come across these plans he would be dead now and everything would have been ruined. "

" Who was going to kill him? Besides you, now that you know. "

" Mark was going to kill all of them after they took everything I had, Brad and Sam both. Now how do I tell my parents that my brother screwed me over but by stopping it I saved his life and not end up looking like the bad guy. "

" That's one tough spot you are in Jerry, I can not give you any advice since I don't have any brothers or sister. I hope that your mother and father can handle the truth as well as you are. "

" Can I ask you a question Michael? " I turned to face him.

" Sure Jerry, I am an open book to you. "

" Have you ever thought about having children? "

" I have a couple of times Jerry, but being an only child I never saw the dynamics of a family. All I ever saw was being the center of attention from two parents. I do not think that is how it is suppose to work. "

" I thought mine was Norman Rockwell perfect, now look where I am at. Do not look at one family as an example of how a family is suppose to work Michael, I have shut myself off from seeing people to avoid seeing families. I just came to this conclusion with the help of my Dad, but I think he is right. I worked in small offices where there was no talk about families, I live out in the country and have no neighbors so I do not see families. I think I have done it because I accepted the fact that I was gay and gay men did not have families. "

" I can see why you did it Jerry, when we were younger it was taboo to announce you were gay. When you did it was always the same reply, don't you want to have a family and children. Today there are many ways to have a family that do not require you to marry and be with a woman, or a man if you are a lesbian. "

" That is true Michael, it has not been that long ago for me but things have really changed in the last few years. "

" Excuse me for a moment Michael, I need to make a call. " I walked back towards the bedroom and called Kyle. " Hello Kyle, how close are you getting to downtown? "

" We are about 15 minutes away Jerry. "

" I will see you soon then, thanks Kyle. "

I walked back into the living room and Michael was still looking out the window. " Did I give you too much to think about Michael? "

" Yes and no Jerry, I told you I have only thought about having kids a couple times. Those times have been recently and I was just thinking back to the last time. Watching kids in central park one day I was walking through on my way to dinner. "

" Now you see why I have subconsciously chosen to live where I am at now. I have never seen a young child except maybe when I have been out to dinner or shopping. "

" I think it is time to stop avoiding the problem Jerry, this has gotten into your mind and I know that when something gets in there, you will find a way to solve it. "

" I already have the solution Michael, the timing stinks right now. It will work itself out soon though. "

" I'm not surprised Jerry, I have never known you to mention something unless you already had a solution to the problem. "

" Well, I like to be prepared Michael. I have to run, I have a meeting next door in the old apartment. If all goes well you will not hear a thing. I will get the files for the office sent to you tomorrow. "

" Thanks Jerry and good luck. "

I turned and walked out of the apartment and headed down the elevator. I walked out the door and to the next building over, the office and apartment were in the same building. I knew Kyle's team was done in there but I was not sure about the techs. I walked in the door and signed in at the desk and made my way up to the apartment. I was the first one there and went and poured myself a drink, I was going to need it to remain calm and not snap at Sam. I tried sitting down but could not get comfortable so I started pacing the floor. I do not know why I was so nervous, the worse that could happen would be Mom and Dad would walk out of my life and never speak to me again. Why does the mind always focus on the bad so easily? What is it about the bad that makes itself so at home in the mind and so difficult to evict. I was on my millionth turn pacing the floor when the front door opened. It was Kyle and Mom and Dad, now I had to break this news to them and ask

them for their support. Support which would make them have to turn their backs on one of their children. Can I ask them to do that? Could I do the same if one of my children asked me to turn by back on another one of my children?

" Mom, Dad thanks for coming down on short notice. Thanks Kyle for bringing them, any word on the other package? "

" 10 minutes out Mr. Martin. "

There goes Kyle into his business mode with Mom and Dad here and the trouble coming up soon.

" Jerry, what the heck was the rush to bring us down here? " Mom asked with an upset tone.

" Before I begin would either of you like a drink? "

" No son I think we would rather have some answers. " Dad was standing stiff.

" We need to sit down, I do not think you are going to like this. " We walked in the living room and Mom and Dad sat on the couch and I sat in the chair across from them.

I started to debate on whether to tell them the whole story of what Mark was planning to do if they had gotten away with their plan.

" I just had my meeting with Mark at the jail and I found out some rather disturbing things and I wanted you to be here when I had a talk with someone, who should be here in a few minutes. "

" Who Jerry and what did you learn? "

I took a deep breath, " It was Sam. Mark got Sam to help him with their plan. " I sat there slumped in the chair looking at the floor.

" No Jerry, that can not be true. Sam would never betray you like that, he is your brother and he loves you. " Mom said as she choked back a tear.

" Mom I saw it, just as I am seeing you and Dad sitting right here. I almost lost it right there in the middle of the jail. "

" Jerry, there has to be an explanation, Sam would not do that. "

" Mom, I did not want to tell you this, do you know what I am feeling? I just saw my brother turn against me and I end up saving his life. "

" How could you save his life Jerry, he was not even there. "

" Because Mark was going to kill Brad and Sam and take it all for himself. Since I stopped them, Sam gets to live and I get the privilege of knowing what he has done to me and how he really feels about me. "

" Son, what are you asking of us? " Dad finally spoke up.

" I do not know Dad, I wanted you here. Maybe to protect Sam and maybe to see for yourselves the answer he gives. "

" How about we go to the other room and just listen in on the conversation, I am sure Sam is going to be upset you dragged him here and he will not admit to it easily. "

" I doubt he'll ever admit to it Dad, but I think that is a good idea. You and Mom head to the other room and leave the door cracked so you can hear what he has to say. "

Mom and Dad headed for the office and shut the door slightly so they could still hear what was going on in the living room. I poured myself another drink and stood at the window watching the city. Kyle walked over and put his hand on my shoulder but did not say a word. I looked at Kyle and just nodded.

There was a commotion at the front door as kyle and I turned and faced the door. The front door flew open and Sam was pushed inside by four security members.

" What the hell is going on here Jerry? And why the hell did you have me brought down here? "

" I am sorry Sam it was an emergency. Would you like a drink? "

" No, I would like some damn answers! "

" Calm down Sam, we will get to that, but I want to ask you first do you have anything to tell me? "

Sam looked at me and turn towards the window, " Yes I do Jerry, I want you to know your security team sucks and if you ever pull this shit again, I will see you in jail. "

" Funny you should mention jail Sam, I just came from there and a meeting with Mark Harrison. "

Sam got silent but never turned to face me, he knew I would see what he had done. " Are you sure there is not something you would like to say to me Sam? "

Sam turned around and looked at me, " Why should I say anything Jerry, just look for yourself. "

" I'm not looking Sam, I want to hear you tell me what happened. "

" If you know what happened then why are you even asking me? "

" So, I am just suppose to take a criminals word and not even listen to my own brother? What have I ever done to you Sam James Martin, for you to betray me? "

" It is that right there Jerry, that sanctimonious attitude of yours. You think you are better than everyone and you are not one damn bit different. "

" Sam, I have never thought I was better than anyone, I have treated everyone I have ever known the same, the only time I treat them different is when they prove to me they deserve more or less of my respect. "

" Your respect, who the hell do you think you are to deserve anyone's respect? "

" Does it matter who I am to you Sam? It seems I have been moved down on your list of worthiness to right below gutter trash. "

" Don't flatter yourself Jerry, you are nothing compared to the rest of us. We have families and children and what do you have? Nothing, nothing for Mom and Dad to love but your normal self centered love of yourself. "

" That is what your problem with me is? That I can not give Mom and Dad grandkids? "

" Yes Jerry it is, you are not the one who has to see it in their eyes when they come to your house. William and I get left with that mess to clean up for you. "

" If you think Mom and Dad have a problem with me you tell them to take it up with me, I never asked you to make excuses for me in my entire life. I will be damned if you will start now. "

" I get so sick and tired of hear about poor Jerry and how he has no children and how all he does is work. It makes me sick Jerry and I was tired of it. "

" So instead of telling Mom and Dad you did not want to hear about me anymore, you thought the better idea was to see me ruined? "

" Yes Jerry, then you could become their little baby again and they could take care of you and I wouldn't have to hear about it. "

" Sam, I have heard some sorry excuses in my life but brother, that one tops the list. Pick up a phone and tell me you're dead and never want to see me again, send a card a letter and email. But to be pulled into a plan that would ruin my life's work just because you were tired of hearing about me? "

" Sorry or not, that is the truth and if you are done I'll be leaving. "

" No fucking apology or anything just, I am leaving? "

" I owe you nothing Jerry and I will be damn if I am going to apologize to you. "

" Fine I guess you do not want to hear the rest of the story and actually I do not believe you are entitled to it. So if you are ready you can get the hell out of my life forever. "

" I am more than ready. " Sam started walking towards the front door.

" Just stay right there young man, you have a lot more explaining to do. " Dad came out of the office and was standing there ready for battle.

Sam turned around and was as white as a ghost. " Dad, what are you doing here? "

" Well, I was hoping to hear how a son of mine was fooled into doing something stupid, but from what I just heard he went into it with his eyes wide open. How the hell could you do that to your brother Sam James? "

" Dad, it is not like that. " Sam started stammering.

" Do not bullshit me son, I can read you just as easy as Jerry can. I have known your every move for 32 years young man. "

" Well if you heard I guess there is no reason to say anything else Dad. "

" Nothing else? You are going to stand there and honestly tell me there is nothing more to say? "

" Yes Dad I am. All I had to say I have said to Jerry. "

" I can not believe this, your own brother and you can turn on him and that sorry ass excuse was all you could give him in return. "

" Dad, I am not going to defend myself anymore, what I done is done and that is all there is to it. "

" Wait a minute, I know that statement anywhere Sam. There is more to this than you are telling. What the hell are you hiding? "

" Jerry you stay out of this, it is between me and Dad. "

" Oh hell no Sam, Dad may be able to read you like a book, but I grew up in the same room as you and I know when you are lying. You only use that line when you are defending someone. "

" I said stay out of this Jerry, this is between Dad and I. "

" I think I would like you to answer your brother Sam. What are you hiding and for whom? "

" Dad I am not hiding anything, what was done I did alone and unless the queer goes back on his word that is where it will end. "

I fell back on the couch, 'queer' the word he knew I hated and here he was using it against me in front of Dad. He was protecting someone and then it hit me.

" Mom!!! Get your ass out of that fucking office now! "

Next: Chapter 13

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