Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Dec 6, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. All comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark. for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Chapter 10

Sean climbed into bed and moved over toward me, I put my arm around him as he laid his head on my chest and laid his arm across my stomach and pulled in tight against me. I leaned down and smelled the top of his head and kissed him.

" Good Night Sean. "

" Night Jerry. "


Chapter 11

I lay there holding onto Sean letting my hand run down his head to his shoulder. I kept this up for hours as I could not sleep, my hand exploring the curves of his body. My brain was in active mode and all the plans I had made and all the changes that were coming this week were replaying over and over again. A thought came to the front of my mind, I had to get downtown and talk to Mark this week. I had to figure out how he and Brad had planned what they had and to see if there was anyone else involved with them. I knew I could not face Brad again, but I could take Mark on very easily. I had no emotional attachment to him, and he worked for me so I could look deep inside him and see who planned all of this out. I would call Kim in the morning and ask if I could make time tomorrow evening after Mary was settled in here at the house to come in and talk to Mark. That would give me time to review all the reports in the morning to determine if there were any unusual movements in the accounts. I kept stroking Sean's hair the whole time I was laying there thinking of the plans for the week. I glanced over at the clock and it was 3 am already, I had been awake and holding Sean for four hours and my eyelids had not fallen once and did not look like they were going to anytime soon. I pulled Sean's arm up and laid it on his side and lifted his head as I slid out of the bed. I pulled the covers back up on him and went to the bathroom and relieved myself. I pulled on a pair of underwear and a robe from the closet and made my way out of the room and down to the kitchen. I grabbed a cookie and a glass of milk and sat at the window seat and looked at all the shining stars in the sky. I sat there lost in the stars, thinking about how I got so lucky to find Sean and how that bastard Brad tried to screw me over. I had offered Brad my life and soul for all those years, and how he used me. I could not focus on the pain he caused me, I could not let it infect any part of my life with Sean. I will get my answers when I see Mark, I promised myself. I was thinking about Mary when I heard a bedroom door open, and sat there watching to see who was coming out. There stood Jack in the middle of the kitchen, trying to figure out where he was and where he was going.

" Hey little man, are you OK? " I whispered so I did not scare him.

Jack turned in my direction startled that anyone was up, " I was looking for Uncle Sean. "

" He is upstairs in bed. Would you like me to take you up to him? "

" Yes please. " Jack looked down at his feet, not wanting to admit why he wanted to see Sean.

I figured he had either a bad dream or he wet the bed, so, I took him by the hand and led him upstairs to my room. When we were inside I picked Jack up and laid him next to Sean.

I placed my finger to my lips, " Shhhh, you don't want to wake him. "

" Thanks Jerry. " Jack whispered to me.

I turned and walked back out of the room and headed for the den. I thought maybe a more comfortable seat would be better to watch the skies. I poured myself a drink and turned the chair so I could have a better view of the night sky. My mind returned to Mary, how brave this young woman was, facing her own mortality and always thinking about others. I could see the worries about her son, but she worried about Sean and myself just as much. The Austins were truly a caring family, even with the tragedies that have enveloped their lives. I sat staring out into the darkness completely unaware of anything around me when a hand touched my shoulder. I jumped out of the chair and spilled my drink all over the floor as I turned to see who was in the room with me.

" I'm sorry Jerry I didn't mean to scare you. I was worried where you went. " Sean walked up to me and hugged me. " Jesus Jerry, you heart is beating a mile a minute, I sure didn't mean to scare you like that. "

" It's alright Sean, I was just deep in thought and looking out in the stars and darkness. When you touched my shoulder it just startled me and brought me back to reality. "

" I'm still sorry Jerry, I would have cleared my throat or stubbed my toe to warn you if I knew that I would have startled you that bad. A heart attack you don't need. "

" No problem Sean, I am just glad it's you. " I hugged him tightly to me, his warmth feeling good against me.

Sean held me and kissed my cheek, " It will be OK Jerry, I'm not going anywhere. By the way, how did little man get up in the bed with me? "

"I was in the kitchen before I came in here and he came out of his room looking for you. So I took him upstairs and laid him in bed with you and covered you back up and came down here. "

Sean pulled back from me, " I bet you havn't even been to sleep yet, have you? "

" No, Sean, I was stroking your hair and my mind started its thinking and when I looked over at the clock it was 3am so I got up and came down here and had a cookie and a glass of milk. That was when Jack came out of his room. "

" Had a cookie? That is it, I'm waking Mom up and telling on you. " Sean laughed.

" If you do I'm telling her you made me sleep naked. "

Sean started blushing, " You win, I won't tell....this time. "

" You should head back up to bed and check on Jack and I'll see you in a couple hours. I will get breakfast started so when the alarm goes off it'll be ready for everyone. "

" Jerry, you do not have to do that, you need your rest too. " Sean admonished me.

" I am fine Sean, I can go days without sleep. It's nothing new to me. "

" If I think you're over doing it the next couple of days I WILL have a talk with Mom. "

" I'll relax after tomorrow is over with, I have one very important thing to do tomorrow and one I really do not want to do but have to do. Then Tuesday will be a day to partially relax. "

" What two things do you have to do? "

" The most important is getting Mary moved and settled in here, I don't want her worried about anything. The other is going downtown to see that worthless scumbag Mark. "

" If I can do anything to help you Jerry, just ask, I might not be the smartest man on Earth but I can help you do something. "

" Sean, you do not have to be the smartest man in the world, you are the most caring and that is more important than anything to me. Now get that cute ass of yours back to bed before Jack comes looking for you again. "

Sean kissed me again, " I love you Jerry, don't ever forget that. "

" I could never forget Sean. Good night. "

" Night Jerry. "

Sean headed back upstairs, I watched his ass as he went, lost in the perfect mounds moving as they marched up the staircase. I went to the kitchen to get a towel to clean up the drink I spilled on the floor. I went back in the den and cleaned up the mess and poured myself another drink. I sat back down in my chair and started studying the sky, the stars were amazing out here away from the city. Another reason I loved this house, the seclusion from the big city yet the convenience of being close to downtown. I did not let myself get too lost, as I heard someone in the kitchen. I listened and wondered if it was Mom or Kyle, Dad would never be up this early. I was trying to decide if I should go and see who it was when Kyle walked into the den.

" Good Morning Kyle. "

Kyle jumped almost as high as I did when Sean scared me, " Good morning Jerry, you scared the hell out of me. "

" Sorry Kyle, was just sitting here enjoying the stars and did not want to turn on any lights. "

" You not able to sleep tonight? "

" No, I was laying in bed and looked at the clock and it was 3 so I just got up and came downstairs. "

" There is a lot going on this week Jerry, you need to get some rest. "

" I know Kyle, but only one important thing. The rest I am not really concerned with, except one and we need to talk about that. "

" I'm guessing you are talking about Mark? "

" Yes, I will call Kim later today and see if I can come down and talk with Mark around 6. We should have Mary settled by then and I can slip out long enough to see what all that bastard has been planning and who put him up to it. "

" I'm awaiting the rest of the reports this morning and will have them to you as soon as I can so you can look them over and be ready to speak with him. "

" Thank you Kyle, I implemented a 90% lock down on all accounts until I met with him, but will look everything over to make sure he was not hiding anything from me. "

" I have teams in place in each city you have an office located, in case you need them. "

" You really are on the ball this week already, Kyle. "

" After last week Jerry, I'm not taking any chances. I will not be embarrassed like that again. " , he responded, a bit chagrined as he recalled last week.

" I think you handled yourself well Kyle, with my head not in the game you did a wonderful job and I will not forget it. "

" Thank you for being so kind Jerry, but I am still upset about how things worked out. Between Brad, Mark and Charles, I think last week was a disaster. "

" You can only control so much Kyle, I can't ask you to be able to control another's choices. "

" If you would have let me throw Alan out of the plane, it might have been a good start at controlling peoples choices. " Kyle laughed

" It would have put the fear in them that is for sure, but I think that situation will work out fine. "

" Would you like me to go make the coffee? "

" Not yet, I will be heading in the kitchen soon to get breakfast started. I have the alarm set upstairs for 6:30 so Sean and Jack will be down then. "

Kyle looked at me with a questioning look, " What's Jack doing upstairs? "

" When I came down at 3 AM, I was in the kitchen and he came out looking for Sean so I took him upstairs and put him in bed with him. "

" OK now I got it. "

" Can you call Stanley this morning and ask him to come out here to the house Tuesday about noon. "

" I'll get that done as soon as I have the reports finished, Jerry. I think I am going to head back to the office and pull up the reports in and make sure there are no problems there. "

" Thank you Kyle, I'll be heading into the kitchen soon. Breakfast will be ready about seven so I expect to see you at the table. "

" I will be there, Jerry. Nothing like a good breakfast to start the day. "

Kyle headed off to the back office and I finished my drink and looked outside again. I was enjoying the quiet and the darkness, watching how it covered everything not allowing you to see the good or the bad that it contained. I allowed a few business ideas run through my head, making plans again helped me to calm my mind and bring some peace to myself. I headed for the kitchen to get things started for breakfast. I decided to make some fresh blueberry muffins and then to whip up french toast and bacon for breakfast. I was almost done mixing up the muffins and was about to start pouring them into the muffin pan when Mom walked into the kitchen.

" Good morning Jerry, what are you doing up so early, son? "

" Good morning Mom, I am not up early I'm up late. Had trouble sleeping last night so I thought I would get a head start on breakfast. "

" Anything you want to talk about, Hun? "

" Not really Mom, just so many new things in my life right now. I have never been jealous of you and Dad, or Bill and Sam, but the last few days it seems that I'm becoming jealous. "

" Oh Jerry, my dear, you know jealousy will not get you anywhere. It'll cause you more problems than anything. "

" I know Mom, but I have come to realize I have excluded myself from society to the point that I did not have to see families and think about the things I did not have. "

" I guess seeing Sean and Jack together has got that mind of yours thinking about all of this? "

I finished filling the muffin pan and put them in the oven and placed the dishes in the dishwasher, " Yes Mom, I have always loved being around all of my family. I just think that when a family event was over and I came home the idea never had a chance to take root in my mind. "

" This week is going to keep that idea right in front of you Jerry. You need to come to terms with it or find a way to make it happen. "

" I don't think I am going to run out and find a wife this week, Mom. I guess I will have to come to terms with it and move on from there. "

I poured a cup of coffee for me and Mom and we sat down at the kitchen table. Mom reached over and took my hand in hers, " Son, there are ways to have children that do not involve running out and finding a wife. I may be old but I'm not blind, I do read and keep up on current events and even I know that. "

" I know Mom, but I have set the idea out of my head for so long it is not easy to think that I want to head down that path now. "

" You will figure it out Jerry, I know you have already been thinking about it. You know a mother can read her son like a book. "

" Yes you can Mom, I think you know more about a lot of things you never admit to. I had better get breakfast started, everyone will be up and moving soon and I don't want a horde of hungry people screaming for food. "

" Lets work together, it has been years since we cooked together Jerry. "

" I would love the help Mom. Besides I ate a cookie earlier, I owe you so I made the muffins. "

" You owe me more than a muffin you scoundrel. "

I walked over to the oven and took the muffins out and set them on a rack to cool. Mom started gathering the thing we would need to cook breakfast.

" Would you like to make the bacon while I get started on the french toast? "

" Sounds good son, there is nothing more enjoyable than starting the day off cooking breakfast for your family. "

I stood there thinking about what Mom just said. I, think I tensed up as she noticed me there in silence.

" I am sorry Jerry, I didn't mean anything by that. I was just thinking back to the days when you boys were younger and how happy I was just cooking and taking care of you three. "

" I know Mom and for the life of me, I don't understand why this affecting me hard and fast right now. " I lowered my head and Mom walked over to me and gave me a hug.

" We better get a move on it or that hoard you talked about will be here and nothing to eat. " Mom said as she kissed me on the cheek.

" Let's get busy then Mom. "

Mom and I got everything started and cooking, I was making stacks of french toast and just about finished when I turned around and saw Sean standing in the door.

" Good morning Sean. You ready to eat? "

" Good morning Jerry, that's a silly question. I am always ready to eat. " Sean smiled and let out a chuckle.

I poured Sean a cup of coffee and walked over to hand it to him. He surprised me as he put his arms around me and gave me a kiss.

" That was nice Sean, I could start every morning like that. "

" Is that a challenge Jerry? "

" Only for the next 70 or 80 years. "

Sean took his coffee and headed for the kitchen table, " Where's Jack at this morning? "

" I thought I would let him sleep in a little. This is going to be a hard day for him. "

I never thought about the talk that Mary was going to have to have with Jack. I walked over and made a plate for Sean and took it to him at the table, I pulled out the syrups and jams and got the orange juice. Kyle came into the kitchen as I had finished placing everything on the table.

" Welcome back Kyle. Breakfast is ready. " I poured Kyle a cup of coffee and set it on the table.

" Thanks Jerry, it was smelling really good back there so I had to come check out the progress. "

Kyle sat down and made himself a plate and was chatting with Sean and Mom. I poured myself a fresh cup of coffee. " Excuse me everyone, I'll be back in a minute. "

I walked out of the kitchen and went out on the front porch. I watched the sun rising into the sky, chasing away the shadow of the night and bringing the day to life. I was thinking about the scene in the kitchen, my life was looking so great now and all I was thinking about was changing it. How could I be wanting more when I had Sean? Was I being selfish? Could I expect Sean to head down the same path that I was exploring in my mind? The questions were coming at me full force and the answers were eluding me at the moment. I heard the door open and Sean stepped out onto the porch carrying a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee.

" Are you hiding from all of us today? "

" Not at all Sean, I was just sitting here watching the sun come up. "

" Orange juice? " Sean asked as he handed me the glass.

" Thanks Sean. " I took the glass and drank it down.

" I think you need to head in and get something to eat. It's going to be a long day and I don't need you passing out from hunger. "

" I will babe, It's just.... " and I trailed off. Unable to finish my statement or sure where I was going with it.

" Just what Jerry? Second thoughts? "

I turned toward Sean, " For God sakes, No Sean. I could never have second thoughts about you. "

" What's got you thinking so much Jerry? "

" Sean it's family, seeing what you have had brought the idea to the front of my mind that I can not have one. I am jealous, I think that is one reason I have always avoided people and worked making small offices around the world and not one large office. I'm sorry Sean, I did not want to drop this on you right now, but I told you I would tell you everything. "

" I understand Jerry, we'll work it out between us. I understand where you are coming from, I have felt like that for 3 years now. Ever since Mary gave birth to Jack. I could see the love she had for him, how it showed in everything she did for him. "

I leaned over and put my head on Sean's shoulder, he did know what I was thinking. I never imagined that he was living right in the middle of what I was just beginning to realize.

" I'm sorry Sean, you have been living with this for years now. "

" Most people don't think that a young person doesn't think about having a family. Especially when a family is being pushed on to him. "

" You're right Sean, it is my fault for not thinking about your feelings. "

" I appreciate that Jerry, I know you have a lot on your mind and I don't want to cause you any problems. "

" Thinking about you is no problem Sean, that is the best part of my day. Now let's get inside and get Jack up so we can eat. "

Sean and I headed inside and he went up to get Jack out of bed as I headed into the kitchen. I was making plates for Jack and I when Sean came back in the kitchen.

" Good morning Jack, how did you sleep last night? "

" Good morning Jerry, I slept alright after I found Uncle Sean. "

" That is good, sit at the table and we can have some breakfast. " I finished fixing a plate for Jack as Sean poured Jack a glass of orange juice.

While we sat there and ate Dad came in the kitchen, " Good morning Dad, how ya doing today? "

" Soon as I get coffee I will be doing great son, how are you doing? "

" I'm good Dad. " I reached over and grabbed Sean's hand.

Kyle came back in the kitchen from the office, " I have all the reports ready for you this morning Jerry. "

" Thanks Kyle, as soon as I am finished I'll head upstairs and get dressed and will be down to review them. "

" I'll have them on your desk in the office. " Kyle said as he turned and walked back out of the kitchen.

" Do you have a lot to do today in the office, Jerry? " Sean asked with concern on his face.

" Not really Sean, I just wanted to review all the updates from all the offices to make sure that those two did not get anywhere with their plans. "

" Just don't over do it today Jerry. " Sean squeezed my hand.

" I'll be fine Sean, after I am done in the office this morning I won't worry about that for a few days at least. "

" Promise me you will at least get a nap this afternoon before you have to go to your meeting. "

" I will Sean, I do not want to be distracted during that. "

" What meeting do you have today son? " Dad asked.

" I have to head downtown and have a talk with Mark. " I told Dad, and by the look on my face he knew not to ask any more.

I finished up my breakfast and Sean helped me clean up the kitchen and start the dishwasher. He took Jack back to his bedroom to get him bathed and dressed for the day. I headed upstairs to get myself ready. I looked through the closet and picked out a nice suit and headed into the bathroom to get showered. I was standing under the shower head relaxing as the hot water was coming down over my head when Sean stepped in the shower.

" Fancy meeting you here. " I said as I turned and looked at Sean.

Sean walked up and kissed me, " It's pretty damn fancy. "

" It sure is babe. "

" Would you like some help this morning? " Sean asked as he got the washcloth ready.

" I would love help from you Sean. "

Sean started washing me as I lingered in the feel of his touch. He was so gentle with his large hands and tall stance. I was losing myself in his touch eyes closed and drifting with the rhythm of the water on my shoulders. I was jolted from my cloud of bliss by the feeling of Sean taking my cock in his mouth. He was sucking me in, and it was not taking long to bring me to full hardness. I was starting to moan already as Sean was making quick work taking me all the way down his throat. Sean started to hum and the sensation was amazing, the vibration on the head of my cock was causing me to grow weak in my legs.

" Ohhh damn Sean that feel so good. "

Sean started pulling off my cock and taking me all the way down his throat over and over. He pulled up and licked the head letting his tongue lick the underside of my head and causing me to push forward wanting back in his throat. I grabbed Sean's head with both my hands and eased my cock back in his throat.

" That feels so fucking good Sean, get ready. "

I began fucking in and out of Sean's mouth, thrusting in and out of him. Sean laid his hands on my ass and started pulling me in deep as I plunged into his mouth. He started circling my ass with his fingers, letting one slip inside as I pulled out of his mouth. We were matching strokes and as I was being pushed closer to the edge of a climax. Sean worked his finger in until he found my sweet spot and began rubbing it up and down.

" Fuck Sean, you are pushing me over the edge! " , I moaned, head thrown back with the pleasure or it all.

I pushed in deep and let loose a river of warm cum down Sean's throat, he relaxed and let my seed flow down into him. He slowly pulled me out of his throat until he had the head of my cock wrapped in his lips. Sucking the last of my cum out of my cock and sending waves of pleasure right through me.

" Oh, hell Sean you sure know how to suck cock. "

Sean stood up towering over me and looked down into my eyes, " Only for someone that I love Jerry. " He hugged me and whispered in my ear, " and I do love you Jerry. "

I picked up the washcloth and lathered it up and started washing Sean, " I really love you too Sean. "

We finished our shower and got out and shaved and finished our other personal activities and got dressed.

" I have to head down stairs to the office and do a check on all the offices from the weekend Sean. If you and Jack want I can send Kyle out with you and he can show you around the property. There are 150 acres you can explore and he can show you the property lines. "

" That sounds like a good morning Jerry, I will make us a snack to take with us and we will be back later this morning. "

I kissed Sean, " Have fun. I will see if I can finish up and join you guys. "

" I hope so Jerry, I'd love to view the place with you. "

" I have to finish the reviews and make a few phone calls, if there is nothing out of the ordinary then I will be out there in about an hour and a half. "

We walked down stairs and I strode back to the office and Sean stayed in the kitchen with Mom and Dad. He pulled out some snacks and packed them in some paper bags and went to get Jack ready.

" Hello Kyle. Is everything ready? " I asked as I walked in the office.

" It's all on your desk Jerry, the reports show nothing strange has happened over the weekend. "

" That's good, I hope that everything I had in place stopped those fucks. Can you do me a favor if you are not too busy, Kyle? "

" Sure can Jerry. "

" Can you take Sean and Jack out and walk them around the back property, show them where the lines are so they can explore the woods while I am finishing up these reports and making a few calls? "

" Not a problem Jerry, I'll change and meet them as soon as I am ready. "

" Thanks Kyle, Sean is packing some snacks to take for Jack and should be ready in a few minutes. Have you called Stanley yet this morning? "

" Not yet Jerry, I'll call him at his office later this morning when I get back. "

" That sounds good. Before you go, has Dr. Chase called or faxed anything over this morning? "

" Nothing from him yet. "

" Thanks Kyle, I will give him a call as soon as I finish these. "

Kyle left to get changed. I guess he did not want to be walking through the woods wearing a business suit. I started reviewing all the reports from the offices. When I saw nothing wrong, I pulled up the Columbus office on my computer. I accessed each of the business accounts and all the files that were stored on the server. There were a few questionable transactions that I marked for review but nothing to show that Mark was able to hide anything from me. I sent a message to the techs to run a search program to check each line of code on the server to see if anything was changed or inserted as a virus. Until I was sure that there was not a trap waiting on me, I would keep the accounts locked and not accessible from outside computers. I sent emails to all the office about what I wanted done this week and I was to have reports sent to me on a daily basis till I had the Columbus office back up and running. All money moves over 1 million would need my personal authorization first. When I had those emails completed I called Michael to check in on the progress of his move to Columbus.

" Good morning Michael, How are you doing today? "

" Good Morning Jerry, It is a good Monday. How are you today? "

" It is a good Monday Michael, I have found no problems so far at any of the offices. I've a few details to look into and the techs have a couple days work ahead of them but I have a good outlook on the situation. "

" That's great, I have almost got the New York office all set for me to come back to Columbus. I have some things to pack up at the apartment and I will be on my way back tonight. "

" Great Michael, I will have the new apartment ready for you when you get back tonight. Let me know what time you will be arriving, I will be downtown later this evening and I might be able to meet you there. "

" I have plans to be out of here by noon and should leave the apartment by 2pm. I plan to be back in Columbus by 6 this evening. "

" I'll adjust the time of my meeting and I should be done by then. I will call you and we can meet at the apartment. "

" Great Jerry, I'll see you tonight. "

Business completed, I placed the files away and put the details I wanted checked out, on Kyle's desk. I decided to call Dr. Chase.

" Good morning Dr. Chase, how is your morning going? "

" Good morning Jerry, I am good thanks, how are you today? You're sounding better today. "

" Dr. Chase, I was calling to see if you had an idea of what we would need to finish getting ready for Mary this afternoon. "

" I have already ordered everything I thought we might need Jerry, the medical equipment should be there in the next couple hours. "

" Wonderful Dr. Chase, you are on the ball this morning. "

" Well, I aim to please Jerry. I know how much this means to you and I wanted to make it as easy as I could on you all. "

" Thanks Dr. Chase. Can you call me when you've made all the arrangements to get Mary transferred to the house? "

" I'm working on the details now and I will fax you the details as soon as I finish them and get word from the hospital. "

" Thanks Dr. Chase, I will talk with you later this afternoon. "

I called the front check point and told them of the delivery set for this afternoon. I then called Kyle, I forgot to ask if he made any contacts for a housekeeper.

" Hello Kyle, I forgot to ask you earlier, did you make any contacts about getting interviews set up for a housekeeper. "

" Yes I have Jerry, we have 4 interviews tomorrow. I have staggered them through the day so there is time to do background checks before they leave after you have talked with them. "

" You are really ready for this week Kyle, Thanks. "

I really did not want to make this next call, but I had to get this set up and make sure my business was safe and I could continue with my operations. I wanted to be able to stop worrying if Mark and Brad had something else in the works I did not see.

" Kim, how's your morning going so far? "

" Great thanks Jerry. How are you feeling after your weekend? "

" Doing well thanks, Kim. I was wondering if you could set up a meeting for me for this evening. "

" Who are you wanting to meet with Jerry? "

" Mark Harrison, he was arrested a week ago Friday and should still be in the jail. I would like to have a private meeting with him about 5 PM this evening. "

" I'll get it all set up for you Jerry, how are the Austin's doing? "

" Well Kim, I'll tell you, Mary is not well, the attack has worsened her condition and the doctors have given her 2 weeks. Sean and Jack are doing well, but once I have Mary moved here this afternoon and she informs Jack, I'm sure his world is going to collapse on him. "

" Jesus Jerry, I'm sorry. I did not know that Mary was ill. "

" She had been given 6 months, but the attack has pushed things along. That is why I was so involved at the hospital Friday and I want to apologize if I stepped on anyone's toes or ruffled any feathers. "

" There's no need for that Jerry, you were totally correct in everything you requested. If these lazy ass detectives did not need a babysitter sometimes they would have been on top of this sooner. I need to apologize to you Jerry, you should never have been put in the position you were. "

" Well, thank you Kim, I will be fine and I'm glad that it is all settled. I really do appreciate your coming to the hospital and all the help you have given me. "

" With all you do for this city that no one knows about, it is my pleasure to help you in any way I can. "

" We will have a sit down meeting and see what else I can help you and your department with soon, Kim. "

" If you do not slow down Jerry, I will only have military weapons left to purchase to help the department. " Kim laughed.

" Well, I am sure we can come up with something to assist you with your work. I'll see you this evening Kim. "

I called Kyle and told him I was done working and asked where they were at.

" We are on the back south eastern corner of the property Jerry, we'll be headed west in about 5 minutes. "

" I will head that way in about 10 minutes, I need to talk with Mom first then I'm heading out. "

I walked into the kitchen and found Mom and Dad were gone. I wondered where they could have taken off to without saying anything. I walked into the living room and with no one there, I checked the den and empty there also. I walked out the front door and there they were sitting, enjoying the warm morning and each others company.

" Hello Mom and Dad. Are you enjoying the morning sun? "

" Yes we are Jerry, are you all done with your business? "

" I am Mom, but I have a meeting downtown at 5 so I will not be here for dinner. I was wondering if you could make your famous lasagna tonight. I think I have all the ingredients you need in the house. Unless there is something you have kept a secret all these year. " , I grinned.

" I would love to Jerry, but you will miss out if you are going downtown. And if I told you all my secrets, you could get rid of me. "

" Never! I know Mom but it can not be avoided, I have to get this handled tonight and I have to meet Michael downtown and see that he is settled in the new apartment for his stay here in Columbus. I have a card for the house hold account in the kitchen you and Dad can go to the store and get anything you need and have lunch while you are out. "

" There is no need for that Jerry, but I think a nice lunch out with your father might be nice. " Mom said as she squeezed Dad's hand.

" I'll have the car ready for you whenever you want to go out. Just tell the driver where you want to do and he will take you. "

" Your father can drive us Jerry, we are capable of finding out way around. We have been here a time or two, you know. "

" I know Mom, but it keeps my mind at ease knowing you have a driver when you are here. "

" Alright Jerry, but I'll pick up the things I need and I do not want to hear anymore about that. " Mom said, trying to take control of a part of the argument she knew she could win.

I replied, knowing when to give in on the small things, " That is fine Mom I'm not going to fight with you over it. I have to go get changed and meet Sean and Jack at the back of the property. I will call the driver before I go and I'll see you two later. "

" That is fine dear, we will be back as soon as we can. "

I walked back into the house and called the driver and told him of the plans and then headed upstairs to put on some jeans and t shirt to head out to find Sean, Jack and Kyle. I took the ATV out of the back building and headed out to meet the guys. I was having a nice ride and suddenly I thought of something, I came to a stop and pulled out my phone and called Mary.

" Good morning Mary, how are you today sweetheart? "

" Hi Jerry, I'm holding my own today. How is little man and little brother doing? "

" I'm headed out to the back of the property now to meet up with them, Kyle took them out this morning to show them the around. "

" Sounds like they are having fun. "

" I'm trying to keep them busy, I didn't want Sean focusing on the bad right now, I know he will be doing that soon enough. "

" I know Jerry, I really can't thank you enough for all your help. "

" It's not a problem Mary, I wanted to call and let you know that Dr. Chase has things in motion this morning and he should have everything ready this afternoon to have you transported. "

" The doctors here on the floor have been in all morning and running all kinds of test and told me they were getting things ready for me to be discharged this afternoon. "

" I hope they have been treating you well Mary, I do not want them rushing and messing anything up. "

" They've been really good to me this morning Jerry. The best care I have ever had. "

" I will have Sean and Jack call you as soon as we get back to the house. "

" Thanks Jerry, I'll talk with you soon. "

I started the ATV back up and headed on back towards where I figured the guys would be by now. When I reached the back property line I called Kyle. "

" Hello Kyle, I'm here on the back line now about half way between the eastern and western lines. "

" We will be there in a few minutes, we just heard you pull up. Jack got excited when he heard the ATV coming back this way. "

" I'll have to give him a ride before you head back to the house, see you in a minute. " I hung up the phone and sat back on the ATV and waited.

I did not have to wait long before Sean, Jack and Kyle came upon me sitting on the ATV.

" It's about time you three got here. " I laughed.

" Easy for you to say riding a 4 wheeler. " Sean scoffed at me.

" It's not my fault you three walked. I was using the old noggin for something more than sitting my hat on. "

" Don't start with thinking you're that smart Mr. Martin. " Sean laughed and walked over to me, he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

" I never think I am that smart Mr. Austin, It just happens that way. " I kissed Sean back. " Besides you're too cute to try and outsmart. "

Sean blushed and turned towards Kyle, " How can you stand working for him? "

" I don't work for him, he keeps me chained in the basement at night. " Kyle laughed and walked over to the ATV.

" No bread and water for you tonight Kyle, taking his side. " I looked down at Jack, " How are you doing Jack? "

" I'm tired Jerry, Uncle Sean made me walk all the way. "

" That was not very nice of him Jack, how about a ride back to the house? "

" Yes yes yes, I wanna ride. " Jack screamed.

" I see how you are now Mr. Martin, saving little man from the mean uncle Sean. " Sean frowned and looked at Jack.

" Someone has to save him Mr. Austin, making a poor little kid walk all that way. Come on Jack, I pulled him up onto the ATV and then dismounted. "

" Are you gonna let me drive. "

" No, Jack not this time, Kyle will be taking you back to the house so you do not have to walk. I will leave mean old uncle Sean out here in the woods. "

" We will be back as soon as we can Kyle. " I handed him the key to the ATV. " Also can you have a couple of the front team help you clear out the den, Dr. Chase has a delivery coming to the house in about an hour and we need to be able to place everything. "

" I'll have it handled as soon as we get back to the house. "

" Mom and Dad were heading out to the store, can you keep an eye on Jack until we make it back to the house Kyle? "

" Not a problem Jerry. You and me will be fine won't we Jack? "

" Yep, I'll be good. But maybe we can have a cookie too? " , he asked Kyle hopefully.

" You better be good little man, and stay out of their way if they are working in the den. " Sean smiled at Jack as he walked over and kissed him on the cheek. " The cookie is up to you, Kyle. "

Kyle climbed on the ATV and started it, the smile on Jack's face grew and Kyle put it in gear and headed off towards the house. I turned back towards Sean, " Now I have you all to myself, sexy man. "

" You have me, all the way back here at your mercy Mr. Martin. " Sean smiled at me still using the proper names from the joke with Jack and Kyle.

" I do Mr. Austin, now have you been good or bad out here in the woods? "

" I've been really good, but I think I want to be bad now. "

" I think you need to be taught a little lesson about being bad Mr. Austin. " I pulled Sean in and kissed him and fell to my knees. I popped the button on his jeans and pulled the zipper down. I lowered his jeans and found out her had gone commando.

" Ohh, no underwear, you ARE bad Mr. Austin. "

I grabbed his cock and gave it a few strokes, then placed the head in my mouth and ran my tongue around the hood.

" Damn Mr. Martin, you are a good teacher at being bad. "

I pulled Sean forward by his ass forcing his cock to slide down into my throat, I held him there pulling on his balls as I let my throat relax to his invasion. I slowly pulled up the length of his cock and spent time giving his head some lavish attention.

Sean moaned, " Fuck ya, that is so good Jerry. "

I took a moment to wet my fingers before sliding back down and deep throating Sean. I placed my fingers at his tight hole and started a slow circular motion, teasing him and bring forth grunts and growls from Sean. I slide a finger into his ass and began bobbing my head up and down on his cock.

" Oh holy shit Jerry. "

Sean started thrusting his hips forcing his cock deep inside and pulling out, this gave me time to concentrate on fingering his ass. The heat coming from inside Sean was amazing, the tight hole clamping down on my finger as he pulled back out of my mouth. I worked another finger in his tight ass and Sean growled, " Oh yes Jerry, stick them in farther! Damn! "

I keep up the pressure pushing my fingers deeper into Sean, the deeper I went the louder and more he moaned. His moaning was really getting me hot! I reached his G-spot and spent some time gently rubbing it and causing Sean to pick up the fucking of my mouth. I started sucking Sean harder as he pulled out, and began rubbing his button harder. I knew he would not last much longer, I needed him to have strength to walk back to the house. I used my other hand and pulled down on his balls and Sean yelled out,

" Oh fuck here I cum Jerry!! "

Sean started cumming deep inside my throat as I stroked his love button. His entire body was shaking and I let go of his balls and slowly pulled out of his ass and place my hands on the back of his legs to help him stay standing up. He slowly started pulling back, taking his cock out of my mouth. He fell back and landed on his ass with a thump.

" Damn Jerry, I think you drained me of all my energy. "

" That was the plan Sean. " I said as I pulled myself up and started kissing him. Sharing the treasure he just deposited in my mouth.

Just then I heard a twig snap, I looked up and there stood Alan.

" Alan, what the hell are you doing out here? " I said as Sean and I jumped up, Sean trying to pull his pants up.

" I am sorry Mr. Martin, I saw you head out on the ATV and I followed you. "

" I told you on the plane Alan that you would not be on my personal protection team. "

" I know Mr. Martin, I just had to see Sean and I was hoping he would be out here with you. "

I sensed that Alan was nervous about something, besides just catching me giving Sean a blow job in the woods. I reached into my pocket and pushed the panic button that I always kept on me.

" I told you that you could apologize to Sean personally when the time was right Alan, but this is not the time or the place. "

" Mr. Martin I just had to see him, I do not know why. I don't know what is going on with me. "

I could see the fight Alan was having with himself, but I knew if I could not get him to control it that this was not going to turn out well.

" Alan, I think we need to head back to the house and sit down and discuss this. "

" No Mr. Martin, we need to stay here and finish this. " Alan started pacing.

I was trying to stay between him and Sean, I knew that Sean was still weak from the sex we just had. I did not want him to try something and get hurt. Although I did not think that Alan would hurt Sean, I think that he loved him and that was the conflict he was wrestling with.

" This is no way to handle anything Alan, you need to realize that we have to talk about what you are feeling. "

" I am not talking about this with you Mr. Martin, I need to talk to Sean. "

I watched Alan but could not get him to look at me and see all that was going on in his head.

" You can not handle this situation without all of us talking together Alan. "

" No Mr. Martin, I only want to talk to Sean. I think you need to head back to the house and let us talk. "

" Alan, I think you are forgetting that this is my house and you work for me. " I could see Alan tense up and his mood change, I fucked up saying that to him.

" Mr. Martin this may be your house but if I say to leave you will leave. " Alan started to walk towards me and Sean moved around me to stand between us.

" Alan, I don't think you want to hurt Mr. Martin. If you want to talk to me then talk. "

Alan stopped, surprised that Sean was talking to him, " I would not hurt him Sean, I would make it a clean kill shot. "

Sean turned white and gasped. " You don't want to do that Alan. How could there be a me and you if you killed Mr. Martin? "

I looked at Sean with shock, ' a me and you?' What the hell was Sean saying? I saw movement coming through the woods behind Alan. Alan was standing there shaking his head as if he could not believe what Sean had just said.

" You would want to be with me Sean? " Alan asked in a shy voice.

" I would, but if you killed someone I don't think that could happen. "

Alan stood there pondering what Sean told him, I then realized what Sean was doing. Distracting Alan as Kyle and his team were getting in place.

" But if he is alive, you would not want to be with me Sean, I can see the love between you two and if he is gone, the love goes with him. " Alan looked up at Sean.

" How could I be with you Alan if you just killed someone to get rid of love? "

I pulled back on Sean's belt loop trying to get him out of the way in case Kyle took a shot, I did not need what happened to me to happen to Sean.

" I think it would be much easier Sean, move out of the way please. "

" I can't do that Alan, if you really want us to be together you need to think this through. I don't want to be with a murderer. "

Alan started his agitated pacing again and as he passed Sean and I, Kyle took the opportunity. I heard the shot and grabbed Sean and pulled him down with me to the ground.


I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, I have had little time to write lately. I hope to get back at it the next couple of weeks and get a few more chapters out before Christmas. Take care one and all.

Next: Chapter 12

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