Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Oct 23, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome.

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Betting: On-Love-and-Life-1

I sat there watching the screen as the slot machine was spinning. I was really not paying it much attention as my mind wander over the details of the last several days. I flew to Vegas to get away from the pain and to try and make plans for my future. Though at this point in time the future looks more like a blank page at the beginning of a notebook than anything. My life was wonderful just a few days ago to turn to shit so fast. My name is Jerry Martin and I live just north of Columbus, Ohio. I used to live there with what you could have called the man of my dreams, Brad Johnson. I work in an investment company where I have been for the last 3 years. Most of my co-workers find my ability to read a person as uncanny, and usually come to me with all their problems and questions. This made what Brad did all that much worse. We had been together for since our junior year in college. He majored in Engineering, while I was a Business Major. It had been an extremely bad week at work as the fiscal quarter was coming to a close and everyone wanted to buy or unload their stocks. I came home dragging and found the house torn apart. Half of everything was gone and the place looked like a tornado had come thru and stayed awhile. I then found a letter from Brad on the kitchen counter and took me 10 minutes to open it, for I knew what it contained.

Dear Jerry,

I hate to do this to you this way, but I can no longer handle not being able to make friends with anyone cause they can't pass your high powered perception. I want to be able to make friends, to learn about someone, and to make my own decision based on how they handle themselves on a daily basis.

Love you Always, Brad

I looked up the aisle to see the most erotic picture of maleness was walking toward me. He had to be at least 6' 8" tall and the most beautiful friendly, happy face I have ever seen, but there was a hint of sadness there. His gorgeous auburn hair laying softly on top his head, just craving to be stroked and played with in the after glow of a long session of love making. I watched in great detail as he came closer and closer. He was dressed very casually, shorts, T-shirt and sandals. When he was just a couple machines away he turned to sit down, it was then that i noticed walking behind him was a woman. Compared to him, she was small, maybe 5' 5", brown hair and brown eyes. She looked pale, and a little under the weather for Vegas, but sat down and started playing. I sat watching them out of the corner of my eye, it was cute to see her win a little on a spin and get so excited and jab the Adonis in the ribs sitting between me and her. I just had to moan to myself, that she was doing something that I would have paid to be doing. Then she won a few hundred on a spin and really jabbed him and said with some excitement "It's mine". I looked over and told him that's how it goes, what is yours is hers and what is hers is hers. He gave me a quizzical look for a moment, then laughed. I sat there wondering what that was all about, but continued looking deep inside my own thoughts of my shitty life. I had been sitting there for too many hours and needed to get up and move so I did not need a wheelchair to make it back to my room later. I stood and stretched and looked over and seen my Adonis of a neighbor looking my way. I told him I need to stretch a little or I would not ever be able to walk again. He seemed to get a light bulb above his head moment and turned to his girlfriend or wife, I had no idea which, and asked her if she was ready for a break. She smiled at him warmly and said she was.

I then thought it was time for more personal introductions and put my hand out and said " Hi I'm Jerry ". He took my hand in his firmly and shook it saying " Nice to meet you Jerry, I'm Sean and this is Mary ". I was so lost in the touch of his hand, I had to pull myself out to the realization that he had introduced me to the woman he was with. I reluctantly pulled my hand away from his and took Mary's hand in mine and told her is was a pleasure to meet her. I asked them if they would like to join me for a bite to eat, and seeing the looks on their faces I quickly said it was on me. I wanted to go back up to the room to make myself a little more presentable for dinner and we agreed to meet back down in the lobby in 30 minutes.

While I was getting ready for dinner with Sean and Mary I kept asking myself, what the hell I thought I was doing? I did not know these people and I did not even know it they were boyfriend/girlfriend or if they were married. I kept telling myself that it was just dinner, they looked like they could use a good meal and who was I to deny them that? I put on a nice shirt, casual slacks and pulled out a sports coat and headed out the door and back to the lobby. When I reached the lobby I Looked around to find Sean and Mary, but found them nowhere around. I just figured I was early and it might take a little while longer to get ready being there was two of them. The minutes clicked by and I was growing increasingly worried that they were not going to show. Another 5 minutes passed and since I did not know their last name I could not find out what room they were in, I turned and there stood Sean, a true work of Heaven if I had ever seen one. I walked over to him and greeted him with a warm hand shake, and asked where Mary was.

He got a deep look of sadness on his face when I said it and it worried me that I had done something wrong and this was Mary's way of letting me know that I crossed a line. He then told me that Mary was not feeling well and that she wanted to stay in the room while we had dinner. I started to question this but Sean told me there was no use arguing, that once Mary made up her mind that was the end of the discussion. I looked at him with a look that said I understood that what a wife said to her husband at times had to be taken as orders. I asked Sean what type of food he liked so I could choose a place for us to eat. He said it didn't matter to him, that he could eat just about anything placed in front of him, but said it with a smirk that made my stomach twist in ways it had not in years. What was it about this hunk of a man that made me lose my ability to see what he was all about? There has never been a time when I could not detect something from anyone that I have met. This was how I made such a good living at the stock market, picking up on clues that I could feel from their minds. I decided that a nice steak dinner was on the menu tonight and headed out the front doors to get a cab. The ride over was uneventful, but quiet, I watched Sean as he spent the time looking out the window into the settling darkness. I wondered what was going on in that sexy head of his, the auburn hair just sitting there on his head like stoic guardians defending against anyone getting close. His attention to the coming darkness concerned me, I wondered if he was regretting his decision to go to dinner with me, like Mary wanted. The more I watched him the more I could see there was more to this than Mary, but knew that whatever it was she was the center of it. The cab soon arrived at The Steak House, on the strip, one of my favorite places since my first visit to Vegas. We were soon seated at a nice table and the waitress took drink orders and left us to look over the menu. I forgot about the prices here and soon snapped out of my haze and told Sean to order anything he wanted, for I had invited them to dinner, so it was on me. This brought a smile to his face finally, which made my heart speed up a few beats. I started asking Sean questions to see if I could finally break whatever spell that he had stopping me from sensing his thoughts. "So Sean, Where do you call home?" was my first of many questions to come.

"We live Just north of downtown Columbus, Ohio" he said with a bit indignation on his face.

"Well that is amazing, I live just north of the city in Sunbury" with a huge smile on my face.

" No way " he stated, a little louder than I think he wanted to be.

"Yep, been there a couple years now and just love being able to be out of the city when I'm not at work"

"Where do you work?" he said a little quieter than his last statement.

" I work for an investment company downtown"

" Where do you work at Sean? "

"Well at the moment nowhere " came the response as he slowly looked down at the empty table in front of him.

" What kind of employment was you last job " I asked to keep the conversation moving.

He got this look on his face like he was looking for the nearest exit, and I could tell he was more than stressed with the question.

" My last job was in the mail room at a law office " as all emotion was now gone from his blank stare.

" Well we all started somewhere, I used to work at Wendy's while I was in school, not the most glamorous job, but it helped pay the bills."

He looked over at me, but I could tell he was staring thru me as if I was not even sitting there. I decided it was time to move this along before his urge to run got the better of him and he took of for the nearest exit.

" So how long have you and Mary been together? " I asked to see if that might change his mood over the work situation.

" Um, Oh sorry, was a little lost there, We have been together for 21 years. "

" What? you can not be more than 24, how can you have been together that long? "

" Cause she is my sister " came his reply.

Now I was the one lost for a moment as his words sunk into my spinning brain. Not even imagining that the conversation would head this way.

" Ha ha " I chuckled, " I was thinking you were a couple "

" Nope, but she is one great sister and the most wonderful person that walks the face of the Earth as far as I am concerned. "

That made me even more curious as to what he ment by that, so I continued with the questions to see what other revelations I could come up with.

" What brings you two out to the great city of Vegas?"

" Well that's a little hard to explain, but if you give me the time I think I can explain it to you."

" Take as much time as you want to. I'm in no hurry "

Just then the waitress came back to the table with drinks and took our order, Sean finally decided on the Filet Mignon just as I had. That done and out of the way, Sean took a swallow of his drink and a deep breath and looked me dead in the eyes.

" I may not make it too far in this story before I fall to pieces, so if I have to take a minute or two to compose myself please dont think any less of me, cause if I don't, you will have a blubbering mess sitting here at this table with you. And that's not going to be a pretty sight for such a nice place you have taken us to."

" I am in no hurry Sean, I have nowhere to be and in no hurry to get back to an empty hotel room."

He sighed, then put his face in his hands and took a deep breath and the way he did it I knew that what was to come was going to rip my heart out of my chest and left laying on the floor.

Matt cleared his throat and pulled his head up and clasped his hands together and started his story.

" This all started 9 years ago, when my father was killed at a job site working construction. The pain the family went thru was almost unbearable, my mother just completely lost herself in the days and months afterward. His name was John and I was only 11 years old and he was the center of my universe. Me and my sister were devastated and we both withdrew into ourselves and with mom lost in sorrow we were left with no one to find us and help us back. My mother, in her state of dispair, started drinking. Almost everyday we would come home from school there she was drunk on the couch a pile of malfunctioning motherhood, while Mary and I just went thru the motions of our daily lives. This continued on for the next 4 years, mom missing both our birthdays, school functions, until I came home from school one day and the house had police cars all in front of it, looking like a scene from any cop show. I went running to the house with all we had in us, only to be grabbed by officers standing outside in the yard. They wanted to know what I thought I was doing, and all I could continue to do was yell for mom. Then a detective came out of the house and asked us who I was, as I told him, his eyes sank to the ground and he shook his head. He went on to tell me that my stupid drunk of a mother had been in an accident and was killed. I just lost it and fell to the ground in tears. The detective took me in the house and set me down in the living room to continue with the details. He told me that while driving drunk, my mother had passed out with her foot on the accelerator and drove head on into a tree and was killed on impact. He then asked me if there was anyone that he could call for me, as I sat there looking at him I couldn't even get Mary's name to come out of my lips. In came Mary, led by another officer, she stood there in disbelief as the officer told her the story that he just told me. "

I said, " Sean that's an awful story, and I am sure your not done, but dinner will be here soon. Take a few minutes and relax until it gets here.

Sean seemed to realize where we were and smiled over at me and took a drink and said " Thanks. "

I started to process all the information that Sean put out in his story so far and wondered how this kid had made it this far in life with losing his mother and father, and could basically say both when he was 11 the way his mother did the last 4 years.

The waitress showed up with our meals and Sean started to devour his, its been along time since I had seen a young man eat like this, it put a smile on my face.

Sean looked over at me and gave me a questioning look, then asked " What's put that smile on your face?"

I said " Well let me see how I can put this so you do not get offended."

He put his fork down and got a serious look on his face and I thought that he was getting ready to walk out. I seen the apprehension in his look and said " Its just been a long time since I have been around a young man who enjoyed eating like you were doing. "

I smiled over at him to show my amazement of his appetite, and trying to set him at ease. He seemed to get what my smile was saying and he smiled back across the table at me.

" Well there is one thing you should know about me, I love to eat, and when the food is this good its easy to enjoy it. " Sean said. I replied " Well I told you they had good food here, or I wouldn't be here. "

Sean smiled and continued his eating while I simply nibbled on mine and watched him like a lion stalking its prey. Since he told me that Mary was his sister and not his wife, my imagination has been in overdrive. When Sean was done with his meal I asked him if he would like anything off the dessert menu. He looked at me with a devilish grin on his face and said, " Depends what's on the menu. " and from the sound and look, my groin picked up on the undertones to his comment.

We ordered dessert and then I stood and asked Sean to excuse me for a few moments, he looked at me with a question in his eyes but then understood that I needed to use the restroom. I caught our waitress and asked her if she could get the manager and bring him to me here, she looked at me with apprehension in her eyes and I told her that there was no problem with her, the meal or the service it was something personal. A few moments later she returned and introduced him. I told him that I was in the middle of a business discussion and that we would probably be occupying the table for quite a bit longer. I wanted to compensate him and our waitress for anything that they would miss out on due to us using the table for such and extended period of time. The manager told me that it would not be a problem and to take as long as we need to finish our business. I thanked him and handed the waitress two hundred dollars and thanked her and continued to the restroom.

When I returned the dessert had been served and Sean was making quick work of it like he had done with dinner. I apologized for taking so long and asked him how he was enjoying his dessert. He just smiled as he continued to stuff him mouth shaking his head. This brought a smile to my face, one that I had not had for awhile, even with Brad in many years. As Sean finished up his dessert he placed his fork down and pushed his plate away and groaned that he ate too much, and with a chuckle I agreed with my own grown and rubbing my stomach. I ordered coffee for myself and ask Sean if he would like a cup or another drink, he ordered a shot of Petron. We waited for the waitress to bring us our drinks back then Sean lifted his glass took his shot then put the glass on the table and looked down gathering his thoughts.

I said " If you don not want to continue Sean I completely understand, I just want you to know there is no pressure on you to tell me anything and that I do not judge anyone for anything they have done in their past.

Sean looked at me with these sad eyes of torment and quietly said " Jerry, I have to talk to someone about all this, it's been years and I have not been able to talk this whole thing out with anyone and if I don't do it soon....,"

His voice trailed off and I could see a small tear forming in the corner of his eye and I just wanted to leap across the table and hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright, but little did I know how wrong I was.

"I am sorry Jerry, but I have never had friends the way most teenagers had and never had anyone to talk things out with and get another's view of things, it may have helped me understand things more and helped me with lots of the decisions that I have had to make in my life. "

" Sean, I have lived through terrible decisions in my life, and there is never a reason to be sorry when you reach out and ask a friend for their opinion. Now I am not saying that all the opinions from any friend are going to be good ones or ones that make sense to you, but they then become options in your process to make a good choice for yourself. "

Sean was stunned at the insinuation that I considered him a friend and that I could at all be interested in giving him and opinion on what he should or should not do with his life. He sat there looking at me for a moment, then leaned his head down and gathered his thoughts and then started to finish telling me his story.

" After the police had finished their investigation at the house, the told Mary that they would have to contact the Department of Children Services since I was underage and that my mother was now deceased. Mary got nervous and asked what was going to happen, she didn't want me taken anywhere and put into the system, I was only 4 months from my 18th birthday. The policeman told her that DCS would handle everything and take me thru all the options to make sure that I would be as least traumatized as possible. This seemed to put Mary at a little bit of ease and she took all the information from the officer and walked him to the door. When the house was empty I broke down and asked Mary, what were we gonna do now? Mary was like a rock during the days, weeks and months following mom's death, I was amazed at how ease she took the reigns on the whole situation. I was a walking zombie, no friends who's shoulder I could cry on, no parents now and a sister I had really started to grow apart from since she had moved out of the house a couple years ago. Mary handled everything with DCS and had gotten them to leave me where I was and in school to finish up my senior year the next school year. All the financial details Mary could find and in the house and dig thru got her up to speed on the finances with the house and what our new lives were going to be. Little did I know, and Mary made sure that was the way she kept it, we were in trouble and she never let it show. That summer before my senior year, I spent about all my time in the local YMCA, I lifted weights, ran, worked out all in the chance to help me relieve my stress and come to terms with what my life had turned into. When school started I settled into a routine that got me thru each day and nothing more, I was so focused on myself I never even noticed how much Mary was hiding from me. I knew she was working hard to keep us in the house and food on the table, but those details just never entered my mind, that was to me an adults job.

Sean looked up and asked if I minded if he ordered another drink. I told him not at all and motioned for the waitress and placed the order, asking for 2 doubles, I think I needed something stronger than coffee by the look on Sean's face. When she brought the drinks back Sean downed his and shook his head as the liquor went down, then resumed his story.

" As the months passed I didn't even notice how much weight Mary had gained, I was still going thru the motions of each day and just standing on the sidelines of what should have been the happiest year of my life so far. But one day I did notice and confronted Mary one day after school, asking her if she had been at the table too much or was just not as active as she used to be. She looked at me with a shock on her face and fell to the floor crying. I ran to her on the floor and put my arms around her and asked what was wrong, she continued crying for a long time and I didn't know what was going on. Finally she said that she was pregnant and didn't know what to do. I fell over right on my ass from my kneeling position and just looked at her like she was crazy. we held onto each other there on the floor for ages, before Mary had to have me help her up and we went and sat on the couch. She then told me the story behind how this had happened, to tell you I was shocked would be the understatement of the year. Mary had told me how deep in debt my mom was and that the only way she could come up with to make enough money to keep the roof over our heads was prostituting herself. "

Sean looked over at me with tears in his eyes and took another sip of his drink, then said " Please Jerry, don't think bad of Mary like I did at first. She was doing what she thought she had to do to keep us together at least till I finished my senior year. "

" Sean, I would never judge Mary for a decision as hard as she had thrust upon her shoulders. There is no way in this world that anyone can say, truthfully, what they would do in the same situation." I proudly said with a smile, trying to reassure Sean.

Sean got a half smile on his face, sipped his drink again then continued on with his story.

" It was at this point that I knew I would have to step up and become the adult that I should have been years earlier, and most likely would have been had my mother not become so withdrawn and would have cared for us like she should have. I told Mary to get herself to DHS and get some help with insurance so she could see a doctor. I went out and got 2 part time jobs to start bringing money into the house so we could stay. I was working at McDonalds 3 or 4 nights a week after school and I found a job at the local junk yard the other nights I didn't work at my other job. The yard gave me lots of time to work out my anger and frustrations, moving around junk helped stay calm and in shape. Mary found a doctor and her pregnancy was right on track. I talked her into finding a psychiatrist to help her work out the problems she was having with what she had done and the place she was now in with her life. Time flew by and before I knew it Mary was nearing time to deliver the baby, but I noticed that she was not her usual self, and I tried to find a way to ask her about it without sounding too troubling. Before we could ever get into this discussion tho, Mary went into labor and before I knew it I was an uncle to a beautiful little boy. Mary, named him Jack and I thought he was the most precious thing I had ever seen. Mary adjusted well to being a mother, she was attentive and as caring as our own mother had been when we were little. I graduated High School 6 weeks after Jack was born, and I struggled to make sure we had a house for us to live in, working 2 full time jobs trying to keep up with the hole we were put in when mom died. I worked hard all summer like a man on a mission, then late that fall Mary got sick. We both thought it was cold, but it never seemed to go away. I finally made her get herself to the doctor, a day right up to this one that has ruined our lives.

Sean's eyes were really tearing up now and I didn't know what to say, because whatever it was that was coming I didn't want to speculate on. I said, " Take your time Sean, we have as long as you want, or need. They will not push us out the door till we are done and ready to go."

Sean finished what was left of his drink and rubbed the tears from his eyes and smiled at me as if to say Thank You, Then took a deep breath and continued on with his story.

" Mary went to the doctor and he ran blood test and called Mary a couple days later to come back in for her results. I was at home with the baby and when she walked thru the door I knew that whatever the doctor told her wasn't good, she was white as a sheet and sweating like she ran all the way home. I just stood there and asked her what was wrong. She looked at me and fell into my arms and collapsed into me and cried for almost an hour. When she finally calmed herself down he told me what the doctor had told her during her visit. She had Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and the outlook wasn't in her favor. I sat there in disbelief, unable to process what she said and what she ment by it all, was she trying to tell me that she was dying? It was like my entire universe, even as small as it had become had imploded on me and left me with nothing. We sat and talked all evening and half the night. Mary decided to start an aggressive treatment regime to see if she could turn the tide on her diagnosis. I had to quit one of my jobs, I needed to be at home more to help take care of Jack and Mary. I told them what was going on at home, and I really appreciated all they had done for me during the last 9 months. They tried their best to get me to stay, but I had no choice but to be at home more to help Mary.

Sean paused for a moment and waved at the waitress and asked her to bring him another drink, and I asked for one too. This was getting way too deep not to have one. When she brought them back we both thanked her and Sean downed half of his and sighed really heavy and continued on.

" Mary started treatment and it was awful on her, she was so drained of life it was like looking at a shell of what Mary once was. It tore me up inside to watch her go thru this, I tried as hard as I could to be there for her, I arranged care for Jack with a neighbor of ours to keep him while I worked. She knew what Mary was going thru and helped me as much as she could, which was a God send in my book. After months of Mary going to the doctor and hospital almost daily, she finally started taking a turn for the better. She looked better each ad everyday, almost like there was a new Mary appearing before my eyes. I was so happy that it seemed like something was finally going our way. It's like God had finally heard all my prayers and answered them all at once. The doctors were amazed at her progress, they started to sound like there might be hope after all. I was floating on air for weeks after Mary's last visit, it was once again a happy home to come back to every night. By this time Jack was almost 3 years old, the holidays were behind us and we were into March and the spring seemed like a gift . Then one weekend we were making dinner and as Mary was standing at the sink washing vegetables to make a salad she just collapsed on the floor in a heap, I was screaming and yelling her name, unable to understand what happened. I called 911 and they were sending help. As I sat there holding Mary and praying that she was going to be alright, but knowing deep down that this was just all wrong. The ambulance arrived and while they were working on Mary, I took Jack next door to the neighbors and begged her to watch him while I went with Mary to the hospital. She finally agreed and I ran back to the house to check on the paramedics progress. They were just getting ready to take her out of the house and put her in the ambulance. I tried to go with them but they said I needed to drive so I had a vehicle to get back home later, I guess they were right, but wasn't thinking that far ahead. When I got to the hospital I ran to the desk and asked about Mary, the nurse just told me that they were working on her now and that as soon as she had word she would come and get me. I paced the floor in the waiting room like a caged animal, nothing going thru my mind, nothing I could keep focus on at that moment anyways. I dont know how long I paced for, seemed like days to me, but the nurse finally came out and took me back to see Mary and talk to the doctor. Mary was laying there ashen grey and looking bad, the worst I had seen her in almost a year, all i could think of was how did this happen so fast. Mary was sleeping and the doctor grabbed me before I could really get in the room and be near her, He took me to a small room down the hall and rushed me in and had me sit at a small table that was in there. I looked up at him like a small lost child, with a thousand questions just under the surface ready to explode wanting answers. The doctor seemed to sense what was coming and sat down at the table and looked me straight in the eye and put his hand over mine and told me that what he had to say was not easy, but please stay strong till I am finished and then I can answer any questions that you have. I nodded my head and leaned forward almost curling up in a ball and waited for what he had to say. He started out telling me that the cancer had returned and this time it was back with a vengeance. It was in her brain and spinal column, and that given she had been thru the treatments she had that there was no chance that anything was going to work to slow its progression and there would be no recovery. I let out a loud gasp and fell to the floor in tears, I started yelling how, why, what's going to happen to Jack. The doctor was stunned for a moment, then leaned down and hugged me and helped me back into my seat. I didn't know what to do, what to say, who to call. There was no one and I knew that, but why, why wasn't there anyone there anymore. What have we done to deserve all this pain in our lives? After an hour or so I had came back around, the doctor was just about to sedate me and put me in a bed when I finally started making sense and asking him questions about Mary. He answered all my questions and seemed to generally care about all of them, even if they seemed like stupid questions to him, he answered them all. When we were done, I went back to Mary's room to see her. There she lay so small and quiet, it just tore me apart to have to walk into her room and look her in the eyes. I walked to her bedside and took her hand in mine and gently stroked her cheek and called her name softly. She slowly opened her eyes and seen me and tried to put on a big smile, but I knew it was a front for my sakes. I kissed her on the forehead and told her that we would get thru this someway, anyway, there are still miracles that happen everyday.

Sean paused and finished his drink, then said " Please excuse me for a moment Jerry, I will be right back. " He headed for the restroom and I called the waitress over and ordered us both a double, and she returned before Sean came back from the restroom.

Sean came back a couple minutes later and looked like he had washed his face and was a little better holding it together than I thought he would be. When he sat down at the table he looked at the drink and glanced over at me and smiled that big warm tender smile as if to say Thank You. I smiled back and nodded my head at him. He downed half of it and wiped his mouth with the napkin and rested his head in his hands for a moment, then looked back up at me and went on with the last part of his story.

" Well the doctors that had seen her when this all started were in the hospital the next day and went thru all the tests and reports and told us the same thing the doctor in the Emergency Room told me the night before. The stabilized Mary and she seemed to improve over the next couple of days and they sent her home. They had arranged a visiting nurse to stop by every other day and the neighborhood seemed to pull together to help me out with Jack all they could. I was on thin ice at work with all the time I had taken off the last week and I had to get back to working before the tossed me out on my ear. Mary was spending as much time with Jack as she could, holding him, talking to him, reading to him, anything to be near him and to me to make a bigger imprint on his mind. One day at work my friends and coworkers asked me what they could do to help me and Mary out with anything we might need in this dark time. I told them that right now I didn't know what could be done, the doctors were pulling clinical trials and anything else they could find to see if there was anything that might help Mary. I told them if there was anything that came up I would let them know. That night I talked to Mary about what was going to happen and what should we do or be doing? She told me that she was working on that and had found a lawyer at the free law clinic to help her set up a living will and how they were going to get custody of Jack to me when the time came and she was gone. I looked at Mary like she was insane, why are you talking like this? There is no need to do all of that, not now, not while you were still her and well. She looked at me and said this is the perfect time, I am here and well enough to make these decisions and to help make things easier on you when the time comes. I bowed my head, knowing she was right, bit not wanting to hear or believe it at this point in time. There was a commercial on the TV while we were talking, about a last wish group for children with a life threatening disease. I turned to Mary and said, what would you like to do as a last wish? She thought a moment or 2 then said I would love to go to Vegas and see some shows and play in the casino one time before its all over. I told her that sounded like fun, maybe I could find a way to make it happen. She smacked me on top the head and said don't be silly, you have enough to take care of with all the bills of this house and Jack to worry about that. I shook my head and said your probably right, but wouldn't it be great to do just that? The next day at work I thought about what my friends asked me and I started thinking about how we could make this happen, I started talking to some people in the office and asked them if they had any ideas on how I could make this happen for Mary, that I wanted her to have this last chance to do something that she really wanted. Word went thru the office like a wildfire and before the day was over there were people all around my desk, then Lauren spoke first and told me that things were in the works and that by tomorrow they should have an update and maybe some concrete plans in place. I looked around at everyone and shook my head not believing what was happening. I tried my best to keep anything from slipping to Mary, at least until I knew more of what was going on at work. By the end of the week I was approached by one of the senior partners in the firm and he asked me how my sister was doing. I was shocked he even knew me let alone about Mary, I told him that she was holding her own and the bad days were starting to come closer together. He told me if I needed anything to let him know and he would help with what he could, I thanked him and went on with my mail delivery. By the end of the week the office staff gathered in the break room and with the help of the mail room manager had me brought in to surprise me with tickets to Vegas, hotel, and show tickets. I was so shocked I broke down in tears and thanked them all from the bottom of my heart. Now I had to tell Mary and arrange for someone to watch Jack while we were gone. I talked with a couple neighbors and got plans set for his care and then went to talk with Mary. We had a wonderful dinner, and then later that night I told her what had happened at work and showed her the tickets and travel info that they had given me, the look on her face was precious, one I will never forget. She cried for over an hour, surprised by the generosity of all the people where I worked. This brings us to here and me sitting at dinner spilling my story out to you Jerry.

Sean looked over at me and I had a tear running down my cheek and a lump in my throat the size of the Grand Canyon. I could see the same in Sean's eyes and face and I reached over the table and placed my hand on his and said. " Sean I am honored that you felt comfortable enough with me to tell me that, I just don not know what to say, so much has happened to you in your short life. It makes me feel that what has happened in mine is so pale in comparison that, I am ashamed of looking at my life as having any problems in it as a disgrace."

Sean got a look of horror on his face as if to say you have to be kidding me, but didn't say anything. He stared down at his drink and started to sob almost as if someone had broken the dam that was holding back every emotion that he had ever felt in his life.

I quickly jumped out of my seat and went over to him and sat down and took him in my arms and let him pour all those emotions out and the tears to fall. I then told him " If there is anything that I can do to help you thru this terrible time, just let me know, I understand we just met, but I would be more than willing to help you with anything you need. "

His tears starts to slow and his trembling started to lessen, and looked at me and ask "Why?"

" Because its the right thing to do. " I exclaimed. " There is nothing I would not do in this world for a friend who is truthful with me, and I can trust."

Sean looked over at me and gave me a huge smile, the one that melts your heart like butter in the sun and leaves a big messy pool. He then said, " Thanks Jerry, I don't know when but I do know that if it is alright with you, I will call you. When Mary is gone, I will be alone, everyone I have ever loved will be dead and gone." As the tears started again in his eyes.

" That is not true Sean, I will be there for you and you still have Jack, and as sure as I am sitting here I bet he loves you as much as he does Mary. He will need you to be as strong as you have been over your young life to help him thru his." I told him clearly to get his mind on a positive point in his life.

Sean looked up at me and realized what he said then puffed up his chest a little and said, " Yes he does, he has become the center of my life I cherish every moment I can spend with him. It's just going to be so hard to on me when the time comes. I don't know if I will be able to handle the responsibilities of raising Jack, taking care of the house and working all on my own. I will be lost and no one there to help me everyday."

The tears returned on Sean's face again as he lowered his head and began thinking of what turmoil his life was going to be in when Mary died. I finally said, " Sean, let's head back to the hotel. I think you have been thru enough for tonight, and I am sure you need to check on Mary, since she did not come tonight.

" I think your right Jerry, thank you, I'm so sorry for burdening you with all my problems. But at the same time I'm glad I did, I've never had anyone to talk to about all this even back to the day my dad died."

" It was my honor Sean, I'm glad that you were trusting enough in me to tell me. That means a lot to someone like me. I know how hard it is to be truthful with people."

Sean gave me a quizzical look as we got up from the table to leave. I stopped at the front of the house and thanked our waitress again and slipped another hundred into her hand, then went out to the door to get a cab back tot he hotel. The ride back to the hotel was quiet, I think Sean was thinking over the events of the evening, trying to sort out what was said between us at dinner. I had not said much, but I think what I had said was giving Sean trouble but why I did not know. I wished I could feel his thoughts, its always come so easy to me with everyone I have ever met. Why was it not there for the one person I wanted it to be there for? I sat there deep in thought when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I looked over at Sean and he said, " Are you alright? " and I could see a look of concern on his face. The type of concern that maybe he regretted telling me his story.

I smiled over at him and told him, " I'm fine, I was just reflecting on all you told me, I know people have problems in their lives, I have had me share of them. When I compare them to yours its like comparing an ant hill to Everest. "

Sean got an uneasy look on his face and lowered his head. " I'm sorry Jerry, I shouldn't have burdened you with all my problems. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin your evening."

I drew in a deep breath and told Sean, " Sean, you did no such thing. I was so deeply touched that you could share your life story with me, I know how hard it was on you. The comparison I was making was just the way my mind works, all the years in business the balance sheets, the proposals, the way business boils everything down to the bottom line. I know it is not easy for most to understand, that is why I usually do not tell people what I am thinking till I run everything thru to the bottom line."

Sean looked up like he understood and gave me a smile, " I totally understand, I have tried many time to do just that, but always end up getting side tracked along the way. Either the brain is too slow to process it all or life jumps up and takes my thoughts somewhere else. "

I exclaimed, " No way that could be true Sean. I can assure you that your brain is not too slow, your life has more than jumped up and taken a hold of it more than your young life deserves to be racked with all the pain and troubles. " I sighed and told him, " Please do not think about this too much Sean, if you get to know me you will understand very quickly how my mind works. "

" I think I would like that Jerry, there seems to be something about you that is deep down inside you that draws people to you. It seems like it just needs to be used more often."

The cab stopped at the hotel and we got out and headed inside. I told Sean, " Go check on Mary and that I would see him tomorrow, giving him my room number, telling him call me if he needed anything. I was going to head into the casino and maybe see if I could get myself into a game at the tables."

Sean thanked me for a wonderful meal and told me he would call if anything came up and that he would definitely see me tomorrow. Before he started to walk away I said " Call me in the morning and I can take you and Mary to breakfast, I would like to meet her and talk to her and we can enjoy a nice meal to start the day off."

" I think that would be great, I will get Mary to bed early and hope she feels well enough to go."

With that Sean turned and headed toward the elevators and was gone. I stood there for a second and then turned and headed to the casino floor to find a table see if I was ready to concentrate on game and start to process all the things Sean had told me at dinner. I sat down at a table and ordered my chips, the dealer counted them out and stacked them for me to take. I started out winning a few hands, then losing a couple. Still ahead of the game but holding more than my own, as the nights information started processing thru my head. The more I played the more I started to understand the feelings that Sean was having. It is not just the agony and pain of loss, its the understanding of how an individual deals with such a loss and can continue living their lives holding that pain at bay and not break down. I started feeling more and more respect for Sean, I have dealt with many people around the world, old, young, some of the most powerful business leaders that the world has seen. Their power seems small in comparison to the troubles that Sean has had to face in his life. Just then I got a feeling that I was being watched, as I slowly started to look behind me there was Sean standing watching me. I smiled and asked him " How long you been standing there? "

" Just a few minutes, I was watching you play. I was trying to see how you decided on your bets, but that got me nowhere. " He chuckled as he said it. I asked him, " How was Mary? "

" She was doing well and thought the idea of breakfast was great, she said to let her know when and where and she would be ready."

" Well that is great " I said, then started to plan on where to go to eat. " Let me make a few phone calls and see what I can find and I will let you know."

I started to get up and head off with my cell phone to make my calls when I looked at Sean and told him to sit down and play my hand, I looked at the dealer and shook my head giving him the approval to let Sean play while I was away. Sean looked confused by sat down and started playing. I started my phone calls and had breakfast arranged in just about 10 minutes.

I walked back over to the table and Sean was looking intently at the cards on the table and I stood there watching him to see how he handled himself at the table for a few minutes, when he glanced over and seen me standing there.

" Now how long have you been standing there watching me. " He asked just like I had asked him, with the cutest smile on his face.

" Just a few minutes, I wanted to see how you were handling the table, and from what I can see you did well. " I stated looking at the pile of chips that had grown since I was away.

" Are you kidding? That was there when you left, I have only won one hand since you were gone. " Sean told me and I looked up at the dealer and he nodded slightly to tell me that Sean was correct.

" Well I guess I was not paying much attention to the game before you showed up Sean, I better be more careful next time. " I said as I leaned into Sean's ear and whispered, " Must have been distracted by something. "

Sean blushed and got up from the seat and told me " Well then I guess I better let you back at the cards while your attention is elsewhere and you are on a hot streak."

I sat back down and motioned for the dealer to start the next hand, and looked over and asked Sean, " Would you like something to drink? "

" Yes that sounds good"

I motioned for a waitress and she came over and I placed the drink orders and asked her if she could ask the concierge to please come and see me. She said no problem and headed off to the bar and to place the call. Just a few minutes later she was back with the drinks and told me that Mr. Richards would be with me momentarily. I thanked her and paid for the drinks and gave her a tip and turned to talk to Sean.

" We need to leave by 9 for breakfast, so we arrive on time. " I told Sean.

" That's fine." He said then asked " Where are we going and what kind of attire should we wear?"

" Nothing too elegant, casual you could say, but really does not matter since I do not think that there will be anyone else there." I told Sean with a big grin on my face.

Sean turned his head with a hint of questioning in his gaze like he didn't understand a word I said. Then said, " I think we can handle that. "

Mr. Richards came up to the table and introduced himself and asked what he could assist me with. I told him, " I will need a limousine in the morning for a 9 o'clock pick up and then to stay with us till after our meal was finished and to bring us back to the hotel. "

He said, " That will not be a problem and told me that it would be waiting on me and my party at 9."

I thanked him and looked at Sean and said, " We are all set be in the lobby at 9 sharp and we will be on our way. "

" In a limo? " Sean asked with a bit of hesitation in his voice.

" The only way to travel in the morning on your way to a wonderful meal. " I told him, hoping to calm any fears he might have.

He smiled at me shook his head then turned to the table to watch more of the game. He was gorgeous sitting there watching the game with a sense of amazement that I have not seen in many years. It was like a child seeing a room full of presents under the tree on Christmas morning. I had to smile to myself thinking how Sean seen the world, even thru the eyes that have seen more pain than most people see in a life. After an hour of sitting at the table I realized it was getting late and decided it was time to head upstairs to my room and call it a night, before we ended up staying in the casino all night and falling asleep at breakfast. I asked the dealer to cash me out and told Sean, " I think we need to head upstairs and get some sleep or we would be sleeping during breakfast and leave Mary enjoying all the food by herself. "

Sean smiled and said, " You're right, I didn't realize how late it was getting. " As he stood up and stretched, his shirt lifting up just enough to show off his smooth muscular abdomen and his treasure trail heading down into his pants.

I had to pause and take in the scene and almost let out a moan, before I caught myself and turned to look the other way before Sean finished and seen looked back at me. We headed towards the front of the casino and the elevators. The elevator wait was short and we both entered and pushed the button for our respective floors, the silence was getting to me and Sean was fidgeting. I was hoping he was not having second thoughts about the morning, so I asked him what he was thinking.

He seemed to forget I was even in the elevator and jerked with a startle to my question. Then said, " I was running that game thru my head trying to understand how its played. "

" Well it can be a hard game to learn, but the more you play it the easier it get, I can help you learn tomorrow if you have time. If not I will be here a few more days, and can find time to show you the rules and the best ways to remember them.

The doors of the elevator opened at Sean's floor and he started to exit, he paused and looked at me and said, " See you in the morning, Good Night. "

" Good Night Sean " I replied as the doors were closing.

As I continued up to my floor my thoughts began to flash to a scene may be the future, maybe a desire, of me and Sean sitting in my kitchen enjoying a breakfast, with smiles on our faces and love for one another in our eyes. I had to shake that vision from my head, I could not become attracted in that way to someone so vulnerable and to someone I had no idea about their sexual orientation. The thought shaken from my head the feelings in my heart kept them warm and safe deep inside its beating rhythm. Safe? I can only hope. I would hold them there only wishing they could become the fruit of a dream my mind did not want to project.

The nights sleep was full of dreams, so real I had awoken several times asking myself if this was real. I had not had such a disturbed night of sleep in my life. I only hoped that it would not effect the way that the next day out unfold. I wanted everything to go perfect for Mary and Sean, the last thing they needed was me being an oaf because of lack of sleep and the brain disengaged.

The clock went off at 7:30 and I made my way to the shower and got dressed for the start of a wonderful day, I kept thinking thru all the plans I had for Mary and I hoped they all came off without any problems. I was down in the lobby at 8:45 and was surprised to see Mary and Sean standing there waiting on me to arrive. I walked over and Sean introduced me to Mary. " Mary this is Jerry Martin, Jerry this is my sister Mary Austin. "

I extended my hand and gently took hers and raised it and kissed her hand and said, " It is my honor to meet you Mary. "

Mary blushed and said, " Its my honor to meet you also Mr. Martin."

" Please call me Jerry, I do not stand on ceremony. I am just a person like everyone else on this planet" I responded to Mary.

" Well Jerry, I want to thank you for the dinner invitation last night and want to apologize again that I was not able to join you and Sean. He told me that the meal was wonderful and I really missed out on a great evening. "

" I am sorry you were not feeling well enough to join us too Mary, but I think this morning will more than make up for it for you. " I told her with a smile.

We then headed outside to the limousine and we were headed to what I hoped would be a most special breakfast for Mary and Sean. I was starting to worry that I might be over doing it and that Mary and Sean could be overwhelmed by what I was planning, but I had to hope that they would not become too over overcome. The limousine pulled up in front of a very nice restaurant, we made our way to the door and as we entered Sean gave me a look, asking " What have you done. " I just smiled and nodded for him to enter and follow Mary. We were greeted by the Maitre d and seated at a nice table, just then Mary said, " But the place is empty how come we are the only ones here? " I told her, " Well I made a call last night and got us a special engagement with a very nice chef to make us a delicious breakfast to help us start a special day.

Mary looked at me like I had gone insane, " How can someone from Columbus, Ohio just make a call and get any chef to just open a whole restaurant and cook for three people? "

" I know a few people and have some friends that will on occasion do something special for me when I really need them " I told Mary.

Just then a gentleman walked out of the kitchen and headed over to our table, I caught him on his way over and as he approached the table I stood and greeted him.

" Wolfgang, I want to Thank You from the bottom of my heart for doing this for me."

In his special heavy accent he shook my hand and said, " Its my honor Mr. Martin, anything I can do for you all you have to do is call. "

" I really appreciate that Wolfgang, but please you know to call me Jerry. " I said with a smile on my face.

" Yes yes, Jerry, now who are these to fine people that you have with you today? "

" Wolfgang, I would like to introduce Mary and Sean Austin. Mary and Sean this is Wolfgang Puck. "

Mary and Sean jumped up out of their seats and took Wolfgang's hand and started shaking it, " Its an privilege to meet you sir, I have seen you many times on TV and I want to say you are and excellent chef." Sean was babbling on and on, like a kid on a sugar overload after too much time in the candy store.

Mary started to rise and Wolfgang gently put his hand on her shoulder and said, " Please no need to get up for me ma'am, its my pleasure to meet you." as he gently placed a kiss on Mary's hand.

Mary blushed and said, " Its a dream come true to meet you sir, I'm totally in shock that I get to eat your cooking this morning."

" Well if its food you will be wanting I better get back to the kitchen and finish, so you can complete your dream my lady. "

Wolfgang turned and headed back to the kitchen with a lift in his step like he had met a princess and a prince.

Mary looked across the table at me and asked, " Who has friends like Wolfgang Puck that will cook breakfast for them after just one phone call. "

I was starting to feel a little tense with the tone that Mary was taking, but I expected that one or both of them would have a problem with all this attention from what most would call a celebrity.

I looked over at Mary and took her hand and gently told her, " Someone who has made a great many friends in a world that is ruled by money my dear. It is all about contacts and understanding of the world of business, and I have been around the block a time or two in that world. I have made more than my share of contacts and when I need them, I use them. "

Mary seemed to take in my reply and her shoulders gently lowered and it seemed to calm her of the stress she was having about this luscious meal. We sat and had a wonderful conversation and the meal was absolutely astounding, Wolfgang had outdone himself and I was so glad that Mary and Sean were enjoying themselves. We talked for an hour and I learned all out Mary and her childhood, her skipping the details about her mother and father and how she got pregnant with Jack. I assumed that Sean had told her about all he told me last night and she did not want to go thru that pain and anguish again and skirted around those details.

" Sean told me that you wanted to see some of the shows here in Vegas Mary, have you seen any yet? " I asked Mary

" We seen the floor show at the hotel on our first night here, but I don't know what else Sean has planned for our last two days here." she said with a tone of sadness in her voice.

I looked over at Sean and seen a little panic in his eyes and figured out that he did not have anything planned and was worried that he was going to have to tell Mary.

" If it is acceptable to you and Sean, I would like to take you both out tonight and have a nice dinner and see some shows. " and as I said it I could see nervous look in Sean's face leave and replaced with a smile that could melt the ice caps.

Mary looked over at Sean and asked, " Well do you have any plans that might be interrupted? "

" No Mary, I think it would be a spectacular evening if we went with Jerry." Sean replied, with a bit of sorrow on his face.

" Then it is settled, lets get back to the hotel and we can change and do some shopping at the hotel and then we can have lunch there until we need to get ready for the evening. "

Mary and Sean agreed and we headed out to the limousine and back to the hotel. Both of them seemed different, a bit of nervous and a little bit of surprise mixed in with trepidation. The ride back was quiet as Mary looked out the windows taking in all the sites as we made our way up the strip and back to the hotel. I led them towards the stores on the upper levels and then excused myself to make some phone calls. I made my calls to arrange a spectacular evening for Mary, I wanted her to enjoy the full benefits of being in Vegas while she was here. I arranged for a front row table for her to see Wayne Newton, then to go visit him back stage. After that we would have a nice relaxing dinner at Aliz‚. Then it was off to the Venetian for a gondola ride, then finishing with a trip to watch the fountains at the Bellagio. I was excited with the arrangements I pulled together and went to find Mary and Sean. I was looking through the stores as I was trying to find them when I noticed them in a nice up scale dress shop. I am sure that Mary was looking at the clothes, not being able to have afforded anything like this in her life. I came in so they did not see me and as I came upon them I heard Mary tell Sean how beautiful she thought that dress she was holding was and that she thought she would look amazing in it. I knew that Mary would never allow me to purchase the dress for her, one because I knew how much it would cost, and two she was still not sure what my motives were when it came to them. I cleared my throat to let them know I had returned and that I was close enough to hear them so they did not say anything that might embarrass themselves or god forbid me.

I told Mary, " That dress looks stunning on you, I imagine that you would look lovely in it for our night out. "

" I was thinking the same thing Jerry " as she held it up and spun a little looking in the mirror. " But there is no way that is going to happen right now."

She then hung the dress back up and started toward the front of the store. I could read her face, mind and emotions that she really wanted to be wearing that dress tonight. I stopped a hostess of the store, while Mary and Sean continued on their way, and asked her what size she thought Mary might wear. She studied her for a moment and had a good idea, I showed her the dress Mary was looking at and asked her to send one in that size to Mary's room and put it on my room account. She grabbed a dress and headed to the back and came out a moment later and told me everything was handled, I told her to make sure it was not delivered until we were headed back to our rooms and I would stop back by to let her know when were headed back to them to get ready for the our evening. She told me that would be fine and I left to catch up to Mary and Sean.

Mary seen me coming back up behind them and turned around and asked what I was up to, I smiled and told her nothing. I motioned for them to some seats at the side of the hallway and explained the details of the evenings plans and that we would need to be out the door by 5:30pm. I asked them both if they had anything they wanted to do until we needed to go up to the rooms and get ourselves ready for tonight.

Mary shook her head and said, " I don't want to do too much, I want to be ready for tonight. If I do too much this afternoon I will be back in that damn bed again all night. "

Sean looked at his sister with a lot of concern and ran his hand down her cheek and asked, " Would you like to go up now and take a nap until it's time to get ready later? "

Mary shook her head yes and Sean stood up and said, " I'm going to take Mary back upstairs to rest, once I get her settled I will be back down and we can see what kind of trouble we can get into Jerry. "

" Please rest well Mary, I want you all fresh and ready for all the excitement that Vegas has to offer." I said as I held her hand in my ever so gently.

" I will be there come hell or high water Jerry, Thank You for all you gave done, It's like heaven sent an angel to look over us on this trip. "

" I have been called lots of things in my life Mary, but an angel is not amongst them. " I told her with a smile and a gentle laugh.

As they head back to the elevators and headed up to their rooms, I headed back to the shop and told the hostess that the dress could be delivered as soon as they could arrange it, they were back up in the room.

She said, " It is boxed and ready and I will have someone take it up in a few minutes. " I thanked her and headed back out and toward the casino floor when I realized that I needed to arrange for a limousine for the evening, so I went to the concierge's desk and asked for a limousine to be ready for us at 5:30 and to be available to us for the rest of the evening. Mr. Richards told me everything would be ready for us at 5:30 and asked if there was anything else that I needed help with? I told him no and thanked him for all his help and headed towards the casino floor.

Mary and Sean were just getting into their room and Mary set on the edge of the bed and looked at Sean, " I don't know Sean, we don't know who Jerry is, or anything about him. I like him, he seems so sincere and very friendly, but how do we know who he really is?"

Sean set down next to Mary and took her hands in his and said. " I know Mary, but after all I told him last night about us he still wanted to spend the day with us. We have nothing to offer him, or anything he could take from us, I trust him and I think you should too. "

Mary stared out the window thinking about what Sean just said and she could really see his point. She was returned to the room with a knock on their door. Sean got up to go answer it and then came back with a large box in his hands and a tear running down his cheek.

Mary jumped up off the bed and ran over to Sean and said, " What is it, why are you crying Sean? "

Mary looked at the box and gasped when she seen where it was from, " You don't think he did it do you? "

" I wouldn't be surprised if he did Mary, I told you he was special. " Sean got out thru the tears rolling down his cheek.

Mary opened the box and was stunned, there laid the dress she was looking at in the boutique down stairs just a short time ago. She felt the tears start and she reached out and hugged Sean.

"How did we get so lucky Sean? I don't know how we will ever be able to thank Jerry. " Mary said thru the happiness that was pouring out of her at that moment.

" I have no idea Mary, but I am so glad he has come into our lives. Sean told her thru his own tears. " Why don't you put it back in the box and get your nap, I want to go find Jerry and thank him. I just don't know what to say, but I'm sure I will think of something. "

Mary looked at Sean and smacked him, " No way I'm putting it back in that box, it needs to be hung up so it doesn't wrinkle before tonight. " as she scowled at him.

" Well how would I know what you do with a dress, specially one like that? " Sean shot back at his sister.

Mary hung the dress up in the closet and stared at it with sparkling eyes, then Sean helped her to bed and made sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed and then headed out the door.

I sat down at a blackjack table and was deep in thought in the game, thinking about how well I hoped the evening was going to go. I was just about to call a waitress over and order a drink when I was lifted out of my chair and almost thrown into the air in an embrace that I thought was going to end up crushing my lungs. I looked down and seen Sean and he had the most infectious smile on his face, and from what I could tell the remnants of tears on cheeks.

" I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you Jerry, you have made Mary happier than I have seen her in years." Sean almost scream as he continued to squeeze me like boa constrictor.

" Sean, Sean I can not breath. " I tried getting out before I passed out.

Sean looked up at me and almost dropped me but slowed my motion just before my feet hit the floor. " I'm sorry Jerry, I was so over joyed for Mary I forgot what I was doing." With a huge smile still plastered on his face.

As I tried to retake the air back into my lungs that Sean had squeezed out of me I could not believe how happy this made Sean. " It was my pleasure

Sean, I am so relieved that she accepted the dress and did not send it back and come looking for me. But you know what? " A thought came to me right then, " What will you be wearing tonight on our night out Sean? "

Sean's smile and delighted expression left his face and his shoulders slumped, almost like a tire losing its air. He started to say something and I held up my hand to stop him. I turned to the dealer and cashed out and threw him a chip for a tip and told Sean, " Come with me. "

We headed up to a wonderful Gentleman's shoppe I have visited several times when I am in Vegas and I knew we needed to get Jerry something so he would not feel out of place next to his sister when we were out tonight. When we entered the shop I noticed that the tailor that has taken care of me before.

" Hi Mr. Jones, How have you and your lovely wife been doing? " I asked as we walked up to him.

" Well, I will be, How are you Mr. Martin, It has been a long time since you came to see me. I have been just fine and so has Mrs. Jones, Thank You. "

" I am so glad to hear that Mr. Jones, I have a special request of you and your wonderful talents, If you have the time? "

" For you Mr. Martin I have all the time in the world. " He replied.

" This is Mr. Austin, I wondered if we could get him a suit to wear tonight, We will be taking his sister out for a special night on the town and he needs to look just as exquisite as she does while we are out. "

Sean stepped forward and shook Mr. Jones hand and said, " It is nice to meet you sir. But please don't worry if you can't work me in, I'm surely not special enough to be a problem for you if you are busy. "

" Nonsense young man, a friend of Mr. Martin's is a friend of mine and it is never a bother to help a young man like yourself to look his best for a night out on the town. " Mr. Jones said and Sean stood there blushing.

" Please step this way and we will see what we can do to get you looking special for tonight, but it's not like it will be that hard as good looking as you are young man. " Mr. Jones stated and again caused a blush to come to Sean's face like fireworks going off in his neck.

I had to smile, the look on Sean's face was picture worthy, In my mind he ranked right up there with the Statue of David.

Mr. Jones had Sean in the back bringing several evening jackets and shirts and ties, then went and picked out some slacks. I stopped him and suggested that maybe a nice Armani suit would be easier than putting an outfit together.

Mr. Jones smiled at me, " I believe your right Mr. Martin, I was trying to do it this way to keep Mr. Austin from being too concerned about the price of things."

" That will not be a problem Mr. Jones, please charge everything we get to my room please, but do not let Mr. Austin know of the cost please. I think he is nervous enough and I don not need him falling apart in front of his sister this evening. "

Mr. Jones looked at me with a look like he knew what I was inferring, " That will be no problem at all Mr. Martin, it will be a great pleasure for me."

Mr. Jones took about an hour to find a suit that was as close as he could get to fitting Sean before he needed to tailor it, I shook my head yes when Mr. Jones made the final choice. He asked Jerry to step up on the tailor platform so he could mark the adjustments that needed to made and then sent him back to the dressing room to change back into his clothes.

" I will have this ready in about 90 minutes Mr. Martin, would you like to pick it up or would you like it sent to your room? " Mr. Jones asked.

" I think it will be better used if you send it to Mr. Austin's room, he and his sister have a room of their own. When he comes out you can get the room number from him and have it sent there for this evening. "

" I will have it altered, pressed and sent up just as soon as I can Mr. Martin. " Mr. Jones assured me as he headed back towards the dressing room.

He talked with Sean in the back of the store as I was looking over a few items that caught my attention and Sean was getting his suit fitted.

Sean came up behind me as I was looking at a new shipment of shirts, he grabbed me and gave me a hug like I have never been hugged before, but at least I could breath through this one.

I turned around and asked, " What was that for, It was nice and I thank you. "

" For being so generous and doing all this for Mary and me, you brought us so much joy in such a short time. I still don't understand why you have done all this and would want to spend that kind of money on two good for nothing kids from the wrong side of town. " Sean stated with a tone that sounded like he had been beaten down by life one too many times.

" I have told you before Sean, there is nothing I would not do for a friend. I know people say that all the time, but believe me when I say, I have seen families and friends torn apart from being selfish and lying to each other I cherish friends and honesty more than anything. "

Sean began to get misty eyed and stood there not knowing what to say, he just shook his head and said, " I would be ever so blessed to call you a friend Jerry, and I would never lie to you. "

I knew that Sean was telling the truth, lying just did not seem to a part of his understanding, like he believed it should not be in his view, or any word for it in the English language. We turned and headed out of the shop and back out to the casino.

I asked Sean, " Would you like to go over to one of the buffet's and grab something to eat to tide us over until we have dinner tonight? "

" I think that would be excellent Jerry, but I have one request. I am paying, and if that isn't ok with you that we can just go on into the casino and play whatever you were playing before we went to the clothes shop. "

I looked at Sean with a bit of shock on my face and realized that he was set and determined to do this, " That sounds like a plan to me Sean. "

We headed over to one of the All-You-Can-Eat buffets and got a table near the back and settled in for lunch.

Sean headed for the buffet and came back with a plate loaded like it was either his last meal or his first meal ever and wanted to sample everything they had to offer. I came back with a nice salad and smaller plate than Sean's and we sat and enjoyed the meal in quiet.

When we were finished with our lunch I thanked Sean for buying lunch then asked if he wanted to head to the casino or if he wanted to go back to his room to rest until it was time to go out for the evening.

" You are very welcome Jerry and I think I would like to hit the casino if you don't mind. "

" What would you like to play? " I inquired.

" Well I haven't really played any of the table games, but I think I would like to try blackjack for awhile, see if I have enough brains to understand all the concepts to the game. "

" If it is blackjack you want to try, than blackjack it will be, Let me find us a table that will help you with learning that game and we will see how much fun we can have. "

We headed to the casino floor and I had had a short conversation with one of the floorman, asking him which tables they had open for beginning players, to help them understand the games.

He escorted Sean and I to a table and we sat down, Sean purchased some chips and I found a waitress and ordered myself a drink. I was going to sit and watch Sean play. Being it was a beginners table I did not think the casino would appreciate me sitting there playing.

Sean was learning fast and before long he was up a few hundred dollars, I was impressed at the speed at which he learned the game and about an hour later he said, " I think I'm ready move on to another game, I think I have the basics down to blackjack. "

" There are several other games that you can try Sean, there are several varieties of poker, roulette, baccarat, craps, keno lots to choose from and to learn if you have not played them before. " I told Sean.

" To tell you the truth Jerry, I'm a little nervous to try any of them, as little as I have had in my life I would feel ashamed to lose any money. " Sean told me with his eyes looking at the floor.

" I can understand that Sean, when I was your age I was almost the same. When I earned a dollar I would hold onto it until I was old money. " I answered Sean with a chuckle.

Sean looked up from the floor and stared into my eyes and laughed as little at my reference to old money, " I only wish I could hold onto mine that long, but there are just too many bills at home and it goes out faster than it comes in. I never have had the extra to do anything with. But what you don't have you don't miss, so I guess I had better head back upstairs and check on Mary and maybe grab a short nap before we go out this evening. If that is alright with you Jerry? "

" That is more than fine with me Jerry, please tell Mary I hope she is well and that I wait with anticipation to an exciting evening with you both. "

" I will tell her Jerry, we need to meet at 5:30 this evening correct? " he asked as he was turning away to head to the elevators.

" That will be good Sean, it will give us plenty of time to make our engagements on time. " I replied

" OK, thanks I will see you at 5:30 Jerry."

" Rest well Sean, see you then. "

He was gone, even as big as Sean was he seemed to move like smoke thru wind tunnel. Effortlessly, as if you did not see any movement of his muscles, just a slow deliberate swaying beneath his clothing. I let out a sigh and shook those thoughts and feelings from my mind, for they were leading me down a path that I never thought I could get Sean to follow. I did not need for them to betray me, to open me up to disappointment this soon after Brad. I made my way over to my favorite baccarat table and ordered my chips, then started playing. My mind was running ideas, thoughts, plans anything but keeping my mind on the game, not my usual technique, but I was wasting time. I sure was not ready to slow down this afternoon I think a nap might have kept me too on edge this evening. Then again if I did not partake of one, my emotions just might take the upper hand and impel me into making too many truths come out while in the company of Mary and Sean. I was seeing too many outcomes to this and my mind sorted that there were more of them based on the realization I did not have all the facts. I tried pushing them out of my mind and locking down my emotions so I could concentrate on the cards, but the more I tried the worse they became. After an hour of the conflict in my head I decided that no matter what comes of the night I was going to let it come as it may and let everything develop as it should. I decided to cash out and head upstairs but when the dealer asked for my identification I stopped and looked down at the table. While my mind was busy with other possibilities I had ran up and impressive with, I was up over a hundred thousand dollars. I gave the dealer my identification and he waved over the pitboss, he recorded all the information he needed and handed me back my identification and told me that my winnings would remain in my house account and when I was ready to check out I would receive a cashiers check. I told him that was fine and headed towards the elevators. The money not even anywhere near the top of my list of concerns. Once I returned to my room there was an arrangement of flowers sitting on the center of the table in the living room that I knew were not there before, I opened the card that was in the middle and found out that Mary had sent them to thank me for a wonderful breakfast and in advance for what she was sure would be an enjoyable evening. I tossed the card back on the table and grabbed a drink from the bar and headed to the bedroom to grab an short nap, maybe an hour or so to keep me fresh and ready for tonight.

' I opened my eyes and there at the foot of the bed was my image of perfection, Sean stood there in nothing but all his glory. I was shocked, how did he get here, what happened to bring him here and why was he naked. I looked deep into his eyes, those green eyes, like shimmering pools of liquid emeralds dancing with a rhythm that hinted at lust. I started to speak, to ask how he got into my room, but Sean put his finger to his lips and said " Shhhh." He started up the bottom of the bed crawling closer and closer till he was right over me, staring into my eyes, with the look of a hungry tiger ready to devour its prey. I swallowed hard trying to contain my excitement, I reached up to lay my hand on the side of his face, and slowly let it drift down his jaw line till I reached his chin. I let my hand slide down his neck feeling all the contour till I reached his shoulder and felt all the muscles just relaxed under his skin. I messages his shoulder feeling the strong masculine at rest as a moan escaped his lips and enticed me to continue. My hand glided down to his pecks, I gently squeezed the nipple that was protruding above his left chest like a piece of clay, ready to worked and molded into a work of art. I played with it for awhile eliciting moans of pleasure from Sean, the sounds were pushing me farther into a desire to make more emotions to pour forth from this wonderful man that was above me begging for more. My hand worked its way down to his stomach, hard and firm, yet smooth and soft the differences in the texture were sending my senses into overload. I played with his treasure trail and my hand was getting closer to the destination which was the center of my dreams since I met Sean. As I looked down and was about to grab his cock I was jolted and all of a sudden Sean was gone, I sat up in bed and looked around, where had he gone? '

I shook my head and realized it had been a dream, and I was laying in the bed alone, but a mess from a climax that was brought on by my dream. I laid there stroking myself trying to relive it over and over but too sensitive and drained to complete the excitement again. I rolled over and out of bed and looked at the clock, it was 4 and I figured I had better start getting ready before I was late for the evenings festivities that I had planned.

While in the shower I tried to figure out how I was going to handle this new outlook on Sean, and what would happen while we were out tonight?

I finished my shower and shaved and dressed and was ready for this evening when the phone rang, I picked up the receiver and said "Hello. "

" Hello, Is this Mr. Martin? " came the voice on the other end.

" Yes it is, may I ask who is calling? "

" This is Mr. Oliver, the general manager of the casino, I was calling to congratulate you on your win at the tables this afternoon. " Was the reply.

" Well thank you Mr. Oliver, I never realized how much I was up when I was playing. I had many other things on my mind and was not really paying any attention to the table. " I told him trying to decide what it was that he wanted.

" I would like to set up a meeting with you to present you with the check and maybe see if we can get some publicity photos out of it also. " He chimed in as my mind was running possibilities.

" That does not really sound like something I would like to be involved in Mr. Oliver, I rather cherish my privacy and would hate to be on the face of your next promotional advertisements. " I responded, with a desperate tone to really get away from this idea.

" I understand that Mr. Martin, we try and include any big winners in our promotions to show that it can be done in our casino. "

" There might be a way to help you and keep myself out of the news and off your promotional material, If we could meet tomorrow morning and discuss it I would appreciate your help. "

" I look forward to it Mr. Martin, I have an opening in my schedule at 10 if you would like to meet then?"

" That will be fine Mr. Oliver, I will see you at 10." I said and hung up the phone.

It was now 5 and I headed out the door, I wanted to check and make sure that everything was in place and ready for us tonight. I phoned and confirmed all the reservations that I had made yesterday and checked on the limousine. Things were all set and my plans were ready to hopefully make Mary one happy person tonight. I glanced around the room and it was then I caught the sight of Mary and Sean coming towards me, both looking like visions that they just stepped out of a photo shoot for the latest designer in Paris.

" You two look elegant, like movie stars ready for a night out at and awards ceremony. " I said with a smile on my face that I could not contain.

" You look stunning yourself Mr. Martin. " Said Mary.

" Please call me Jerry. " I replied.

Sean was snickering behind Mary at that and she gently drew back and hit him with her elbow. I had to let out a small laugh and asked, " Are we all ready for tonight? "

" I don't know about Sean, but I'm more than ready. " Mary stated and was smiling with a warmth that lit up the whole area around us.

" Let us get started then and see what excitement that awaits us out there. " I said and headed for the front door.

We got into the limousine and headed out, Mary watching me with a look in her eyes that wanted to question me and ask about all the details that were ahead of us this evening. She never said anything, but I could feel the Inquisition that was held in her stare. Sean was looking like the main spread out of GQ magazine, I could have just sat and looked at him all night he was handsome and had the air about him that he did not know.

" So, where are we headed first Jerry? " Sean asked to break the silence that we had been in since we entered the limousine.

" I told you both, it is a surprise, we will be there soon. I tried to keep things close to the hotel so if we needed we could be back without delay. "

The limousine arrived 15 minutes later at our destination, as the door opened and we were taken inside we were greeted by a middle aged lady and she took us back stage of the theater and led us to a dressing room door. She knocked on the door and waited for a response, a voice yelled for us to come in, she opened the door and we went inside. The minute the door closed Mary let out a loud gasp and she looked at me and then at Sean and tried saying, " It's It's It's" but couldn't get anything else out. I started laughing and said. " Yes it is Mary. "

Just then Wayne Newton walked across the room and extended his hand to me and said, " Hi Jerry, it is so wonderful to see you again. It has been too long since you have been here to see my show. "

" Well Wayne, I have been so busy lately and too many problems as of late to make my way out here to enjoy a night at your show, but I think tonight should make up for the length of time I have been away. "

" And who do we have here with us tonight Jerry? " Wayne asked staring into Mary's eyes.

" Wayne I would like to introduce you to Mary Austin and her brother Sean Austin. They will be my guest tonight and I just wanted to stop back here before the show and tell you how special tonight is for Mary. "

" Is that so my friend? We will have to do something just for her tonight, so its unforgettable for Mary. It is a pleasure to meet you Mary and Sean. " Wayne got out before Mary grabbed his hand and started shaking it as if to make the arm come loose and take it with her.

" Its an honor to meet you in person Mr. Newton, I have wanted to come to Vegas for a long time in the hopes of seeing one of your shows. " Mary blurted out so fast I don not think it registered with anyone.

We all chuckled a little about Mary's enthusiasm and Wayne had us take a seat and asked, " Would anyone like something to drink? "

I said sure and Sean and Mary were still in silence mode at meeting Wayne that they both just stared in disbelief that they were here with him backstage.

Wayne asked again and Mary finally said, " A coke would be fine. "

Sean nodded his head in agreement and Wayne headed over to the bad and poured the drinks then brought them back over on a tray and served them to all of us.

We talked for about 30 minutes then Wayne said, " I must finish getting ready for tonight's performance, you can head out to the floor, there is a table all ready for you."

I thanked Wayne and shook his hand and we headed out to the table that had been reserved for us. I could tell that Mary had some questions on her mind, the eyes were a dead giveaway. I was wondering how long it would be before she either just came out with them, or found a way to have a private conversation with me. About 20 minutes of sitting at the table Mary could not hold her thoughts in her head any longer, she started asking questions at break neck speed.

" Jerry, how did you arrange this so fast? It would have taken months or years to get a table like this for a Wayne. "

I grabbed Mary's hand and looked her in her eyes and said, " Mary, I told you this morning I have made lots of friends in my business dealings and I hold my friends and their friendship close to my heart. I would never use or abuse anyone I have to think of as a friend. The honesty I have developed with each and everyone of them is special to me. In the times we live in it is hard to find that in most people, I have lived by the philosophy that each person in this world deserves the respect of their friends and their secrets help in confidence no matter what. I would like to think the same of you and Sean, friends and anything that you have said to me or will say to me will never go any farther. I think that is what builds a strong friendship, honesty and trust for without those there is no going forward. "

Mary looked at me with a small tear on the corner of her eye, " I would like to think the same of you Jerry, in the short time I have known you I have never felt more at ease or trusting than I have with you. I now it's a lot to ask of you but," she then leaned over and whispered in my ear so Sean could not hear, " Can you keep an eye on my brother soon, I know her told you about me and I know he will have a hard life soon and I have worried so much on how he is going to be able to handle this new part of his life without someone he can lean on when I'm gone. "

I pulled back from Mary and hand a tear in my eye now and told Mary, " It would be a privilege Mary. "

Mary shook her head and looked over at Sean who had a questioning look on his face and she just nodded at him. This seemed to put him at ease, but not knowing why I just watched the interaction between Mary and Sean and thought the love between them was never going to be replaced in Sean's life once she was gone.

The house lights dimmed and the band started and out came Wayne, he started his routine and was excellent. He sang all his old hits and a few new ones. Then He invited Mary up on the stage and sang a special song just to her as she sat there with huge tears just running down her cheeks and shaking in disbelief at the whole event.

After two hours on the stage, Wayne finished his set and head off back stage. The house lights came up and we headed out for a special dinner at Alize. On the ride to the restaurant, Mary was shining with such glee I thought she was going to just burst with joy. Sean was sitting watching Mary and he was smiling that big special smile that made me melt when I seen it. I just wanted to hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright. but with what he has been through in his life he knew better. I soaked up the love Sean was emitting for Mary as we continued on the ride, Sean looked over and me and seen me looking at him and I just smiled, I thought I had seen a slight blush when he looked but was unsure.

We arrived at the restaurant and were seated promptly at an exquisite table right in the middle of the floor, a prized table by so many, so they could be seen by everyone as someone that was important and they needed to know. This is why I had chosen it, I wanted Mary and Sean to feel like they were the most important people in the world tonight, and as far as I was concerned they were.

The waiter was fantastic at his job, anticipating everything we might need, I asked Mary and Sean, " Would you be so kind as to trust me, and let me order for you both? "

Mary and Sean both said " Yes "

When the waiter cam back over I place orders for all three of us and we sat talking about the evening so far, and how much Mary enjoyed the show. She was still smiling so wide I was surprised her face was not sore and aching. We talked about life back in Columbus, not really wanting to broach the subject of Mary and her condition, so when Sean did I looked at him with shock in my eyes.

Mary said, " It's ok Jerry, me and Sean have talked about it many many times, whenever either of us is feeling a little uneasy about it we just start talking it's really the only way to handle it. If we waiting to talk about things we would both forget what it was we wanted to say. "

I reached out for Mary's hand and held it and said, " You are an amazingly strong lady and never deserved any of the terrible things that have happened to you during your life. "

Mary blushed and said, " Thank You Jerry, I have never looked at my life as deserving anything that happened to us, it's life and if you don't roll with the punched it brings you live your life battling it and in the end, no matter how long you have, to battle the whole time makes it a life not worth living. "

I got a lump in my throat as I choked a little, thinking of what she just said and realizing how true her words were. Why battle your whole life, there are times when a battle must be fought, but why make it the being of yourself?

" My dearest Mary, you are so right about that, I have battled so much in my life, the unneeded fights, the words that have been said, the hate that I have seen. I want to thank you for making me look at life in a while new way. " I got out before I had to excuse myself and went to the restroom to regain my composure before I returned to the table.

Just as I returned the waiter brought out our meals and I had him bring a bottle of Perrier-Jouet Champagne, and I made a toast to Mary, and not to leave Sean out I added that he was the strongest brother I have ever met in my life and he must have been sent straight from heaven to watch over another angel, Mary. "

The both got misty eyed and clanked glasses and looked at me like they have never tasted anything so wonderful in their lives. We enjoyed our meals with a light conversation about Mary and Sean's life as kids, both complimenting me as they ate on how wonderful the food was, and asking me what each item was as they tasted it.

Once the meal was done I asked Mary , " Are you feeling well enough to carry on with our last event of the evening? "

" Jerry, I am on such a happy high right now I could climb a mountain and still be able to go down the other side. " Mary beamed at me.

" Then on we go. " I announced and started out to the limousine.

Sean was looking a little disappointed and I had to know what was going on in his mind, so I turned to him at the door and asked, " What is wrong Sean, you seem a little disappointed all of a sudden. "

He smiled that million dollar smile of his at me again and said, " I was hoping for dessert. "

" Well my friend, you are in luck. We are headed to the fountains at the Belagio and we will be having our dessert there. "

" Jerry I am sorry, I didn't want you to think of me as ungrateful, I had seen some of the items on the menu for dessert and they looked so good. "

I laughed and told Sean, " Do not ever be sorry for what you are feeling Sean, feelings are what makes us individuals, never hide them or shut them out they can be your best asset when all other things have failed you. Besides do you think I would not know you wanted dessert? "

Sean looked at me like I was insane, smiled and said, " Well I was hoping you would, but how did you know? "

" Every meal we have had together in the last 2 days you always had dessert, I was your age once too. " I just chuckled and walked on to catch up with Mary.

We were in the limousine heading to the fountains and Mary had such a serene look on her face I just had to sit back and smile and hold back the tears,

I knew this ment so much to her and I was so happy that I could make it happen.

I looked up and Sean was staring at me, seeing I was holding back something and could see I was close to tears and he whispered, " What? "

I gently shook my head and whispered back, " Tell you later. " Then I stared out the windows and had to say a little prayer to God, " Why dear lord? Why bring these to special people into my life just to rip them out again? "

I sat and pondered life and thought back to Mary's statement at the concert, and just had to make myself believe those words and tried putting a smile on my face as the limousine reached out final destination.

The driver got out, opened our doors for us and then went to the trunk and retrieved a basket and a blanket and took them and ushered Mary and Sean to a small area and laid the blanket down and helped Mary sit. Sean sat next to her and I opened the basket and inside were dessert from Alize, and

I seen Sean burst into a smile and asked, " Which would you like to try first Sean? " and gave him a big genuine smile.

Sean was looking in the basket and could not decide, so I handed him a plate and said, " Try this one first, I will complement the dinner you just had. "

I handed one to Mary and she thanked me and we started to enjoy the desserts as we watched the fountains.

When we had finished Sean had eaten 3 of the desserts and looked like he could eat more. Mary was watching the water so intently I thought she was

going to become water herself.

I asked Mary and Sean " Would like to go inside and have a nightcap before we returned to the hotel. "

They both said, " Yes, " so enthusiastically I was stunned for a moment.

I gathered up the blanket and basket and handed them to the driver and told him we were headed to the Bellagio for a night cap and we would then be ready to head back to the hotel.

He said that would be fine and we headed towards the front doors of the Bellagio. When we stepped inside the concierge came running over and grabbed my hand and said, " Hello Mr. Martin, It is so good to see you again, can I help you with anything this evening?

I told him that we were going to have a nightcap and he escorted us to a private little bar for high rollers and told us to enjoy ourselves and headed back to his station at the front door.

Mary and Sean were again staring at me with that same questioning look in their eyes. I just shook my head and said, " Later, if you really want to know. " Then smiled at them to help put them at ease.

We had a round of drinks and Mary was looking tired, and I think Sean had picked up on it also. He took Mary's hand and asked, " Are you ok sis? "

" Oh more than ok dearest brother, I'm just soaking in the happiness of the evening and wonder how this angel named Jerry was brought to us. "

I blushed like a teenager and shook my head and said to Mary, " My dearest I am a lot of things in this world of ours, but I am far from an angel. "

Mary laughed and said, " It is a matter of perception, to some you may be the meanest thing they ever knew, but to other you might be a passing ship in the night, but I'm sure those that truly know you, think you are nothing but an angel. "

I seen Sean out the corner of my eye and he was sitting there shaking his head with a tear rolling down his cheek as me and Mary just looked at each other, still trying to figure out what the other was all about.

We headed for the door and the limousine pulled up and we entered in for the ride back to our hotel. It was quiet and peaceful, Like a memory from your childhood wrapping you in its happiness and lulling you to sleep. When we reached the hotel and had gotten out of the limousine, with all eyes on us, because Mary and Sean looked like stars that had returned from a movie premiere. I asked the driver if he would get the basket out.

He happily retrieved it and I handed it to Sean and told him. " Enjoy. I knew you wanted to try more of them when we were at the fountains. "

I laughed as I headed towards the front door. It was a moment or two until I realized Sean had not caught up to us, I turned and looked out the door and Sean was still standing there, I seen his shoulder moving, I knew he was crying.

I turned to Mary, and she seen it too, and started for the door, I stopped her and said, " Please Mary, you head up to the room, I will take care of Sean, I think I know what has happened. "

She hesitated and then turned and headed towards the elevator but turned back and said, " Jerry, I don't care who you are, who you know or anything else. Don't hurt him. " then stepped on the elevator and was gone.

I was in shock, what did she mean, don't hurt him. How could I ever do that to a man I thought was the most perfect vision of love on this whole planet? I started walked towards the door and came up behind Sean and I could hear the sobs, I gently put my hand on his shoulder. Which was not the easiest of things to do with Sean, being built like a windmill in height.

Sean turned and seen it was me and not Mary and his look took and even more somber appearance. I reached up and touched his cheek and asked " What is the matter Sean? "

Sean seemed to be lost in his thoughts, like he was in a maze without a map or an idea of how to get out of wherever he was.

" It will be alright Sean, I think I understand. " I started to say to him.

He rushed pass me without a word an headed for the elevator, I was frightened by his abrupt departure. I did not know why he reacted that way, but I had to find out and headed towards to elevator to ask him. The doors opened and he entered and turned to look at me and was crying again as the door closed.


I know there was no sex in this chapter as I am trying to develop a strong story line, but it is in the writing and will be coming soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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