Better Than Freedom

By Mike Loggerman

Published on Jun 28, 2018



Better than Freedom by mike loggerman

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I had just turned 18 and discovered a really good place to suck cock was a men's room near the woods in a local forest park. It was like an outhouse with a toilet and urinal. It had no running water, and had a pretty strong smell in the summer. If a guy went in there, he either had to go badly or he was horny. I took off my clothes and sat on the toilet.

A guy with a hairy chest wearing gym shorts came in. He stroked at the urinal and said it's a good day to be naked. He slipped his shorts down and stood in front of me. I sucked his sweaty cock while I felt his balls, thighs and ass. He held my head and thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. He groaned as he filled my mouth with his cum. I swallowed and he said I did good. He left. I was excited to be sucking total strangers.

I had been wondering what it would feel like to have a guy fuck me. The thought of it excited me. One day, I got to the men's room about 5:30. It was empty at the park. I got undressed and sat on the toilet. About ten minutes later, a tall skinny guy with tattoos came in. He was wearing cut off shorts. When he saw I was naked, he had me stand up and was feeling me all over. He asked what I wanted to do. I said anything he wanted. He lifted his arms and told me to lick his pits. They smelled like stale sweat but I got excited as I licked them. He let his shorts drop to the floor and I sucked his big cock. He said to show him my ass. I bent over and felt his wet finger enter me. He said it was pretty tight and said he wanted to fuck me. He worked a couple of fingers in me and was stretching my hole. He spit on his cock and held my hips. I felt his cock pressing against my hole. He said to push out, and as I did, the head of his cock entered me. It hurt and he waited for it to stop hurting. He started moving in and out of me deeper and deeper until I could feel his pubes on my cheeks. We were sweaty and it was feeling good. He said he loves fucking a virgin ass. I just moaned as I enjoyed it. He grunted and thrust hard as he shot his load inside me. I sucked his cock clean and he left. I was excited and stroked my cock as I sat on the toilet and let his cum drip out of me. A total stranger just fucked me and I liked it. I waited a while longer but no one came, so I left.

I went back to the men's room the next evening. A thin man about 30 with a beard came in. He saw I was naked and he took off his clothes. He was very hairy and skinny. I felt his hairy body all over while his hands roamed my smooth body. He held his body against mine thrust his tongue in my mouth. His cock was hard and thick. He sat on the toilet and said to sit on his cock. I lowered myself onto his cock and enjoyed feeling his hairy body against mine as I moved up and down his shaft. He kissed my neck as I rode him. He started thrusting up into me and shot his load. He got dressed and left.

I got to the park the next night as It was getting dark, and there was only one dim lightbulb. A thin, dark haired, dark skinned man came in. He felt my chest and my cock. He got undressed. His chest was smooth and he had an enormous black bush. His cock was seven inches. I felt his body and sucked his cock. He asked if I wanted to play in the back of his van. We got dressed and I followed him to the van. He had a mattress in the back and we got undressed. I licked his hairy pits and he parted my cheeks and licked my ass. I lay on my back and spread my legs. He got between them and slid his hard cock inside me. I moaned as he slowly moved in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his hairy legs as I surrendered myself to his manhood. He kissed me and said I had a sweet pussy. I said I was glad his big cock was inside me. He thrust deep as he shot his cum in me. I clung to him and he smiled. I recognized him as the guy who worked the newsstand in town. He said he would like to fuck me again. I said I would like him to fuck me a lot. He said he was free every day after work. I said I could meet him somewhere. He said to meet him in the park. He said his name was Kumar.

I walked by the newsstand the next day, and Kumar smiled at me. He asked if I was hungry. He had his assistant watch the newsstand and he took me to a street vendor for a hotdog. He smiled and said he enjoyed yesterday. I said I loved it. He said if I wanted, I could come by the newsstand at 6. I said I'd be there.

I got there at six and Kumar was closing up. We walked to his van and got in. He said he was thinking about me all day. I smiled and said I was thinking about him too. As we drove, he said he came from a country where gay men were persecuted. He had been here for a while but didn't find anyone he really liked. I said I had been with several men, but I didn't like it as much as when I was with him. We drove to a run down apartment building, and went to the basement apartment. We got inside and he kissed me passionately as he undressed me. He sucked my tits and licked my taint. He got undressed and I licked his armpits and sucked his cock. He smiled as he got between my legs and thrust his thick cock inside me. He said he loved being in my pussy. He fucked me long and slow. I wrapped my legs around his and felt his hairy ass as he pounded me. I was lost in euphoria as I enjoyed his body against mine and his cock inside me. I shot my load without touching myself. He scooped up my cum and tasted it. He kept thrusting and shot his load inside me. He lay beside me as I played with his hairy armpits. He asked if I could handle being fucked again. I said as much as he wanted. We felt each other for about 20 minutes and he fucked me from behind. He said if I could stay with him all night, he would take me home in the morning. I said yes.

I cuddled with Kumar all night, and in the morning he fucked me again. He drove me home and asked if I could meet him again at the newsstand.

I was drawn to Kumar and wanted him badly. I found a job at a local factory, and was able to get to the newsstand at 6. Kumar was glad to see me. He picked up some dinner for us and drove me to his place. I told him I got a job in a factory. He was happy.

After dinner, we made love. I loved laying in bed, feeling him next to me. He was 27, and didn't seem bothered that I was 18.

He closed at 2pm on Saturday and didn't open again until Monday. I met him at 2 and stayed with him. It excited Kumar that I desired him so much and he loved that he could make me cum without touching myself and that I loved feeling him cum inside me. He said he never had a man desire him as much as I did and he felt the same about me.

Kumar said it would make more sense if I moved in with him. He said it would save time in the morning and he wouldn't spend as much on gas. I looked at him and asked if that was the reason he wanted me to move in. He said that was the practical reason. I asked what the impractical reason was. He rubbed my hole and said he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I asked if he was serious or was he just horny. He had been running his fingers over my hole and he slipped his finger in me. He said he already fucks me when he wants. He wants me to be his. He slipped his cock inside me and slowly moved in and out. He said wouldn't I rather have my boyfriends cock in my pussy than just a guy. I was moaning as I enjoyed the feeling of fullness of his cock in me. I moaned loudly and said yes I wanted him more than anything. He kissed me as he thrust deep. He grunted as he filled my ass with his seed. He said he loves cumming in me.

I moved in that day. Kumar felt that by cumming in me, I belonged to him. He didn't treat me like property, but like a spouse. I couldn't wait to get home so I could be with him.

The factory wasn't air conditioned, so I showered as soon as I got home from work to be fresh for him. Kumar was sweaty when he got home, but his scent excited me. He edged as he fucked me, prolonging our pleasure.

One evening after he fucked me, Kumar told me he had a boyfriend before he came to this country. His country persecuted gays and his boyfriend was beat up several times and two men killed him. Kumar hid his gay feelings and came here, but was afraid to get involved with anyone. He had random sex at the park. I told him my history and my attraction to him. I had sex with other guys, but he was the only guy I gave myself to completely. Kumar kissed me intensely and said he loves me and gives himself to me completely too. He slid his big thick cock inside me and said I am his and he is mine.

I really didn't want to cheat on Kumar. I felt safe and secure and loved with him. I was very weak when it came to resisting temptation. One day, during my lunch hour, I went to the men's room and saw Teddy, a blond guy who worked on the loading dock, in a toilet stall. He was naked and stroking his cock. I watched him through the crack in the door. He was hairy, and had an amazing bush and a seven inch cock. When he saw me watching, he smiled and unlocked the door. I went in and closed the door behind me. I felt his hairy body and licked his armpits. I got on my knees and sucked his cock. I loved his crotch scent and big balls. He grunted as I felt his cock throbbing on my tongue and filled my mouth with his thick load. He tongue kissed me and unzipped my pants. He sucked my cock and felt me all over. He swallowed my load and we got dressed. He kissed me again and said to meet him after work.

Teddy was two years older than me. He said he wanted me to come home with him. It was Wednesday and Kumar was working late. I went with Teddy. He lived in a boarding house. We kissed as we undressed each other. He apologized for being sweaty. I said it excited me. I licked his hairy armpits and he ate my ass. He got between my legs and thrust his thick cock inside me. I moaned as I enjoyed feeling his cock deep in me. I wrapped my legs around his, enjoying his body against mine. He grunted as he shot his load deep inside me. He said he would like us to do this again. I smiled and said we will.

I cleaned up and got dressed. When I got home, I saw Patel's van parked in the parking lot and Kumar was getting out of the back with Patel. Kumar saw me standing there and looked like he had been caught. We went inside to our apartment, and I asked how long it was going on. He said from before he met me. I asked if he wanted me to move out. He said it might be a good idea.

I packed the few things I had and called Teddy and asked if they had any rooms available. He said yes. He picked me up and drove me to the rooming house. I paid for a month and got a room next to Teddy. I sat up with Teddy and told him what happened. He stayed with me that night and drove me to work in the morning.

Teddy wanted me to move in with him but I didn't want another relationship right now. I told him I liked him a lot, and wanted to have sex with him a lot, but for now I just wanted to be free. He looked a bit rejected until I asked him to sleep with me that night.

I really liked being with Teddy. His body was hairy and he liked me licking his taint and armpits. His cock was thick and felt really good inside me, and I loved how he kissed. We had dinner a lot together and talked as much as we fucked.

I also started seeing Stan, the factory bookkeeper. He was skinny with dark hair and glasses and very shy. I wasn't sure he was gay, but judging from the bulge in his pants, he was hung. I noticed he was sitting alone during lunch, so I started sitting with him. He was painfully shy. I asked what he does at home after work and he said he just watched tv and had dinner. I asked if he did anything to relax. He said not really. I said I liked to relax with a friend and that he should try it. He said he didn't have anyone to relax with. I said I would like to relax with him sometime. He smiled and said ok. Stan said he wasn't doing anything this evening if I wanted to come home with him. I said fine, and met him at the parking lot after work.

Stan's apartment was nice, but simple. He heated a pizza and we chatted. I offered to give him a massage to relax him. He had never had one. He said he would like to try it until I said he would have to undress. He said he would feel weird being undressed in front of me. I said I could get undressed too if it would make him feel better. He said ok. He took off his shirt and pants. He had a beautiful hairy chest and hairy legs. His white briefs showed off a big cock. His pubes were coming out the sides and top of his briefs. He said guys called him bean pole in school. I said he had a really beautiful body. He lay on the bed and I lay beside him. I told him to lay on his stomach and take off his briefs. I lay against him and massaged his back. Stan said it felt good. I moved down his back and massaged his hairy cheeks. I moved further down and massaged his hairy thighs. I stuck a finger between his legs and felt his hairy taint. He spread his legs wider letting me have better access. I told Stan to turn over but he said he was ashamed because he was hard. I said it was ok. I said I was too and it's normal during a massage. He turned over and his thick eight inch cock sprung up. I stroked it slowly and felt his balls. He lay back and said it felt good. His eyes were closed so I licked his shaft. He moaned. I took it in my mouth and sucked him. I got on top of him and lowered myself onto his cock moving up and down his shaft. I rubbed his hairy chest and played with his armpits as I rode him. He opened his eyes and stroked my cock. He started thrusting up into me and shot a thick load deep inside me. I got off him and sucked his cock clean. He put his arm around me and said that was his first fuck. I told him I liked him a lot and would like him to do it often. He smiled and said he would.

Even after he fucked me, Stan was still shy. It took several times before he realized that I really liked him fucking me. I actually loved being naked with him, no matter what we did. I loved feeling him all over and licking his taint. Once he realized I really did want him to fuck me, he did it all the time. I made myself completely available to him. I slept over several nights a week.

When I wasn't with Stan, I was with Teddy. He didn't mind when I was away, because he got to fuck me whenever I was home.

I also played with an old man who lived in the rooming house. Mr Adams was 77 years old and skinny. We both came to take a shower at the same time but someone else was in there and we had towels wrapped around us. I invited him into my room to wait. He was checking me out and I dropped my towel. He smiled and I said he could touch it if he wanted. He felt my cock and stroked it. I took off his towel and felt his cock. His pubes were white. I got on my knees and sucked his cock. It took a while for him to get hard. We rubbed our bodies together. He said it felt good. I told him to come by anytime.

Mr Adams confided to the landlady's son Corey that I sucked his cock. Corey knocked on my door and was being chatty. He was about 20, overweight, hairy and chubby. He asked if I really sucked Mr Adams cock. I said I did. He asked what it was like. I said it was like any other cock, only the pubes were white and he didn't cum. My frankness put him off guard. He asked if I liked eating cum. I said yes. He said he shoots a big load and asked if I wanted it. I said it depends. Corey looked puzzled and asked, "on what?" I said first, he can't have shaved pubes. He smiled and said he doesn't. I said second, he has to be naked and let me enjoy his body. He smiled and said he wanted me to be happy. He took off his clothes and I did too. His cock was 6.5 inches and hard. I felt his hairy tits and sucked them and felt and licked his pits. I had him lay on the bed and I sucked his balls and licked his taint. His cock was dripping. I sucked his cock as he moaned in pleasure. I didn't think anyone ha dad ever given him that much pleasure. I got on top of him and rested my hole against his hard cock. I asked if he wanted to fuck me. He was trembling and said yes. I lowered myself onto his hard cock and he groaned. I moved up and down his shaft and played with his tits. He started thrusting up into me and shot his load. I got off him and sucked him clean. I lay in bed with him and he kissed me. As he got dressed, he said he wanted to do it again. I said just knock on my door.

Probably the guy who excited me the most was Stan. I loved his hairy body and big cock, but I also enjoyed his sweet nature. He was still shy in public, but he seemed perfectly comfortable with me alone. We spent weekends together and he was tender and affectionate. He wanted me to move in with him, but I wasn't ready.

I also really enjoyed being with Mr Adams. He came to my room every day when I got home from work. We got undressed and lay in bed feeling each other before I sucked his cock. A few times he was able to cum. It was the only intimacy he had. I wasn't really into old guys, but it meant so much to him and I liked feeling his body against mine.

Sometimes Mr Adams would lay on top of me between my legs rubbing his cock against mine. Sometimes we both came. I said I wished he could get hard so he could fuck me. He said he could get a pill if I wanted. I said whatever he wanted. He showed up a couple of days later, and his cock was hard. He slid his cock inside me and pounded me. It was very hot and he made me cum. A few moments later, he shot in me. He collapsed on me and said I made an old man very happy.

Corey came over a lot too. I loved sucking his tits and licking his armpits. He loved fucking me. Teddy usually came in at night. He fucked me before we went to sleep and we slept together.

One weekend, I was with Stan and he asked why I didn't want to move in with him. I said because I love him. He said isn't that a good reason to move in? I said I didn't want to hurt him. He looked puzzled. I said he just wants to be with me. I have a wandering appetite. I like to play around and I don't want him to be hurt by it. He held my hand and kissed me. He said he loves me. I said I love him too. I said he was the only one I love. He said to think it over.

When I got home, Corey was waiting for me and fucked me. He left. Later Mr Adams came by and we spent an hour together. Teddy came by and spent the night with me. I didn't love them, and they didn't love me. I was just a cum dump to them. I didn't like it.

The next day, during lunch, I asked Stan if he still wanted me to move in with him. He spit his food out. He asked what changed my mind. I said I thought about it, and I wanted only him. He kissed me on the lips in front of everyone. I moved in that night.

I'm still living with Stan and have been faithful to him.

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