Better Odds

By moc.liamhsuh@etuperlli

Published on Apr 30, 2002



Writers note: This is my first story. I have not really been trained in writing at all (unless you count high school!), So if my writing seems immature, thats cause it is... I welcome criticism, so long as it is constructive.

This story may be copied in its entirety but must be free to access.

Chapter one: the party

I guess it all started when I was sitting around talking to my friend Alexa before a party we were having at her boyfriends’ house. I had been living at a ski resort for several years and the whole male/female ratio thing was getting to me (it was about 10 to 1!). Of course Alexa had no problems. Her boyfriend, Jeff, was cool, good-looking, and Alexa was doing very well for herself. This isn't to say that Alexa was unattractive; she was a very "cute", pert, little blonde. I had a crush on her from the first time I saw her in high school, and we had moved out to be ski bums a few months apart.

Anyhow, I was sitting around complaining about the poor ratio up in the mountain towns, and she was busting my chops that I hadn't been born female, and how she had her pick of anyone she wanted. I started thinking that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to be female, at least I could get laid every now and then.

As the party progressed, I made sure I had my fill, drowning my sorrow at the bottom of a big, plastic cup of beer. After a couple of hours, I chanced to run into Alexa again. She started quizzing me on my concept of the perfect woman. I happily obliged at this point, loosened up by the alcohol. I went into great detail about my fantasy girl, a tall, athletic, brunette... not overly endowed, but svelte and muscular.

"hmm, we shall have to see what we can do about that" Alexa commented (at the time it all seemed very innocent to me) "what I wouldn't give to have some close girlfriends up in the mountains", Alexa almost sounded more bummed than I was that my dream girl wasn't standing nearby!

I proceeded to drink more than my fill, wandering around the party some more. Of course there was only the usual bunch of testosterone filled guys at the party with only the occasional girl (dating someone of course) to liven things up. It was at this point that I noticed Alexa giving me funny looks from across the room. I walked over her direction as she was pouring a mixed drink of some sort. It was unlike any drink I had ever seen, as it looked somewhat like pepto-bismal. She offered it to me and whispered in my ear "here is something special, it is a reecipe that has run in family as long as we can remember... just keep wishing of that dream girl!"

I was drunk enough to think she was just kidding around, and started chuckling in her face. To which she responded "Come on Steve, i'm trying to be serious... drink this and think of that beautiful brunette you telling me about before. this pink stuff -might- just help you with that problem", She looked at me as if she was going to scold me for not being serious enough.

It was this point in the evening when I made the critical mistake. I happened to glance across the room at one of the few females, and enviously thought to myself, "If I only I could be my perfect girl... like the girl over there, I would be surrounded by guys, more attention than I could want", of course my thinking was clouded by all of the liquor. I glanced down at the foamy pink in the glass. "screw it" I thought, "this pink stuff looks like crap, but if it gets me drunker, who cares!" and with that, the pink drink went down th hatch.

"now concentrate on the brunette", Alexa prodded me... "imagine her coming through the door".

At this point my drinking was really starting to cloud my mind. The party was starting to clear out, Alexa and Jeff went to the door to say goodbye to some friends. I just kind of sat down in a drunken stupor and started to doze off in the way that only drunk people can... but I still had my brunette on my mind! As my drunken thought swirled around, I also thought of how great Alexa was and how I wanted to be -really- close friends

After a minute, she prodded me with her finger... "you must be doing something wrong, she should be here by now, You are probably too drunk to even think. You'll never work now" at this point Alexa was starting to get a little serious, like she was really pissed at me. I wasn't going to have any of that. I grabbed a nearly full cup of beer off the counter and left as fast as my drunken feet could carry me. I tried not to spill as I headed for the door.

Chapter two: The Darkness

It was really cold. All I could think was that I must have passed out on a snow bank. I vaguely recollected putting down a good percentage of the beer left in the cup and stumbling away from Jeffs house. My eyes opened to the bright lights of an SUV. I could hear what seemed like far away sounds. Jeffs voice, "Thats not him, but we should really get her inside, she'll freeze to death out here".

I awoke again Jeffs arms pulling me from the SUV. Somehow they seemed very comforting, I snuggled up to him, giving him a little squeeze without even thinking it, it all seemed very natural. I couldn't quite make it out, but it seemed that Alexa was giving Jeff directions.

Alexa carefully removed my hat and jacket (even in my drunken stupor I managed to get bundled up for the cold) I giggled as she inadvertently tickled me. A down comforter was thrown across my body. Jeff was about to head out the door with a "well, I guess I'd better try and find him again"

As things got cloudy again, the last thing I heard was Alexas puzzled voice, "oh my god... It is him".

Chapter three: The revival

I awoke with the bright lights of morning pounding into my skull. In the other room I could hear Jeff and Alexa arguing about what to do with me. " Change him back... didn't your grandma give you an antidote?", "haven't you ever done this before?", Jeff seemed desperate.

"There is no Antidote. I didn't even know it could do this, its only supposed to be a little love potion sort of thing. And since grandmas dead, there is nothing we can do", Alexa also sounded very aggravated, "We will just have to make do, it was his wish that made it happen anyway".

Still not realizing that I was the subject of there argument. "Aspirin... get me some aspirin", my voice didn't seem quite the same, dry from the hangover I assumed, it sounded funny. I rolled over to greet them as they came in the room. That was when I realized.

Everything about moving seemed different. My breasts, constrained by my t-shirt, were the most obvious. My hips, wider and softer than I remembered provided a delicate center point of motion as I sat up. I looked down across my body only to look up and see the looks of amazement of both Jeff and Alexa as there eyes ran down my body. I could immediately tell that they were both attracted to me, despite my hangover. I felt an erotic chill run down my body. My nipples stiffened as I felt myself becoming aroused

Alexa told Jeff to leave, as Alexa put it, "We have to have some girl time... alone!... now!". Alexa caught me as I winked at Jeff while he was walking out the door in a huff.

From just outside the door I heard Jeff, "See you later 'Stef'!", chuckling at the new name he had adopted for me.

As she took me upstairs for a shower, I felt other aspects of my new body, my long legs, sensitive skin against my rough clothes, even the way I now walked was exciting and different. At the same time I was incredibly disoriented

When we got upstairs, Alexa explained to me about her grandmothers 'spell', "It wasn't supposed to do anything major" she said, "just make the woman of your dreams come in the door... or at least someone you might have been attracted too". She also proceeded to further explain that she knew of no way to reverse the effects of the drink. I was stuck this way.

For some reason nothing really seemed to phase me, maybe it was the hangover, maybe things just felt 'natural'. Either way, I finally had to tell her to shut up. I needed a shower, and and she had best stop apologizing and give me a hand setting up for my new life as a woman. I told her to go pick out some clothes that I could wear out after my shower and I headed into the bathroom.

I stripped down and stepped into the shower. Lathering up, I felt sensations like I never had before, but before I had the chance to get too caught up in them. Alexa came barging in. "Everything I have is going to be tight on you. I think we'll have to do some shopping.

I managed to pull close to a thousand dollars from 'Steves' bank account overdrawing a couple of my old ATM cards, "I'd like the banks to ID me now" I thought to myself. Our first stop was a local dress shop where Alexa persuaded me to by some more 'ladylike' clothes that would fit my new body. Still not quite comfortable with my new body, I was opting for baggy clothes every time I had the chance. In the end, Alexa won out and I went home with a fairly sexy new wardrobe (though small) of a tight black skirt, a tight pair of Jeans, a couple of blouses, small black shoes (I certainly was not ready for high heels!).

Before I knew it we were dressed up and ready to go out. I ended up with a western motif, with my black skirt, tight white t-shirt, and a large belt. Alexa and Jeff topped of my outfit with a black pair of cowboy boots (Alexas) and a too large black cowboy hat of Jeffs. Even if I still felt awkward, one look in the mirror and I know for sure that I was stunning. Much to Alexas annoyance and my delight, Jeff could not keep his eyes off me.

It only took a few drinks before Alexa and I were on the dance floor. With my long dark hair and long sexy body, I knew that the guys couldn't keep their eyes off me. As Alexa and I danced together it soon became obvious that neither could Alexa. The rest of the room seemed to disappear in a throbbing haze as my eyes locked with Alexas. Soon she turned her back to me and we were dancing in unison, my body felt her electric touch as I grabbed her around the waist and we swayed to the music together. Soon enough a tall handsome guy came up behind me. Yelling over the din, he asked me to dance.

I squeezed Alexas hand as we separated on the dance floor and for the first time I was face to face nearly perfect specimen of malehood. This was the kind of guy I hated just a short time ago, tall (at least 6'3") handsome, and muscular, but not too muscular, now he made me giggle with nervousness. After a few energetic dances we all sat down together and he introduced himself as Josh. We all ended up having a couple of shots of tequila. Though my smaller body certainly had less capability to handle the liquor, between the foreign excitement of being attracted to a guy, and all of the changes I had gone through in the past day, I desperately needed the relaxation.

Soon enough, we out sweating on the dance floor again. This time it wasn't the fast beat that was making me sweat, it was the intimate slow dancing as he pulled me tight to his chest. It was a feeling I never would have imagined as a man, what I would have detested before now felt so warm and secure. My breasts pressed against the thin fabric of my shirt against his muscular body. I could have melted as his upper leg occasionally brushed against inside of my thighs, pushing my skirt higher and higher, soon enough I was rubbing my crotch as best as I could, fortunately the smoke, crowds, and dark dance floor kept most people from noticing as my skirt slipped higher and higher, and my thighs clenched tighter and tighter around his leg. His hands squeezed my butt towards him as I felt his erection start to grow.

It wasn't long before I had to beg off the dance floor, as I feared people would start to notice. He suggested a walk outside to get some air (which I most definitely needed). We barely had the chance to get around the corner of the building before we were groping each other in the darkened confines of the entranceway to an insurance company. There was something tremendously erotic about the way he grabbed my back and gently lowered his head to my waiting lips. Soon enough, even my intense lust could not hide the fact that my sweaty body was now starting to get very chilly in the 20-degree mountain air. With a gentle squeeze of his crotch I suggested we go back inside and get Alexa and Jeff and get a ride home (Jeff was the only one in the shape to drive). Josh, knowing what was in store for him later willingly obliged.

Minutes later Josh and I were in the back of Jeffs Durango furiously rubbing against each other both in a desperate attempt too keep warm and a mad lust. His cold hand was soon warming itself by slowly moving up my shirt to my perky, and now very erect nipples. Giggling with a ticklish anticipation, I rolled over on to his lap, Just spreading my legs apart sent a warm spasm from my crotch all the way up through my chest. I carefully kissed him and then mischievously shoved my cold hands down his pants, Within seconds his erect member had shrunk to barely a handful.

The doors to the Durango opened and shut as I actually took the time to look away from Josh to notice we were now in Jeffs garage, Alexa and Jeff fondling each other as they walked up the steps, our heated show had obviously inspired them to their own pursuits. I realized now that not only was I incredibly horny, but that I desperately wanted this man whose lap I was sitting on.

In order to make amends for the cold hand (and satisfy some curiosity of my own!) I took my hand out of his pants rolled off of him. Kissing his neck, I gently unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his fly one by one. I grabbed his pants and lowered them enough to afford myself easy access. With my back arched and my butt sticking high into the air, I cautiously explored his slowly growing member. After a few tentative kisses, I took the whole thing into my mouth and started moving up and down his thick shaft. Within moments he was hard as a rock. His moans and my own intermingled as I rubbed my clit and brought myself to an orgasm only moments after his own. The taste of his cum, rather than disgusting me only seemed to energize me in the most sexual of ways

"oh baby, that was incredible" he said to me in his cute western drawl.

I had to stop him as he made a move to button up his Jeans, "Oh no you don’t, cowboy!" I said. "We've some cleaning up to do!" I proceeded to lick up every little bit of cum, and then to suck on his limp member until I was rewarded. After quickly removing my panties, I once again stretched over him and slowly descended onto his throbbing penis. I winced as my tight virgin pussy slowly wrapped around his manliness. It was a feeling unlike I had ever known, I could feel every little ripple and vein on him as we moved in unison in the back seat of the Durango. My shirt was raised just high enough to expose my nipples which he tenderly sucked on, every time his rough tongue crossed my nipple he sent even more erotic thrills through my body. After only a few minutes of incredible pleasure flowing through every pore in my body, I was rocked with an explosive orgasm, followed quickly by another, then another, timed in step with each thrust as he started to take control. I nearly passed out with pleasure when he exploded inside me, everything a blur until I was resting limply on his chest, depleted of energy.

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