Betrayed by a Friend Series

By deepak salwan

Published on Dec 11, 2004


The next morning, Jai was up rather early, as he wanted to tell his buddy that he had found a good job for him in one of the very well known clubs of Sydney, as it was owned by one of his acquaintances and he had told him that they were in need of good wait staff. He kept in mind, that he should not disclose that it was a gay club, and that Manish's job would be to work as not a normal waiter, but as a gay entertainment waiter, that meant that the customers could have fun with him. (Not all the extreme types, but just the normal stuff, like touching, massaging the private area etc.) But even that was not desirable to tell him, as Jai knew that Manish would simply disagree.

At breakfast, he talked to him and told him about the job, although not completely and not about the entire work he had to perform. He just told him that one of his friends was the owner of a very well known club in Sydney, and they were in need of qualified waiters. He told him that he could qualify for the job, as they necessarily did not require experienced waiters, but just wanted boys who were fluent in English speaking and were average in looks. Manish had all those qualities, and also a special one, he was extremely good looking, tall and fair. Jai told him that he would take him to the club that day and he could have his interview, and hopefully get the job.

After the meal, he called up Sahil and told him that he had a boy who needed a waiters job and he wanted him to get him introduced. Sahil was in need of "waiters" in his club and readily agreed and called them for Manish's interview later in the day. Jai told Manish to be ready around noon, as they would be leaving home by then. Manish was happy that he was getting a chance to work, so he was delighted. He took a quick shower and wore his new suit, which made him look extremely hot and magnetic. Seeing Manish, Jai thought that Sahil would be euphoric, as he was in need of handsome men, and as it was so difficult to find the perfect men who would easily fit in the job. Although he had got many boys to work as "special" waiters in his club, but all of them lacked something or the other; but Manish was the one who had everything that a man needs to have to get others (specially men) attracted towards him.

By then, Sahil called up Jai again, and told him that their had been a change in the program and that now, instead of going to his office for the interview, they were going to have in the restaurant near their house. So, they were told to be there as soon as they could as Sahil had another important meeting later in the afternoon. They immediately left the house to meet Sahil and headed for the restaurant.

It was rather early for lunch, as it was just noon, so Sahil just ordered light snacks and coffee in the restaurant. He had reached the venue before Jai and Manish and was waiting for them. When they arrived, and he saw Manish, Sahil was stunned at what he saw. He had never seen such a gorgeous looking young man ever before. As he saw him, he knew that this was the man who would be the craze for all his "special" customers.

But, he could not show that already, and he had to take a mock interview and so he did. Manish was excellent in answering whatever he was asked by his new boss, showing well that he was capable for the job. After about fifteen minutes, Sahil told him that he had got the job and could begin from the next week.

Manish was given two envelopes by his prospective master, one having his appointment letter and the other, a letter for the manager of the bar, where he was told to go and meet the gentlemen. He said that the manager would explain to Manish about his work and other important information.

He left for the bar, his new workplace. And Jai and Sahil continued conversing for a while. Sahil thanked Jai for getting him a new waiter, who actually had some other job to perform, and told him that how urgently he had been requiring a new face in his bar, as the customers had been complaining about the same old stuff, and they now wanted variation.

After some time, Manish reached the bar, and asked for the manager. He was led to the office one of the waiters'. One reaching the manager's office, he gasped, waited to get his breath back to normal, and knocked. A very kind voice summoned him in the room. There he saw the manager, who was barely his age or maybe, even younger than him. Manish respectfully greeted the manager the hour of the day and was asked to take a seat.

The manager talked a bit to Manish, and saw his resume, by which he looked rather impressed. He had got a call from his employer about the job of Manish. So, he had to tactfully handle the situation, without putting anyone into any sort of trouble. After having conversed for quite sometime, the manager took put a file from the drawer and began studying it.

After a while, he put the file in front of Manish, telling him that it was the agreement between him and the bar for three years that he had to sign, and it stated that he would be agreeing to all the terms and conditions. As Manish began reading the file, the phone rang and it was Jai who had called and wanted to meet Manish soon for tea at his house, as he wanted to introduce some of his friends to him, and so he told him to quickly come to his house. Then he spoke to the manager and put the phone down.

The manager told him to quickly sign the papers of the agreement. He did so, relying on the manager and also on the other papers in the file, without reading them. He was told that he had got a job in the bar as a waiter and was given the appointment letter. Then a waiter was summoned by the manager by ringing a bell, and he was told to lead Manish to the tailor shop next door, where his uniform measurements would be taken, so that he could begin the job next week.

Manish gave the measurements and was given the time and date to report for duty. He thanked the people present for the job and went back home. The manager informed Sahil that he had met the new boy and appointed him from Monday. Sahil gave this news to Jai and thanked him, once again for the favor. Thus, with that began Manish's job as the entertainment gay waiter in Sahil's gay bar.

Next: Chapter 3: Betrayed by a Friend 3

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