Betrayed by a Friend

By Larry Davis

Published on Feb 12, 2004


Betrayed by a Friend-2

By Larry76712


Because I loved Waylon (and thought he loved me), I agreed to have sex with him, sucking his cock and then taking it up the ass. He then took me and his girlfriend at the time out for a ride, and he made me suck him with her sitting there so that she could get some "pointers."

The slut then told her friends at school, and other kids began to demand that I suck them too. It got so bad, I dropped out of high school for the rest of the year and had to repeat my senior year, when Waylon and I both would be seniors.

It was a hot late August night. I had spent the morning working at my part-time job with the school district -- cutting grass, cleaning, painting and things like that. There were about 20 of us who had summer jobs with the district. At 6 p.m., I drove down to the football practice field where I could sit in the car and watch Waylon practice. We hadn't seen each other at all since I dropped out of school last November until this summer when I started working. The times I saw Waylon during the summer, he made it a point to ignore me. He had two-a-days for the entire month: 6 a.m. until 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. I couldn't watch him practice in the morning, but I did watch him in the evenings.

I'm sure he saw my car, but he never waved or even stared. When the team would hit the showers, I'd leave so he wouldn't walk by me on the way to his Dodge RAM pickup when he finished washing his muscular body. I'd made it a habit for months to stay away from anywhere I might run into anyone from school. I spent a lot of time alone, hiking in the hills behind the town. When I wanted books to read, I'd drive 32 miles to the next town and use their library or bookstores. It was lonely, but I needed the time to sort things out. At first, I denied I was gay. I knew I loved Waylon, but I didn't lust after him until I suffered through a few conflicted nights and I started jacking off again with images of Waylon in my fantasy.

My parents were shocked when I told them what had happened, but I couldn't drop out of school and get into counseling without their signatures. Guys had started coming by the house demanding that I blow them in their cars or in my room, so they were aware something was up. But as I said, they were in shock, and they tiptoed around me like they were walking on eggshells. My dad kept telling me that it was Waylon's fault, and if he hadn't been so embarrassed by having a subservient faggot for a son I thought he would have gone to Waylon's parents to bitch. The other thing was that I think that deep inside he blamed me, as he always acted like he'd rather have Waylon for a son than me. They used to throw the football around, shoot hoops and horse around -- physical things that never appealed much to me. But I think I was secretly jealous, and part of becoming best friends with Waylon may have been me competing with my Dad for Waylon's attention. Man, this counseling can sure make you think about a lot of bullshit.

So I'd had a rough 10 months, and I was looking forward to going back to school even though there'd still be some guys around who knew I was a cocksucker. I took the job at the district so I could start facing friends and administrators before school actually started.

On Tuesday morning when I got to work, my supervisor gave me an assignment slip, requiring me to go with a group to paint the inside of the Field House. That meant that I'd probably be facing Waylon up close twice a day. I tried like hell to get out of it, but my clueless boss wouldn't budge. Around 9 a.m., the team came running in from the practice field to take showers; a few made disparaging remarks to me, but overall it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. As my spirit started to soar, I began to look for Waylon, and as I walked around a corner to check out his locker, I ran into him. He spoke to me and was cool, but I felt like a little puppy following him back to his locker where we shot the shit for 15 minutes before my boss came and dragged me away.

That evening, I drove to the practice field as usual and parked far away from anyone so I could watch him come out to his truck. In about 20 minutes, he came out of the Field House wearing baggy shorts, a muscle shirt and sandals. He hung around his truck talking to the other guys until they all started to leave. Finally, he was the last vehicle to leave, and I felt really out in the open and obvious. He started the truck and instead of driving out the gate, he drove back down in my direction, passed my car and then backed in next to me.

"What the fuck are you doing here," he asked in a menacing way. "You've got to stop following me around unless you want to pick up where we left off last year. Is that what you want -- become the school cumslut again?"

"No man, I don't ever want to do that again. I just like to watch you play ball ... you know that. I didn't mean nothing. I just parked down here so no one would notice me."

"Well I noticed you. I'm really sorry that I ruined your life. I've felt bad all year, but every time I called your house your mom or your dad would tell me you couldn't talk. I spent a lot of time talking to your dad. Did you know he and I went fishing in April?"

I knew my dad had gone fishing one Saturday, but he never told me he went with Waylon. That made me feel about two inches tall.

"He told me that he had thought for a long time that you were gay, but he was hoping my influence would straighten you out. He said he knew I wasn't gay, but that I just took advantage of an offer for a free fuck or two. He was pretty decent about it."

If I had felt bad before, I really felt bad now. I tried hard, but tears began running down my face, and Waylon jumped out of his truck, leaned into my window and wiped them away with his finger. He then rubbed the finger on my lips and without even thinking I opened my mouth and let him fuck my mouth with his finger.

"Come on, let's cruise," he said brightly. I knew better, but when I hesitated, he said, "Let's go to the show." So I locked up my car and got in his truck and he took off for the highway, and we drove to the next town to an old drive-in theater that showed mostly horror films. He parked on the left at the back, and there was no car within 100 feet of us, and those were close to the front. In fact, there wasn't a dozen cars in the entire place.

We walked to the concession stand and got drinks. One poor guy was running the entire thing -- the projector, the concession stand, and he'd have to lock up when the last show was over. We went back to the truck and watched the movie a little. I didn't even realize it when he put his arm across the back of the seat where I was sitting and when he dropped it down on my shoulders it seemed so natural.

When I realized it, I immediately moved up on the edge of the seat.

"Look man, I can't do that shit again. Not after what you did to me last year. I still hear guys snicker when I walk by. I know I'm straight, not gay." He reached up and put his hand on my right shoulder and pulled me back against the seat and over to him, and he kissed me on the lips. At first I kept my mouth shut tight, but his tongue on my lips soon had me so hot I moaned and his tongue slid in my mouth. Waylon is a great kisser. All the girls say so, and I knew it firsthand. He kept frenching me gently and I sucked eagerly at his tongue.

"What if someone sees us," I said when he broke the kiss.

"No one is here. The guy in charge can't leave the concession stand, and everyone else is parked at least a dozen rows ahead of us. And so what if they did see us, no one knows us in this town. Besides, look at the tent in your shorts. I know you want it. Let's start over."

After making out for about 30 minutes, he broke the kiss, unbuttoned his shorts and in a flash was out of them. He was going commando with no underwear, so I found myself looking with lust at his 7-1/2 inch rockhard cock that was pointed straight up his stomach and past his navel. The hood was mostly retracted and I felt all the stress and frustration that had been building up start to flow away. But something inside gave me enough strength to say no.

"I can't get past the fact you traded me off to other guys and made me suck you with Diane sitting there watching. It cost me a year of my life."

"I'm so sorry baby. I just quit thinking about you as my best bud and started thinking of you as a piece of property. You didn't say no, and I knew you liked it. I just never thought you'd have a meltdown. If I'd known, I'd never done it because I love you so much"

He babbled on for a few more minutes, but I never heard another word after "love." I immediately relaxed back into his strong arms and let him push my head into his lap. I swallowed the cock, which went smoothly into my throat. It may have been 10 months since I sucked a cock, but it's like riding a bicycle. Once you know how, you don't ever forget. I remembered every heavy vein in his beautiful cock as I slid my mouth up and down his dick. "Here comes my little guys," he said in a whisper. "Swallow them all. I'm going to fill you up with cum." He started shooting down my throat, and I pulled up enough to get the second and third shots in my mouth. I could feel seven distinct shots as he emptied his balls. Without even realizing it, I began to come as well.

"You sure can suck," he said as his cock began to soften. I continued to leave it in my throat and squeezed it with my throat muscles. "I've fucked a dozen girls since I dumped that bitch Diane. None of them could suck worth a shit. I'm so glad I've got my cocksucker back. Come on baby, tell me how much you love my dick."

"I haven't touched a cock in the last year except for my own," I said, sounding awfully desperate. "I've jacked off every day and thought about no one but you. I would do anything you asked so long as you loved me." As I looked up at him, I saw a smirk on his face that didn't really jive with what he'd been telling me. It made me wonder if he really meant what he said.

He told me to get out of my shorts. I thought maybe he was going to suck me. After all, he said he loved me. After I was naked, he got out of the truck on his side facing the fence and told me to come on. We got in the back of the truck on a blanket he pulled out of the back seat. The blanket smelled like the many cunts he'd drilled in the bed of his truck. He climbed up and straddled my hips and then laid down on top of me, forcing my legs apart with his knees.

"I don't want to fuck, Waylon. I haven't had anything up my ass for almost a year and we don't have any condoms or any lube. Let me suck you again and we can do this some other time. I just..." He slapped the right side of my face hard with his palm in a sudden right-to-left move. As his hand came back, he backhanded the left side of my face. I was too shocked to do anything except gasp. "Now shut the fuck up and spread your legs. I don't know why you make me hurt you. You are going to be fucked and you are going to be fucked right now. Now spread your legs,"

I begged him to wait until we could get some lube. His 7-1/2 inch cock was very thick, and I'd been split by his dick before.

"I'll let you coat my cock with spit and I'll spit on you cunt. And I'll go slow, I promise." As he talked, he started sounding like he had earlier -- smooth, throaty and just above a whisper. "I don't have a rubber, but I'm clean man. And if you are nervous, I'll pull out." As he talked he moved up and slid his cock into my mouth and I started sucking and working up as much spit as I could. He pulled out, dropped back between my legs and started poking at my hole. It was tight and wouldn't go until he shoved it really hard and sunk at least four inches in my ass. I couldn't believe how much it hurt. I started begging him to take it out. Instead, he slapped me again and kept pushing.

"Take me bitch. Your asscunt is the tightest pussy I've been in this year." I could feel his balls slapping my ass. He stopped and moved around enough to get my legs up on his shoulder and he started pounding me like there was no tomorrow. I guess because he had just cummed in my mouth, he seemed to be gearing up for a long ride. Ten minutes later, he was still fucking. But by this time, the pain had gone away and I felt truly a part of Waylon. "I remember how much you liked to ride the pony," he whispered in my ear, running his tongue along the edge. "That's good because I enjoy this a whole lot more than the sloppy cunts I've been in recently. Your dad and I talked about how much your mother wanted a girl when you were born. He thinks it's a freak of nature that you came out with a dick instead of a cunt. It was all I could do not to tell him not to worry because you came with a really great cunt."

As Waylon fucked harder and faster, I started whimpering. "Don't forget that you're going to pull out. We don't have a condom and you can't cum inside me."

"OK, baby. I'll pull it out and shoot it on your stomach so you can eat it," he said. As I looked into his face, he smirked down at me and started shouting, "Oh yes! Yes! Take it baby, take it all!" I could feel his dick pulsing as he filled my ass with cum. All I could think about was AIDS or some other STD. All those cunts couldn't possibly be clean.

"Welcome back cum boy. This is just the beginning. Now get over here and clean you daddy's dick. You know I'm more of a man than your own father is, so get used to me being your daddy. And get used to the fact that only I know what's best for you."

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