Beth Meets Roma

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Oct 22, 2013



This story is fiction. All the names, places and characters are fictitious and derived from the author's imagination. It contains descriptions of Lesbian sex. If this story is not appropriate for you or is illegal where you are then don't read it. The author retains all rights to the story.


Beth Meets Roma

The restaurant wasn't very busy even for a week night. Andy and Beth were sitting at one of the tall tables in the back corner away from the only two other couples in the place. The waitress had been there and taken their drink orders but hadn't been back yet.

They weren't whispering but their voices were lowered as Andy was trying to convince Beth that since this was their fourth date and she had been putting him off about having sex for long enough and they should get it on .... tonight.

"Well, I told you in the beginning that I didn't think just having gone on dates was reason enough to sleep together .... and you haven't shown me that you care that much about me except for wanting to get into my pants .... that seems to be all you want from me,"

"Well, what the fuck do you want me to do? bow down and call you princess or your highness?"

"Just a little respect, consideration for what I might want or like to do .... you make all the decisions and expect me to follow them .... I'm a person too and I have a brain even if you don't seem to think so, I don't like being treated like a puppet,"

"Bullshit, I should have known on the first date when you wouldn't even kiss me goodnight that you were going to turn out to be a big ass mistake,"

The waitress wore a badge with the name Roma on it. She was one of three working that night. She had approached their table but stopped and turned to an empty table to wipe it down and eavesdrop on their conversation. Not that she was necessarily nosy but she had knowledge of Andy from his dating of one of the other servers who worked there.

When he leaned back in his chair and things seemed to quiet down Roma went over and said, "I'm sorry but our supply of Pino Grigio seems to be gone, could I interest you in a different wine?" she said to Beth.

Andy jumped off his seat and said, "I'll be right back, going to the men's room,"

Beth is very a very pretty brunette about five feet seven inches tall with shoulder length dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a nice pair of B cup breasts. This night she was wearing a rather skimpy skirt, two inch wedgies and her legs were bare. Her top was a rather bright pink sleeveless with a medium scoop neck which didn't show any cleavage. As she sat on the tall chair with her feet on the chair rung, her skirt rode up her thighs a bit, revealing a goodly portion of her upper legs. Roma didn't miss that.

"Do you have White Zinfandel? I wouldn't mind a glass of that,"

"Yes, I know we do because I saw it when I was looking for the Pinot. I'll be right back,"

Roma started away then turned and said, "I'm sorry but I forgot to ask for your ID?"

Beth reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet, opened it and handed it to Roma.

"Thank you and may I wish you a happy twenty third birthday today, Elizabeth?"

"Thanks, but it doesn't seem to be working out to be so happy after all .... and please .... call me Beth?"

In about a minute she was back with a glass of White Zin. After she placed it on a coaster in front of Beth, she looked her in the eye and said, "Beth .... if you need .... well, anything at all .... just wave at me or either of the other girls."

Beth smiled and nodded, "I will, thank you Roma, oh and while you're here, I would like to have the grilled shrimp and rice pilaf,"

"Sure thing .... what about your date?"

"Who knows .... you can get his later I guess .... by the way Roma, I love your name,"

"Thanks," she said sweetly as she turned away.

But she quickly turned around and went back to Beth, touched her arm and said, "You know, you are waaaaayyy to hot and cute for Andy,"

Beth looked at her curiously and asked, "You know Andy?"

"Not personally, he used to date one of the other girls here,"

She looked around the area and said, "Oh, was it the one he has cornered over there right now?"

Roma turned to look at the passageway toward the kitchen and saw Andy with one hand on the wall, talking to Marci, the sexy blond waitress who was backed up against the wall.

"Yep, they dated a few times and according to her, he wasn't very nice to her and when she gave him guff about his behaviour he dumped her,"

"Hmmm, guess he didn't learn anything,"

"I gotta get back to work, I hope I didn't upset you,"

"No, not at all, I'm pretty sure this is my last date with him anyway,"

"I'll be back shortly,"

Meanwhile, Andy kept on talking to Marci and Beth kept watching them. Marci nodded at something he said and ducked under his arm as she headed to the kitchen. He stood and waited. A minute later she came back, took him by the hand and they walked toward the back of the restaurant. That was the last Beth saw of them.

Just after that Roma returned wearing a stern look on her almost perfect oval face. Her uniform showed off her assets nicely. She wore a pair of black, form fitting slacks which accentuated her attractive, rounded butt. Her top was a white, short sleeve blouse with the top two buttons undone, exposing just a bit of cleavage. Her hair was an auburn color, pulled back into a pony tail and her brown eyes sparkled even brighter when she smiled. Beth surmised they were about the same height and weight as Roma walked toward her.

"Andy, your date, has flown the coop with Marci. He gave me this fifty dollars to cover the bill, which is way too much since he never ordered. He also gave me this twenty to give to you so you could get a cab ride home. And .... your grilled shrimp dinner is ready .... " Roma said as the placed the seventy dollars in front of Beth.

"That sonofabitch, I'm not surprised .... she's probably going to give him what he couldn't get from me .... I'll still take the shrimp though .... he can't spoil my appetite," she lamented.

Roma delivered the food and asked, "It's really slow around here tonight .... would you mind if I sit with you while you eat?"

"I wouldn't mind your company at all .... thank you, Roma,"

Roma got herself a glass of water and sat opposite Beth. Her eyes were focused on Beth's lovely face.

"I don't feel very .... hot and cute right now .... but thank you for saying that,"

"You're beautiful, Beth .... and you deserve a lot better than that creep .... believe me,"

She ate slowly while they chatted for a solid half hour and Beth learned that Roma was twenty five, single and possessed an RN degree but chose not to work as a nurse. No explanation though.

Beth had just graduated four weeks earlier with a degree in elementary education. She was looking for a position but would have to wait until August before she would know if any of her applications had done her any good.

She pushed the money across the table toward Roma saying, "You should have all of this, I don't want his money to pay for my way home and I am sure on such a slow evening you can probably use the tip."

"Well, I suppose you're right but .... you must let me see that you get home. I have my car here and it isn't a problem at all for me ...." she looked at her watch and continued, "we will close in about forty five minutes .... will you wait?"

"Yes .... yes I will .... you're a nice person Roma, thank you,"

Smiling broadly she stood, gently squeezed Beth's upper arme and replied, "Thank you .... I try,"

Sitting alone for a while, Beth reminisced over her school years, Parochial Elementary school and then four years at the all girls St. Mary of the Woods Catholic High School. Although she had been allowed to attend a few parties, her strict parents had forbidden any dating until she was a senior . By then all the guys in her class were either jerks or already had girlfriends, so she didn't start dating until she entered college. There was one thing her parents didn't know.

When she was seventeen and a senior, one of the girls in her class had her eighteenth birthday party at a hotel downtown. Her parents were wealthy and it was quite a bash. Live music, lots of people, food, an open bar for those of drinking age and a large punch bowl which had been spiked by one of their classmates. Beth had sampled the punch and also met this very handsome, suave looking guy. He asked her to dance and they did .... over and over between his trips to the punch bowl which Beth was unaware was laced with vodka. The vodka made her mind a little foggy but she blamed it on the heat of dancing so much and all the people crowded into the room. As they danced, pressing against each other, gyrating and generally 'getting with it', she was enjoying her new found friend as well as all the body contact. He told her that he had a room in the hotel as he was from out of town. He coaxed her into going up there with him to get away from the noisy crowd and relax a little. She liked him and agreed to go with him. He got two more large cups of punch and away they went.

Being somewhat unaccustomed to being in such a situation, she did relax .... too much .... they began kissing and the alcohol was having its effects on her .... his hands began to roam and the next thing she knew she was in bed with him. He was on top of her and they were naked and kissing. She didn't remember how she got into that position but she was enjoying the moment. That is until he started trying to push his stiff cock inside her .... but before she could protest .... it was in .... and it hurt. She tried to cry out but her voice wouldn't work. Finally she was able to get the words out that he was hurting her. He laughed and said it would feel really good in another minute or two. She was not on any contraceptives, he didn't use a condom and when she told him not to cum inside her, he laughed again and said it was already too late as he was working on his second one. Soon he blew another load inside her before he rolled off her and she went to the bathroom to clean up. When she came out he was gone. Her clothes were on the bed so she dressed and went looking for him. He was nowhere to be found and when she asked the birthday girl about him she was told that she didn't know anyone who looked like that and that there were not any guests from out of town. She never found him and she never told anyone what had happened.

Subsequently she went to a free clinic and got tested for STD's and AIDS, all of which turned out negative. Fortunately she didn't get pregnant. From then on she was pretty much fed up with the male of the species and had only accepted date offers for group activities where there would be other people around. This night she was thankful that Andy had gone elsewhere.

While she was staring at the table she heard, "Are you ready?"

Jerking herself out of her past, she batted her eyes and replied, "Yeah, I am .... I was just kinda lost in history for a moment there,"

When they got outside and into Roma's car, she started the engine, turned on the radio to an elevator music station and turned the volume down low. Turning toward Beth she said, "You've had a rather rough evening, huh?"

"I suppose so .... not quite like I had anticipated,"

"Would you like to just talk some more for a while .... instead of going home right away? .... might help,"

"Maybe .... maybe we could do that .... but don't you have other things to do?"

She snickered and said, "Woman's work is never done .... but if I can help you, I would rather do that," as she reached and held Beth's hand.

"Okay, I appreciate your kindness .... but surely we can't stay here,"

"No, the police patrol these places after they close and they would want to know what we are doing here .... so .... where to?"

"I don't want to go home, it wouldn't surprise me if Andy came to see me later .... "

"Then would you be comfortable going to my place? I'm sure he doesn't know where I live,"

"You would do that for me? a stranger?"

"Not a stranger .... a new acquaintance .... and yes my door is open for you and I promise to take you home whenever you choose,"

Beth squeezed Roma's hand, smiled and said, "Thank you .... let's go,"

The drive was longer that Beth had thought it would be so she asked, "Just where do you live?"

"Please .... it is not much farther .... let me surprise you,"

"Alright .... another surprise in a surprising evening," she said with a chuckle.

Roma said, "We are here," as she pulled up to a big iron gate and waved a card in front of a reader.

The gate opened, a bunch of spotlights came on and stayed until the gate closed behind them. She drove between some tall buildings and pulled into a lower level parking garage.

"End of the line .... everybody out," she cheerfully announced.

"Just for my own info .... where the hell are we?" Beth asked.

"It is called Palm Gardens .... an exclusive area on Tyler Lake,"

"Oh, I have heard of it,"

"I have a two bedroom condo on the twenty second floor of this building," Roma said as the elevator doors opened.

"You do all this on a waitress pay?"

"Hold that question until we get there, okay?"

"Oh alright .... you really are a mystery woman aren't you?" Beth said shaking her head slightly.

As soon as they were inside, Beth looked around and was in awe. The living room, kitchen and dining area were all open and it was huge. The tour led her into the two bedrooms and two full baths of large proportions. One of course was connected to Roma's bedroom and the other one served the rest of the condo.

Roma went to the fridge and retrieved a bottle of Pinot Grigio.

"I have Pinot Grigio .... would you like a glass?"

"Yes, thank you .... that sounds great,"

She placed the two glasses of wine on coasters, atop a glass coffee tabletop which was about three inches thick solid glass.

"Kick off your shoes, Beth, make yourself at home here, put your feet up .... whatever makes you comfortable,"

She kicked of her wedgies, turned sideways, pulled her knees up and put her legs on the sofa with her feet hanging off as she faced Roma. Of course her short skirt had pulled up quite far and she struggled to pull it down but didn't have much success.

Roma was watching and said, "Ahhh, don't worry about that .... just us girls here," as she laughed.

"Back to my question .... none of my business of course but how do you do all this on waitress pay?"

"I don't .... and I definintely don't have a sugar daddy either," she said with a snicker, "I am rich, Beth. I don't have to work but I enjoy being around people so I spend time being a waitress,"

"No kidding .... you must be rich to have all this .... did you rob a bank,"

Shaking her head she answered, "No .... not exactly .... about a year and a half ago .... I won the state lottery to the tune of about five million dollars after taxes,"

"Oh .... my .... god .... that is awesome .... I'd probably have a heart attack and die if that happened to me,"

"So .... I am a nurse but I choose not to be a nurse .... I work as a waitress because I can and that is what I want to do .... ,"

"Wow .... a fairy tale .... you are living a fairy tale,"

"Yeah, I guess .... "

"I bet you had a lot of men after you since you won that,"

"No .... not really because I chose to not let my name be released to the media,"

"Wise decision .... I didn't know you could do that,"

The wine glasses were almost empty and Roma refilled them.

"Anything you would like to talk about Beth? Andy? your past? .... anything at all?"

So she talked about her school years with no dating, then the short relationship with Andy which made Roma curious and she asked about any other men in her life before Andy.

Beth decided to tell her about the birthday party and how she lost her virginity at age seventeen, which is the legal age of consent in their state, to a stranger in a hotel room. Then Roma understood her reluctance to have sex early in a relationship such as she had with Andy.

Their knees were touching as that sat and talked. Roma was enjoying the view of Beth's thighs and longed to touch her but thought better of it for the time being.

"You are so pretty Beth .... I love your hair and your eyes are almost hypnotizing."

"Oh pooh .... you're just trying to cheer me up,"

"Well yeah .... but I'm doing it by telling the truth,"

"You're much prettier than I am, Roma .... I'm really surprised you aren't married or at least in a relationship"

"Maybe someday .... right now I am very happy just the way I am," then added, "I might say the same about you pretty lady,"

"I'll probably end up being the proverbial old maid school teacher," she said with a chuckle.

"Stand up," Roma said as she herself stood in front of Beth.


"I want to give you a well deserved hug, do you mind that?"

Without answering, she stood and was face to face with Roma. Arms encircled her just below the shoulders and she extended her arms around her new friend. The hugged tightly and she lowered her head, placing her face against Roma's shoulder. Roma in turn put her face on Beth's shoulder but instead of just holding still, she turned her head and kissed her on the cheek just below her ear.

When they relaxed the hug Beth looked into Roma's eyes and whispered, "Thank you for that .... hugs are always comforting,"

Roma reached out and they hugged again, even tighter and she ventured to press her legs and thighs against Beth's while her hands rubbed up and down her back. The almost silent 'mmmmm' she heard was a good sign as she continued her back massage. Beth's hand move down to Roma's lower back and applied pressure to hold them together. When they moved out of the hug, her hands were still on Roma's hips and the other girl's hands were on either side of her neck with her palms on her jawbones.

"You're quite a hugger birthday girl," then she started singing, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Be-eth, happy birthday to you,"

Laughing now, Beth said, "You're so sweet to me .... I .... I could ...."

"Could what? go ahead and say whatever is on your mind,"

"Oh god .... I don't know if I can .... yes I can .... you are so sweet .... I could just kiss you ...."

That brought a huge grin to Roma who said, "So, why don't you?"

"I .... uh .... I don't know .... I'm shy?"

"How about .... if I kiss you then?"

There was no verbal answer as Beth closed her eyes. Roma, with her hands still on Beth's neck and jaws, leaned forward, pulling Beth toward her and pressed her slightly parted lips to the relucantant brunette's lips. Gentle pressure and a bit of rolling movement of lips on lips persisted for about fifteen seconds before the auburn haired waitress pulled away and hugged Beth tight against her.

A somewhat breathless Beth leaned back and said, "That was awesome .... best kiss I ever had,"

"Glad you liked it .... to tell the truth .... I have wanted to do that ever since I first saw you tonight,"

With a determined look in her eyes Beth replied, "Do it again,"

Their lips met again with a bit more force, more lip movement and for a longer time. Roma ventured with her tongue tip to touch Beth's lower lip and felt the arms around her body tighten their grip. Her tongue out a little more and Beth's lips parted for her to enter. Beth's tongue never left her mouth but the other girl's tongue stayed and played.

When the kiss ended, Beth put her forehead against Roma's shoulder and breathed deeply before she sat back down on the sofa. Roma sat beside her, their thighs touching and put her arm around Beth's shoulders.

"Was that one better?" Roma asked with a grin.

"Oh my god .... it was .... I never knew a kiss could feel like that .... from anybody,"

"Maybe you just never kissed the right person before," Roma said as she pulled them closer together.

The clock above the mantle rang out twelve times and Beth said, "Wow .... I didn't realize it was so late already,"

"You know what they say .... time flies when you're having fun,"

"Looks like my birthday is over ...."

"We can ignore the clock .... it doesn't have to end yet unless you want it to,"

"What do you mean by that?"

"We can continue to celebrate as long as you want,"

"Are you inviting me to stay here instead of going home?"

"Yes .... but only you can make that choice,"

"Roma .... I don't know what to say to that offer .... I have nothing with me except what I am wearing .... nothing to sleep in,"

"What do you wear to sleep at home?"

She blushed and stammered, "Actually I don't wear anything in bed,"

Roma laughed and said, "Neither do I .... so that problem is solved," then she stood and said, "Come with me, we need to do a couple more things before you choose to stay or go,"

They went into the master bedroom and Roma handed her a knee-length terry robe, "I'm going out of the room, you take off all your clothes, including your undies and shoes and put this on .... I'll be back in a couple of minutes.

Beth was mystified but did as she was told and waited.

Roma returned wearing a similar robe, took her by the hand and said, "Follow me, we're going to the spa and relax in the warm, bubbling water,"

"Naked?" Beth blurted out, "what if someone else is there?"

"Don't worry, Sweetie, I wouldn't do that to you .... no one else will be in there this time of night, calm down and trust me, okay?"

"Sorry .... yeah .... I will trust you on that one,"

The lights were off except for the hallway and safety lights. Roma turned on the pump and dropped her robe on a bench motioning for Beth to do the same.

Reluctant Beth indicated that Roma should look the other way as she dropped her robe beside the spa and stepped into the frothy water before saying, "You can turn around now,"

A laughing Roma walked the few steps to the spa and slipped into the pool across from Beth. As she lowered herself until the water reached her chin, she extended her legs and her toes touched Beth's leg. Nothing was said as she slowly ran her toes up and down the other girl's lower leg.

"Feeling more relaxed now?" she asked and received only a nod from Beth who was not quite as deep into the water.

Sliding down as Roma had done, Beth reached out with her other leg and returned the favor to Roma.

The spa was small and only made for up to four people so it was easy for them to reach each other. Roma extended her leg a little more and rubbed her toes along the inside of Beth's thigh.

Curiosity was taking over as she felt a tingle up in her groin and she likewise rubbed her toes on Roma's thigh.

Slowly Roma slid her hips forward and her foot found its way to Beth's pussy, her toes wiggled and she saw Beth's eyes close as she tilted her head back.

"Is it alright if I do that?" she asked quietly.

A nod was all she got but that was enough to make her push just a bit more and continue to wiggle her toes which brought a low moan from Beth. After several seconds, she was aware that Beth was attempting to do the same thing to her so she took hold of the other girls ankle and directed her toes to her own completely hairless pussy. About a minute later Roma pulled her foot back and moved across the spa, on her knees in front of Beth.

Her every move was being watched by her spa mate. Roma put her hands on the rim of the spa as she leaned closer and then kissed Beth.

"I love it when you kiss me like that .... just .... makes me feel all warm inside,"

"And the swirling, warm water feels good? relaxing and washing away your cares?"

Beth snickered and said, "Yeah it does .... but that isn't the only thing that felt good,"

"Oh .... did my toe find a sensitive spot?" she asked facetiously.

"Very," was the one word answer as she went for another kiss.

When it ended she held tight to Roma and said softly, "I don't want to go home yet,"

"I don't want you to go home either .... are you ready to go back?"

"Yes .... but I'm really nervous about it,"

"I understand .... you've never been anywhere near this close with another woman have you?"

"No .... in fact you are the first woman I ever kissed on the lips,"

Tugging at her to stand up, Roma said, "There is a huge shower just over there, we should rinse off before we go,"

"Like one big shower without stalls?"

"Yep, are you game?"

"We're still celebrating my birthday, right?"

"Sure .... "

"Let's go,"

So they walked the twenty feet to the shower room and turned on only oneshower nozzle. In a few seconds it was hot and Roma adjusted the temperature to their liking and the both stood under the spray. Roma hugged Beth from behind and kissed her neck as she held her close. She could tell that Beth was relaxing and warming up to her advances as she ran her hands over those firm breasts and rigid nipples. Beth's head tilted back and Roma moved to kiss her open mouth. She slid one hand down to cup her furry mound bringing a long, low moan from her and her butt pushed back against Roma.

Beth turned around and put her arms around Roma's neck and they kissed hard and with a lot of tongue action as the driving pellets of water washed away the remains of the spa water.

Roma turned off the shower while they were still kissing and pressing their breasts together, then pulled away and said, "We should dry off and go back,"

Back in the condo, the robes on the floor, they stood kissing and massaging each other's butt cheeks as their hard nipples poked at each other.

"You know I've never done this before," Beth managed to say as they kissed.

"I know .... you will be fine .... I will be gentle and slow with you .... anything you don't like .... just say the word .... stop,"

"Got it .... oh god I am so hot and worked up .... what's happened to me?"

"I happened to you .... " as she licked Beth's lips, nose and cheeks with her wet tongue before she went back to kissing her

Beth was squirming, kissing back at Roma, running her hands all over her body without touching her pussy. For some reason she hadn't been able to do that yet.

Roma took her arm and they walked to the bedroom side by side. Beth turned and sat on the edge of the bed while Roma knelt in front of her. They kissed and Beth's hands reached to fondle Roma's breasts and run her fingers over and around her nipples. Roma moved her face down to a firm breast and placed her lips over the nipple. Her tongue lashed the nipple as her lips sucked it to become even longer and harder.

Beth was breathing faster as she said, "You're going to think I am weird .... can we leave a light on?"

"Really? you want a light on? are you afraid of the dark?"

"No .... I just want to be able to see you .... see your face .... see what is .... well everything,"

"Okay by me but I'm used to working in the dark," she said with a chuckle before she turned on a small bedside lamp.

Beth sprawled backwards on the bed and Roma followed, lying beside her as her leg went over Beth's and their mouths met again kissing and sucking at each other's lips and tongues. She began kissing down the younger womans body, licking with her wet tongue as she moved from place to place. From breast to breast, down her chest and abdomen to her navel where she stuck her tongue tip in and swirled it around. Roma slid her hand between Beth's legs, cupping her sopping pussy in her palm, pressing against her lips. Then she kissed and licked down her legs to her feet. She held a foot, kissed each toe then did the same to the other foot. She then licked, using the flat of her tongue, from heel to toe along the bottom of each foot. Then she held her feet together and sucked each toe for several seconds, in turn until all ten had been serviced before she started kissing back up Beth's lovely legs.

Nibbling the insides of her thighs as she went along made Beth moan loudly and squirm around. Roma smiled inwardly. She continued up to that tender flesh between each leg and the adjacent pussy lip, where she licked and nibbled while her cheek pressed against Beth's wet pussy. Then she kissed all around the outside of her pussy before landing in the middle and kissing there as well. Beth was getting rather loud with her moans and almost screams. Her hips were gyrating and her juices were flowing.

A finger was inserted into her and she gasped as Roma began sliding it in and out. Then she added the second finger and moved up to lick around her clit area. Pressing harder with her fingers and her tongue pushed Beth over the edge and she wailed as her orgasm roared through her body and she humped at Roma's hand and face. Not wanting her to come down quickly, Roma pulled her fingers out and covered the clit area with her mouth. Sucking hard at the flesh as she worked her tongue alone the slit, she kept Beth's orgasm going for at least another minute before she backed off and let her begin to recover.

She crawled back up beside the spent but still quivering body of Beth, she kissed her ear and whispered, "Happy Birthday again sweet Beth,"

Beth tried to laugh, tried to talk and could do neither for lack of oxygen. She was still in recovery as Roma planted light kisses all over her face, neck and breasts.

Finally Beth gathered enough strength to pull Roma in for a kiss, not thinking that she was going to be tasting her own fluids. At first she was shocked but didn't let it deter her at all. After a few seconds she decided that the taste was much different than she had expected and their kissing took off in a new direction as she became the aggressor and rammed her tongue into Roma's mouth and essentially fucked her mouth with her tongue.

"Wow .... you never kissed me like that before,"

"I never felt like this before .... my god Roma .... I thought I was going to pass out .... I saw stars and .... like blackness .... then stars again .... I never dreamed it would be like that .... so good,"

"Hmmmm, sounds as if you liked what I did," Rona smirked.

"It was awesome .... so much different than what happened in that hotel room,"

"Don't even try to make a comparison .... it can't be done .... "

"Aren't you glad you stayed?" Rona asked in a mocking tone.

"YES, yes yes yes yes, I cannot describe how I feel .... so relaxed, spent, washed out physically .... but yet it feels so wonderful at the same time,"

"I know .... the orgasmic high .... always good,"

They snuggled, hugged, kissed and just enjoyed having their bodies pressed together.f

Roma moved partially over Beth as she pushed her own leg in between Beth's.

"I'm going to show you something else that you will hopefully like .... it's called tribbing," she said as she continued to position herself and then lower her pussy down to press against Beth's furry mound.

"Ooooohhh, mmmmm, that feels good too," as she wiggled her hips and thighs a little.

Roma began my just slowly sliding herself up and down against Beth with very light pressure. But as they got into it, the pressure increased and Beth raised up put her arms around Roma and they began humping faster and harder. Their breathing quickly became labored as they worked against each other. The grunts and moans were loud and continuous over the next couple of minutes.

"Oh god .... oh oh oh .... oh god .... hmmmmpf .... cum .... gonna cum ....," Beth moaned, "oh yes .... arrrgh .... cumming .... uhhhhh .... "; then she just fell back against the pillows and Roma, though she didn't cum felt extremely satisfied too.

After a minute or two of recovery Beth had to have another kiss. When she pulled back, she smiled and gently ran her fingers over Roma's cheek and lips.



"I want to .... you know .... do all those kinds of things for you .... but I'm not sure I can .... I don't know how, but I am more than willing to learn,"

"Not something you learn from reading a book or watching a video .... on the job training is the only way," she replied with a snicker.

"Don't make fun of me"

"Oh no.... never .... I wasn't doing that .... I just wanted to say that you have to learn from doing,"

"Okay, I understand that .... I think I can handle tribbing .... but how will I learn the other stuff if I can't make myself actually do it?"

"Hopefully you will soon get over that fear .... but don't feel bad or feel that you have let me down if you can't,"

"But I really want to .... I want to make you feel good,"

"You did .... when you had that wild orgasm .... I was so happy for you that I actually cried a little,"


"No, its true .... and I would do it all again .... even if I knew you wouldn't respond in a like manner,"

Beth raised up, leaned over and kissed her, softly and tenderly only using her tongue to touch Roma's lips.

"I want to try,"

"Whenever you feel ready .... even if it's next week,"

"No I mean tonight,"

"Fire when ready," Rona said, knowing that her own body was ready for it.

Beth tried to remember and emulate the things Roma had done to her but her mind was confused and she wasn't sure exactly what those things were but she decided to forge ahead anyway.

She kissed Roma and massaged her breast with one hand then moved down to suck and lick both breasts. Then she remembered something and began to lick all over, between her breasts, down to her navel and back up again. Her actions were definitely beginner style but Roma was enjoying her efforts. At first she was over anxious but then settled down and was more in control as she worked over Roma's body and moved down to her legs but skipped servicing her feet. She was on her knees between Roma's legs and leaned forward to lick at her nipples again and then to kiss her when she realized their mounds were pressing together. That excited her a bit and she started working her way back down to the juicy junction between her thighs. She got close and then shied away to lick and kiss her inner thighs. Roma's thighs closed on her head and her hips pumped up and down a few times hoping to encourage Beth. But it didn't work.

"You know you don't have to do this Beth,"

She felt fingers pulling her outer labia apart and a fingertip gently rubbed along the exposed wet flesh. The pressure increased and the finger separated the inner folds where there was more moisture and she massaged the engorged deep pink area. Her other hand went to the top of the slit and rubbed in a circle around her clit. Even though her ministrations were amateurish, they were taking their toll on Roma. Her hips were moving as were her legs and her breathing was becoming more rapid and shallow as the heat rose inside her.

Beth finally pushed her finger inside and then followed it with a second one. Hearing Roma moan spurred her on and she put her mouth on Roma's slit and poked her tongue out to touch and taste the wet, heated morsel before her. After that initial contact, her mouth opened and she began to lick and suck at the top of Roma's slit which brought stronger responses from her. When Beth began to slow down, Roma kept up her own body motions to encourage her to keep going.

"Doing great Baby.... don't stop .... I'm almost there ...." she managed to grunt out.

Beth heard and kept going, licking faster and sucking harder as she slid her fingers in and out of Roma's slippery canal. She was soon rewarded with guttural sounds from Roma's throat, furious humping of her hips and a muffled scream. She could hear Roma gasping for air and then all of a sudden she just went stiff for several seconds before she went limp and rested her body back against the bed. Beth slowed her movements as well and then pulled her fingers out and went to lay beside Roma.

Roma turned her head and smiled at Beth and Beth leaved over to kiss her. The kiss was short as was Roma's air supply.

After a couple of minutes, she said to Beth, "Beth, you did great for your first time .... I had a good, strong orgasm and you were a big part of it,"

Beth grinned and replied, "When I first started, I wasn't at all sure I could even go down on you like that .... I was scared I would be a dud .... then I decided that since I had gotten that far I might as well push myself because if I couldn't do it with you .... I likely would never do it with anyone else,"

"I'm glad you didn't quit on me .... when I first saw you in the restaurant .... my imagination took off .... you just looked so hot to me .... I wanted to kiss you and then my mind went crazy and I imagined myself with my face in your pussy then after we talked a little I could just see us in a sixtynine,"

Beth chuckled and said, "My you do have a vivid imagination don't you? .... but most of it came true,"

"Yeah, all but the sixtynine .... so I still have that to look forward to .... don't I?"

"We'll see .... " she answered with a teasing grin and leaned down to kiss Roma again.

They chatted for a bit about their earlier years, stopping now and again for a kiss and maybe a breast squeeze or nipple suck. That is until Roma raised up, leaned over for a nice wet, tongue filled kiss while her fingers played through Beth's still damp pubic hair and found their way in between her pussy's puffy lips.

Beth moaned and spread her legs allowing all the room her lover needed. Roma kissed around her hair covered mound while her fingers massaged on both sides of Beth's clit. On her knees she straddled her partner's body and lowered her face to lick at the top of her juicy slit. Beth took the hint and started rubbing her fingers along Roma's smooth, hairless pussy lips while the top girl lowered her hips bringing her pussy closer to Beth's face.

As Beth started licking away at her, Roma said, "Whatever you feel me doing to you .... you do that to me,"

So as she felt fingers enter her, she in turn pushed two fingers inside Roma. Then when she felt lips and tongue working on her own clit, she slid down a tiny bit so she could reach Roma's sensitive nub and began to lick and push at it with her tongue.

It only took a few minutes for each of them to feel the beginnings of another orgasm. Roma because she was excited to have Beth with her and Beth because she was happy to have broken a personal barrier and felt wanted and appreciated. Beth came first but only by not by much because her moans and grunts helped push Roma over the edge too. They writhed, squirmed and moaned through their orgasms and Roma just laid on top of Beth, resting her head on a thigh. Beth had turned her head to allow her to breathe better and Roma moved a leg to give her more room.

When they were back side by side, kissing and cuddling, Beth said, "You are super wonderful,"

"Thanks .... does that mean we aren't going to be a one night stand?"

"What do you think?"

"Well .... I am a seasoned veteran .... you are the beginner .... so, tell you what .... after we get some sleep, I'll ask you again at breakfast,"

"Kiss me goodnight, my beautiful new friend, my lover, my tutor,"

So they shared several goodnight kisses before Beth turned on her side and Roma spooned against her backside. Sleep overtook both of them in just a few minutes.

Morning was not early for either of them as the sun streamed through the bedroom window just after nine thirty.

Beth was awake first, looking around the room, then at Roma who was on her side facing Beth. The cover was only up to her waist leaving her firm breasts on display. Curiously Beth reached out to touch the soft skin of the areole.

"Good morning," Roma said without opening her eyes.

Beth leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "Good morning to you,"

"How are you? did you sleep well?" she asked Beth.

"Fine and I did sleep .... very well .... but I must admit a have bit of a tender area this morning,"

That brought a smile to Roma's lips before she said, "I'm not surprised .... but it will wear off .... just not used to that kind of activity yet,"

"What do you mean .... yet?" as she playfully slapped Roma's shoulder.

"Well .... you DID enjoy yourself last night didn't you?" she asked and raised her eyebrows to enforce the question.

"Oh yeah .... immensely .... but I'm not ready for any more this soon,"

"I know .... let's go find something to eat for breakfast,"

Living alone, Roma didn't cook much or have much food even in the condo but she did come up with some sausage links to be microwaved and some frozen waffles for the toaster. There was some orange juice and some milk in the fridge as well. The other thing she had was a coffee pot which she used daily.

"I have to have my morning coffee .... do you drink coffee?"

"Yes I do .... not a lot though .... usually like two cups in the morning is all,"

So they ate waffles with butter and syrup, the microwaved sausage and washed it all down with a small glass of OJ and coffee. They talked all the while, getting to know each other more without dwelling on the previous nights events.

A little later Beth mentioned that she should probably go home and Roma pouted with her lower lip protruding which made Beth laugh.

"Alright .... if you must go .... I will take you home,"

The drive would be at least twenty minutes Roma thought and that would give them some more time to talk.

On the way, sitting at a traffic light, Roma said, "You know what I would like,"

"I'm afraid to ask .... okay, what?"

"Good you are sitting down .... I would like for you .... to get some of your things, clothes, whatever you might need .... then come and stay with me for .... oh, say a week .... could you do that?"

Beth was a bit stunned by such an offer and was silent for about 30 seconds making Roma think she had gone too far.

"I don't have any obligations to anyone .... so yes I could do that .... but I am not sure I should,"

"C'mon, it's just a week .... kinda like a vacation for you .... give it some thought,"

"I will consider it,"

Finally in Beth's apartment, she retrieved bottles of cold water from the fridge for them and they sat on the sofa together.

"I have been thinking about your offer .... and I must admit it is very tempting .... are you sure you want me there .... I can be a real pest at times,"

Roma replied, "I have a pest swatter," and she raised her right hand which brought a fake look of terror to Beth's face and they both laughed.

"Okay .... one week .... unless you evict me early,"

"Great," Roma shrieked as she bounced over onto Beth's lap and began kissing all over her face and neck, ending at her lips where they locked into a long wet kiss lasting at least a full minute.

"One thing I want to do before we go back though,"

Roma's eyes asked the question.

Beth reached and held the other girl's face as she said, "I want us to have sex in my bed,"

Roma became the follower and they threw off their clothes and ravaged each other in Beth's bedroom. Ignoring her tenderness, Beth became the aggressor and they each enjoyed two orgasms before they quit and began gathering items for Beth to take with her.

They each drove their own car and on the way back, Roma's mind was on race .... rapidly building ideas and hopefully a case to get Beth to stay permanently with her.

Beth's mind was asking her .... will she want me to stay longer or will I have to go back home after a week?

The End


Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it, Suzi

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