Betas frat initiation

By Mike Taylor

Published on May 6, 2003



Andrew the president of the Betas waited for the new pledge to arrive. Eric had been hand picked by Andrew during hell week for a special initiation into the frat meant only for one brother. The president noticed Eric checking out the other pledges and new then that he would be the perfect candidate to be the house bitch. He would be treated like a king in exchange for taking care of his horny senior frat brothers.

There was a knock on the door and Andrew went to open it. Standing on the porch was Eric, he was wearing baggy jeans, running shoes, baseball cap and a tight UT t-shirt which showed off is 18 year old pecs. He was pretty good looking for a freshman, 6' 155lbs, blonde hair and nice blue eyes. Eric got nervous when he saw that the president of the frat had opened the door for him. Andrew intimidated him; even though he was the same height as Eric, he had 20lbs more muscle, broad shoulders that pulled his shirt tighter across his chest, not to mention an ass that looked great in his AnF cargo pants.

"Welcome. Are you ready for your final initiation into the Beta brotherhood?" Andrew asked.

"Fuck yeah, bro," Eric answered despite his racing heart. He couldn't help but notice that he was the only pledge there.

"Well then, follow me."

Andrew lead Eric up the stairs to his private room. Eric was nervous but had no choice but to follow that toned ass up the stairs. From the beginning he knew it was a long shot that he would make it into the fraternity but he wanted it more than anything.

When they entered the room there were two other senior brothers already there. Eric was surprised to see that they were watching a lesbian porn on the TV with the sound off. He recognized Derek, a senior who played on the men's soccer team, he was shirtless but wearing running shoes and blue track-pants which you could see the outline of his cock through. Ty a junior was there too, he was wearing a sleeveless AnF shirt, a backwards baseball cap, jeans, and black flip-flops. Eric's heart beat faster when he realized Ty was feeling up a hardon in his jeans. The whole situation made him nervous, but it also made Eric's cock begin to swell in his boxers.

Eric stood in the middle of the room and the three brothers stood and faced him. Each of them had a smirk on their face because they new what they were about to get.

"Ty and Derek are going to help me in your final initiation. You are to do whatever any of us tells you to do. If you refuse to do what we tell you to you will not join are fraternity and will have to go live in the dorms with the rest of the pussies. You are here to show us that you respect and obey the wishes of your senior frat brothers and will show us ultimate trust for as long as you are our brother. Are you willing to take on that challenge?"

Eric looks at his soon to be brothers and knows he wants nothing more. "Yes, I willing to do whatever it takes to get into the fraternity."

With that statement the initiation began...

"Ok bro, kneel down, turn your cap backwards and place your arms behind your back," Andrew ordered.

Eric did what he was told. Andrew grabbed a piece of rope and tied Eric's hands behind his back just tight enough so he couldn't wriggle free. Derek walks over to Eric and pulls down his track-pants to let out his cock, it was about 6" and only semi-hard. Eric had never been so close to another guys cock before.

"Start sucking my dick, bro," Derek said.

Eric was reluctant. "Dude, I'm not a fucking fag..."

"Do you want to be in the frat or not bro? Suck my dick or the whole campus will know about your initiation."

He leaned towards Derek's cock and started to lightly lick the head. It had a drip of pre cum on it that tasted kind of salty and sweet. The cock started to swell as Eric started to put his lips around the head. Eric thought to himself that it wasn't that bad. He started moving his head back and forth and Derek's cock swelled to a hard 7.5" inches. Eric licked along the shaft and swallowed as much of the cock as he could. Derek continued to watch the porn while the pledge sucked him off.

"Yeah, suck that dick bitch, fuck yeah."

Andrew walked over to Derek and put his hand on his shoulder. Andrew's cock had gotten hard watching the porn and was bulging in the leg of his cargo pants.

"My turn bro," Andrew said. Derek stepped aside and walked over to the bed, sat down and began to jack off.

"I have a nice 8" cock for you to suck on bro," Andrew said as he unzipped his cargo pants and whipped his hardon out through the fly of his boxers. Eric began to lick the head of Andrew's cock.

"You're going to have to do better than that bro, if you wanna get into the frat. Wouldn't want the fact that you're a fag to get around campus, would you? I see your dick getting hard in your pants from sucking dick. Start sucking you little slut."

Andrew put his hand on the back of Eric's head and guided the pledges mouth along his cock. Eric let out a little moan of pleasure.

"That's right bitch show me how you like to suck my cock. Now I want you to lick my balls, bro. Fuck that feels good."

Eric licked Andrews balls, he loved the smell of his frat brother's crotch. He could feel pre cum start to make his boxers a little wet. He was nervous at first but now he began to get into pleasing his frat brothers. Andrew guided Eric back onto his cock and he began to suck it.

"Fuck, you're better at sucking my cock than my girlfriend, bro." Andrew continued to enjoy the blow job for a few minutes. Then he called over his shoulder to Ty who was reclining on the bed with his cock hanging out of his jeans, jacking off.

"Hey you want a piece of this bro?"

"Fuck yeah, man," Ty said as he stood up and walked over to Eric.

Andrew pulled away, walked over to the bed, pulled off his t-shirt and sat down next to Derek. Ty had a nice 7" cock that was a lot thicker than the other guys hangin' out of his jeans. Eric's eyes got wide when he saw it up close, he didn't know how he was going to take it all in his mouth.

"Don't be afraid little bro, I'll let you go slow, my cock is pretty thick."

Eric began to take his frat brother's cock in his mouth. It was pretty thick but he managed to start blowing Ty's 7".

"Fuck," Ty said as he pulled his cock away quickly. "Watch your teeth little bro. Go slow and give me a nice blow job."

Eric began to blow his frat bro again, this time slower. Ty started to moan. He had been working on his cock while the other guys were getting blown and was getting pretty close to blowing his load.

"Fuck bro, you're going to make me cum. Oh yeah, suck my fat cock bitch." Ty pulls his cock out of Eric's mouth just before he is about to cum, begins to whack off and blows his load all over Eric's face and t-shirt. The sight of his frat brother cumming all over him almost makes Eric cum in his pants even though his hands are tied behind his back.

Andrew stands up, put's his cock back in his underwear, zips up his pants and walks over to Eric. He's shirtless and Eric is distracted for a second from the cum dripping off his face by the rippled stomach and biceps of the frat president.

"Congratulations bro, you passed the first part of your initiation. Before we go onto the next part you'll have to be punished for your insubordination, now stand up, walk over and face that table. Now, bend over onto the table."

Andrew walks over to the pledge, unbuttons and unzips his pants, ad pulls them down along with his boxers, exposing the pledges little smooth white ass. He grabs a paddle from the bureau and slaps Eric on the ass with it. Whack.

"One for refusing to suck Derek's cock."


"One for saying your not a fag."


"One for not sucking my cock when I said to suck my cock."

Whack, Whack, Whack.

"And three for brushing your teeth up against Ty's cock. Now, have you learned your lesson, bro?"



"Yes, what?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now stay where you are for the second part of your initiation. Ty you can go." Ty zipped up and walked out of the room.

"Now Eric, you will now show us your ultimate trust. When you pass the final part of the initiation you will become our brother. All of our brother's will know they can come to you when they need help."

Andrew grabbed a bottle of lube from the dresser and put some in his hand. He rubbed it onto Eric's hole. The cold lube on his ass made Eric jump. He knew what was about to happen, he wasn't sure if he was ready, but he knew he wouldn't let anything get in the way of joining the frat. Andrew began to run his lubed finger around the edge of Eric's hole. Slowly he slid a finger into Eric's tight ass.

"You said you would be willing to do anything to get into the frat. Would you be willing to take your brother's cock?"

"I don't know if I can, bro."

Andrew slides another finger into Eric's ass.

"I think you can bro, don't be a pussy. I'm gonna slide my cock in your ass and you'll like it," Andrew said as he unzips his cargo pants and whips his hard 8" out of his boxers. He takes a little more lube and gets his cock nice and wet. He presses the head of his cock against the pledges wet hole. It takes a second but then his tight ass gives and the head of Andrew's cock pops in. Eric lets out a yelp of pain.

"Shut the fuck up and take my cock, bitch," Andrew says as he begins to thrust his bare cock slowly into Eric's ass.

"That's fucking tight bro, fuck yeah. You like my cock in your ass bro?"

"Yeah, bro."

"That's what I like to hear bro." He pulls his cock out and starts to untie Eric's hands. "You can stand up and take off your shirt, jeans and boxers."

Eric takes of his shirt and put's his cap back on, takes his pants and boxers off revealing his 6" uncut cock which is hard and dripping cum.

"Now get down on all fours. This is for yelling when I popped your cherry." Andrew wacks Eric's ass with the paddle four times, each time Eric's cock jumps with pleasure.

Derek gets up from the bed, pulls off his track pants so he's just wearing his cap and running shoes, and kneels down in front of the pledge. He grabs his head and pulls it toward his 7.5" of cock. Eric opens his mouth and Derek slides it all the way in, and slowly starts to fuck his face. Andrew kneels down behind Eric with his 8" still sticking out of his cargo pants, puts some more lube on and pushes it into Eric's virgin hole. Eric can't believe he's getting fucked on both ends by two of his hot frat brothers.

"Fuck man, you gotta have a piece of this ass. Definitely the tightest cunt I've ever fucked."

"Sounds good bro," Derek says as he pulls out of Eric's mouth and gets up. Andrew slides his cock out of Eric's ass, stands up, kicks off his shoes and pulls off his boxers and cargo shorts. Standing over the pledge, Derek lubes up his cock and kneels down behind his little frat brother. Eric's hole is stretched out now, so Derek slides his cock in all the way until his balls hit up against Eric's.

"Take my fucking cock, bro. You're a hell of a lot tighter than my girlfriends pussy. You like that?"

"Yeah, bro." Eric begins to beat his own cock as Derek starts to slam the full length of his cock into the freshman's ass.

Andrew kneels in front of Eric facing away from him while he jacks his 8" cock.

"I want you to eat me out bro," Andrew says as he presses his ass against Eric's face so fast Eric has no choice but to rim his brother's hole. He licks around his whole then, when it's all wet, he begins to slide his tongue inside. All he can see, feel and smell is his senior frat brother's ass, all he can hear is Derek's balls slapping against his ass as he pounds it. Eric can barely keep from cumming, so he stops jacking off.

"Fuck yeah, eat my ass, you little bitch."

"Fuck bro, I'm gonna blow my load," Derek says as he pulls his cock out of Eric's ass and cums all over his ass cheeks and hole. "Fuck yeah, you like your cunt wet with my cum, bro?"

"Yeah, bro," Eric replies, as he continues to eat Andrew's ass and cum drips off his own.

Andrew gets up from the floor.

"Get up bro and go over to the bed and lie down on your stomach. Derek you can go, unless you wanna stick around and get off again."

"No that's cool bro, I gotta get to soccer practice," Derek says as he puts on his track pants, walks across the room to the door and pats Eric on the shoulder. "Thanks for the fuck bro, I'll let you know if my girlfriend is out of town..."

Eric walks over to the bed and lays down on his stomach. Andrew walks over to the frosh pledge, lubes his cock up again, gets on top of the freshman and slides his cock into his ass.

"Now I'm gonna fuck you and you'll take it like a man. You can cum when I finish, but not before." Andrew begins to fuck the freshman with his full 8", faster and faster. Eric tries to reach down and rub his little 6" cock.

"No way man I don't want you getting off yet," Andrew says as he intercepts Eric's arm. He pulls out, gets up and grabs the frat paddle. Whack. Whack. Whack.

"You've got to remember to do as I say bro. Now turnover onto your back and put your legs in the air, I'm gonna fuck you like a girl."

Eric flips over and puts his legs into the air. Andrew gets on the bed, puts Eric's legs on his shoulders and slides his bare cock into the pledges ass. Eric was into getting fucked, but now that he could see his frat brother's body as he thrust his cock in his ass, he was in pure ecstasy.

"Fuck yeah bro, take my cock. Your cunt is so hot. I'm gonna cum in your ass bro, are you ready to take my load and be my little frat slut?"

"I want your cum bro, fucking unload your seed in my ass."

"Fuck yeah..." The sweat was dripping down Andrew's pecs and abs as his thrusts came quicker. He thrust three final times as he came inside his little frat brother. At the same time Eric's balls tightened and he came without touching himself, his cum shot out of his little frosh cock and all over his chest and abs. Andrew pulls out of Eric's ass, stands up, grabs a towel and wipes off his cock. He tosses the towel over to Eric who is lying there, barely able to move, cum dripping out of his ass, his own cum on his chest and his frat brother's cum dried on his ass and face. As he begins to towel off the sweat and cum, Andrew pulls on his boxers, cargo pants, slips on his t-shirt and his shoes.

"I gotta get going to class bro, when you're finished cleaning up you can start moving into your room down the hall, welcome to the brotherhood little bro," Andrew says as he grabs his backpack and walks out the door.

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