Beta Busting the Boy Wonder

By kysen

Published on Mar 31, 2022




A nerd decided to cold-conk, take down, and bitch a smug campus stud. Imagine his surprise when that stud also turned out to be Robin the Boy Wonder!


Beta Busting the Boy Wonder

By Kyle Cicero

{Sincere appreciation to Jack Parker for his ideas and suggestions}


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Part One:

Okay, the first thing you have to know about me is that I'm just an average guy in college. Average looks average build. I'm bisexual which, I suppose is not average but, put that aside. The second thing you should know is that it was never my intention to take down a crime fighter. In fact, when I discovered who the guy was, I was shocked. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

You see it all started over this girl. I had a thing for her for quite some time. At the start of my junior year, I had made my move. Her name was Cassandra and we had already been on a few dates. In my mind, things were starting to get serious. Then, things for `us' went haywire when she bumped into Dick Grayson, a senior and the local campus stud. Once he started zooming in on her, my relationship with Cassandra went bust. I mean, given a choice between a guy who is five foot seven and, while not skinny, was certainly not muscle bound and a guy who was six foot, a star of the school's gymnastics team with a body to match, and it was no contest. In terms of looks I was just average, and he was, to be fair, strikingly handsome. The problem was that this asshole knew how his looks and build he affected women and, that I was interested in her. Yet, it didn't make a damn bit of difference. He was all about scoring and she was his latest mark.

I confronted him about it.

"Hey, I'm sorry but," he patronizingly told me, "she gets to choose what she wants, and I can't help if she chose me."

Yeah, he was a cocky son of a bitch which, only convinced me that he needed to be taken down hard.

Now I might just be an average guy, but I happen to be really into science especially chemistry. I'd been working on a formula that would serve as a tranquilizer without any addictive properties. I will be honest, my aim was, if successful, to make money. After my confrontation with Grayson, I threw idea that out the window. I turned my efforts into figuring out some chemical formula that I could use on him to level the field.

Going out toe-to-toe with him was never an option. I mean the guy was taller than me, had a better build than me, was a gifted athlete and, in addition to being a gymnast, was a star of the school boxing team. Without any chemical assistance I was always going to come out the loser. So, I spent the next month trying to work out a chemical formula that would, basically fuck him up.

I first started out with the idea of just getting back at him for taking Cassandra. Soon, however, I realized I wanted more than to get her back. I found myself constantly watching him stride across the campus in the cool, commanding manner. Everyone deferred to him. Girls on campus giggled when he even took a few minutes to talk to them. I soon found my anger turning to envy. He was everything I'd want to be. Confident in his masculinity, hot looking, and totally sure of himself. Slowly, to my shock, my thoughts about him took a new direction. As I worked on my formula, I visualized him cowering before me. Soon my images of him in submission took on a sexual aspect. One day, once more observing him, I fixated on how his fucking hot his butt was flexing in those tight pants he always wore. I then realized, I didn't hate him; I was hot for him. I went from desiring to fuck him over and instead wanted to fuck him.

I now doubled my experiments with a new purpose in mind. I discovered the right formula. It was a psychotropic drug which released inhibitions, by screwing up the synapsis connections of the brain. Basically anyone under its influence couldn't form a coherent thought, was totally pliable to suggestions, and completely lost any inhibitions especially sexual. I decided, considering my new erotic desires, to combine it with a strong sexual stimulant.

I contemplated the best way to deliver the dosage to my quarry. By coincidence one of my professors was a retired vet who occasionally helped out at the local zoo. Because of the danger of treating certain animals, he had a dart gun and ketamine tranquilizers. It was easy for me to gain access to his office, get the gun, as well as some of the tranquilizers. I quickly substituted my drug for the ketamine in his darts. My hunt was on.

Thanks to my continual observation of Dick's habits, I knew that he liked to work out by himself late at night at the gym. He always took a short cut through a dark path that was surrounded by bushes. Once I was ready I hid behind a bush and waited. It was way past midnight when he finally strode by my hiding place. Before I taken my position, I'd placed a box on the path. As I hoped, my quarry stopped when he saw it and bent over to pick it up. Taking aim at that now totally exposed, round, firm rump, I pulled the trigger.

"What the..." he yelped as my shot it its target. He instantly raised his upper body upward and reached back to pull out the dart that was sticking out of his rear end. He had no sooner pulled out the dart from his ass when I walked into view.

"What the... did you just drug me" he angrily asked. Moving fast, he reached to his gym bag, unzipped it, and began reaching around in it. "Where is that counter acting drug," he muttered with a hint of panic in his voice.

In a panic, I moved closer. A counter acting drug, I asked myself, why would he have such a drug with him? I put those thoughts aside. I needed to distract him before he secured, and worse, used whatever he was seeking. "Relax you will love it," I softly assured him while moving still closer.

As intended my words and movements caused him to instantly assume a defensive posture. "Stay back," he said with a hint of a slur in his reply.

Just a few more seconds, I told myself and it will fully hit him. I moved to the side causing him to turn to keep me in view. He managed to raise his fists then, the drugs began to take effect. "What did you do," he whispered as his eyes took on a glassy look.

I watched as his eyes began to fully glaze over. By now his body was swaying in front of me.

"Got to fight it," he wheezed. I casually walked up to him. He was barely able to stand. "Fight...fight," he mumbled. Suddenly he sighed as my chemicals took hold of him. His arms dropped to his sides.

"I've wanted to do one thing so bad," I uttered as he stood there before me. I leaned in and kissed him. His mouth resisted when I tried to thrust my tongue into his. Counting on the sexual stimulant in my drug doing its job, I reached down to gently rub his crotch. When he gasped, my tongue slipped past his lips.

"No," he groaned. He tried to push me off, but it was a weak attempt. As I continued, I was soon rewarding by a rise in his crotch area. To my delight, he suddenly mumbled a moan and began kissing me back with equal passion. Shit he can kiss, I thought as we continued with even more aggression. I could have spent time enjoying his soft lips pressing against mine with our tongues working over each other. Yet, I had more planned with him and we needed to be gone before someone came and discovered us. I reluctantly pulled off. He stared at me trying to focus with his lips slightly swollen from my aggressive actions. "What just happened," he lightly asked while blinking as if attempting to clear his head. Before he could react any further, I took a capsule from my pocket, broke it open, and held it under his nose. "Take a nice whiff, Dick," I softly told him.

Thanks to the disorientations from my drug, he did as suggested. Immediately, his eyes rolled up in their sockets. I quickly stood next to him and took a selfie of his drugged-out face and me flashing a thumbs up. "Okay time to go," I said.

"Go...where?" He rasped. From the dazed look he gave me, my drug was doing its job so, I knew he wouldn't fight me.

"You passed out. I found you here," I lied figuring his brain was too foggy to know any better. "We need to get you examined," I told him with fake concern. It took me a few minutes, but I managed to get my drugged-fucked quarry to my car that I'd parked nearby. Wasting no time, I drove to place that I had rented and equipped for what I had in mind. I helped him out of the car.

"I feel funny...I think I'm drugged?" He groaned as we drove to my destination. As we rode, he suddenly reached down to rub his crotch. "I'm horny too," he laughed. I noticed that the stimulant part of the drug was definitely doing its job. Dick was massaging a respectable tentpole in his pants. Once we arrived, we stumbled into my fake tricked-out medical set up. I quickly got him inside and up onto a doctor's examine table that I'd acquired.

"What's going on?" He woozily asked before breaking out into more laughter.

"Just relax stud. I'm a doctor and I'm simply going to examine you," I replied as I began to unbutton his shirt. It was then I got my greatest shock. As I opened his shirt, I saw a familiar looking uniform hidden under it. It was one that I instantly recognized. "Son of a bitch, you're fucking Robin." My mind began reeling.

"The one and only," he managed to say while still cupping his growing bulge. "Doctor I've been drugged," he slurred. "I need to get off too," he stated.

Yep, his inhibitions were on the "OFF" button alright.

At that point, I thought about taking him back to campus and just leaving him somewhere. I mean I had no issues with having some sexual fun with Dick Grayson, but capturing and fucking Robin brought things to a whole new level. I wasn't sure if I was prepared to take that step until he decided it for me.

He tried to focus his eyes on me. "Hey I know you. You're no doctor," he slurred. "I don't know what you did to me, but I will kick your ass for doing this to me," he added.

"Still a smug asshole," I replied. It suddenly hit me, I had actually taken down the famous Boy Wonder. I'd actually taken him captive. Here he was, sexiest crime fighter in the city laid out for my pleasure. I recalled how I'd see Robin on TV boasting and showing off. In my opinion, the guy was a born exhibitionist. I mean his tight costume with those snug briefs showing off his ass to everyone simply screamed it.

Now here he was, drugged, sexually stimulated, and even better, his brain was completely at my mercy. I had done what many super villains dreamed of doing. I had captured him. More mind blowing, I had made out with the Boy Wonder and, the fucker kissed me back too.

It also came to me that, I'd actually unmasked Robin revealing his secret identity. I felt powerful, aroused, and eager to take him! I looked at him lying, moaning threats, rubbing his crotch, and totally pliable to do whatever I wanted. My original plan to simply fuck Dick Grayson then get on with life vanished. It was right then that I knew this walking wet dream was going to be my bitch and maybe a profitable one too. I quickly took a knife and started cutting off his pants and shirt.

"What are you doing," he groaned. He tried to raise his arms to fight me off but, by now, he was too zapped to do much of anything. A few times I had to swat his hands away from either me or, considering the drug, rubbing his bulge. Within minutes he was lying there in just his "Robin" outfit. I'd taken his gym bag with us. I opened it and found his boots, belt, and mask. Moving swiftly I put them on him. I examined his belt, saw the weapons and other items in it, and realized why he had been reaching into his gym bag. No doubt the counter acting drug he sought was in one of the belt's small holders. This item needed to be far from his reach so, I set it aside. I stood back seeing the famed Boy Wonder lying there in all his sexy glory. I also saw his cock was thrusting the front of his tight green briefs upward.

I took a video of him lying there rubbing his junk while moaning about how he needed to get his rocks off. I next grabbed and re-loaded my tranquilizer gun. I had no idea how long my drug's effects might last and was taking no chances. Flipping him over, I took aim and fired another dart into that green uniform enclosed rear-end that women and a few men, me as well now, probably masturbated too.

"Ooohhh," he whimpered as he got hit.

I put my gun away and flipped him back, so he was face up. His eyes were pinpricks, his crotch area was still tenting, and a small bit of drool ooze from his mouth. "I' on ," he sighed. "I need to spray."

"You will," I assured him as I plotted my next moves.

Part Two:

I stood next to him and let my hands rest on his uniformed crotch. As I felt the outline of his nuts and growing erection, I wondered how many women had felt him up and how many men would want to do it too. From what I could manually detect, it was pretty clear that good old Dick was packing a `weapon' with some serious heat.

"What are you doing?" He lightly protested while trying and failing to fully focus his eyes on me.

I decided to test my theory that Dick Grayson aka Robin had an oversized ego. If it proved true, it was something I could use to my advantage "I'm simply conducting your exam. You know you are quite impressive down here," I said as my fingers traced the outline of his expanding shaft. "I bet the ladies go wild when you show them what your packing in your briefs." I noticed a brief flicker of a smile appear on his face before quickly vanishing. Yep, I was right. He had an ego. "Yeah you are really a "Boy Wonder" down here though, this isn't a boy's equipment is it?" I softly told him as I let my fingers gently run across his nuts. "Damn you have two large balls here too. Bet you really fill up the ladies."

"Sure do," he softly boasted before adding, "but, it isn't right to say that," he mumbled with a sly smile.

"You must really put it to them in the sack" I replied still stroking his ego while stroking his junk. From the way he began blushing, I could tell he wasn't all that offended by my remarks. In fact, his shaft stirred even more. I cupped his nuts.

"Stop feeling me up. Oh God," he mewed as I began rolling them.

I smiled and slid my fingers across his pouch. My fingertips reached the sensitive skin area where they met his ass-crack. "Man they are huge," I teased as I lightly tapped this area before swirling my fingertips around it.

He gasped. "God I love getting my nuts played with," he suddenly blurted out.

"Like this," I replied as I increased my ball massage. I watched as he squirmed from the erotic sensations my fingertips were giving to that sensitive area.

"Oh's not right," he whimpered while I delicately tickled the area under his hefty balls. By now he was gulping in air, his lower body literally twitching. Suddenly, a wet spot began appearing in his crotch area. "Stop...please," he babbled though his reactions clearly indicated the opposite. Yeah, he was losing it.

"Don't be embarrassed," I told him. "You know you love sexually showing off. You dress in tight briefs showing everyone your rump," I said as I let my hand drift to caress his well-defined inner thighs. "Not to mention how your tights show off the muscles in your legs. "Go on admit you like being ogled over." I rasped as I again cupped his nuts and lightly massaged them.

"I..I..." he grunted while I alternately played with his inner thighs and nuts. The wet spot grew larger. He was sucking in air and his pupils were completely dilated.

"You love showing off. Your abilities, your body, especially your rear-end. Admit it. You get off being sexually desired. You love it when everyone admires your ass,' I insisted as I stroked his nuts and then his erection.

"Yes...I do. I do get off being admired," he moaned.

I leaned in close. "Do you sometimes masturbate thinking about how they all must want you. All those woman and men checking out your body. Checking out your ass. Do you jerk off visualizing them doing it?" I figured, by his swagger and revealing uniform, he must have done it. If so, then I wanted him to admit it.

He wildly gazed at me without really seeing me. I could see he was lost in full heat. "Yes," he grunted. "I do jerk off about it."

"Do you do it while sometimes still dressed as Robin," I asked.

He blushed and nodded.

Holy fuck, I thought as an image of him decked out in his crime fighter's uniform, his briefs and tights bunched around his ankles, with his leather clad hands beating his meat flashed into my brain. "See them admiring you," I whispered.

"It isn't right though," he suddenly cried out even as he moved his crotch upward into my hand.

Clearly he was ready to blow. I didn't want him to do it just yet. I pressed one of my fingers against his lips. "Shhh, it's going to be all right stud," I said while slowly fondling his family jewels. "Why shouldn't you enjoy the adulation. You are Robin. The famous Boy Wonder. They should admire you, your body, and that amazing butt. It's only natural for you to masturbate thinking about it, okay."

`Okay," he moaned in agreement as his body squirmed under my touch.

"Now just shhh," I again whispered as I let the thumb from my other free hand gently rub across his soft full lips. "Dick you need to just go with the flow." I watched as his pupils dilated even further during my crotch massage. I suddenly felt him raising his waist slightly upward to press his cock into my grip. I smiled at him. he smiled back. I made my next move. "Why don't you try sucking on this for me like a good boy," I softly suggested as I let the thumb slip between his lips. "If you do it nicely, my good little bat boy, I'll keep fondling your crotch." He let out another deep groan and began sucking it.

I watched as Robin "the feared crime fighter" lay there whimpering and sucking my thumb like a baby. As he did, I took a fast video of him doing it then returned to kept massaging his green uniformed crotch into a nice high mound even as my own junk began to rise. Time to continue.

"Dick," I stated as he happily sucked my thumb. "Let's get these tights and briefs off. You want to touch yourself without them on, right?"

"Sureth," he contently gurgled while continuing to slobber on my thumb.

Moving swiftly, I yanked off his briefs. I could see the outline of his impressive erection straining against the translucent nylons of his tights. By now its crotch area was wet from his leaking. I took a few minutes to rub the palm of my hand across his nylon encased shaft. My actions caused Dick to moan in pleasure.

"Fuck," he growled.

"Well. Well," I thought. Finally an expletive from my Boy Wonder. The first true signal his goody boy inhibitions were cracking. I grinned and massaged the area more until he was squealing in pleasure, yelping one or two more `fucks', and his muscled torso quaking in sexual heat. Confident now he was mine to do whatever I wanted, I stopped and pulled down his tights. Immediately, once freed from its nylon prison, his shaft sprang upward. As it did, some light droplets of his pre-jism flew about. I stopped to take in the sight of my bat boy's family jewels. His cock was close to eleven inches and his full large nuts were just as impressive. I watched as his erection waved about spattering bits of pre-cum. It's erotic swaying only stopped when Robin' reached down to grab it. "Only edge. Got it!" I sharply commanded counting on the drug's effects to make his brain pliable to orders.

He nodded. "Yes," he hissed. Judging from the expert way he was doing it, it was obvious he was an expert at edging.

I suddenly got an idea. I went next to him. I set up my cell to take a video. "Stand up and do it," I said as I helped him to his feet. I got out of video range and hit record. I figured any vocals from me could be altered. If this played out like I hoped, the admission price for someone to view this show would be astronomical. He stood in front of me only slightly swaying but clearly high on the drug. "Now edge for me."

He nodded and began again edging. There he was the famed sidekick of our Caped crusader with his briefs and tights nicely bunched around his booted ankles while he edged his cock with his gloved hand and moaning like a dog in heat.

"Close your eyes and imagine all those people admiring you," I stated. "Wanting you."

"Yes," he rasped as he worked his shaft.

"You're a thirst trap, right Robin?" I lightly asked. "Tell me how fucking sexy you are. You are fucking sexy , right?"

"I'm totally fucking sexy," he gruffly replied as he masturbated for me.

"Show me how a stud does it in bed," I instructed. "Show me how a stud moves his body when he's pounding into someone. Tell me you a fucking stud...say it!"

"I'm a fucking stud. Yeah," he laughed. Thanks to my drug, he was oblivious to anything and utterly uninhibited.

"Show me how a hot stud fucks someone?" I ordered.

He began moving his hips in tandem with his strokes. From the sexy fluid way he was employing his hip movements to help him thrust his cock into his grip, he must be quite formidable in the sack.

"Yeah. Think about how much they want your fucking dick...tell me what they want," I quizzed.

"My fucking dick," he grunted. "They want my fucking dick," he wheezed.

"What else do they love and crave?" I pressed. I had a good idea of the answer but wanted him to verbalize it for me.. "Go on and tell me what you love showing them."

"My ass," he swiftly moaned as he fucked his hand grip. "I've got a great ass," he laughingly stated. "I love when they stare at it!"

"Do you get hot showing it off?" I quizzed. He blushed and nodded

"A lot," he groaned as he humped faster. "I sometimes get hot doing poses so they can see it."

Gotcha, I thought. Mental barriers broken and inhibitions crumbling. There he was masturbating. Lewdly acting out both verbally and physically while telling the world he loves being desired. Even hotter, admitting he gets off occasionally flashing his ass.

"Touch that rump. Feel what they want," I said.

His other free hand reached back. I watched as he fondled it. His moaning and fucking movements increased.

"Yes," I hissed. "They want your ass. They admire it. Slap it for us."

"They love ass," he growled slapping his butt. Soon he was fondling it. I watched as he obscenely manhandled his rear-end for me.

"They fucking want it, right" I insisted.

"Yeah, they all fucking want my sexy ass," he replied as he began thrusting his cock even faster in his tight grip.

"Go on see it. Your rump being idolized by everyone. You love seeing their admiring faces. Fucking shoot your spunk into their admiring faces."

"Yeah take it," he howled. His body shivered seconds before he shot a respectable load. It flew out in waves. He repeatedly jerked off until, in the end it puddled on the floor in front of him. Some remnants dripped from his dick-slit onto his briefs and boots. "Fuck," he wheezed as he gulped air.

As he stood there panting from his orgasm, I briefly regretted that, by the time I was finished with him, that cock of his would never again be used to penetrate anyone. I consoled myself with the thought that soon his luscious rump would take its place in delivering sexual satisfaction to others.

Part Three:

It took a bit of time to `redress' him in his regular clothes and then drive him back to campus. By the time I'd dropped him near the bushes where I'd first taken him, it was almost dawn. An hour later and students going to early classes would have been all around us. I had also brought a bottle of whiskey with me.

"What are you doing," he mumbled as I brought the bottle to his lips.

"Drink up," I teased as I drizzled some into his mouth not caring if any gushed out from it. I simply wanted his breath to stink of booze. In fact, I poured the rest on him so he would have its odor too. I figured if he was found in an unconscious state with the smell of liquor on him and his attire, he would be seen as just another student who'd overindulged. Sure enough, by the time of my afternoon classes, the school gossips were spreading the word that campus security had found "a drunk on his ass" Dick Grayson passed out by some bushes. By the time I left for home, goody two shoes Dick was the talk of the student body. I had to smile at this unexpected blow to his ego. I also knew he would be gunning for me. I looked forward to that encounter.

I had also left a note in his pocket telling him who I was, and that I would like to meet him after his "Robin Rounds" at the facility where I had first taken him. I also informed him that it would be in his best interest to come alone, in his `Robin' outfit, and not to tell anyone what had happened to him. I enclosed, along with that note, a picture of him standing with his briefs and tights around his ankle, wearing a goofy smile while gripping his impressive erection. Sure enough, at precisely midnight, he arrived. It was clear that he was not "a happy camper".

"You drugged me," he spat out. "You're a sick perverted bastard. You're going to regret doing what you did to me," he haughtily told me. "I want you to delete it wherever it's stored or else," he barked. He made a fist and punched it into the palm of his other hand.

"I hardly think it's wise to threaten me. Besides, you don't look forced in any way. In my opinion, to anyone seeing it, the picture showed you were having fun. By the way, did that puddle of your cum at your feet show in it. I always find it hard to visually capture such liquids." I innocently replied knowing this attitude would only enrage him further and not keep him mentally alert any danger. "Sorry though about dropping you off smelling of whiskey." I grinned. "Our campus's oh so studious Dick Greyson discovered passed out and drunk on his ass. Such a sexy ass too."

"I suppose you think it's funny." He yelled. "I got suspended and had to explain myself to..." he paused.

"You mean to Bruce Wayne or, should I call him Batman," I teased. I saw the shocked look on his face. "Oh please, if you're Robin, it stands to reason that Bruce Wayne has to be Batman. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out." I taunted.

"If you reveal that," he sputtered showing a less confident attitude. "I will..." he paused leaving the threat implied.

"You will do nothing," I replied. "Now this is where I tell you what you're going to do or else Bruce and the world sees that picture and...some fun videos," I shot back. By now, I was enjoying my famous, young hero was showing uncertainty on how to fix this issue. For the first time in his life, he wasn't in control of things, and it showed..

I saw him go pale. "Videos," he replied. "There is a video," he barely chocked out.

Gotcha, I thought. I tapped a button that held in my hand. Immediately a movie screen dropped down on a side wall. "I wonder what everyone will think seeing Robin acting out so obscenely," I joked as I hit play.

He gazed at the screen as the movie I'd taken appeared on the on the screen. "You... you," he sputtered as he watched his lewd activities unfold. He was so transfixed by what was playing, he did not see that I had shifted my position. Now slightly behind him, I pulled out a blow gun, loaded my dart, and scored a direct hit into his right butt cheek

"Ouch," he yelped. Instantly, he turned towards me. He pulled out the dart and gazed at it before directing his focus at me. He moved towards me, grabbed my shirt, pulled me close, and glared at me. I could see the fury in his eyes.

I slowly raised my hands above my head. "I'm unarmed and surrender," I told him. I counted this admission combined with his `honor code' to stop him from doing any unprovoked physical assault on me. I also wanted him furiously frustrated by this fact so his increased adrenaline would speed up the drug's workings in his system. "You're sick. I'm going to..." but, he never got to finish that threat. Quickly, his hard stare was replaced a growing lack of visual focus. Soon his breathing increased. His handsome face grew slack. " to...fight," he wheezed as a familiar glassy look emerged in his eyes.

"What were you saying? " I asked as I eased his grip from my shirt.

"I swear," he panted even as, once more, his body fully relaxed. He blinked a few times then, his arms dropped limply to his sides. "What was I saying," he grumbled.

"Let me help you lay down before you fall to the floor," I patronizingly said while recalling how he'd used a similar vocal tone with me when we discussed Cassandra.

He weakly protested as I guided him over to the exam table. "Get away from me," he muttered even as I helped him up and draped him on the top of the exam table.

"Now, now," I said to him. "You're going to feel really good and very soon I promise," I assured him as I reach down to rub his crotch.

"No don't... do... oh God," he sighed. As I massaged him into another erection, I took the opportunity to let my other free hand caress his powerful legs. "Such definition," I softly stated. I fondled each of his muscled calves before next savoring the sensation of `feeling up' both of his strong inner thighs. All the while, as he moaned a combination of weak protests alternately coupled with contented whimpering, I continued my manually rubbing his crotch area .

He quickly achieved a most respectable erection under his briefs. Once more, a growing wet spot appeared on its surface area. Moving swiftly, I pulled down his briefs and his tights so that they were again bunched around his booted ankles. His impressive erection, once freed, waved about. This time I paused to examine it. Grayson's cock was long and thick with a few veins running along his shaft. Nestled below, his hefty nut-sack was sparsely furred and sexily hung slightly down from the base of his dick. I noted he kept his bush nicely manicured as well. As I rolled his nuts in their pouch, he let out a deep growl of contentment. "You like have your balls played with?"

"Uhuh," he sighed spreading his legs a bit apart.

Obviously, from his campus reputation, Dick was sexually experienced. I was curious about it. "When did you start fucking women," I asked.

"When I was fifteen," he mumbled between his moans. "She was twenty -two," he grunted as I engaged in more nut play with him. "She worked as a maid at the manor."

"Did you like it," I queried.

A large smile came to him as he recalled the memory. "Oh yeah," he lewdly grunted

"Have you ever done anything with a guy," I pressed.

He said nothing which, to me spoke volumes. I rolled his nuts and lightly stroked his shaft.

"Go on," I softly said.

His body squirmed in sexual heat. "Wally and I once jerked each other off when we were fourteen," he blurted out.

"Was it fun?' I inquired.

He took a deep breath then another before answering. "It was okay," he slowly replied.

"Well, tonight we're going to have some more fun," I said. I'd previously set up the cameras to record him. Donning a mask to keep my identity a secret, I took a hold of his erection, letting my thumb rest upon its head.

Dick managed to lift his head slightly to stare at me. "What are you doing? " he woozily asked.

"I'm going to make you feel really good," I replied. Slowly I used my thumb to rub the head of his cock.

"Stop it," he grunted even though he made no move to stop me. He stared at me , or tried to, then sighed and let his head drift back onto the table. By now, his rod was copiously leaking pre-cum. As my thumb gently circled his impressive cockhead, his breathing deepened. I could hear him whimper a few times as my thumb continuously circled around his slit.

"It feels good doesn't it?' I asked.

"Yes," he hissed.

I moved a finger from my other hand to his cockhead and got it wet with his pre-cum. I then rubbed the liquid on it across his lips. I repeated my action a few times until those full sensuous lips of his were fully moistened with his pre-cum. "Why don't you lick it." I instructed knowing that the drug had rendered him mentally pliable too. "Go on do it." I waited for a few seconds with my finger on his lips until, to my sheer delight, his tongue tentatively slipped out from between them and licked my fingertip. "That's right. You're amazing," I told him knowing he secretly got off on praise. I again scooped up more of his pre-cum and brought the finger to his mouth. He repeated this activity making sure every time to lick my finger clean. I decided it was time to press onward. "It'll taste even better if you suck my fingers," I said as I slipped my finger into his throat. The sensual caress of this lips across my finger was only exceeded by the exquisite sensation of his tongue running up and down it. For the next few minutes, I fed him his pre-spunk making sure to constantly complement and praise him. Dick clearly reacted to admiration. What better inducement to use while he `ate up' his own pre-jism. For the next few minutes lay on the table suckling on my sticky fingers.

Having accomplished the first steps I'd planned for tonight, I moved onto to the next `event'. With just a little bit of difficulty, I managed to position myself to push his lower body upward. Luckily, his years as an acrobat made him extremely flexible. I used my upper body to support his ankles and thighs. "Time for dessert," I said as I now ceased edging and began to vigorously jerk him off.

"Dessert?" he hoarsely asked as his breathing quickened.

Saying nothing, I picked up the pace of my masturbating. Fully erect my prey's cock was a sight to behold. His hips moved upward slightly as he fucked his shaft in grip. "Shit you are one sexy mutha fucker," I whispered. I took in his muscular upper body flexing as he slipped into what had to be his `fuck mode.'

"Oh...oh....oh," he muttered over and over again. Even with his mask on, I detected that his eyes had rolled up in their sockets. He was close. I had lower body folded up, so his cock was pointed directly at his face. Suddenly his entire torso tensed. His narrow waist thrust violently forward while his legs pushed back trying to straighten out. Their movements were so powerful, he almost pushed me backwards. Yet, I managed to hold on. As I did, I felt the veins in his shaft pulsing within my grasp.

"Do it bat boy," I shouted. "Shoot it right now." My fingers sensed something throbbing, gurgling upward as it flowed up inside his shaft.

With a loud long yelping "Argh", he exploded. He violently pushed his legs back ward as he erupted but I somehow managed to keep my hold and position. The first streams of his thick cream gushed out accompanied by his bellows. The scent of his newly squirted cum wafted in the air.

I had been very careful about aiming his dick. Although some of his spunk hit the top of his forehead, most managed to splash the facial area below his mask. "Cream pie for dessert," I laughed as each volley of his now copious squirts drenched his lower face.

Once he finished, he just laid there moaning and gulping in air. I gently lowered his body back down onto the table. Both his arms and legs now hung limply down from the sides of the table. Using my fingers to scrap up the cum from his face, I brought the creamy liquid to his lips. Without any protest, he let my fingers slip past his lips. I watched as he sucked on them like a newborn babe. "Well, until next time," I said after he'd finally slurped up all I'd offered. I patted his cheek. "Such a good little boy," I mocked.

He gazed at me with unfocused eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but instead loudly belched. "Oops," he giggled. A goofy, out of it look came over him before he simply closed his eyes and drifted off.

I went to my set up and stopped recording. I took the camera and left him lying there on the table with his briefs and tights still bunched around his cute boots. I knew he would be coming around in about an hour. There was no need to hide my identity now or to take the trouble to bring him somewhere else. I left a note pinned to his chest telling him that we would meet here again tomorrow at midnight unless, of course, he wanted tonight's video to go out on the Net. As I drove back to my apartment, I contemplated my next steps.

Part Four:

I sent last night's video to him while we were sitting in a class we shared together, I watched as his face displayed first utter shock, then complete horror, disgust, quickly followed by anger. When he gazed in my direction, I winked at him. He angrily started to get up from his seat clearly intending to confront me. Thankfully our lecturing professor saw his actions and asked him if there was a problem. Watching his flustered expression while weakly apologizing was priceless. As class broke up, he made a beeline to me.

"If you touch me, it gets released," I quietly told him. "Now midnight, after you finish your crime fighting tour. Same place."

"I got your note," he seething replied as he stood still clenching and unclenching his hands. "I can't keep making excuses for why I'm booking out after we finish our tour and not getting back until early morning," he rasped.

"Don't care. Midnight," I told him before turning and walking out leaving him standing there glaring at me.

When Dick arrived tonight he was furious. "This game stops," he yelled.

"It stops when I say it stops," I calmly replied knowing my `attitude of unconcern' would only enrage him more and leave him feeling helpless. "Now here's how it's going down. You lay down face up on this table." He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "Do as I say, or I post on the Net. Did I mention it has me on it telling everyone about Batman and your secret identity." I stared at him. Checkmate, I thought.

He clenched his jaw. Saying nothing, he sullenly did as ordered.

I stood next to his splayed-out body. "Arms above your head," I instructed. He hesitated. "I'm not going to injure you, but I will not hesitate to post that video if you continue defying me."

Reluctantly he complied. I adjusted them into position and hit a side button. Instantly mental bands curled up and encircled each wrist tightly securing them.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he struggled in his binding. By now his body was twisting about. "Take these off me," he yelled.

"You can't break them," I assured him as I moved to grab his right ankle and secured it to the table.

"Stop this," he howled as I bound his other ankle to the table.

I stood waiting as he squirmed without success to somehow get free. Watching his muscular torso gyrating and flexing was quite erotic but I put that aside in order to finish my task. Finally, he stopped. I grabbed a nearby dart and approached him.

"Please don't," he said with a hint of fear in his voice. "Look I'll do anything you want, okay. Just don't shoot me up with whatever you've been using."

"Relax," I assured him. "It's not what I used before. It's my newest compound," I truthfully told him. "Having you mentally zoned out like before is not the plan."

"Don't do it," he plaintively told me as I inserted the dart into him. "You sick bastard."

I gazed at his body lying helpless on the table. The only thing hotter than the sight of this good-looking hunk's bound body was hearing him begging me not to do anything. "It will be fine," I repeated as I injected it into him even while he screamed for me to stop.

I stood and waited. Within minutes his breathing deepened. "I feel funny," he said. "It's not like before though," he mumbled.

"I told you it is a different compound. Your erogenous zones will simply be more sensitized and you will experience less inhibitions when I exploit them." I explained.

"Exploit how?" he lightly asked.

"Shh," I told him while placing a finger on his lips. I reached down and let my fingertips trace the outline of his cock. My bat boy just stared at me saying nothing.

I smiled then slowly slipped my hand under the waistband of his briefs and tights. Gingerly, I gently stroked his shaft. He let out an audible gasp.

"No," he lightly groaned as his cock started to stiffen.

My hand grew moist both from the heat of that enclosed space and the dribbles of precum he was oozing.

"Stop," he whimpered as his powerful frame twitched. He squeezed his eyes shut. "I won't," he grunted as his dick rose under my hand.

I removed my hand and brought its wet fingertips to his lips. I let my other hand reach down to rub his growing bulge. "Go on. Taste it," I whispered as I massaged his erection. "If you don't I won't let you get off and you want to get off so bad now, right?"

He moaned. He raised his waist up to press his boner into the palm of my hand.

" it want to get your rocks off don't you?" I teased.

He gazed at me then, groaning in surrender, he weakly nodded. "Please... yes," he croaked. Suddenly, his tongue slipped out to gently lick them. He was ready.

I unbuttoned his vest revealing his defined upper torso. He had well-developed pectorals with an amazingly hard eight pack. Lightly haired, there was only the merest trace of a "honey trail" going down into the waistband of his briefs. "Such lovely nipples. Soft brown orbs the size of quarters," I said as I leaned down to lick one.

"Oh," he whined as I kissed and nibbled on it until it shrunk into a hard, darkened, little circle. "God," he groaned as I next worked on the second one until it too was fully erect. While I worked on them, his body writhed about on the table. A quick glance downward by me revealed his crotch was getting visibly wet.

"Oh dear what will Alfred think," I teased as I began kissing the valley between his pecs. "All that sticky -- pre-goop stains to try and wash out."

He said nothing. In fact his eyes were still tightly shut, as if he wanted to blot out what was happening. I gradually kissed downward, nuzzling my face along his ribbed abdominals on its journey.

The only sounds were his panting along with his occasional, unconvincing cries of protest. By the time I'd reached his honey trail, his cock was obscenely pushing his briefs up and the wet spot had grown to encompass over a third of its area.

"Well someone needs to be set free," I teased. I quickly yanked his briefs and tights to his feet.

"Yes," he sighed as his now unrestrained pecker flew up from its confinement. His cock-head oozed precum dribbling down his shaft until it glistened in the overhead lights,

I injected myself with something to counteract the drugs in his system. As he lay there gulping in air with his eyes still squeezed shut, I lowered my head to capture my first prize.

"What...oh...fuck," He gasped in shock as my tongue licked his shaft. He raised his head, opened his eyes, and stared at me. "'s not're a guy...why is it...hard" he wheezed while I my tongue worked its way to the head of his cock. He delightfully yelped when it began probing it's slit. "Shit," he sighed.

I glanced up at him while continuing my oral savoring. As I sucked and licked, my right hand began playing with his nuts. The effect on my captive hero was electric. His body quaked, he let out a loud squeal, and his dick emitted a nice gush of pre-cum. Dick was famed for his rump, but his cock was also something worthy of admiration. Long, thick with a nice veiny surface, bat boy had a true treasure in his pants. His spunk or pre-spunk was a bit salty but savory too. Thanks to the injection I'd taken, I had no worries about ingesting any of the drug in his system through this cream.

I broke off my oral activity and looked at him. "Want me to stop," I teased still massaging his sack. Judging by his reactions thus far, I knew the answer but wanted to hear him say it.

"No," he softly moaned. "More," he sputtered.

I smiled and went back to enjoy my meal. After a few minutes, I moved my mouth down to work on his nuts. Taking them gently into my throat I let my tongue run along its roundness. The few hairs on it tickled and, by now Grayson was mewing in pleasure.

"More. Suck my balls more," he growled as he tried to push his thighs farther apart to give me greater access.

Taking his current obliging mood into account, I reached out to free his ankles. Instantly the Boy Wonder spread out his legs. I began humming causing his balls to vibrate in their sack.

"Ah yes," he roared. His dick was really leaking now. A musky, not unpleasant odor filled my lungs. I could have spent more time on his nuts but, my work was only partly done. I took a hold of each of his legs and pushed them up and apart.

"Why did you stop?' He lightly whimpered.

Saying nothing I positioned my head between his now fully splayed butt cheeks to let my tongue explore his outer hole.

"HOLY BATS," he cried out as I rimmed him out. " hole...fuck...don't ...stop," he yelped while literally pushing his body down to press my face in deeper between his rounded muscled cheeks. "Eat me out," he begged again as his torso bucked on the table.

My tongue swirled around those ridged muscles that barred entry. Alternating tickling and pushing at them, I was soon rewarded when they gradually unfurled to let me probe into that virginal territory.

"YES," The Boy Wonder bellowed as he received his first tongue fucking. "Oh shit," he cried out a few minutes later. "I'm going to blow!"

I reached out to squeeze his nuts while ramming my tongue deep into his anal chute.

"Can'," he cried out. His body violently lurched. Wailing loudly he lost it and began screaming a series of sexual expletives. Thank to my hands on his balls, I could tell he was erupting. Once he stopped moving, I raised my head from his now loosened butt-hole to check out the results of my efforts.

He lay there gulping in air. His spunk lay splattered across his stomach, filling the crevices between his eight-pack looking like glistening pearly rivers. I moved to scope up as much as I could and brought it to his lips. He looked at me for a second. Go on," I softly told him. He submissively opened his mouth to let me thrust my fingers into it so he could ingest his jism. He simply closed his eyes and slobbered up the amounts of his cum I feed him without a word of protest. Once I decided that he had consumed enough, I tousled his hair letting the cum remnants on my fingers serve as a gel to give his dark locks a spiky, punk-out appearance. I released his wrist bindings and brought his arms to his side. Gently using a damped washcloth, I wiped his torso clean. He passively lay there throughout it all with his eyes tightly closed. When I took hold of his now softened cock to wipe it clean. As I did, his body shuddered and I heard him make a barely audible moan as it slightly stiffened.

After I was done, I packed up and prepared to leave him time alone to rest and, more importantly process tonight's activities. As before, I took the camera that had recorded it all. "Alfred better get washing tonight," I giggled as I took in the sight of Dick's pre-cum stained briefs and tights.

"Fuck Alfred," a Dick mumbled.

My. My. cursing now too, I thought. "Tomorrow at midnight. No arguments or else." I sharply stated. "Besides you seemed to like it all."

"Yes, I'll be here," he softly replied. He opened his eyes to gaze at me. "You `re a bastard. You drugged me. It was the drugs," he added

I smiled. I assumed calling me a bastard and justifying his activities by blaming the drug was his feeble attempt to preserve his shriveling delusion that tonight's actions had not been either voluntarily or pleasurable. I went to my car to drive home and plot out tomorrow night's grand finale.

Part Five: Dick totally avoided looking at me in our shared class. In fact, he exited the second it was over. When he arrived at midnight he was sullen. "This has to end," he angrily muttered as, per my order, he took off his uniform and climbed up to sit on the edge of the table.

"I suppose it will if you cooperate tonight," I replied while enjoying the change in him. He'd lost that confident swagger and sense of self-confidence. "Now hands above your head but flip over first onto your stomach."

"No way," he angrily replied.

"Look this is getting tiring," I stated with some irritation in my voice. I stared at him. He stared back at me. "OK here's the deal," I sighed. "If you cooperate with me tonight, I promise that if, at the end of tonight's session you don't agree meet anymore it's fine."

"And what about the videos," he skeptically asked.

"I'll give you the access codes to my iCloud. You can delete them all. Again its conditional on you not agreeing to return," I replied. I looked at him and waited.

"All right I accept those terms," he responded. He quickly took his position lying face down on the table with his powerful arms slightly raised forward.

I went over and secured his wrists. I took a few minutes to savor the feel of his muscled arms. "Damn these biceps are amazing," I told him as I caressed each large rounded mass of muscle. I could feel him tensing up as I `felt him up'. "Relax," I stated when I saw the concern look on his face. "I gave my word. I'll keep it. Remember, if I do something you don't like me doing then I'll stop." I assured him while continuing to massage each arm. "You have the most stunning v build."

He didn't say anything, just continued looking at me. I stopped then brought over a small shot glass filled with the drugs.

"I didn't say I take any drugs," he snapped at me.

"Ah, I didn't say I wouldn't give them to you," I laughed. "It's the same thing you took yesterday. So, either you drink it or, I just load a dart and shoot that ass of yours again. Your call buddy."

He tightly clenched his teeth then, saw me reaching for the dart gun. "Okay," he grumbled. " I'd rather drink it than get another shot of darts. Just know I am not consenting to consume it. I'm only choosing the way you use to get it into me."

"Whatever," I groaned. I watched as he drank from the cup I held to his mouth. When he was finished, I moved to his legs and began fondling each long, nicely muscled one.

He started squirming as hands gently rubbed his inner thighs. I could hear that telltale deep breathing from him which let me know that the drug had taken effect. Taking hold of both his ankles I spread his legs apart. I leaned in to eat him out. Dick let out a series of long deep moaning `ooo's as I vigorously let my tongue explore his entryway. After a few minutes I pulled back.

"Shit, don't stop," he moaned as he moved his legs even farther apart.

I had to grin. Grayson, always so careful of his image, never used expletives. The fact he did, was the signal that his inhibitions had lowered. "Get up onto your knees," I sharply told him.

"Why?" he woozily asked.

"Just do it," I yelled making sure to follow it up by a hard slap to his right butt-cheek.

"EOW," he yelped. My red handprint appeared on its pale rounded cheek.

"I told you get up on your knees," I ordered combining my instructions with a hard slap to his left buttocks.

"EOW, okay," he cried out as got up onto his knees. In this position his body now formed a pyramid with his shoulders and head as one part of its base and his knees the other one. His famed butt, that delectable wet dream of so many, was set high in the air. His hefty ball-sack gently swung between his thighs. Part of his erection playfully peaked from behind it.

I vigorously pulled his cheeks a bit farther apart to give me more room and leaned my face into my goal. Within seconds, my tongue work was giving him the rim job of his life. His grunts and moans of delight only made me more enthusiastic in my endeavor. As I did, I reached around one of his thighs to get a grip on erection with one hand and used the other for some ball-play. As I ate him out, I slowly jerked him off while lightly rolling his pouch.

"Oh fuck... God... don't ...stop... my hole...shit...on fire,' he squealed.

I orally and manually worked him over, reveling in his shouts of delight. Once I felt he was sufficiently loose, I stopped and pulled away

"No don't pull it out," he moaned in disappointment.

"Relax," I laughed as I moved around so that I was now facing him. "I've got something better to use than my tongue."

He stared at my erection which, was directly in front of him. "What the fuck, go back," he laughed still high from the drugs. As I moved my erection closer, it suddenly it hit him what I intended to do.

"No way," he slurred. "Get that away from me!" He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth to deny my cock an entrance. "No. No," he rasped through his gritted teeth.

"Sorry. I need this to get wet. So, you're going to suck this whether you want to or not," I said as I reached over and pitched his nose closed. "Sooner or later you'll need to breathe."

He struggled in his bindings and held out for longer than I anticipated but finally, he opened his mouth for air. It was at that precise moment I thrust my dickhead past his lips and into his throat.

I listened to his muffled protesting "mmmphh." I held his head in place, while he tried using his tongue to push it out and failed. "Accept it's happening," I told him. "If you use your teeth to hurt me, I swear I won't be responsible for the consequences." I let my erection rest inside his mouth making sure not to ram it into his throat so deep he would choke. "The faster you suck it, the wetter it will get and, the faster I pull it out." I explained. Slowly, his struggling eased off. "Lick it and get this over with." I soon felt his tongue swirling around my head. Taking time to allow him to adjust, I eased my shaft into his throat a little bit at a time until he was stuffed.

A sense of triumph coursed throughout me. I looked down to see the famed crime fighter now slurping on my dick. Not so arrogant now are you, I thought as I guided him on how to work on my rod. I gazed down his muscular flared back to take in the sight of that gorgeously rounded rump. Soon, I promised myself.

He gurgled and choked during the blow job. Yet, he gradually learned how to adjust his efforts. Salvia dripped from the sides of his mouth. A few times, I eased off to let him gasp in more oxygen. Once I felt he had sufficiently lubricated me, I pulled out and moved off.

Once my cock was fully out, he coughed and panted while angrily glaring at me. The skin around his mouth was clearly irritated and red thanks to the scratching of my pubic hair. "I'm going to kick your ass for this," he mumbled while spitting out saliva and probably some of my pre-cum.

"That's only fair since in a few seconds, I fucking yours," I joked while moving swiftly back to position myself between his legs.

"No way you're doing it," he yelled as he brought his legs together.

I was in no mood for any more delay. I viciously slapped his ass until it was bright crimson, and he was he was howling in pain.

"Stop, okay you win," he softly moaned.

I watched as those powerful thighs moved apart exposing his moist looking hole for my penetration. My aim was to let him enjoy this and not rip him to shreds. So, I slowly eased my rod into him. My head had just pushed partly into his outer ring when it was stopped by its muscular defenses.

"I can't," he cried out in panic. "It's too big," he moaned as I tried and failed to inch my way into him. I stopped.

I filled a glass with the drug and went over to look at him. "Here drink this. It will help," I stated as I raised the glass to his lips. This time he didn't protest. "You're Robin the Boy Wonder. There is nothing you can't do," I assured him as he consumed the contents. I took the empty glass away. "Remember that."

"Nothing I can't do," he dully repeated. His pupils dilated. "I'm Robin the Boy Wonder. I can do anything," he laughed. An adorable grin came to his face.

"Because you're the sexiest guy in this city with an ass that should be admired and serviced," I told him to appeal to his ego and love of exhibiting himself to others.

"Damn right," he replied.

Confident now he was prepared, I strode back to get between his legs. I reset my erection at his anal gates, placed my hands on his hips, and slowly pushed into him. He grunted and moaned but soon the tight muscles in his entryway unwound to let me slip in.

"AW FUCK," he yelped.

"Take a deep breath and relax," I instructed as I inched into him. I watched my rod slipping deeper into the crack between the two well rounded globes of his rear-end. I couldn't believe it. I was actually busting his cherry.

"You've got your cock up my ass," he whined as finally fully penetrated him.

I waited to let his tight chute adjust itself to my girth. I had a respectable ten inches. Though not as long as Grayson's, it was equally as thick and, not to boast, it had been often referred to as a `weapon of ass destruction'. Tonight its target was the "mother of all rumps." While I paused, I reached down and began jerking him off. Sure enough, it had just the effect I wanted. His breathing increased. His boner began to leak. Quickly the tightness around my shaft slackened. "Good bat boy," I whispered as I began my thrusts. As I screwed him, his protests gradually slacked off. I gazed at his rippling back muscles as they contracted and flexed. Wide at his upper body they flowed downward tapering to his narrow waist. An ass that was well defined and full. It all lay before me now. I was a few seconds into my fucking when I hit the spot inside of him that I'd been seeking.

His head shot up. "ARGH," he bellowed as the head of my cock slammed into his prostate.

I sensed a dramatic change in him which was confirmed when his hips started moving forward and back onto my pecker. "Someone is enjoying himself?" I joked while I pounded that area I refer to as a guy's inner slut spot.

"It isn't possible," he cried out as his hips slowly bucked backward to meet my thrusts. " So ...god...fucking into's so hot...what is happening?" He pathetically whined. His cock lurched in my grip. I increased the speed of masturbating him while striking more blows on his slut spot. He yelped in pleasure. "Go deeper," he suddenly exclaimed.

I grinned and obliged. By now I was jerking him off in time with each of my forward movements. His back arched upward like a cat's, its muscles flexing and contracting while pushing his round firm rump back onto my invading dick. He truly was sex on a stick and it was my stick he was impaled on.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked as I slammed even harder into that sweet spot that, once triggered, I've found ends up turning even straight guys into a raving bottom.

"," he babbled in confusion. "Fuck my ass is on fire."

"Stop or not?" I repeated giving his right butt cheeks a rough whack that made him cry out.

"Fuck," he yelped.

"Fuck is right," I shot back. "I'm beating your butt and fucking it. So, Boy Wonder do I stop or not?"

It took a few really hard whacks upon his inner slut spot combined with a few more slaps but, in the end he cracked.

"Don't stop ," he howled. "Fuck me!"

"If you insist," I laughed as I relentlessly plowed in and out of his shitter. He alternately bellowed, sobbed, and screamed with sheer pleasure as I took him. I did it hard, savagely, and filled with a desire to keep him in a frenzy of uncontrolled heat throughout it all. As I plunged his rump, I worked on his cock and balls until he was a sweating animal moaning and twisting on my cock.

"Harder...deeper...fuck me...please," he shrieked. The famously calm, collected, controlled young crime fighter was nowhere in sight. In its place was an overly aroused, sweaty, and demanding Dick Grayson, wailing in lust like a two-bit, back-alley whore.

"What would Batman say if he saw you now," I rasped as I ravaged his hole. "Maybe I should invite him to watch," I teased. "Maybe he'd like to fuck you?"

"Fuck...oh fuck," he moaned. "Bruce seeing you...fucking me," he whimpered even as he sped up plunging his rump onto my shaft

It dawned on me that threat of exposure had, far from damping his sexual actions, had actually increased his arousal. With the drug cold-conking his inhibitions, his exhibitionistic tendencies unconsciously found the thought of showing off to be erotically stimulating. "All those people you've flaunted your ass too; watching it getting popped. Getting off seeing you naked,' I told him as I drove into him. "See it in your mind...them all seeing you speared on my pole. Admiring your body."

"Fuck...everyone seeing it," he yelped while bouncing even more aggressively on my erection.

"You on all fours with my dick up your but-hole." I shouted. "Them loving it...loving you ..and lusting over your ass!"

"Fuck, yes," he bellowed as his muscular body convulsed under my screwing.

I noticed a nice pool of pre-cum under his cock. A pearly chain of shiny pre-jism driblets were strung like a chain rising up from it to the slit in his cock-head. Oh yeah, you are hot for being watched and admired, I thought. As we continued to fuck, I began shouting out the names of various villains seeing him bitch. He cried and begged me not to do it yet, his increasing screwing activities told that mental image was turning him on even more.

It all grew in intensity until...

"Oh God I'm going to shoot," he cried out. "I can't hold back!" He violently thrust his ass backward against me to violently slam my cock on his prostate. As he did, I felt his inner guts clenching my shaft.

"Damn, me too," I yelled out. As he began to squirt, his anal chute contracted even more causing me to orgasm. While my hot jism flooded into Robin the Boy Wonder's hole, I experienced the thrill of triumph. No one had ever beaten the Boy Wonder before. I had done that and better yet, I popped his cherry while doing it

As I pulled out he let out a groan that sounded as if he was disappointed..

"Don't worry you will get more," I joked as he lowered his body down onto the table. He lay there panting.

"I got fucked," he woozily mumbled between gulps of air. "I got fucked and I shot my load," he softly whimpered. "I fucking shot my rocks off while getting my butt plowed."

"Yes you did," I replied slapping his rump taking delight in his yelp of `ouch" when the blow landed. I went up to his head, grabbed those famous dark curly locks ,and yanked up so we were staring at each other. "Now we rest for a few minutes. We have all night to fuck you."

He blearily looked at me trying to focus. His curly dark hair was wet and plastered across his skull; framing that stunning face with those blue drug-out eyes. "You mean it's not over," he pathetically whined in a defeated tone of voice.

"We are just starting in lighting up your erogenous zones tonight..' I told him adding, "you are the best piece of ass," to stroke his ego. "The hottest crimefighter ever. Yeah, I've bagged and tagged one great piece of ass." I released my grip on his hair. It flopped back onto the table. Laughing, I went over to pat his round rump. "My bitch." I swear, I thought I detected a slight flickering smile appear on the face on the Boy Wonder upon hearing those words.

I finished repeatedly screwing him senseless by around dawn. Throughout it all he bucked, hollered for more, and also climaxed hands free quite a few times during those fucks. So far, Dick was the best ride of my life. His athletic body was flexible enough to assume some unique positions. I learned he went wild when subjected to tit or ball play and praising his body acted like an aphrodisiac on him.

When I pulled out of him for my last time, I heard a satisfying POP as the head of my cock exited his now thoroughly abused anal shoot. I helped him ease his body down then, went and took off the cuffs. As I dressed, I stared at him lying there face down on a table. His powerful strong body lay limp upon its surface. His arms hung loosely over its sides. When I went to check on him he was slightly moaning. I grabbed his hair and used it to pull up his head. He dully gazed at me with a "I just got royally fucked" expression. His lips were red and swollen from the multiple plowings I'd had done to his mouth to lubricate my shaft between his anal penetrations.

"Fuck," he wheezed. "You used me like a whore and my ass like it was some cunt."

"Indeed," I replied. I eased his head back down, took a wet washcloth, and went back to his rump. Gently I washed off the cum that was dripping out of his now red swollen hole.

As the rag slowly swirled around it, he let out a loud moan. "AW...damn... not again." His body shuddered and violently spasmed. Once he settled down, I noticed a small pool of his cum oozing out from between the top area of his spread-out thighs. It seemed he had achieved an orgasm from simply having his anal entryway massaged. I suppressed the urge to tease him about it and finished cleaning his hole.

Just before I left, I again secured my camera. I went over to him and leaned in close. "So tomorrow at midnight?" I told him as I caressed his rump.

He slightly raised his head and stared at me through his partially opened, bleary eyes. "You promised," he groaned.

"I lied," I laughed. "You will show up, right?"

He hesitated. I walked back to the other end of the table, reached out, and used my thumb to rub his hole.

"Yes," he cried out as his body again convulsed. A strong whiff of newly ejaculated sperm wafted up from between his thighs. "Not again," he sobbed as he laid his head back down on the table.

"Popped another load huh. You really get off on ass-play from guys, don't you," I teased.

As I walked out, I heard him telling himself, "it's the drugs causing this...I'm not...into guys...the drugs causing it...the drugs."


I waited for Grayson to arrive. As usual, after all these months, I had sent him the video of our last sexual encounter along with a message that I had loaded it into the Cloud. I told him they all would be released on the Net if he failed to follow my instructions. I stated he needed to report here in my bedroom, in uniform, and by midnight tonight or else. Some time ago I had decided we would now meet here. Sure enough he arrived right on time.

"You will pay for what you're did to me last time," he snarled. He rubbed one of his hands across the extreme buzz cut hairstyle I'd given him during our last encounter. He didn't know it yet, but after tonight he's be hairless from the neck down too.

"I think sporting barely any hair on your head looks good on you," I causally replied.

He defiantly stood before me, legs apart and arms akimbo. His taunt muscular body nicely displayed in those snug briefs, vest and tights. Gotham's walking wet dream. "I swear that..."

"Stop the useless threats... DICK," I replied making sure to lewdly emphasize his name. "You love being my slut and I have the videos to prove it."

He flinched. "I was drugged every time and you know it," he shot back.

"My drugs only released your inhibitions, baby," I lied. "That was all you doing it."

"It's not true," he sputtered showing just enough uncertainty in his voice to excite me.

"You loved it," I whispered as I approached him until we almost touched. We eyeballed each other. I smiled as he stared at me. "You begged for it."

He started gulping in air. "Not true," he mumbled with even less conviction. He broke off eye contact to gaze down at the floor.

I stood there, inches from him. He only needed to push me back. I knew he wouldn't. I'd won our stare down contest...again! We'd played this scene out many times but each one still thrilled me. I gazed at him standing there stripped of his pride. "You loved being free to let your inner slut loose. In fact sexually acting out on videos really gets you hard now? Don't think anyone is fooled bat boy, you are a total exhibitionist. Face it're a total slut for attention."

He blinked at the word `slut' but said nothing.

"Admit you loved seeing yourself on those videos. I bet it gets you so hard," I stated as I reached out to unbutton his vest and exposing his chest. "Grayson, you have killer tits," I said as I played with each one..

"I didn't love it," he mumbled. He gazed up at me. "I don't...with guys," he moaned as each nipple tightened and rose into tiny hard mounds.

I gazed at him and waited. "You got hard," I insisted. "Say it."

"I did," he finally groaned in defeat.

There it was...the signal. "Did what Boy Wonder?" I could sense it coming .

"Get...hard," he muttered.

"You love being sexually used by me, right?" I insisted.

He nodded.

I stroked his cheek. "Whose my good bitch?" I asked while reaching down to rub his crotch. To my delight, I felt it rise. "Yeah, you are my good little boy whom I'm going to make feel good."

"Fuck," he rasped as his eyes teared up.

"You are the best," I told him knowing how stroking his ego helped in this game we now played. "No one is hotter. No one is sexier. No one," I assured him as I leaned to kiss him. "No one has a better, sexier ass in this world than Robin the Boy Wonder." He smiled then sighed in surrender and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Damn that boy can kiss!

I reached into my back pocket and took out a dart. As we lipped locked, I reached around him to jab it into his rump. He yelped but didn't move. He heaved another longer sigh as its drug took effect. I broke off our kissing. His eyes were starting to glass over. I grinned. How often did we both act this out. Every night, after doing his rounds, he came here, and we replayed this scenario. His ego wouldn't let him admit he loved being a man's fuck boy so, this fig leaf act' was his way of justifying it. I will admit I too loved performing in this skit of the defiant straight crime fighter forced' to sexually submit. I knew that whatever game was going on in his brain, the truth was, after that first night, my young studly, macho Dick Grayson discovered he craved the erotic thrill that came with being sexually dominated and fucked. Naturally, he also told himself: 1.) it's the drugs that I shoot into him that makes him a total faggot and, 2.) that he's helplessly addicted to getting his regular fix' of it. Honestly, it's another fig leaf to feed his ego's need to still see himself as a heroic symbol of Justice. The moral hero who can't fight the drug's fag inducing' effects on him. The truth is, however, that after our first two weeks the only drug dose' he gets has only been distilled water. Any drug effect' is all in his head but, shit, if he needs to believe otherwise to `fag out', it's fine by me.

"I'm so horny," he breathlessly said. He stood there looking so fuckable adorable with his goofy grin. By now he was panting in heat and lightly rubbing his growing erection. "I need it so bad!"

"Stop masturbating before you end up shooting your wad into your tights again," I gently instructed as I pulled his hand away. "We talked about not creating any more wet spots in your tights and staining your briefs. You've told me Alfred was asking you why he was constantly washing out cum stains in them." I gently pushed him to his knees. He knelt there staring at my crotch. He leaned his face in and nuzzled it. I could feel his warm breath on my growing erection. "Go on," I softly instructed.

"Fuck," he moaned as he unzipped my pants to free my shaft. He gingerly leaned further forward, his mouth open, and took it into his throat. I watched as he orally `lubed it' for use. Muffled groans accompanied his actions. Once it was wet enough, I pulled it from his lips. He knelt there smiling. Saliva dripping from his lower lip.

"Be good boy, stand up, get undressed, leave the mask on, get into bed, lay on your back, legs up too," I sharply told him. "I'm going to tap your slut spot hard tonight. Later, you and I are going to plan how to fuck over some of your male superhero buddies. Also, my plans to drain Bruce Wayne's finances too. Got it!"

"Yes...okay," he softly replied as he stood.

I grinned as he disrobed, lay on his back, grabbed his ankles, and `assumed the bitch position.' There it was. That famously fuckable ass. Now open to view, its rosy lightly haired sphincter on full display.

"Can we start with Kid Flash's ass getting plowed? He's always showing me a fucking attitude," He sweetly asked as I too undressed. "I'd like that... fucking him," he purred as he stroked his impressively leaking erection. By now his shaft was slick with the pre-cum that was oozing from its head. "Wally West has such a nice butt."

{Yes, I now knew every superhero's identity. It had taken a bit of time to get Dick to tell me everything he knew. Ultimately, however, he cracked and spilled it all. Superhero identities, their secret sanctuaries, even their hidden weaknesses all revealed while I plowed him. He'd even gave me the passwords to tap into Wayne Enterprises' financial holdings. Imagine Bruce's surprise when he finds next month I've been draining off assets and he's broke!}

"Yes, Kid Flash has the second hottest piece of ass in the city," I replied. "Yours, however, is leagues above that speedster's bubbled rear-end," I assured him. He contently grunted as I played with his tits and balls while mumbling about fucking Wally'. I'd noticed earlier that when I'd mentioned screwing over Kid Flash, he'd quickly warmed to my idea about us bitching all his fellow young crimefighters. I suspected he had long had an unconscious thing' for Kid Flash and that my rebooting of his sexuality merely released that latent desire. I also assumed his ego made it essential that Wally, along with his other crime fighting buddies, also gave up their butts?

"My asshole needs filling," he moaned. His `fix' had taken full effect. He spread his long muscular legs farther apart and reached down to digitally penetrate his anal entryway. "Fuccccc," he hissed as he slowly fingered himself out.

I put any further thoughts about Kid flash aside. I went to him. "Get it wet," I softly instructed as I brought my cock to his lips.

""Hmm," he murmured as he took it in without protest and suckled on it like a baby taking his milk.

"Dick sucking a dick," I teased as he slobbered on my meat. "God you've a stunning body," I whispered. As I expected, those words sparked him into performing an even better blow job.

After he had sufficiently lubricated my shaft, I moved between his powerful splayed thighs. Quickly, I positioned his ankles on each of my shoulders. As I fingered out his hole to loosen it up even more, I could see the growing lust in his eyes. "The sexiest rump in all the world," I whispered knowing such ego stroking only got him hotter to be screwed. He smiled and let out a loud pleasurable yelp as I pushed my cock into him. "Robin, you have fucking best and tightest rear-end in the world," I grunted as I began thrusting. As usual his soft inner lining felt like my shaft was being encased in satin. "Gees, you ass is so fucking sweet," I muttered as I humped him

"Fuck me," he whined lost in his growing sexual frenzy.

As I drove his squirming, muscular body into extasy, I thought how the Riddler, Joker, even Poison Ivy had all tried and failed to kick his ass. They were foolish. They should have tried to simply fuck my Boy Wonder's ass instead!

The End

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There was another ending contemplated. Rather than toss it, consider it a bonus.

2 Alternative Ending


I waited in my apartment for Grayson to arrive. I had sent him the videos along with a message again threatening their release it to everyone if he tried anything. I knew with his ego would the fear the idea of Gotham seeing Robin's sexual activities. I also told him this time to report here in my bedroom, in uniform, and by midnight tonight or else. Sure enough he arrived right on time.

"You will pay for what you're did to me," he snarled as he stood in my bedroom.

"No I won't DICK," I replied lewdly emphasizing his name. "You loved being my slut and I have the videos to prove it."

He flinched. "I was drugged," he shot back.

"My drugs only released your inhibitions, baby," I lied. "That was all you doing it."

"It's not true," he sputtered showing just enough uncertainty in his voice to give me the edge.

"You loved it," I whispered as I approached him until we almost touched. I smiled as we eyeballed each other. "You begged for it."

He started gulping in air and dropped his eyes breaking our visual contact. "Not true," he mumbled with even less conviction.

I stood there. The fact he hadn't yet pushed me away and easily conceded our `stare down' contest spoke volumes. I'd broken him. I knew it was time to press my advantage. "You loved being free to let your inner slut loose. In fact sexually acting out on video really got you hard didn't it? You are a total exhibitionist. I just let you find your inner sexual pleasure doing it. Face it're a total slut for attention."

He blinked at the word `slut' but said nothing.

"Admit you loved seeing yourself on those videos. Remembering how it all felt even got you hard," I stated knowing that my sexual stimulant drug was long lasting, so the chances were he was still partly in heat.

"I didn't," he mumbled. He gazed up at me. "I didn't," he moaned with a pitiful look.

I gazed at him and waited.

"It did," he finally groaned in defeat.

A bitter admission for him. His pride was now completely rushed. "Whose my good bitch?" I soothingly asked while reaching down to rub his crotch. To my delight, I felt his cock rise. "Yeah, you are my good little boy whom I'm going to make feel good."

"Stop...please," he rasped as his eyes teared up.

I leaned in and kissed him. He sighed in surrender and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Damn that boy can kiss!

I reached into my back pocket and took out a dart. As we lipped locked, I reached around him to jab it into his rump. He yelped but didn't move. He heaved another sigh as its drug took effect. I broke off our kissing. His eyes were starting to glass over. "Now get undressed, leave the mask on, get into bed, lay on your back, legs up too," I sharply told him. "I'm going to tap your slut spot hard tonight. Tomorrow you and I are going to plan how to fuck over some of your Teen Titan guys. Also, my plans to drain Bruce Wayne's finances too. Got it!"

"Yes Sir," he softly replied.

I grinned as he disrobed and `assumed the bitch position'. I'd noticed he had quickly agreed to my idea about us bitching his fellow young colleagues. In our after-sex talk, I had found out he had an unconscious and firm belief of being superior to them. Getting turned out had crushed his old image of his manhood. I suspected his inner need to "out-man" them made it essential that the other male Titans gave up their butt? I decided that issue needed to be explored later and utilized to accomplish my ends.

I put those plans aside as I moved between his powerful splayed thighs. Quickly, I positioned his ankles on each of my shoulders. As I fingered out his hole to loosen it up, I could see the growing lust in his eyes. Later, as I fucked his squirming muscular body into extasy, I thought how the Riddler, Joker, even Poison Ivy. They had all tried and failed to kick his ass. They were foolish. They should have simply settled on fucking the Boy Wonder instead!

The End

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