Best Roommate I Ever Had

By moc.evil@ewneergt

Published on Dec 20, 2009



This is a true story about my first same sex experience. I hope you like it.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved by the author. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use, without permission of the author. Reproduction for any other use is prohibited.

In college, I had a scholarship which gave me free room and board in the dorms, but not off campus. I had some real winners for roommates. My freshman year, my roommate liked to smoke dope and snort lines of coke. He ended up OD'ing and I spent the better part of a week explaining to the police how I was not involved. That shit went on until my roommate came out of it and said I had nothing to do with it. My sophomore year, my roommate partied all hours of the night constantly waking my ass up. When he wasn't partying, he was sleeping and snoring so loud I couldn't sleep. I managed to make mostly A's that semester by staying in the library. My roommate got a 0.0 and flunked out the first semester. But get this shit; he managed to stay in the second semester on probation. I tried to move rooms, but the residence halls wanted to charge me an extra $500 I did not have. So, I was stuck with that loser for another four months. To top it off, I broke up with my girlfriend of three years that semester; the long distance was not working out.

I remember meeting my roommate my junior year. His name was Joshua. He was 5' 10" tall, thin, soft spoken, and looked like he had never spent a day in the sun. Within a minute of meeting him, I knew he was gay and I did not care. I had no sexual hang-ups. Joshua turned out to be a pretty good roommate. That semester was my hardest in college. I had a Calculus 3 (the hardest class I ever took). Joshua was a math whiz, so he tutored me all semester and with his help, I was making A's while students around me were getting C's and D's. We also studied a lot together in the room. It was nice to be able to spread out on my bed and read my books, without someone trying to find a mirror to snort a line or have someone on the phone for two hours trying to line up their parties for the night.

After the first week, I didn't think of Joshua as gay person anymore, just a person. I like to sleep in my white jockeys. When I would get out of bed in the morning, sometimes I could see Joshua checking me out in the corner of my eye. I just ignored it. I worked out four times a week so I was fit and toned; maybe he liked what he saw. Joshua never told me he was gay and I never brought it up; it was really none of my business. I tried to be nice to him because he was nice to me.

The entire semester went by without any roommate drama. I had two papers and three finals due on the Monday of finals week. Joshua had three tests on Monday and two tests on Tuesday. We studied day and night the two weeks prior and it paid off. I got all A's. In fact, I got the third highest grade in Calculus in the class (it was posted on outside our prof's office at 8pm Monday night). I was on cloud fucking 9. Being 21 at the time, I ran past the gas station, bought a 12 pack of cold beer, and snuck it in my dorm room. Joshua was still studying when I came in and cracked open a can of beer and started drinking.

Joshua just looked at me and said, "You're drinking!" He had never seen me drink before.

"Yeah buddy, I just got a 4.0! I am going to have a beer and then go for a run."

Then I asked, "Tomorrow when you are finished, you want to have a beer with me?" I am not one to push alcohol on anyone, but I could at least offer.

Joshua just shrugged his shoulders and said "Maybe" in his soft spoken voice.

I got up and started to change into my sweats. I had on a pair of boxers and I really did not want to change underwear, so I just slid my sweats over my boxers, chugged my beer, and took off for my run. I was on an adrenaline high and ran for about two hours. When I got back to the room, Joshua was asleep. I grabbed a quick shower and went to sleep on my lower bunk.

The next day, I slept in, went to the gym, and then went running. Joshua got up early and left to take his tests. My balls were a little sore from bouncing around so much the night before in the boxers, so I wore a jock. I only ran for about an hour and then headed back to the room. I took off my shoes, socks, and shirt; grabbed a beer; and lay on my bed in just my sweatpants and jock. I no more than finished my first beer and Joshua walked in the door.

"How did you do?" I asked.

"I did well."

"Do you want a beer?"

"I don't know. I don't want to get drunk."

"One beer won't get you drunk buddy, but it is your call."

He thought about it for a few seconds and then just grabbed a beer. "Okay." He said.

Joshua pretty much nursed it and I started on my third. We talked about our tests and shooting the breeze when I just blurted out, "You got a boyfriend?" I don't know why in the fuck I asked that, but I did. It was none of my fucking business anyway. Joshua just gave me that deer in the headlights look. He did not know what to say.

"Look, I don't care if you are gay. I thought you were the first day I met you and I did not care. I am not going to tell anyone; try to move out; or get all weird on you. It's really none of my business and I am sorry I asked." I took another chug on my beer.

There was a long pause of silence when finally Joshua said "Yes."

"Yes you have a boyfriend?"

"No. No. I don't have a boyfriend, but yes I am gay."

"It's cool." I said. We talked about his being gay. He told me in high school a lot of kids made fun of him and called him names. Then he told me he was scared I would move out when I first met him. When he asked me how I knew he was gay, I told I just knew, but when I caught him checking me out in the mornings, I was certain. He blushed, but I just told him it was okay. Then he surprised me by telling me that he had never been with a guy.

"Never?" I asked.

"No. In high school, once I almost did stuff with one boy, but his parents came home and the next day he just told kids in the school that I hit on him."

"I am sorry buddy. That's rough."

"I think about being with a guy all the time." Joshua said.

"What do you think about doing?" I asked.

"Sucking a cock, licking an ass, getting fucked, having a guy shoot all over my face. I just want to get a guy naked and go all crazy with it."

I was sort of shocked by his blunt response; but in a weird way, it also turned me on. Joshua had really been thinking about this. Then he asked me, "Have you ever had sex?"

"Once, I had a girlfriend, but the sex was real shitty. Whenever I asked for a blowjob, I always got "You want me to put that in my mouth?" Sex turned into a major bitch fest. I have never had a decent sexual experience.

"Have you ever gotten a blowjob?" Joshua asked.

"No, never." Then I jokingly added, "But I hear gay guys are the best at giving them." I gave him a wink and smiled. And as soon as I said it, my mind started thinking about it. Joshua did not say anything more and we sat there for an awkward thirty seconds in quiet. I was getting ready to say something else when I smelled something funny. I realized the smell was me; I had some BO from the run. Getting off the bed I said, "I got to take a shower."

"You really okay with this?" Joshua asked.

"Sure." I said. I am a little self conscious of getting naked in front of people; I've been that way my entire life. In the mornings, I wrap a towel around me before I drop my underwear and go to the shower. When I get back, I put on my underwear before I drop my towel. I was that way with all my roommates. However, I wanted Joshua to know I was really okay with this, so I walked to my closet and dropped my sweat pants right in front of him. Then I slid my jock down my legs and tossed it in my wash basket. Now completely naked, I grabbed my towel and looked back at Joshua. He was staring right at my ass.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Do you want to go to dinner?"

He looked up at my face a little embarrassed and said "Yeah."

I got in the shower stall and let the water run over my naked body. No one could see me in there. I started to soap up, but my mind was thinking about Joshua giving me a blowjob. My hand found its way to my cock and started to stroke it. In no time, I was fully hard and I let my mind wonder about what it would be like to let Joshua put his lips on my dick. If he wanted to get all crazy, he could do it on my rod. I remember thinking about how good it would feel. Then I started to think about what it would feel like to have him stick his tongue up my ass. My soapy right hand found its way to my crack while left continued to jack off. I rubbed my asshole, but never stuck my finger in.

I jacked off for about a minute when my thoughts changed to Joshua saying he wanted to get fucked. I remember thinking, "I'll fuck him." I was curious as to how it would feel and he had been so nice to me this semester. We could have lot of fun. As my mind imagined how it would feel to bust that ass cherry, I started to cum. I shot load after load of jizz with such force, it flew about two feet to hit the wall. I had not shot like that in years and the wall was covered in cum. I spent like five minutes rinsing that wall off and finished my shower.

"I am not going to push him for a blowjob, but if he offers, I am going to take him up on it." I thought.

Getting back to the room, I got naked in front of Joshua again while I changed, but he did not look at me. I guess he was just embarrassed I caught him the first time and did not want to get caught again. While we ate in the cafeteria we didn't talk much. As the beer wore off, it was a little awkward because the words did not flow as easily and I did not know what to say. Afterwards, we ended up going to check Joshua's grades outside his professors offices'. He ended up getting straight A's.

While walking back to our room, we still were not talking much. I promised him I would not get all weird on him, and here it was getting weird. We were on a bridge going over a stream when finally, Joshua asked. "You really have never gotten a blowjob?"

"No." I said.

"Maybe sometime..." His voice just trailed off and he looked away. I stopped walking and looked him in the eye.

"Maybe sometime what?" I asked.

"Uh nothing." Joshua said.

"If you have something on your mind Joshua, just say it." I said.

"Maybe sometime I could give you a blowjob." Joshua said.

"That would be fun." I said. Then I added "Maybe we can do some of that other stuff you been thinking about too."

"Really!" Joshua said.

"Yeah buddy, I am up for it if you are." I said. "Let's go back to the room."

"You want to do it now?"

"No, we are going to do it when we go back to the room." I said with a smile.

On the way back, we stopped at the drug store and picked up some lube and condoms. The realization of what we were getting ready to do was setting in and what surprised me more was I wanted it. We did not talk the entire walk home.

Back at the room, we took off our jackets and hats. Joshua turned on some music. "How do you want to do this?" Joshua asked.

I figured I would have to tell him what to do. I took off my shirt and told him to do the same. Within a minute, both our shirts were on the floor. Next I told him to get on his knees. His face was about a foot from my crotch. I pulled his head into my crotch and started to grind his face thru my jeans. I pulled his hands up to my ass so he could pull me in. My cock was getting hard and his warm breath was feeling really good thru my jeans.

"I want to suck it." He said.

I stepped back, unbuckled my belt, unzipped my fly, and let me jeans fall down my legs. "Here it comes," I said while pushing my underwear down. As soon as my dick was exposed, Joshua went right for it, putting it in his mouth. My prick wasn't fully hard yet, so Joshua got it all in, but it grows to 8" fully erect and I suspected he would be gagging in a few minutes.

His lips on my cock felt really good. No, it felt awesome. He pulled my jeans and underwear down to my ankles and I stepped out of them; his mouth working my tool the entire time. My dick just kept getting harder. His left hand found its way to my ass and his right hand started to tickle my balls.

"That feels real good. You're getting me worked up." I told Joshua. It was a good thing I had just jacked off a few hours before because I probably would have blown my load right about now. "You like that?" I asked.


"Maybe we should do this more often." I said.

"Maybe." Joshua said smiling.

Joshua was really sucking me. "You suck my dick good." I said. He just mumbled something and kept sucking. He was putting more suction into it.

"You like having a dick in your mouth." I asked.

"Uh huh." He mumbled.

"You are sucking it real good. This is what I thought it would feel like." I was pretty much fully hard now. This was feeling awesome. I had definitely been missing out. Joshua was trying to take it all the way in and was starting to gag. He worked on it for a while and found how much of my rod he could swallow at one time.

"You really like that don't you? Is it getting you real horny?" I asked.

He pulled my dick out of his mouth long enough to say "Yes."

"You want to get fucked by this cock." I asked.

He kept sucking while he mumbled "Uh Huh."

"It's going in your ass later." I said.

I kept talking to him while he sucked my dick saying things like "You like sucking that don't you. You suck a good cock. Show me how horny you are. Suck it boy. Go a little deeper. Suck it. Feels so good. Take that dick. It's all yours."

I know he sucked my dick for a good twenty minutes. I just let him have his fun. I was having mine. He finished sucking my cock and said "I want to lick your ass."

I turned around and had my butt to his face, bending over just a little. Joshua put his hands on my cheeks spreading them apart and just started licking my asshole. The feeling was a lot more intense than I expected and it got me moaning.

"You like eating that ass boy?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Joshua said.

"Stick your tongue up deep in it." I started to jack off while Joshua licked my ass clean. He was getting his face and tongue up in it. The warm breath on my asshole felt good.

He didn't do it for very long before he said, "Please put your dick inside me."

"You ready to get fucked?" I asked.

"Yes, I really want it." He said.

"Let's get these pants and underwear off you." I said.

Joshua started to strip while I walked over and retrieved the condoms and lube. He was naked in a flash and his dick was standing at attention. I guessed it to be about the same size as mine. Slipping on the condom and rubbing lube on it was easy; trying to get Joshua bent over while standing up so I could line my dickhead up with his hole was a little more challenging. But we got it worked out.

Joshua was the first guy I ever fucked, so as soon as my dickhead was at his hole, I just pushed it all the way in. He let out a loud scream "AAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!" I obviously hurt him. Reaching behind him, he grabbed my ass to keep me in place and just asked me to go slower. It felt like a bear trap on my dick; it was tight and it felt hot.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

"Unlike anything I ever experienced before. " I held still while he breathed heavily and adjusted to my dick in his ass.

"Fuck me slowly." Joshua begged. I slowly moved my hips back and forth and watched my dick slide in and out of his tight ass.

"God it feels so tight."

"Oh fuck! Oh shit!" Joshua screamed while I started to fuck him. His facial expressions told me he was in some real pain.

"You definitely are a virgin."

"I'm not a virgin anymore." His face withered in agony.

"Are you in pain?" I asked.

"A little, but it is starting to get better. I need a little time to get used to his."

"Back up on it. You want it don't you?" I gave his ass a playful slap.

"Oh yes, spank me."

I slapped his ass and said, "Why don't you move that ass a little more boy?"

"Oh fuck yeah!" He said as he started to move his hips more. I steadily picked up the pace and started to fuck him faster. After a few minutes, my balls were slapping his ass.

Joshua started to jack off and eventually said. "Fuck me harder! Go ahead! Tear me up!" He was really moaning loud and the sounds of fucking were getting louder. At this point there was no way the guys on the floor were not hearing all of this and I didn't give a fuck. Joshua's looks of pain had changed to happiness.

"Oh Yeah!" he screamed. "Harder! Come on! You like that ass?"

"Yeah, you like this big dick in it?" I said rather loudly.

"Oh fuck yeah! Give it to me." Joshua was backing up on it. I was fucking him as fast and hard as I could. After a few minutes of this pace, I was really sweating, so I slowed down to give it to him long slow.

"This is really good ass! You ain't a virgin anymore! Are you boy?"

"Oh no. You took my cherry."

"You and I need to start doing this more often! What do you say boy?"

"Fuck yes." I continued to fuck him for a good five minutes more, smacking that ass, giving it to him hard.

When I was ready to blow, I yelled "Get on your knees and face my dick." He seemed a little surprised as I pulled out and ripped off the condom, but he complied. I grabbed Joshua by the hair, pulled his face right next to my cock, and shot my load all over his face. There was cum in his hair, in his face, and even up his nose, but the smile on his face told me it was all good.

"You need to cum now. How we going to do it?" I asked.

"I actually came twice while you were fucking me." I looked on the floor and there was cum all over it. "Why don't we take a shower and have another beer together?"

"Yeah, I need one after that."

Going out to take a shower, several guys were in the hallway. They just looked at us and I did not give a fuck what they thought. I had just gotten a 4.0; gotten the blowjob that I would compare to every other blowjob I will ever receive; made a guy scream and then made him beg for it. I FELT LIKE THE MAN!!!

We spent the night in our underwear drinking the rest of the beer. The next morning, Joshua asked if could suck my cock again. He did a good job. That night, I fucked him again and for the next year and a half, that became our daily ritual. When we got back from semester break, Joshua asked me if we could get tested for STD's, because he wanted to swallow my cum and fuck bareback. Two weeks later, our test results were all fine and we never used a rubber again. It was my time with Joshua that helped me to figure out I was gay. It was after I took a job overseas after graduation, that I figured out I love him. We kept in contact, but he got another boyfriend. Ironically, I now live with Joshua and his partner in a threesome for two years now, but that is another story.

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