Best Friends Tuesday Night

By Jim Shorts

Published on Sep 24, 2013



Best Friends Tuesday Night

This is a fictional story about two friends. it contains gay sex in a graphic nature. if this offends you, or you are under the age of 18, or it is unlawful for you to access in the area you live, please stop now and leave. All rights retained by the author.

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I was in the shower getting ready to meet up with the guy who I was currently "dating." He was a nice guy, but I was 19, young and new to the bar and actual "in the open" dating scene. It didn't take much for me to think you were a "nice guy" back then. Show me a little interest and I was ALL in.

I was out to family and a couple of people I knew (principally those with similar thoughts..,) but hadn't come clean with my best friend. Weird how that works. I guess it's the rejection I was scared of. Jeff was his name, we met early in high school and became inseparable. I spent lots of weekends at his house, or he at mine. We had a blast growing up, causing trouble, going to parties and just generally goofing off. College separated us for a year, he went away, I stayed in community college, high school with ashtrays I called it, but we stayed close. God, I was terrified he would find out. Aside from a few awkward fuck buddies on the DL in high school I really didn't have much experience. I was always able to find a friend on a consistent basis, but kept that well hidden from Jeff. (almost got caught by Jeff a few times lol) I was slowly accepting that this wasn't a phase I was going through, which is what I always assured myself my lack of interest in girls was. God, how naive. No, more scared of what people would think. It was a small town and the thought of being "outed" was terrifying. I didn't want to loose the connection I had with Jeff. (OK, yeah, major crush on him)

Jeff was that guy in high school that girls drooled over and the guys wanted to be like. He didn't play sports, but had that natural toned slightly muscled body five ten, but he would tell you taller and sandy blond hair. An ass to die for. I would ALWAYS let him go up a set of stairs first.

So Jeff called me. It was a Tuesday night. Apparently his family (younger brother, divorced mother) had gone out for the evening and he had the place to himself. He told me he had a movie he wanted me to see. "Blow your mind" I think is what he said. I hesitated, I had already made plans to meet up with Tony, The guy I currently thought was the real thing. But Jeff knew my weaknesses. Bastard. "Pleaseeeee" Jeff pouted. He's so freakin cute in that straight boy way. So with a little convincing and making a few calls, I was on my way to Jeff's. "Pick up some beer..." that's what Jeff said before we hung up.

I got to Jeff's and he buzzed me in. He lived in a large condo complex. It was nice. Living in the Midwest anywhere with a pool was "nice." We made small talk, the whole "what have you been up to? Haven't seen you in a couple of weeks" etc.

I handed Jeff the twelver I brought and sat on the couch. The drapes were closed, and the lights low, but it didn't really faze me. "Want one?" Jeff asked me. Of course, I paid for them, "yeah sure" I said. Weeknight, drinking, work tomorrow... ahh to be 19 again.

We sat on the couch. Just two buds hanging out. Lots to catch up on, but a weird uneasiness. Jeff always asked me about who I was banging and I always shied away from the topic. "You know... just this chick; I met her at a party. She lives a few towns away." Same response every time. Jeff had a regular girl at this point. High school he was the player. Two week tops and he was on to the next one. "When are you going to find someone?" he would ask me. "Someday" I would say, "I'm just having a hard time finding someone I'm interested in that's interested in me". Damn I wish he would want me... but it wasn't the way things worked in Midwest small town America. I learned early on who I could fumble around in bed or some dark corner with and Jeff wasn't one of those that seemed to send the signals I looked for.

So after an hour of beers and just bud talk, Jeff said "I got this DVD from a friend... thought you might wanna see it..." "Ok, what's it about?" "Well... it's a porn...but it's different. Its got guys and girls in three ways. But some of the three ways are two guys, one chick." CRAP why would he call me to come see this? Did he know??? Ruined. That's what my life just became. It's a test and he's onto me. CRAP. See Jeff and I watched and discussed porn a lot. We never jerked in front of each other; frankly I had never seen him naked. Once he showed me his pubes to prove that they were black, unlike the blond hair on his head, but that's all I ever got to see. I jerked off over the image of his pubes for months lol. But this?? A bi-sexual porn? And two guys??? " ok. That's cool." Cool? Shit. What's the game here? Is he outing me? Is this a test??

So in went the DVD. And I think that's when I became an alcoholic. I drank the beer in my hand so fast. I got up and got another. "Grab me one too" Jeff said. I brought back the beers and on the screen was a porn of two chicks, one guy. Ok, deep breath. I can handle this. "Hot" Jeff said. "Yeah" that's about all I could get out. About this time the guy was blowing his load all over one of the chicks while the other licked his cock. I was frozen. My mind still trying to figure this out. I can handle this. No biggie right? I'm a straight guy, watching two chicks go at it with a dick thrown in for good measure. Not my cup of tea, but I played the part. "Wow... what a load' I said. Jeff grunted and said "yeah, that chicks snatch was hot... did you see how wet it was??" "sure.. wet.. hot..." parylized. That's what I was.

Next scene was what I was dreading. Two guys, one chick. I'm tenting my jeans. Fuck. I fold my legs so that my dick is pointing away from Jeff. "It was the last movie..." yeah that's what I could say. FUCK. The scene just starts and I am hard as a rock. So the movie starts off with both guys paying all the attention to her. OK, I thought. This isn't what I thought it was going to be. It's ok. Breath deep. You'll make it. "wow" Jeff says. I focus and realize that I am watching a guy get blown by a chick while another guy eats out his asshole. Eats his asshole?? I never thought of that. I mean, I have been with a few guys. I know what the asshole is for when it comes to gay sex.. But I never thought of that! Maybe a little finger action before getting penetrated. But eaten out? "He's eating him out!!" Jeff says. I'm stuck. I don't know how to respond. Yeah! That would give me away. How about... wow? But that sounds like I am into it... how about... "Holy shit that's hot!" Jeff said out of nowhere. Hot? I thought did I just hear that right? "I am definitely getting Stace (his latest conquest) to try that on me!" he said. OK. My dick just opened up like a faucet. The thought of Jeff's asshole open for viewing pleasure. Fuck! I'm sure the temperature in here just went up ten degree's. "I would love to get eaten out like that. What about you?" asked Jeff. "Ummm yeah, must feel amazing..." I squeaked out. Holy Shit... did Jeff just say that he wants his asshole played with?? "Stace would never go for it... Christ, she hardly wants to suck my dick. No way is she going to my asshole"

OK. Images in my head. Jeff on his back, legs in the air, asshole open wide and my tongue licking him while his balls rest on my nose... fuck. I know my dick is leaking. I can feel the wet spot. On screen the chick and the guy eating ass have traded places... I'm watching a guy blow a guy with my best friend. My HOT straight best friend. And he's not freaking out??!!?? What's going on here? Am I being played?

"I mean, eating an ass is like eating pussy as long as it's clean right Jim?" "umm right, sure..." "I'd eat staces ass. Just never thought of it" "well maybe if you did it to her, she would do it back to you?" I offered. "No, she's all too... I don't know. She doesn't like it when I go down on her either. She thinks it's dirty." (Conservative Midwest values) OK so the beer is hitting me and I have to piss, but I don't want to get up and let Jeff see the tent in my pants or the wet spot that I have created. "umm, I gotta piss" I mustered. "Cool, I'll pause it.." Pause it? Like stop the movie?? He really wants me to see this!?! So I stood up and held the beer in front of me. I'm not small. Maybe 7.5 a little over, but at the moment I thought it was a good disguise..

So I am standing there pissing. Door open. We always did that. Weird, even though we had never seen each other naked but we didn't care about being heard. So I am standing trying to piss and in walks Jeff. I'm hard. Rock hard. No way to hide this. Jeff starts giggling. "too hard to piss huh?" He's never even seen my dick before and now the first time he sees it I am full boned! "DUDE I, I, I I'm trying to piss here! What are you doing???" "Beer" that's all he said. So he walks up next to me and pulls down the front of his sweat pants and he's full bone too! Fuck. It's beautiful. Black pubes (you knew that already) on top of a solid 7 inches. Thick. Didn't see the balls, he just pulled down enough for that stick to pop out. And pop out it did. Fuck. It was every jack off fantasy I ever had. More. I could tell that the beers were having an effect. We both had a little sway to our stance. I guess it was nerves. I shrunk quick. I started pissing for what seemed like an hour, but was only a minute. Jeff just stood there. Rock hard. He held it with his hand and was kind of running his thumb over the head. "Fuck..I'm leaking hahaha" he said. I couldn't look down. That would give me away. I finished pissing and walked to the sink to wash my hands. I looked in the mirror. I still have it etched into my brain. That hard cock and he was slowly stroking his dick head. His thick dick head.

I left him to it. I had to get out of there. I couldn't talk. I went into the kitchen and grabbed another beer. "Get me one" Jeff said. He couldn't have pissed already. What was he doing? Showing me his dick? "Ok" I said.

Back on the couch. Press play. So the movie starts up and we are at a scene where one guy is balls deep inside the chick. The other is balls deep in the guy fucking the chick!! "Fuck. That must hurt" Jeff said. "Maybe that's what eating out his ass was for..." what did I just say?? Holy shit. I'm not supposed to know about this stuff! "You ever think about taking a dick before" Jeff asked. "No" (lie. I love getting fucked and have had several loads up my ass before tonight. I had left several loads up guys asses too). "I don't think I could take a dick... but I really want to get my ass eaten." He said it. I just let it hang there. A few swigs later I mumbled..."it looks like it would feel good..." "Fuck yeah it would feel good!" Jeff said. "Think about a tongue licking you around there. It's got to be soo sensitive." What kind of bizarre world is this? My straight best friend is now saying he wants his ass eaten after he just showed me his full on bone?? Torture! What did I do to be tortured and tormented like this? I'm not sure what to do sooo... I drink. Yeah. That will make this better. "Would you eat out an ass Jim" "I suppose" wasn't a lie. I am a kinky bastard and will try most anything. Just don't want to let on too much... "I would totally do it" Jeff stated.

OK. This is that point that makes or breaks a situation. If I offer, then I out myself. Or if I shut up and drink... I could be kicking myself while jacking off to what could have happened. FUCK. Torture.

So here's the deal. We are both sitting there, tented out, a little drunk. What the fuck.... "Ill do it." There I said it. If he freaks I can just be like "I meant to a chick..." but I didn't expect the next thing I hear.. "how do we do it? I mean, I don't want it to be weird between us..." I'm like... FUCK, "What?" "I mean eat each other out? How do we do it? I will if you will!?! So how do we do it?" Ok. I'm frozen... Jeff just asked me how we will go about eating each others assholes. Huh? "I don't know? Flip a coin?" Jeff laughs. I'm like, fuck. I've just been had. He stands up and says "come on" "huh?" I said. "come on! If we are going to fag out, lets do this NOT in the living room. What if my mom comes home?" ok. I'm on auto pilot. I stand up and follow the hottest ass down the hall to a dark bedroom. A room I see when I jack off all the time. But one I had never imagined would experience like this. So Jeff closes the door behind me. We are both breathing hard. The room is dark. The curtains are open and that's the only light in the room. "is this going to freak you out? I mean are we still going to be ok after this?" Jeff asked. He's so cute it's the whole look. His eyes. His pouty lips. His grin. But now we are both horney. Full blown tents. We both want some kind of sexual contact. (I've done the guy thing...but has Jeff? Where is this coming from?) "I...I am cool with it. We are best friends. Lets blame it on the beer if it gets weird" I said. horny 19 year old brain. "ok, who goes first?" "huh?" I said. "I mean ill eat your ass if you eat mine. So who goes first?" "Oh.. umm." PANIC. But what the fuck. It was his idea!!! "Ok. Ill try it" "really?" Jeff said. "sure. Show me that ass!" and I start cracking up. Then Jeff starts cracking up. We both start laughing at the shear oddity of what we are about to do and with whom! So he pulls down his pants. Turns around and lays on the bed with his legs on the ground. Ass in the air. "you clean back there" I ask. "yeah, should be good to go" ok, was this a set up? Did Jeff know he was going to try and get this going? So I get down on my knees and touch his ass. His amazing ass. Hard to totally make out, but its an ass I have beat off to so many times. And it feels.. fuck. It feels just like it should. Better cause it's Jeff's. Firm, slightly hairy, muscular. Just Jeff. So I get down on my knees and sniff. Jeff starts laughing. He's like "don't be a dog. I'm sitting here with my asshole wide open. Dude! Lick it! I'm not going to do you if you don't do me!" So I pull his cheeks apart and I stick out my tongue. Is this really happening? My crush? The man I dream about? The guy I would listen to fucking that weeks conquest in the next room wishing it was me he was fucking? Am I really about to do this? And it happened. I touched it. His hole. It winced. Closed up. Weird. It tasted.. metal. And Jeff goes "come on man. Do it!" So I did. I dove in. In for a dollar right? I licked that slit like it was an ice cream cone. Fuck he tasted good. Holy shit, his balls just hit my chin... he's jerking his cock! Right in front of me! Maybe I will see him cum! So I go to town. "fuck.. jimmy, you have no idea how good this feels. Fuck.. oh dude, just wait. Its going to blow your mind.." it was already. "ok ok ok stop!!" Jeff was panting. What? Suddenly embarrassed, I have Jeff's ass all over my face. He's going to make fun of me... I was tricked. I knew it. It was all a game. Jeff turned over. Hard thick cock in the air. "That was amazing Jim. Your turn." My turn?? Holy shit, he's going to do this!! "ah, ok.." He stands up and I just stand there. "um are you going to take off your pants? Hard to do this with them on.." "oh. Oh yeah.." I reach down and unbutton my pants. They fall down with only my dick for resistance. Jeff is staring at me. My dick, red, angry.. ready to cum. Regrets? I am wondering.. "hold on" he says. "huh?" I say. "hold on. I just thought of something to make this cooler" Make this cooler? FUCK. I'm about to spray cum all over him without touching myself and he wants to make this cooler?? "ok, lie down on your back on the bed" I'm in a trance. A Jeff trance. So I do it. My hard 7.5 almost 8 at this moment, sticking straight out from my body 90 degrees. Jeff pulls his pants all the way off him. What's he doing? He's getting on the bed? He backing over me "nice one Jim" and he reached down and stroked my dick! What the fuck?? I laughed. "thanks...?" his balls are hovering over my face. Fuck. His smell. He smells like.. Jeff. His balls are so... tasty looking. They smell a little like sweat, some perspiration, some horniness thrown in, but Jeff. He smells like Jeff. I couldn't help it. The way he's crouched down, his hole is wide open. Still wet with my spit. I grab his thighs and pull his hole into my face. I eat. I feel him pulling my legs. All of a sudden I am on my back with my legs pressed back towards my body. Then it happens. I feel his tongue on my ass. First just licking around the hole. Then on each ass cheek. FUCK. He's making love to my ass. Caressing with his hands, pulling me open... Jeff is straight!!!! What is going on here?? And then he does it. Full on french kiss to my hole. I saw stars. And that was it. I came. I shot off. At the angle, I shot mostly on Jeff. But I came and came and came. Jeff moaned each time I shot. He was sucking my asshole! "dude! Your hole is gripping my tongue each time you shoot! Fuck, that's so hot!" WHAT? Jeff thinks its hot I am coming with his tongue up my ass? I couldn't help it. I reach up and grab his shaft. His thick shaft. I keep my tongue in him. At this point, he let my legs down and I am stroking him and eating him. Jeff. I'm eating Jeff. "oh. Oh. I, I, Jimmy, its coming. Here it is. Eat me. Eat my fucking hole..... UUURRRGGGHH..." and he shot. His hole opening and closing with each pulse. My tongue is deep. Way deep. I taste him inside. He's panting. There is cum everywhere. His hot rod in my hand shooting off. I feel it pulse and shoot, pulse and shoot.

"alight.. you good to drive?" Jeff asks. We had cleaned up in awkward conversation, naked bumping into each other, Jeff covered in cum, mostly mine, me covered in Jeff's cum. The taste and smell of Jeff's ass all over my face. I'm sure my ass was all over his as well. (I wasn't gonna wash my face for days.. and yeah, I licked my jizz covered hand when I thought he wasn't looking) "yeah, I'm good. Are we good?" I ask. "Dude. We are better than good. You're my best friend. Ever." Then he leans over and... kisses me. Not a big french sloppy kiss. But soft. On the lips. That was all I needed. I knew we were good. Best friends.

Jim Shorts.

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