Best Friends on the Swim Team

By Oliver Day

Published on Mar 17, 2022


This is a story about two best friends in high school who are on the swim team together. They are both straight, but as time goes on, their understanding of sexuality evolves. Also introducing some desires for potential public sexual experiences. Happy to take any feedback at

Chapter 8 - Beach "Date?"

Things proceeded slowly with Andy after that day, which was fine. I had been figuring out stuff for the last few months, so I wanted to give him the same time that I had. We still hung out a lot, since we were best friends and it was summer, but we avoided any sexuality conversations until he was ready, though our hugs goodbye lasted a bit longer than they usually had before, which I was totally happy about.

Also, now that I had pretty much accepted that I was either gay or some weird sort of bisexual, I did consider telling my family. I had inherited a lot of my open-mindedness from them and how they raised me, so I wasn't concerned about their reaction at all. In fact, my parents were very aware that I had been sexualy active. We hadn't had a formal conversation about it when I started, but they had told me before that they didn't care what I did as long as I didn't hurt anyone and I practiced safe sex. They had a spot in the house with condoms I could use that they would keep stocked, and I'm sure they noticed when it started to get used. So I wasn't concerned about them having a bad reaction to my sexuality, but the thing that stopped me was Andy. I didn't want to have to lie for him, so I figured I would wait until whatever processing he needed to do was done, and could be totally honest with my parents.

A couple weeks after that last conversation, Andy suggested that we hang out at the beach one day. Like I mentioned previously, we lived pretty close to a nice beach, but it wasn't a super common activity for either of us. I think we got our fill of the water from swim team, and the beach was usually pretty crowded. But it was fun on the occasion that we would go.

The day we decided to go, I woke up and showered, and then once I was done, I started to look for my beach towel and swim trunks. Though as I was looking through my closet, I got a text from Andy.

Andy: Hey, skip the trunks for the beach, let's just go in our speedos!

I was surprised at the suggestion. Even though we were both super comfortable being around people in just our speedos, we still normally wore trunks to the beach, but I had no problem wearing a speedo instead. I sent back a thumbs up and threw on a black speedo with a pair of shorts on top. I finished looking for my towel, and once I found it, I texted Andy to let him know I was ready to go.

We got to the beach, and laid our towels out, and I surveyed the people to see what was going on. We did pick a nice day to come because there were a lot of people, but it wasn't packed like it often was. I also noticed that there were two guys playing volleyball that were wearing speedos, but that was it, so we wouldn't be totally alone. I looked over at Andy and he had already stripped to a yellow speedo I hadn't seen before.

"Nice color! I've not seen that one before!" I complemented.

///"Thanks... what about you?" he asked.

"I'm not as excited. Just one of my boring black ones from swim team," I said as I pulled my shorts down.

///"Aww, we need to get you an exciting color for occasions like this! But you still look good in black," he said with a wink.

"You look good too," I returned.

Once that was done, Andy pulled a frisbee from his bag and we both got up to start passing back and forth. As happens when you are playing frisbee, some other teens eventually joined in with us. First a group of 3 girls in revealing bikinis joined us. Normally I would have been checking them out, but the last few weeks had made me lose that desire. I was more interested when the two speedo guys stopped their volleyball game and joined us. One guy had a black speedon on like I did, and the other had a bright pink one on, which I found pretty hot. Lastly, a pair of couples also joined us. One of the girls didn't seem interested, but was convinced by her boyfriend, who got really into it.

It was a lot of fun, but also eye opening. Like I mentioned, I hadn't been here in a while. I had expected to enjoy the views of both guys and girls who were in skimpy clothing, but I found myself really only focusing on the two guys and Andy. One of the girls almost had her boobs falling out of her top when she moved around, but it just had no appeal anymore. I also got my first experience of being checked out by guys (at least that I was aware of). I was used to being checked out by girls, especially while wearing a speedo, but this time I noticed both of the speedo guys looking at Andy and me a lot. From that and their speedos, it was obvious they were either gay or bi, but I didn't mind them looking at me.

Both Andy and I got a bit tired after playing a while, so we said goodbye and headed to our towels to lay down for a bit. We just laid in silence for a bit, but I decided to bring up what I had noticed.

"So... while we were playing frisbee, I noticed something..." I started.

///"Yeah, what's that?" he asked.

"Those guys in speedos that joined us, they were checking us both out the entire time... did you notice it too?"

///"Of course, they weren't really being subtle, but I can't really blame them for staring at you, you've got that hot body of yours and big package on display for everyone to see!"

I was surprised at the compliment and turned pretty red, but I was able to keep everything below from reacting.

"Well my black speedo does hide a bit... your yellow one really shows off how big your dick is..." I teased back.

Andy wasn't as good at controlling everything down below. I noticed his dick twinge inside his speedo as I complimented his dick. He obviously noticed that he was having difficulties with his dick, so he turned onto his stomach to hide any other reactions. Turning over showed me his nice ass in the speedo, so I decided to make one more comment before I pulled back.

"Oh ok, you can't control your dick inside those things, so you're gonna show everyone your nice ass instead?"

///"Fuck you, shut up," he said with a smile as he playfully pushed me.

"Sorry, I'll stop... we can talk about something else," I said.

I joined him and got on my stomach so we could chat for a while. I really enjoyed just chatting with him while we laid there almost naked. It was again like the jerking off we did, the pleasure I had wasn't sexual, it was just intimate, and I relished the moment.

But after a while, we got a bit bored, and decided to go get in the water for the first time. It was a bit cold at first, so we just splashed around for a bit, but eventually made our way in deeper. I was so used to the chlorinated pool water, that feeling the salt water and the sand was so nice. We moved over to a deeper area so we wouldn't bother the other people in the water. We had come pretty far out, and I noticed that Andy was slowly moving us to a deeper, more secluded area. We were still near people, but far enough away that our conversations couldn't be heard by anyone else.

"Andy... why are we going so far out here?"

Instead of responding, I just felt his hand grab my dick through my speedo.

"Andy! What the fuck are you doing? Right here!?"

///"Come on... I know you've got a thing for doing stuff in public... isn't it fun?" he said as he used his other hand to open my speedo so his hand could reach in and grab my bare dick.

"We are so close to other people! Families!" I insisted.

///"Oh come on... we are far enough, they won't hear us, and nobody can see what's happening under the water!" he said.

Andy let go of my dick for a second so he could grab my speedo and pull it down to fully expose my dick and ass to the water. It felt really good, and I couldn't deny how horny the public nature of this made me. I rolled my eyes, and moved toward him to pull down his speedo to match. Andy gave me an evil smile when I gave in.

///"I already know how to make you so fuckin' horny... it's amazing."

"You bitch... was this your plan the whole day?"

///"Maybe... Now shut up, just have fun... I need to cum so bad..."

With our speedos both pulled down a few inches, we both grabbed onto each other's dicks and stroked away. All the while, Andy whispered little "aww fuck yeah"s and "stroke that cock boy"s under his breath, which made it really hard to not react with my face. We kept stroking, and I knew I was about to cum. I was about to whisper a warning, but before I could, Andy grabbed hold of my balls and gave them a squeeze, and that pushed me to the edge, I started spraying my seed into the water. I took a second to recover and continue to try not to make any faces. I returned to stroking andy once I had finished, and it only took a few more strokes before I heard him mutter "fuck" and feel his dick pulse in my hand. I let go of his dick and pulled my speedo back up once all my cum had come out.

"Why did we have to do that right here?" I asked. I wasn't angry, I just didn't get it.

///"Oh come on, you had fun, I can tell... and it was fun... the threat of being caught... it was like the locker room..." he said with a smile.

"Okay, obviously I'm not the only one with a thing for stuff in public... Is this going to be a thing in the future?" I ask. I realize that I'm still not sure if this was him trying to tell me that he feels the same about me, or if it was just him testing the waters.

///"We can talk later... I want to do one more thing. Hold your breath for me... please???"

I gave him a skeptical look, but did as he said. He grabbed me by the shoulder and led us both underwater. We both sank down a few feet, but my eyes were closed, so I didn't know what was happening. I felt Andy's hands feel around for my face, and once they found my face, I felt Andy's lips pressed against mine. At this point, I figured out what was going on and kissed back. I opened up the kiss and we quickly made out. It was weird to do it underwater, but not something I hated. But once I felt myself running out of air, I broke the kiss and returned to the surface. I was greeted by one of the most shit-eating grin I've ever seen.

///"How was it?" he asked.

"It was bizarre, but I liked it... does this mean that you...?" I started to ask.

///"No, not yet... I want to talk soon, but I just need a few more days if that's okay."

"That's okay... take as long as you need."

///"Thanks... I would kiss you again, but people can see us up here..." he said.

"You'll owe me one," I said with a wink. "Just when you're ready... let's do that in a more private setting, promise?"


We made our way back to our towels to dry off, and decided it was time to head out. We put our shirts and shorts back on top of our speedos and packed up our bags. As we were getting dressed, the two speedo guys walked by and the pink one gave me a smile and a wink as they walked by. Did they notice what we were doing in the water?

As we walked away from the beach, I had a strong urge to grab Andy's hand, but knew I had to wait. Hopefully soon I could call him my boyfriend... at least I hoped. I wasn't sure how I would react if his decision was that he didn't want to continue anything together... but I tried to push that fear away, and just enjoy our friendship for now.

Next: Chapter 9

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