Best Friends on the Swim Team

By Oliver Day

Published on Mar 14, 2022


This is a story about two best friends in high school who are on the swim team together. They are both straight, but as time goes on, their understanding of sexuality evolves. Also introducing some desires for potential public sexual experiences. Happy to take any feedback at

Chapter 6 - Swim Event

I felt a bit weird the next day. I was now on a hunt to have sex with a guy, which felt really werid, but I knew it was the thing I needed to do. I needed to know if I felt anything more than all the hookups I had with girls. If so, maybe I was actually not as straight as I thought before. If not, maybe there was just something specific about Andy, and I would just need to find a girl who gave me the same feelings.

The problem was, I wasn't sure how to approach this. First, it was summertime, so I wasn't around as many people as during school. And even if I was in school, what would I do? I usually didn't initiate things with random girls, I had a few who would show interest in me that I would then pursue. No guys had ever shown their interest, which made sense, since I was perceived as straight at school. I didn't really want to `come out' or anything, since I didn't know what I was at the time. I didn't understand how guys who questioned their sexuality experimented at all without outing themselves. I did consider trying the one guy I kew from school who was out as gay, but it seemed weird since we didn't know each other very well. I thought about it for a few weeks. I considered talking to Andy about it, but decided against it. I knew he wouldn't judge me for being curious about guys, but I just didn't know how to explain it to him. "I want to have sex with a guy to text my sexuality, but not you because my feelings about you are too complicated" seemed like a weird thing to tell someone. He would be the first to know once I figured it out, but I needed to figure all this out on my own.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait much longer for an opportunity to show up. There was a summer swimming event for everyone on the swim teams if they wanted. One of the other high schools in town was hosting it, and each school would compete during the day, followed by a beach party afterwards. Andy and I both loved being on the swim team, so we both agreed to participate in the event. I knew there would be a bunch of guys my age and in shape at the event, and figured one of them might be gay, or at least open to experimenting since there would be guys from 3 other schools there.

The main event was fun, but not too eventful. There were a lot of speedos, dicks and asses to be seen in the locker room, so I had to control my thoughts while I was there. As I was watching some of the other races take place, I was sitting near a group of guys who went to the school that the event took place at. At first, I didn't pay them much mind, but I did overhear their conversation and noticed them lightly teasing one of the guys and asking which of the guys currently racing he found most attractive. I listened in after I heard that and after a bit, it was pretty obvious that the guy they were teasing was actually gay and open about it to his teammates. I made a mental note to keep an eye on him. The day continued on, and eventually, all my races were finished. When I was done, I quickly made it to the locker rooms. I didn't see the gay guy from earlier, so he must have been done too, so maybe I could catch a glimpse of him in the shower. Unfortunately, he was getting dressed as I entered, so I missed that chance. But before I headed to the showers, I made sure to hang around for a minute and pretend to text somebody. I noticed him taking a look at me and I made sure to give him a quick wink before I headed over to the showers. I hoped that it was enough to get him interested. I showered and got dressed, and then waited for Andy to finish his races so we could head to the beach party.

The party was a lot of fun! We lived relatively close to the beach, but I didn't find myself there too often, which maybe was a shame, because I really enjoyed the party. I spent some time with Andy, but eventually we parted ways because each of us were good at making new friends. I strategically made my way to the group with the gay guy in it and introduced myself. I learned the gay guy's name was Joey and that he was a year older than me - going into his senior year of high school. As I chatted with the group, I found myself staring at the guy and had to make sure to look away sometimes so I wasn't so obvious, but it was hard because I was starting to find him really attractive. He was slim but muscular as most of the swimmers were. He had the sides of his head shaved so his hair was in a slight mohawk, and all he was wearing was a t-shirt and shorts. Compared to everyone around, his shorts were quite a bit shorter and more revealing, which didn't help my staring.

After the conversation with that group dried up for a bit, I excused myself, grabbed a soda, and found a spot in the sand to sit for a while. Despite my social nature, I also had some introvert in me, and needed some time to myself. Andy stopped by for a minute to say hi, but he quickly made his way back to the group he was talking to before. It was obvious he was interested in one of the girls in the group.

It was starting to get a bit late, and a few people started leaving, so I figured if I was going to make a move on Joey, I would need to do it soon. Before I was even able to get up though, Joey saw me sitting alone, grabbed a soda of his own, and joined me.

///"Hey... what are you doing alone over here?"

"Oh nothing, just hanging out. I like being social, but sometimes I need a break, you know?"

///"Makes sense, I need to do the same sometimes. I'm curious... Why were you talking to us? Are you not friends with your swim team?"

"I mean I am, but I'm not super close to them, so I figured it would be fun to meet some new people... my best friend is also on the team, but he's focused on a new girl he met today..." I said as I pointed over at Andy and the girl he was flirting with.

///"Hey, she's on my team! Ah, so you got ditched by your best friend... sorry about that..." he laughed.

"It's alright, I don't mind. Like I said, I don't mind being alone sometimes. He's also got about a 50/50 chance with every girl he's interested in, so I'm always curious how the new one will go."

We both laughed.

///"Well based on how Julie is reacting, I'd say he's doing alright... What about you? Have a girlfriend?"

I shook my head.


I immediately turned red. I was taken off guard by the question, but quickly shook my head again.

///"Sorry if that was too invasive a question... I just noticed you looking at me earlier and thought you might be gay too... but if not that's okay, sorry I asked."

"No, it's okay... sorry... I'm not gay... I just... I don't know..."

He looked at me confused.

"Sorry for being confusing... It's just that I'm still... figuring everything out... so I don't know if I can say what my sexuality is..."

///"It's okay man... I was in the closet for a long time... I just hid for a long time even though I knew I was gay because I was scared. I didn't have sex for the first time until this last year when I was a junior, and it was a few more months until I came out to people at school and found a boyfriend."

"Wow... sorry to hear that... it sounds hard..."

///"It's alright man, I got through it, and I am so much happier now that I can be open about who I am... how about you? If you don't mind talking about it... if you don't want to, that's okay too... take the time you need."

"No, it's okay... I'm not ashamed to talk about it, I'm just so unsure that I don't know what to say. I'm kind of the opposite of you. I've been having sex with girls for a while, and everything was fine, but some stuff has happened recently that has made me question it..."

///"What kind of stuff?"

"Well uh... I messed around with a friend to get off a few times because both of us hadn't had a girl in a while. It made me confused..."

///"Have you considered trying it with another guy?"


///"Well... my house is empty right now if you want..."

"Wait really? Don't you have... a boyfriend?"

///"Not right now... we're on and off and fine with hookups while we are off... you interested? I think you're really cute."

"I mean... yeah... I think you're attractive too..." I said.

He laughed and we stood up. We threw our drinks away and he led me to his car. Once we got to his house, he grabbed my hand and led me to his room. I stood there awkwardly once we got there. He laughed and pulled me over to sit next to him on his bed.

///"We can always stop if you feel uncomfortable... you okay?"

I nodded.

He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. I let him do it a few times before I started kissing back. Despite me being younger, he was smaller than me, so I put my arm around him as we kissed and we quickly opened up the kiss. Joey's hands searched my body as we kissed and made its way to my dick, which by now was rock hard. I felt Joey smile into the kiss as he touched me. Joey helped me out of my shirt and my shorts, and then I did the same to him. As I pulled his pants off I saw his hard dick straining against his blue briefs which made my own dick jump.

Once we were in our underwear, Joey got onto his knees in front of me. He hooked his fingers into my boxer briefs and pulled them down so I was completely naked. He quickly went down and swallowed my whole dick. I had thought that Andy was good, but it was his first time, this was an experienced dick-sucker. He bobbed up and down on my dick for a few minutes, taking the whole thing with every bob. He finished sucking and got up on the bed next to me. I noticed he had lost his briefs while he had sucked me, so I took his place on my knees and took his dick in my mouth. It wasn't much better than the one I gave Andy, but I hoped I had improved a little.

I kept sucking for a few minutes, but then I felt Joey's arms pulling me back up and leading me to his lips. He got onto his back and pulled me on top as we kissed. Our hard dicks poked against each other as we did. But eventually he broke the kiss.

///"Did you and your friend... did you guys go all the way?"

"Uh, no... neither of us were prepared since it was unplanned..."

///"Well... would you like to fuck me?"

"Wait, really?" I asked.

///"Yeah," he said as he grabbed a condom from his bedside drawer and handed it to me. "You've fucked a women, right?"

"Yeah, but uh..."

///"It's the same kind of thing... just different hole. Just be slow, since it's also a smaller hole."

I wasn't hard to convince. I took the condom and unwrapped it. I slid it on top of my dick and lined up my dick with his hole. I pushed in slowly, but once I was in I started to pump in an out like I was used to with a girl. It felt the same, just a lot tighter, which was good. I had become good at fucking, so I let my instincts take over and I did the same things the girls would like. After a few thrusts, Joey started to scream, so I must have hit a sensitive spot. I slowed down to make sure everything was okay.

///"Don't stop... please fuck me harder..." he begged.

I wasn't going to say no to that, so I started fucking into him even harder. I pumped as hard as I could and it felt amazing. Joey's screams started to get louder and louder and eventually cum started flying out of his dick. His ass clenched as he came and pushed me over the edge so I pumped all my seed into the condom. We collapsed together and he pulled me into another kiss.

My mind was spinning. I just fucked a guy, and it was incredible. Joey grabbed a rag from his bedside table to clean up his cum, and he grabbed the used condom from me and threw both into the bin by his bed and pulled me under the covers with him. We silently cuddled and kissed for a few minutes. Joey told me he would love it if I would stay the night with him. I agreed, and grabbed my phone to tell my mom not to expect me. Joey kissed me a few more times and then flipped around so his ass was facing me. I pulled him close to spoon him as we went to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep. All I could think about is what just happened. I just fucked a guy, and it was way better than any of the times I fucked a girl. Why was this so good, yet I had such a hard time finding gay porn I could wank to? Was I really gay? It didn't feel like that was true, but how would I explain what just happened? Maybe it was time to tell everything to Andy? Even though I knew he would support me, there was some fear at his reaction and a single tear fell down my face as I fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 7

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