Best Friends on the Swim Team

By Oliver Day

Published on Mar 13, 2022


This is a story about two best friends in high school who are on the swim team together. They are both straight, but as time goes on, their understanding of sexuality evolves. Also introducing some desires for potential public sexual experiences. Happy to take any feedback at

Chapter 5 - Experimentation

After my weird experience riding my bike, I was eager to look at some different porn the next time I was alone. I didn't get the chance for a few days, but I finally did. My parents were going to an event one evening, leaving me home alone.

Once I knew they were gone, I headed to the office and opened a private window. It had actually been a while since I had looked at porn at all, so I decided to start with girls to make sure I still felt the same. I did some searches and found an old video that I had seen before. As the video started, I stripped out of my clothes and started working my dick. I enjoyed the video just as I had before. I jerked as I watched it, but made sure to jerk slowly. I had a few things I wanted to look at, so I didn't want to cum yet. I let the video finish and concluded that nothing had really changed since the last time I watched that video. I quickly found another and had the same reaction.

Now it was time to find some gay porn. I decided that since I didn't know what I was looking for, I would just go with what was popular. I accessed one of my common sites and went to the gay section. I looked through the top videos and found a few to try. The first video I tried was a couple muscular, hairy guys. They were naked when the video started and after making out quickly, were taking turns sucking each other's dicks. I gave it a fair shot, but not only was I not interested, my dick wasn't either, and it slowly deflated as the video progressed. I decided to try another video. This one had some less hairy guys. This one started with them fully clothed. The two guys kissed and groped each other as they undressed and then started rubbing their dicks together. I had the same reaction to that video. I tried a few more after that. I tried videos with younger guys and all different body types, but nothing was interesting. Similar to last time, nothing was disgusting or anything, but just uninteresting. Then I found one more video - this video had a group of young guys all in speedos jerking off together. It showed them all jerking off on the couch together before eventually all getting naked and messing around with each other. One of the guys in the video caught my eye. The guy was young, probably close to 18, and I realized he looked a lot like Andy. He had blue eyes like Andy and had hair similar to him as well. When I saw this guy, my dick immediately rose up. I started jerking again as I watched the video. The guy had started kissing the guy on his right, while the guy on his left sucked his dick. As the video continued, he pulled his speedo fully off and then started 69ing with the guy he had been kissing, while the other guy went to go join someone else. I started rubbing my dick furiously as I watched them and hoped it would go farther. I was given my wish when the guys stopped sucking and the guy I was focusing on got onto his back, so the other guy could fuck him. I was suprised since I assumed the guy was a top, but I was happy to see him get fucked instead. Unfortunately I only got to see a little because the video was cut short. I quickly searched around to find his name, and then located another video with him. In this video, he was with a new guy who looked around his age. They were fully clothed, but started to make out and strip each other. They both got down to their briefs and started to rub their dicks together as they kissed. This was all I could take and didn't get to see the end of the video because I came. I came a lot, probably more than I ever had while watching porn.

After I was done, I closed everything out and went to clean up in the shower. As I did, I pondered what had just happened, and was still confused. I was still attracted to girls, and still enjoyed the straight porn I watched, and most of the gay porn I tried did nothing for me. That all lined up with what I was used to, but there was something about those last videos. How could most of the gay porn be so uninteresting to me, and some of it be even better than the straight porn I was used to? As I thought about it, I realized that most of this confusion all happened after my hook-up with Andy, so maybe I just needed to have sex with a girl again to set my mind straight.

I reached out to my ex the next day to see if she would be interested in hooking up soon. She told me since my 16th birthday was coming up soon, she would give me a hook-up as a present, but was actually hoping to start dating another guy we went to school with soon, so this would probably be the last one. I took her up on her offer, and a week later she had me over one night.

I went into the hookup hoping that it would reset me back to the way I had been before all this had started, but unfortunately, it only reinforced all the feelings that I had been having recently. In terms of sex, she was great. She was hot, and she was good at it, and since we had done it together enough times, she knew all the things that I enjoyed while having sex. At first, I thought it was working, but after we finished, I was reminded of everything I was trying to forget. After we finished fucking, we laid together in her bed cuddling and kissing, and that was when I realized it. In that moment with her, I felt nothing. The intimacy and love that I felt when I had done the same thing with Andy had been incredible, but with my ex, I felt absolutely nothing. I felt more with Andy in the locker room, than when I was in bed naked with my ex, and that didn't make sense to me.

The after-sex cuddles with my ex never lasted too long, but I cut them even shorter this time because I needed to get out of there. I went back home and laid in my own bed to think. I wasn't sure what to think, what to do next, anything, and as I laid there, I realized how much I missed the cuddles with Andy, and it brought tears to my eyes. I was really confused. As I drifted off to sleep, I decided what I needed to do. I needed to have sex with another guy - not Andy and see how I felt, then maybe I could figure out what was going on with me.

Next: Chapter 6

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