Best Friends on the Swim Team

By Oliver Day

Published on Mar 8, 2022


This is a story about two best friends in high school who are on the swim team together. They are both straight, but as time goes on, their understanding of sexuality evolves. Happy to take any feedback at

Chapter 2 - Locker Room Boners

The next swim practice wasn't for a few days, but on that day I made sure to jerk off during lunch so I wouldn't have any more boner issues in the locker room. Unfortunately, even with that preparation, I got another boner as I entered the showers after practice. I had been fine all practice, but when I entered the showers, I saw Andy's ass as he showered, and my mind went to my thoughts from the other night. The boner wasn't huge, but probably obvious to anyone looking. I quickly went to a shower and faced the wall. I showered quickly and made my way back to my locker to get dressed.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to my locker, where Andy was standing. This was normal, since we usually chatted for a while after practice. I was just happy my slight boner was now hidden by the towel.

///"Ey Luke... I saw you trying to hide that boner of yours in the shower!" he teased. He was just loud enough for me to hear, but quiet enough that the last few guys also in the locker room couldn't hear him.

"Fuck you Andy... you know it's been a while since my last hook up... shit like that just happens..."

///"I'm just teasing, I know it just happens... guess it's been a while since you jerked?"

"Yeah... been a few days," I lied. I didn't want to admit I had already jerked off twice that day.

///"Yeah... I know how that is... sometimes it's so ready to go just a light touch will set it off," he said as he flicked at his own dick, which looked like it grew a bit when he touched it. My cock twitched when he did that, but I just tried to ignore it.

We stood there for a bit chatting. I knew he had just broken up with a girl a few weeks back, but didn't know the details so he filled me in on the details. He had no interest in dating the girl, but she had made it clear that she would only have sex with him if they were dating, so he agreed. They had sex pretty consistantly but she had become overly controlling and getting mad if he ever spent time with friends, so he decided he was done with her. I responded by telling him about my recent failings at trying to get a hookup. The whole time, I was hesitant to start getting dressed, because the conversation had kept my dick slightly hard under the towel. I was kind of surprised that Andy's dick had been slightly hard the whole time we were talking too. It's not like he was one to be modest, but I hadn't seen him hard at all since we jerked off together when we were 11.

By the time we finally finished telling each other our stories, we had been the only ones left for a few minutes, and the coach had popped in to ask us to turn off the lights when we left. Once our conversation was finishing up, I noticed Andy's hand making it's way back to his semi-hard cock.

///"Well... uh... I don't know about you, but I'd rather take care of this now before getting dressed..." he said as he slowly tapped his dick. "Wanna go take care of this in the showers real quick?"

I was surprised that Andy asked that, but was not opposed at all. I agreed and Andy headed back to the showers. I dropped my towel and followed him. I couldn't keep my eyes off his ass as I walked behind him and by the time we got to the showers, my dick was pointing straight out. We both turned on shower heads and quickly started stroking our dicks.

///"Damn dude... your dick is pretty big when it's hard..." he said.

"Thanks man... yours is too..."

///"Thanks... been a while since we've seen each other hard..."

"Yeah it has..."

///"It's nice doing this again with you..."


And that was true. I enjoyed jerking off next to him and seeing how he reacted as he jerked his dick. Despite the fact that I had been thinking about him naked a lot the last few days, it was different than when I would be with a girl. With the girl, it was all about sexual gratification, but the pleasure I had while jerking off with Andy wasn't very sexual. Obviously I was getting sexual pleasure from jerking off, but the main pleasure I felt in that moment was more bonding and intimate. I didn't really feel an urge to do anything more sexual with him, but to just exist together in this intimate moment. And I can't explain how but in the few words we shared while we jerked, we both felt that same way and knew that they other felt the same. We both watched each other as we jerked, noting each other's technique and reactions to the pleasure. I also noted that I enjoyed the fact that we were doing this in a kind of public place. This was a thing I didn't know about myself until that moment.

After a few minutes, I knew I was getting close. I let out a few quiet moans since I knew we were alone and the noise of the shower would drown it out. I heard him do the same and we both took a step closer to each other as we approached the edge. I finally got to my peak, pointed my dick downward and let go. I let out a pretty loud moan as I climaxed, and after I started shooting, made sure to look over so I could see Andy go over the edge and start cumming too.

It took us each a second to recover, but after a quick slap on the shoulders, we both took another quick rinse before shutting the showers off. We headed back to our lockers to get dressed and then headed out of the locker room to go home. We didn't talk much, but it wasn't awkward, we both were just enjoying the intimate moment we had just shared together. As we parted ways, we pulled each other into a hug. This wasn't abnormal, it was something we had always done as friends, but we each pulled a bit closer and longer this time.

Next: Chapter 3

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