Best Friend Ski Trip

By Johnson Wank

Published on Feb 22, 2020


We hadn't seen each other for almost a year and we were planning on meeting in Vegas. He goes every year with his dad and brothers for March madness, but I decided to take a quick trip prior to the family getting there and convinced him to meet me 3 days prior. I was so excited the whole plane ride and was dying to see him. For no other reason than I'd missed my best friend (mostly).

He'd already gotten there earlier in the morning and it was now 4pm. He was in his prime in Vegas- gambling, sports, booze- it was his Mecca!

I text him as soon as we touch down, and order my uber- about 25 mins and I'll be at the hotel. He texts back, "get ready! I've been here for about 5 hours- I'm just warning you!"

I bang on the door frantically and he swings it open with excitement and we throw our arms around each other for a long hug- he already smells like booze and I am so pumped! He hands me a bottle of champagne to chug out of while he pours me a shot of tequila and forces it into my other hand.

I throw back my shot and he grabs my dick! I spit the tequila out with shock!

"What are you doing?!" as tequila runs down my face.

"It's not like I haven't felt it before, I'm just joking around!"

"Give me another shot and no more joking around" I scold him

Not sure why I'm scolding him, we could literally hole up for 3 days and fuck around and I'd be so happy, but I think I want to make sure I'm heading in the right direction under the right pretenses.

I change out of my travel clothes, take a quick shower, and get ready for whatever he had planned. He was so pumped and was basically bouncing off the walls, in and out of the bathroom, plying me with more shots. It seemed like he was extra hyper...and that's when he brought it out...a little baggy of coke.

I'd only ever done coke once before, and that was with him on our last night together in Chicago- I didn't really feel the direct effects but could tell I was on something since we didn't go to bed until 5am and I was wasted the whole time.

"I'm not sure" I say slowly.

"It's ok, you don't have to do it right now, I just wanted to let you know I had it." He says.

"OK- I'll think about it" I say somewhat nervously. "So what do you want to do?!"

"GAMBLE!!!" he howls!

"Gambling it is then- pour me another shot and let's go!" I try to match his energy.

Down on the casino floor, we jump on a blackjack table and win some and lose some. We're excited, so we almost skip over to the roulette table where we both lose whatever we won and a little more. Nothing can dampen our spirits though- if you don't plan on losing money in Vegas then you're an idiot!

Amazingly, about 3 hours has past, and we're drunk and his coke has worn off. He suggests we go back to the room, get some room service, a little nap to get ready for tonight! I'm all in so we head up in the elevator.

We barge into the room and he falls onto his bed face first while I jump for the menu- I didn't realize how hungry I was until he suggested it. He's already closed his eyes and drifted off, so I order for him and me too.

Four loud knocks awake me from my nap as I stumble to the door and open it to find the room service server with our food, I sign the bill, fumble on the dresser for a tip and hand it to him. He has a little grin on his face and glances down, and I look down and am tenting hard in my briefs! Oops- I hadn't even realized! I smile, apologize, grab the food and close the door.

I walk over to him on the bed and shake him awake- his eyes open right in line with my hard dick-

"what...whoa!" he exclaims and smiles and goes to reach out for it

"Dinner time" as I turn away from him as he slides off the bed and to the food.

We eat like animals at a trough and make some rough plans for the rest of the night. He wants to take me to this club he's heard of and I agree and we start to get ready. He dumps the contents of his bag out on the bed and I see a flash of purple.

"What's that?!" as I extend my arm out to grab it

"Wait, It's a surprise" as he grabs it first. "It's a clone-a-willy...of mine" he says quietly

"Why did you bring that?!" I blurt out

"It's for a joke of course"

I grab it out of his hands and run my fingers up and down it- it's just how I remember his dick and I can't pretend that I'm so excited to mess around with it. I feel my dick starting to get hard and I'm not going to hide it. I'm mesmerized by the dildo and am fully focused on it until he says "ok that's enough- you're making me self-conscious"

I snap out of it, and chuckle with how intense that got

"Do you want to take care of that?" as he looks at my hard dick.

"No I'm good- let's get going" I say as I reach down to point my dick up and the head is peaking out of my waistband and shine a massive grin at him.

A few more drinks, he does a line, and we're out the door and into a cab. The car pulls up to the club and there's a small line, but not much and we walk in. It's loud and dark and I head right to the bar. Grab our drinks and I turn around to survey the club and I notice poles and strippers dotted around the massive space.

"Is this a strip club?" I yell into his ear

"Kind of..." he smirks at me

I've never been in a strip club before and I'm just trying to figure it out. Physically I don't find women attractive but I love pussy. It's weird...ladies I don't love, but pussy I do. I know its weird being a gay man and a gay story yet I love a puusy to eat and also a dick to suck but I can't separate them but for me that's ok.

We're sitting in front of a woman with her tits out and she's working for tips and sits on his lap and works his crotch and I wish I were there but it's ok to watch as she works him. She glances over o me and he nods to her and she steps over to me and straddles my crotch. I can't pretend that it's hot and I love it but I can't say that I' getting hard. She works for about a minute longer and I pretend I'm enjoying it but nothing is happening in my pants. I appreciate her tits and effort but it's just not my thing. She feels it but keeps trying...she leans in and I tell her to head back to him. She acrobatically moves over to him and whispers something in his ear. So weird but she does it. He looks over to me and frowns, but keeps the action on his lap. Then he reaches over to me and feels my crotch. Limp dick and all he grabs a handful and frowns again. He reaches up to her ear and whispers something I can't hear. She steps off and he gives her a $50. I'm confused assuming he wants to get off. He turns to me and says:

"lets go to the bathroom"

I'm confused yet totally ready for whatever. We walk into the bathroom and it's empty other than a guy at the middle urinal. We walk into the third stall and he locks it. He pulls out the baggy of coke and he starts to prepare the line on the cistern of the toilet. At this point of the night it's time to give into whatever is bound to happen.

We take a line each and I start to feel it immediately. I'm giddy, high, and horny...horny was present before (even though it was a lady) and I pull up from taking the line and we make eye contact. There's an instant reaction and I just reach out and make out with him. I can't stop my self and lose myself in his mouth. Feel his stubble of his 5 o'clock shadow that happens at 11am and breath him deep into my mouth and body. My brain is so fucked and I can feel him try to pull away but we can't. this has been building for far too long and it's too hard to remove ourselves. He reaches into my underwear and at this point it breaks my bubble in which I'm living. I pull away quickly and I see a hint of worry in his eyes. Surprising since I'm in the world of my fantasy and I'm sure this is the only person he's made out with for almost 12 years. He blinks, looks down at the coke, stuffs it in his pocket and unlocks the bathroom door. I expect him to rush out of the bathroom yet steps away from the stall he turns and extends his hand to pull me to follow him. We make our way out of the club without touching but we get into the cab and he can't keep his hands off me. I can't contain myself and I want to touch him everywhere and be his slave for the night but somehow I contain myself because I'm not sure this is him.

"I know we've fucked around but I feel like we're getting into something intense tonight" I say breathily.

He blindly reached over and grabs my dick. We ride intensely and silently ride the next 12 minutes in silence.

Stumbling to the elevator and up to bedroom is the most drawn out process I've ever experienced and as we crash into the room he falls on the bed as I race to pull down his pants and boxers and suck him into my mouth. I work his dick hard and try my best to have him cum as fast and hard as I can because I'm impatient. He pushes me off and down to his balls and I and he revels in my eating his balls. I slip down his taint and to his asshole and lick it for a while. He wiggles and starts breathing heavy and I realize as how drunk and high he is, he might not last as long so I ease up. He "wakes" up and realizes I deserve some pleasure. I don't expect a blowjob but at least so,e handsy stuff and he surprises me with a quick lick of my dick but he works south. Spends a good two-three minutes on my balls and heads further south. I grind against his tongue and then his single digit. His hands are slender and his finger is easy to take but he pushes in a second faster than I'm used to. He' getting bold in his high and drunk state and he forces in a third. My boyfriend and I don't do anal so I'm hyper sensitive so I ask him to slow down. He pulls his fingers out (albeit roughly) but extends his tongue and spends some time getting me ready. As I start to ease in he stands up and walks across the room. As I look around tracking his movements he appears with his clone-a -willy dildo...I'm ready and I say "Fuck me with your dick"

He moans and inserts his dildo inside of me starting with the tip. He teases and plays, and pulls out a bottle of lube (very interesting) quirts it on my ass and the dildo and teases my asshole with his prick. Back and forth he fills me up as I throw my legs over my head and start to get off.

"You like my dick in your ass?" he asks sexily

"I fucking love it- fuck me harder" I find myself saying to my best friend of 12 years.

"You want more?" he says dirtily

"Ahhh" I pant out horny as a fuck

He pulls the dildo out roughly and I feel empty and almost there...I'm angry and horny and so close to the edge of cumming. I feel the dildo enter my ass again but slowly and sensually. Weird he was being so soft and I look down and he's supporting himself over me and his dick is in my ass. Never had I imagined this going past a random blowjob and now he's fucking me. I tell him to pull out and flip over and have him fuck me hard. He keep his eyes closed and can assume he's fucking the stripper in his mind but I can't help put myself in his fantasdy and work hard against his dick to prove that my ass can squeezes the load out of him regardless. He says he's close so I squeeze tight but I need that seed in my mouth. I pull myself off his dick, rip the condom off and impale my throat on his rod. I see flashes of light as he pumps into my throat, mouth, and on my face as he collapses onto my body and whispers "I love you"


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